ed. DavidMiller Princeton: Princeton University Press
Karl Raimund Popper, Popper Selections, ed. DavidMiller (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), 54
Popper Selections
, pp. 54
Raimund Popper, K.1
James Paul Gee, Glynda Hull, and Colin Lankshear, The New Work Order: Behind the Language of the New Capitalism (St Leonards, New South Wales: Allen and Unwin, 1996), 167.
James Paul Gee, Glynda Hull, and Colin Lankshear, The New Work Order: Behind the Language of the New Capitalism (St Leonards, New South Wales: Allen and Unwin, 1996), 167.
Cited in Kathleen Tyner, Literacy in a Digital World: Teaching and Learning in the Age of Information (Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1998), 98.
Cited in Kathleen Tyner, Literacy in a Digital World: Teaching and Learning in the Age of Information (Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1998), 98.
Washmgton, D.C, U.S. Department of Education
America 2000: An Education Strotegy [Washmgton, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education, 1990).
America 2000: An Education Strotegy
See Archived Information: National Education Goals, sec. 102, 〈http://www.ed.gov/legislation/GOALS2000/TheAQct/seclO2.html〉 Las t accessed 19 August 2001.
See Archived Information: National Education Goals, sec. 102, 〈http://www.ed.gov/legislation/GOALS2000/TheAQct/seclO2.html〉 Las t accessed 19 August 2001.
Outcome Measures for Information Literacy Within the National Education Goals of I990
Summary of Findings, 1992,4-5
Christina S. Doyle, Outcome Measures for Information Literacy Within the National Education Goals of I990 (Final Report to National Forum on Information Literacy: Summary of Findings, 1992),4-5.
Final Report to National Forum on Information Literacy
Doyle, C.S.1
See also HelenM. ThompsonandSusan A. Henley, FosteringInformation Literacy: Connecting National Standards (Goals 2000, and the SCANS report, 1999).
See also HelenM. ThompsonandSusan A. Henley, FosteringInformation Literacy: Connecting National Standards (Goals 2000, and the SCANS report, 1999).
This formulation raises a number of questions: Whose problems are formulated, articulated, and subsequently solved? In what way are they solved? Which solutions are deemed (il)legitimate and (i1)logicali n school contexts, with their emphasis on learning for assessment and certification
This formulation raises a number of questions: Whose problems are formulated, articulated, and subsequently "solved?" In what way are they solved? Which solutions are deemed (il)legitimate and (i1)logicali n school contexts, with their emphasis on learning for assessment and certification!
See, 2nd ed, Washington, D.C, National Education Association
See Patricia Senn Breivik and James A. Senn, Information Literacy: Educating Children for the Twenty First Century, 2nd ed. [Washington, D.C.: National Education Association, 1998);
Information Literacy: Educating Children for the Twenty First Century
Senn Breivik, P.1
Senn, J.A.2
American Library Association, Chicago: American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology
American Library Association, Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs (Chicago: American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1988);
Information Power: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs
and American Library Association, Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning [Chicago: American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1998.
and American Library Association, Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning [Chicago: American Library Association and Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 1998).
Information Industries Taskforce, The Global Information Economy: The Way Ahead [Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1997;
Information Industries Taskforce, The Global Information Economy: The Way Ahead [Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1997);
Commonwealth of Australia, Australia as an Information Society: The Role of Land Information Networks Canberra: Australian Government hblishing Service, 1991 j;
Commonwealth of Australia, Australia as an Information Society: The Role of Land Information Networks (Canberra: Australian Government hblishing Service, 1991 j;
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, A Strategic Framework for the Informotion Economy, 51 (emphasis added).
Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, A Strategic Framework for the Informotion Economy, 51 (emphasis added).
In the past twelve months, the Australiangovernment has eamedintemationalnotorietyfor its policies on and poor treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in detention camps. The Government's mishandling of the issue has caused considerable tension within and between Australia's ethnically and culturally diverse communities
In the past twelve months, the Australiangovernment has eamedintemationalnotorietyfor its policies on and poor treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in detention camps. The Government's mishandling of the issue has caused considerable tension within and between Australia's ethnically and culturally diverse communities.
For analyses of the impact of technologyon information andlibrary management, see LawrenceDowler, ed, Cambridge: MIT Press
For analyses of the impact of technologyon information andlibrary management, see LawrenceDowler, ed., Gateways to Knowledge: The Role of Academic Libraries in Teaching, Learning and Research (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998);
Gateways to Knowledge: The Role of Academic Libraries in Teaching, Learning and Research
An Analytic History of 'Library Literacy
Lori Arp, "An Analytic History of 'Library Literacy"' RQ 34 (1994): 158-163;
, vol.34
, pp. 158-163
Arp, L.1
Information Literacy? Seeking Clarification
eds, and, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales: Charles Sturt University
and Linda Langford, "Information Literacy? Seeking Clarification," in Information Literate School Community: Best Practice, eds. James Henri and Karen Bonanno [Wagga Wagga, New South Wales: Charles Sturt University, 1999).
Information Literate School Community: Best Practice
Langford, L.1
Information Literacy Research: Dimensions of the Emerging Collective Consciousness
For a review of research to date, see
For a review of research to date, see Christine Bruce, "Information Literacy Research: Dimensions of the Emerging Collective Consciousness," Australian Academic and Research Libraries 31, no. 2 (2000): 9C109.
Australian Academic and Research Libraries
, vol.31
, Issue.2
Bruce, C.1
SeealsoNational CommissiononExcellenceinEducation(U.S.1, A Nationat Risk:.me Imperative forEducntiona1 Reform (Washngton, D.C.: Government Printing Office; 1983).
SeealsoNational CommissiononExcellenceinEducation(U.S.1, A Nationat Risk:.me Imperative forEducntiona1 Reform (Washngton, D.C.: Government Printing Office; 1983).
Ask ERIC, Information Literacy Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, nd.1, 〈http://askeric.org/ cgibin/print.cgi/Resources/Subjects/Information-Literacy/Information-Literacy. html〉. Last accessed 15 October 2001.
Ask ERIC, Information Literacy (Syracuse, New York: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, nd.1, 〈http://askeric.org/ cgibin/print.cgi/Resources/Subjects/Information-Literacy/Information-Literacy. html〉. Last accessed 15 October 2001.
Breivik and Senn, Information Literacy: Educating Children for the Twenty-First Century, 2,20. Note that the distinctive feature of the information revolution was not that information had suddenly become abundant or more important. As first proposed by Daniel Bel1t, he real revolutionlayi n the commodification of information through digital and communications technologies. Because information had acquired market value and henceforth could be sold, given away, stolen, misinterpreted, and distorted, its use and misuse held financial, economic, and political consequences.
Breivik and Senn, Information Literacy: Educating Children for the Twenty-First Century, 2,20. Note that the distinctive feature of the "information revolution" was not that information had suddenly become abundant or more important. As first proposed by Daniel Bel1t, he real revolutionlayi n the commodification of information through digital and communications technologies. Because information had acquired market value and henceforth could be sold, given away, stolen, misinterpreted, and distorted, its use and misuse held financial, economic, and political consequences.
American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Information Power: 'Tlhe Nine Literacy Standards for Student Learning.〈http://www.ala.org/aasllip-nine. html〉. Last accessed 12 July 2001.
American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Information Power: 'Tlhe Nine Literacy Standards for Student Learning.〈http://www.ala.org/aasllip-nine. html〉. Last accessed 12 July 2001.
For work from New Zealand, see, Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research
For work from New Zealand, see Penny Moore, Towards Information Literacy: One School's Journey (Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research, 2000);
Towards Information Literacy: One School's Journey
Moore, P.1
for an international overview, see and, eds, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales: Charles Sturt University
for an international overview, see Christine Bruce and Philip Candy, eds., Information Literacy Around the World: Advances in Programs and Research (Wagga Wagga, New South Wales: Charles Sturt University, 2000)
Information Literacy Around the World: Advances in Programs and Research
An Epistemological Foundation for Library and Information Science
John M. Budd, "An Epistemological Foundation for Library and Information Science," Library Quarterly 65, no. 3 (1995):2 95419.
Library Quarterly
, vol.65
, Issue.3
, pp. 2-95419
Budd, J.M.1
The Model of Science and Scientific Models in Librarianship
Terrence A. Brooks, "The Model of Science and Scientific Models in Librarianship," Library Trends 38 (1989): 237-249;
Library Trends
, vol.38
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Brooks, T.A.1
Standpoint Epistemology as an Alternative Methodology for Library and Information Science
and Samuel E. Trosow, "Standpoint Epistemology as an Alternative Methodology for Library and Information Science," Library Quarterly 71, no. 3 (2001): 360.
Library Quarterly
, vol.71
, Issue.3
, pp. 360
Trosow, S.E.1
Missing Eco: On Reaing The Name of the Rose as Library Criticism
Jeffrey Garrett, "Missing Eco: On Reaing The Name of the Rose as Library Criticism," Library Quarterly 61 (1991): 373388.
Library Quarterly
, vol.61
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Garrett, J.1
Flaubert, Foucault, and the Bibliotheque Fantastique: Toward a Postmodem Epistemology for Library Science
Gary P. Radford, "Flaubert, Foucault, and the Bibliotheque Fantastique: Toward a Postmodem Epistemology for Library Science," Library Trends 46, no. 4 (1998): 616635.
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Power, Knowledge, and Fear: Feminism, Foucault, and the Stereotype of the Female Librarian
Gary P. Radford and Marie L. Radford, "Power, Knowledge, and Fear: Feminism, Foucault, and the Stereotype of the Female Librarian," Library Quarterly 67, no. 3 (1997): 250-267.
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Critical Thinkmg and Critical Pedagogy: Relations, Differences, and Limits
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Critical Theory in Educational Discourse
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Colin Lankshear, Ilana Snyder, and Bill Green, Teachers and Technoliteracy: Managing Literacy, Technology and Learning in Schools (St Leonards, New South Wales: Allen and Unwin, 2000).
Colin Lankshear, Ilana Snyder, and Bill Green, Teachers and Technoliteracy: Managing Literacy, Technology and Learning in Schools (St Leonards, New South Wales: Allen and Unwin, 2000).
Information, Knowledge and Learning: Some Issues Facing Epistemology and Education in a Digital Age
Colin Lankshear, Michael Peters, and Michele Knobel, "Information, Knowledge and Learning: Some Issues Facing Epistemology and Education in a Digital Age," Journul of Philosophy of Educotion 34, no. 1(2000): 17-40.
Journul of Philosophy of Educotion
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Jeremy Shapiro, Shelley Hughes, Alan Liu, and Bertram Bruce are some of the increasing number of theorists and practitioners who work within a poststructural or postrnodem paradgm
Jeremy Shapiro, Shelley Hughes, Alan Liu, and Bertram Bruce are some of the increasing number of theorists and practitioners who work within a poststructural or postrnodem paradgm.
Adolescence Lost/Childhood Regained On Early Intervention and the Emergence of the Techno-Subject
Allan Luke and Carmen Luke, "Adolescence Lost/Childhood Regained On Early Intervention and the Emergence of the Techno-Subject," Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 1, no. 1 (2001): 91-120.
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Information Society as Theory or Ideology: A Critical Perspective on Technology, Education and Employment in the Information Age
Nicholas Garnham, "Information Society as Theory or Ideology: A Critical Perspective on Technology, Education and Employment in the Information Age," Information, Communication and Society2, no. 2 (2000)
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Flaubert, Foucault, and the Bibliotheque Funtastique: Toward a Postmodem Epistemology for Library
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