Recruitment poster for the New York City Teaching Fellows Program, 2001-2002.
Recruitment poster for the New York City Teaching Fellows Program, 2001-2002.
Friedrich Nietzsche, We Classicists, §64, trans. William Arrowsmith, in Friedrich Nietzsche, Unmodern Observations, ed. Arrowsmith New Haven: Yale University Press, 19901, 340.
Friedrich Nietzsche, "We Classicists," §64, trans. William Arrowsmith, in Friedrich Nietzsche, Unmodern Observations, ed. Arrowsmith (New Haven: Yale University Press, 19901, 340.
In what follows, I use the term substantive ethics as a term of art, referring not only to the contrast between substantive ideals and proceduralprinciples, but to the whole range of contrasts drawn in the new aretaic, agent-focusedethics. (On the distinction between agent- focused and agent-centered, see David Carr and Jan Steutel, eds., Virtue Ethics and Moral Educotion [London: Routledge, 1999],9-12.) As I develop these contrasts, I follow Bernard Williams in using the term ethics alone to distinguish eudaimonistic ethics from modem moralities of obligatory action.
In what follows, I use the term "substantive ethics" as a term of art, referring not only to the contrast between substantive ideals and proceduralprinciples, but to the whole range of contrasts drawn in the new aretaic, agent-focusedethics. (On the distinction between "agent- focused" and "agent-centered, " see David Carr and Jan Steutel, eds., Virtue Ethics and Moral Educotion [London: Routledge, 1999],9-12.) As I develop these contrasts, I follow Bernard Williams in using the term "ethics" alone to distinguish eudaimonistic ethics from modem moralities of obligatory action.
See, for example, London: Routledge
See, for example, Iris Murdoch, The Sovereignty of Good (London: Routledge, 19701;
The Sovereignty of Good
, pp. 19701
Murdoch, I.1
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 19891, especially Part 1. MacIntyre'sAfter Virtue will be cited as AV in the text for all subsequent references
and Charles Taylor, Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 19891, especially Part 1. MacIntyre'sAfter Virtue will be cited as AV in the text for all subsequent references.
Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity
Taylor, C.1
I hardly mean to suggest that these four authors have accomplished this task alone. Such an assertion would neglect one of the earliest critiques of morality: G.E.M. Anscombe, Modern Moral Philosophy, Philosophy: The Journul of the Royal Institute of Philosophy 33,. 124 11958: 1-19.
I hardly mean to suggest that these four authors have accomplished this task alone. Such an assertion would neglect one of the earliest critiques of morality: G.E.M. Anscombe, "Modern Moral Philosophy, " Philosophy: The Journul of the Royal Institute of Philosophy 33,. 124 11958): 1-19.
It would also ignore one of the pithiest critiques: Susan Wolf, Moral Saints lournal of Philosophy 79, no. 8 (1982): 419439.
It would also ignore one of the pithiest critiques: Susan Wolf, "Moral Saints" lournal of Philosophy 79, no. 8 (1982): 419439.
Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 174 ff. For a thorough discussion of the ethics/morality distinction and its implications for education, see Chris Higgins, Das Glück des Lehrers [The Flourishing of the Teacher], trans. Thomas Fuhr, Zeirschrift für Pädagogik 48, no. 4 (2002): 495-513.
Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 174 ff. For a thorough discussion of the ethics/morality distinction and its implications for education, see Chris Higgins, "Das Glück des Lehrers" [The Flourishing of the Teacher], trans. Thomas Fuhr, Zeirschrift für Pädagogik 48, no. 4 (2002): 495-513.
On the priority of the good, see Murdoch, The Sovereignty of Good. On the concept of the life as a whole, see, for example, MacIntyre, After Virtue, chapter 15;
On the priority of the good, see Murdoch, The Sovereignty of Good. On the concept of the life as a whole, see, for example, MacIntyre, After Virtue, chapter 15;
and Annas, The Morality of Happiness. Some important works in the revival of virtue ethics are Philippa Foot, Virtues and Vices [Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978,
and Annas, The Morality of Happiness. Some important works in the revival of virtue ethics are Philippa Foot, Virtues and Vices [Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978),
New York: Oxford University Press
and Michael Slote, From Morality to Virtue [New York: Oxford University Press, 1992).
From Morality to Virtue
Slote, M.1
On practical wisdom or phronesis, see Martha C. Nussbaum, The Discernment of Perception: An Aristotelian Conception of Private and Public Rationality, in Love's Knowledge: Essays on I'hilosophy and Literature (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990),54-105.
On practical wisdom or phronesis, see Martha C. Nussbaum, "The Discernment of Perception: An Aristotelian Conception of Private and Public Rationality," in Love's Knowledge: Essays on I'hilosophy and Literature (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990),54-105.
For a hermeneutic interpretation of phronesis, see Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method [1960), 2d rev. ed., trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall New York: Continuum, 19931,313322.
For a hermeneutic interpretation of phronesis, see Hans-Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method [1960), 2d rev. ed., trans. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall (New York: Continuum, 19931,313322.
See, for example, Iris Murdoch, The Ideaof Perfection, in The Sovereignty of Good 1-45; and Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 127 ff.
See, for example, Iris Murdoch, "The Ideaof Perfection," in The Sovereignty of Good 1-45; and Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 127 ff.
Many of these implicit ethics will strike us as questionable or highly attenuated. For instance, many educational activities are guided by an image of human beings as skilled instrumental reasoners. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize such cases as impoverished visions of human flourishing rather than as somehow beside the (ethical) point. Such ideas can and do substantially affect the quality, shape, and excellence of lived lives, in part precisely because of the myth that they do not. For the classic elaboration of this idea, see Philip W. Jackson, Robert E. Boostrom, and David T. Hansen, The Moral Life of Schools (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993).
Many of these implicit ethics will strike us as questionable or highly attenuated. For instance, many educational activities are guided by an image of human beings as skilled instrumental reasoners. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize such cases as impoverished visions of human flourishing rather than as somehow beside the (ethical) point. Such ideas can and do substantially affect the quality, shape, and excellence of lived lives, in part precisely because of the myth that they do not. For the classic elaboration of this idea, see Philip W. Jackson, Robert E. Boostrom, and David T. Hansen, The Moral Life of Schools (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1993).
Teaching as a Moral Activity
For a review of this literature, see, 4th ed, ed. Virginia A. Richardson Washington, D.C, American Educational Research Association
For a review of this literature, see David Hansen, "Teaching as a Moral Activity," in The Handbook of Research on Teaching, 4th ed., ed. Virginia A. Richardson (Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association, 2000).
The Handbook of Research on Teaching
Hansen, D.1
Some Moral Considerations of Teaching as a Profession
See, for example, eds. John I. Goodlad, Roger Soder, and Kenneth A. Sirotnik San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
See, for example, Gary Fenstermacher, "Some Moral Considerations of Teaching as a Profession," in The Moral Dimensions of Teaching, eds. John I. Goodlad, Roger Soder, and Kenneth A. Sirotnik (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990), 133-136.
The Moral Dimensions of Teaching
, pp. 133-136
Fenstermacher, G.1
See Michael Slote, Self-Regarding and Other-Regarding Virtues, in Virtue Ethics and Moral Education, eds. Carr and Steutel, 95-106. Compare with John Cottingham, The Ethics of Self-concern, Ethics 101, no. 4 19911: 798-817.
See Michael Slote, "Self-Regarding and Other-Regarding Virtues," in Virtue Ethics and Moral Education, eds. Carr and Steutel, 95-106. Compare with John Cottingham, "The Ethics of Self-concern," Ethics 101, no. 4 (19911: 798-817.
R.S. Peters, Ethics and Education Atlanta: Scott, Foresman, and Co., 19671, 22
R.S. Peters, Ethics and Education (Atlanta: Scott, Foresman, and Co., 19671, 22
Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 32, passim. Compare with Annas, The Morality of Happiness 291.
Williams, Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, 32, passim. Compare with Annas, The Morality of Happiness 291.
Notable exceptions here include Maxine Greene and Margaret Buchmann. Greene has often reminded us of the need to view teaching as a project for the teacher. See, for example, Teaching as Project: Choice, Perspective, and the Public Space in Teacher Renewal: Professional Issues, Personal Choices, eds. Frances S. Bolin and Juth McConnell Falk (New York: Teachers College Press, 1987), 178 ff.
Notable exceptions here include Maxine Greene and Margaret Buchmann. Greene has often reminded us of the need to view teaching as a project for the teacher. See, for example, "Teaching as Project: Choice, Perspective, and the Public Space" in Teacher Renewal: Professional Issues, Personal Choices, eds. Frances S. Bolin and Juth McConnell Falk (New York: Teachers College Press, 1987), 178 ff.
Buchmann precedes me in speaking of teaching as a given form of the good life in Argument and Contemplation in Teaching, Oxford Review of Education 14, no. 2 (1988): 212-213.
Buchmann precedes me in speaking of teaching as a "given form of the good life" in "Argument and Contemplation in Teaching," Oxford Review of Education 14, no. 2 (1988): 212-213.
Does AppliedEthicsRestonaMistake,
Comparewith AlasdairMacIntyre, "Does AppliedEthicsRestonaMistake, " TheMonist 67 (1984):5 12.
, vol.67
, pp. 5-12
AlasdairMacIntyre, C.1
This point has been made by Gary Fenstermacher among others. See, for example, Gary Fenstermacher, On the Concept of Manner and its Visibility in Teaching Practice, Journal of Curriculum Studies 33, no. 6 2001, 639-654
This point has been made by Gary Fenstermacher among others. See, for example, Gary Fenstermacher, "On the Concept of Manner and its Visibility in Teaching Practice, " Journal of Curriculum Studies 33, no. 6 (2001): 639-654.
Compare with David Hansen, The Moral Importance of the Teacher's Style, Journal of Curriculum Studies 25, no. 5 (1993): 397-421.
Compare with David Hansen, "The Moral Importance of the Teacher's Style, " Journal of Curriculum Studies 25, no. 5 (1993): 397-421.
Karl Hostetler, ed, Boston: Allyn and Bacon
Compare with Karl Hostetler, ed., Ethicalfudgment in Teaching (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997), 205.
Ethicalfudgment in Teaching
, pp. 205
Compare with1
David Hansen often makes this point. See, for example, New York: Teachers College Press, passim
David Hansen often makes this point. See, for example, David T. Hansen, Exploring the Moral Heart of Teaching (New York: Teachers College Press, 2001), 9, 119, 151, passim.
Exploring the Moral Heart of Teaching
Hansen, D.T.1
For Taylor's brilliant reading of the tradition of ethical atomism, see Sources of the Self, 35-40 and 185-198. I explicate these arguments in Higgins, Das Cluck des Lehrers, 501-503.
For Taylor's brilliant reading of the tradition of ethical atomism, see Sources of the Self, 35-40 and 185-198. I explicate these arguments in Higgins, "Das Cluck des Lehrers," 501-503.
See, for example, Goodlad et al., eds., The Moral Dimensions of Teaching; and Kenneth A. Strike and Jonas Soltis, The Ethics of Teaching (New York: Teachers College Press, 1985).
See, for example, Goodlad et al., eds., The Moral Dimensions of Teaching; and Kenneth A. Strike and Jonas Soltis, The Ethics of Teaching (New York: Teachers College Press, 1985).
This holds true in professional ethics as a whole. Even Mike Martin's Meaningful Work, a book that explicitly promises to rethink professional ethics in the spirit of Williams' work, fails to address the questions of professional ethics as I have defined them. Martin barely touches on how vocations might be vehicles for the practitioner's own ethical quest, focusing instead on how personal ideals help professionals do the right thing and serve the good of their clients. See Mike W. Martin, Meaningful Work: Rethinking Professional Ethics New York: Oxford university Press, 2000
This holds true in professional ethics as a whole. Even Mike Martin's Meaningful Work, a book that explicitly promises to rethink professional ethics in the spirit of Williams' work, fails to address the questions of professional ethics as I have defined them. Martin barely touches on how vocations might be vehicles for the practitioner's own ethical quest, focusing instead on how personal ideals help professionals do the right thing and serve the good of their clients. See Mike W. Martin, Meaningful Work: Rethinking Professional Ethics (New York: Oxford university Press, 2000).
For that matter, even Williams himself does not seem to have drawn the implications of his own critique of morality for professional ethics. See Bernard Williams, Professional Morality and its Dispositions, in Making Sense of Humanity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19951, 192-202.
For that matter, even Williams himself does not seem to have drawn the implications of his own critique of morality for professional ethics. See Bernard Williams, "Professional Morality and its Dispositions," in Making Sense of Humanity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19951, 192-202.
Hostetler, Ethical Judgment in Teaching. Hostetler invites philosophers of education to comment on brief fictional cases with the conceit that they will model practical wisdom in action. Unfortunately, many of the contributors refuse to work within the confines of their cases. This may be because Hostetler's cases do not have enough saturation of detail, compared to life or even literature, to genuinely proceed from particulars as a phronomos should. I am grateful to Jeremy Belarmino for bringing these issues to my attention in an unpublished review of the literature on teaching and phronesis.
Hostetler, Ethical Judgment in Teaching. Hostetler invites philosophers of education to comment on brief fictional cases with the conceit that they will model practical wisdom in action. Unfortunately, many of the contributors refuse to work within the confines of their cases. This may be because Hostetler's cases do not have enough saturation of detail, compared to life or even literature, to genuinely proceed from particulars as a phronomos should. I am grateful to Jeremy Belarmino for bringing these issues to my attention in an unpublished review of the literature on teaching and phronesis.
See, for example, Iournal of Philosophy of Education
See, for example, Wilfred Cam, "What Is an Educational Practice?" Iournal of Philosophy of Education
What Is an Educational Practice
Cam, W.1
no. 2 (1987); John Elliot, Educational Theory, Practical Philosophy, and Action Research, British lournal of Educational Studies 35, no. 2 (1987): 149-169;
no. 2 (1987); John Elliot, "Educational Theory, Practical Philosophy, and Action Research," British lournal of Educational Studies 35, no. 2 (1987): 149-169;
Shirley Pendlebury, Practical Arguments and SituationalAppreciationinTeaching,EducationalTheory40,n o. 2 11990:1 71-1 79;
Shirley Pendlebury, "Practical Arguments and SituationalAppreciationinTeaching,"EducationalTheory40,n o. 2 11990):1 71-1 79;
andGary Fenstermacher and Compare with Virginia Richardson, The Elicitation and Reconstruction of Practical Arguments in Teaching, lournal of Curriculum Studies 25, no. 2 (1993): 101-114.
andGary Fenstermacher and Compare with Virginia Richardson, "The Elicitation and Reconstruction of Practical Arguments in Teaching," lournal of Curriculum Studies 25, no. 2 (1993): 101-114.
Thanks to Jon Levison for bringing some of these references to my attention. If there is an exception here, it is Buchmann who tries to connect the exercise of phronesis in teaching to the eudairnonia of the teacher through the good of contemplation. See The Careful Vision: How Practical Is Contemplation in Teaching? American fournal of Education 98, no. 1 /1989: 35-61;
Thanks to Jon Levison for bringing some of these references to my attention. If there is an exception here, it is Buchmann who tries to connect the exercise of phronesis in teaching to the eudairnonia of the teacher through the good of contemplation. See "The Careful Vision: How Practical Is Contemplation in Teaching?" American fournal of Education 98, no. 1 /1989): 35-61;
and Beyond the Lonely, Choosing Will Professional Development in Teacher Thinking, Teachers College Record 91, no. 4 ( 1990): 481-508.
and "Beyond the Lonely, Choosing Will Professional Development in Teacher Thinking," Teachers College Record 91, no. 4 ( 1990): 481-508.
I have tried to redress this omission in Chris Higgins, From Reflective Practice to Practical Wisdom: Three Models of Liberal Teacher Education, Philosophy of Education 2001: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, ed. Suzanne Rice [Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2002.
I have tried to redress this omission in Chris Higgins, "From Reflective Practice to Practical Wisdom: Three Models of Liberal Teacher Education," Philosophy of Education 2001: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, ed. Suzanne Rice [Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 2002).
See, for example, Aristotle, Nichornachean Ethics, 1129b4-6 and 1141b29-30.
See, for example, Aristotle, Nichornachean Ethics, 1129b4-6 and 1141b29-30.
For three important exceptions to this rule, see, Belmont, California: Wadsworth
For three important exceptions to this rule, see Maxine Greene, Teacher as Stranger (Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1973);
Teacher as Stranger
Greene, M.1
Most discussion of the rewards of teaching takes place in an inspirational mode, Short on argument and analysis, such celebrations of the teaching life ring hollow when they fail to acknowledge how difficult it is for teachers to make their practice a vehicle for their own self-cultivation. Two of the more philosophical and balanced of these works are Robert Inchausti, Spitwad Sutras: Classroom Teaching as a Sublime Vocation (Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Harvey, 1993);
Most discussion of the rewards of teaching takes place in an inspirational mode, Short on argument and analysis, such celebrations of the teaching life ring hollow when they fail to acknowledge how difficult it is for teachers to make their practice a vehicle for their own self-cultivation. Two of the more philosophical and balanced of these works are Robert Inchausti, Spitwad Sutras: Classroom Teaching as a Sublime Vocation (Westport, Connecticut: Bergin and Harvey, 1993);
Narratives of Teaching and Quest for the Second Self
For a sympathetic discussion of this literature, see
For a sympathetic discussion of this literature, see Stephen Preskill, "Narratives of Teaching and Quest for the Second Self," Journal of Teacher Education 49, no. 5 (1998): 344457.
Journal of Teacher Education
, vol.49
, Issue.5
, pp. 344457
Preskill, S.1
Dan Lortie, Schoolteacher Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 19751, 28.
Dan Lortie, Schoolteacher (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 19751, 28.
Susan Moore Johnson, Teachers at Work: Achieving Success in Our Schools New York: Basic Books, 19901, 37.
Susan Moore Johnson, Teachers at Work: Achieving Success in Our Schools (New York: Basic Books, 19901, 37.
Sensing Higher Calling in the Classroom
Quoted in, 1 August, New York Region edition
Quoted in Abby Goodnough, "Sensing Higher Calling in the Classroom," The New York Times, 1 August 2001, New York Region edition.
The New York Times
Goodnough, A.1
For an important, Murdoch-inspired attempt to articulate an altruistic vocational ethic, see Larry Blum, Vocation, Friendship, and Community: Limitations of the Personal-Impersonal Framework, in Moral Perception and Purticularity Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19941, 98-123.
For an important, Murdoch-inspired attempt to articulate an altruistic vocational ethic, see Larry Blum, "Vocation, Friendship, and Community: Limitations of the Personal-Impersonal Framework," in Moral Perception and Purticularity (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19941, 98-123.
Taylor discusses hypergoods in Sources of the Self, 63-73.
Taylor discusses hypergoods in Sources of the Self, 63-73.
Here I am following Taylor's history of the rise of agape, later sliding into benevolence or altruism, Sources ofrhe Self, 3 14. In remarks scattered throughout this book, Taylor offers something like agenealogy of the modern altruism/self-interest and inclination/duty distinctions.
Here I am following Taylor's history of the rise of "agape, later sliding into benevolence or altruism," Sources ofrhe Self, 3 14. In remarks scattered throughout this book, Taylor offers something like agenealogy of the modern altruism/self-interest and inclination/duty distinctions.
Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals [ 1785 in Foundations of the Metaphysics of MoraIs and What is Enlightenment, 2d rev. ed., trans. Lewis White Beck (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997), 13. This book will be cited as FM in the text for all subsequent references.
Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals [ 1785) in Foundations of the Metaphysics of MoraIs and "What is Enlightenment," 2d rev. ed., trans. Lewis White Beck (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997), 13. This book will be cited as FM in the text for all subsequent references.
This is Taylor's phrase. Though his critique of modem moral philosophy is similar to that of Williams, Taylor chose to distinguish between narrower and broader conceptions of the moral rather than trying to distinguish ethics from morality
This is Taylor's phrase. Though his critique of modem moral philosophy is similar to that of Williams, Taylor chose to distinguish between narrower and broader conceptions of the moral rather than trying to distinguish ethics from morality.
Thanks to James Stillwaggon for pointing out the need for this clarification
Thanks to James Stillwaggon for pointing out the need for this clarification.
trans. Ronald Gregor Smith Boston: Beacon Press
Martin Buber, "Education," (1926) in Between Man and Man, trans. Ronald Gregor Smith (Boston: Beacon Press, 1955), 95.
Between Man and Man
, pp. 95
Buber, M.1
Teaching and the Dynamics of Recognition
I discuss this question in detail in Chris Higgins, ed, Fletcher Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 20031
I discuss this question in detail in Chris Higgins, "Teaching and the Dynamics of Recognition," Philosophy of Education 2002: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, ed. Scott Fletcher (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 20031.
Philosophy of Education 2002: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society
Hannah Arendt, The Crisis in Education, in Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, trans. Denver Lindley New York: Viking Press, 19611, 196.
Hannah Arendt, "The Crisis in Education," in Between Past and Future: Eight Exercises in Political Thought, trans. Denver Lindley (New York: Viking Press, 19611, 196.
For Arendt's conception of action, see, Chicago: University of Chicago
For Arendt's conception of action, see Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago, 19581, part 5.
The Human Condition
, Issue.PART 5
, pp. 19581
Arendt, H.1
Jim Garrison, for instance, acknowledges the Eros of the teacher, only to assure us that Eros is a bestowing rather than a grasping form of desire. See James Garrison, Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching (New York: Teachers College Press, 1997).
Jim Garrison, for instance, acknowledges the Eros of the teacher, only to assure us that Eros is a "bestowing" rather than a "grasping" form of desire. See James Garrison, Dewey and Eros: Wisdom and Desire in the Art of Teaching (New York: Teachers College Press, 1997).
Hugh Sockett, The Moral Base of Teacher Professionalism New York: Teachers College Press, 19931, 130.
Hugh Sockett, The Moral Base of Teacher Professionalism (New York: Teachers College Press, 19931, 130.
See, for example, Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, and
See, for example, Nel Noddings, Caring (Berkeley: University of CaliforniaPress, 1984), 74and 196197.
, pp. 74-196197
Noddings, N.1
See, for example, Ibid., 100.
See, for example, Ibid., 100.
Ibid., 67-72; compare with 196.
Ibid., 67-72; compare with 196.
Caring: A Feminist Perspective
eds. Strike and Ternasky
Nel Noddings, "Caring: A Feminist Perspective," in Ethics for Professionals, eds. Strike and Ternasky, 48.
Ethics for Professionals
, pp. 48
Noddings, N.1
See, for example, High School New York: Harper and Row
See, for example, Samuel G. Freedman, Small Victories: The Real World of a Teacher, Her Students, and Their High School (New York: Harper and Row, 1990).
Small Victories: The Real World of a Teacher, Her Students, and Their
Freedman, S.G.1
Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil § 78, trans. Arrowsmith. Quotedin William Arrowsmith, Teaching and the Liberal Arts: Notes Toward an Old Frontier, in The Liberal Arts and Teacher Education: A Confrontation, ed. Donald Bigelow (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1971), 12.
Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil § 78, trans. Arrowsmith. Quotedin William Arrowsmith, "Teaching and the Liberal Arts: Notes Toward an Old Frontier," in The Liberal Arts and Teacher Education: A Confrontation, ed. Donald Bigelow (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1971), 12.
Doris Santoro has documented the prevalence of this assumption in an unpublished review of the literature on teaching and self-knowledge.
Doris Santoro has documented the prevalence of this assumption in an unpublished review of the literature on teaching and self-knowledge.