Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An inevitable but improbable reconfiguration
eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley New York: Aldine de Gruyter
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts
, pp. 165-181
Park, R.E.1
Chicago. University of Chicago Press
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military
Herek, G.1
Jobe, J.2
Carney, R.3
Santa Monica, CA: RAND
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment
Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries
A comparative survey and analysis of Military policies with regard to service by Gay Persons
Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces
Pond, F.1
Washington, DC: National Defense University Press
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat
Henderson, W.D.1
Military necessity & homosexuality
New York: Brassey's
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Gays: In or Out? The U.s. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook
Ray, R.D.1
From Citizens' Army to social laboratory
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Wilson Quarterly
, vol.17
, pp. 83-94
Moskos, C.C.1
Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open integration and combat effectiveness
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
International Security
, vol.23
, pp. 5-39
Kier, E.1
Sexual orientation and Military cohesion: A critical review of the evidence
The longest case study on the impact of the lifting of a gay ban is Rosemary E. Park, "Opening the Canadian Forces to Gays and Lesbians: An Inevitable But Improbable Reconfiguration," in Gays and Lesbians in the Military: Issues, Concerns, and Contrasts, eds. Wilbur J. Scott and Sandra C, Stanley (New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1994), 165-181. Also see the brief case studies in Gregory Herek, Jared Jobe, and Ralph Carney, eds., Out in Force: Sexual Orientation and the Military (Chicago. University of Chicago Press, 1996); National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy: Options and Assessment (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993); General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military: Policies and Practices of Foreign Countries (Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 1993); and Frank Pond, "A Comparative Survey and Analysis of Military Policies with Regard to Service by Gay Persons," in Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces. Hearing held by Senate Armed Services Committee. 103rd Congress, 2nd Session (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993). For theoretical analysis see W. Darryl Henderson, Cohesion, the Human Element in Combat (Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1985); Ronald D. Ray, "Military Necessity & Homosexuality," in Gays: In or Out? The U.S. Military & Homosexuals-A Sourcebook (New York: Brassey's, 1993); Charles C. Moskos, "From Citizens' Army to Social Laboratory," Wilson Quarterly 17 (Winter 1993), 83-94; Elizabeth Kier, "Homosexuals in the U.S. Military: Open Integration and Combat Effectiveness," International Security 23 (1998): 5-39; Robert J. MacCoun, "Sexual Orientation and Military Cohesion: A Critical Review of the Evidence," in Out in Force, 157-176.
Out in Force
, pp. 157-176
Maccoun, R.J.1
Gays in the Military: Policy and practice in the Israeli defense forces
Scott and Stanley
Reuven Gal, "Gays in the Military: Policy and Practice in the Israeli Defense Forces," in Scott and Stanley, Gays and Lesbians in the Military, 181-189; National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43; Paul Gade, David Segal, and Edgar Johnson, "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force, 124-125.
Gays and Lesbians in the Military
, pp. 181-189
Reuven, G.1
Reuven Gal, "Gays in the Military: Policy and Practice in the Israeli Defense Forces," in Scott and Stanley, Gays and Lesbians in the Military, 181-189; National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43; Paul Gade, David Segal, and Edgar Johnson, "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force, 124-125.
Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy
, pp. 85-90
Reuven Gal, "Gays in the Military: Policy and Practice in the Israeli Defense Forces," in Scott and Stanley, Gays and Lesbians in the Military, 181-189; National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43; Paul Gade, David Segal, and Edgar Johnson, "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force, 124-125.
Homosexuals in the Military
, pp. 38-43
The experience of foreign Militaries
Reuven Gal, "Gays in the Military: Policy and Practice in the Israeli Defense Forces," in Scott and Stanley, Gays and Lesbians in the Military, 181-189; National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43; Paul Gade, David Segal, and Edgar Johnson, "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force, 124-125.
Out in Force
, pp. 124-125
Gade, P.1
Segal, D.2
Johnson, E.3
Washington, DC: Center for Security and International Studies
Israel's ground, air, and land forces include approximately 173,500 troops on active duty and 425,000 on reserve. Anthony H. Cordesman, Middle East Military Balance 2000 (Washington, DC: Center for Security and International Studies, 2000).
Middle East Military Balance 2000
Cordesman, A.H.1
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books
Baruch Kimmerling, The Interrupted System (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985); Reuven Gal and Stuart Cohen, "Israel: Still Waiting in the Wings," in The Postmodern Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War, ed. Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, and David Segal (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 224. For recent changes in the IDF's role in Israeli society, see Stuart Cohen, "Military Service in Israel: From Nation-Binder to Nation-Divider?" Paper prepared for BESA Conference on "Armed Forces in Israel and Other Western Democratic Societies, Bar-Ilan University, 8-10 June 1998.
The Interrupted System
Kimmerling, B.1
Israel: Still waiting in the wings
ed. Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, and David Segal New York: Oxford University Press
Baruch Kimmerling, The Interrupted System (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985); Reuven Gal and Stuart Cohen, "Israel: Still Waiting in the Wings," in The Postmodern Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War, ed. Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, and David Segal (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 224. For recent changes in the IDF's role in Israeli society, see Stuart Cohen, "Military Service in Israel: From Nation-Binder to Nation-Divider?" Paper prepared for BESA Conference on "Armed Forces in Israel and Other Western Democratic Societies, Bar-Ilan University, 8-10 June 1998.
The Postmodern Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War
, pp. 224
Reuven, G.1
Cohen, S.2
Military service in Israel: From nation-binder to nation-divider?
Bar-Ilan University, 8-10 June
Baruch Kimmerling, The Interrupted System (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1985); Reuven Gal and Stuart Cohen, "Israel: Still Waiting in the Wings," in The Postmodern Military: Armed Forces after the Cold War, ed. Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, and David Segal (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 224. For recent changes in the IDF's role in Israeli society, see Stuart Cohen, "Military Service in Israel: From Nation-Binder to Nation-Divider?" Paper prepared for BESA Conference on "Armed Forces in Israel and Other Western Democratic Societies, Bar-Ilan University, 8-10 June 1998.
Armed Forces in Israel and Other Western Democratic Societies
Cohen, S.1
Unpublished manuscript
Israel does not conscript Arabs. Pregnant and married women, those with severe handicaps, and ultra-orthodox Jews also are exempted from service. See Yagil Levy, "The Right to Fight: Recruitment of Homosexuals in the U.S. and Israel," Unpublished manuscript, 2000; Amia Lieblich, Transition to Adulthood During Military Service: The Israeli Case (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989).
The Right to Fight: Recruitment of Homosexuals in the U.S. and Israel
Levy, Y.1
Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
Israel does not conscript Arabs. Pregnant and married women, those with severe handicaps, and ultra-orthodox Jews also are exempted from service. See Yagil Levy, "The Right to Fight: Recruitment of Homosexuals in the U.S. and Israel," Unpublished manuscript, 2000; Amia Lieblich, Transition to Adulthood During Military Service: The Israeli Case (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1989).
Transition to Adulthood During Military Service: The Israeli Case
Lieblich, A.1
Homosexuals in Israeli army: No official discrimination, but keep it secret
21 February
Clyde Haberman, "Homosexuals in Israeli Army: No Official Discrimination, But Keep It Secret," New York Times, 21 February 1993, 14.
New York Times
, pp. 14
Haberman, C.1
Knesset Daily Hearings, Discrimination and Hindrances of the Acceptance of Sexual Minorities in the IDF, 13th Knesset, 2nd Session, 10 February 1993, 3202-3208
Knesset Daily Hearings, Discrimination and Hindrances of the Acceptance of Sexual Minorities in the IDF, 13th Knesset, 2nd Session, 10 February 1993, 3202-3208.
New York: Columbia University Press
Lee Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 117-118; Robert Block, "Gay King David Theory Starts Goliath of a Row," The Independent, 11 February 1993, 11; The Associated Press, "Defense Official Says He Was Fired after Coming Out as Homosexual, 2 February 1993.
Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel
, pp. 117-118
Walzer, L.1
Gay King David theory Starts Goliath of a row
11 February
Lee Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 117-118; Robert Block, "Gay King David Theory Starts Goliath of a Row," The Independent, 11 February 1993, 11; The Associated Press, "Defense Official Says He Was Fired after Coming Out as Homosexual, 2 February 1993.
The Independent
, pp. 11
Block, R.1
"Defense Official Says He Was Fired after Coming Out as Homosexual, 2 February
Lee Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden: A Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel (New York: Columbia University Press, 2000), 117-118; Robert Block, "Gay King David Theory Starts Goliath of a Row," The Independent, 11 February 1993, 11; The Associated Press, "Defense Official Says He Was Fired after Coming Out as Homosexual, 2 February 1993.
The Associated Press
Israel Defense Forces
Amendments to K-31-11-01 Service of Homosexuals in the IDF, Manpower Division Standing Orders (Israel Defense Forces, 1993). For the English translation, see Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden, 118-119. Professor Aeyal Gross of Tel Aviv University reports in a forthcoming article that the 1993 revisions were canceled quietly in 1998.
Service of Homosexuals in the IDF, Manpower Division Standing Orders
Amendments to K-31-11-01 Service of Homosexuals in the IDF, Manpower Division Standing Orders (Israel Defense Forces, 1993). For the English translation, see Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden, 118-119. Professor Aeyal Gross of Tel Aviv University reports in a forthcoming article that the 1993 revisions were canceled quietly in 1998.
Between Sodom and Eden
, pp. 118-119
U.S. Struggling with issue of gays in the Military
9 March
Charles Gibson, anchor, "U.S. Struggling with Issue of Gays in the Military," ABC News, 9 March 2000.
ABC News
Gibson, C.1
Coming out of the kitbag
22 October 1999
The following section is based on Ma'ayan Zigdon, "Coming out of the Kitbag," Ba'machne, 22 October 1999, 21-25.
, pp. 21-25
Zigdon, M.1
In one case, for example, two (heterosexual) soldiers made a bet to see who would perform oral sex on whom. Gay soldiers present at the time were appalled by the incident. See Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden. Approximately three-quarters of our interview subjects mentioned that vicious harassment is rare, although approximately two-thirds had heard negative comments about gay and lesbian people during their military service.
Between Sodom and Eden
This paragraph is based on Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden, 134 and Walzer, Personal communication, 14 April 2000.
Between Sodom and Eden
, pp. 134
14 April
This paragraph is based on Walzer, Between Sodom and Eden, 134 and Walzer, Personal communication, 14 April 2000.
Personal Communication
The gender battlefield
10 April
For recent problems concerning the sexual harassment of female soldiers in the military, see Stacy Feldman, "The Gender Battlefield," The Jerusalem Report, 10 April 2000, 11; Gayil Hareven, "Of Vice and Men," The Jerusalem Report, 10 April 2000.
The Jerusalem Report
, pp. 11
Feldman, S.1
Of vice and men
10 April
For recent problems concerning the sexual harassment of female soldiers in the military, see Stacy Feldman, "The Gender Battlefield," The Jerusalem Report, 10 April 2000, 11; Gayil Hareven, "Of Vice and Men," The Jerusalem Report, 10 April 2000.
The Jerusalem Report
Hareven, G.1
9 April
Raanan Gabbay, Personal communication, 9 April 2000; Oren Slozberg, Personal communication, 9 April 2000:
Personal Communication
Gabbay, R.1
25 March
Dan Yakir, Personal communication; 25 March 2000. All three are affiliated with gay rights groups in Israel.
Personal Communication
Yakir, D.1
National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43.
Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy
, pp. 85-90
National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43.
Homosexuals in the Military
, pp. 38-43
Durham, NC; Duke University Press
Janet Halley, Don't: A Reader's Guide to the Military's Anti-Gay Policy (Durham, NC; Duke University Press, 1999); Urvashi Vaid, Virtual Equality: The Mainstreaming of Gay & Lesbian Liberation (New York: Anchor Books, 1995).
Don't: A Reader's Guide to the Military's Anti-gay Policy
Halley, J.1
The connection
20 December
Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces; "The Connection," National Public Radio 20 December 1999; Charles C. Moskos and Stacey L. Sobel, "Should Gays Serve," Salon 13 June 2000, available at http://www.salon.com/news/feature/ 2000/06/13/fight_club/indexl.html
National Public Radio
Should gays serve
13 June
Policy Concerning Homosexuality in the Armed Forces; "The Connection," National Public Radio 20 December 1999; Charles C. Moskos and Stacey L. Sobel, "Should Gays Serve," Salon 13 June 2000, available at http://www.salon.com/news/feature/ 2000/06/13/fight_club/indexl.html
Moskos, C.C.1
Sobel, S.L.2
World affairs council weekly broadcast
1 May
"World Affairs Council Weekly Broadcast," National Public Radio 1 May 2000; "The Connection," National Public Radio 20 December 1999.
National Public Radio
The connection
20 December
"World Affairs Council Weekly Broadcast," National Public Radio 1 May 2000; "The Connection," National Public Radio 20 December 1999.
National Public Radio
National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43.
Sexual Orientation and U.s. Military Policy
, pp. 85-90
National Defense Research Institute, Sexual Orientation and U.S. Military Policy, 85-90; General Accounting Office, Homosexuals in the Military, 38-43.
Homosexuals in the Military
, pp. 38-43
Approximately two-thirds of our interview subiects spoke about the openness or growing openness of the IDF, although not everyone framed the issue this way. For example, one respondent said that she had seen no change over time but that she had always found the IDF to be accepting of gays and lesbians. There was a general consensus among interviewees that negative attitudes about homosexuals persist but that the military, like the rest of Israeli society, is becoming more accepting.
Brothers and others in arms: Managing gay identity in combat units of the Israeli Army
Danny Kaplan and Eyal Ben-Ari, "Brothers and Others in Arms: Managing Gay Identity in Combat Units of the Israeli Army," Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 29, 4 (forthcoming);
Journal of Contemporary Ethnography
, vol.29
, pp. 4
Kaplan, D.1
Ben-Ari, E.2
18 July
Danny Kaplan, Personal communication, 18 July 2000. Interviewees reflected a broad range of social backgrounds and served in elite infantry brigades, the armored corps, artillery units, combat engineering units, navy attack ships, and submarines and pilots' school. Interviewees served 3 to 4 years from 1980 to 1996. While most were sergeants, two were officers
Personal Communication
Kaplan, D.1
Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military
The two percent figure is conservative. Canadian experts, for example, estimate that 3.5 percent of the Canadian armed forces consists of gay and lesbian soldiers. Surveys have found that 7.3 percent of American veterans have had gay sex. See Aaron Belkin and Jason McNichol, Effects of the 1992 Lifting of Restrictions on Gay and Lesbian Service in the Canadian Armed Forces: Appraising the Evidence (Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, 2000), available at www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu; Lois Shawer, And the Flag Was Still There: Straight People, Gay People and Sexuality in the U.S. Military (Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 1995), 198.
Effects of the 1992 Lifting of Restrictions on Gay and Lesbian Service in the Canadian Armed Forces: Appraising the Evidence
Belkin, A.1
McNichol, J.2
Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press
The two percent figure is conservative. Canadian experts, for example, estimate that 3.5 percent of the Canadian armed forces consists of gay and lesbian soldiers. Surveys have found that 7.3 percent of American veterans have had gay sex. See Aaron Belkin and Jason McNichol, Effects of the 1992 Lifting of Restrictions on Gay and Lesbian Service in the Canadian Armed Forces: Appraising the Evidence (Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, 2000), available at www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu; Lois Shawer, And the Flag Was Still There: Straight People, Gay People and Sexuality in the U.S. Military (Binghamton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 1995), 198.
And the Flag Was Still There: Straight People, Gay People and Sexuality in the U.S. Military
, pp. 198
Shawer, L.1
Lessons learned from the experiences of domestic police and fire departments
Paul Koegel, "Lessons Learned from the Experiences of Domestic Police and Fire Departments," in Out in Force, 137.
Out in Force
, pp. 137
Koegel, P.1
Lessons learned
Koegel, "Lessons Learned," in Out in Force, 138.
Out in Force
, pp. 138
Nonconforming sexual orientations and Military suitability
ed. Kate Dyer Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, Inc., This is also known as the PERSEREC report
Theodore R. Sarbin and Kenneth E. Karols, "Nonconforming Sexual Orientations and Military Suitability," in Gays in Uniform; The Pentagon's Secret Reports, ed. Kate Dyer (Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, Inc., 1990), 34-35. This is also known as the PERSEREC report.
Gays in Uniform; The Pentagon's Secret Reports
, pp. 34-35
Sarbin, T.R.1
Karols, K.E.2
Israeli army denies discriminating against homosexual soldiers
7 February
"Israeli Army Denies Discriminating Against Homosexual Soldiers," The Associated Press, 7 February 1993.
The Associated Press
Easier to be gay
25 February
Eric Silver, "Easier to Be Gay," Jerusalem Post, 25 February 1993.
Jerusalem Post
Silver, E.1
Silver, "Easier to Be Gay"; Sasha Sadan and Asher Wallfish, "IDF Policy on Drafting Gays Won't Change," Jerusalem Post. 8 February 1993.
Easier to Be Gay"
IDF policy on drafting Gays won't change
8 February
Silver, "Easier to Be Gay"; Sasha Sadan and Asher Wallfish, "IDF Policy on Drafting Gays Won't Change," Jerusalem Post. 8 February 1993.
Jerusalem Post
Sadan, S.1
Wallfish, A.2
Approximately three-quarters of our interview subjects said that some discrimination exists but that in general, sexual orientation is not a major issue with regard to promotions or equal treatment.
The Military as a second bar Mitzvah: Combat service as an initiation rite to Zionist masculinity
ed. Emma Sinclair-Webb and Mai Ghoussoub (London: Al-Saqi Books, forthcoming)
Danny Kaplan, "The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah: Combat Service as an Initiation Rite to Zionist Masculinity," in Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modem Middle East, ed. Emma Sinclair-Webb and Mai Ghoussoub (London: Al-Saqi Books, forthcoming).
Imagined Masculinities: Male Identity and Culture in the Modem Middle East
Kaplan, D.1
A list of nations that allow gays and lesbians to serve in the armed forces is available on the web site of the International Gay Lesbian Association at http://www.ilga.org/ Information/legal_survey/Summary%20information/armed_forces.htm
The experience of Foreign Militaries
Gade et al., "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force.
Out in Force
The military as a second bar mitzvah
Kaplan, "The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah," in Imagined Masculinities; Kaplan and Ben-Ari, "Brothers and Others in Arms"; Michael Levertov, "Male Preserve," Ha'aretz Magazine, 4 June 1999; C. W. Anderson and H. R. Smith, "Stigma and Honor: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People in the U.S Military," in Homosexual Issues in the Workplace, ed. L. Diamant (Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, 1993), 65-89.
Imagined Masculinities
Kaplan, "The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah," in Imagined Masculinities; Kaplan and Ben-Ari, "Brothers and Others in Arms"; Michael Levertov, "Male Preserve," Ha'aretz Magazine, 4 June 1999; C. W. Anderson and H. R. Smith, "Stigma and Honor: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People in the U.S Military," in Homosexual Issues in the Workplace, ed. L. Diamant (Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, 1993), 65-89.
Brothers and Others in Arms
Male preserve
4 June
Kaplan, "The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah," in Imagined Masculinities; Kaplan and Ben-Ari, "Brothers and Others in Arms"; Michael Levertov, "Male Preserve," Ha'aretz Magazine, 4 June 1999; C. W. Anderson and H. R. Smith, "Stigma and Honor: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People in the U.S Military," in Homosexual Issues in the Workplace, ed. L. Diamant (Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, 1993), 65-89.
Ha'aretz Magazine
Levertov, M.1
Stigma and honor: Gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the U.S Military
ed. L. Diamant Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis
Kaplan, "The Military as a Second Bar Mitzvah," in Imagined Masculinities; Kaplan and Ben-Ari, "Brothers and Others in Arms"; Michael Levertov, "Male Preserve," Ha'aretz Magazine, 4 June 1999; C. W. Anderson and H. R. Smith, "Stigma and Honor: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual People in the U.S Military," in Homosexual Issues in the Workplace, ed. L. Diamant (Washington, DC: Taylor and Francis, 1993), 65-89.
Homosexual Issues in the Workplace
, pp. 65-89
Anderson, C.W.1
Smith, H.R.2
Gallup Polls 2000. Available at http://www.gallup.com/poll/Indicators/ indhomosexual.asp; "The Harris Poll Election 2000," (PRNewswire, 15 February 2000).
PRNewswire, 15 February
Gallup Polls 2000. Available at http://www.gallup.com/poll/Indicators/ indhomosexual.asp; "The Harris Poll Election 2000," (PRNewswire, 15 February 2000).
The Harris Poll Election 2000
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press
Barry Adam, Jan Willem Duyvendak, and André Krouwel, eds., The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics; National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1999).
The Global Emergence of Gay and Lesbian Politics; National Imprints of a Worldwide Movement
Adam, B.1
Duyvendak, J.W.2
Krouwel, A.3
Rights and fights: Sexual orientation and Military effectiveness
Elizabeth Kier, "Rights and Fights: Sexual Orientation and Military Effectiveness," International Security 24, 1 (Summer 1999): 196.
International Security
, vol.24
, Issue.1
, pp. 196
Kier, E.1
The experience of Foreign Militaries
Gade et al., "The Experience of Foreign Militaries," in Out in Force, 127.
Out in Force
, pp. 127
Are open Gays a threat to cohesion
University of California, Santa Barbara, 21 April
Laura Miller, "Are Open Gays a Threat to Cohesion," Lecture presented to the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, University of California, Santa Barbara, 21 April 2000, available at http://www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu/ programs.htm#six
Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military
Miller, L.1