Improved glycaemic control with the use of self-prepared mixtures of insulin lispro and insulin lispro protamine suspension in patients with types 1 and 2 diabetes
Reduction of postprandial hyperglycemia and frequency of hypoglyccmia in IDDM patients on insulin-analog treatment
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Mealtime treatment with insulin analog improves postprandial hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
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Time-action profiles of novel premixed preparations of insulin lispro and NPL insulin
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Efficacy of insulin lispro in combination with NPH human insulin twice per day in patients with insulindependent or non-insulin-dependenl diabetes mellitus
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Improved postprandial glycemie control during treatment with Humalog Mix25, a novel protamine-based insulin lispro formulation
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Improved postprandial blood glucose control and reduced nocturnal hypoglycemia during treatment with two novel insulin lispro-protamine formulations, insulin lispro Mix25 and insulin lispro Mix50
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