Vol.13, No.3 (1992),pp.501-23.
B. Gills and Rocamora, 'Low Intensity Democracy', Third World Quarterly, Vol.13, No.3 (1992),pp.501-23.
Rocamora, 'Low Intensity Democracy', Third World Quarterly
Gills, B.1
1995, George Philip, 'The Lawless Presidency: Economic Crisis and Democratic Accountability in Mexico', 1910-94', Démocratisation, Vol.5, No. 1 (Spring 1998), pp.23-43.
Andres Oppenheimer, Mexico: En La Frontera del Caos (Mexico City: Etoile, 1995), George Philip, 'The Lawless Presidency: Economic Crisis and Democratic Accountability in Mexico', 1910-94', Démocratisation, Vol.5, No. 1 (Spring 1998), pp.23-43.
Mexico: En La Frontera Del Caos Mexico City: Etoile
Oppenheimer, A.1
1997, Jeffrey Weldon, 'Political Sources of Presidencialismo in Mexico', in Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Shugart (eds.), Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp.225-58.
A. Amezcua and J. Pardinas, Todos los Gobeniadores del Présidente: cuando el dedo de imo aplasta el voto popular (Mexico City: Grijalbo, 1997), Jeffrey Weldon, 'Political Sources of Presidencialismo in Mexico', in Scott Mainwaring and Matthew Shugart (eds.), Presidentialism and Democracy in Latin America (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp.225-58.
J. Pardinas, Todos Los Gobeniadores Del Présidente: Cuando El Dedo De Imo Aplasta El Voto Popular Mexico City: Grijalbo
Amezcua, A.1
1980-1996: How to Control and Co-Opt the Military (and the consequences of doing so)', in S. Stern (ed.), Shining and Other Paths: war and society in Peru, 19SO-1995 (Durham, NC and London; Duke University Press, 1998). pp.385 10.
The best recent study of the political role of the Peruvian military is E. Obando, 'CivilMilitary Relations in Peru 1980-1996: How to Control and Co-Opt the Military (and the consequences of doing so)', in S. Stern (ed.), Shining and Other Paths: war and society in Peru, 19SO-1995 (Durham, NC and London; Duke University Press, 1998). pp.385 10.
Study of the Political Role of the Peruvian Military Is E. Obando, 'CivilMilitary Relations in Peru
Recent, T.B.1
1998, John Tulchin and Gary Bland (eds.), Peru in Crisis: Dictatorship or Democracy? (Washington; Woodrow Wilson Center, 1995), Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla (ed.), Los Enigmas del Poder: Fujimori 1990-96 (Lima: Fundacion Friedrich Ebert, 1996).
John Crabtrce and Jim Thomas (eds.), Fujimori's Peru: The Political Economy (London: Institute of Latin American Studies 1998), John Tulchin and Gary Bland (eds.), Peru in Crisis: Dictatorship or Democracy? (Washington; Woodrow Wilson Center, 1995), Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla (ed.), Los Enigmas del Poder: Fujimori 1990-96 (Lima: Fundacion Friedrich Ebert, 1996).
And Jim Thomas (Eds.), Fujimori's Peru: the Political Economy London: Institute of Latin American Studies
Crabtrce, J.1
1985-90', Ph.D., University of London, 1995.
Carol Sahley, 'The Political Evolution of the Industrial Bourgeoisie in Peru: industrialists, bankers and the Garcia government 1985-90', Ph.D., University of London, 1995.
'The Political Evolution of the Industrial Bourgeoisie in Peru: Industrialists, Bankers and the Garcia Government
Sahley, C.1
Vol.38, No.4 (1997).
In addition to Crabtree and Thomas (eds.), Fujimori's Peru, see B. Kay, 'Fujipopulism and the Liberal State in Peru', Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs, Vol.38, No.4 (1997).
Crabtree and Thomas (Eds.), Fujimori's Peru, See B. Kay, 'Fujipopulism and the Liberal State in Peru', Journal of Inter-American Studies and World Affairs
To, I.A.1
1998. Runciman was an economic advisor to Fujimori until his resignation in 1994.
Interview with Guillermo Runciman, Lima, November 1998. Runciman was an economic advisor to Fujimori until his resignation in 1994.
Guillermo Runciman, Lima, November
With, I.1
20 November 1998. Ms Rosa was involved in planning an administrative reform in Peru, which in the end never went ahead.
Interview with Leoni Rosa 20 November 1998. Ms Rosa was involved in planning an administrative reform in Peru, which in the end never went ahead.
Leoni Rosa
With, I.1
25 November 1998. Giordani later became Minister of Cordiplan under Châvez.
This point was very much stressed by Jorge Giordani, Caracas, 25 November 1998. Giordani later became Minister of Cordiplan under Châvez.
Very Much Stressed by Jorge Giordani, Caracas
Was, T.P.1
1992', Government and Opposition, Vol.27, No.4 (1992), pp.455-69.
G. Philip, 'Venezuelan Democracy and the Coup Attempt of February 1992', Government and Opposition, Vol.27, No.4 (1992), pp.455-69.
Venezuelan Democracy and the Coup Attempt of February
Philip, G.1
1995, Julia Buxton, 'The Venezuela Party System 1988-1995 with Reference to the Rise and Decline of Radical Cause', Ph.D., University of London, 1999.
L. Goodman et. al.. Lessons of the Venezuelan Experience. (Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center, 1995), Julia Buxton, 'The Venezuela Party System 1988-1995 with Reference to the Rise and Decline of Radical Cause', Ph.D., University of London, 1999.
Lessons of the Venezuelan Experience. Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center
Goodman, L.1
On the Venezuelan case, see Walter Little and Antonio Herrera, 'Political Corruption in Venezuela', in Walter Little and Eduardo Posada-Carbo (eds.), Political Corruption in Europe and Latin America (London: Institute of Latin American Studies, 1996).
Case, See Walter Little and Antonio Herrera, 'Political Corruption in Venezuela', in Walter Little and Eduardo Posada-Carbo (Eds.), Political Corruption in Europe and Latin America London: Institute of Latin American Studies
Venezuelan, O.T.1
Vol.4, No.l (1997), pp.57-83.
For a discussion which broaches a similar question to the one considered here, but from civil society rather than the electoral process, see Jenny Pearce, 'Civil Society, the Market and Democracy in Latin America', Democratization, Vol.4, No.l (1997), pp.57-83.
Which Broaches a Similar Question to the One Considered Here, but from Civil Society Rather than the Electoral Process, See Jenny Pearce, 'Civil Society, the Market and Democracy in Latin America', Democratization
Discussion, F.A.1