B Korany & A E Hillal Dessouki (eds).
On the concept of the Middle Eastern and the Arab subsystem, see P Noble, "The Arab state system: pressures, constraints and opportunities', in B Korany & A E Hillal Dessouki (eds). The Foreign Policies of Arab States, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1991;
The Foreign Policies of Arab States, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1991
XXXI (4), 1996, 26-27
A M Said Aly, "The shattered consensus-Arab perceptions of security', in The International Spectator, XXXI (4), 1996, pp 26-27;
The International Spectator
London: Macmillan, 1993. This essay in most cases refers to the Arab world or subregions thereof (ie the 21 member states of the Arab League). When Israel is included, however, we explicitly use the term 'Middle East'. Neither Iran nor Turkey-normally making part of the 'Middle East"-are being dealt with here. The same applies to the new republics in Central Asia and the Caucasus. For an alternative definition, see Geoffrey Kemp & Robert E Harkavy, Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East, Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Brookings Institution Press, 1997, pp 13-15.
B Tibi, Conflict and War in the Middle East, 1967-1991, London: Macmillan, 1993. This essay in most cases refers to the Arab world or subregions thereof (ie the 21 member states of the Arab League). When Israel is included, however, we explicitly use the term 'Middle East'. Neither Iran nor Turkey-normally making part of the 'Middle East"-are being dealt with here. The same applies to the new republics in Central Asia and the Caucasus. For an alternative definition, see Geoffrey Kemp & Robert E Harkavy, Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East, Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/Brookings Institution Press, 1997, pp 13-15.
Conflict and War in the middle East, 19671991
Tibi, B.1
Nonneman (ed), The Middle East and Europe. An Integrated Community Approach, London: Federal Trust for Education and Research, 1992, p 33. It hardly needs saying that integration attempts based on the idea of a revolutionary new 'Pax Islamica' are too eccentric to have a chance of successful implementation. See D George, 'Pax Islamica: an alternative new world order?', in A S Sidahmed & A Ehteshami (eds), Islamic Fundamentalism, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1996, pp 71-90.
G Nonneman, 'Problems facing cooperation and integration attempts in the Middle East', in Nonneman (ed), The Middle East and Europe. An Integrated Community Approach, London: Federal Trust for Education and Research, 1992, p 33. It hardly needs saying that integration attempts based on the idea of a revolutionary new 'Pax Islamica' are too eccentric to have a chance of successful implementation. See D George, 'Pax Islamica: an alternative new world order?', in A S Sidahmed & A Ehteshami (eds), Islamic Fundamentalism, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1996, pp 71-90.
'Problems Facing Cooperation and Integration Attempts in the middle East'
Nonneman, G.1
Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1993, 77-93
M Faour, The Arab World after Desert Storm, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1993, pp 77-93;
The Arab World after Desert Storm
Faour, M.1
2, 1994, 1; and Faour, Tlie Arab World, p 86.
J P Zanders, 'A new security (dis)order for the Gulf POLE-Papers (Brussels: Centrum voor Polemologie), 2, 1994, p 1; and Faour, Tlie Arab World, p 86.
'A New Security (Dis)order for the Gulf POLE-Papers (Brussels: Centrum Voor Polemologie)
Zanders, J.P.1
1995, 156.
J Agnew & S Corbridge, Mastering Space. Hegemony, Territory and International Political Economy, London: Routledge, 1995, p 156.
Mastering Space. Hegemony, Territory and International Political Economy, London: Routledge
Agnew, J.1
Corbridge, S.2
p 34.
As such, these schemes do not find their dynamics in the region itself and, consequently, cannot be considered as forms of 'new regionalism'. Hettne, The New Regionalism, p 34.
The New Regionalism
It should be noted that in the field of Middle East studies this kind of research, ie mapping and analysing attitudes of different social actors vis-à-vis regionalisation issues, is scarcely out of the egg.
It should be noted that in the field of Middle East studies this kind of research, ie mapping and analysing attitudes of different social actors vis-à-vis regionalisation issues, is scarcely out of the egg.
The subregional, functional approach to integration stands in contrast to the 'Prussian model', which over-emphasises the role of a 'pivotal territory' in overwhelming others into accepting unification. This overnight unitary approach has long been favoured by pan-Arabists of the Nasserite and Ba'thist kind (and, of course, the Arab Nationalist Movement-ANM).
The subregional, functional approach to integration stands in contrast to the 'Prussian model', which over-emphasises the role of a 'pivotal territory' in overwhelming others into accepting unification. This overnight unitary approach has long been favoured by pan-Arabists of the Nasserite and Ba'thist kind (and, of course, the Arab Nationalist Movement-ANM).
2, post 4, 1997 (via Internet; originally published in Middle East Quarterly, March 1997).
T al-Hamad, 'Imperfect alliances: will the Gulf monarchies work together?, MERIA Journal, 2, post 4, 1997 (via Internet; originally published in Middle East Quarterly, March 1997).
'Imperfect Alliances: Will the Gulf Monarchies Work Together?, MERIA Journal
Al-Hamad, T.1
For an overview of piecemeal attempts at cooperation, see ibid, pp 153-158; Nonneman, The Middle East and Europe, pp 54-57; and F Lawson, 'Punctuated integration and the Gulf Cooperation Council', in K Thomas & M A Tétreault (eds). Racing to Regionalize: Democracy, Capitalism, and Regional Political Economy, Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 1999 (forthcoming). See also A Abdelkarim (ed), Change and Development in the Gulf, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999
For an overview of piecemeal attempts at cooperation, see ibid, pp 153-158; Nonneman, The Middle East and Europe, pp 54-57; and F Lawson, 'Punctuated integration and the Gulf Cooperation Council', in K Thomas & M A Tétreault (eds). Racing to Regionalize: Democracy, Capitalism, and Regional Political Economy, Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 1999 (forthcoming). See also A Abdelkarim (ed), Change and Development in the Gulf, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999.
pp 193-197, 199-212, respectively.
G Joffé, "The western Arab world: background assessment' and 'The development of the DMA and integration in the western Arab world', in Nonneman, The Middle East and Europe, pp 193-197, 199-212, respectively.
The Western Arab World: Background Assessment' and 'The Development of the DMA and Integration in the Western Arab World', in Nonneman, the middle East and Europe
Joffé, G.1
Joffé, 'The development of the UMA', p 201; and Tripp, 'Regional organizations', p 296.
Joffé, 'The development of the UMA', p 201; and Tripp, 'Regional organizations', p 296.
52 (3), 1998, pp 386-401.
Tripp, 'Regional organizations', p 298. For a recent, much more rose-coloured view, see C R Ryan, 'Jordan and the rise and fall of the Arab Co-operation Council', Middle East Journal, 52 (3), 1998, pp 386-401.
Regional Organizations', P 298. for a Recent, Much more Rose-coloured View, See C R Ryan, 'Jordan and the Rise and Fall of the Arab Co-operation Council', middle East Journal
Tripp, 'Regional organization', p 288.
Tripp, 'Regional organization', p 288.
1983, p 149
Y A Sayigh, 'A new framework for complementarity among the Arab economies', in I Ibrahim (ed), Arab Resources. The Transformation of a Society, Washington, DC: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies/ Croom Helm, 1983, p 149;
'A New Framework for Complementarity among the Arab Economies', in I Ibrahim (Ed), Arab Resources. the Transformation of a Society, Washington, DC: Center for Contemporary Arab Studies/ Croom Helm
Sayigh, Y.A.1
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997, p 145. It should be remarked that even in obvious fields of integration, like water sharing, regional co-operation is negligible. The same goes for tourism. It is noteworthy that to visit some Arab countries, other Arab citizens have to have visas, whereas many Europeans and North Americans do not need any.
B Korany, 'The old/new Middle East', in L Guazzone (ed). The Middle East in Global Change. The Politics and Economics of Interdependence versus Fragmentation, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997, p 145. It should be remarked that even in obvious fields of integration, like water sharing, regional co-operation is negligible. The same goes for tourism. It is noteworthy that to visit some Arab countries, other Arab citizens have to have visas, whereas many Europeans and North Americans do not need any.
'The Old/new middle East', in L Guazzone (Ed). the middle East in Global Change. the Politics and Economics of Interdependence Versus Fragmentation
Korany, B.1
The clearest example is the OCC, considered by most non-Gulf Arabs to be an exclusive club des riches. See, for instance, how Yemen's application for membership has been refused out of hand.
The clearest example is the OCC, considered by most non-Gulf Arabs to be an exclusive club des riches. See, for instance, how Yemen's application for membership has been refused out of hand.
3, 1995 pp 39-49, and references there.
See P Aarts & M Tempel, 'Economic integration in the Middle East', JIME Review, 3, 1995 pp 39-49, and references there.
& M Tempel, 'Economic Integration in the middle East', JIME Review
Aarts, S.P.1
XXX (3), 1995, pp 57-82
For an antidotal opinion, see S E Battles, 'Financial flows and integration in the Middle East', The International Spectator, XXX (3), 1995, pp 57-82;
'Financial Flows and Integration in the middle East', the International Spectator
Battles, S.E.1
2, 1997, pp 57-68.
Y Sayigh, ' "System" breakdown in the Middle East?', Middle Eastern Lectures, Tel Aviv: The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, 2, 1997, pp 57-68.
System" Breakdown in the middle East?', middle Eastern Lectures, Tel Aviv: the Moshe Dayan Center for middle Eastern and African Studies
Sayigh, Y.1
See the numerous commentaries in Al-Ahram Weekly (by Dina Ezzat, Ibrahim Nafie, Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil, Mohamed El-Imam, Fawzi Mansour and others). See also Korany, "The old/new Middle East', pp 138-141.
See the numerous commentaries in Al-Ahram Weekly (by Dina Ezzat, Ibrahim Nafie, Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil, Mohamed El-Imam, Fawzi Mansour and others). See also Korany, "The old/new Middle East', pp 138-141.
This ties in with the idea that capitalists are more likely to be pan-Arabist than are the ruling elites of the territorial stales who would lose many of their privileges in a unified setting. F Jalal, quoted in Ayubi, Overstating the Arab Stale, p 161.
This ties in with the idea that capitalists are more likely to be pan-Arabist than are the ruling elites of the territorial stales who would lose many of their privileges in a unified setting. F Jalal, quoted in Ayubi, Overstating the Arab Stale, p 161).
p 120. Abdel-Fadil rightly remarks that the process of economic growth in the easy years of the oil boom may be viewed as a kind of 'bubble economy', fuelled by the construction boom and the upsurge in trade and financial activities.
M Abdel-Fadil, 'Macroeconomic tendencies and policy options in the Middle East', in Guazzone, The Middle East in Global Change, p 120. Abdel-Fadil rightly remarks that the process of economic growth in the easy years of the oil boom may be viewed as a kind of 'bubble economy', fuelled by the construction boom and the upsurge in trade and financial activities.
Macroeconomic Tendencies and Policy Options in the middle East', in Guazzone, the middle East in Global Change
Abdel-Fadil, M.1
1995, pp 15, 28.
World Bank, Claiming the Future. Choosing Prosperity in the Middle East and North Africa, Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1995, pp 15, 28.
Claiming the Future. Choosing Prosperity in the middle East and North Africa, Washington, DC: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Bank, W.1
1990, pp 238-261
More on this, see A Richards & J Waterbury, A Political Economy of the Middle East State Class and Economic Development, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1990, pp 238-261;
A Political Economy of the middle East State Class and Economic Development, Boulder, Co: Westview
Richards, A.1
Waterbury, J.2
Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996, pp 3-43
G Nonneman, 'Economic liberalization: the debate', in Nonneman (ed), Political and Economic Liberalization. Dynamics & Linkages in Comparative Perspective, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1996, pp 3-43;
'Economic Liberalization: the Debate', in Nonneman (Ed), Political and Economic Liberalization. Dynamics & Linkages in Comparative Perspective
Nonneman, G.1
1992, pp 1-23; Tschirgi, 'Introduction', p 7-10
I Harik, 'Privatization: the issue, the prospects and the fears', in I Harik & D J Sullivan (eds), Privatization and Liberalization in ihe Middle East, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992, pp 1-23; Tschirgi, 'Introduction', p 7-10;
Privatization: the Issue, the Prospects and the Fears', in I Harik & D J Sullivan (Eds), Privatization and Liberalization in Ihe middle East, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press
Harik, I.1
Nonneman, 'Economic liberalization', p 37.
Nonneman, 'Economic liberalization', p 37.
pp 329-332; Harik, 'Privatization', p 16; Niblock, 'International and domestic factors', p 84. For country cases, see Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, pp 339-382
See Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, pp 329-332; Harik, 'Privatization', p 16; Niblock, 'International and domestic factors', p 84. For country cases, see Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, pp 339-382;
Over-stating the Arab State
Harik, 'Privatization', p 16.
Harik, 'Privatization', p 16.
Harik & Sullivan, Privatization and Liberalization; P Stevens, 'The practical record and prospects of privatization programmes in the Arab world', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization, pp 114-131;
Harik & Sullivan, Privatization and Liberalization; P Stevens, 'The practical record and prospects of privatization programmes in the Arab world', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization, pp 114-131;
Nonneman, Political and Economic Liberalization, part 3.
Nonneman, Political and Economic Liberalization, part 3.
One might as well add consumers, acting as a 'pressure group', opposing market reforms which usually lead to higher prices of basic commodities.
One might as well add consumers, acting as a 'pressure group', opposing market reforms which usually lead to higher prices of basic commodities.
Stevens, "The practical record', p 129.
Stevens, "The practical record', p 129.
L Diamond & M F Platter (eds), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993;
L Diamond & M F Platter (eds), Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993;
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited
Democracy against Capitalism Renewing Historical Materialism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; and, for the Middle East, the seminal work by S Bromley, Rethinking Middle East Politics State Formation and Development, Cambridge: Polity Press
E Meiksins Wood, Democracy against Capitalism Renewing Historical Materialism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995; and, for the Middle East, the seminal work by S Bromley, Rethinking Middle East Politics State Formation and Development, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994.
Meiksins Wood, E.1
Ayubi aptly remarks that 'the connection between economic crisis and political liberalisation is not inevitable. In other historical circumstances economic crisis led either to fascism or to bureaucratic-authoritarianism ... What titled the balance more towards democracy in recent years has been the growing globalisation and the undisputed ideological hegemony of the 'West' following the collapse of socialist regimes in Eastern Europe. But again, the connection is not automatic here either. The hegemonic discourse sometimes described as the "Washington Consensus" ... is much less ambiguous about economic neoliberalism while remaining quite vague on democracy.' See Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, p 402. On this last point, see J Hippler (ed). The Democratisation of Disempowerment. The Problem of Democracy in the Third World, Amsterdam/London: Transnational Institute/Pluto Press, 1995.
Ayubi aptly remarks that 'the connection between economic crisis and political liberalisation is not inevitable. In other historical circumstances economic crisis led either to fascism or to bureaucratic-authoritarianism ... What titled the balance more towards democracy in recent years has been the growing globalisation and the undisputed ideological hegemony of the 'West' following the collapse of socialist regimes in Eastern Europe. But again, the connection is not automatic here either. The hegemonic discourse sometimes described as the "Washington Consensus" ... is much less ambiguous about economic neoliberalism while remaining quite vague on democracy.' See Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, p 402. On this last point, see J Hippler (ed). The Democratisation of Disempowerment. The Problem of Democracy in the Third World, Amsterdam/London: Transnational Institute/Pluto Press, 1995.
in Gh Salamé (ed), Democracy without Democrats? The Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World, London/New York: IB Tauris, 1994, pp 130-155;
G Luciani, "The oil rent, the fiscal crisis of the state and democratization', in Gh Salamé (ed), Democracy without Democrats? The Renewal of Politics in the Muslim World, London/New York: IB Tauris, 1994, pp 130-155;
"The Oil Rent, the Fiscal Crisis of the State and Democratization'
Luciani, G.1
in R Brynen, B Korany & P Noble (eds), Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World, Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 1995, pp 211-212.
G Luciani, 'Resources, revenues and authoritarianism in the Arab world', in R Brynen, B Korany & P Noble (eds), Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World, Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner, 1995, pp 211-212.
'Resources, Revenues and Authoritarianism in the Arab World'
Luciani, G.1
See Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, pp 396-446
See Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, pp 396-446;
in Syria', in E Goldberg, R Kasaba & J S Migdal (eds), Rules and Rights in the Midle East. Democracy, Law, and Society, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1993;
S Heydemann, 'Taxation without representation: authoritarianism and economic liberalization in Syria', in E Goldberg, R Kasaba & J S Migdal (eds), Rules and Rights in the Midle East. Democracy, Law, and Society, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1993;
'Taxation without Representation: Authoritarianism and Economic Liberalization
Heydemann, S.1
in Salamé, Democracy without Democrats?, pp 243-269;
V Permes, "The private sector, economic liberalization, and the prospects for democratization: the case of Syria and some other Arab countries', in Salamé, Democracy without Democrats?, pp 243-269;
The Private Sector, Economic Liberalization, and the Prospects for Democratization: the Case of Syria and some Other Arab Countries'
Permes, V.1
in ibid, pp 227-242; and D Pool, "The links between economic and political liberalization', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization, pp 40-54.
A Hermassi, 'Socio-economic change and political implications: the Maghreb', in ibid, pp 227-242; and D Pool, "The links between economic and political liberalization', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization, pp 40-54.
'Socio-economic Change and Political Implications: the Maghreb'
Hermassi, A.1
London: Merlin Press, 1992, pp 30-31.
R Cox, 'Global perestroika', in R Miliband & L Panitch (eds), Socialist Register, London: Merlin Press, 1992, pp 30-31.
'Global Perestroika', in R Miliband & L Panitch (Eds), Socialist Register
Cox, R.1
The Maghreb Review, 17 (1-2), 1992, pp 34-35.
D Vandewalle, 'At the periphery: North Africa, the European Community and the end of the Cold War', The Maghreb Review, 17 (1-2), 1992, pp 34-35.
'At the Periphery: North Africa, the European Community and the End of the Cold War'
Vandewalle, D.1
17(4), 1996, pp 753-772
A Ehteshami & E Murphy, 'Transformation of the corporatist state in the Middle East', Third World Quarterly, 17(4), 1996, pp 753-772
'Transformation of the Corporatist State in the middle East', Third World Quarterly
Ehteshami, A.1
Murphy, E.2
Ibid, p 31.
Ibid, p 31.
Ibid, p 32. See also Poelling, 'Syria's private sector ...'.
Ibid, p 32. See also Poelling, 'Syria's private sector ...'.
Springborg, 'The Arab bourgeoisie', p 32
Springborg, 'The Arab bourgeoisie', p 32;
Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida, 1996, pp 1-25.
C M Henry, The Mediterranean Debt Crescent. Money and Power in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, Gainesville FL: University Press of Florida, 1996, pp 1-25.
The Mediterranean Debt Crescent. Money and Power in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey
Henry, C.M.1
Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab Slate, p 181.
Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab Slate, p 181.
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993, pp 73-96
See also H Barakat, The Arab World, Society, Culture, and State, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1993, pp 73-96;
The Arab World, Society, Culture, and State
Barakat, H.1
1995', in H Sharabi (ed), The Next Arab Decade. Alternative Futures, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1988.
S Farsoun, 'Class structure and social change in the Arab world: 1995', in H Sharabi (ed), The Next Arab Decade. Alternative Futures, Boulder, Co: Westview, 1988.
'Class Structure and Social Change in the Arab World
Farsoun, S.1
By entering the private sector the state bourgeoisie is killing two birds with one stone. First it assures itself of lucrative business deals. Second, and more importantly, the state bourgeoisie is now in the position to ensure its incumbency and reproduce itself as a state class. In previous times, ie before turning into this 'entrepreneurial state class', this was impossible: it did not control the means of production-property not being the source of its power-and it had no juridical claim to the positions that were the source of its power. "The exchange of public for private inheritable power of disposable means of production may be the most rational way for this stratum to secure the preservation of an elevated position in the social pyramid.' Perthes, "The private sector', p 262, emphasis added. See also Richards & Waterbury, A Political Economy, pp 214-218.
By entering the private sector the state bourgeoisie is killing two birds with one stone. First it assures itself of lucrative business deals. Second, and more importantly, the state bourgeoisie is now in the position to ensure its incumbency and reproduce itself as a state class. In previous times, ie before turning into this 'entrepreneurial state class', this was impossible: it did not control the means of production-property not being the source of its power-and it had no juridical claim to the positions that were the source of its power. "The exchange of public for private inheritable power of disposable means of production may be the most rational way for this stratum to secure the preservation of an elevated position in the social pyramid.' Perthes, "The private sector', p 262, emphasis added. See also Richards & Waterbury, A Political Economy, pp 214-218.
pp 177-202; and Hinnebusch, 'State and civil society in Syria', Middle East Journal, 47 (2), 1993, pp 243-257.
For a graphic description of such a new 'military-mercantile complex', see R Hinnebusch, 'Syria', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization, pp 177-202; and Hinnebusch, 'State and civil society in Syria', Middle East Journal, 47 (2), 1993, pp 243-257.
'Syria', in Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization
Hinnebusch, R.1
Examples abound. See Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization; Ayubi, Over-slating the Arab State, pp 339-382;
Examples abound. See Niblock & Murphy, Economic and Political Liberalization; Ayubi, Over-slating the Arab State, pp 339-382;
Harik & Sullivan, Privatization and Liberalization. In Tschirgi, Development in the Age of Liberalization, an interesting comparison in made between the liberalisation policies of Egypt and Mexico. For a comparison of Egypt with the 'East Asian experience', see H-J Chang, M Said & Kh Sakr, 'Industrial policy and the role of the state in Egypt: the relevance of the East-Asian experience, paper presented to the conference on 'The Changing Role of the State', Rabat: Economic Research Forum, 1995.
Harik & Sullivan, Privatization and Liberalization. In Tschirgi, Development in the Age of Liberalization, an interesting comparison in made between the liberalisation policies of Egypt and Mexico. For a comparison of Egypt with the 'East Asian experience', see H-J Chang, M Said & Kh Sakr, 'Industrial policy and the role of the state in Egypt: the relevance of the East-Asian experience, paper presented to the conference on 'The Changing Role of the State', Rabat: Economic Research Forum, 1995.
Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, p 389.
Ayubi, Over-stating the Arab State, p 389.
Leca, 'Democratization in the Arab world', p 71.
Leca, 'Democratization in the Arab world', p 71.
Perthes, "The private sector', p 263.
Perthes, "The private sector', p 263.
Further research may (or may not) find parallels with the situation in Mexico where technoburoćrats, or technocrats, adopted international integration and economic liberalisation strategies as the only economic solution for the country's predicament. By emphasising the failure of the old model, they dwarfed the role of the nationalist polilicos who had earlier dominated the economic policy of import-substitution industrialisation. B Hogenboom, 'Mexico. Open regionalism and the politics of a transnationalizing state'. International Journal of Political Economy, 26 (3), 1996, pp 12-31.
Further research may (or may not) find parallels with the situation in Mexico where technoburoćrats, or technocrats, adopted international integration and economic liberalisation strategies as the only economic solution for the country's predicament. By emphasising the failure of the old model, they dwarfed the role of the nationalist polilicos who had earlier dominated the economic policy of import-substitution industrialisation. B Hogenboom, 'Mexico. Open regionalism and the politics of a transnationalizing state'. International Journal of Political Economy, 26 (3), 1996, pp 12-31.
Abdel-Fadil enumerates: leather products, light chemicals, light engineering goods, electrical products. Abdel-Fadil, 'Macroeconomic tendencies', p 125. This does not necessarily exclude, however, the possibility of keeping some import-substition elements, as the case of the Asian newly industrialised countries has shown. See M Sakbani, 'Comment', in S EL-Najjar (ed), Foreign and Intratrade Policies of Arab Countries, Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1992, p 90
Abdel-Fadil enumerates: leather products, light chemicals, light engineering goods, electrical products. Abdel-Fadil, 'Macroeconomic tendencies', p 125. This does not necessarily exclude, however, the possibility of keeping some import-substition elements, as the case of the Asian newly industrialised countries has shown. See M Sakbani, 'Comment', in S EL-Najjar (ed), Foreign and Intratrade Policies of Arab Countries, Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1992, p 90;
p 163; and Change et al, 'Industrial policy', p 26.
P Guerrieri, 'Globalism and regionalism in the world economy and the Middle East', in Guazzone, The Middle East in Global Change, p 163; and Change et al, 'Industrial policy', p 26.
'Globalism and Regionalism in the World Economy and the middle East', in Guazzone, the middle East in Global Change
Guerrieri, P.1
Perthes points out that many productive activities need markets of scale that no single country can offer. 'Automobile production, the production of rails and railroad cars, even the production of heavy machinery would make sense if designed for one large Middle Eastern or Arab economic zone. Arab computer (and software) production, regional development of modem solar energy equipment, and water saving technologies for industry and agriculture, to mention but a few possibilities, could all be economically valid undertakings. But only in cooperation could regional states afford the R&D expenses that would be needed to boost their own technology development'. Perthes 'Arab economic cooperation: power versus efficiency', International Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, 1996, p 275. See also Padoan, 'The political economy of regional integration in the Middle East', in Guazzone, Tlie Middle East in Global Change, p 199;
Perthes points out that many productive activities need markets of scale that no single country can offer. 'Automobile production, the production of rails and railroad cars, even the production of heavy machinery would make sense if designed for one large Middle Eastern or Arab economic zone. Arab computer (and software) production, regional development of modem solar energy equipment, and water saving technologies for industry and agriculture, to mention but a few possibilities, could all be economically valid undertakings. But only in cooperation could regional states afford the R&D expenses that would be needed to boost their own technology development'. Perthes 'Arab economic cooperation: power versus efficiency', International Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, 1996, p 275. See also Padoan, 'The political economy of regional integration in the Middle East', in Guazzone, Tlie Middle East in Global Change, p 199;
Abdel-Fadil, 'Macroeconomic tendencies', pp 124-126
Abdel-Fadil, 'Macroeconomic tendencies', pp 124-126;
Guerrieri, 'Globalism and regionalism', p 168. See also Padoan's succinct, though solid analysis of macrocconomic performances and national policies. Padoan, "The political economy', pp 184-194.
Guerrieri, 'Globalism and regionalism', p 168. See also Padoan's succinct, though solid analysis of macrocconomic performances and national policies. Padoan, "The political economy', pp 184-194.
Sayigh, ' "System" breakdown', p 63.
Sayigh, ' "System" breakdown', p 63.
Since Khatami's election as President (May 1997), the situation in Iran looks different, Iranian politics are definitely, though carefully, changing tack.
Since Khatami's election as President (May 1997), the situation in Iran looks different, Iranian politics are definitely, though carefully, changing tack.
Guazzone, 'A map and some hypotheses', p 242.
Guazzone, 'A map and some hypotheses', p 242.
9, 1996, pp 89-90.
Murphy adds: 'The Middle East increasingly may become split, not on the basis of Arabs and Israelis, but on an east-west, Mediterranean-Orient axis.' See E Murphy, "The Arab-Israeli peace process'. Critique. Journal for Critical Studies of the Middle East, 9, 1996, pp 89-90.
"The Arab-Israeli Peace Process'. Critique. Journal for Critical Studies of the middle East
Murphy, E.1