1 The Schengen Implementing Agreement of 19 June 1990 introduces a series of provisions to compensate for the abolition of border controls in the Schengen area. As from March 1995, it was applied among Germany, France, the Benelux countries, Spain and Portugal. Italy and Greece have acceded to the Convention, but are excluded from its application until a later stage. Austria acceded to the Convention in April 1995 and it is expected that all Nordic States will join the Schengen club. Although the Schengen Agreements are part of International Law and not European Law, they have, nevertheless, been the model for the emerging European immigration policy. The Schengen Convention stipulates that Community rules take precedence over the Schengen in the event of conflict (Article 134), and efforts are made for the Schengen's incorporation in the Third Pillar structure
Brussels, European Interuniversity press
3 J. Monar and R. Morgan (eds), The Third Pillar of the European Union: Co-operation in the Fields of Justice and Home Affairs (Brussels, Interuniversity Press, 1994); G. D. Korella and P. M. Twomey (eds), Towards a European Immigration Policy (Brussels, European Interuniversity press, 1995).
Towards a European Immigration Policy
Korella, G.D.1
Twomey, P.M.2
London, Pinter
4 S. Castles and M. J. Miller, The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World (London, Macmillan, 1993); S. Collinson, European and International Migration (London, Pinter, 1993)
European and International Migration
Collinson, S.1
London, Routledge
5 See D. Cesarani and M. Filbrook (eds), Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (London, Routledge, 1996); P. Weil, 'Nationalities and Citizenships' in Cesarani and Fulbrook, Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe', T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985); M. Baldwin-Edwards and M. A. Schain, 'The politics of immigration', West European Politics: Special Issue, 17, 2 (1994); J. Wrench and J. Solomos (eds), Racism and Migration in Western Europe (Oxford, Berg, 1993); J. Rex and B. Dury (eds), Ethnic Mobilization in a Multi-Cultural Europe (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994).
Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe
Cesarani, D.1
Filbrook, M.2
'Nationalities and citizenships'
Cesarani and Fulbrook, T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
5 See D. Cesarani and M. Filbrook (eds), Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (London, Routledge, 1996); P. Weil, 'Nationalities and Citizenships' in Cesarani and Fulbrook, Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe', T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985); M. Baldwin-Edwards and M. A. Schain, 'The politics of immigration', West European Politics: Special Issue, 17, 2 (1994); J. Wrench and J. Solomos (eds), Racism and Migration in Western Europe (Oxford, Berg, 1993); J. Rex and B. Dury (eds), Ethnic Mobilization in a Multi-Cultural Europe (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994).
Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe'
Weil, P.1
'The politics of immigration'
5 See D. Cesarani and M. Filbrook (eds), Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (London, Routledge, 1996); P. Weil, 'Nationalities and Citizenships' in Cesarani and Fulbrook, Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe', T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985); M. Baldwin-Edwards and M. A. Schain, 'The politics of immigration', West European Politics: Special Issue, 17, 2 (1994); J. Wrench and J. Solomos (eds), Racism and Migration in Western Europe (Oxford, Berg, 1993); J. Rex and B. Dury (eds), Ethnic Mobilization in a Multi-Cultural Europe (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994).
West European Politics: Special Issue
, vol.17
, pp. 2
Baldwin-Edwards, M.1
Schain, M.A.2
Oxford, Berg
5 See D. Cesarani and M. Filbrook (eds), Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (London, Routledge, 1996); P. Weil, 'Nationalities and Citizenships' in Cesarani and Fulbrook, Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe', T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985); M. Baldwin-Edwards and M. A. Schain, 'The politics of immigration', West European Politics: Special Issue, 17, 2 (1994); J. Wrench and J. Solomos (eds), Racism and Migration in Western Europe (Oxford, Berg, 1993); J. Rex and B. Dury (eds), Ethnic Mobilization in a Multi-Cultural Europe (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994).
Racism and Migration in Western Europe
Wrench, J.1
Solomos, J.2
Aldershot, Avebury
5 See D. Cesarani and M. Filbrook (eds), Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe (London, Routledge, 1996); P. Weil, 'Nationalities and Citizenships' in Cesarani and Fulbrook, Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe', T. Hammar (ed.), European Immigration Policy: a Comparative Study (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985); M. Baldwin-Edwards and M. A. Schain, 'The politics of immigration', West European Politics: Special Issue, 17, 2 (1994); J. Wrench and J. Solomos (eds), Racism and Migration in Western Europe (Oxford, Berg, 1993); J. Rex and B. Dury (eds), Ethnic Mobilization in a Multi-Cultural Europe (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994).
Ethnic Mobilization in A Multi-cultural Europe
Rex, J.1
Dury, B.2
'Alternative ethical perspectives on transnational migration'
R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press)
7 The debate on free movement and borders used to be conducted in crudely dichotomous terms: either as an affirmation of the national state's or a democratic community's right to exclude, or as an open admissions policy and a universal right to transnational movement. But this dichotomy has been persuasively questioned, thereby opening up room for a range of intermediate positions or even for arguments beyond, which could make much difference in practice (See T. Nardin, 'Alternative Ethical Perspectives on Transnational Migration' in R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), Free Movement (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press), pp. 267-78; V. Bader, 'Citizenship and exclusion', Political Theory, 23, 2 (1995), 211-46; B. Parekh, 'Three Theories of Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens (London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press, 1994), pp. 91-110. Notwithstanding this opportunity for the introduction of more effective arguments to the political game, the debate has now drifted from openness and liberal admission policies to 'legitimate closure', as theorists, with the exception of Goodin and Dummett, seem keen on considering an ever increasing list of 'legitimate' reasons for excluding immigrants; R. E. Goodin, 'Inclusion and exclusion', Archives Europ. de Sociologie, 2 (1996), 343-71; A. Dummett, The Transnational Migration of People Seen from within a Natural Law Perspective' in Goodin and Barry, Free Movement, pp. 169-80.
Free Movement
, pp. 267-278
Nardin, T.1
'Citizenship and exclusion'
7 The debate on free movement and borders used to be conducted in crudely dichotomous terms: either as an affirmation of the national state's or a democratic community's right to exclude, or as an open admissions policy and a universal right to transnational movement. But this dichotomy has been persuasively questioned, thereby opening up room for a range of intermediate positions or even for arguments beyond, which could make much difference in practice (See T. Nardin, 'Alternative Ethical Perspectives on Transnational Migration' in R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), Free Movement (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press), pp. 267-78; V. Bader, 'Citizenship and exclusion', Political Theory, 23, 2 (1995), 211-46; B. Parekh, 'Three Theories of Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens (London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press, 1994), pp. 91-110. Notwithstanding this opportunity for the introduction of more effective arguments to the political game, the debate has now drifted from openness and liberal admission policies to 'legitimate closure', as theorists, with the exception of Goodin and Dummett, seem keen on considering an ever increasing list of 'legitimate' reasons for excluding immigrants; R. E. Goodin, 'Inclusion and exclusion', Archives Europ. de Sociologie, 2 (1996), 343-71; A. Dummett, The Transnational Migration of People Seen from within a Natural Law Perspective' in Goodin and Barry, Free Movement, pp. 169-80.
Political Theory
, vol.23
, Issue.2
, pp. 211-246
Bader, V.1
'Three theories of immigration'
S. Spencer (ed.), London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press
7 The debate on free movement and borders used to be conducted in crudely dichotomous terms: either as an affirmation of the national state's or a democratic community's right to exclude, or as an open admissions policy and a universal right to transnational movement. But this dichotomy has been persuasively questioned, thereby opening up room for a range of intermediate positions or even for arguments beyond, which could make much difference in practice (See T. Nardin, 'Alternative Ethical Perspectives on Transnational Migration' in R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), Free Movement (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press), pp. 267-78; V. Bader, 'Citizenship and exclusion', Political Theory, 23, 2 (1995), 211-46; B. Parekh, 'Three Theories of Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens (London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press, 1994), pp. 91-110. Notwithstanding this opportunity for the introduction of more effective arguments to the political game, the debate has now drifted from openness and liberal admission policies to 'legitimate closure', as theorists, with the exception of Goodin and Dummett, seem keen on considering an ever increasing list of 'legitimate' reasons for excluding immigrants; R. E. Goodin, 'Inclusion and exclusion', Archives Europ. de Sociologie, 2 (1996), 343-71; A. Dummett, The Transnational Migration of People Seen from within a Natural Law Perspective' in Goodin and Barry, Free Movement, pp. 169-80.
Strangers and Citizens
, pp. 91-110
Parekh, B.1
'Inclusion and exclusion'
7 The debate on free movement and borders used to be conducted in crudely dichotomous terms: either as an affirmation of the national state's or a democratic community's right to exclude, or as an open admissions policy and a universal right to transnational movement. But this dichotomy has been persuasively questioned, thereby opening up room for a range of intermediate positions or even for arguments beyond, which could make much difference in practice (See T. Nardin, 'Alternative Ethical Perspectives on Transnational Migration' in R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), Free Movement (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press), pp. 267-78; V. Bader, 'Citizenship and exclusion', Political Theory, 23, 2 (1995), 211-46; B. Parekh, 'Three Theories of Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens (London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press, 1994), pp. 91-110. Notwithstanding this opportunity for the introduction of more effective arguments to the political game, the debate has now drifted from openness and liberal admission policies to 'legitimate closure', as theorists, with the exception of Goodin and Dummett, seem keen on considering an ever increasing list of 'legitimate' reasons for excluding immigrants; R. E. Goodin, 'Inclusion and exclusion', Archives Europ. de Sociologie, 2 (1996), 343-71; A. Dummett, The Transnational Migration of People Seen from within a Natural Law Perspective' in Goodin and Barry, Free Movement, pp. 169-80.
Archives Europ. De Sociologie
, vol.2
, pp. 343-371
Goodin, R.E.1
The transnational migration of people seen from within a natural law perspective'
Goodin and Barry
7 The debate on free movement and borders used to be conducted in crudely dichotomous terms: either as an affirmation of the national state's or a democratic community's right to exclude, or as an open admissions policy and a universal right to transnational movement. But this dichotomy has been persuasively questioned, thereby opening up room for a range of intermediate positions or even for arguments beyond, which could make much difference in practice (See T. Nardin, 'Alternative Ethical Perspectives on Transnational Migration' in R. Goodin and B. Barry (eds), Free Movement (Pennsylvania, Pennyslvania State University Press), pp. 267-78; V. Bader, 'Citizenship and exclusion', Political Theory, 23, 2 (1995), 211-46; B. Parekh, 'Three Theories of Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens (London, IPPR/Rivers Oram Press, 1994), pp. 91-110. Notwithstanding this opportunity for the introduction of more effective arguments to the political game, the debate has now drifted from openness and liberal admission policies to 'legitimate closure', as theorists, with the exception of Goodin and Dummett, seem keen on considering an ever increasing list of 'legitimate' reasons for excluding immigrants; R. E. Goodin, 'Inclusion and exclusion', Archives Europ. de Sociologie, 2 (1996), 343-71; A. Dummett, The Transnational Migration of People Seen from within a Natural Law Perspective' in Goodin and Barry, Free Movement, pp. 169-80.
Free Movement
, pp. 169-180
Dummett, A.1
8 Both Carens and Dummett concede that the right to free movement is not a politically feasible option, but an ideal target, or a critical standard by which to assess existing policies; Carens, 'Migration and Morality', p. 45; Dummett, 'The Transnational Migration of People', p. 179.
'Migration and Morality'
, pp. 45
8 Both Carens and Dummett concede that the right to free movement is not a politically feasible option, but an ideal target, or a critical standard by which to assess existing policies; Carens, 'Migration and Morality', p. 45; Dummett, 'The Transnational Migration of People', p. 179.
'The Transnational Migration of People'
, pp. 179
New Haven, Yale University Press
9 The terms are taken from L. Fuller's, The Morality of Law (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1964).
The Morality of Law
Fuller, L.1
10 Hammar, European Immigration Policy; R. Cohen, The New Helots: Migrants in the International Division of Labour (Farnborough, Avebury, 1987).
European immigration policy
'Fortress Europe and (Extra-Communitarian) refugees: Cooperation in sealing off the external borders'
H. Schermers et al. (eds), Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff
11 H. J. d'Oliveira, 'Fortress Europe and (Extra-Communitarian) Refugees: Cooperation in Sealing Off the External Borders' in H. Schermers et al. (eds), Free Movement of Persons in Europe (Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff, 1993), pp. 166-82, p. 167.
Free Movement of Persons in Europe
, pp. 166-182
D'Oliveira, H.J.1
Oxford, Blackwell
12 Z. L. Henry, The Politics of Immigration: Immigration, 'Race' and 'Race' Relations in Post-war Britain (Oxford, Blackwell, 1994); A. Findlay, 'An Economic Audit of Contemporary Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens, pp. 159-201, p. 168.
The Politics of Immigration: Immigration, 'Race' and 'Race' Relations in Post-war Britain
Henry, Z.L.1
'An economic audit of contemporary immigration'
S. Spencer (ed.)
12 Z. L. Henry, The Politics of Immigration: Immigration, 'Race' and 'Race' Relations in Post-war Britain (Oxford, Blackwell, 1994); A. Findlay, 'An Economic Audit of Contemporary Immigration' in S. Spencer (ed.), Strangers and Citizens, pp. 159-201, p. 168.
Strangers and Citizens
, pp. 159-201
Findlay, A.1
Towards an authoritarian European state'
13 T. Bunyan, Towards an authoritarian European state', Race and Class, 32 (1991), 19-24.
Race and Class
, vol.32
, pp. 19-24
Bunyan, T.1
'The legal bases of the Third Pillar and its position in the framework of the Union treaty'
14 P.-C. Muller-Graf, 'The legal bases of the Third Pillar and its position in the framework of the Union treaty', Common Market Law Review, 31 (1994), 493-510.
Common Market Law Review
, vol.31
, pp. 493-510
Muller-Graf, P.-C.1
'The emergence of a European immigration policy'
15 D. O'Keeffe, 'The emergence of a European immigration policy', European Law Review, 20 (1995), 20-36; 'Recasting the Third Pillar', Common Market Law Review, 32 (1995), 893-920.
European Law Review
, vol.20
, pp. 20-36
O'Keeffe, D.1
'Recasting the Third Pillar'
15 D. O'Keeffe, 'The emergence of a European immigration policy', European Law Review, 20 (1995), 20-36; 'Recasting the Third Pillar', Common Market Law Review, 32 (1995), 893-920.
Common Market Law Review
, vol.32
, pp. 893-920
'Abolition of border controls'
Schermers et al.
16 J. P. H. Donner, 'Abolition of Border Controls', in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 5-26; P. Boeles, 'Data Exchange, Privacy and Legal Protection Especially Regarding Aliens' in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 52-7; F. Hondius, 'Legal Aspects of the Movement of Persons in Greater Europe', Yearbook of European Law, 10 (Oxford, Clarendon, 1991).
Free Movement of Persons in Europe
, pp. 5-26
Donner, J.P.H.1
'Data exchange, privacy and legal protection especially regarding aliens'
Schermers et al.
16 J. P. H. Donner, 'Abolition of Border Controls', in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 5-26; P. Boeles, 'Data Exchange, Privacy and Legal Protection Especially Regarding Aliens' in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 52-7; F. Hondius, 'Legal Aspects of the Movement of Persons in Greater Europe', Yearbook of European Law, 10 (Oxford, Clarendon, 1991).
Free Movement of Persons in Europe
, pp. 52-57
Boeles, P.1
'Legal aspects of the movement of persons in Greater Europe'
Oxford, Clarendon
16 J. P. H. Donner, 'Abolition of Border Controls', in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 5-26; P. Boeles, 'Data Exchange, Privacy and Legal Protection Especially Regarding Aliens' in Schermers et al., Free Movement of Persons in Europe, pp. 52-7; F. Hondius, 'Legal Aspects of the Movement of Persons in Greater Europe', Yearbook of European Law, 10 (Oxford, Clarendon, 1991).
Yearbook of European Law
, vol.10
Hondius, F.1
London, Pluto
17 M. Spencer, States of Injustice (London, Pluto, 1995); H. Storey, 'International Law and Human Rights Obligations' in S. Spencer, Strangers and Citizens; M. den Boer, 'Moving between Bogus and Bona Fide: the Policing of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe' in Miles and Thranhardt, Migration and European Integration.
States of Injustice
Spencer, M.1
'International law and human rights obligations'
S. Spencer
17 M. Spencer, States of Injustice (London, Pluto, 1995); H. Storey, 'International Law and Human Rights Obligations' in S. Spencer, Strangers and Citizens; M. den Boer, 'Moving between Bogus and Bona Fide: the Policing of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe' in Miles and Thranhardt, Migration and European Integration.
Strangers and Citizens
Storey, H.1
'Moving between bogus and bona fide: The policing of inclusion and exclusion in Europe'
Miles and Thranhardt
17 M. Spencer, States of Injustice (London, Pluto, 1995); H. Storey, 'International Law and Human Rights Obligations' in S. Spencer, Strangers and Citizens; M. den Boer, 'Moving between Bogus and Bona Fide: the Policing of Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe' in Miles and Thranhardt, Migration and European Integration.
Migration and European Integration
Den Boer, M.1
London, Butterworths
18 For an overview of these developments, see R. Wallace, Refugees and Asylum: a Community Perspective (London, Butterworths, 1996). Compare also the EP's Resolution on the Right of Asylum, C99 167, OJ 1987, 12 March 1987.
Refugees and Asylum: A Community Perspective
Wallace, R.1
'The implications of immigration policy for race relations'
S. Spencer
19 S. Spencer, 'The Implications of Immigration Policy for Race Relations', in S. Spencer, Strangers and Citizens, pp. 306-21, p. 309.
Strangers and Citizens
, pp. 306-321
Spencer, S.1
'Judging the European Union'
21 'Judging the European Union', Justice (October 1996), 21-4.
, pp. 21-24
'Cosmopolitanism and sovereignty'
22 T. Pogge, arguing from the standpoint of institutional cosmopolitanism, has proposed a 'multilayered scheme of sovereignty'; 'Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty', Ethics, 103 (1992), 48-75.
, vol.103
, pp. 48-75
Pogge, T.1
'If the Nation-State were to wither away in Europe, what might replace it?'
23 Compare Philippe Schmitter, 'If the Nation-State Were to Wither Away in Europe, What Might Replace It?', ARENA Working Paper, 11 (1995).
ARENA Working Paper
, vol.11
Schmitter, P.1
'Reshaping the state in Western Europe: The limits to retreat'
24 W. C. Muller and V. Wright, 'Reshaping the state in Western Europe: the limits to retreat', West European Politics, 17 (1994), 1-11. See also N. MacCormick, 'Liberalism, nationalism and the post-sovereign state', Political Studies, XLIV (1996), 553-67.
West European Politics
, vol.17
, pp. 1-11
Muller, W.C.1
Wright, V.2
'Liberalism, nationalism and the post-sovereign state'
24 W. C. Muller and V. Wright, 'Reshaping the state in Western Europe: the limits to retreat', West European Politics, 17 (1994), 1-11. See also N. MacCormick, 'Liberalism, nationalism and the post-sovereign state', Political Studies, XLIV (1996), 553-67.
Political Studies
, vol.44
, pp. 553-567
MacCormick, N.1
Chapter 2
25 Chapter 2.
'Judging the European Union'
26 'Judging the European Union', Justice, (October 1996), 21-4.
, pp. 21-24
Commission's Communication on Immigration and Asylum COM (94) 23 Final 23 February, 1994
27 Commission's Communication on Immigration and Asylum COM (94) 23 Final 23 February, 1994.
29 On the principles guiding a European Refugee Policy, see A3-0402/93 EP Resolution O. J. EC NO. C44 106, Wednesday 19 January 1994.
'Sovereignty and accountability in the European Community'
30 S. Williams, 'Sovereignty and accountability in the European Community', The Political Quarterly, 6 (1990), 299-327, pp. 315-7.
The Political Quarterly
, vol.6
, pp. 299-327
Williams, S.1
London, Weidenfield and Nicholson
31 A. Dummett and A. Nicol, Subjects, Citizens,. Aliens and Others: Nationality and Immigration Law (London, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 1990), p. 155.
Subjects, Citizens,. Aliens and Others: Nationality and Immigration Law
, pp. 155
Dummett, A.1
Nicol, A.2
New Haven, Yale University Press
33 R. Dahl, Democracy and its Critics (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1989), pp. 121-9.
Democracy and its Critics
, pp. 121-129
Dahl, R.1
New York, Basic
34 M. Walzer, Spheres of Justice (New York, Basic, 1983). European football clubs, however, cannot restrict the number of foreign players in national league matches, for nationality clauses contravene Article 48 EC; C-415 93 ASBL v. Bosman [1996] 1 CMLR 645.
Spheres of Justice
Walzer, M.1
35 Walzer's external principle of mutual aid places weak obligations only which may be overridden by citizens' fears that admission of aliens might imperil their existence; Spheres of Justice, pp. 40, 44-5, 47-8.
Spheres of Justice
, pp. 40
'Citizenship and the nation state in France'
37 M. Silverman, 'Citizenship and the nation state in France', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 14, 3 (1991), 339-49, p. 338.
Ethnic and Racial Studies
, vol.14
, Issue.3
, pp. 339-349
Silverman, M.1
Oxford, Clarendon
39 W. Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford, Clarendon, 1995), pp. 84-106. For a critique of Kymlicka's thesis, see D. Lenihan, 'Liberalism and the problem of cultural membership: a critical study of Kymlicka', The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, IV, No. 2 (July 1991), 401-19; J. Waldron, 'Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative', University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 25 (1992), 751-93.
Multicultural Citizenship
, pp. 84-106
Kymlicka, W.1
'Liberalism and the problem of cultural membership: A critical study of Kymlicka'
39 W. Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford, Clarendon, 1995), pp. 84-106. For a critique of Kymlicka's thesis, see D. Lenihan, 'Liberalism and the problem of cultural membership: a critical study of Kymlicka', The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, IV, No. 2 (July 1991), 401-19; J. Waldron, 'Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative', University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 25 (1992), 751-93.
The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
, vol.4
, Issue.2
, pp. 401-419
Lenihan, D.1
'Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative'
39 W. Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford, Clarendon, 1995), pp. 84-106. For a critique of Kymlicka's thesis, see D. Lenihan, 'Liberalism and the problem of cultural membership: a critical study of Kymlicka', The Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, IV, No. 2 (July 1991), 401-19; J. Waldron, 'Minority cultures and the cosmopolitan alternative', University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform, 25 (1992), 751-93.
University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform
, vol.25
, pp. 751-793
Waldron, J.1
'Struggles for recognition in constitutional states'
40 J. Habermas, 'Struggles for recognition in constitutional states', European Journal of Philosophy, 1, 2 (1993), 128-54, pp. 149-53.
European Journal of Philosophy
, vol.1
, Issue.2
, pp. 128-154
Habermas, J.1
41 J. Habermas, 'Struggles for recognition in constitutional states', pp. 139, 144, 147; 'Citizenship and national identity: some reflections on the future of Europe', Praxis International, 12 (1992), 1-19, p. 17.
'Struggles for Recognition in Constitutional States'
, pp. 139
Habermas, J.1
'Citizenship and national identity: Some reflections on the future of Europe'
41 J. Habermas, 'Struggles for recognition in constitutional states', pp. 139, 144, 147; 'Citizenship and national identity: some reflections on the future of Europe', Praxis International, 12 (1992), 1-19, p. 17.
Praxis International
, vol.12
, pp. 1-19
42 For Bader, this may be 'the best and most legitimate argument from a democratic point of view, in a defence of politics of fairly closed borders'; Citizenship and Exclusion, pp. 231-2.
Citizenship and Exclusion
, pp. 231-232
New Haven, Columbia University Press
43 K. Karst, Belonging to America (New Haven, Columbia University Press, 1989), p. 29.
Belonging to America
, pp. 29
Karst, K.1
'Aliens and citizens: The case for open borders'
44 J. Carens, 'Aliens and citizens: the case for open borders', The Review of Politics, 49 (1987), 251-73 at pp. 259-60. But compare this (p. 260) with his 'Migration and morality: a liberal egalitarian perspective' in Free Movement, pp. 25-47 at pp. 36-40. Baubock defends the right to migrate in the cases of refugees and close family members only; R. Baubock, Transnational Citizenship (Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1994), p. 318.
The Review of Politics
, vol.49
, pp. 251-273
Carens, J.1
'Migration and morality: A liberal egalitarian perspective'
44 J. Carens, 'Aliens and citizens: the case for open borders', The Review of Politics, 49 (1987), 251-73 at pp. 259-60. But compare this (p. 260) with his 'Migration and morality: a liberal egalitarian perspective' in Free Movement, pp. 25-47 at pp. 36-40. Baubock defends the right to migrate in the cases of refugees and close family members only; R. Baubock, Transnational Citizenship (Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1994), p. 318.
Free Movement
, pp. 25-47
Aldershot, Edward Elgar
44 J. Carens, 'Aliens and citizens: the case for open borders', The Review of Politics, 49 (1987), 251-73 at pp. 259-60. But compare this (p. 260) with his 'Migration and morality: a liberal egalitarian perspective' in Free Movement, pp. 25-47 at pp. 36-40. Baubock defends the right to migrate in the cases of refugees and close family members only; R. Baubock, Transnational Citizenship (Aldershot, Edward Elgar, 1994), p. 318.
Transnational Citizenship
, pp. 318
Baubock, R.1
'Towards a theory of constructive citizenship in Europe'
48 I have discussed this in 'Towards a theory of constructive citizenship in Europe', The Journal of Political Philosophy, 4, 4 (1996), 337-58.
The Journal of Political Philosophy
, vol.4
, Issue.4
, pp. 337-358
Warwick, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations
49 See R. Baubock, Immigration and the Boundaries of Citizenship (Warwick, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, 1992), pp. 121-2; 'Legitimate Immigration Control' in H. Adelman (ed.), Legitimate and Illegitimate Discrimination: New Issues in Migration (Toronto, York Lanes Press, 1995), pp. 3-40.
Immigration and the Boundaries of Citizenship
, pp. 121-122
Baubock, R.1
'Legitimate immigration control'
Toronto, York Lanes Press
49 See R. Baubock, Immigration and the Boundaries of Citizenship (Warwick, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, 1992), pp. 121-2; 'Legitimate Immigration Control' in H. Adelman (ed.), Legitimate and Illegitimate Discrimination: New Issues in Migration (Toronto, York Lanes Press, 1995), pp. 3-40.
Legitimate and Illegitimate Discrimination: New Issues in Migration
, pp. 3-40
Adelman, H.1
'In defence of nationality'
50 For the opposite claim that the realization of redistributive justice depends upon the affective ties and bonds of co-nationals, see D. Miller, 'In defence of nationality', Journal of Applied Philosophy, 10 (1993), 7-8; Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1993), p. 118.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
, vol.10
, pp. 7-8
Miller, D.1
Princeton, Princeton University Press
50 For the opposite claim that the realization of redistributive justice depends upon the affective ties and bonds of co-nationals, see D. Miller, 'In defence of nationality', Journal of Applied Philosophy, 10 (1993), 7-8; Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1993), p. 118.
Liberal Nationalism
, pp. 118
Tamir, Y.1
'Immigrant participation in the welfare system'
52 See G. Borjas, 'Immigrant participation in the welfare system', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 44 (1991), 195-211; Julian Simon, The Economic Consequences of Immigration (Oxford, Blackwell, 1989).
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
, vol.44
, pp. 195-211
Borjas, G.1
Oxford, Blackwell
52 See G. Borjas, 'Immigrant participation in the welfare system', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 44 (1991), 195-211; Julian Simon, The Economic Consequences of Immigration (Oxford, Blackwell, 1989).
The Economic Consequences of Immigration
Simon, J.1
'Immigration and wages: Evidence from the 1980s'
53 K. Butcher and D. Card, 'Immigration and wages: evidence from the 1980s', The American Economic Review, 81 (1991), 292-6.
The American Economic Review
, vol.81
, pp. 292-296
Butcher, K.1
Card, D.2