School Choice in the Year 2000
Lamar Alexander, "School Choice in the Year 2000," Phi Delta Kappan, June 1993, pp. 762-66.
Phi Delta Kappan
, pp. 762-766
Alexander, L.1
Lure of the Education Market Remains Strong for Business
31 January
See Peter Applebome, "Lure of the Education Market Remains Strong for Business," New York Times, 31 January 1996, p. A-1. This article reports that the United States spends $340 billion on preschool to high school education and that, overall, public education is a $600-billion enterprise, constituting 8.9% of the gross domestic product, second only to health care.
New York Times
Applebome, P.1
Appendix B: State Case Studies: Massachusetts
Indianapolis: Hudson Institute
See "Appendix B: State Case Studies: Massachusetts," in Chester E. Finn, Jr., Bruno Manno, and Louann Bierlein, Charter Schools in Action: What Have We Learned ? (Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1996). The authors state that "nowhere else in the universe of charter states has such a large percentage of for-profit firms been so involved in Charter Schools."
Charter Schools in Action: What Have we Learned ?
Finn C.E., Jr.1
Manno, B.2
Bierlein, L.3
Washington, D.C.: Center for Education Reform
See Angela Dale and Dave DeSchryver, The Charter School Workbook: Your Roadmap to the Charter School Movement (Washington, D.C.: Center for Education Reform, 1997). Chapter 2 of this handbook ranks charter school legislation from strongest to weakest. The Massachusetts Charter School Law is ranked the fifth strongest law in the nation.
The Charter School Workbook: Your Roadmap to the Charter School Movement
Dale, A.1
DeSchryver, D.2
See charter school applications, financial audits, and end-of-the-year reports, which are available from the State Charter School Office, l Ashburton Place, Rm. 1403, Boston, MA 02108
See charter school applications, financial audits, and end-of-the-year reports, which are available from the State Charter School Office, l Ashburton Place, Rm. 1403, Boston, MA 02108.
Malden: Massachusetts Department of Education, January
For these data, see The Massachusetts Charter School Initiative (Malden: Massachusetts Department of Education, January 1997).
The Massachusetts Charter School Initiative
See Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann Bierlein, and Bruno Manno, Charter Schools in Action: A First Look (Washington, D.C.: Educational Excellence Network, 1996); and Bruno Manno et al., "Charter Schools: Accomplishments and Dilemmas," Teachers College Record, Spring 1998, pp. 537-58.
The Massachusetts Charter School Initiative
Finn, M.1
Washington, D.C.: Educational Excellence Network
See Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann Bierlein, and Bruno Manno, Charter Schools in Action: A First Look (Washington, D.C.: Educational Excellence Network, 1996); and Bruno Manno et al., "Charter Schools: Accomplishments and Dilemmas," Teachers College Record, Spring 1998, pp. 537-58.
Charter Schools in Action: A First Look
Finn C.E., Jr.1
Bierlein, L.2
Manno, B.3
Charter Schools: Accomplishments and Dilemmas
See Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Chester E. Finn, Jr., Louann Bierlein, and Bruno Manno, Charter Schools in Action: A First Look (Washington, D.C.: Educational Excellence Network, 1996); and Bruno Manno et al., "Charter Schools: Accomplishments and Dilemmas," Teachers College Record, Spring 1998, pp. 537-58.
Teachers College Record
, pp. 537-558
Manno, B.1
Malden: Information and Outreach Service, Massachusetts Department of Education, March
For these statistics, see 1996-97 School Systems Summary Report: Special Education Incidence (Malden: Information and Outreach Service, Massachusetts Department of Education, March 1998).
1996-97 School Systems Summary Report: Special Education Incidence
M.G.L. c.71. Sec. 89; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § § 1401-1491; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794
M.G.L. c.71. Sec. 89; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § § 1401-1491; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. § 794.
The Edison Project Scores - And Stumbles - In Boston
Peggy Farber, "The Edison Project Scores - and Stumbles - in Boston," Phi Delta Kappan, March 1998, pp. 506-11.
Phi Delta Kappan
, pp. 506-511
Farber, P.1
Shayna W. v. Boston Renaissance School, BSEA 96-1272 (Boston, 1996); and Rebha G. v. Boston Renaissance School, BSEA 96-2207 (Boston, 1996)
Shayna W. v. Boston Renaissance School, BSEA 96-1272 (Boston, 1996); and Rebha G. v. Boston Renaissance School, BSEA 96-2207 (Boston, 1996).
Charter Schools and Their Legal Responsibilities Toward Children with Disabilities
Chicago, November
For detailed explanations of the legal obligations of charter schools toward students with disabilities and discussions of the legality of counseling out, see Joseph R. McKinney, "Charter Schools and Their Legal Responsibilities Toward Children with Disabilities," paper presented at the annual meeting of the Education Law Association, Chicago, November 1997; Jay Heubert, "Schools Without Rules? Charter Schools, Federal Disability Law, and the Paradoxes of Deregulation," Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Summer 1997, pp. 301-53; and Questions and Answers: Application of Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools (Washington, D.C.: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, November 1997).
Annual Meeting of the Education Law Association
McKinney, J.R.1
Schools Without Rules? Charter Schools, Federal Disability Law, and the Paradoxes of Deregulation
For detailed explanations of the legal obligations of charter schools toward students with disabilities and discussions of the legality of counseling out, see Joseph R. McKinney, "Charter Schools and Their Legal Responsibilities Toward Children with Disabilities," paper presented at the annual meeting of the Education Law Association, Chicago, November 1997; Jay Heubert, "Schools Without Rules? Charter Schools, Federal Disability Law, and the Paradoxes of Deregulation," Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Summer 1997, pp. 301-53; and Questions and Answers: Application of Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools (Washington, D.C.: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, November 1997).
Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
, pp. 301-353
Heubert, J.1
Washington, D.C.: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, November
For detailed explanations of the legal obligations of charter schools toward students with disabilities and discussions of the legality of counseling out, see Joseph R. McKinney, "Charter Schools and Their Legal Responsibilities Toward Children with Disabilities," paper presented at the annual meeting of the Education Law Association, Chicago, November 1997; Jay Heubert, "Schools Without Rules? Charter Schools, Federal Disability Law, and the Paradoxes of Deregulation," Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Summer 1997, pp. 301-53; and Questions and Answers: Application of Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools (Washington, D.C.: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, November 1997).
Questions and Answers: Application of Federal Civil Rights Laws to Public Charter Schools
Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities: Findings from the First Nationwide Survey of Charter Schools and Special Education
Milwaukee, April
Nancy J. Zollers, "Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities: Findings from the First Nationwide Survey of Charter Schools and Special Education," paper presented at the Annual Charter School Conference, Milwaukee, April 1995.
Annual Charter School Conference
Zollers, N.J.1
Good Intentions Gone Awry in Special Education
11 March
Chester E. Finn, Jr., "Good Intentions Gone Awry in Special Education," National Review, 11 March 1996, pp. 18-25; Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Finn, Bierlein, and Manno, op. cit.; and Manno et al., op. cit.
National Review
, pp. 18-25
Finn C.E., Jr.1
Chester E. Finn, Jr., "Good Intentions Gone Awry in Special Education," National Review, 11 March 1996, pp. 18-25; Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Finn, Bierlein, and Manno, op. cit.; and Manno et al., op. cit.
National Review
Finn, M.1
Chester E. Finn, Jr., "Good Intentions Gone Awry in Special Education," National Review, 11 March 1996, pp. 18-25; Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Finn, Bierlein, and Manno, op. cit.; and Manno et al., op. cit.
National Review
Finn, B.M.1
Chester E. Finn, Jr., "Good Intentions Gone Awry in Special Education," National Review, 11 March 1996, pp. 18-25; Finn, Manno, and Bierlein, op. cit.; Finn, Bierlein, and Manno, op. cit.; and Manno et al., op. cit.
National Review
For a comparison of education expenditures by district, see the Massachusetts Department of Education website (doe.mass.edu/pub/win/pp96day.xls).
memorandum from Secretary Piedad Robertson and Commissioner Robert Antonucci to Secretary Charles Baker, 8 December
For an explanation of how Massachusetts calculates average cost per student for charter school funding, sec "Technical Advisory - Definition of Average Cost Per Student," memorandum from Secretary Piedad Robertson and Commissioner Robert Antonucci to Secretary Charles Baker, 8 December 1994.
Technical Advisory - Definition of Average Cost Per Student
Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute
For an overview of the history of educational management companies and an analysis of their present and previous efforts to make money in public education, sec Craig E. Richards, Rima Shore, and Max B. Sawicky, Risky Business: Private Management of Public Schools (Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute, 1996); and F. Howard Nelson, "How Private Management Firms Seek to Make Money in Public Schools," Journal of School Business Management, Spring 1997, pp. 73-92.
Risky Business: Private Management of Public Schools
Richards, C.E.1
Shore, R.2
Sawicky, M.B.3
How Private Management Firms Seek to Make Money in Public Schools
For an overview of the history of educational management companies and an analysis of their present and previous efforts to make money in public education, sec Craig E. Richards, Rima Shore, and Max B. Sawicky, Risky Business: Private Management of Public Schools (Washington, D.C.: Economic Policy Institute, 1996); and F. Howard Nelson, "How Private Management Firms Seek to Make Money in Public Schools," Journal of School Business Management, Spring 1997, pp. 73-92.
Journal of School Business Management
, pp. 73-92
Howard Nelson, F.1
What General Motors Can Teach U.S. Schools about the Proper Role of Markets in Education Reform
Richard J. Murnane and Frank Levy, "What General Motors Can Teach U.S. Schools About the Proper Role of Markets in Education Reform," Phi Delta Kappan, October 1996, pp. 108-14.
Phi Delta Kappan
, pp. 108-114
Murnane, R.J.1
Levy, F.2
For an analysis of management companies' curricula and instruction: their heavy reliance on inexperienced, first-year teachers; and the "inclusion" model as part of their overall business strategy, see Richards, Shore, and Sawicky, op. cit.; Nelson, op. cit.; and idem, Student Achievement in Edison Schools: Mixed Results in an Ongoing Enterprise (Washington, D.C.; American Federation of Teachers, Spring 1998).
Phi Delta Kappan
Richards, S.1
For an analysis of management companies' curricula and instruction: their heavy reliance on inexperienced, first-year teachers; and the "inclusion" model as part of their overall business strategy, see Richards, Shore, and Sawicky, op. cit.; Nelson, op. cit.; and idem, Student Achievement in Edison Schools: Mixed Results in an Ongoing Enterprise (Washington, D.C.; American Federation of Teachers, Spring 1998).
Phi Delta Kappan
Washington, D.C.; American Federation of Teachers, Spring
For an analysis of management companies' curricula and instruction: their heavy reliance on inexperienced, first-year teachers; and the "inclusion" model as part of their overall business strategy, see Richards, Shore, and Sawicky, op. cit.; Nelson, op. cit.; and idem, Student Achievement in Edison Schools: Mixed Results in an Ongoing Enterprise (Washington, D.C.; American Federation of Teachers, Spring 1998).
Student Achievement in Edison Schools: Mixed Results in an Ongoing Enterprise
Conflicts of Interest Cited in Charter School Awards; Board Members Deny Opponents' Charge
28 February
Adrian Walker, "Conflicts of Interest Cited in Charter School Awards; Board Members Deny Opponents' Charge," Boston Globe, 28 February 1998, p. B-1; and Carolyn Ryan, "Ex-Gov. Aide to Cash In on Kids; Advisor Who Co-Wrote Law Gets Two School Charters," Boston Herald, 27 February 1998, p. A-1.
Boston Globe
Walker, A.1
Ex-Gov. Aide to Cash in on Kids; Advisor Who Co-Wrote Law Gets Two School Charters
27 February
Adrian Walker, "Conflicts of Interest Cited in Charter School Awards; Board Members Deny Opponents' Charge," Boston Globe, 28 February 1998, p. B-1; and Carolyn Ryan, "Ex-Gov. Aide to Cash In on Kids; Advisor Who Co-Wrote Law Gets Two School Charters," Boston Herald, 27 February 1998, p. A-1.
Boston Herald
Ryan, C.1
Outgoing Chief Blasts Ed. Board
1 July
Jordana Hart, "Outgoing Chief Blasts Ed. Board," Boston Globe, 1 July 1998, p. A-1.
Boston Globe
Hart, J.1
All in a Day's Work: Jeers, Cheers, and Changing Gears
15 January
Patrick Collins, "All in a Day's Work: Jeers, Cheers, and Changing Gears," Standard Times, 15 January 1997, p. A-1.
Standard Times
Collins, P.1
Malden: Program Quality Assurance, Massachusetts Department of Education, September
Coordinated Program Review: Boston Renaissance Charter School (Malden: Program Quality Assurance, Massachusetts Department of Education, September 1997).
Coordinated Program Review: Boston Renaissance Charter School
memorandum from Undersecretary Jim Peyser to charter schools and school superintendents, 25 July
"Charter School Technical Advisory: Subject Special Education," memorandum from Undersecretary Jim Peyser to charter schools and school superintendents, 25 July 1995.
Charter School Technical Advisory: Subject Special Education
The Sixth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education
For a discussion of the stratifying effects of school choice, see Gerald W. Bracey, "The Sixth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education," Phi Delta Kappan, October 1996, pp. 129-31; and for a report exploring this issue in England, see Kathryn Stearns, School Reform: Lessons from England: A Special Report (Princeton, NJ.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1996).
Phi Delta Kappan
, pp. 129-131
Bracey, G.W.1
Princeton, NJ.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
For a discussion of the stratifying effects of school choice, see Gerald W. Bracey, "The Sixth Bracey Report on the Condition of Public Education," Phi Delta Kappan, October 1996, pp. 129-31; and for a report exploring this issue in England, see Kathryn Stearns, School Reform: Lessons from England: A Special Report (Princeton, NJ.: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1996).
School Reform: Lessons from England: A Special Report
Stearns, K.1