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Volumn 59, Issue 20, 1999, Pages 13054-13066

Noise in multiterminal diffusive conductors: universality, nonlocality, and exchange effects

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EID: 0000263530     PISSN: 10980121     EISSN: 1550235X     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.59.13054     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (96)

References (46)
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    • This contribution is of order (Formula presented) in the diffusive regime, where the mean free path l is much smaller than the size of the conductor L
    • This contribution is of order (Formula presented) in the diffusive regime, where the mean free path l is much smaller than the size of the conductor L.
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    • We mention here that this assumption is an idealization. In a real experiment the heating of the electron gas in the reservoirs caused by the electron-electron interaction is hard to avoid, which makes the experimental observation of the suppression factor of (Formula presented) a difficult task. On the other hand, the universality of noise (see Sec. IV A) allows us to pull out the contact surfaces (Formula presented) far into the reservoirs. Thus, a proper choice of the metallic reservoirs provides in principle the possibility to cool down the electron gas. Therefore, we believe that the above assumption is justified. The role of reservoirs is thoroughly studied in Ref. 19
    • We mention here that this assumption is an idealization. In a real experiment the heating of the electron gas in the reservoirs caused by the electron-electron interaction is hard to avoid, which makes the experimental observation of the suppression factor of (Formula presented) a difficult task. On the other hand, the universality of noise (see Sec. IV A) allows us to pull out the contact surfaces (Formula presented) far into the reservoirs. Thus, a proper choice of the metallic reservoirs provides in principle the possibility to cool down the electron gas. Therefore, we believe that the above assumption is justified. The role of reservoirs is thoroughly studied in Ref. 19.
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    • A similar equation but in less general form has been used in Refs. 21, 22, 29 for the calculation of the shot noise in two-terminal conductors.
    • A similar equation but in less general form has been used in Refs. 21, 22, and 29 for the calculation of the shot noise in two-terminal conductors.
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    • In this form (Formula presented) together with Eq. (3.16) can be compared to the general result [Eq. (1.16)] of Ref. 27. We get (Formula presented) where (Formula presented) are scattering matrices containing all information about disorder and the shape of the conductor. The proof of this formula can be considered as a proof of the equivalence of the classical and the quantum approach to the calculation of the current noise spectrum in diffusive conductors with purely elastic scattering. However, we leave this as an open problem.
    • In this form (Formula presented) together with Eq. (3.16) can be compared to the general result [Eq. (1.16)] of Ref. 27. We get (Formula presented) where (Formula presented) are scattering matrices containing all information about disorder and the shape of the conductor. The proof of this formula can be considered as a proof of the equivalence of the classical and the quantum approach to the calculation of the current noise spectrum in diffusive conductors with purely elastic scattering. However, we leave this as an open problem.
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    • Our (Formula presented) differs from the one obtained in Ref. 23
    • Our (Formula presented) differs from the one obtained in Ref. 23.
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    • Our universality proof generalizes the discussion of Ref. 29, which considers a quasi-one-dimensional wire.
    • Our universality proof generalizes the discussion of Ref. 29, which considers a quasi-one-dimensional wire.
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    • In the case of hot electrons the expressions for (Formula presented) which are analogous to Eq. (4.15) are rather lengthy and we shall omit them here.
    • In the case of hot electrons the expressions for (Formula presented) which are analogous to Eq. (4.15) are rather lengthy and we shall omit them here.

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