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Volumn 12, Issue , 2014, Pages 23-43

The publication mill the beginnings of publication history as an academic merit in German universities, 1750–1810

(1)  Josephson, Peter a  


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EID: 85183734133     PISSN: 23521325     EISSN: None     Source Type: Book Series    
DOI: 10.1163/9789004271944_003     Document Type: Chapter
Times cited : (10)

References (59)
  • 4
    • 85183707478 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die Universität um 1800
    • for example, Gerhard Müller, Klaus Ries & Paul Ziche eds, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, at 31f. Walther’s point is that Jena’s popularity in the late eighteenth century should be seen as resulting from the university leadership’s strategy of recruiting famous writers
    • See, for example, Helmuth G. Walther, ‘Die Universität um 1800’, in Gerhard Müller, Klaus Ries & Paul Ziche (eds.), Die Universität Jena: Tradition und Innovation um 1800 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2001), 27–32 at 31f. Walther’s point is that Jena’s popularity in the late eighteenth century should be seen as resulting from the university leadership’s strategy of recruiting famous writers.
    • (2001) Die Universität Jena: Tradition Und Innovation Um 1800 , pp. 27-32
    • Walther, H.G.1
  • 6
    • 85183731159 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • I will not consider the re-evaluation of writing per se, however; for example, I do not go into the Romantics’ fascination with originality and its ramifications for the present context. In the period in question, the written word was to become the most important expression of one’s creative ability and originality. This has recently been treated in Thomas Karlsohn Originalitetens former: Essäer om bildning och universitet Gothenburg: Daidalos
    • I will not consider the re-evaluation of writing per se, however; for example, I do not go into the Romantics’ fascination with originality and its ramifications for the present context. In the period in question, the written word was to become the most important expression of one’s creative ability and originality. This has recently been treated in Thomas Karlsohn Originalitetens former: Essäer om bildning och universitet (Gothenburg: Daidalos, 2012).
    • (2012)
  • 10
    • 85183727802 scopus 로고
    • Bemerkungen über Johann Jacob Mosers Rede, wie Universitäten, besonders in den juristischen Facultät, in Aufnahme zu bringen und darinn zu erhalten—aus den Papieren eines verstorbenen Staatsministers und Universitätscurators’ (1786)
    • Anonymous Emil F. Rössler (ed, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, at 471 (Martin Gierl, ‘Die Universität als Aufklärungsfabrik: Über Kant, gelehrte Ware, Professoren als Fabrikgesellen und darüber, wer die universitätshistorisch herausragende programmatische Schrift des 18. Jahrhunderts in Wirklichkeit geschrieben hat’, Historische Anthropologie: Kultur, Gesellschaft, Alltag, 13/3 (2005), 367–375 identifies the author as Friedrich Phillip Carl Böll, alumnus of the University of Göttingen). Regardless of the identity of the author, his was an opinion that was shared by many in the eighteenth century
    • Anonymous, ‘Bemerkungen über Johann Jacob Mosers Rede, wie Universitäten, besonders in den juristischen Facultät, in Aufnahme zu bringen und darinn zu erhalten—aus den Papieren eines verstorbenen Staatsministers und Universitätscurators’ (1786), in Emil F. Rössler (ed.), Die Gründung der Universität Göttingen: Entwürfe, Berichte und Briefe der Zeitgenossen (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1855), 468–483 at 471 (Martin Gierl, ‘Die Universität als Aufklärungsfabrik: Über Kant, gelehrte Ware, Professoren als Fabrikgesellen und darüber, wer die universitätshistorisch herausragende programmatische Schrift des 18. Jahrhunderts in Wirklichkeit geschrieben hat’, Historische Anthropologie: Kultur, Gesellschaft, Alltag, 13/3 (2005), 367–375 identifies the author as Friedrich Phillip Carl Böll, alumnus of the University of Göttingen). Regardless of the identity of the author, his was an opinion that was shared by many in the eighteenth century;
    • (1855) Die Gründung Der Universität Göttingen: Entwürfe, Berichte Und Briefe Der Zeitgenossen , pp. 468-483
  • 11
    • 85183735503 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Denkschrift über die Einrichtung einer Academie mit Bemerkungen Just. Henning Böhmers’ (1733
    • example, at 21
    • example, Johann Lorenz von Mosheim, ‘Denkschrift über die Einrichtung einer Academie mit Bemerkungen Just. Henning Böhmers’ (1733), in Rössler 1855, 20–27 at 21.
    • Rössler , vol.1855 , pp. 20-27
    • von Mosheim, J.L.1
  • 12
    • 85183734454 scopus 로고
    • Michaëlis 1770, 228f.
    • (1770) Michaëlis , pp. 228f
  • 14
    • 85183777152 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1802, ii. 55
    • Meiners 1802, ii. 55.
    • Meiners
  • 15
    • 85183781199 scopus 로고
    • Über die Pflichten eines Lehrers und den Unterschied von Schrift und Vortrag’ (1786)
    • the inaugural lecture Meissner gave when he took up a chair in Prague, he explained that hitherto he had only communicated with his public in writing, and therefore had little experience of lecturing August id, Vienna, xxxvi
    • In the inaugural lecture Meissner gave when he took up a chair in Prague, he explained that hitherto he had only communicated with his public in writing, and therefore had little experience of lecturing (see August Gottlieb Meissner, ‘Über die Pflichten eines Lehrers und den Unterschied von Schrift und Vortrag’ (1786), in id., Sämmtliche Werke (Vienna, 1814), xxxvi. 162–171).
    • (1814) Sämmtliche Werke , pp. 162-171
    • Meissner, G.1
  • 18
    • 85183747186 scopus 로고
    • It is not easy to be precise as circumstances varied considerably, and it was partly up to individual lecturers to decide how much they wanted to teach. A full professor lectured a number of hours a day, and drew a state salary for doing so. In Leipzig, for example, the agreed time was four hours ( ed. Berlin: A. Duncker, addition, a university lecturer could teach privatissima, privately tutoring students who paid out of their own pockets: this was very common, being an important source of extra income for lecturers. In his report to Friedrich Wilhelm II, Friedrich Gedike mentioned one lecturer in Helmstädt who gave between ten and twelve colloquia a day (ibid. 8f.). Six hours a day was given as the norm by one author (Anonymous 1855, 469), and in the light of other contemporaneous sources this seems a good educated guess
    • It is not easy to be precise as circumstances varied considerably, and it was partly up to individual lecturers to decide how much they wanted to teach. A full professor lectured a number of hours a day, and drew a state salary for doing so. In Leipzig, for example, the agreed time was four hours (see ‘Der Universitäts-Bereiser’ Friedrich Gedike und sein Bericht an Friedrich Wilhelm II, i: Ergänzungsheft des Archivs für Kulturgeschichte, ed. Richard Fester (Berlin: A. Duncker, 1905), 87). In addition, a university lecturer could teach privatissima, privately tutoring students who paid out of their own pockets: this was very common, being an important source of extra income for lecturers. In his report to Friedrich Wilhelm II, Friedrich Gedike mentioned one lecturer in Helmstädt who gave between ten and twelve colloquia a day (ibid. 8f.). Six hours a day was given as the norm by one author (Anonymous 1855, 469), and in the light of other contemporaneous sources this seems a good educated guess.
    • (1905) Der Universitäts-Bereiser’ Friedrich Gedike Und Sein Bericht An Friedrich Wilhelm II, I: Ergänzungsheft Des Archivs Für Kulturgeschichte , pp. 87
    • Fester, R.1
  • 19
    • 85183724307 scopus 로고
    • Anonymous
    • Anonymous 1855, 472.
    • (1855) , pp. 472
  • 20
    • 85183769811 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1802, ii. 54f
    • Meiners 1802, ii. 54f.
    • Meiners
  • 23
    • 85183778180 scopus 로고
    • Über das Prorektorat auf Universitäten und einige andere akademische Gegenstände
    • Anonymous at 231
    • Anonymous, ‘Über das Prorektorat auf Universitäten und einige andere akademische Gegenstände’, Berlinische Monatsschrift, 1795, 220–242 at 231.
    • (1795) Berlinische Monatsschrift , pp. 220-242
  • 24
    • 85183685937 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Friedrich Phillip Carl Böll, n., 1782), 62. A slightly longer account is given in Martin Gierl who also cites some of the same quotations used here, although to different ends as his purpose is not to analyse publication as an academic merit
    • Friedrich Phillip Carl Böll, Das Universitätswesen in Briefen (n.p., 1782), 62. A slightly longer account is given in Martin Gierl 2004, 367–375, who also cites some of the same quotations used here, although to different ends as his purpose is not to analyse publication as an academic merit.
    • (2004) Das Universitätswesen in Briefen , pp. 367-375
  • 25
    • 85183779161 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • It was clear to anyone familiar with the academic world time that it was Göttingen that Böll had chosen to satirize
    • It was clear to anyone familiar with the academic world at the time that it was Göttingen that Böll had chosen to satirize.
  • 26
    • 85183683026 scopus 로고
    • Species facti
    • It is possible to follow the course of the conflict through the two authors’ salvos: id, Göttingen/ Gotha
    • It is possible to follow the course of the conflict through the two authors’ salvos: August Ludwig Schlözer, ‘Species facti’, in id., Vorstellung seiner Universal = Historie (Göttingen/ Gotha, 1772), 402–416;
    • (1772) Vorstellung Seiner Universal = Historie , pp. 402-416
    • Schlözer, A.L.1
  • 28
    • 0346586349 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The custom of reviewing one’s own work seems to have been quite common at this point, and there are plenty of examples of writers who accused one another of having done so. The is discussed in detail in Stanford: SUP
    • The custom of reviewing one’s own work seems to have been quite common at this point, and there are plenty of examples of writers who accused one another of having done so. The issue is discussed in detail in Frank Donoghue, The Fame Machine: Book-reviewing and Eigteenth-century Literary Careers (Stanford: SUP, 1996).
    • (1996) The Fame Machine: Book-Reviewing and Eigteenth-Century Literary Careers
    • Donoghue, F.1
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    • Coercive accountability: The rise of audit culture in higher education
    • Cris Shore & Susan Wright, ‘Coercive Accountability: The Rise of Audit Culture in Higher Education’, in Strathern 2000, 76f.
    • (2000) Strathern , pp. 76f
    • Shore, C.1    Wright, S.2
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    • 85183776613 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clark
    • Clark 2006, 340–372;
    • (2006) , pp. 340-372
  • 34
    • 30244464024 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • On ministerial registers of academic visitations
    • Peter Becker & William Clark eds, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, On the use of visitations for secular ends
    • William Clark, ‘On Ministerial Registers of Academic Visitations’, in Peter Becker & William Clark (eds.), Little Tools of Knowledge: Historical Essays on Academic and Bureaucratic Practices (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2001). On the use of visitations for secular ends,
    • (2001) Little Tools of Knowledge: Historical Essays on Academic and Bureaucratic Practices
    • Clark, W.1
  • 35
    • 85183784603 scopus 로고
    • Zeeden & Lang
    • Zeeden & Lang 1984, 17;
    • (1984) , pp. 17
  • 37
    • 85183750575 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Clark makes vague mention of the way in which the information was used, and the extent to which the university teachers who were assessed were made aware of the criteria used to judge their efforts
    • Clark 2006 makes vague mention of the way in which the information was used, and the extent to which the university teachers who were assessed were made aware of the criteria used to judge their efforts.
    • (2006)
  • 39
    • 85183783067 scopus 로고
    • Bogatsch, Vertraute Briefe über Halle vorzüglich die Friedrichs-Universität daselbst: Für Eltern und Jünglinge, welche die Academie daselbst beziehen wollen (Giebichenstein, 1798). There has yet to be a systematic study of the genre, despite guidebooks of this type having been common, especially for the larger universities. for example, anonymous, Leipzig
    • Bogatsch, Vertraute Briefe über Halle vorzüglich die Friedrichs-Universität daselbst: Für Eltern und Jünglinge, welche die Academie daselbst beziehen wollen (Giebichenstein, 1798). There has yet to be a systematic study of the genre, despite guidebooks of this type having been common, especially for the larger universities. See, for example, anonymous, Zeichnung der Universität Jena: Für Jünglinge welche diese Akademie besuchen wollen (Leipzig, 1798);
    • (1798) Zeichnung Der Universität Jena: Für Jünglinge Welche Diese Akademie Besuchen Wollen
  • 42
    • 85183744519 scopus 로고
    • H.F, Frankfurt/ Leipzig, For a contemporaneous discussion of how this literature may have influenced lecturers’ teaching methods, Friedrich Christian Laukhard, Briefe über Jena (Frankfurt/Leipzig, 1793), ixff
    • H.P.F., Freymüthige Briefe an Herrn Grafen von V. über den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Gelehrsamkeit der Universität under der Schulen zu Wien (Frankfurt/ Leipzig, 1775). For a contemporaneous discussion of how this literature may have influenced lecturers’ teaching methods, see Friedrich Christian Laukhard, Briefe über Jena (Frankfurt/Leipzig, 1793), ixff.
    • (1775) Freymüthige Briefe An Herrn Grafen Von V. Über Den Gegenwärtigen Zustand Der Gelehrsamkeit Der Universität Under Der Schulen Zu Wien
  • 43
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    • Journals and public opinion: The politicization of the German enlightenment in the second half of the eighteenth century
    • Eckhart Hellmuth ed, Oxford: OUP, at 427–435
    • Hans Erich Bödeker, ‘Journals and Public Opinion: The Politicization of the German Enlightenment in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century’, in Eckhart Hellmuth (ed.), The Transformation of Political Culture: England and Germany in the Late Eighteenth Century (Oxford: OUP, 1990), 423–445 at 427–435.
    • (1990) The Transformation of Political Culture: England and Germany in The Late Eighteenth Century , pp. 423-445
    • Bödeker, H.E.1
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    • Michaëlis 1770, 433f.
    • (1770) Michaëlis , pp. 433f
  • 48
    • 85183686619 scopus 로고
    • Einige Bemerkungen über akademische Gegenstände
    • Stuttgart, 1793), 16. Elsässer’s opinion may well have been coloured by the fact that he was University of Erlangen, where lecturer’s salaries were relatively low Notker Hammerstein, ‘Die Universitätsgründungen im Zeichen der Aufklärung’, in Peter Baumgart & Notker Hammerstein (eds, Nendeln/Lichtenstein: Jacobi Verlag, at 286f and 289
    • Carl Friedrich Elsässer, Einige Bemerkungen über akademische Gegenstände (Stuttgart, 1793), 16. Elsässer’s opinion may well have been coloured by the fact that he was at the University of Erlangen, where lecturer’s salaries were relatively low (see Notker Hammerstein, ‘Die Universitätsgründungen im Zeichen der Aufklärung’, in Peter Baumgart & Notker Hammerstein (eds.), Beiträge zu Problemen deutscher Universitätsgründungen der frühen Neuzeit (Nendeln/Lichtenstein: Jacobi Verlag, 1978), 263–298 at 286f and 289).
    • (1978) Beiträge Zu Problemen Deutscher Universitätsgründungen Der Frühen Neuzeit , pp. 263-298
    • Elsässer, C.F.1
  • 49
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    • Der Sinn der “Wertfreiheit” der soziologischen und ökonomischen Wissenschaften’ (1917)
    • id, Johannes Winckelmann
    • Max Weber, ‘Der Sinn der “Wertfreiheit” der soziologischen und ökonomischen Wissenschaften’ (1917), in id., Gesammelte Ausgabe zur Wissenschaftslehre, ed. Johannes Winckelmann (1968;
    • (1968) Gesammelte Ausgabe Zur Wissenschaftslehre
    • Weber, M.1
  • 50
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    • Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
    • Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1988), 517.
    • (1988) , pp. 517
  • 51
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    • Michaëlis 1770, ii. 236.
    • (1770) Michaëlis , vol.ii , pp. 236
  • 52
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    • Heinzman 1795, 128;
    • (1795) Heinzman , pp. 128
  • 53
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    • Ueber die Ursachen einiger Mängel, die sich in der deutschen Litteratur hervorthun
    • at 238–243
    • ‘Ueber die Ursachen einiger Mängel, die sich in der deutschen Litteratur hervorthun’, Neue Deutsches Magazin, 1 (1801), 238–266 at 238–243;
    • (1801) Neue Deutsches Magazin , vol.1 , pp. 238-266
  • 54
    • 85183741128 scopus 로고
    • Friedrich Christoph Jonathan Fischer, Hanover, iv
    • Friedrich Christoph Jonathan Fischer, Geschichte des teutschen Handels (Hanover, 1792), iv. 472.
    • (1792) Geschichte Des Teutschen Handels , pp. 472
  • 56
    • 85183748789 scopus 로고
    • Vorschläge zur Ziehung und Bildung brauchbarer Lehrer in öffentlichen Schulen, welche von einem Schulmanne in der Kloster- Und Stadtschule zu Holzmünden an der Weser erst versucht und ausgeführt, nun aber durch den Druck bekannt gemacht worden sind
    • review, at 566
    • A.G. Walch, ‘Vorschläge zur Ziehung und Bildung brauchbarer Lehrer in öffentlichen Schulen, welche von einem Schulmanne in der Kloster- und Stadtschule zu Holzmünden an der Weser erst versucht und ausgeführt, nun aber durch den Druck bekannt gemacht worden sind’, review, Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek, 48/2 (1782), 563–569 at 566.
    • (1782) Allgemeine Deutsche Bibliothek , vol.48 , Issue.2 , pp. 563-569
    • Walch, A.G.1
  • 58
    • 85183784917 scopus 로고
    • Einige Gedanken über den mündlichen Vortrag des Schulmanns’ (1786)
    • id, Berlin, i. at 383 discusses teaching Gymnasium in the first instance, but adds that the same approach can be taken in university teaching too
    • Friedrich Gedike, ‘Einige Gedanken über den mündlichen Vortrag des Schulmanns’ (1786), in id., Gesammelte Schulschriften (Berlin, 1789), i. 381–419 at 383 discusses teaching at the Gymnasium in the first instance, but adds that the same approach can be taken in university teaching too.
    • (1789) Gesammelte Schulschriften , pp. 381-419
    • Gedike, F.1
  • 59
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    • On the spirit and organisational framework of intellectual institutions in Berlin
    • at 247f
    • Wilhelm von Humboldt, ‘On the Spirit and Organisational Framework of Intellectual Institutions in Berlin’, Minerva vol. 8 (1970), 243–250 at 247f.
    • (1970) Minerva , vol.8 , pp. 243-250
    • von Humboldt, W.1

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