Article 32 of the Bundesverfassungsgerichtgesetz (BVerfGG Federal Constitutional Court Act) oultines the procedure for obtaining a temporary injunction from the Federal Constitutional Court: In a dispute the Federal constitutional Court may deal with a matter provisionally by means of a temporary injunction if this is urgently needed to avert serious detriment, ward off iminenet force of for any other important reason of the common good
Article 32 of the Bundesverfassungsgerichtgesetz (BVerfGG - Federal Constitutional Court Act) oultines the procedure for obtaining a temporary injunction from the Federal Constitutional Court: "In a dispute the Federal constitutional Court may deal with a matter provisionally by means of a temporary injunction if this is urgently needed to avert serious detriment, ward off iminenet force of for any other important reason of the common good."
the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice on this particular topic text in English
See the website of the Federal Ministry of Justice on this particular topic (text in English): http://www.bmj.bund.de/misc/e_sasepa.htm
The substantive challenge to the statute is an abstract judicial review proceeding brought by the two Federal States that doubt the substantive compatibility of federal law with the Basic Law constitution." Article 93(1)(2) of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). In principle, the Court's ruling on the requested temporary injunction should have effect on and should not influence the Court's consideration of the underlying substantive application, which will proceed through the normal channels and normal pace of the Court's docket after the Court's ruling on the requested temporary injunction
The substantive challenge to the statute is an abstract judicial review proceeding brought by the two Federal States that doubt the "substantive compatibility of federal law . . . with the Basic Law [constitution]." Article 93(1)(2) of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law). In principle, the Court's ruling on the requested temporary injunction should have no effect on and should not influence the Court's consideration of the underlying substantive application, which will proceed through the normal channels and at the normal pace of the Court's docket after the Court's ruling on the requested temporary injunction.
BVerfGE 6, 389.
, vol.6
The United Kingdom, 07525/76, European Court of Human Rights, February 24, 1983
Dudgeon v. The United Kingdom, No. 07525/76, http://hudoc.echr.coe.int (European Court of Human Rights, February 24, 1983).
Dudgeon v
Section 1353 para. 1 sent. 1 BGB
Section 1353 para. 1 sent. 1 BGB.
Band Art 6 Rn. 26
Dreier GG, Band 1 1996, Art 6 Rn. 26.
Dreier GG
, vol.1
This phrase has been used by the press, e.g. DIE WELT 03/29/2001
This phrase has been used by the press, e.g. DIE WELT 03/29/2001.