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Volumn , Issue , 2005, Pages 1-336

Epistemology: A contemporary introduction to the theory of knowledge

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EID: 85071532234     PISSN: None     EISSN: None     Source Type: Book    
DOI: 10.4324/9780203982105     Document Type: Book
Times cited : (4)

References (95)
  • 1
    • 33745449404 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY and London, A collection of papers centering on justification and knowledge in a way that unites internalist and externalist elements. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and
    • Alston, William P., Epistemic Justification, Ithaca, NY and London, 1989. A collection of papers centering on justification and knowledge in a way that unites internalist and externalist elements. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and 7-10.
    • (1989) Epistemic Justification , pp. 7-10
    • Alston, W.P.1
  • 2
    • 1842510829 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY and London, A major study in religious epistemology, also containing much general epistemology, particularly in the theory of perception. Highly relevant to Chapters 1, 8, and 9
    • Alston, William P., Perceiving God, Ithaca, NY and London, 1991. A major study in religious epistemology, also containing much general epistemology, particularly in the theory of perception. Highly relevant to Chapters 1, 8, and 9.
    • (1991) Perceiving God
    • Alston, W.P.1
  • 3
    • 0004323473 scopus 로고
    • trans. by G.R.G.Mure, Oxford, A major text of immense influence. Especially relevant to Chapter 7
    • Aristotle, Posterior Analytics, trans. by G.R.G.Mure, Oxford, 1928. A major text of immense influence. Especially relevant to Chapter 7.
    • (1928) Posterior Analytics
    • Aristotle1
  • 4
    • 0038586042 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, A wide-ranging epistemological essay influential in the reliabilist tradition. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 6 through 9
    • Armstrong, D.M., Belief Truth and Knowledge, Cambridge, 1973. A wide-ranging epistemological essay influential in the reliabilist tradition. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 6 through 9.
    • (1973) Belief Truth and Knowledge
    • Armstrong, D.M.1
  • 5
    • 85071523390 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge and New York, A collection of recent papers covering most of the topics in Chapters 4, and 10
    • Audi, Robert, The Structure of Justification, Cambridge and New York, 1993. A collection of recent papers covering most of the topics in Chapters 4, 6-8, and 10.
    • (1993) The Structure of Justification , pp. 6-8
    • Audi, R.1
  • 6
    • 0040008818 scopus 로고
    • London and New York, A historically oriented, integrated treatment of empirical knowledge. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 7, and 10
    • Aune, Bruce, Knowledge of the External World, London and New York, 1991. A historically oriented, integrated treatment of empirical knowledge. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 7, and 10.
    • (1991) Knowledge of the External World
    • Aune, B.1
  • 7
    • 0004046295 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, (reprint). A study of perception particularly pertinent to the appraisal of sense-datum theory and of relevance to understanding foundationalism. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 7
    • Austin, J.L., Sense and Sensibilia, Oxford, 1979 (reprint). A study of perception particularly pertinent to the appraisal of sense-datum theory and of relevance to understanding foundationalism. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 7.
    • (1979) Sense and Sensibilia
    • Austin, J.L.1
  • 8
    • 0003443869 scopus 로고
    • Harmondsworth, Middlesex, An epistemological survey in the empiricist tradition. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 8, and 10
    • Ayer, A.J., The Problem of Knowledge, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1956. An epistemological survey in the empiricist tradition. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 8, and 10.
    • (1956) The Problem of Knowledge
    • Ayer, A.J.1
  • 9
    • 47249123513 scopus 로고
    • Fort Worth, A textbook addressing most of the topics treated here, with something of relevance to each chapter
    • Baergen, Ralph, Contemporary Epistemology, Fort Worth, 1995. A textbook addressing most of the topics treated here, with something of relevance to each chapter.
    • (1995) Contemporary Epistemology
    • Baergen, R.1
  • 10
    • 0003521423 scopus 로고
    • New York, (originally published in 1710). Perhaps the most important statement of phenomenalism, and of an idealist worldview in general, in the empiricist tradition. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 3, 9, and 10
    • Berkeley, George, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, New York, 1929 (originally published in 1710). Perhaps the most important statement of phenomenalism, and of an idealist worldview in general, in the empiricist tradition. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 3, 9, and 10.
    • (1929) A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
    • Berkeley, G.1
  • 11
    • 85071588672 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A collection of papers on the notion of belief. Mainly pertinent to the areas where epistemology overlaps philosophy of mind, esp. to Chapters 1 and 6
    • Bogdan, Radu, Belief: Form, Function, and Content, Oxford, 1985. A collection of papers on the notion of belief. Mainly pertinent to the areas where epistemology overlaps philosophy of mind, esp. to Chapters 1 and 6.
    • (1985) Belief: Form, Function, and Content
    • Bogdan, R.1
  • 12
    • 0003498229 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A detailed statement and defense of coherentism regarding empirical knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10
    • BonJour, Laurence, The Structure of Empirical Knowledge, Cambridge, Mass., 1985. A detailed statement and defense of coherentism regarding empirical knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1985) The Structure of Empirical Knowledge
    • BonJour, L.1
  • 13
    • 84906602722 scopus 로고
    • New York, A large, historically informed assembly of classical and recent readings in epistemology. Bears on all the chapters
    • Brandt, R.B., and Ernest Nagel (eds), Meaning and Knowledge, New York, 1965. A large, historically informed assembly of classical and recent readings in epistemology. Bears on all the chapters.
    • (1965) Meaning and Knowledge
    • Brandt, R.B.1    Ernest, N.2
  • 14
    • 25444486899 scopus 로고
    • Evanston, A metaphysically oriented, foundationalist inquiry into the nature of knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10
    • Butchvarov, Panayot, The Concept of Knowledge, Evanston, 1970. A metaphysically oriented, foundationalist inquiry into the nature of knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1970) The Concept of Knowledge
    • Butchvarov, P.1
  • 15
    • 0037885616 scopus 로고
    • Bloomington, A detailed study of the possibility and possible extent of justification and knowledge in ethics. Particularly relevant to Chapters 9 and 10
    • Butchvarov, Panayot, Skepticism in Ethics, Bloomington, 1989. A detailed study of the possibility and possible extent of justification and knowledge in ethics. Particularly relevant to Chapters 9 and 10.
    • (1989) Skepticism in Ethics
    • Butchvarov, P.1
  • 16
    • 0012637585 scopus 로고
    • Minneapolis, A collection of essays, on topics relevant to each chapter, by one of the major epistemologists of this century
    • Chisholm, R.M., The Foundations of Knowing, Minneapolis, 1982. A collection of essays, on topics relevant to each chapter, by one of the major epistemologists of this century.
    • (1982) The Foundations of Knowing
    • Chisholm, R.M.1
  • 17
    • 0004126207 scopus 로고
    • 2nd and 3rd edns, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, and, A rigorous treatment of many basic topics in the field, and an introduction to Chisholm’s own epistemological views. Relevant to each chapter
    • Chisholm, R.M., Theory of Knowledge, 2nd and 3rd edns, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1977 and 1989. A rigorous treatment of many basic topics in the field, and an introduction to Chisholm’s own epistemological views. Relevant to each chapter.
    • (1977) Theory of Knowledge
    • Chisholm, R.M.1
  • 18
    • 85071581432 scopus 로고
    • Englewood Cliffs, NJ, A large collection of recent writings. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 2, 3, and
    • Chisholm, R.M., and Robert Swartz (eds), Empirical Knowledge, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1973. A large collection of recent writings. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 7-10.
    • (1973) Empirical Knowledge , pp. 7-10
    • Chisholm, R.M.1    Robert, S.2
  • 19
    • 0004121811 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A comprehensive, historically wideranging treatment of testimony that links it at many points with the philosophy of language and the views of Wittgenstein. Pertinent above all to Chapter 5
    • Coady, C.A.J., Testimony, Oxford, 1992. A comprehensive, historically wideranging treatment of testimony that links it at many points with the philosophy of language and the views of Wittgenstein. Pertinent above all to Chapter 5.
    • (1992) Testimony
    • Coady, C.A.J.1
  • 20
    • 0005998803 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A sophisticated but lucid and concrete treatment of the problem of analyzing knowledge, with considerable attention to skepticism and far more on testimony than most general books on epistemology. Particularly relevant to Chapters 5, 8, and 10
    • Craig, Edward, Knowledge and the State of Nature, Oxford, 1990. A sophisticated but lucid and concrete treatment of the problem of analyzing knowledge, with considerable attention to skepticism and far more on testimony than most general books on epistemology. Particularly relevant to Chapters 5, 8, and 10.
    • (1990) Knowledge and the State of Nature
    • Craig, E.1
  • 21
    • 0007204869 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A general introduction to contemporary epistemological literature. Bears on each chapter
    • Dancy, Jonathan, Contemporary Epistemology, Oxford, 1985. A general introduction to contemporary epistemological literature. Bears on each chapter.
    • (1985) Contemporary Epistemology
    • Dancy, J.1
  • 22
    • 0004216998 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A comprehensive reference work highly pertinent to every chapter
    • Dancy, Jonathan, and Ernest Sosa (eds), A Companion to Epistemology, Oxford, 1992. A comprehensive reference work highly pertinent to every chapter.
    • (1992) A Companion to Epistemology
    • Dancy, J.1    Ernest, S.2
  • 23
    • 85071602050 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, A broad epistemological essay with special focus on the structure of knowledge. Especially relevant to Chapters
    • Danto, Arthur C., Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge, Cambridge, 1968. A broad epistemological essay with special focus on the structure of knowledge. Especially relevant to Chapters 6-10.
    • (1968) Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge , pp. 6-10
    • Danto, A.C.1
  • 24
    • 0004264843 scopus 로고
    • in, of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, trans. by John Cottingham, Robert Stoohof, and Duglad Murdock, Cambridge, (originally published in 1641). One of the greatest and most influential works in modern epistemology, and a powerful statement of both rationalism and foundationalism. Bears on every chapter
    • Descartes, René, Meditations on First Philosophy, in vol. 2 of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, trans. by John Cottingham, Robert Stoohof, and Duglad Murdock, Cambridge, 1984 (originally published in 1641). One of the greatest and most influential works in modern epistemology, and a powerful statement of both rationalism and foundationalism. Bears on every chapter.
    • (1984) Meditations on First Philosophy , vol.2
    • Descartes, R.1
  • 25
    • 0004176485 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A major statement of a reliabilist, information-theoretic account of knowledge. Particularly pertinent to Chapters 1, 8, and 10
    • Dretske, Fred I., Knowledge and the flow of Information, Cambridge, Mass., 1981. A major statement of a reliabilist, information-theoretic account of knowledge. Particularly pertinent to Chapters 1, 8, and 10.
    • (1981) Knowledge and the flow of Information
    • Dretske, F.I.1
  • 26
    • 0004268268 scopus 로고
    • London, An intensive study of perception and its relation to empirical knowledge, with an influential defense of the notion of non-epistemic seeing. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 3, 8, and 10
    • Dretske, Fred I., Seeing and Knowing, London, 1969. An intensive study of perception and its relation to empirical knowledge, with an influential defense of the notion of non-epistemic seeing. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 3, 8, and 10.
    • (1969) Seeing and Knowing
    • Dretske, F.I.1
  • 27
    • 0003501784 scopus 로고
    • New York, A highlevel introductory textbook with special attention to mathematical and logical knowledge and detailed discussions of Quine (a major influence on the authors) and Rorty. Pertinent to most chapters, but especially 4 and 8
    • Everitt, Nicholas, and Alec Fisher, Modern Epistemology, New York, 1995. A highlevel introductory textbook with special attention to mathematical and logical knowledge and detailed discussions of Quine (a major influence on the authors) and Rorty. Pertinent to most chapters, but especially 4 and 8.
    • (1995) Modern Epistemology
    • Everitt, N.1    Fisher, A.2
  • 28
    • 85071518555 scopus 로고
    • Lanham, M., A defense of the view that justification is conferred by what is given in immediate experience, with detailed applications to the foundationalism conceived as a plausible theory that makes use of the given
    • Fales, Evan, A Defense of the Given, Lanham, M., 1966. A defense of the view that justification is conferred by what is given in immediate experience, with detailed applications to the foundationalism conceived as a plausible theory that makes use of the given.
    • (1966) A Defense of the Given
    • Fales, E.1
  • 29
    • 21244464061 scopus 로고
    • Oxford and New York, An intensive and sympathetic inquiry into skepticism, from a distinctively Pyrrhonian point of view. Relevant above all to Chapter 10
    • Fogelin, Robert, Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification, Oxford and New York, 1994. An intensive and sympathetic inquiry into skepticism, from a distinctively Pyrrhonian point of view. Relevant above all to Chapter 10.
    • (1994) Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification
    • Fogelin, R.1
  • 30
    • 0006138442 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A detailed development of a subjectivistic theory of justification. Pertinent to every chapter
    • Foley, Richard, The Theory of Epistemic Rationality, Cambridge, Mass., 1987. A detailed development of a subjectivistic theory of justification. Pertinent to every chapter.
    • (1987) The Theory of Epistemic Rationality
    • Foley, R.1
  • 31
    • 85071542278 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A development and generalization of his theory of epistemic rationality. Especially relevant to Chapters
    • Foley, Richard, Working without a Net, Cambridge, Mass.,1993. A development and generalization of his theory of epistemic rationality. Especially relevant to Chapters 7-10.
    • (1993) Working without a Net , pp. 7-10
    • Foley, R.1
  • 32
    • 0040509319 scopus 로고
    • Lincoln, Neb., A study of both the nature of the objects of perception and the way perception yields justification and knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 7
    • Fumerton, Richard A., Metaphysical and Epistemological Problems of Perception, Lincoln, Neb., 1985. A study of both the nature of the objects of perception and the way perception yields justification and knowledge. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 7.
    • (1985) Metaphysical and Epistemological Problems of Perception
    • Fumerton, R.A.1
  • 33
    • 0039324071 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lanham, Md., A systematic treatment of skepticism with special reference to the controversies between internalism and eternalism and foundationalism and coherentism. Highly relevant to Chapters 7, 8, and 10
    • Fumerton, Richard A. Metaepistemology and Skepticism, Lanham, Md., 1996. A systematic treatment of skepticism with special reference to the controversies between internalism and eternalism and foundationalism and coherentism. Highly relevant to Chapters 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1996) Metaepistemology and Skepticism
    • Fumerton, R.A.1
  • 34
    • 85071522592 scopus 로고
    • Dordrecht and Boston, A rigorous high-level study of these three notions in relation to each other. Particularly relevant to Chapters, 7, 8, and 10
    • Ginet, Carl, Knowledge, Perception, and Memory, Dordrecht and Boston, 1975. A rigorous high-level study of these three notions in relation to each other. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1-3, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1975) Knowledge, Perception, and Memory , pp. 1-3
    • Ginet, C.1
  • 35
    • 85071551061 scopus 로고
    • Berkeley, Calif., A detailed presentation of a theory of knowledge and evidence with special emphasis on inference to the best explanation. Pertinent above all to Chapters 1, 6, and
    • Goldman, Alan H., Empirical Knowledge, Berkeley, Calif., 1988. A detailed presentation of a theory of knowledge and evidence with special emphasis on inference to the best explanation. Pertinent above all to Chapters 1, 6, and 8-10.
    • (1988) Empirical Knowledge , pp. 8-10
    • Goldman, A.H.1
  • 36
    • 0004053964 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A presentation of reliabilism for justification and knowledge, with much discussion of related developments in cognitive psychology. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 6, and 8
    • Goldman, Alvin I., Epistemology and Cognition, Cambridge, Mass., 1986. A presentation of reliabilism for justification and knowledge, with much discussion of related developments in cognitive psychology. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 6, and 8.
    • (1986) Epistemology and Cognition
    • Goldman, A.I.1
  • 37
    • 0003898239 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, An attempt to combine the best elements in foundationalism and coherentism, with special attention to the connections between epistemology and philosophy of science. Bears especially on Chapters 7, 9, and 10
    • Haack, Susan, Evidence and Inquiry, Oxford, 1993. An attempt to combine the best elements in foundationalism and coherentism, with special attention to the connections between epistemology and philosophy of science. Bears especially on Chapters 7, 9, and 10.
    • (1993) Evidence and Inquiry
    • Haack, S.1
  • 38
    • 85071563839 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ, A broad study of the nature of knowledge, with much attention to defeasibility conditions. Bears especially on Chapters 1, 2, 6, 8, and 10
    • Harman, Gilbert, Thought, Princeton, NJ, 1975. A broad study of the nature of knowledge, with much attention to defeasibility conditions. Bears especially on Chapters 1, 2, 6, 8, and 10.
    • (1975) Thought
    • Harman, G.1
  • 39
    • 85071547569 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., A detailed study of evidence and justification as bearing on changing, as opposed to simply holding, a position. Especially relevant to Chapters
    • Harman, Gilbert, Change in View, Cambridge, Mass., 1986. A detailed study of evidence and justification as bearing on changing, as opposed to simply holding, a position. Especially relevant to Chapters 6-9.
    • (1986) Change in View , pp. 6-9
    • Harman, G.1
  • 40
    • 85071587384 scopus 로고
    • Boulder, Colo., A comprehensive introduction to epistemology with emphasis on the puzzles generated by many of its central questions. One or another section bears on any given chapter
    • Heatherington, Stephen Cade, Knowledge Puzzles, Boulder, Colo., 1966. A comprehensive introduction to epistemology with emphasis on the puzzles generated by many of its central questions. One or another section bears on any given chapter.
    • (1966) Knowledge Puzzles
    • Heatherington, C.S.1
  • 41
    • 0004251808 scopus 로고
    • Berkeley, Calif., A study of perception in relation to belief, with discussions linking epistemology to philosophy of mind. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 8
    • Heil, John, Perception and Cognition, Berkeley, Calif., 1983. A study of perception in relation to belief, with discussions linking epistemology to philosophy of mind. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, and 8.
    • (1983) Perception and Cognition
    • Heil, J.1
  • 42
    • 0004153536 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY, A rigorous, advanced study in epistemic logic. Particularly relevant to Chapters 6 and 8
    • Hintikka, Jaakko, Knowledge and Belief, Ithaca, NY, 1962. A rigorous, advanced study in epistemic logic. Particularly relevant to Chapters 6 and 8.
    • (1962) Knowledge and Belief
    • Hintikka, J.1
  • 43
    • 0003743257 scopus 로고
    • Indianapolis, (first published in 1748). A major work in modern epistemology, particularly for the topics of causation, induction, and skepticism. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 4, 6, and 10
    • Hume, David, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Indianapolis, 1977 (first published in 1748). A major work in modern epistemology, particularly for the topics of causation, induction, and skepticism. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 4, 6, and 10.
    • (1977) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
    • Hume, D.1
  • 44
    • 0004088235 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, (originally published in 1739). One of the greatest and most influential works in modern philosophy, and a powerful statement of empiricism. It bears on every chapter
    • Hume, David, A Treatise of Human Nature, Oxford, 1888 (originally published in 1739). One of the greatest and most influential works in modern philosophy, and a powerful statement of empiricism. It bears on every chapter.
    • (1888) A Treatise of Human Nature
    • Hume, D.1
  • 45
    • 0004160554 scopus 로고
    • trans. by Lewis White Beck, New York, (originally published in 1783). A short presentation of the ideas in Kant’s monumental Critique of Pure Reason, one of the greatest texts in modern philosophy. The Prolegomena bears particularly on Chapters 1, 4, 8, and 9
    • Kant, Immanuel, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, trans. by Lewis White Beck, New York, 1950 (originally published in 1783). A short presentation of the ideas in Kant’s monumental Critique of Pure Reason, one of the greatest texts in modern philosophy. The Prolegomena bears particularly on Chapters 1, 4, 8, and 9.
    • (1950) Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
    • Kant, I.1
  • 46
    • 0004032206 scopus 로고
    • New York and Oxford, A wide-ranging, historically informed treatment of mathematical knowledge, with a sustained critique of various apriorist conceptions of it and a positive account of a “defensible empiricism.�? Particularly relevant to Chapter 4
    • Kitcher, Philip, The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge, New York and Oxford, 1984. A wide-ranging, historically informed treatment of mathematical knowledge, with a sustained critique of various apriorist conceptions of it and a positive account of a “defensible empiricism.�? Particularly relevant to Chapter 4.
    • (1984) The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge
    • Kitcher, P.1
  • 47
    • 25444502025 scopus 로고
    • Minneapolis, A rigorous treatment of the nature of knowledge, certainty, and skepticism. Especially pertinent to Chapters 5, 8, and 10
    • Klein, Peter, Certainty: A Refutation of Scepticism, Minneapolis, 1981. A rigorous treatment of the nature of knowledge, certainty, and skepticism. Especially pertinent to Chapters 5, 8, and 10.
    • (1981) Certainty: A Refutation of Scepticism
    • Klein, P.1
  • 48
    • 85071595601 scopus 로고
    • Lanham, Md, A statement and appraisal of a virtue epistemology, relevant mainly to Chapters 1 and
    • Kvanvig, Jonathan L., The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind, Lanham, Md, 1992. A statement and appraisal of a virtue epistemology, relevant mainly to Chapters 1 and 7-10.
    • (1992) The Intellectual Virtues and the Life of the Mind , pp. 7-10
    • Kvanvig, J.L.1
  • 49
    • 85071554354 scopus 로고
    • Minneapolis, A collection of advanced papers, of which several are especially pertinent to Chapters
    • Kyburg, Henry E., Jr., Epistemology and Inference, Minneapolis, 1983. A collection of advanced papers, of which several are especially pertinent to Chapters 6-9.
    • (1983) Epistemology and Inference , pp. 6-9
    • Kyburg, H.E.1
  • 50
    • 85071600329 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A nearly comprehensive introduction, with historically informed discussions making it particularly relevant to Chapters 1-4, and
    • Landesman, Charles, Epistemology: An Introduction, Oxford, 1996. A nearly comprehensive introduction, with historically informed discussions making it particularly relevant to Chapters 1-4, and 8-10.
    • (1996) Epistemology: An Introduction , pp. 8-10
    • Landesman, C.1
  • 51
    • 85071544651 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A critique of foundationalism and development of the author’s own coherentist theory of knowledge, with a detailed, non-causal account of justification. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and
    • Lehrer, Keith, Knowledge, Oxford, 1974. A critique of foundationalism and development of the author’s own coherentist theory of knowledge, with a detailed, non-causal account of justification. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and 7-10.
    • (1974) Knowledge , pp. 7-10
    • Lehrer, K.1
  • 52
    • 53249088497 scopus 로고
    • Boulder, Col., A sucessor to his Knowledge that presents a revised theory and is also relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and
    • Lehrer, Keith, Theory of Knowledge, Boulder, Col., 1990. A sucessor to his Knowledge that presents a revised theory and is also relevant to Chapters 1, 3, and 7-10.
    • (1990) Theory of Knowledge , pp. 7-10
    • Lehrer, K.1
  • 53
    • 85071596799 scopus 로고
    • La Salle, A systematic study, in the foundationalist tradition, of many major epistemological and metaphysical questions. Especially relevant to Chapters, and 6, 7, and 9
    • Lewis, C.I., An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation, La Salle, 1946. A systematic study, in the foundationalist tradition, of many major epistemological and metaphysical questions. Especially relevant to Chapters 1-4 and 6, 7, and 9.
    • (1946) An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation , pp. 1-4
    • Lewis, C.I.1
  • 54
    • 0002598477 scopus 로고
    • New York, A concise but wide-ranging treatment of memory and memorial knowledge. Bears mainly on Chapter 2
    • Locke, Don, Memory, New York, 1971. A concise but wide-ranging treatment of memory and memorial knowledge. Bears mainly on Chapter 2.
    • (1971) Memory
    • Locke, D.1
  • 55
    • 0003553033 scopus 로고
    • New York, (originally published in 1689). A major text in modern epistemology, and a powerful statement of a commonsense empiricism. Bears on each chapter
    • Locke, John, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, New York, 1928 (originally published in 1689). A major text in modern epistemology, and a powerful statement of a commonsense empiricism. Bears on each chapter.
    • (1928) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
    • Locke, J.1
  • 56
    • 85071573665 scopus 로고
    • New York, An account of justification and of aspects of knowledge, with emphasis on their connection with the notion of explanation and with selected topics in the philosophy of mind. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and
    • Lycan, William, Judgment and Justification, New York, 1988. An account of justification and of aspects of knowledge, with emphasis on their connection with the notion of explanation and with selected topics in the philosophy of mind. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 6-10.
    • (1988) Judgment and Justification , pp. 6-10
    • Lycan, W.1
  • 57
    • 0039254046 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY, A collection of epistemological essays by a leading proponent of the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10
    • Malcolm, Norman, Knowledge and Certainty, Ithaca, NY, 1975. A collection of epistemological essays by a leading proponent of the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10.
    • (1975) Knowledge and Certainty
    • Malcolm, N.1
  • 58
    • 0039324068 scopus 로고
    • Lanham, Md., A systematic defense of foundationalism (strong as opposed to moderate) relevant to Chapters 1, 4, 7, and 8
    • McGrew, Timothy J., The Foundations of Knowledge, Lanham, Md., 1995. A systematic defense of foundationalism (strong as opposed to moderate) relevant to Chapters 1, 4, 7, and 8.
    • (1995) The Foundations of Knowledge
    • McGrew, T.J.1
  • 59
    • 85071554037 scopus 로고
    • London, The leading nineteenthcentury statement of radical empiricism. Especially relevant to Chapters 4 and
    • Mill, John Stuart, A System of Logic, London, 1843. The leading nineteenthcentury statement of radical empiricism. Especially relevant to Chapters 4 and 6-9.
    • (1843) A System of Logic , pp. 6-9
    • Mill, S.J.1
  • 60
    • 85071576858 scopus 로고
    • Lanham, Md., A statement and appraisal of a virtue epistemology with special emphasis on the relation between justification and intellectual responsibility. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and
    • Montmarquet, James A., Epistemic Virtue and Doxastic Responsibility, Lanham, Md., 1993. A statement and appraisal of a virtue epistemology with special emphasis on the relation between justification and intellectual responsibility. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 7-10.
    • (1993) Epistemic Virtue and Doxastic Responsibility , pp. 7-10
    • Montmarquet, J.A.1
  • 61
    • 0002356431 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 2nd edn, Oxford, A brief but moderately comprehensive introduction, with more on probability and induction than many short books of the same range. Pertinent to nearly every chapter
    • Morton, Adam, A Guide Through the Theory of Knowledge, 2nd edn, Oxford, 1996. A brief but moderately comprehensive introduction, with more on probability and induction than many short books of the same range. Pertinent to nearly every chapter.
    • (1996) A Guide Through the Theory of Knowledge
    • Morton, A.1
  • 62
    • 85071569961 scopus 로고
    • New York, A rigorous and detailed presentation of an account of knowledge and the nature and scope of its supporting grounds. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, and
    • Moser, Paul K., Knowledge and Evidence, New York, 1993. A rigorous and detailed presentation of an account of knowledge and the nature and scope of its supporting grounds. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, and 7-10.
    • (1993) Knowledge and Evidence , pp. 7-10
    • Moser, P.K.1
  • 63
    • 21244447510 scopus 로고
    • Oxford and New York, A rigorous treatment of the relation of realism to skepticism and of both to semantic questions about meaning and epistemological questions about evidence, reasons, and justification. Especially pertinent to Chapters 4, and 7 to 10
    • Moser, Paul K., Philosophy after Objectivity, Oxford and New York, 1993. A rigorous treatment of the relation of realism to skepticism and of both to semantic questions about meaning and epistemological questions about evidence, reasons, and justification. Especially pertinent to Chapters 4, and 7 to 10.
    • (1993) Philosophy after Objectivity
    • Moser, P.K.1
  • 64
    • 85071528785 scopus 로고
    • 2nd edn, New York, An extensive set of classical and contemporary readings, with editors’ introductions to each section. Pertinent to every chapter
    • Moser, Paul K., and Arnold Van Der Nat (eds), Human Knowledge, 2nd edn, New York, 1995. An extensive set of classical and contemporary readings, with editors’ introductions to each section. Pertinent to every chapter.
    • (1995) Human Knowledge
    • Moser, P.K.1    Arnold, V.D.N.2
  • 65
    • 85071554198 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge, Mass., Contains a book-length epistemology section bearing on Chapters, and 10
    • Nozick, Robert, Philosophical Explanations, Cambridge, Mass., 1981. Contains a book-length epistemology section bearing on Chapters 6-8 and 10.
    • (1981) Philosophical Explanations , pp. 6-8
    • Nozick, R.1
  • 67
    • 3042782252 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY, A collection of papers, many influential, mainly from professional journals. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and
    • Pappas, George S., and Marshall Swain, Essays on Knowledge and Justification, Ithaca, NY, 1978. A collection of papers, many influential, mainly from professional journals. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 6-10.
    • (1978) Essays on Knowledge and Justification , pp. 6-10
    • Pappas, G.S.1    Swain, M.2
  • 68
    • 85071602456 scopus 로고
    • New York, A systematic development of a theory of warrant as to what renders true belief knowledge and of key epistemic concepts related to warrant. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 4, and
    • Plantinga, Alvin, Warrant and Proper Function, New York, 1993. A systematic development of a theory of warrant as to what renders true belief knowledge and of key epistemic concepts related to warrant. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 4, and 7-10.
    • (1993) Warrant and Proper Function , pp. 7-10
    • Plantinga, A.1
  • 69
    • 85071567084 scopus 로고
    • New York, A critical study of many major epistemological theories. Highly relevant to Chapters
    • Plantinga, Alvin, Warrant: The Current Debate, New York, 1993. A critical study of many major epistemological theories. Highly relevant to Chapters 7-10.
    • (1993) Warrant: The Current Debate , pp. 7-10
    • Plantinga, A.1
  • 70
    • 0345855521 scopus 로고
    • trans. by F.M.Cornford, Cambridge, A major text in the history of epistemology. Especially relevant to Chapter 8
    • Plato, Theaetetus, trans. by F.M.Cornford, Cambridge, 1934. A major text in the history of epistemology. Especially relevant to Chapter 8.
    • (1934) Theaetetus
    • Plato1
  • 71
    • 34547845068 scopus 로고
    • Belmont, Calif., A collection of classical and comtemporary readings relevant to every chapter
    • Pojman, Louis P., The Theory of Knowledge, Belmont, Calif., 1993. A collection of classical and comtemporary readings relevant to every chapter.
    • (1993) The Theory of Knowledge
    • Pojman, L.P.1
  • 72
    • 41549103031 scopus 로고
    • Belmont, Calif., A wide-ranging, highly readable, historically informed introduction with attention both to basic issues and to classical and contemporary literature. Pertinent to every chapter
    • Pojman, Louis P., What Can We Know?, Belmont, Calif., 1995. A wide-ranging, highly readable, historically informed introduction with attention both to basic issues and to classical and contemporary literature. Pertinent to every chapter.
    • (1995) What Can We Know?
    • Pojman, L.P.1
  • 73
    • 0003942296 scopus 로고
    • Totowa, NJ, A treatment of some leading current theories in epistemology that also presents the author’s own account of some key concepts. Bears especially on Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10
    • Pollock, John L., Contemporary Theories of Knowledge, Totowa, NJ, 1986. A treatment of some leading current theories in epistemology that also presents the author’s own account of some key concepts. Bears especially on Chapters 1, 4, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1986) Contemporary Theories of Knowledge
    • Pollock, J.L.1
  • 74
    • 85012833321 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ, A systematic, wide-ranging treatment of these notions which develops a foundationalist account of both. It bears on all the chapters
    • Pollock, John L., Knowledge and Justification, Princeton, NJ, 1974. A systematic, wide-ranging treatment of these notions which develops a foundationalist account of both. It bears on all the chapters.
    • (1974) Knowledge and Justification
    • Pollock, J.L.1
  • 75
    • 0011211190 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A detailed major study of the topic, with important discussions of sense-data. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 10
    • Price, H.H., Perception, Oxford, 1932. A detailed major study of the topic, with important discussions of sense-data. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 10.
    • (1932) Perception
    • Price, H.H.1
  • 76
    • 0004020881 scopus 로고
    • Revised edn, Cambridge, Mass., A short statement of many of Quine’s epistemological views, with valuable discussions connecting epistemology with the philosophy of science. The chapters devoted to evidence, meaning, perception, and truth (respectively) make it especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9
    • Quine, W.V., The Pursuit of Truth, Revised edn, Cambridge, Mass., 1992. A short statement of many of Quine’s epistemological views, with valuable discussions connecting epistemology with the philosophy of science. The chapters devoted to evidence, meaning, perception, and truth (respectively) make it especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9.
    • (1992) The Pursuit of Truth
    • Quine, W.V.1
  • 77
    • 0004086530 scopus 로고
    • 2nd edn, New York, An introductory treatment of the development of common sense and scientific knowledge. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 4, and
    • Quine, W.V., and Joseph Ullian, The Web of Belief, 2nd edn, New York, 1978. An introductory treatment of the development of common sense and scientific knowledge. Bears particularly on Chapters 1, 4, and 8-10.
    • (1978) The Web of Belief , pp. 8-10
    • Quine, W.V.1    Ullian, J.2
  • 78
    • 0008487095 scopus 로고
    • London, A survey of problems in metaphysics and epistemology, with much discussion of the foundationalismcoherentism controversy. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 7, and 8
    • Quinton, Anthony, The Nature of Things, London, 1973. A survey of problems in metaphysics and epistemology, with much discussion of the foundationalismcoherentism controversy. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 7, and 8.
    • (1973) The Nature of Things
    • Quinton, A.1
  • 79
    • 85071569416 scopus 로고
    • London, (originally published in 1785). An important critique of other modern philosophers, rationalist and empiricist, and an original development of a commonsense epistemology. Especially relevant to Chapters, 7, 8, and 10
    • Reid, Thomas, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, London, 1869 (originally published in 1785). An important critique of other modern philosophers, rationalist and empiricist, and an original development of a commonsense epistemology. Especially relevant to Chapters 1-4, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1869) Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man , pp. 1-4
    • Reid, T.1
  • 80
    • 84895090474 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A detailed critical survey of many of the arguments for skepticism. Especially relevant to Chapters 8 and 10
    • Rescher, Nicholas, Skepticism, Oxford, 1980. A detailed critical survey of many of the arguments for skepticism. Especially relevant to Chapters 8 and 10.
    • (1980) Skepticism
    • Rescher, N.1
  • 81
    • 85071591907 scopus 로고
    • London and New York, A historically detailed defense of the sense-datum theory in the philosophy of perception. Bears on Chapters
    • Robinson, Howard, Perception, London and New York, 1994. A historically detailed defense of the sense-datum theory in the philosophy of perception. Bears on Chapters 1-3.
    • (1994) Perception , pp. 1-3
    • Robinson, H.1
  • 82
    • 0004072810 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ, A widely discussed critique of the foundationalist tradition in epistemology (and indeed of aspects of epistemology itself), with special attention to strong foundationalism as deriving from Descartes. Pertinent especially to Chapters 1, 7, and 10
    • Rorty, Richard, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, Princeton, NJ, 1979. A widely discussed critique of the foundationalist tradition in epistemology (and indeed of aspects of epistemology itself), with special attention to strong foundationalism as deriving from Descartes. Pertinent especially to Chapters 1, 7, and 10.
    • (1979) Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature
    • Rorty, R.1
  • 83
    • 85071550105 scopus 로고
    • London, An articulation of an overall epistemological position by one of the twentieth century’s major epistemologists. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and
    • Russell, Bertrand, An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth, London, 1940. An articulation of an overall epistemological position by one of the twentieth century’s major epistemologists. Especially relevant to Chapters 1 and 7-9.
    • (1940) An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth , pp. 7-9
    • Russell, B.1
  • 84
    • 85071587828 scopus 로고
    • London, An introductory and highly readable survey of epistemology and metaphysics. Particularly pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, 4, and
    • Russell, Bertrand, The Problems of Philosophy, London, 1912. An introductory and highly readable survey of epistemology and metaphysics. Particularly pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, 4, and 8-10.
    • (1912) The Problems of Philosophy , pp. 8-10
    • Russell, B.1
  • 85
    • 0011325406 scopus 로고
    • London, A collection of advanced epistemological papers by a major contemporary philosopher. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, 4, and
    • Sellars, Wilfrid, Science, Perception, and Reality, London, 1963. A collection of advanced epistemological papers by a major contemporary philosopher. Especially pertinent to Chapters 1, 3, 4, and 7-9.
    • (1963) Science, Perception, and Reality , pp. 7-9
    • Sellars, W.1
  • 86
    • 0011606086 scopus 로고
    • Princeton, NJ, A highly detailed study of major kinds of analysis of knowledge. Especially relevant to Chapter 8
    • Shope, Robert, The Analysis of Knowing, Princeton, NJ, 1983. A highly detailed study of major kinds of analysis of knowledge. Especially relevant to Chapter 8.
    • (1983) The Analysis of Knowing
    • Shope, R.1
  • 87
    • 85071567329 scopus 로고
    • Cambridge and New York, A wideranging collection of papers intensively exploring most of the topics treated in Chapters 1, 4, and
    • Sosa, Ernest, Knowledge in Perspective, Cambridge and New York, 1991. A wideranging collection of papers intensively exploring most of the topics treated in Chapters 1, 4, and 7-10.
    • (1991) Knowledge in Perspective , pp. 7-10
    • Sosa, E.1
  • 88
    • 85071573556 scopus 로고
    • Englewood Cliffs, NJ, A comprehensive and systematic introduction to epistemology, with close attention both to theoretical and conceptual issues and to major statements in the literature. Pertinent to every chapter, but above all to Chapters 1, 4, and 10
    • Steup, Matthias, An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966. A comprehensive and systematic introduction to epistemology, with close attention both to theoretical and conceptual issues and to major statements in the literature. Pertinent to every chapter, but above all to Chapters 1, 4, 6-8, and 10.
    • (1966) An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology , pp. 6-8
    • Steup, M.1
  • 89
    • 17244363425 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, An intensive study of skepticism, particularly as set out by Descartes. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 8, and 10
    • Stroud, Barry, The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism, Oxford, 1984. An intensive study of skepticism, particularly as set out by Descartes. Particularly relevant to Chapters 1, 8, and 10.
    • (1984) The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism
    • Stroud, B.1
  • 90
    • 0040509314 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY, A rigorous statement of an account of knowledge that unites justificationist and reliabilist elements. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 6, and 8
    • Swain, Marshall, Reasons and Knowledge, Ithaca, NY, 1981. A rigorous statement of an account of knowledge that unites justificationist and reliabilist elements. Especially relevant to Chapters 1, 6, and 8.
    • (1981) Reasons and Knowledge
    • Swain, M.1
  • 91
    • 85071556746 scopus 로고
    • Ithaca, NY, A critical study of a foundationalist approach to justification, with much attention to the problem of induction. Especially relevant to Chapters
    • Will, Frederick L., Induction and Justification, Ithaca, NY, 1974. A critical study of a foundationalist approach to justification, with much attention to the problem of induction. Especially relevant to Chapters 7-10.
    • (1974) Induction and Justification , pp. 7-10
    • Will, F.L.1
  • 92
    • 0039395203 scopus 로고
    • Oxford, A detailed diagnostic account of skepticism and some major issues concerning the possibility of foundations of knowledge. Pertinent especially to Chapters 1, 7, 8, and 10
    • Williams, Michael, Unnatural Doubts, Oxford, 1991. A detailed diagnostic account of skepticism and some major issues concerning the possibility of foundations of knowledge. Pertinent especially to Chapters 1, 7, 8, and 10.
    • (1991) Unnatural Doubts
    • Williams, M.1
  • 93
    • 0004224658 scopus 로고
    • trans. by Dennis Paul and G.E.M.Anscombe, Oxford, An important discussion of the topic by one of the major twentieth-century philosophers. Especially relevant to Chapters 8 and 10
    • Wittgenstein, Ludwig, On Certainty, trans. by Dennis Paul and G.E.M.Anscombe, Oxford, 1969. An important discussion of the topic by one of the major twentieth-century philosophers. Especially relevant to Chapters 8 and 10.
    • (1969) On Certainty
    • Wittgenstein, L.1
  • 94
    • 0004251932 scopus 로고
    • trans. by G.E.M.Anscombe, Oxford, Wittgenstein’s most wide-ranging work, spanning topics in epistemology, metaphysics, and other philosophical areas. Its remarks and examples bear on every chapter
    • Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Philosophical Investigations, trans. by G.E.M.Anscombe, Oxford, 1953. Wittgenstein’s most wide-ranging work, spanning topics in epistemology, metaphysics, and other philosophical areas. Its remarks and examples bear on every chapter.
    • (1953) Philosophical Investigations
    • Wittgenstein, L.1
  • 95
    • 0041105283 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Cambridge and New York, A new statement of virtue epistemology distinctive for its background account of virtue ethics as the counterpart on which virtue epistemology should be based. Pertinent above all to Chapter 8
    • Zagzebski, Linda, Virtues of the Mind, Cambridge and New York, 1996. A new statement of virtue epistemology distinctive for its background account of virtue ethics as the counterpart on which virtue epistemology should be based. Pertinent above all to Chapter 8.
    • (1996) Virtues of the Mind
    • Zagzebski, L.1

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