Volumn 24, Issue 4, 1989, Pages 308-322
Defective spatial control in patterning of microtubular structures in mutants of the ciliate Paraurostyla: I. Morphogenesis in multi-left-marginal mutant
Author keywords
adorai zone of membranelles; AZM; Ciliate pattern formation; DB; dorsal bristles; Expression of mutation; FC; frontal cirri; FVT; LDB; left dorsal bristle rows No. I, II, III and IV; left marginal cirral row; LM; Ma; macronuclei; mlm; mlm mutant; multi left marginal mutant; OP; OPe; oral primordium extension; Paraurostyla weissei; pLDB; pLM; pRDB; primordia of frontal, ventral and transverse cirri; primordia of the left dorsal bristle rows; primordia of the left marginal cirral rows; primordia of the right dorsal bristle rows; primordia of the right marginal cirral rows; primordia of the undulating membranes; pRM; pUM; RDB; right dorsal bristle rows; right marginal cirral row; RM; SDB; Spatial control; supernumerary dorsal bristles located on ventral surface; TC; the primordium of the adorai zone of membranelles; transverse cirri; UM; undulating membrane; VC; ventral cirral rows; wild type cells; WT
Indexed keywords
EID: 85025336594
PISSN: 09324739
Source Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1016/S0932-4739(89)80002-1 Document Type: Article |
Times cited : (9)
References (35)