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Augustine of Hippo
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On Christian doctrine
Robertson, D.W.1
From hermeneutics to praxis
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Review of Metaphysics
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Bernstein, R.J.1
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On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity
Buber, M.1
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Pattern and meaning in history
Dilthey, W.1
On the scope and function of hermeneutical reflection
Hess G.B., Palmer R.E., Gadamer, (eds),. Edited by
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Philosophical hermeneutics
Gadamer, H.‐.G.1
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Hegel's dialectic
Gadamer, H.‐.G.1
The eminent text and its truth
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The horizon of literature
, pp. 337-367
Gadamer, H.‐.G.1
Sullivan R.R., (ed), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, (Original work published 1977), Edited by
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Philosophical apprenticeships
Gadamer, H.‐.G.1
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The idea of the good in Platonic‐Aristotelian philosophy
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Dialogue and deconstrudion: The Gadamer‐Derrida encounter
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The conflict of interpretations: Debate with Hans‐Georg Gadamer
Valdes M.J., (ed), Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press,. Edited by
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A Ricoeur reader: Reflection and imagination
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Hans‐Georg Gadamer on education, poetry, and history
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Truth and method (2nd ed.)
Gadamer, H.‐.G.1
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Heidegger's ways
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Reason in the age of science
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Gadameron Celan: “Who am land who are you?” and other essays
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Rhetoric, hermeneutics, and ideology‐critique
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On systematically distorted communication
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The hermeneutic claim to universality
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Contemporary hermeneutics: Hermeneutics as method, philosophy and critique
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Philosophical‐political profiles
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Hegel: The essential writings
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Yet another philosophy of history for the education of humanity
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Johann Gottfried von Herder's yet another philosophy of history for the education of humanity: A translation with a critical introduction and notes
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Gadamer's theory of interpretation
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Should intellectual history take a linguistic turn? Reflections on the Habermas‐Gadamer debate
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Modern European intellectual history
, pp. 86-110
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Humanism and the development of the German mind
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The critique of judgment
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A Kierkegaard anthology
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The power of dialogue: Critical hermeneutics after Gadamer and Foucault
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Philosophy, its history, and hermeneutics
Hahn L.E., (ed), Chicago: Open Court Press,. Edited by
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Reflections of a nonpolitical man
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Phronesis in the Gadamer versus Habermas debates
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Gadamer on Heidegger on art
Hahn L.E., (ed), Chicago: Open Court Press,. Edited by
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Idiota de mente
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Agape and eros
Nygren, A.1
Commitment to telos‐A sustained critical rhetoric
Ono, K. A., and Sloop, J. M., 1992. Commitment to telos‐A sustained critical rhetoric. Communication Monographs, 59: 170–178.
Communication Monographs
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From text to action: Essays in hermeneutics
, vol.2
Ricoeur, P.1
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Consequences of pragmatism
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Schleiermacher's soliloquies
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The I‐thou encounter in Begegnung) in Gadamer's reception of Heidegger
Hahn L.E., (ed), Chicago: Open Court Press,. Edited by
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The philosophy of Hans‐Georg Gadamer
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Theories of the symbol
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The gaze and the fray
Todorov, T., 1996. The gaze and the fray. New Literary History, 27: 95–106.
New Literary History
, vol.27
, pp. 95-106
Todorov, T.1
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, (Original work published 1962
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The origins of Greek thought
Vernant, J.P.1
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Todorov's otherness
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New Literary History
, vol.27
, pp. 43-56
Wokler, R.1