Specifically, BPTrends has published a series of surveys. To access the complete survey cited in this chapter, go to, and click on the tab marked BPTrends Surveys.
Specifically, BPTrends has published a series of surveys. To access the complete survey cited in this chapter, go to, and click on the tab marked BPTrends Surveys. http://www.BPTrends.com.
(principal contributors and editors), Addison-Wesley, This book provides a good introduction to the concepts underlying CMM. To access information about CMM, check. M.C. Paulk, C.V. Weber, B. Curtis, M.B. Chrissis (Eds.)
The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process 1995, (principal contributors and editors), Addison-Wesley, This book provides a good introduction to the concepts underlying CMM. To access information about CMM, check www.esi.cmu.edu/cmm. M.C. Paulk, C.V. Weber, B. Curtis, M.B. Chrissis (Eds.).
The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process
Harper's, For a modern review of the efficiency movement and Taylor, check Daniel Nelson's Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management, University of Wisconsin Press, 1980.
Taylor Frederick W. The Principles of Scientific Management 1911, Harper's, For a modern review of the efficiency movement and Taylor, check Daniel Nelson's Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management, University of Wisconsin Press, 1980.
The Principles of Scientific Management
Taylor, F.W.1
An early book that describes how engineering principles developed to control systems ranging from thermostats to computers provided a better way to describe a wide variety of phenomena., George Braziller
Bertalanffy Ludwig von General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications 1968, An early book that describes how engineering principles developed to control systems ranging from thermostats to computers provided a better way to describe a wide variety of phenomena., George Braziller.
General Systems Theory: Foundations, Development, Applications
Bertalanffy, L.V.1
Early, popular book on how managers should use a systems approach., Harmondsworth
Beer Stafford Brain of the Firm 1967, Early, popular book on how managers should use a systems approach., Harmondsworth.
Brain of the Firm
Beer, S.1
Forrester was an influential professor at MIT who wrote a number of books showing how systems theory could be applied to industrial and social systems. Several business simulation tools are based on Forrester's ideas, which are usually referred to as systems dynamics, since they focus on monitoring and using changing rates of feedback to predict future activity., Pegasus Communications
Forrester Jay Principles of Systems 1971, Forrester was an influential professor at MIT who wrote a number of books showing how systems theory could be applied to industrial and social systems. Several business simulation tools are based on Forrester's ideas, which are usually referred to as systems dynamics, since they focus on monitoring and using changing rates of feedback to predict future activity., Pegasus Communications.
Principles of Systems
Forrester, J.1
Sterman is one of Forrester's students at MIT, and this is a popular textbook for those interested in the technical details of systems dynamics, as applied to business problems., Irwin McGraw-Hill
Sterman John D. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World 2000, Sterman is one of Forrester's students at MIT, and this is a popular textbook for those interested in the technical details of systems dynamics, as applied to business problems., Irwin McGraw-Hill.
Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World
Sterman, J.D.1
Senge is also at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, and a student of Forrester. Senge has created a more popular approach to systems dynamics that puts the emphasis on people and the use of models and feedback to facilitate organizational development. In the Introduction we described mature process organizations as organizations that totally involved people in constantly improving the process. Senge would describe such an organization as a learning organization., Currency Doubleday
Senge Peter M. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization 1994, Senge is also at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, and a student of Forrester. Senge has created a more popular approach to systems dynamics that puts the emphasis on people and the use of models and feedback to facilitate organizational development. In the Introduction we described mature process organizations as organizations that totally involved people in constantly improving the process. Senge would describe such an organization as a learning organization., Currency Doubleday.
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
Senge, P.M.1
This book focuses on the idea of competitive advantage and discusses how companies obtain and maintain it. One of the key techniques Porter stresses is an emphasis on value chains and creating integrated business processes that are difficult for competitors to duplicate., The Free Press
Porter Michael E. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance 1985, This book focuses on the idea of competitive advantage and discusses how companies obtain and maintain it. One of the key techniques Porter stresses is an emphasis on value chains and creating integrated business processes that are difficult for competitors to duplicate., The Free Press.
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
Porter, M.E.1
Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate
This article, and the one below by Davenport and Short, kicked off the BPR fad. The books that these authors are best known for didn't come until a couple of years later, July-August
Hammer Michael Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate. Harvard Business Review July-August 1990, This article, and the one below by Davenport and Short, kicked off the BPR fad. The books that these authors are best known for didn't come until a couple of years later.
Harvard Business Review
Hammer, M.1
Still the best introduction to business process redesign for senior managers. Managers read Hammer and Davenport in the early 1990s, and then turned to Rummler and Brache to learn how to actually do business process redesign. So many ideas that we now associate with business process change originated with Geary Rummler. Davenport, Thomas H., and James Short, "The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign," Sloan Management Review, Summer 1990., Jossey-Bass
Rummler Geary, Brache Alan Performance Improvement: Managing the White Space on the Organization Chart 1990, Still the best introduction to business process redesign for senior managers. Managers read Hammer and Davenport in the early 1990s, and then turned to Rummler and Brache to learn how to actually do business process redesign. So many ideas that we now associate with business process change originated with Geary Rummler. Davenport, Thomas H., and James Short, "The New Industrial Engineering: Information Technology and Business Process Redesign," Sloan Management Review, Summer 1990., Jossey-Bass.
Performance Improvement: Managing the White Space on the Organization Chart
Rummler, G.1
Brache, A.2
This was a runaway bestseller that got everyone in business talking about reengineering in the mid-1990s. It argued for a radical approach to redesign. Some companies used the ideas successfully; most found it too disruptive., HarperBusiness
Hammer Michael, Champy James Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution 1993, This was a runaway bestseller that got everyone in business talking about reengineering in the mid-1990s. It argued for a radical approach to redesign. Some companies used the ideas successfully; most found it too disruptive., HarperBusiness.
Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution
Hammer, M.1
Champy, J.2
This book doesn't have the breathless marketing pizzazz that Hammer's book has, but it's more thoughtful. Overall, however, both books advocate radical change to take advantage of the latest IT technologies., Harvard Business School Press
Davenport Thomas H. Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology 1993, This book doesn't have the breathless marketing pizzazz that Hammer's book has, but it's more thoughtful. Overall, however, both books advocate radical change to take advantage of the latest IT technologies., Harvard Business School Press.
Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology
Davenport, T.H.1
Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations, (any of several editions). Classic economics text that advocates, among other things, the use of work specialization to increase productivity.
Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations, (any of several editions). Classic economics text that advocates, among other things, the use of work specialization to increase productivity.
Harvard Business School Press, This is the book in which Davenport laid out the case for using ERP systems to improve company processes.
Davenport Thomas H. Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems 2000, Harvard Business School Press, This is the book in which Davenport laid out the case for using ERP systems to improve company processes.
Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems
Davenport, T.H.1
Oct., Excellent history of the early development of Six Sigma at Motorola.
Ramias Alan The Mists of Six Sigma 2005, www.bptrends.com, Oct., Excellent history of the early development of Six Sigma at Motorola.
The Mists of Six Sigma
Ramias, A.1
Scheer has written several books, all very technical, that describe how to use IT systems and modeling techniques to support business processes., Springer
Scheer August-Wilhelm Business Process Engineering: Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises 1994, Scheer has written several books, all very technical, that describe how to use IT systems and modeling techniques to support business processes., Springer. 2nd ed.
Business Process Engineering: Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises
Scheer, A.-W.1
A very practical introduction to process improvement, very much in the Six Sigma tradition, but without the statistics and with a dash of software diagrams., McGraw-Hill
Harrington H.James, Esseling Erik K.C., Van Nimwegen Harm Business Process Improvement Workbook 1997, A very practical introduction to process improvement, very much in the Six Sigma tradition, but without the statistics and with a dash of software diagrams., McGraw-Hill.
Business Process Improvement Workbook
Harrington, H.J.1
Esseling, E.K.C.2
Van Nimwegen, H.3
Lots of books have been written on business-IT alignment. This one is a little out of date, but still very good. Ignore the methodology, which gets too technical, but focus on the overviews of IT and how they support business change., Wiley
Boar Bernard H. Practical Steps for Aligning Information Technology with Business Strategies: How to Achieve a Competitive Advantage 1994, Lots of books have been written on business-IT alignment. This one is a little out of date, but still very good. Ignore the methodology, which gets too technical, but focus on the overviews of IT and how they support business change., Wiley.
Practical Steps for Aligning Information Technology with Business Strategies: How to Achieve a Competitive Advantage
Boar, B.H.1
Reengineering Redux
CIO, March 1, A roundtable discussion between Michael Hammer and four other business executives on the state of reengineering today. They agree on the continuing importance of process change. For more on Michael Hammer's current work, check his Web site:
CIO Reengineering Redux. CIO Magazine 2000, 143-156. March 1, A roundtable discussion between Michael Hammer and four other business executives on the state of reengineering today. They agree on the continuing importance of process change. For more on Michael Hammer's current work, check his Web site: www.hammerandco.com.
CIO Magazine
, pp. 143-156
Some strategists have recently argued that Value Chains are too rigid to model the changes that some companies must accommodate. They suggest an alternative that is sometimes termed Value Nets. IBM represents this approach with Business Component Models (BCM). This approach treats business processes as independent entities that can be combined in different ways to solve evolving challenges. Thus, the Value Nets approach abandon's the idea of strategic integration, as Porter defines it, to achieve greater flexibility. The Value Nets and BCM models we have seen simply represent business processes, and don't show how those processes are combined to generate products for customers. We suspect that this new approach will prove useful, but only if it can be combined with the Value Chain approach so that companies can see how they combine their business processes (or components) to achieve specific outcomes. Otherwise, the Value Nets approach will tend to sub-optimize potential value chain.
Some strategists have recently argued that Value Chains are too rigid to model the changes that some companies must accommodate. They suggest an alternative that is sometimes termed Value Nets. IBM represents this approach with Business Component Models (BCM). This approach treats business processes as independent entities that can be combined in different ways to solve evolving challenges. Thus, the Value Nets approach abandon's the idea of strategic integration, as Porter defines it, to achieve greater flexibility. The Value Nets and BCM models we have seen simply represent business processes, and don't show how those processes are combined to generate products for customers. We suspect that this new approach will prove useful, but only if it can be combined with the Value Chain approach so that companies can see how they combine their business processes (or components) to achieve specific outcomes. Otherwise, the Value Nets approach will tend to sub-optimize potential value chain integration and tend to reduce things to a set of best practices, with all the accompanying problems that Porter describes when he discusses Operational Effectiveness.
The best book that describes the Value Nets approach is David Bovet and Joseph Martha's
John Wiley
The best book that describes the Value Nets approach is David Bovet and Joseph Martha's. Value Nets 2000, John Wiley.
Value Nets
The Free Press, The best-selling book on strategy throughout the past two decades. The must-read book for anyone interested in business strategy.
Porter Michael E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors 1980, The Free Press, The best-selling book on strategy throughout the past two decades. The must-read book for anyone interested in business strategy.
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Porter, M.E.1
This book focuses on the idea of competitive advantage and discusses how companies obtain and maintain it. One of the key techniques Porter stresses is an emphasis on value chains and creating integrated business processes that are difficult for competitors to duplicate., The Free Press
Porter Michael E. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance 1985, This book focuses on the idea of competitive advantage and discusses how companies obtain and maintain it. One of the key techniques Porter stresses is an emphasis on value chains and creating integrated business processes that are difficult for competitors to duplicate., The Free Press.
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
Porter, M.E.1
What Is Strategy?
Reprint no. 96608. This is a great summary of Porter's Competitive Advantage. It's available from, November-December
Porter Michael E. What Is Strategy?. Harvard Business Review November-December 1996, Reprint no. 96608. This is a great summary of Porter's Competitive Advantage. It's available from www.amazon.com.
Harvard Business Review
Porter, M.E.1
Strategy and the Internet
Reprint no. R0103D. In this HBR article, Porter applies his ideas on strategy and value chains to Internet companies with telling effect. An article everyone interested in e-business should study, March
Porter Michael E. Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Business Review March 2001, Reprint no. R0103D. In this HBR article, Porter applies his ideas on strategy and value chains to Internet companies with telling effect. An article everyone interested in e-business should study.
Harvard Business Review
Porter, M.E.1
This book was extremely popular in the late 1990s and is still worthwhile. It provides some key insights into company cultures and how they affect positioning and the customers you should target., Addison-Wesley
Treacy Michael, Wiersema Fred The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, and Dominate Your Market 1995, This book was extremely popular in the late 1990s and is still worthwhile. It provides some key insights into company cultures and how they affect positioning and the customers you should target., Addison-Wesley.
The Discipline of Market Leaders: Choose Your Customers, Narrow Your Focus, and Dominate Your Market
Treacy, M.1
Wiersema, F.2
Having Trouble with Your Strategy? The Map It
This article is available from, Sept-Oct
Kaplan Robert S., Norton David P. Having Trouble with Your Strategy? The Map It. Harvard Business Review Sept-Oct 2000, This article is available from www.amazon.com.
Harvard Business Review
Kaplan, R.S.1
Norton, D.P.2
The Kaplan-Norton model often confuses the relationship between process and measures, but it also provides lots of good insights. Read it for insights, but don't take their specific approach too seriously, or your process focus will tend to get lost. Kaplan and Norton's previous book on the Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy was The Strategy Focused Organization, which was published by the Harvard Business School press in 2001, and it's also worth a read., Harvard Business School Press
Kaplan Robert S., Norton David P. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes 2004, The Kaplan-Norton model often confuses the relationship between process and measures, but it also provides lots of good insights. Read it for insights, but don't take their specific approach too seriously, or your process focus will tend to get lost. Kaplan and Norton's previous book on the Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy was The Strategy Focused Organization, which was published by the Harvard Business School press in 2001, and it's also worth a read., Harvard Business School Press.
Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes
Kaplan, R.S.1
Norton, D.P.2
The book is out of date in the sense that diagramming elements are defined in ways that are pre-UML and BPMN and we have changed various diagrams to bring the Rummler-Brache diagrams into line with current practice., Jossey-Bass
Rummler Geary, Brache Alan Improving Performance: Managing the White Space on the Organization Chart 1990, The book is out of date in the sense that diagramming elements are defined in ways that are pre-UML and BPMN and we have changed various diagrams to bring the Rummler-Brache diagrams into line with current practice., Jossey-Bass.
Improving Performance: Managing the White Space on the Organization Chart
Rummler, G.1
Brache, A.2
Senge is also at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, and is a student of Forrester. Senge has created a more popular approach to systems dynamics that puts the emphasis on people and the use of models and feedback to facilitate organizational development. In the introduction we described mature process organizations as organizations that totally involved people in constantly improving the process. Senge would describe such an organization as a learning organization., Currency Doubleday
Senge Peter M. The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization 1994, Senge is also at the Sloan School of Management at MIT, and is a student of Forrester. Senge has created a more popular approach to systems dynamics that puts the emphasis on people and the use of models and feedback to facilitate organizational development. In the introduction we described mature process organizations as organizations that totally involved people in constantly improving the process. Senge would describe such an organization as a learning organization., Currency Doubleday.
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
Senge, P.M.1
A good general overview of the SCOR methodology is available on, Search:, Jan.
Harmon An Introduction to the Supply Chain Council's SCOR Methodology Jan. 2003, A good general overview of the SCOR methodology is available on, Search:. http://www.bptrends.com.
An Introduction to the Supply Chain Council's SCOR Methodology
For information on the VRM approach, check
For information on the VRM approach, check. http://www.valuechain.org.
Public Evaluation Version 2.5, December, Document GB921. This document describes the current state of the eTOM specification and is available from the TeleManagement Forum Web site, TeleManagement Forum
TeleManagement Forum eTOM: The Business Process Framework: For the Information and Communications Services Industry 2001, Public Evaluation Version 2.5, December, Document GB921. This document describes the current state of the eTOM specification and is available from the TeleManagement Forum Web site.
eTOM: The Business Process Framework: For the Information and Communications Services Industry
For information on ACORD's Insurance Framework, go to
For information on ACORD's Insurance Framework, go to. http://www.acord.org.
In the mid-1970s I worked briefly for Louis A. Allen, a then-popular management consultant. As far as I know, his books are no longer in print, but he introduced me to the idea that managers must plan, organize, lead, and control. I've simplified that in this chapter to planning and controlling., Louis Allen Associates (2 nd)
Allen Louis A. Principles of Professional Management 1978, In the mid-1970s I worked briefly for Louis A. Allen, a then-popular management consultant. As far as I know, his books are no longer in print, but he introduced me to the idea that managers must plan, organize, lead, and control. I've simplified that in this chapter to planning and controlling., Louis Allen Associates (2 nd) .
Principles of Professional Management
Allen, L.A.1
Information about IT Governance Institute's COBIT framework is available from
Information about IT Governance Institute's COBIT framework is available from. http://www.itgi.org.
As with the original reengineering book, this is more about why you should do it than how to do it., HarperBusiness
Champy James Reengineering Management 1995, As with the original reengineering book, this is more about why you should do it than how to do it., HarperBusiness.
Reengineering Management
Champy, J.1
This is a good, up-to-date discussion of the issues involved in managing processes from an enterprise perspective, Meghan-Kiffer
Spanyi Andrew More for Less: The Power of Process Management 2006, This is a good, up-to-date discussion of the issues involved in managing processes from an enterprise perspective, Meghan-Kiffer.
More for Less: The Power of Process Management
Spanyi, A.1
Still the best introduction to measuring business processes., Jossey-Bass
ndEd.) 1995, Still the best introduction to measuring business processes., Jossey-Bass.
Rummler, G.1
Brache, A.2
Balanced Scorecard is a popular approach to measuring corporate and managerial performance. The term was coined Robert S. Kaplan (a Harvard Business School accounting professor) and David P. Norton (a consultant) in an article titled "The Balanced Scorecard-Measures that Drive Performance", that appeared in the Jan/Feb 1992 issue of the Harvard Business Review
Balanced Scorecard is a popular approach to measuring corporate and managerial performance. The term was coined Robert S. Kaplan (a Harvard Business School accounting professor) and David P. Norton (a consultant) in an article titled "The Balanced Scorecard-Measures that Drive Performance", that appeared in the Jan/Feb 1992 issue of the Harvard Business Review.
Kaplan and Norton describe a popular approach to tying measures to organization strategies. It's good in that it gets executives thinking of a variety of measures. It's bad if it's used alone, as a measurement solution, and not incorporated into a total business process management strategy. If you want, you can easily think of the collection of measures that accumulate as a process is analyzed as a score-card of measures., Harvard Business School Press
Kaplan Robert S., Norton David P. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action 1996, Kaplan and Norton describe a popular approach to tying measures to organization strategies. It's good in that it gets executives thinking of a variety of measures. It's bad if it's used alone, as a measurement solution, and not incorporated into a total business process management strategy. If you want, you can easily think of the collection of measures that accumulate as a process is analyzed as a score-card of measures., Harvard Business School Press.
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action
Kaplan, R.S.1
Norton, D.P.2
Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It
This article describes how the authors link strategy to Balanced Scorecard measures. It is available from, Sept-Oct
Kaplan Robert S., Norton David P. Having Trouble with Your Strategy? Then Map It. Harvard Business Review Sept-Oct 2000, This article describes how the authors link strategy to Balanced Scorecard measures. It is available from www.amazon.com.
Harvard Business Review
Kaplan, R.S.1
Norton, D.P.2
The Kaplan-Norton model often confuses the relationship between process and measures, but it also provides lots of good insights. Read it for insights, but don't take their specific approach too seriously, or your process focus will tend to get lost. Kaplan and Norton's previous book on the Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy was The Strategy Focused Organizationwhich was published by the Harvard Business School press in 2001 and its also worth a read., Harvard Business School Press
Kaplan Robert S., Norton David P. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes 2004, The Kaplan-Norton model often confuses the relationship between process and measures, but it also provides lots of good insights. Read it for insights, but don't take their specific approach too seriously, or your process focus will tend to get lost. Kaplan and Norton's previous book on the Balanced Scorecard approach to strategy was The Strategy Focused Organizationwhich was published by the Harvard Business School press in 2001 and its also worth a read., Harvard Business School Press.
Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes
Kaplan, R.S.1
Norton, D.P.2
Wiley, This is a recent book that describes the challenges of using the Balanced Scorecard with BPM.
Smith Ralph Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard 2007, Wiley, This is a recent book that describes the challenges of using the Balanced Scorecard with BPM.
Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard
Smith, R.1
Information on the Supply Chain Council's measurement systems is from a number of SCC publications. The specific information about Make-to-Order process measures is from the SCOR manual. All SCC information is available from
Information on the Supply Chain Council's measurement systems is from a number of SCC publications. The specific information about Make-to-Order process measures is from the SCOR manual. All SCC information is available from. http://www.supplychain.org.
The Baldrige Award is a U.S. government program managed by the U.S. Commerce Department. Information on the Baldrige program is available at
The Baldrige Award is a U.S. government program managed by the U.S. Commerce Department. Information on the Baldrige program is available at. http://www.quality.nist.gov.
This is the book that Roger Burlton published in 2001 that contains many of the ideas used by PRG., SAMS
Burlton Roger T. Business Process Management: Profiting From Process 2001, This is the book that Roger Burlton published in 2001 that contains many of the ideas used by PRG., SAMS.
Business Process Management: Profiting From Process
Burlton, R.T.1
PRG's IGOE diagram was originally derived from work done in the early 1990s for the U.S. Air Force. The software development methodology developed at that time included a business analysis methodology, usually termed IDEF0. In December 1993, the Computer Systems Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released IDEFØ as a standard for Function Modeling in FIPS Publication 183. Two books that describe IDEF0 are, Electic Solutions
Marca David A., McGowan Clement L. IDEF0/SADT: Business Process and Enterprise Modeling 1988, PRG's IGOE diagram was originally derived from work done in the early 1990s for the U.S. Air Force. The software development methodology developed at that time included a business analysis methodology, usually termed IDEF0. In December 1993, the Computer Systems Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released IDEFØ as a standard for Function Modeling in FIPS Publication 183. Two books that describe IDEF0 are, Electic Solutions.
IDEF0/SADT: Business Process and Enterprise Modeling
Marca, D.A.1
McGowan, C.L.2
By far the best introduction to BPMN is provided by two papers written by Stephen White which are available on the BPTrends site. White was the chair of the BPMN task force that created the notation. Go to, and search on Stephen White.
By far the best introduction to BPMN is provided by two papers written by Stephen White which are available on the BPTrends site. White was the chair of the BPMN task force that created the notation. Go to, and search on Stephen White. http://www.bptrends.com.
Publication of ISPI and ASTD, This is the best book available on HPT and business processes. Every business process analyst who attempts the analysis of activities that involve human performers should read this book. There is nothing else remotely like it for its clarity and practicality.
Rummler Geary A. Serious Performance Consulting: According to Rummler 2004, Publication of ISPI and ASTD, This is the best book available on HPT and business processes. Every business process analyst who attempts the analysis of activities that involve human performers should read this book. There is nothing else remotely like it for its clarity and practicality.
Serious Performance Consulting: According to Rummler
Rummler, G.A.1
Gilbert was one of the people that created human performance technology in the 1970s, and this book provides a thought-provoking introduction to the field. Gilbert is extremely idiosyncratic and can be technical, so you've really got to be interested in human performance issues to get through this., McGraw-Hill
Gilbert Thomas F. Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance 1978, Gilbert was one of the people that created human performance technology in the 1970s, and this book provides a thought-provoking introduction to the field. Gilbert is extremely idiosyncratic and can be technical, so you've really got to be interested in human performance issues to get through this., McGraw-Hill.
Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance
Gilbert, T.F.1
This is a book that starts with the premises of CMM and then studies how one improves the workforce to move from one level of process maturity to another. Bill Curtis wrote that it was this book that started him thinking of applying CMM to processes other than software processes., Addison-Wesley
Curtis Bill, Hefley William E., Millor Sally A. The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce 2002, This is a book that starts with the premises of CMM and then studies how one improves the workforce to move from one level of process maturity to another. Bill Curtis wrote that it was this book that started him thinking of applying CMM to processes other than software processes., Addison-Wesley.
The People Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Workforce
Curtis, B.1
Hefley, W.E.2
Millor, S.A.3
The critical early work on cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence., Prentice-Hall
Newell Allen, Simon Herbert A. Human Problem Solving 1972, The critical early work on cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence., Prentice-Hall.
Human Problem Solving
Newell, A.1
Simon, H.A.2
This textbook is out of print, but used copies can be obtained from and it provides a really excellent introduction to all the basic cognitive analysis concepts, including mapping., Academic Press
Lindsay Peter H., Norman Donald A. Human Information Processing: An Introduction to Psychology 1972, This textbook is out of print, but used copies can be obtained from www.amazon.comand it provides a really excellent introduction to all the basic cognitive analysis concepts, including mapping., Academic Press.
Human Information Processing: An Introduction to Psychology
Lindsay, P.H.1
Norman, D.A.2
Harvard Business School Press, This is an excellent, high-level look at the problems managers face in dealing with knowledge workers.
Davenport Thomas H. Thinking for a Living: How to Get Better Performance Results from Knowledge Workers 2005, Harvard Business School Press, This is an excellent, high-level look at the problems managers face in dealing with knowledge workers.
Thinking for a Living: How to Get Better Performance Results from Knowledge Workers
Davenport, T.H.1
In 2006 BPTrends published a report by Curt Hall and Paul Harmon that reviewed business rule technologies and some of the leading business rule products currently in use. This report is free and can be accessed by going to and selecting BPT Product Reports. I owe many of my ideas on business rules to discussions with Curt Hall, May
Hall Curt, Harmon Paul The BPTrends 2006 Report on Business Rules Products May 2006, In 2006 BPTrends published a report by Curt Hall and Paul Harmon that reviewed business rule technologies and some of the leading business rule products currently in use. This report is free and can be accessed by going to www.bptrends.comand selecting BPT Product Reports. I owe many of my ideas on business rules to discussions with Curt Hall.
The BPTrends 2006 Report on Business Rules Products
Hall, C.1
Harmon, P.2
The OMG has developed a business rules standard that anyone interested in business rules development should study. To access it, visit the OMG Web site and search for: Business Semantics of Business Rules.
The OMG has developed a business rules standard that anyone interested in business rules development should study. To access it, visit the OMG Web site and search for: Business Semantics of Business Rules.
This is an excellent introduction to the concepts and techniques involved in business rules.
ndEd.), BRCommunity.com 2005, This is an excellent introduction to the concepts and techniques involved in business rules.
ndEd.), BRCommunity.com
Ross, R.G.1
This is another good introduction to the importance of specific business rules and how they can be used to align business goals with specific processes and activities., Addison-Wesley
Morgan Tony Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals 2002, This is another good introduction to the importance of specific business rules and how they can be used to align business goals with specific processes and activities., Addison-Wesley.
Business Rules and Information Systems: Aligning IT with Business Goals
Morgan, T.1
This is a rather technical book that proposes that organizations develop comprehensive knowledge-based systems to describe complex business processes. This is very much in the spirit of the knowledge-based systems movement of the eighties, and proposes the development of systematic ontologies and inheritance hierarchies that could be used to structure business rule systems. This is a very important book, but only those considering a heavy investment in business rules will want to read it., ARTECH House
Mitra Amit, Gupta Amar Agile Systems: With Reusable Patterns of Business Knowledge 2005, This is a rather technical book that proposes that organizations develop comprehensive knowledge-based systems to describe complex business processes. This is very much in the spirit of the knowledge-based systems movement of the eighties, and proposes the development of systematic ontologies and inheritance hierarchies that could be used to structure business rule systems. This is a very important book, but only those considering a heavy investment in business rules will want to read it., ARTECH House.
Agile Systems: With Reusable Patterns of Business Knowledge
Mitra, A.1
Gupta, A.2
This is an older book, but provides a good technical introduction to the concepts used in expert systems and business rule systems., Wiley
Harmon Paul, Hall Curt Intelligent Software Systems Development: An IS Manager's Guide 1993, This is an older book, but provides a good technical introduction to the concepts used in expert systems and business rule systems., Wiley.
Intelligent Software Systems Development: An IS Manager's Guide
Harmon, P.1
Hall, C.2
The analysis of process management is primarily derived from the work of Geary Rummler. The basic concepts were introduced in Improving Performance, but have been considerably elaborated in recent lectures and workshops. Ideas about the relationships between day-to-day management and management processes at a distance have been developed in conversations with Roger Burlton.
The analysis of process management is primarily derived from the work of Geary Rummler. The basic concepts were introduced in Improving Performance, but have been considerably elaborated in recent lectures and workshops. Ideas about the relationships between day-to-day management and management processes at a distance have been developed in conversations with Roger Burlton.
Other business process theorists have also focused on improving the management of processes:, As with the original reengineering book, this is more about why you should do it than how to do it., HarperBusiness
Champy James Reengineering Management 1995, Other business process theorists have also focused on improving the management of processes:, As with the original reengineering book, this is more about why you should do it than how to do it., HarperBusiness.
Reengineering Management
Champy, J.1
For a modern review of the efficiency movement and Taylor, check Daniel Nelson's Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management, University of Wisconsin Press, 1980. Frederick Winslow Taylor advocated the idea that managers had a responsibility to study processes and assure that they were efficient. Taylor emphasized time and motion studies, and motivational incentives to control performance. Workers, who resented being urged to work faster, called the approach "Taylorism.", Harper's
Taylor Frederick W. The Principles of Scientific Management 1911, For a modern review of the efficiency movement and Taylor, check Daniel Nelson's Frederick W. Taylor and the Rise of Scientific Management, University of Wisconsin Press, 1980. Frederick Winslow Taylor advocated the idea that managers had a responsibility to study processes and assure that they were efficient. Taylor emphasized time and motion studies, and motivational incentives to control performance. Workers, who resented being urged to work faster, called the approach "Taylorism.", Harper's.
The Principles of Scientific Management
Taylor, F.W.1
The automotive data is from an IMVP World Assembly Plan Survey conducted in 1986. I discovered this data in a booklet written by, and is available from the Ken Orr Institute. For more information, check
Orr Ken Creating the Smart Enterprise: Business Process Reengineering in the Real World 1998, The automotive data is from an IMVP World Assembly Plan Survey conducted in 1986. I discovered this data in a booklet written by, and is available from the Ken Orr Institute. For more information, check www.kenorrinst.com.
Creating the Smart Enterprise: Business Process Reengineering in the Real World
Orr, K.1
A good workthrough of all the basics, for managers or practitioners. I'd recommend this be your first book on Six Sigma., John Wiley
Eckes George The Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process into Profits 2001, A good workthrough of all the basics, for managers or practitioners. I'd recommend this be your first book on Six Sigma., John Wiley.
The Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process into Profits
Eckes, G.1
This is one of several little pocket guides (3″ by 5″) that summarize everything in a easily accessible form. This is the book I grab when I want to look up a technical term or get a formula. There are several others that are equally useful for more specialized aspects of Six Sigma. Check., GOAL/QPC
Brassard Michael, Finn Lynda, Ginn Dana, Ritter Diane The Six Sigma Memory Jogger II: A Pocket Guide of Tools for Six Sigma Improvement Teams 2002, This is one of several little pocket guides (3″ by 5″) that summarize everything in a easily accessible form. This is the book I grab when I want to look up a technical term or get a formula. There are several others that are equally useful for more specialized aspects of Six Sigma. Check www.goalqpc.com., GOAL/QPC.
The Six Sigma Memory Jogger II: A Pocket Guide of Tools for Six Sigma Improvement Teams
Brassard, M.1
Finn, L.2
Ginn, D.3
Ritter, D.4
This book describes the deployment of Six Sigma at DuPont from 1998 to 2004. It is a great case study in what's involved in making Six Sigma happen at a large company., Currency Doubleday
Harry Mikel, Linsenmann Don R. The Six Sigma Fieldbook: How DuPont Successfully Implemented the Six Sigma Breakthrough Management Strategy 2006, This book describes the deployment of Six Sigma at DuPont from 1998 to 2004. It is a great case study in what's involved in making Six Sigma happen at a large company., Currency Doubleday.
The Six Sigma Fieldbook: How DuPont Successfully Implemented the Six Sigma Breakthrough Management Strategy
Harry, M.1
Linsenmann, D.R.2
This book is more specialized, but a good book if you are trying to use both Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma and trying to figure out how to integrate them., McGraw-Hill
Gupta Praveen Six Sigma Business Scorecard: Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System 2004, This book is more specialized, but a good book if you are trying to use both Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma and trying to figure out how to integrate them., McGraw-Hill.
Six Sigma Business Scorecard: Creating a Comprehensive Corporate Performance Measurement System
Gupta, P.1
This book discusses the application of Six Sigma techniques to sales and marketing problems. It's a great book for anyone who wants to improve sales and marketing processes and it demonstrates how far Six Sigma has come beyond its origins in manufacturing., Kaplan Publishing
Webb Michael J. Sales and Marketing the Six Sigma Way 2006, This book discusses the application of Six Sigma techniques to sales and marketing problems. It's a great book for anyone who wants to improve sales and marketing processes and it demonstrates how far Six Sigma has come beyond its origins in manufacturing., Kaplan Publishing.
Sales and Marketing the Six Sigma Way
Webb, M.J.1
This is my new favorite as a simple introduction to Six Sigma. It provides a very nice overview of what you need to know., Wiley
Gygi Craig, DeCarlo Neil, Williams Bruce Six Sigma for Dummies 2005, This is my new favorite as a simple introduction to Six Sigma. It provides a very nice overview of what you need to know., Wiley.
Six Sigma for Dummies
Gygi, C.1
DeCarlo, N.2
Williams, B.3
A good overview of Lean as it is being used in organizations today., Wiley
Sayer Charlie J., Williams Bruce Lean for Dummies 2007, A good overview of Lean as it is being used in organizations today., Wiley.
Lean for Dummies
Sayer, C.J.1
Williams, B.2
This is the first book on Lean, published in Japan in 1978. It was translated into English in 1988. This book has the seminal ideas, but is entirely focused on manufacturing problems., Productivity Press
Ohno Taiichi Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production 1988, This is the first book on Lean, published in Japan in 1978. It was translated into English in 1988. This book has the seminal ideas, but is entirely focused on manufacturing problems., Productivity Press.
Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production
Ohno, T.1
An MIT study of the practices employed at Toyota. This is the book that kicked off the interest in Lean in the U.S. Womack went on to set up the Lean Enterprise Institute, in 1997. The Lean Enterprise Institute provides training courses and has published a series of books and workbooks to help analysts learn about specific Lean techniques., Harper Perennial
Womack James, Jones Daniel, Roos Daniel The Machine That Changed The World: The Story of Lean Production: How Japan's Secret Weapon in the Global Auto Wars Will Revolutionize Western Industry 1990, An MIT study of the practices employed at Toyota. This is the book that kicked off the interest in Lean in the U.S. Womack went on to set up the Lean Enterprise Institute, in 1997 ( www.lean.org). The Lean Enterprise Institute provides training courses and has published a series of books and workbooks to help analysts learn about specific Lean techniques., Harper Perennial.
The Machine That Changed The World: The Story of Lean Production: How Japan's Secret Weapon in the Global Auto Wars Will Revolutionize Western Industry
Womack, J.1
Jones, D.2
Roos, D.3
This is a great introduction to value-stream mapping, The Lean Enterprise Institute
Rother Mike, Shook John Learning to See 2003, This is a great introduction to value-stream mapping, The Lean Enterprise Institute.
Learning to See
Rother, M.1
Shook, J.2
One of several new books that aim to show how Lean and Six Sigma can be combined., AMACOM
Carreira Bill, Trudell Bill Lean Six Sigma That Works 2006, One of several new books that aim to show how Lean and Six Sigma can be combined., AMACOM.
Lean Six Sigma That Works
Carreira, B.1
Trudell, B.2
Another good summary of successful practices., Van Nostrand Reinhold
Petrozzo Daniel P., Stepper John C. Successful Reengineering 1994, Another good summary of successful practices., Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Successful Reengineering
Petrozzo, D.P.1
Stepper, J.C.2
This book kicked off the current interest in BPMS tools and applications. It's a bit over the top, but it presents the case for BPMS with lots of enthusiasm, Meghan-Kiffer Press
Smith Howard, Fingar Peter Business Process Management: The Third Wave 2003, This book kicked off the current interest in BPMS tools and applications. It's a bit over the top, but it presents the case for BPMS with lots of enthusiasm, Meghan-Kiffer Press.
Business Process Management: The Third Wave
Smith, H.1
Fingar, P.2
Of the books published that have sought to explain BPMS products, this is the one I think offers the most practical and straightforward presentation, Meghan-Kiffer Press
Khan Rashid N. Business Process Management: A Practical Guide 2005, Of the books published that have sought to explain BPMS products, this is the one I think offers the most practical and straightforward presentation, Meghan-Kiffer Press.
Business Process Management: A Practical Guide
Khan, R.N.1
This paper on BPTrends walks through the way BPMN notation can be used to generate BPEL, the language underlying some BPMS products, BPTrends, March
White Stephen Using BPMN to Model a BPEL Process March 2005, This paper on BPTrends walks through the way BPMN notation can be used to generate BPEL, the language underlying some BPMS products, BPTrends.
Using BPMN to Model a BPEL Process
White, S.1
This paper on BPTrends discusses the use of BPMN for BPMS development, BPTrends, March
Owen Martin BPMN and Business Process Management March 2004, This paper on BPTrends discusses the use of BPMN for BPMS development, BPTrends.
BPMN and Business Process Management
Owen, M.1
Mike Rosen has written a series of articles on BPTrends describing the relationship between BPM and SOA. This is the article where he introduced the diagram used in Figure 16.8, but all of the articles are worth reading, BPTrends, January
Rosen Michael BPM and SOA: Where Does One End and the Other Begin? January 2006, Mike Rosen has written a series of articles on BPTrends describing the relationship between BPM and SOA. This is the article where he introduced the diagram used in Figure 16.8, but all of the articles are worth reading, BPTrends.
BPM and SOA: Where Does One End and the Other Begin?
Rosen, M.1
This is a nice summary of how Microsoft is approaching BPMS with its BizTalk Server, January
Chappell David Understanding BPM Servers January 2005, www.bptrends.com, This is a nice summary of how Microsoft is approaching BPMS with its BizTalk Server.
Understanding BPM Servers
Chappell, D.1
Having helped launch the BPR movement, Davenport noticed that by the late 1990s many companies were implementing process change with packaged applications from ERP vendors. He wrote this book to report on his investigations of the whole trend. When Davenport wrote this, he was the director of the Institute for Strategic Change at Andersen Consulting. Davenport is now director of the Business Process Institute at Babson College. For more information, check., Harvard Business School Press
Davenport Thomas H. Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems 2000, Having helped launch the BPR movement, Davenport noticed that by the late 1990s many companies were implementing process change with packaged applications from ERP vendors. He wrote this book to report on his investigations of the whole trend. When Davenport wrote this, he was the director of the Institute for Strategic Change at Andersen Consulting. Davenport is now director of the Business Process Institute at Babson College. For more information, check www.babson.edu., Harvard Business School Press.
Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems
Davenport, T.H.1
This book focuses on process modeling, especially as it is done with ARIS in SAP R/3. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Springer
Scheer A.-W. ARIS-Business Process Modeling 2000, This book focuses on process modeling, especially as it is done with ARIS in SAP R/3. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Springer. 3rd ed.
ARIS-Business Process Modeling
Scheer, A.-W.1
This book focuses on the ARIS approach to process redesign using SAP R/3 products and the ARIS software tool. It talks about aligning strategy and processes, but is a book for IT developers and not business managers., Springer
Scheer A.-W. ARIS-Business Process Frameworks 1999, This book focuses on the ARIS approach to process redesign using SAP R/3 products and the ARIS software tool. It talks about aligning strategy and processes, but is a book for IT developers and not business managers., Springer. 3rd ed.
ARIS-Business Process Frameworks
Scheer, A.-W.1
The book lays out Scheer's basic approach to process reengineering. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Springer
Scheer A.-W. Business Process Engineering: Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises 1994, The book lays out Scheer's basic approach to process reengineering. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Springer. 2nd ed.
Business Process Engineering: Reference Models for Industrial Enterprises
Scheer, A.-W.1
The main source of information on SAP and the diagrams used in this chapter was the SAP Web site
The main source of information on SAP and the diagrams used in this chapter was the SAP Web site. http://www.sap.com.
A good introduction to the use of SAP modules to model business processes. Lots of detailed ARIS examples. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Prentice Hall
Curran Thomas, Keller Gerhard, Ladd Andrew SAP R/3 Business Blueprint: Understanding the Business Process Reference Model 1998, A good introduction to the use of SAP modules to model business processes. Lots of detailed ARIS examples. A book for IT developers, not business managers., Prentice Hall.
SAP R/3 Business Blueprint: Understanding the Business Process Reference Model
Curran, T.1
Keller, G.2
Ladd, A.3
Nestle's ERP Odyssey
May 14
Worthen Ben Nestle's ERP Odyssey. CIO Magazine 2002, 62-70. May 14.
CIO Magazine
, pp. 62-70
Worthen, B.1
Wiley, A good introduction to NetWeaver, SAP's evolving BPMS entry.
Woods Dan, Word Jeffrey SAP NetWeaver for Dummies 2004, Wiley, A good introduction to NetWeaver, SAP's evolving BPMS entry.
SAP NetWeaver for Dummies
Woods, D.1
Word, J.2
This book describes how SAP is modifying its ERP modules (converting them to mySAP modules) that will be able to run with NetWeaver., SAP Press
Forndron Frank, Liebermann Thilo, Thurner Marcus, Widmayer Peter mySAP ERP Roadmap: Business Processes, Capabilities, and Complete Upgrade Strategy 2006, This book describes how SAP is modifying its ERP modules (converting them to mySAP modules) that will be able to run with NetWeaver., SAP Press.
mySAP ERP Roadmap: Business Processes, Capabilities, and Complete Upgrade Strategy
Forndron, F.1
Liebermann, T.2
Thurner, M.3
Widmayer, P.4
SAP has created a special Web site within their SAP Community Network for business process experts (BPx) that is designed to help business analysts learn about the latest developments in BPM. Visit, for more information
SAP has created a special Web site within their SAP Community Network for business process experts (BPx) that is designed to help business analysts learn about the latest developments in BPM. Visit, for more information. http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/bpx.