[AT 1] Arzneimittelgesetz/Österreich in der Fassung vom 31. Juli, (VO 379/96)
[AT 1] Arzneimittelgesetz/Österreich in der Fassung vom 31. Juli 1996 (VO 379/96).
[AT 2] 541, Verordnung des Bundesministers für Gesundheit und öffentlicher Dienst vom 16. Oktober 1989 betreffend Erleichterungen bei der Zulassung bestimmter Arzneispezialitäten
[AT 2] 541. Verordnung des Bundesministers für Gesundheit und öffentlicher Dienst vom 16. Oktober 1989 betreffend Erleichterungen bei der Zulassung bestimmter Arzneispezialitäten, Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1989, 3641-3666.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich
, pp. 3641-3666
Verordnung des Bundesministers für Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz, mit die der Verordnung betreffend Erleichterungen bei der Zulassung bestimmter Arzneispezialit äten geändert wird
[AT 3] 727
[AT 3] 727. Verordnung des Bundesministers für Gesundheit, Sport und Konsumentenschutz, mit die der Verordnung betreffend Erleichterungen bei der Zulassung bestimmter Arzneispezialit äten geändert wird, Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1992, 3912-3915.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich
, pp. 3912-3915
[AT 4] Abgrenzungsverordnung vom 25. August, 1995 (VO 568/95)
[AT 4] Abgrenzungsverordnung vom 25. August 1995 (VO 568/95), Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1995, 7005-7046.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich
, pp. 7005-7046
Februar 1985 (AspV, VO 82/85), withdrawn by:220. Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales über die Zulassung von Arzneispezialitäten
[AT 5] Arzneispezialitätenverordnung vom 28
[AT 5] Arzneispezialitätenverordnung vom 28. Februar 1985 (AspV, VO 82/85), withdrawn by:220. Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales über die Zulassung von Arzneispezialitäten, Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1998, 1115.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich
, pp. 1115
[AT 6] Kosmetikverordnung vom 12. April 1996 (VO 166/96)
[AT 6] Kosmetikverordnung vom 12. April 1996 (VO 166/96), Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich, 1996, 833-862.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich
, pp. 833-862
[AT 7] Kosmetikverordnung vom 13. August, (VO 22/97)
[AT 7] Kosmetikverordnung vom 13. August 1997 (VO 22/97), Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich,1997, 1115-1124.
Bundesgesetzblatt für die Republik Österreich,1997
, pp. 1115-1124
De la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Arreté royal du 29 aôut 1997 relatif à la fabrication et au commerce de denrées alimentaires composées ou contenant des plantes ou préparations de plantes
[B 1] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, (21 novembre
[B 1] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Arreté royal du 29 aôut 1997 relatif à la fabrication et au commerce de denrées alimentaires composées ou contenant des plantes ou préparations de plantes, Moniteur belge (21 novembre 1997) 97-2706.
Moniteur belge
, pp. 97-2706
Directives à la constitution du dossier d’enregistrement des médicaments à base de plantes
[B 2] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Circulaire ministérielle du 30 novembre, (10 février 1995
[B 2] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Circulaire ministérielle du 30 novembre 1994. Directives à la constitution du dossier d’enregistrement des médicaments à base de plantes, Moniteur belge 3103-9 (10 février 1995).
Moniteur belge
, pp. 3103-3109
De la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Circulaire ministérielle du 12 mai 1997 modifiant les listes en annexe à l a Circulaire du 30 novembre 1994. Directives à la constitution du dossier d’enregistrement des médicaments à base de plantes
[B 4] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, 10 février
[B 4] Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé Publique et de l’Environnement. Circulaire ministérielle du 12 mai 1997 modifiant les listes en annexe à l a Circulaire du 30 novembre 1994. Directives à la constitution du dossier d’enregistrement des médicaments à base de plantes, Moniteur belge 3103-9 (10 février 1995).
Moniteur belge
, pp. 3103-3109
[DK 1] Bekendtgørelse om naturlaegemidler, september
[DK 1] Bekendtgørelse om naturlaegemidler. Sundhedsministeriet nr. 790 af 21. september 1992.
Sundhedsministeriet nr. 790 af 21
[DK 2] Sundhedsstyrelsens vejledning af 30. september
[DK 2] Sundhedsstyrelsens vejledning af 30. september 1992 vedrørende registrering af naturlaegemidler. 136
Vedrørende registrering af naturlaegemidler
, pp. 136
[DK 3] Bekendtgørelse om mærkning af og indlaegssedler til lægemidler optaget I Sundhedsstyrelsens specialitetsregister. Sundhedsstyrelsens bekendtgørelse nr. 314 af 18. maj
[DK 3] Bekendtgørelse om mærkning af og indlaegssedler til lægemidler optaget I Sundhedsstyrelsens specialitetsregister. Sundhedsstyrelsens bekendtgørelse nr. 314 af 18. maj 1993.
[DK 4] Bekendtgørelse om reklame for lægemidler. Sundhedsministeriet nr. 736 af 7. August
[DK 4] Bekendtgørelse om reklame for lægemidler. Sundhedsministeriet nr. 736 af 7. August 1996.
[FIN 1] Marketing Authorisation for a Herbal Remedy. Administrative Regulation 9/93. National Agency for Medicines. 30 November, Medicines Law, 10 April 1987/395 with all amendments
[FIN 1] Marketing Authorisation for a Herbal Remedy. Administrative Regulation 9/93. National Agency for Medicines. 30 November 1993. Medicines Law, 10 April 1987/395 with all amendments.
[F 1] Mélanges de plantes autorisés àetre vendus par les herboristes. Arreté du 7 avril, (J.O.R.F.) du 4 mai 1943) modifié par Arreté du 27 janvier 1959 (J.O.R.F. du 15 février 1959)
[F 1] Mélanges de plantes autorisés àetre vendus par les herboristes. Arreté du 7 avril 1943 (Journal Officiel de la République Française (J.O.R.F.) du 4 mai 1943) modifié par Arreté du 27 janvier 1959 (J.O.R.F. du 15 février 1959).
Journal Officiel de la République Française
[F 2] Vente des plantes servant à la composition de boissons hygiéniques. Loi du 21 juin 1941 (J.O.R.F. du 24 juin 1941). Vente au public de plantes médicinales inscrites à la Pharmacop ée. Décret 79-480 du 15 juin 1979 (J.O.R.F. du 22 juin
[F 2] Vente des plantes servant à la composition de boissons hygiéniques. Loi du 21 juin 1941 (J.O.R.F. du 24 juin 1941). Vente au public de plantes médicinales inscrites à la Pharmacop ée. Décret 79-480 du 15 juin 1979 (J.O.R.F. du 22 juin 1979).
[F 3] Circulaire 346 du 2 juillet 1979, (B.O.M.S.) du 12 septembre, 79/32) du Ministre de la Santé et de la Famille
[F 3] Circulaire 346 du 2 juillet 1979 (Bulletin Officiel du Ministère de la Santé (B.O.M.S.) du 12 septembre 1979, 79/32) du Ministre de la Santé et de la Famille.
Bulletin Officiel du Ministère de la Santé
[F 4] Médicaments à base de plantes:, No. 3. Agence du Médicament (Note: this document replaces the previous "Avis aux fabricant" published in the Bulletin officiel No. 90/22 of
[F 4] Médicaments à base de plantes: Les Cahiers de l’Agence No. 3. Agence du Médicament (Note: this document replaces the previous "Avis aux fabricant" published in the Bulletin officiel No. 90/22 of 1990).
Les Cahiers de l’Agence
[D 1] Naturheilmittel und Besondere Therapierichtungen, 33
[D 1] Naturheilmittel und Besondere Therapierichtungen, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 33, 297-301.
, pp. 297-301
[D 3] Bekanntmachung der Neufassung der Allgemeinen Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Anwendung der Arzneimittel Prüfrichtlinien vom 5. Mai, vom 20. Mai 1995
[D 3] Bekanntmachung der Neufassung der Allgemeinen Verwaltungsvorschrift zur Anwendung der Arzneimittel Prüfrichtlinien vom 5. Mai 1995, Bundesanzeiger 1995, 47 No. 96a vom 20. Mai 1995.
Bundesanzeiger 1995
, vol.47
, Issue.96
[D 4] 25. Bekanntmachung über die Verlängerung der Zulassungen nach §105 des Arzneimittelgesetzes (AMG) (Anwendungsgebiete für traditionelle Arzneimittel nach §109a AMG) vom 11. Juli, Nr. 141 vom 29. Juli 1995
[D 4] 25. Bekanntmachung über die Verlängerung der Zulassungen nach §105 des Arzneimittelgesetzes (AMG) (Anwendungsgebiete für traditionelle Arzneimittel nach §109a AMG) vom 11. Juli 1995, Bundesanzeiger Nr. 141 vom 29. Juli 1995, 8306-8309.
, pp. 8306-8309
[D 5] Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschriften zur Anwendung der Arzneimittelprüfrichtlinien vom 14. Dezember 1989, vom 29. Dezember 1989
[D 5] Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschriften zur Anwendung der Arzneimittelprüfrichtlinien vom 14. Dezember 1989, Bundesanzeiger 1989, 41 No. 243a vom 29. Dezember 1989.
, vol.41
, Issue.243
[GR 1] Minister of Health, Providence & Social Insurance. Ministerial Decree Y6a/14290/93, Nr. 217 of 1 April
[GR 1] Minister of Health, Providence & Social Insurance. Ministerial Decree Y6a/14290/93 Government’s Gazette Nr. 217 of 1 April 1994.
Government’s Gazette
[GR 2] Medicines Law, last amended by Ministerial Order Nr. 9392/93
[GR 2] Medicines Law 1985, last amended by Ministerial Order Nr. 9392/93.
[GR 3] Ministerial Decree Y6a/3221, No. 782 of 12 September
[GR 3] Ministerial Decree Y6a/3221, Government Gazette’s No. 782 of 12 September 1995.
Government Gazette’s
[GR 4] Ministerial Decree Y6a/776
[GR 4] Ministerial Decree Y6a/776, Government’s Gazette No. 536.
Government’s Gazette
, Issue.536
[GR 5] Presidential Decree 194, June
[GR 5] Presidential Decree 194, Government’s Gazette No. 102, June 1995.
Government’s Gazette
, Issue.102
[GR 6] Law 1963/91
[GR 6] Law 1963/91, Government’s Gazette No. 138.
Government’s Gazette
, Issue.138
[GR 7] Ministerial Decree Y6/10170 of 19 October
[GR 7] Ministerial Decree Y6/10170 of 19 October 1995.
[IRL 1] Medical Preparations (Licensing, Advertisement and Sale) Regulations, 1984 (S.I. No. 210 of 1984). Borderline Products. Department of Health, Dublin, April
[IRL 1] Medical Preparations (Licensing, Advertisement and Sale) Regulations, 1984 (S.I. No. 210 of 1984). Borderline Products. Department of Health, Dublin, April 1988.
[IRL 2] Food Supplements & Health Foods, Report to the Minister of Health and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, December
[IRL 2] Food Supplements & Health Foods. Report to the Minister of Health and the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Food Safety Advisory Committee Report No. 16. December 1993.
Food Safety Advisory Committee Report No. 16.
[IRL 3] Medical Preparations (Licensing, Advertisement and Sale) Regulations, (S.I. No. 142 of 1998)
[IRL 3] Medical Preparations (Licensing, Advertisement and Sale) Regulations, 1998 (S.I. No. 142 of 1998).
[IRL 4] Guidelines for Application for Product Authorisation of Herbal Products, Dublin: August
[IRL 4] Guidelines for Application for Product Authorisation of Herbal Products. National Drugs Advisory Board. Dublin: August 1985.
National Drugs Advisory Board
[IRL 5], (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations, (S.I. No. 256 of 1996)
[IRL 5] Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations, 1996 (S.I. No. 256 of 1996).
Medicinal Products
Fixed Product Combinations
[IRL 6], Annual Report
[IRL 6] "Fixed Product Combinations". National Drugs Advisory Board. Annual Report 1984.
National Drugs Advisory Board
[I 1], Circolare No. 1 (No. 800.7.AG.8/254). Direzione Generale del Servizio Farmaceutico Divisione VII, 08/01/1981
[I 1] Prodotti a base di piante medicinali. Circolare No. 1 (No. 800.7.AG.8/254). Direzione Generale del Servizio Farmaceutico Divisione VII, 08/01/1981.
Prodotti a base di piante medicinali
[I 2] D.L.vo n. 111 del 27 January, (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 39 - 17 febbraio 1992) sulla attuazione della Direttiva 89/398/CEE concernente i prodotti alimentari destinati ad un’alimentazione particolare
[I 2] D.L.vo n. 111 del 27 January 1992 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 39 - 17 febbraio 1992) sulla attuazione della Direttiva 89/398/CEE concernente i prodotti alimentari destinati ad un’alimentazione particolare.
[I 3] Circolare n. 13 del 16 October 1997 (pubblicata sulla G.U. No. 269 del 18 novembre, sui medicinali di automedicazione: definizione, classificazione e modello di foglio illustrativo
[I 3] Circolare n. 13 del 16 October 1997 (pubblicata sulla G.U. No. 269 del 18 novembre 1997) sui medicinali di automedicazione: definizione, classificazione e modello di foglio illustrativo.
[I 4] IMS: 1996 data on extracts or active principles of vegetal origin (internal document)
[I 4] IMS: 1996 data on extracts or active principles of vegetal origin (internal document).
[I 5] Table dated 18 February, (document from Indena, Milan, Italy)
[I 5] Table dated 18 February 1998 (document from Indena, Milan, Italy).
[I 6] D.L.vo 178/91 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 139 del 15 giugno, Recepimento delle Direttive della Comunità economica europea in materia dispecialità medicinali
[I 6] D.L.vo 178/91 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 139 del 15 giugno 1991): Recepimento delle Direttive della Comunità economica europea in materia dispecialità medicinali.
[I 7] D.L.vo 44/97 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 54 del 18 febbraio 1997): Attuazione della Direttiva 93/39/CEE, che modifica le Direttive 65/65/CEE, 75/318/CEE e 75/319/CEE relative ai medicinali
[I 7] D.L.vo 44/97 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 54 del 18 febbraio 1997): Attuazione della Direttiva 93/39/CEE, che modifica le Direttive 65/65/CEE, 75/318/CEE e 75/319/CEE relative ai medicinali.
[I 8] D.M. 10 marzo 1998 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 83 del 9 aprile 1998): Disposizioni sulla documentazione da presentare a corredo delle domande di autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio dei medicinali per uso umano e di modifica dell’autorizzazione
[I 8] D.M. 10 marzo 1998 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 83 del 9 aprile 1998): Disposizioni sulla documentazione da presentare a corredo delle domande di autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio dei medicinali per uso umano e di modifica dell’autorizzazione.
[I 9] D.L.vo. 185/95 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 117 del 22 maggio, Attuazione della Direttiva 92/73/CEE in materia di medicinali omeopatici
[I 9] D.L.vo. 185/95 (pubblicato sulla G.U. No. 117 del 22 maggio 1995): Attuazione della Direttiva 92/73/CEE in materia di medicinali omeopatici.
[I 10] L. 347/97 (pubblicata sulla G.U. No. 241 del 15 ottobre, Disposizioni in materia di commercializzazione di medicinali omeopatici
[I 10] L. 347/97 (pubblicata sulla G.U. No. 241 del 15 ottobre 1997): Disposizioni in materia di commercializzazione di medicinali omeopatici.
[I 11] D.L.vo 540/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio, Attuazione della Direttiva 92/27/CEE concernente l’etichettatura ed il foglietto illustrativo dei medicinali per uso umano
[I 11] D.L.vo 540/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio 1993): Attuazione della Direttiva 92/27/CEE concernente l’etichettatura ed il foglietto illustrativo dei medicinali per uso umano.
[I 12] D.L.vo 539/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio, Attuazione della Direttiva 92/26/CEE riguardante la classificazione nella fornitura dei medicinali per uso umano
[I 12] D.L.vo 539/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio 1993): Attuazione della Direttiva 92/26/CEE riguardante la classificazione nella fornitura dei medicinali per uso umano.
[I 13] D.L.vo 541/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio, Attuazione della Direttiva 92/28/CEE concernente la pubblicità dei medicinali per uso umano
[I 13] D.L.vo 541/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio 1993): Attuazione della Direttiva 92/28/CEE concernente la pubblicità dei medicinali per uso umano.
[I 14] D.L.vo 538/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio, Attuazione della Direttiva 92/25/CEE riguardante la distribuzione all’ingrosso dei medicinali per uso umano
[I 14] D.L.vo 538/92 (pubblicato sul S.O. alla G.U. No. 7 del 11 gennaio 1993): Attuazione della Direttiva 92/25/CEE riguardante la distribuzione all’ingrosso dei medicinali per uso umano.
[I 15] Lista dei fitoterapici riportati sul Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione (internal document)
[I 15] Lista dei fitoterapici riportati sul Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione (internal document).
[I 16] Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione: Galenici radizionali - Misceleper tisane (as indicated in [I 15])
[I 16] Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione: Galenici radizionali - Misceleper tisane (as indicated in [I 15]).
[I 18] XII Commissione Affari Sociali: Testo unificato delle proposte di legge 94.558.639
[I 18] XII Commissione Affari Sociali: Testo unificato delle proposte di legge 94.558.639 "Regolamentazione del settore erboristico".
Regolamentazione del settore erboristico
[I 19] Corso di diploma universitario in tecniche erboristiche (Tabella XXVIII pubblicata sulla G.U. n. 41 del 19 febbraio
[I 19] Corso di diploma universitario in tecniche erboristiche (Tabella XXVIII pubblicata sulla G.U. n. 41 del 19 febbraio 1996).
[I 20] Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione: Galenici tradizionali
[I 20] Formulario Nazionale della Farmacopea Ufficiale IX Edizione: Galenici tradizionali.
[L 1] Table of medicinal plants and/or parts of medicinal plants intended for use as herbal teas which might be delivered to the public by persons other than pharmacists on the condition that the labelling and presentation do not refer to any therapeutic property or favourable effect on the health (Ministry of Health)
[L 1] Table of medicinal plants and/or parts of medicinal plants intended for use as herbal teas which might be delivered to the public by persons other than pharmacists on the condition that the labelling and presentation do not refer to any therapeutic property or favourable effect on the health (Ministry of Health).
[NL 1] Wet van 28 juli, 408, houdende nieuwe regeling nopens de geneesmiddelenvoorziening en de uitoefening der artsenijbereidkunst (Wet op de Geneesmiddelenvoorziening)
[NL 1] Wet van 28 juli 1958, Staatsblad 408, houdende nieuwe regeling nopens de geneesmiddelenvoorziening en de uitoefening der artsenijbereidkunst (Wet op de Geneesmiddelenvoorziening).
[P 1] Ministério da Saude. Decreto-Lei n.° 353/93 de 7 de Outubro
[P 1] Ministério da Saude. Decreto-Lei n.° 353/93 de 7 de Outubro, Diário da República I série A No. 235, 5623-5631 (1993).
Diário da República I série A
, Issue.235
, pp. 5623-5631
[P 2] Decreto-Lei n.° 72/91 de 8 Fevereiro
[P 2] Decreto-Lei n.° 72/91 de 8 Fevereiro 1991.
[P 3] Decreto-Lei n.° 272/95 de 23 Outubro
[P 3] Decreto-Lei n.° 272/95 de 23 Outubro 1995.
[P 4] Decreto-Lei n.° 101/94 de 19 Avril
[P 4] Decreto-Lei n.° 101/94 de 19 Avril 1994.
[P 5] Decreto-Lei n.° 100/94 de 19 Avril
[P 5] Decreto-Lei n.° 100/94 de 19 Avril 1994.
[P 6] Decreto-Lei n.° 330/90 de 23 Outubro, 6/95 de 17 Janeiro 1995
[P 6] Decreto-Lei n.° 330/90 de 23 Outubro 1990, Com a nova redacção dada pelo Decreto Lei n.° 6/95 de 17 Janeiro 1995.
Com a nova redacção dada pelo Decreto Lei n.°
[P 7] Decreto-Lei n.° 135/95 de 9 Junho
[P 7] Decreto-Lei n.° 135/95 de 9 Junho 1995.
[P 8] Instituto Nacional da Farmácia e do Medicamento. Deliberação No. 166/97, No. 180 de 6 Augustu
[P 8] Instituto Nacional da Farmácia e do Medicamento. Deliberação No. 166/97, Diário da República II série No. 180 de 6 Augustu 1997.
Diário da República II série
[SP 1] Borrador de Real Decreto, por el que se regulan las plantas, las mezclas, los productos y medicamentos a base de plantas medicinales, del 4 de avril de
[SP 1] Borrador de Real Decreto, por el que se regulan las plantas, las mezclas, los productos y medicamentos a base de plantas medicinales, del 4 de avril de 1998. Draft of a Royal Decree on medicinal products based on plants.
Draft of a Royal Decree on medicinal products based on plants
[SP 2] Ley 25/1990, de 20 de diciembre, del Medicamento, (B.O.E.) de 22 de diciembre de 1990). (Medicines Law.)
[SP 2] Ley 25/1990, de 20 de diciembre 1990, del Medicamento (Boletín Oficial del Estado(B.O.E.) de 22 de diciembre de 1990). (Medicines Law.)
Boletín Oficial del Estado
, vol.1990
[SP 3] Real Decreto 767/1993, de 21 de mayo, por el que se regula la evaluacién, autérizacién, registro y condiciones de dispensacién de especialidades farmacéuticas y otros medicamentos de uso humano fabricados industrialmente (B.O.E. de 2 de julio de
[SP 3] Real Decreto 767/1993, de 21 de mayo, por el que se regula la evaluacién, autérizacién, registro y condiciones de dispensacién de especialidades farmacéuticas y otros medicamentos de uso humano fabricados industrialmente (B.O.E. de 2 de julio de 1993). (Royal Decree on the evaluation, authorisation, and sale of medicinal products and other drugs for human use to be manufactured on an industrial basis.)
Royal Decree on the evaluation, authorisation, and sale of medicinal products and other drugs for human use to be manufactured on an industrial basis.
[SP 4] Real Decreto 2000/1995, de 7 de diciembre, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 767/1993, de 21 de mayo, que regula la evaluacién, autérizacién, registro y condiciones de dispensacién de especialidades farmacéuticas y otros medicamentos de uso humano fabricados industrialmente (B.O.E. de 12 de enero 1996)
[SP 4] Real Decreto 2000/1995, de 7 de diciembre 1995, por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 767/1993, de 21 de mayo, que regula la evaluacién, autérizacién, registro y condiciones de dispensacién de especialidades farmacéuticas y otros medicamentos de uso humano fabricados industrialmente (B.O.E. de 12 de enero 1996). (Royal Decree modifying Royal Decree 767/1993.)
Royal Decree modifying Royal Decree 767/1993.
[SP 5] Orden de 3 de octubre de 1973 por la que se establece el registro especial para preparados a base de especies vegetables medicinales (B.O.E. de 15 de octubre de
[SP 5] Orden de 3 de octubre de 1973 por la que se establece el registro especial para preparados a base de especies vegetables medicinales (B.O.E. de 15 de octubre de 1973). (Instruction on registration of herbal remedies.)
Instruction on registration of herbal remedies.
[SP 6] Real Decreto 1564/1992, de 18 de diciembre 1992, pro el que se desarrola y regula el régimen de autorizacién de los laboratorios farmacéuticos e importadores de medicamentos y la garantía de calidad en su fabricacién (B.O.E. de 2 de febrero de
[SP 6] Real Decreto 1564/1992, de 18 de diciembre 1992, pro el que se desarrola y regula el régimen de autorizacién de los laboratorios farmacéuticos e importadores de medicamentos y la garantía de calidad en su fabricacién (B.O.E. de 2 de febrero de 1993). (Royal Decree on pharmaceutical companies.)
Royal Decree on pharmaceutical companies.
[SP 7] Real Decreto 3176/1983, de 16 de septiembre, por el que se aprueba l a Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio de especias vegetales para infusiones de uso en alimentacién (B.O.E. de 28 de diciembre de 1983)
[SP 7] Real Decreto 3176/1983, de 16 de septiembre 1983, por el que se aprueba l a Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio de especias vegetales para infusiones de uso en alimentacién (B.O.E. de 28 de diciembre de 1983). (Technical and sanitary regulation on herbal teas.)
Technical and sanitary regulation on herbal teas.
[SP 8] Real Decreto 2244/1984, de 26 de septiembre, por el que se aprueba l a Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio de condimentos y especias (B.O.E. de 22 de diciembre de 1984)
[SP 8] Real Decreto 2244/1984, de 26 de septiembre 1983, por el que se aprueba l a Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio de condimentos y especias (B.O.E. de 22 de diciembre de 1984). (Technical and sanitary regulation on food additives.)
Technical and sanitary regulation on food additives.
[SP 9] Real Decreto 2236/1993, de 17 de diciembre 1993, por el que se regula el etiquetado y el prospecto de los medicamentos de uso humano (B.O.E. de 18 de febrero de
[SP 9] Real Decreto 2236/1993, de 17 de diciembre 1993, por el que se regula el etiquetado y el prospecto de los medicamentos de uso humano (B.O.E. de 18 de febrero de 1994). (Royal Decree on labelling of medicines.)
Royal Decree on labelling of medicines.
[SP 10] Real Decreto 1416/1994, de 25 de junio 1994, por el que se regula la publicidad de los medicamentos de uso humano (B.O.E. de 29 de julio de
[SP 10] Real Decreto 1416/1994, de 25 de junio 1994, por el que se regula la publicidad de los medicamentos de uso humano (B.O.E. de 29 de julio de1994). (Royal Decree on advertising of medicinal products for human use.)
Royal Decree on advertising of medicinal products for human use.
[SP 11] Real Decreto 1354/1983, de 27 de abril, por el que se regula la Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio del té y derivados (B.O.E. de 27 de mayo de 1983)
[SP 11] Real Decreto 1354/1983, de 27 de abril 1983, por el que se regula la Reglamentacién Tecnico-Sanitaria para la elaboracién, circulacién y comercio del té y derivados (B.O.E. de 27 de mayo de 1983). (Technical and sanitary regulation on herbal teas.)
Technical and sanitary regulation on herbal teas.
[S 1] Läkemedelsverkets allmänna råd om godkännande av naturläkemedel för försäljning (LVFS1995:18)
[S 1] Läkemedelsverkets allmänna råd om godkännande av naturläkemedel för försäljning (LVFS1995:18).
[S 2] Läkemedelslag (SFS
[S 2] Läkemedelslag (SFS 1992:859).
, pp. 859
[S 3] Läkemedelsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd (LVFS1995:11)omläkemedelsförpacknin gar och märkning av läkemedel
[S 3] Läkemedelsverkets föreskrifter och allmänna råd (LVFS1995:11)omläkemedelsförpacknin gar och märkning av läkemedel.
[S 4] Läkemedelsförordning (SFS
[S 4] Läkemedelsförordning (SFS 1992:1752).
, pp. 1752
[S 5] Marknadsföringslag (SFS
[S 5] Marknadsföringslag (SFS 1995:450).
, pp. 450
[UK 1] The Medicines Act, London: HMSO, 1968
[UK 1] The Medicines Act 1968. London: HMSO, 1968.
[UK 2] UK Statutory Instrument, No. 3144, The Medicines for Human Use (Marketing Authorisations Etc.) Regulations 1994
[UK 2] UK Statutory Instrument 1994 No. 3144, The Medicines for Human Use (Marketing Authorisations Etc.) Regulations 1994.
[UK 3] Medicines Control Agency. A Guide to what is a medicinal product. Medicines Law Leaflet MAL 8. London: December
[UK 3] Medicines Control Agency. A Guide to what is a medicinal product. Medicines Law Leaflet MAL 8. London: December 1995.
[UK 4] The Medicines (Exemptions from Licences) (Special and Transitional Cases) Order, (k)
[UK 4] The Medicines (Exemptions from Licences) (Special and Transitional Cases) Order 1971 (k).
[UK 5] The Medicines (Retail Sale or Supply of Herbal Remedies) Order 1977. London: HMSO, (Statutory Instrument (SI) 1977/2130)
[UK 5] The Medicines (Retail Sale or Supply of Herbal Remedies) Order 1977. London: HMSO, 1977 (Statutory Instrument (SI) 1977/2130).
[UK 6] The Medicines Labelling (Amendment) Regulations, (SI 1992/3273)
[UK 6] The Medicines Labelling (Amendment) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/3273).
[UK 7] The Medicines Leaflets (Amendment) Regulations, (SI 1992/3274)
[UK 7] The Medicines Leaflets (Amendment) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/3274).
[UK 8] The Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994 (SI 1994/1932)
[UK 8] The Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994 (SI 1994/1932).
[UK 9] The Medicines (Monitoring of Advertising) Regulation, (SI 1994/1993)
[UK 9] The Medicines (Monitoring of Advertising) Regulation 1994 (SI 1994/1993).
[UK 10] The Medicines (Advertising) Amendment Regulations, (SI 1996/1552)
[UK 10] The Medicines (Advertising) Amendment Regulations 1996 (SI 1996/1552).
[CAN 1] TPP Background Information for the Standing Committee on Health, Produced by the Therapeutic Products Programme, November
[CAN 1] TPP Background Information for the Standing Committee on Health, Produced by the Therapeutic Products Programme, Health Canada, November 1997.
Health Canada
[CAN 3] Policy Issues: Medicinal Herbs in Traditional Herbal Medicines, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs, October
[CAN 3] Policy Issues: Medicinal Herbs in Traditional Herbal Medicines, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs, The Drugs Directorate, Canada, October 1995.
The Drugs Directorate, Canada
Homeopathic Preparations: Application for Drug Identification Numbers
[CAN 4]
[CAN 4] Homeopathic Preparations: Application for Drug Identification Numbers, Drugs Directorate Guideline, Health Protection Branch, Canada, 1990.
Drugs Directorate Guideline, Health Protection Branch, Canada
Policy Issues: Indications for Use - Multi-ingredient Low Dilution Homeopathic Preparations
[CAN 5], March
[CAN 5] Policy Issues: Indications for Use - Multi-ingredient Low Dilution Homeopathic Preparations, Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assessment, Therapeutic Products Programme, March 1997.
Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assessment, Therapeutic Products Programme
Guideline for Low Dilution Multi-ingredient - Homeopathic Products with Indications for Use
[CAN 6], March
[CAN 6] Guideline for Low Dilution Multi-ingredient - Homeopathic Products with Indications for Use, Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assessment, Therapeutic Products Programme, March 1997.
Bureau of Pharmaceutical Assessment, Therapeutic Products Programme
Good Manufacturing Practices, Supplementary Guidelines for the Manufacture of Herbal Medicinal Products, Final Version
[CAN 7], (1998 version to be available in the near future.)
[CAN 7] Good Manufacturing Practices, Supplementary Guidelines for the Manufacture of Herbal Medicinal Products, Final Version, Drugs Directorate, Canada, 1996. (1998 version to be available in the near future.)
Drugs Directorate, Canada
Policy Issues: Herbs Used as Non-medicinal Ingredients in Nonprescription Drugs for Human Use
[CAN 8], September
[CAN 8] Policy Issues: Herbs Used as Non-medicinal Ingredients in Nonprescription Drugs for Human Use, Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs, The Drugs Directorate, Health Canada, September 1995.
Bureau of Nonprescription Drugs, The Drugs Directorate, Health Canada
[USA 1] Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, Public Law 103-417
[USA 1] Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. 1994. Public Law 103-417.
[USA 2] Office the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations. Procedures for classifying OTC drugs as generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded, and for establishing monographs, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
[USA 2] Office the Federal Register. 1997. Code of Federal Regulations. Procedures for classifying OTC drugs as generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded, and for establishing monographs. Title 21: Food and drugs, part 330.10 rev. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Title 21: Food and drugs, part 330.10 rev.
[USA 3] Office of the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations. Adequate and wellcontrolled studies, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
[USA 3] Office of the Federal Register. 1997. Code of Federal Regulations. Adequate and wellcontrolled studies. Title 21: Food and drugs, part 314.126 rev. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Title 21: Food and drugs, part 314.126 rev.
[USA 4], May 11
[USA 4] Federal Register. May 11, 1972. 37:9464.
Federal Register.
, vol.37
, pp. 9464
[USA 6] Quote from Prevention Magazine survey
[USA 6] Quote from Prevention Magazine survey. 1997. In: HerbalGram 40.
, pp. 40
[USA 7] Tom Simone citing data from Information Resources Inc., Chicago. In: Drugstores largest mass-market channel for supplement sales, March
[USA 7] Tom Simone citing data from Information Resources Inc., Chicago. In: Drugstores largest mass-market channel for supplement sales, Natural Business, March 1998.
Natural Business
[USA 8], October. In: Herbalgram
[USA 8] Richman, A. and J.P.Witkowski. 1997. Whole Foods, October. In: Herbalgram 41:53.
Whole Foods
, vol.41
, pp. 53
Richman, A.1
Witkowski, J.P.2
Code of Federal Regulations. Current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, packing or holding human food
[USA 9], v. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
[USA 9] Office of the Federal Register. 1997. Code of Federal Regulations. Current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, packing or holding human food. Title 21: Food and drugs, part 110 re v. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Title 21: Food and drugs, part 110 re
Results of the revision of herbal drugs in the Federal Republic of Germany with a special focus on risk aspects
[USA 10]
[USA 10] Keller, K. 1992. Results of the revision of herbal drugs in the Federal Republic of Germany with a special focus on risk aspects. Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 116:118.
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, vol.116
, pp. 118
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When will there come a savior?
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[USA 12] Tyler, Varro. 1997. When will there come a savior? HerbalGram 41:27-28.
, vol.41
, pp. 27-28
Tyler, V.1
[USA 15], American Herbal Products Association, Bethesda, MD
[USA 15] Foster, S. ed. 1992. Herbs of Commerce. American Herbal Products Association, Bethesda, MD.
Herbs of Commerce.
Foster, S.1
Enforcement policy statement on food advertising
[USA 17] Federal Trade Commission
[USA 17] Federal Trade Commission. 1994. Enforcement policy statement on food advertising. Federal Register 59:28388-28396.
Federal Register
, vol.59
, pp. 28388-28396
Advertising substantiation program; request for comment. Policy statement regarding advertising substantiation
[USA 18]
[USA 18] Federal Trade Commission. 1983. Advertising substantiation program; request for comment. Policy statement regarding advertising substantiation. Federal Register 48:10471- 10475.
Federal Register
, vol.48
, pp. 10471-10475