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Volumn 51, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 77-98

Rule of law put to the test: The case of judicial rule-making by agreement

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EID: 85011289649     PISSN: 0165070X     EISSN: 17416191     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0165070X04000774     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (1)

References (24)
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    • Based on earlier PhD research (Kane Human Rights in the World n. 2). 7. J. Raz, 'The Rule of Law and Its Virtue’, in J. Raz, (Oxford, Clarendon
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    • Wet Algemene Bepalingen[Statute on general regulations]: A judge is not allowed to make general rules in the cases under his jurisdiction. (Translation by the author of: 'Een rech-ter mag niet door middel van “ algemene verordening, dispositie of reglement ”, uitspraak doen in zaken welke aan zijn beslissing onderworpen zijn
    • Art. 12,. ’)
    • Art. 12 Wet Algemene Bepalingen[Statute on general regulations]: A judge is not allowed to make general rules in the cases under his jurisdiction. (Translation by the author of: 'Een rech-ter mag niet door middel van “ algemene verordening, dispositie of reglement ”, uitspraak doen in zaken welke aan zijn beslissing onderworpen zijn.’)
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    • Widdershoven
    • One of the other arguments used to defend the position of judicial agreements was the view that judicial agreements were not essentially different from governmental policy guidelines, which the present author also rejected. 13. J. B J.M. ten Berge, B.W.N. de Waard and R.J.G.M., [Experiences with the General Administrative Act, administrative procedural law] (Zwolle, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink
    • One of the other arguments used to defend the position of judicial agreements was the view that judicial agreements were not essentially different from governmental policy guidelines, which the present author also rejected. 13. J. B J.M. ten Berge, B.W.N. de Waard and R.J.G.M. Widdershoven, Ervaringen met de Awb, het bestuursprocesrecht[Experiences with the General Administrative Act, administrative procedural law] (Zwolle, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink 1996) pp. 358 et seq.
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    • Constitutionally required
    • See, for example, M. Scheltema, 'Van rechtsbescherming naar een volwaardig bestuursrecht’ [From access to justice to full-grown administrative law], 71 NJB, pp. 1355–1361. 15. R.W. Westling, 'Advisory opinions and the, (1988)
    • See, for example, M. Scheltema, 'Van rechtsbescherming naar een volwaardig bestuursrecht’ [From access to justice to full-grown administrative law], 71 NJB (1996) pp. 1355–1361. 15. R.W. Westling, 'Advisory opinions and the “Constitutionally required” adequate and independent state grounds doctrine’, 63 Tul. L Rev. (1988) p. 379.
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    • Westling, Human Rights in the World n. 15, at p. 379. 18. This rule is based on §101 Abs. 1 Satz 2 of the Grundgesetz.
    • D.A. Dripps, 'Bowers v. Hardwick and the law of standing: Noncases make bad law’, 44 Emory LJ (1995) p. 1417; Westling, Human Rights in the World n. 15, at p. 379. 18. This rule is based on §101 Abs. 1 Satz 2 of the Grundgesetz.
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    • The free market ideals, which are expressed in Hayek's concept of rule of law and which continue to echo in uses of the concept by the World bank and other development assistance organisations, almost completely contradict the social welfare ideas of Burkens See Hayek
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    • The free market ideals, which are expressed in Hayek's concept of rule of law and which continue to echo in uses of the concept by the World bank and other development assistance organisations, almost completely contradict the social welfare ideas of Burkens, See Hayek Human Rights in the World n. 8 and M.C. Burkens, Beginselen van de democratische rechtsstaat[The Principles of democracy and rule of law] (Deventer, W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink 1997).
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    • Mainstream scholarship only refers to four different functions of rule of law as discourse: the symbolic, the signal, the norm-referential, and the educational function
    • Hertogh, Human Rights in the World n. 10. 21., n. 9.
    • Hertogh, Human Rights in the World n. 10. 21. Mainstream scholarship only refers to four different functions of rule of law as discourse: the symbolic, the signal, the norm-referential, and the educational function.Wetenschappehjke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Human Rights in the World n. 9.
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    • Wetenschappehjke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Human Rights in the World n. 9. 23. They are probably best understood as ideological expressions which serve the top-down legitimacy of governmental power by disguising it as being in the interest of all
    • citizens, rather than the interest of those who are primarily served by the government. The use of this phrase in the discourse on rule of law therefore deserves ample research, see section 5.
    • Wetenschappehjke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, Human Rights in the World n. 9. 23. They are probably best understood as ideological expressions which serve the top-down legitimacy of governmental power by disguising it as being in the interest of all citizens, rather than the interest of those who are primarily served by the government. The use of this phrase in the discourse on rule of law therefore deserves ample research, see section 5.
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    • De Bakker, Human Rights in the World n. 26; D. Lucke, Akzeptanz. Legitimiteit in der 'Abstimmungsgesellschaft’ (Opladen, Leske & Budrich 1995). 28. Which is the definition that can be found in the very accessible introduction to sociology: T. Bilton, et al., Introductory Sociology, 3rd edn. (Houndmills, MacMillan Press Ltd. 1996).
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