The idiosyncratic project undertaken by Jean-Norton Cru in 1923 and published in 1929 is characteristic in its desire to give pride of place to the writings of soldiers themselves. A professor of French studies in the United States who returned to France in 1914 to serve in the French army, Cru imagined that with his rich double perspective on such writings he could disentangle the truth within eyewitness testimony from the rhetoric that hid or twisted it, in order to produce for historians an ethnographic reality of war itself (Paris: Les Étincelles, 1929; reprint edition, Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy
The idiosyncratic project undertaken by Jean-Norton Cru in 1923 and published in 1929 is characteristic in its desire to give pride of place to the writings of soldiers themselves. A professor of French studies in the United States who returned to France in 1914 to serve in the French army, Cru imagined that with his rich double perspective on such writings he could disentangle the truth within eyewitness testimony from the rhetoric that hid or twisted it, in order to produce for historians an ethnographic reality of war itself. Jean-Norton Cru, Témoins. Essai d'analyse et de critique des souvenirs de combattants edités en France de 1915 à 1928 (Paris: Les Étincelles, 1929; reprint edition, Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 1993).
Essai d'analyse et de critique des souvenirs de combattants edités en France de 1915 à 1928
Cru, J.-N.1
Annales: Histoire
For a look at new approaches to the 1914–1918 war, see the special issue of January-February
For a look at new approaches to the 1914–1918 war, see the special issue of Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 55 (January-February 2000).
Sciences Sociales
, vol.55
Paris: Calmann-Lévy and the discussion by Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau et Annette Becker
Norbert Elias, La Civilisation des moeurs (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1991), and the discussion by Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau et Annette Becker, 14–18.
La Civilisation des moeurs
, pp. 14-18
Elias, N.1
Paris: Gallimard ff
Retrouver la Guerre (Paris: Gallimard, 2000), pp. 44 ff.
Retrouver la Guerre
, pp. 44
This is what has very carefully been done, for example, by Annette Becker in the handsome edition of Vil-leneuve d'Ascq [Nord]: Presses universitaires du Septentrion
This is what has very carefully been done, for example, by Annette Becker in the handsome edition of Journaux de combattants et civils de la France du Nord dans la Grande Guerre (Vil-leneuve d'Ascq [Nord]: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 1998).
Journaux de combattants et civils de la France du Nord dans la Grande Guerre
Écrits de guerre, 1914–1918, Textes réunis et présentés par Étienne Bloch
Assembling such a series is most feasible in the case of exceptional men and women whose works and notes have been carefully collected-such as Marc Bloch. See Paris: Armand Colin For more ordinary men, usually only the most notable are saved: a journal, some correspondence, a memoir. Good fortune sometimes allows one to locate a more complete series, when correspondence has accumulated in a family house, to be exhumed by the descendants. The wish to understand these vestiges of the past occasionally leads to assembling around the texts from the war other writings that have been saved
Assembling such a series is most feasible in the case of exceptional men and women whose works and notes have been carefully collected-such as Marc Bloch. See Marc Bloch, Écrits de guerre, 1914–1918, Textes réunis et présentés par Étienne Bloch, Introduction de Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau (Paris: Armand Colin, 1997). For more ordinary men, usually only the most notable are saved: a journal, some correspondence, a memoir. Good fortune sometimes allows one to locate a more complete series, when correspondence has accumulated in a family house, to be exhumed by the descendants. The wish to understand these vestiges of the past occasionally leads to assembling around the texts from the war other writings that have been saved.
Introduction de Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau
Bloch, M.1
Les nouveaux lecteurs
Le temps des éditeurs. Du Romantisme à la Belle Époque (Paris: Éditions Promodis under the direction of Roger Chartier and Henri Jean Martin (second edition, Paris: Fayard and Promodis, 1990), pp. 526–65
Jean Hébrard, “Les nouveaux lecteurs,” Histoire de l'édition française, under the direction of Roger Chartier and Henri Jean Martin, Vol. 3, Le temps des éditeurs. Du Romantisme à la Belle Époque (Paris: Éditions Promodis, 1985), pp. 471–509; (second edition, Paris: Fayard and Promodis, 1990), pp. 526–65
Histoire de l'édition française
, vol.3
, pp. 471-509
Hébrard, J.1
Alphabétisation et accès aux pratiques de la culture écrite d'une famille langue-docienne entre XVIIIe et XIXe siècle. Étude de cas
Vergleichende Perspektiven, Alfred Messerli, Roger Chartier, eds. (Basel: Schwabe & Co. AG Verlag
Jean Hébrard, “Alphabétisation et accès aux pratiques de la culture écrite d'une famille langue-docienne entre XVIIIe et XIXe siècle. Étude de cas,” Lesen und Schreiben in Europa, 1500–1900. Vergleichende Perspektiven, Alfred Messerli, Roger Chartier, eds. (Basel: Schwabe & Co. AG Verlag, 2000), pp. 151–185
Lesen und Schreiben in Europa, 1500–1900
, pp. 151-185
Hébrard, J.1
PP. The Livret was an official booklet given to each soldier when he joined the regiment, and which he was required to retain as long as he lived
Livret Militaire of Moïse Hébrard (hereafter LM), p. 1, PP. The Livret was an official booklet given to each soldier when he joined the regiment, and which he was required to retain as long as he lived.
Livret Militaire of Moïse Hébrard (hereafter LM)
, pp. 1
Carnets d'écrivains
Moïse's notebook is not unlike a writer's notebook, that crucial instrument of literary composition. Specialists in the branch of literary criticism now called “genetic criticism” generally distinguish between outline notebooks (carnets d'esquisse), including projects and fragments of drafts, and research notebooks (carnets d'enquêtes), including descriptions of countryside, interiors, personalities, or simply reading notes. See (Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Moïse's notebook is not unlike a writer's notebook, that crucial instrument of literary composition. Specialists in the branch of literary criticism now called “genetic criticism” generally distinguish between outline notebooks (carnets d'esquisse), including projects and fragments of drafts, and research notebooks (carnets d'enquêtes), including descriptions of countryside, interiors, personalities, or simply reading notes. See Carnets d'écrivains, 1, Hugo, Flaubert, Proust, Valéry, Gide, du Bouchet, Pérec (Paris: Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1990)
Hugo, Flaubert, Proust, Valéry, Gide, du Bouchet, Pérec
, vol.1
“L'amont de l'écriture,” and of Pierre-Marc de Biasi
especially the contributions of
especially the contributions of Louis Hay, “L'amont de l'écriture,” and of Pierre-Marc de Biasi, “La notion de ‘carnet de travail’: le cas Flaubert,” pp. 23–56.
“La notion de ‘carnet de travail’: le cas Flaubert,”
, pp. 23-56
Hay, L.1
On “genetic criticism,” see Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
On “genetic criticism,” see Almuth Grésil-lon, Éléments de critique génétique (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1994)
Éléments de critique génétique
Grésil-lon, A.1
Genetic Criticism
and, in English
and, in English, Graham Falconer, “Genetic Criticism,” Comparative Literature 45, 1 (1993): 1–21.
Comparative Literature
, vol.45
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-21
Falconer, G.1
Folio 20v, C, PP.
, vol.20v
, pp. C
Folio 12r C, PP.
, vol.12r
, pp. C
Folio 20v, C, PP.
, vol.20v
, pp. C
Folio 21r, C, PP.
, vol.21r
, pp. C
20v, 24r, 25r PP. The pigeon-handling services (Services Colombophiles) were communications services that used carrier pigeons to send messages from one fort to another
37 Folios 16r, 20v, 24r, 25r C, PP. The pigeon-handling services (Services Colombophiles) were communications services that used carrier pigeons to send messages from one fort to another.
37 Folios
, vol.16r
, pp. C
Folio 20v, C, PP.
, vol.20v
, pp. C
Corps perdus, corps retrouvés. Trois exemples de deuils de guerre
and January
and Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau, “Corps perdus, corps retrouvés. Trois exemples de deuils de guerre,” Annales HSS (January 2000): 47–71.
Annales HSS
, pp. 47-71
Audoin-Rouzeau, S.1
Folios 26v-28r, C, PP.
, vol.26v-28r
, pp. C
Bombing characteristically traumatizes soldiers because of its unpredictability. Artillery fire generally seems more bearable because one quickly learns to anticipate the rhythm and direction of the salvos of shells even if this makes one no safer. See also
Bombing characteristically traumatizes soldiers because of its unpredictability. Artillery fire generally seems more bearable because one quickly learns to anticipate the rhythm and direction of the salvos of shells even if this makes one no safer. See also Marc Bloch, Folios., p. 137.
, pp. 137
Bloch, M.1
Perhaps one should say relatively routine: Marc Bloch, for example, in his own notebook, only records three coups de main in 1917–1918, even though his role as intelligence officer required him to organize this kind of action 64, 68
Perhaps one should say relatively routine: Marc Bloch, for example, in his own notebook, only records three coups de main in 1917–1918, even though his role as intelligence officer required him to organize this kind of action. Marc Bloch, Folios., pp. 59, 64, 68.
, pp. 59
Bloch, M.1
École et alphabétisation aux XIXe siècle
Jean Hébrard, “École et alphabétisation aux XIXe siècle,” Annales ESC 1 (1980): 66–80.
Annales ESC
, vol.1
, pp. 66-80
Hébrard, J.1
Alphabétisation et accès aux pratiques de la culture écrite en Vaunage à la fin du XIXe siècle (étude de cas)
The results appear in
The results appear in “Alphabétisation et accès aux pratiques de la culture écrite en Vaunage à la fin du XIXe siècle (étude de cas),” Annales ESC.
Annales ESC
On the use and frequency of these citations, see (1889–1919) (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne
On the use and frequency of these citations, see Jules Maurin, Armée-Guerre-Sociéte: Sol-dats languedociens (1889–1919) (Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 1982) pp. 511–522
Armée-Guerre-Sociéte: Sol-dats languedociens
, pp. 511-522
Maurin, J.1
I use the term “oblique” in the sense that it is used by London: Chatto and Windus
I use the term “oblique” in the sense that it is used by Richard Hoggart, The Uses of Literacy (London: Chatto and Windus, 1957).
The Uses of Literacy
Hoggart, R.1
It was not uncommon for a coup de main to yield no more than an abandoned cap. Jean-Claude Fombaron, who worked with German documents from the Violu front in 1918, remarks that the German and French assault troops competed with each other in daring and cunning, and counted themselves pleased “if they brought back to their own lines from the enemy trench a trophy amounting to no more than a set of stripes, a cap, a grenade or a rifle.” Colmar: Jerôme Do Bentzinger Editeur, 1998
It was not uncommon for a coup de main to yield no more than an abandoned cap. Jean-Claude Fombaron, who worked with German documents from the Violu front in 1918, remarks that the German and French assault troops competed with each other in daring and cunning, and counted themselves pleased “if they brought back to their own lines from the enemy trench a trophy amounting to no more than a set of stripes, a cap, a grenade or a rifle.” Jean-Claude Fombaron, 1914–1918. Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. Ville du front. (Colmar: Jerôme Do Bentzinger Editeur, 1998) p. 56.
Sainte-Marie-aux-Mines. Ville du front
, pp. 56
Fombaron, J.-C.1
Lire pour écrire à l'école primaire? L'invention de la composition française dans l'école du XIXe siècle
This is how Aristotle characterizes the narrative functions of both tragedy and epic in his Poetics. From the eighteenth century onwards, this schema dominated the study of rhetoric in French universities and, subsequently, in secondary schools. The same conception was still dominant when the primary schools invented, between 1830 and 1923, a way to teach rhetoric without formal reference to the humanities. See Actes du colloque Théodile-Crel, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille III, 22–24 novembre 1993, compiled by Yves Reuter, (Bern: Peter Lang
This is how Aristotle characterizes the narrative functions of both tragedy and epic in his Poetics. From the eighteenth century onwards, this schema dominated the study of rhetoric in French universities and, subsequently, in secondary schools. The same conception was still dominant when the primary schools invented, between 1830 and 1923, a way to teach rhetoric without formal reference to the humanities. See Anne-Marie Chartier and Jean Hébrard, “Lire pour écrire à l'école primaire? L'invention de la composition française dans l'école du XIXe siècle,” Les Interactions lecture-écriture. Actes du colloque Théodile-Crel, Université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille III, 22–24 novembre 1993, compiled by Yves Reuter, (Bern: Peter Lang, 1994) pp. 23–90.
Les Interactions lecture-écriture
, pp. 23-90
Chartier, A.-M.1
Hébrard, J.2
Les Fables du deuil
On the role of writing in the difficult mourning of deaths in war, see Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
On the role of writing in the difficult mourning of deaths in war, see Catherine Trévisan, Les Fables du deuil. La Grande Guerre: mort et écriture. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2001).
La Grande Guerre: mort et écriture
Trévisan, C.1
I am borrowing this sense of “making” (fabrique) from Francis Ponge Geneva: Skira
I am borrowing this sense of “making” (fabrique) from Francis Ponge, La Fabrique du Pré (Geneva: Skira, 1971).
La Fabrique du Pré