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Volumn 19, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 1017-1040

Judge Alejandro Álvarez at the International Court of Justice (1946–1955): His Theory of a ‘New International Law’ and Judicial Lawmaking

Author keywords

Alejandro lvarez; history of international law; individual and dissenting opinions; International Court of Justice; judicial lawmaking; new international law

Indexed keywords

EID: 85010134054     PISSN: 09221565     EISSN: 14789698     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0922156506003736     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (10)

References (102)
  • 1
    • 85010179151 scopus 로고
    • (1947) 41 AJIL 1, at 19. For contemporary information about the Court, see S. Rosenne, The International Court of Justice
    • M. O. Hudson, ‘The Twenty-Fifth Year of the World Court’, (1947) 41 AJIL 1, at 19. For contemporary information about the Court, see S. Rosenne, The International Court of Justice (1957).
    • (1957) ‘The Twenty-Fifth Year of the World Court’
    • Hudson, M.O.1
  • 3
    • 85010139050 scopus 로고
    • Speech of PresidentGuerrero, in the Yearbook of the International Court of Justice (/7), 27; brief biographical information about Guerrero at 42.
    • Speech of PresidentGuerrero, in the Yearbook of the International Court of Justice (1946/7), 27; brief biographical information about Guerrero at 42.
    • (1946)
  • 4
    • 85010179147 scopus 로고
    • In 1954 the Institut de droit international intended to recommend an age limit, and also a maximum term of 15 years, to rejuvenate the Court. As to the age limit, they could not reach agreement. See Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international
    • In 1954 the Institut de droit international intended to recommend an age limit, and also a maximum term of 15 years, to rejuvenate the Court. As to the age limit, they could not reach agreement. See Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international (1954), vol. 1, 424.
    • (1954) , vol.1 , pp. 424
  • 5
    • 85010165958 scopus 로고
    • Alejandro Álvarez-su vida, su obra
    • F. Gamboa Serazzi, Alejandro Álvarez-su vida, su obra (1954), 22.
    • (1954) , pp. 22
    • Gamboa Serazzi, F.1
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    • 85010172888 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • For biographical information about Álvarez see de La Pradelle, ‘Elle a ainsi repris et dé veloppé une tradition qui se trouvait amorcé e tant dans la jurisprudence de la Cour permanente que dans la jurisprudence arbitrale posté rieure à 1920. note 6; Yearbook of the International Court of Justice (1946/7), 43-4,,423-40; M. C. Parra-Pé rez, Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Alejandro Álvarez (1962); H. Wehberg, ‘Alejandro Álvarez 70 Jahre alt, (1938) Die Friedens-Warte 41; Wehberg, ‘Alejandro Álvarez 80 Jahre alt’, (1948) Die Friedens-Warte 60; C. Castro-Ruiz, ‘Prefacio’, in A. Álvarez, La reconstruccio’ n del derecho de gentes (1944); R. J. Alfaro, ‘Notices né crologiques” Alejandro Álvarez’, Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international 1961, 484; J. C. Álvarez, ‘Perfil” Alejandro Álvarez’, (1990) 54 Diplomacia 31;M. Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations” The Rise and Fall of Modern International Law, 1870-1960 (2002), 302-9; Gamboa Serazzi, ‘Elle a ainsi repris et dé veloppé une tradition qui se trouvait amorcé e tant dans la jurisprudence de la Cour permanente que dans la jurisprudence arbitrale posté rieure à 1920. note 5, at 7-23. A brief description of his time at the International Court of Justice can be found in A. Eyffinger, The International Court of Justice
    • For biographical information about Álvarez see de La Pradelle, ‘Elle a ainsi repris et dé veloppé une tradition qui se trouvait amorcé e tant dans la jurisprudence de la Cour permanente que dans la jurisprudence arbitrale posté rieure à 1920. note 6; Yearbook of the International Court of Justice (1946/7), 43-4,,423-40; M. C. Parra-Pé rez, Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Alejandro Álvarez (1962); H. Wehberg, ‘Alejandro Álvarez 70 Jahre alt, (1938) Die Friedens-Warte 41; Wehberg, ‘Alejandro Álvarez 80 Jahre alt’, (1948) Die Friedens-Warte 60; C. Castro-Ruiz, ‘Prefacio’, in A. Álvarez, La reconstruccio’ n del derecho de gentes (1944); R. J. Alfaro, ‘Notices né crologiques” Alejandro Álvarez’, Annuaire de l'Institut de droit international 1961, vol. 2, 484; J. C. Álvarez, ‘Perfil” Alejandro Álvarez’, (1990) 54 Diplomacia 31;M. Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations” The Rise and Fall of Modern International Law, 1870-1960 (2002), 302-9; Gamboa Serazzi, ‘Elle a ainsi repris et dé veloppé une tradition qui se trouvait amorcé e tant dans la jurisprudence de la Cour permanente que dans la jurisprudence arbitrale posté rieure à 1920. note 5, at 7-23. A brief description of his time at the International Court of Justice can be found in A. Eyffinger, The International Court of Justice 1946-1996 (1996), 262.
    • (1996) , vol.2 , pp. 262
  • 8
    • 85010164514 scopus 로고
    • As the listing inthe annexshows,Álvarezveryoftenmadeuseofhis right toattachanindividualordissenting opinion. The practice of attaching individual opinions stems from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition. The idea that the individual opinions can contribute to the development of international law is implicit in the Statute of the Court. The main criticism of this idea was that the independence of the judges could be in danger if their deliberations were no longer in secret, and there was also a fear that the Court's authority could be undermined. Nevertheless, the possibility of attaching individual opinions has been kept, and they convey the main lines of discussion. See I. Hussain, Dissenting and Separate Opinions of the World Court (1984), 4; S. Rosenne, The Lawand Practice of the InternationalCourt 1920-1996 (1997), III, 1584; E.Hambro, ‘Dissenting and Individual Opinions in the International Court of Justice’, (1956/7)17 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 230. Hambro, the former registrar of the Court, stated that some judges commented to him that they would rather resign from office than give up the privilege of an individual or dissenting opinion, see Hambro, at 247 n. 87. For a contemporary view on Judge Álvarez, including a wider selection of judgments and separate opinions, seeW. Samore, ‘The New International Law of Alejandro Álvarez, 52 AJIL 41.
    • As the listing inthe annexshows,Álvarezveryoftenmadeuseofhis right toattachanindividualordissenting opinion. The practice of attaching individual opinions stems from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition. The idea that the individual opinions can contribute to the development of international law is implicit in the Statute of the Court. The main criticism of this idea was that the independence of the judges could be in danger if their deliberations were no longer in secret, and there was also a fear that the Court's authority could be undermined. Nevertheless, the possibility of attaching individual opinions has been kept, and they convey the main lines of discussion. See I. Hussain, Dissenting and Separate Opinions of the World Court (1984), 4; S. Rosenne, The Lawand Practice of the InternationalCourt 1920-1996 (1997), III, 1584; E.Hambro, ‘Dissenting and Individual Opinions in the International Court of Justice’, (1956/7)17 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 230. Hambro, the former registrar of the Court, stated that some judges commented to him that they would rather resign from office than give up the privilege of an individual or dissenting opinion, see Hambro, at 247 n. 87. For a contemporary view on Judge Álvarez, including a wider selection of judgments and separate opinions, seeW. Samore, ‘The New International Law of Alejandro Álvarez, (1958) 52 AJIL 41.
    • (1958)
  • 10
    • 85010165956 scopus 로고
    • JudgeManfred Lachs and Judicial Law-making, x.
    • E.McWhinney, JudgeManfred Lachs and Judicial Law-making (1995), x.
    • (1995)
    • McWhinney, E.1
  • 11
    • 85010179146 scopus 로고
    • Contemporary International Law” A Balance Sheet
    • Q.Wright, Contemporary International Law” A Balance Sheet (1955), 24.
    • (1955) , pp. 24
    • Wright, Q.1
  • 12
    • 85010172859 scopus 로고
    • La codification du droit international
    • A. Álvarez, La codification du droit international (1912).
    • (1912)
    • Álvarez, A.1
  • 13
    • 85010104526 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Koskenniemi, Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti. note
    • Koskenniemi, Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti. note 7, 304.
    • , vol.7 , pp. 304
  • 14
    • 85010092559 scopus 로고
    • Le problème du droit international amé ricain
    • M.M.L. Savelberg, Le problème du droit international amé ricain (1946), 14.
    • (1946) , pp. 14
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  • 15
    • 85010126435 scopus 로고
    • ‘Le solidarisme semble en passe de devenir, pour la troisiè me Ré publique, une maniè re de philosophie officielle'” see C. Bouglé, Le solidarisme
    • ‘Le solidarisme semble en passe de devenir, pour la troisiè me Ré publique, une maniè re de philosophie officielle'” see C. Bouglé, Le solidarisme (1907), 1.
    • (1907) , pp. 1
  • 16
    • 85010179170 scopus 로고
    • De I'influence des phé nomè nes politiques et sociaux sur l'organisation de la famille moderne
    • A. Álvarez, De I'influence des phé nomè nes politiques et sociaux sur l'organisation de la famille moderne (1899).
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    • Álvarez, A.1
  • 17
    • 85010104530 scopus 로고
    • Le droit international amé ricain (1909), 8 n. 2. Álvarez names his teacher Louis Renault as the head of this new school and repeated this in La codification du droit international, 9 n. 1, a fact which seems doubtful toKoskenniemi, sinceRenaultwasnot ‘conversant with Durkheimian sociology’. SeeKoskenniemi, Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti. note
    • A. Álvarez, Le droit international amé ricain (1909), 8 n. 2. Álvarez names his teacher Louis Renault as the head of this new school and repeated this in La codification du droit international (1912), 9 n. 1, a fact which seems doubtful toKoskenniemi, sinceRenaultwasnot ‘conversant with Durkheimian sociology’. SeeKoskenniemi, Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti. note 7, 302.
    • (1912) , vol.7 , pp. 302
    • Álvarez, A.1
  • 18
    • 85010104525 scopus 로고
    • ‘The New International Law’, 15 Transactions of the Grotius Society 35.
    • A. Álvarez, ‘The New International Law’, (1929) 15 Transactions of the Grotius Society 35.
    • (1929)
    • Álvarez, A.1
  • 19
    • 85010181491 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti., at
    • Among his admirerswere, for instance, the Colombian Jesu’ sM. Yepes, theGermanKarl Strupp andAlbert de La Pradelle of France; his detractors were the Brazilian Manoel Alvaro de Souza Sa Vianna, the Argentinian Daniel Antokoletz, the Salvadoran Gustavo Guerrero and the Italian Carlo Cereti., at 44, 47-8.
    • , vol.44 , pp. 47
  • 20
    • 85010132061 scopus 로고
    • Exposé des motifs et dé claration des grands principes du droit international moderne
    • A. Álvarez, Exposé des motifs et dé claration des grands principes du droit international moderne (1931).
    • (1931)
    • Álvarez, A.1
  • 21
    • 85010092123 scopus 로고
    • A. Álvarez, Exposé desmotifs et dé claration des grands principes du droit internationalmoderne, 2nd edn
    • A. Álvarez, Exposé desmotifs et dé claration des grands principes du droit internationalmoderne, 2nd edn (1938), 21.
    • (1938) , pp. 21
  • 23
    • 85010104499 scopus 로고
    • ‘Calvo Doctrine, Calvo Clause’, in R. Bernhardt, Encyclopedia of Public International Law, I
    • F. V. Garcea-Amador, ‘Calvo Doctrine, Calvo Clause’, in R. Bernhardt, Encyclopedia of Public International Law (1992), I, 521, 523.
    • (1992) , vol.521 , pp. 523
    • Garcea-Amador, F.V.1
  • 24
    • 85010088466 scopus 로고
    • A. Álvarez, Ré novation des bases de la vie des peuples (/48)
    • A. Álvarez, Ré novation des bases de la vie des peuples (1947/48), 16.
    • (1947) , pp. 16
  • 25
    • 85010146183 scopus 로고
    • A. Álvarez, Introduccio’ n, inM. Cruchaga Tocornal, Derecho Internacional, lxiv-lxvi.
    • A. Álvarez, Introduccio’ n, inM. Cruchaga Tocornal, Derecho Internacional, Vol. 1 (1944), lxiv-lxvi.
    • (1944) , vol.1
  • 26
    • 85010088450 scopus 로고
    • for instance A. Álvarez, Une nouvelle conception des é tudes juridiques et de la codification du droit civil (1904); La codification du droit international (1912); Le droit international de l'avenir (1917); Considé rations gé né rales sur la codification du droit international amé ricain (1927); La codification du droit international
    • See for instance A. Álvarez, Une nouvelle conception des é tudes juridiques et de la codification du droit civil (1904); La codification du droit international (1912); Le droit international de l'avenir (1917); Considé rations gé né rales sur la codification du droit international amé ricain (1927); La codification du droit international (1929).
    • (1929)
  • 27
    • 85010146191 scopus 로고
    • A. Álvarez, L'organisation internationale
    • See A. Álvarez, L'organisation internationale (1931).
    • (1931)
  • 28
    • 85010104501 scopus 로고
    • Admission of States toMembership in the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of 28May 1948, [] ICJ Rep. 57.
    • Admission of States toMembership in the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of 28May 1948, [1948] ICJ Rep. 57.
    • (1948)
  • 29
    • 85010097455 scopus 로고
    • ‘Progress towards universality ofmembership in the United Nations’, 50 AJIL 791, at 792.
    • L. Gross, ‘Progress towards universality ofmembership in the United Nations’, (1956) 50 AJIL 791, at 792.
    • (1956)
    • Gross, L.1
  • 30
    • 85010092118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Admission of States, Infra note 76. note 29, at
    • Admission of States, Infra note 76. note 29, at 62.
  • 33
    • 85010181484 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Infra note 76… note 30, at
    • Gross, Infra note 76… note 30, at 792.
    • Gross1
  • 34
    • 85010088503 scopus 로고
    • ‘Die Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder in die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen’, (/51) 13 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 291, at 342.
    • G. Jaenicke, ‘Die Aufnahme neuer Mitglieder in die Organisation der Vereinten Nationen’, (1950/51) 13 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 291, at 342.
    • (1950)
    • Jaenicke, G.1
  • 35
    • 85010092161 scopus 로고
    • ‘Le premier avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de justice’, Die Friedens-Warte 221, at 227-8.
    • L. Jully, ‘Le premier avis consultatif de la Cour internationale de justice’, (1948) Die Friedens-Warte 221, at 227-8.
    • (1948)
    • Jully, L.1
  • 36
    • 85010175482 scopus 로고
    • ‘Article 4’, in B. Simma (ed.), The Charter of the United Nations (2002), 176, at 178; K. Herndl, ‘Admission of a State to Membership in United Nations (Advisory Opinion)’, 1 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 37.
    • K. Ginther, ‘Article 4’, in B. Simma (ed.), The Charter of the United Nations (2002), 176, at 178; K. Herndl, ‘Admission of a State to Membership in United Nations (Advisory Opinion)’, (1992) 1 Encyclopedia of Public International Law 37.
    • (1992)
    • Ginther, K.1
  • 37
    • 85010175485 scopus 로고
    • Competence of Assembly Regarding Admission to the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, 3March 1950, [] ICJ Rep. 4.
    • Competence of Assembly Regarding Admission to the United Nations, Advisory Opinion, 3March 1950, [1950] ICJ Rep. 4.
    • (1950)
  • 38
    • 85010097479 scopus 로고
    • ‘The International Court of Justice 1947-1950’, (/2) 14 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 497, at 523.
    • F. Honig, ‘The International Court of Justice 1947-1950’, (1951/2) 14 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 497, at 523.
    • (1951)
    • Honig, F.1
  • 40
    • 85010167242 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This idea was frequently mentioned in Álvarez's writings, and is reminiscent of the historical school of Friedrich Carl von Savigny, who considered the law of a nation as a reflection of the ‘Volksgeist’ note 38, at 13.
    • Competence of Assembly, This idea was frequently mentioned in Álvarez's writings, and is reminiscent of the historical school of Friedrich Carl von Savigny, who considered the law of a nation as a reflection of the ‘Volksgeist’ note 38, at 13.
    • Competence of Assembly
  • 45
    • 85010167242 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at 21 (emphasis in original).
    • Competence of Assembly., at 21 (emphasis in original).
    • Competence of Assembly.
  • 46
    • 85010124936 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Competence of Assembly… note 39, at
    • Honig, Competence of Assembly… note 39, at 526.
    • Honig1
  • 47
    • 85010124938 scopus 로고
    • ‘La Compé tence de l'Assemblé e gé né rale pour l'admission d'un é tat aux Nations Unies’, (-1) Die Friedens-Warte 134, at 139.
    • L. Jully, ‘La Compé tence de l'Assemblé e gé né rale pour l'admission d'un é tat aux Nations Unies’, (1950-1) Die Friedens-Warte 134, at 139.
    • (1950)
    • Jully, L.1
  • 48
    • 85010152341 scopus 로고
    • ‘The Relationship between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council in the Light of the Lockerbie Case’, 88 AJIL 643, at 663. Gowlland-Debbas refers to the following statement taken from Álvarez's individual opinion concerning the Corfu Channel case” ‘I consider that in virtue of the law of social interdependence this condemnation of the misuse of a right should be transported into international law. For in that law the unlimited exercise of a right by a State, as a consequence of its absolute sovereignty, may sometimes cause disturbances or even conflicts which are a danger to peace.’ See Corfu Channel Case (United Kingdom vs. Albania),Merits, Judgment of 9 April 1949, [1949] ICJ Rep. 4, at 48.
    • V. Gowlland-Debbas, ‘The Relationship between the International Court of Justice and the Security Council in the Light of the Lockerbie Case’, (1994) 88 AJIL 643, at 663. Gowlland-Debbas refers to the following statement taken from Álvarez's individual opinion concerning the Corfu Channel case” ‘I consider that in virtue of the law of social interdependence this condemnation of the misuse of a right should be transported into international law. For in that law the unlimited exercise of a right by a State, as a consequence of its absolute sovereignty, may sometimes cause disturbances or even conflicts which are a danger to peace.’ See Corfu Channel Case (United Kingdom vs. Albania),Merits, Judgment of 9 April 1949, [1949] ICJ Rep. 4, at 48.
    • (1994)
    • Gowlland-Debbas, V.1
  • 49
    • 85010150118 scopus 로고
    • ‘The Corfu Channel Case’, 43 AJIL 491, at 491.
    • Q.Wright, ‘The Corfu Channel Case’, (1949) 43 AJIL 491, at 491.
    • (1949)
    • Wright, Q.1
  • 50
    • 84882054707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Competence of Assembly… note 49, at 22.
    • Corfu Channel Case, Competence of Assembly… note 49, at 22.
    • Corfu Channel Case
  • 51
    • 85010149478 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Honig, Corfu Channel Case note 39, at
    • Honig, Corfu Channel Case note 39, at 503
  • 53
    • 84882054707 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Corfu Channel Case. note 49, at 39.
    • Corfu Channel Case, Corfu Channel Case. note 49, at 39.
    • Corfu Channel Case
  • 55
    • 85010149458 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Honig, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’ note 39, at
    • Honig, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’ note 39, at 505.
  • 56
    • 85010149464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Corfu Channel Case, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’ note 49, at
    • Corfu Channel Case, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’ note 49, at 43.
  • 59
    • 85010110853 scopus 로고
    • ‘Corfu Channel Case” Jurisdiction’, 35 Transactions of the Grotius Society 91, at 94.
    • J.Mervyn Jones, ‘Corfu Channel Case” Jurisdiction’, (1949) 35 Transactions of the Grotius Society 91, at 94.
    • (1949)
    • Mervyn Jones, J.1
  • 60
    • 85010126912 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’. note 50, at
    • Wright, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’. note 50, at 494.
    • Wright1
  • 61
    • 85010149473 scopus 로고
    • International Status of South-West Africa, Advisory Opinion of 11 July 1950, [] ICJ Rep. 128.
    • International Status of South-West Africa, Advisory Opinion of 11 July 1950, [1950] ICJ Rep. 128.
    • (1950)
  • 67
    • 85010146256 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Honig, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 39, at.
    • Honig, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 39, at 540.
  • 68
    • 85010119203 scopus 로고
    • ‘The International Court's Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South-West Africa’, 4 International Law Quarterly 78, at 91-3.
    • E. Kahn, ‘The International Court's Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South-West Africa’, (1951) 4 International Law Quarterly 78, at 91-3.
    • (1951)
    • Kahn, E.1
  • 69
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    • South-West Africa, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 62, at.
    • South-West Africa, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 62, at 179.
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    • ‘SouthWestAfrica/Namibia(AdvisoryOpinionsandJudgments)’,4Encyclopedia of Public International Law, 491, at
    • E. Klein, ‘SouthWestAfrica/Namibia(AdvisoryOpinionsandJudgments)’,4Encyclopedia of Public International Law (2000), 491, at 492, 498.
    • (2000) , vol.492 , pp. 498
    • Klein, E.1
  • 71
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    • Álvarez, ‘Le droit international amé ricain. Son origine et son é volution’, 14 RGDIP 393.
    • Álvarez, ‘Le droit international amé ricain. Son origine et son é volution’, (1907) 14 RGDIP 393.
    • (1907)
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    • ‘International Law, American’, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law, II, 1178, at 1178-9.
    • J. A. Barberis, ‘International Law, American’, in Encyclopedia of Public International Law (1995), II, 1178, at 1178-9.
    • (1995)
    • Barberis, J.A.1
  • 73
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    • Le droit international amé ricain
    • A. Álvarez, Le droit international amé ricain (1910), 268.
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    • Asylum Case (Colombia/Peru), Judgment of 20 November 1950, [] ICJ Rep. 266.
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    • (1950)
  • 75
    • 85010110833 scopus 로고
    • Art. 1(1) of the Havana Convention on Diplomatic Asylum reads as follows” ‘It is not permissible for States to grant asylum in legations, warships, military camps or military aircraft, to persons accused or condemned for common crimes, or to deserters from the army or navy.’ Art. 2(2)(1) reads as follows” ‘Asylum may not be granted except in urgent cases and for the period of time strictly indispensable for the person who has sought asylum to ensure in some other way his safety.’ For the full text of the convention, see OAS, Official Records (OEA/SER.X/1), Treaty Series No. 34.
    • Art. 1(1) of the 1928 Havana Convention on Diplomatic Asylum reads as follows” ‘It is not permissible for States to grant asylum in legations, warships, military camps or military aircraft, to persons accused or condemned for common crimes, or to deserters from the army or navy.’ Art. 2(2)(1) reads as follows” ‘Asylum may not be granted except in urgent cases and for the period of time strictly indispensable for the person who has sought asylum to ensure in some other way his safety.’ For the full text of the convention, see OAS, Official Records (OEA/SER.X/1), Treaty Series No. 34.
    • (1928)
  • 76
    • 84888893933 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 75, at 277.
    • Asylum Case, ‘Considering that it is also of paramount importance that the Court should be utilized to the greatest practicable extent in the progressive development of international law, both in regard to legal issues between States and in regard to constitutional interpretation.’… note 75, at 277.
    • Asylum Case
  • 78
    • 84888893933 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at 294 (emphasis in original).
    • Asylum Case., at 294 (emphasis in original).
    • Asylum Case.
  • 81
    • 85010172923 scopus 로고
    • ‘The Colombian-Peruvian Asylum Case and the Doctrine of Human Rights’, 37 Virginia Law Review 927, at 934.
    • M. R. Garcea-Mora, ‘The Colombian-Peruvian Asylum Case and the Doctrine of Human Rights’, (1951) 37 Virginia Law Review 927, at 934.
    • (1951)
    • Garcea-Mora, M.R.1
  • 82
    • 85010138546 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Asylum Case, Asylum Case… note 75, at
    • Asylum Case, Asylum Case… note 75, at 297.
  • 85
    • 85010150249 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Garce’ a-Mora, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 82, at
    • Garce’ a-Mora, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 82, at 938-9.
  • 86
    • 85010146302 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Development of International Law by the International Court., at
    • The Development of International Law by the International Court., at 956, 965.
    • , vol.956 , pp. 965
  • 87
    • 85010138536 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hussain puts it in a quite drastic way” ‘Viewed in the light of his individual opinions, he seems to be no less than a bull in a china shop’. The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at 82. According to Hussain, Álvarez represented natural law and attempted to reform the Court by means of individual and dissenting opinions, in opposition to the positivist attitude of the majority of the Court, and was thus in conflict with the same. For Hussain, Álvarez did not succeed in introducing ‘structural and fundamental changes in the Court's philosophy of international law’, The Development of International Law by the International Court., at
    • Hussain puts it in a quite drastic way” ‘Viewed in the light of his individual opinions, he seems to be no less than a bull in a china shop’. The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at 82. According to Hussain, Álvarez represented natural law and attempted to reform the Court by means of individual and dissenting opinions, in opposition to the positivist attitude of the majority of the Court, and was thus in conflict with the same. For Hussain, Álvarez did not succeed in introducing ‘structural and fundamental changes in the Court's philosophy of international law’, The Development of International Law by the International Court., at 118.
  • 88
    • 85010186480 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Lauterpacht, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 85, at
    • Lauterpacht, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 85, at 66-7.
  • 89
    • 85010097741 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Development of International Law by the International Court note
    • Hambro, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, 247-8.
    • , vol.9 , pp. 247-248
    • Hambro1
  • 90
    • 85010126650 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Development of International Law by the International Court note 1, at
    • Rosenne, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 1, at 141.
    • Rosenne1
  • 91
    • 85010186489 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As Hambro mentions in his article, Suzanne Bastid gave a whole course at Paris University about Álvarez's opinions, which unfortunately was not published. The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at 246
    • As Hambro mentions in his article, Suzanne Bastid gave a whole course at Paris University about Álvarez's opinions, which unfortunately was not published. The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at 246 n. 85.
    • , Issue.85
  • 92
    • 85010144137 scopus 로고
    • ‘The Composition of the Court’, in L. Gross (ed.), The Future of the International Court of Justice
    • S. Rosenne, ‘The Composition of the Court’, in L. Gross (ed.), The Future of the International Court of Justice (1976), 384.
    • (1976) , pp. 384
    • Rosenne, S.1
  • 93
    • 85010120756 scopus 로고
    • The Teacher in International Law
    • M. Lachs, The Teacher in International Law (1987), 88.
    • (1987) , pp. 88
    • Lachs, M.1
  • 94
    • 85010150238 scopus 로고
    • ‘Naturrechtliche Strö mungen imheutigen Vö lkerrecht’, (/2) 13 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 556, at 567.
    • U. Scheuner, ‘Naturrechtliche Strö mungen imheutigen Vö lkerrecht’, (1951/2) 13 Zeitschrift fü r auslä ndisches ö ffentliches Recht und Vö lkerrecht 556, at 567.
    • (1951)
    • Scheuner, U.1
  • 95
    • 85010097733 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at
    • Samore, The Development of International Law by the International Court note 9, at 54.
    • Samore1
  • 97
    • 0003805021 scopus 로고
    • The Structure of International Legal Argument
    • M. Koskenniemi, From Apology to Utopia. The Structure of International Legal Argument (1989), 183.
    • (1989) From Apology to Utopia. , pp. 183
    • Koskenniemi, M.1
  • 98
    • 85010168770 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Koskenniemi refers to Álvarez and the French international lawyer Nicolas Politis, whom he describes together with Álvarez in the same chapter, ‘International Solidarity… Almost” Álvarez and Politis’, From Apology to Utopia. note 7, at
    • Koskenniemi refers to Álvarez and the French international lawyer Nicolas Politis, whom he describes together with Álvarez in the same chapter, ‘International Solidarity… Almost” Álvarez and Politis’, From Apology to Utopia. note 7, at 309.
  • 99
    • 85010142910 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • From Apology to Utopia. note 9, at
    • Hussain, From Apology to Utopia. note 9, at 118.
    • Hussain1
  • 101
    • 85010146269 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • ‘Natural-Law Thinking in theModern Science of International Law’ note 98, at
    • H. B. Jacobini, ‘Natural-Law Thinking in theModern Science of International Law’ note 98, at 109.
    • Jacobini, H.B.1

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