West African Journal of Archaeology, 20 (1990), 18-41; C.M. Kusimba, ‘Kenya's destruction of the Swahili cultural heritage’, in P. R. Schmidt and R. J. McIntosh (eds.), Plundering Africa's Past (Bloomington, 1996), 201-24; and B. B. B. Mapunda, ‘The role of archaeology in development: the case of Tanzania’, Transafrican Journal of History, 20
See, for example, B. W. Andah, ‘The oral versus the written word in the cognitive revolution: language, culture and literacy ‘, West African Journal of Archaeology, 20 (1990), 18-41; C.M. Kusimba, ‘Kenya's destruction of the Swahili cultural heritage’, in P. R. Schmidt and R. J. McIntosh (eds.), Plundering Africa's Past (Bloomington, 1996), 201-24; and B. B. B. Mapunda, ‘The role of archaeology in development: the case of Tanzania’, Transafrican Journal of History, 20 (1991), 19-34.
‘The oral versus the written word in the cognitive revolution: language, culture and literacy
, pp. 19-34
Andah, B.W.1
for example, in P. R. Schmidt, ‘An alternative to a strictly materialist perspective: historical archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and symbolic approaches in African archaeology’, American Antiquity, 48, 62-79; and K. W. Wesler, ‘Historical archaeology in West Africa’, in K. W. Wesler (ed.), Historical Archaeology in Nigeria (Trenton, 1998)
See the bibliographies, for example, in P. R. Schmidt, ‘An alternative to a strictly materialist perspective: historical archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and symbolic approaches in African archaeology’, American Antiquity, 48 (1983), 62-79; and K. W. Wesler, ‘Historical archaeology in West Africa’, in K. W. Wesler (ed.), Historical Archaeology in Nigeria (Trenton, 1998), 1-39.
the bibliographies
, pp. 1-39
Historical Archaeology, 22, 7-12; J. Deetz, ‘Introduction: archaeological evidence and sixteenth-and seventeenth-century encounters’, in L. Falk (ed.) Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective (Washington DC, 1991), 1-9; C. E. Orser, A Historical Archaeology of the Modern World (New York, 1996); and M. P. Leone and P. B. Potter, Jr. (eds.), Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism (New York, 1999).
K. Deagan, ‘Neither history nor prehistory: the questions that count in historical archaeology’, Historical Archaeology, 22 (1988), 7-12; J. Deetz, ‘Introduction: archaeological evidence and sixteenth-and seventeenth-century encounters’, in L. Falk (ed.) Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective (Washington DC, 1991), 1-9; C. E. Orser, A Historical Archaeology of the Modern World (New York, 1996); and M. P. Leone and P. B. Potter, Jr. (eds.), Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism (New York, 1999).
‘Neither history nor prehistory: the questions that count in historical archaeology’
Deagan, K.1
(Westport, 1978); and A. B. Stahl, ‘Concepts of time and approaches to analogical reasoning in historical perspective’, American Antiquity, 58
See, for example, P. R. Schmidt, Historical Archaeology: A Structural Approach in an African Culture (Westport, 1978); and A. B. Stahl, ‘Concepts of time and approaches to analogical reasoning in historical perspective’, American Antiquity, 58 (1993), 235-60.
Historical Archaeology: A Structural Approach in an African Culture
, pp. 235-260
Schmidt, P.R.1