W. J. Moses, Afrotopia: The Roots of African American Popular History (Cambridge, 1998), 3, 9-13, 17, 29, 32, 35-7, 62, 84-5, 94-5, 191, 225, 230-1, 236, 239.
Afrotopia: The Roots of African American Popular History
, pp. 239
Moses, W.J.1
The African Centred Perspective of History (London, 1994); and M. M. Akinyela, ‘Rethinking Afrocentricity: the foundation of a theory of critical Africentricity’, in A. Darder (ed.), Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States (Westport CT
For two of these other perspectives, see C. Tsehloane Keto, The African Centred Perspective of History (London, 1994); and M. M. Akinyela, ‘Rethinking Afrocentricity: the foundation of a theory of critical Africentricity’, in A. Darder (ed.), Culture and Difference: Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States (Westport CT, 1995), 21-39.
For two of these other perspectives
, pp. 21-39
Tsehloane Keto, C.1
113, for a reference to Herskovits as a pre-Afrocentric author.
See also Asante, The Painful Demise, 113, for a reference to Herskovits as a pre-Afrocentric author.
The Painful Demise
line 8
For instance p. 209, line 8
For instance
, pp. 209
(London, 1998), reviewed by V. Y. Mudimbe in Journal of African History (41 [2000], 291-4). Also in Journal of African History, 32, 515-19, see W. MacGaffey, ‘Who owns Ancient Egypt?’.
See S. Howe, Afrocentrism: Mythical Pasts and Imagined Homes (London, 1998), reviewed by V. Y. Mudimbe in Journal of African History (41 [2000], 291-4). Also in Journal of African History, 32 (1991), 515-19, see W. MacGaffey, ‘Who owns Ancient Egypt?’.
Afrocentrism: Mythical Pasts and Imagined Homes
Howe, S.1
The age of identity?
2nd series
See G. Balakrishnan, ‘The age of identity?’, New Left Review, 2nd series, 16 (2002), 130-42.
New Left Review
, vol.16
, pp. 130-142
Balakrishnan, G.1
The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West, trans. from the German by D. Lorton (London, ), 219. 14 See Moses, Afrotopia, 9, 32
See the comments on this by E. Hornung, The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West, trans. from the German by D. Lorton (London, 2001), 219. 14 See Moses, Afrotopia, 9, 32, 37-8.
the comments on this by E. Hornung
, pp. 37-38
(New York, 1999). A controversy around the TV series raged in late in NUAFRICA@H-NET.MSU.EDU and other networks, largely around comments by Professor Ali Mazrui, who objected to aspects of the series, including the way a Ghanaian tourist guide featured in it appeared to say that Africans shared the guilt for the Atlantic slave trade, and Gates Jr.'s ‘unnecessary’ on-camera references to the State of Israel.
See H. L. Gates, Jr., Wonders of the African World (New York, 1999). A controversy around the TV series raged in late 1999 in NUAFRICA@H-NET.MSU.EDU and other networks, largely around comments by Professor Ali Mazrui, who objected to aspects of the series, including the way a Ghanaian tourist guide featured in it appeared to say that Africans shared the guilt for the Atlantic slave trade, and Gates Jr.'s ‘unnecessary’ on-camera references to the State of Israel.
Wonders of the African World
Gates, H.L.1
in I. Van Sertima (ed.), Egypt Revisited (2nd ed., New Brunswick NJ, 1989), 92-9, translated into French in T. Obenga, La philosophie africaine de la période pharaonique 2780-330 avant notre ère (Paris, ), 347-54. The paper reflects a strand of Egyptian cultural nationalism which goes beyond Egypt's Islamic past to link up with the Pharaonic era, and which is briefly examined in Shavit, Hebrew Nation
See K. Masiha et al., ‘African experimental aeronautics: a 2,000-year-old model glider’, in I. Van Sertima (ed.), Egypt Revisited (2nd ed., New Brunswick NJ, 1989), 92-9, translated into French in T. Obenga, La philosophie africaine de la période pharaonique 2780-330 avant notre ère (Paris, 1990), 347-54. The paper reflects a strand of Egyptian cultural nationalism which goes beyond Egypt's Islamic past to link up with the Pharaonic era, and which is briefly examined in Shavit, Hebrew Nation, 95.
‘African experimental aeronautics: a 2,000-year-old model glider’
, pp. 95
Masiha, K.1
5. This essay was originally posted on 26 January 1995 at ftp://oi.uchicago. edu/pub/papers/AMRoth_Afrocentrism.ascii.txt. It is now available at http://www.sas. upenn.edu/African_Studies/Articles_Gen/afrocent_roth.html. It was also published in the Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, 167 (1995), 14-17, and 168
See A. M. Roth, ‘Building bridges to Afrocentrism: a letter to my Egyptological colleagues’, 5. This essay was originally posted on 26 January 1995 at ftp://oi.uchicago. edu/pub/papers/AMRoth_Afrocentrism.ascii.txt. It is now available at http://www.sas. upenn.edu/African_Studies/Articles_Gen/afrocent_roth.html. It was also published in the Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, 167 (1995), 14-17, and 168 (1995), 15-21.
‘Building bridges to Afrocentrism: a letter to my Egyptological colleagues’
, pp. 15-21
Roth, A.M.1
professor of Indology at the University of Helsinki, has reminded readers of The Times Higher Education Supplement (8 Mar., p. 33) that ‘Dayananda Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj movement, claimed that even railway trains were known to the Vedic Aryans’.
Recently, Asko Parpola, professor of Indology at the University of Helsinki, has reminded readers of The Times Higher Education Supplement (8 Mar. 2002, p. 33) that ‘Dayananda Saraswati, founder of the Arya Samaj movement, claimed that even railway trains were known to the Vedic Aryans’.
Asko Parpola
L'Afrique de Cheikh Anta Diop, histoire et idéologie (with preface by E. M'Bokolo) (Paris, ).
See François-Xavier Fauvelle, L'Afrique de Cheikh Anta Diop, histoire et idéologie (with preface by E. M'Bokolo) (Paris, 1996).
François-Xavier Fauvelle
(Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, 1975); I. Van Sertima, They Came before Columbus (New York, 1976), and ‘Reply to my critics ‘, Journal of Pan-African Studies, 1 (-9), 87-93; H. Lawrence (Kofi Wangara), ‘Mandinga voyages across the Atlantic’, in I. Van Sertima (ed.), African Presence in Early America (New Brunswick, 1992), 169-214; B. Ortiz de Montellano, ‘Multiculturalism, cult archaeology, and pseudoscience’, in F. B. Harrold and R. A. Eve (eds.), Cult Archaeology and Creationism, expanded edn. (Iowa City, 1995)
See J. L. Melgarejo Vivanco, El problema olmeca (Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, 1975); I. Van Sertima, They Came before Columbus (New York, 1976), and ‘Reply to my critics ‘, Journal of Pan-African Studies, 1 (1998-9), 87-93; H. Lawrence (Kofi Wangara), ‘Mandinga voyages across the Atlantic’, in I. Van Sertima (ed.), African Presence in Early America (New Brunswick, 1992), 169-214; B. Ortiz de Montellano, ‘Multiculturalism, cult archaeology, and pseudoscience’, in F. B. Harrold and R. A. Eve (eds.), Cult Archaeology and Creationism, expanded edn. (Iowa City, 1995), 134-51.
Vivanco, El problema olmeca
, pp. 134-151
Melgarejo, J.L.1
see also Berlinerblau, Heresy, 191-2. In addition, Lefkowitz, in Afrocentrismes, 239, on the methodological pitfall of taking Herodotus too literally.
On such issues, see also Berlinerblau, Heresy, 191-2. In addition, Lefkowitz, in Afrocentrismes, 239, on the methodological pitfall of taking Herodotus too literally.
On such issues
163, 169
See Berlinerblau, Heresy, 163, 169, 172-3.
, pp. 172-173
(Afrocentrismes,) and ’ les spécialistes du niveau de Tourneux’ (Obenga, Le sens de la lutte, 17, 34).
Cf. ’ les spécialistes du niveau de T. Obenga’ (Afrocentrismes, p. 85) and ’ les spécialistes du niveau de Tourneux’ (Obenga, Le sens de la lutte, 17, 34).
Cf. ’ les spécialistes du niveau de T. Obenga’
, pp. 85
18, 44-7, 56-65, 96-7, 103
Obenga, Le sens de la lutte, 18, 44-7, 56-65, 96-7, 103, 111-12.
Le sens de la lutte
, pp. 111-112
Le sens de la lutte. 16-22, 24-40, 43-8, 61, 80, 86-7, 92-5.
Le sens de la lutte.
, pp. 92-95
(3rd ed., London, 1957; reprinted 1966), 57, 470, 488, 498, 597, 603, 607, 622; R. O. Faulkner, A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Oxford, ), 286
See A. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar (3rd ed., London, 1957; reprinted 1966), 57, 470, 488, 498, 597, 603, 607, 622; R. O. Faulkner, A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (Oxford, 1962), 286, 316.
Egyptian Grammar
, pp. 316
Gardiner, A.1
into English by Mercer Cook (Westport, 1974), 7; for other relevant passages, see C. A. Diop, Antériorité des civilisations nègres (2nd ed., Paris 54
C. A. Diop (selections from Nations nègres et culture [1955] and Antériorité des civilisations nègres: mythe ou vérité historique ? [1967]), ed. and trans. into English by Mercer Cook, The African Origin of Civilization-Myth or Reality (Westport, 1974), 7; for other relevant passages, see C. A. Diop, Antériorité des civilisations nègres (2nd ed., Paris, 1993), 54, 59.
The African Origin of Civilization-Myth or Reality
, pp. 59
Diop, C.A.1
232, 239, and idem, Le sens de la lutte
Obenga, La philosophie africaine, 232, 239, and idem, Le sens de la lutte, 43-6.
La philosophie africaine
, pp. 43-46
(London and Edinburgh, 1863-93; reprinted in two volumes Cambridge, ), I, 1462. Needless to say, toponyms referring to ‘blackness’ occur across languages, and are not necessarily linked to the skin colour of local people-see Walker, We Can't Go Home Again, xx, on the Black Hills of South Dakota.
See E. W. Lane, An Arabic-English Lexicon (London and Edinburgh, 1863-93; reprinted in two volumes Cambridge, 1984), I, 1462. Needless to say, toponyms referring to ‘blackness’ occur across languages, and are not necessarily linked to the skin colour of local people-see Walker, We Can't Go Home Again, xx, on the Black Hills of South Dakota.
An Arabic-English Lexicon
Lane, E.W.1
(Cambridge, ), 22, 339 n. 21, 470
J. P. Allen, Middle Egyptian-An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs (Cambridge, 2000), 22, 339 n. 21, 470, 510.
Middle Egyptian-An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs
, pp. 510
Allen, J.P.1
(Philadelphia, 1987); Afrocentricity (3rd rev. ed., Trenton NJ, 1988), and Kemet, Afrocentricity and Knowledge (Trenton NJ, ).
Among other publications by M. K. Asante see The Afrocentric Idea (Philadelphia, 1987); Afrocentricity (3rd rev. ed., Trenton NJ, 1988), and Kemet, Afrocentricity and Knowledge (Trenton NJ, 1990).
Among other publications by M. K. Asante see The Afrocentric Idea
3; Moses, Afrotopia
See Asante, Painful Demise, 3; Moses, Afrotopia, 36-7.
Painful Demise
, pp. 36-37
(Berkeley, 1979), 16, 55, 271-5; M. Lobban, White Man's Justice : South African Political Trials in the Black Consciousness Era (Oxford, ), 28-32. On Asante and Fanon, see also Asante, Kemet
See G. M. Gerhart, Black Power in South Africa: The Evolution of an Ideology (Berkeley, 1979), 16, 55, 271-5; M. Lobban, White Man's Justice : South African Political Trials in the Black Consciousness Era (Oxford, 1996), 28-32. On Asante and Fanon, see also Asante, Kemet, 175-80.
Black Power in South Africa: The Evolution of an Ideology
, pp. 175-180
Gerhart, G.M.1
and E. T. Vermeule, ‘The world turned upside down’, in Lefkowitz and Rogers (eds.), Black Athena Revisited, 107 and 274.
See K. A. Bard, ‘Ancient Egyptians and the issue of race’, and E. T. Vermeule, ‘The world turned upside down’, in Lefkowitz and Rogers (eds.), Black Athena Revisited, 107 and 274.
‘Ancient Egyptians and the issue of race’
Bard, K.A.1
special issue of Notes Africaines, 145-6, 33, Fig. 8.
See C. A. Diop, ‘L'Antiquité africaine par l'image’, special issue of Notes Africaines, 145-6 (1975), 33, Fig. 8.
‘L'Antiquité africaine par l'image’
Diop, C.A.1
(6th ed., Dü sseldorf and Zü rich, 1999), 148, Figs. 123-5, and Das Grab Sethos’ I (2nd ed., Dü sseldorf and Zü rich, ), 98-9, Figs. 58-9
E. Hornung, Tal der Könige (6th ed., Dü sseldorf and Zü rich, 1999), 148, Figs. 123-5, and Das Grab Sethos’ I (2nd ed., Dü sseldorf and Zü rich, 1999), 98-9, Figs. 58-9
Tal der Könige
Hornung, E.1
see S. T. Smith, ‘Ancient Egyptian imperialism: ideological vision or economic exploitation ?’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 7
For a concise introduction to these notions, see S. T. Smith, ‘Ancient Egyptian imperialism: ideological vision or economic exploitation ?’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 7 (1997), 301-7.
For a concise introduction to these notions
, pp. 301-307
see J. Vercoutter, ‘Nature et importance des rapports de l'Egypte pharaonique avec l'Afrique noire sous la XVIIIe dynastie (1580-1314 av. J.-C.)’, in Afrique noire et monde méditerrane én dans l'antiquité-Colloque de Dakar: 19-24 janvier 1976 (Dakar
However, for a discussion of the historical evolution, and range of variation, of the representations of foreign black Africans in Ancient Egyptian iconography, see J. Vercoutter, ‘Nature et importance des rapports de l'Egypte pharaonique avec l'Afrique noire sous la XVIIIe dynastie (1580-1314 av. J.-C.)’, in Afrique noire et monde méditerrane én dans l'antiquité-Colloque de Dakar: 19-24 janvier 1976 (Dakar, 1978), 73-81.
However, for a discussion of the historical evolution, and range of variation, of the representations of foreign black Africans in Ancient Egyptian iconography
, pp. 73-81
in M. Marable (ed.), Dispatches from the Ebony Tower: Intellectuals Confront the African American Experience (New York, ), 1-28, especially 19.
See M. Marable, ‘Introduction: black studies and the racial mountain’, in M. Marable (ed.), Dispatches from the Ebony Tower: Intellectuals Confront the African American Experience (New York, 2000), 1-28, especially 19.
‘Introduction: black studies and the racial mountain’
Marable, M.1
15. Asante's passage is rich in echoes of M. J. Herskovits's The Myth of the Negro Past (2nd ed., Boston, ).
Asante, Kemet, 15. Asante's passage is rich in echoes of M. J. Herskovits's The Myth of the Negro Past (2nd ed., Boston, 1958).
227: ‘Many Afrocentrists focus inordinately on the romanticization of pharaohs, preferring to ignore the real Africa, where cruel, illiterate thugs terrorize the populations of cities lacking plumbing, electricity, or hospitals’.
Cf. Moses, Afrotopia, 227: ‘Many Afrocentrists focus inordinately on the romanticization of pharaohs, preferring to ignore the real Africa, where cruel, illiterate thugs terrorize the populations of cities lacking plumbing, electricity, or hospitals’.
(3rd ed., Chicago, 1987; reprinted ), are notorious for their anti-Muslim bias.
It must be pointed out, however, that certain strands of Afrocentrism, like that represented by Chancellor Williams's The Destruction of Black Civilization (3rd ed., Chicago, 1987; reprinted 1995), are notorious for their anti-Muslim bias.
It must be pointed out, however, that certain strands of Afrocentrism, like that represented by Chancellor Williams's The Destruction of Black Civilization
190, in H. L. Gates, Jr., and M. Marable, ‘A debate on activism in Black Studies’, published in Marable (ed.), Dispatches
Marable, ‘A plea that scholars act upon, not just interpret, events’, 190, in H. L. Gates, Jr., and M. Marable, ‘A debate on activism in Black Studies’, published in Marable (ed.), Dispatches, 186-91.
‘A plea that scholars act upon, not just interpret, events’
, pp. 186-191
(3rd ed., 2 vols., Paris, ), 173-6. See also Diop, The African Origin of Civilization, 111-13, 249-50; Fauvelle, L'Afrique, Fauvelle-Aymar in Afrocentrismes, 35-6; Shavit, History in Black, 168; and Diagne, Cheikh Anta Diop, 33-4, 63, 70.
C. A. Diop, Nations nègres et culture: de l'antiquité nègre égyptienne aux problèmes culturels de l'Afrique noire d'aujourd'hui (3rd ed., 2 vols., Paris, 1979), 173-6. See also Diop, The African Origin of Civilization, 111-13, 249-50; Fauvelle, L'Afrique, pp. 136-41; Fauvelle-Aymar in Afrocentrismes, 35-6; Shavit, History in Black, 168; and Diagne, Cheikh Anta Diop, 33-4, 63, 70.
Nations nègres et culture: de l'antiquité nègre égyptienne aux problèmes culturels de l'Afrique noire d'aujourd'hui
, pp. 136-141
Diop, C.A.1
in V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.), The Surreptitious Speech: Présence Africaine and the Politics of Otherness, 1947-1987 (Chicago, ), 118-35, especially 121.
See M. Diouf and M. Mbodj, ‘The shadow of Cheikh Anta Diop’, in V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.), The Surreptitious Speech: Présence Africaine and the Politics of Otherness, 1947-1987 (Chicago, 1992), 118-35, especially 121.
‘The shadow of Cheikh Anta Diop’
Diouf, M.1
Mbodj, M.2
249-50, and idem, Antériorité, 241-2. See also Shavit, History in Black
Diop, The African Origin of Civilization, 249-50, and idem, Antériorité, 241-2. See also Shavit, History in Black, 168.
The African Origin of Civilization
, pp. 168
see G. J. Renier, History, Its Purpose and Method (London, 1950), 134; and H.-I. Marrou, De la connaissance historique (Paris
On Muller's views, see G. J. Renier, History, Its Purpose and Method (London, 1950), 134; and H.-I. Marrou, De la connaissance historique (Paris, 1954), 133.
On Muller's views
, pp. 133
see P. J. Geary, The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe (Princeton, ), 26-9
For a recent critique of it, see P. J. Geary, The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe (Princeton, 2002), 26-9, 32.
For a recent critique of it
, pp. 32