(1890; reprint, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,)
William James, The Principles of Psychology (1890; reprint, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981), 961.
The Principles of Psychology
, pp. 961
James, W.1
The Sentiment of Rationality
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,)
William James, “The Sentiment of Rationality,” in Essays in Philosophy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978), 34.
in Essays in Philosophy
, pp. 34
James, W.1
And if a proper part of the fixed “essence” of human being is the property of individuality, then this is a sticky matter indeed for the hard-line essentialists.
Complicating this matter, of course, is the fact that before the 14th day after fertilization, it is not clear whether the embryo of human provenance is an “individual” or a “dividual” since an embryo that has split into twins must surely be regarded, at least in retrospect, as having been a “dividual.” And if a proper part of the fixed “essence” of human being is the property of individuality, then this is a sticky matter indeed for the hard-line essentialists.
Complicating this matter, of course, is the fact that before the 14th day after fertilization, it is not clear whether the embryo of human provenance is an “individual” or a “dividual” since an embryo that has split into twins must surely be regarded, at least in retrospect, as having been a “dividual.”
American Families Must Be Nurtured
22 October, 6A.
“American Families Must Be Nurtured,” Bryan-College Station Eagle, 22 October 1991, 6A.
Bryan-College Station Eagle
Gays Cannot Be a Family
7 November, 4A.
“Gays Cannot Be a Family,” Bryan-College Station Eagle, 7 November 1991, 4A.
Bryan-College Station Eagle
The third edition, published after I wrote my column, contains a definition that is similar to the one to which my critic objected. The “b” definition is now: “Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.”
I should note that the person who responded to my column cited the second edition of the American Heritage Dictionary. The third edition, published after I wrote my column, contains a definition that is similar to the one to which my critic objected. The “b” definition is now: “Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.”
I should note that the person who responded to my column cited the second edition of the American Heritage Dictionary.
Gay Parents Living in Fear
The first is from an editorial in The New York Times, 4 October, A14. In a Virginia case, a judge removed a child from two parents and placed him with a single grandmother. In an Oklahoma case, an appeals court judge removed two girls from their family. In both cases, the reason cited by the judge was that the parents were of the same gender. The editorial pointed out that researchers have found no evidence of harm to children raised by gay parents.
Here are some examples of the counterproductive effects of accepting the hard-line essentialist's position. The first is from an editorial (“Gay Parents Living in Fear”) in The New York Times, 4 October 1993, A14. In a Virginia case, a judge removed a child from two parents and placed him with a single grandmother. In an Oklahoma case, an appeals court judge removed two girls from their family. In both cases, the reason cited by the judge was that the parents were of the same gender. The editorial pointed out that researchers have found no evidence of harm to children raised by gay parents.
Here are some examples of the counterproductive effects of accepting the hard-line essentialist's position.
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994), 56.
Statistical Abstract of the United States 1994 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994), 56.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Fact, Fiction and the Health of Lesbians
19 January, D8.
“Fact, Fiction and the Health of Lesbians,” The New York Times, 19 January 1999, D8.
The New York Times