Proustian recipe for urban life
(29 Apr. )
M. Wark, ‘Proustian recipe for urban life’, Australian (29 Apr. 1998), p. 42.
, pp. 42
Wark, M.1
culture and cyberspace: the light on the hill in a postmodern world (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, )
M. Wark, Celebrities, culture and cyberspace: the light on the hill in a postmodern world (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, 1999), p. 243.
, pp. 243
Wark, M.1
multiculturalism of availability
Hage refers to in ‘At home in the entrails of the west’, in H. Grace, G. Hage, L. Johnson, J. Langsworth and M. Symonds, Home/world: space, community and marginality in Sydney's west (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, p. 132; Jacobs's ‘secret geographies’ is from the title of her article, J.M. Jacobs, ‘Resisting reconciliation: the secret geographies of (post)colonial Australia’, in S. Pile and M. Keith, eds, (London, Routledge, 1997)
Hage refers to ‘multiculturalism of availability’ in G. Hage, ‘At home in the entrails of the west’, in H. Grace, G. Hage, L. Johnson, J. Langsworth and M. Symonds, Home/world: space, community and marginality in Sydney's west (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, 1997), p. 132; Jacobs's ‘secret geographies’ is from the title of her article, J.M. Jacobs, ‘Resisting reconciliation: the secret geographies of (post)colonial Australia’, in S. Pile and M. Keith, eds, Geographies of resistance (London, Routledge, 1997), pp. 203-18.
Geographies of resistance
, pp. 203-218
Hage, G.1
(Berkeley, University of California Press, pp. xiv-v.
M. de Certeau, The practice of everyday life (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1984), pp. xiv-v.
The practice of everyday life
de Certeau, M.1
Proustian recipe for urban life
Wark, ‘Proustian recipe for urban life’, p. 42.
Informally structured interviews were carried out during Apr. -Jan. 1999 with each of a small group of women who currently live in Clovelly, Sydney, or who work there in small foodrelated businesses. The group is a diverse one, with women differing from each other in any number of ways, e.g. in terms of age, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation and marital status, number of children, ages of children, years lived in Clovelly.
Informally structured interviews were carried out during Apr. 1998-Jan. 1999 with each of a small group of women who currently live in Clovelly, Sydney, or who work there in small foodrelated businesses. The group is a diverse one, with women differing from each other in any number of ways, e.g. in terms of age, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation and marital status, number of children, ages of children, nature of paid work, years lived in Clovelly.
nature of paid work
Basic community profile, Catalogue No. 2020.0 (2031-POA) (Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, table B01.
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Basic community profile, Catalogue No. 2020.0 (2031-POA) (Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1997), table B01.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, ).
P. Laslett, The world we have lost (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1969).
The world we have lost
Laslett, P.1
Anti-idyll: rural horror
(London, Athlone, see also D. Bell, in P. Cloke and J. Little, eds, Contested countryside cultures: otherness, marginalization and rurality (London, Routledge, 1997), p. 95.
P. Bishop, An archetypal Constable: national identity and the geography of nostalgia (London, Athlone, 1995), pp. 52-3; see also D. Bell, ‘Anti-idyll: rural horror’, in P. Cloke and J. Little, eds, Contested countryside cultures: otherness, marginalization and rurality (London, Routledge, 1997), p. 95.
An archetypal Constable: national identity and the geography of nostalgia
, pp. 52-53
Bishop, P.1
the rural
‘Cuisine nostalgie: tourism's romance with ‘, Communal/plural 7, H. Mackay, (Pymble, NSW, Angus & Robertson, 1993), pp. 211-14; ‘Sea change’, New idea (21 Aug. 1999), pp. 39-45. Note that Sea change has been one of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's most popular television series. Its central character is a female corporate lawyer who ‘escapes’ the city to become a magistrate in a small coastal community. On retailing, consumption and nostalgia more specifically, see K. Humphery, Shelf life: supermarkets and the changing cultures of consumption (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 184; D. Miller, P. Jackson, N. Thrift, B. Holbrook and M. Rowlands, Shopping, place and identity (London, Routledge, 1998), p. 123.
J. Duruz, ‘Cuisine nostalgie: tourism's romance with “the rural” ‘, Communal/plural 7 (1999), pp. 97-109; H. Mackay, Reinventing Australia: the mind and mood of Australia in the 90s (Pymble, NSW, Angus & Robertson, 1993), pp. 211-14; ‘Sea change’, New idea (21 Aug. 1999), pp. 39-45. Note that Sea change has been one of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's most popular television series. Its central character is a female corporate lawyer who ‘escapes’ the city to become a magistrate in a small coastal community. On retailing, consumption and nostalgia more specifically, see K. Humphery, Shelf life: supermarkets and the changing cultures of consumption (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 184; D. Miller, P. Jackson, N. Thrift, B. Holbrook and M. Rowlands, Shopping, place and identity (London, Routledge, 1998), p. 123.
Reinventing Australia: the mind and mood of Australia in the 90s
, pp. 97-109
Duruz, J.1
Are we what we eat?
in D. Headon, J. Hooton and D. Horne, eds, The abundant culture: meaning and significance in everyday Australia (St Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin, 1994), M. Symons, The shared table: ideas for Australian cuisine (Canberra, 1993), pp. 9, 236; J. Duruz, ‘Food as nostalgia: eating the fifties and sixties’, Australian historical studies 113, pp. 236-9.
B. Kingston, ‘Are we what we eat?’, in D. Headon, J. Hooton and D. Horne, eds, The abundant culture: meaning and significance in everyday Australia (St Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin, 1994), pp. 124-5; M. Symons, The shared table: ideas for Australian cuisine (Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1993), pp. 9, 236; J. Duruz, ‘Food as nostalgia: eating the fifties and sixties’, Australian historical studies 113 (1999), pp. 236-9.
Australian Government Publishing Service
, pp. 124-125
Kingston, B.1
Shelf life, 118, 207; see also B. Kingston, Basket, bag and trolley: a history of shopping in Australia (Melbourne, Oxford University Press, pp. 88, 92-3, 123.
Humphery, Shelf life, pp. 72, 83, 118, 207; see also B. Kingston, Basket, bag and trolley: a history of shopping in Australia (Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 88, 92-3, 123.
, pp. 72-83
Supermarket futures
P. Falk and C. Campbell, eds, (London, Sage, p. 96. See also, 107-9.
R. Bowlby, ‘Supermarket futures’, in P. Falk and C. Campbell, eds, The shopping experience (London, Sage, 1997), p. 96. See also pp. 97-100, 107-9.
The shopping experience
, pp. 97-100
Bowlby, R.1
see S. W. Mintz, Tasting food, tasting freedom: excursions into eating, culture and the past (Boston, Beacon Press, In terms of contrasting ‘supermarket’ and ‘village’ cultures, interestingly, Bowlby argues that in Britain, increasingly, the historical opposition of supermarket and corner grocery store is being dissolved by including specialist shops under the same roof as the core supermarket. Hence, supermarkets are ‘coming to be all shops to all people’. Bowlby, ‘Supermarket futures’, p. 108.
For discussion of ‘cuisine’ as ‘local’ foods and relationships, see S. W. Mintz, Tasting food, tasting freedom: excursions into eating, culture and the past (Boston, Beacon Press, 1996), pp. 97-8. In terms of contrasting ‘supermarket’ and ‘village’ cultures, interestingly, Bowlby argues that in Britain, increasingly, the historical opposition of supermarket and corner grocery store is being dissolved by including specialist shops under the same roof as the core supermarket. Hence, supermarkets are ‘coming to be all shops to all people’. Bowlby, ‘Supermarket futures’, p. 108.
For discussion of as ‘local’ foods and relationships
, pp. 97-98
The shared table, 45-7.
Symons, The shared table, pp. 14-19, 45-7.
, pp. 14-19
The sensual science of everyday life: setting a place for the beginning design student
Las Vegas, University of Nevada, TS
R. Hurst and J. Lawrence ‘The sensual science of everyday life: setting a place for the beginning design student’, paper presented at the 16th National Conference on the Design Student, Las Vegas, University of Nevada, 1999, TS, p. 9.
paper presented at the 16th National Conference on the Design Student
, pp. 9
Hurst, R.1
Lawrence, J.2
The shared table, J. Newton, Wogfood: an oral history with recipes (Milsons Point, NSW, Random House, p. 5. Note that Symons does not dispute the changes but rather the attribution of these primarily to the increasing migrant presence. Note also that Newton justifies his use of - regarded in Australia as a form of racist abuse, historically levelled at migrants from southern Europe and the Mediterranean - as a term that has been reclaimed and celebrated: ‘a term of affection, a tribal word to reaffirm common backgrounds and experiences’ (pp. 2, 3).
Symons, The shared table, pp. 7-13; J. Newton, Wogfood: an oral history with recipes (Milsons Point, NSW, Random House, 1996), p. 5. Note that Symons does not dispute the changes but rather the attribution of these primarily to the increasing migrant presence. Note also that Newton justifies his use of ‘wog’ - regarded in Australia as a form of racist abuse, historically levelled at migrants from southern Europe and the Mediterranean - as a term that has been reclaimed and celebrated: ‘a term of affection, a tribal word to reaffirm common backgrounds and experiences’ (pp. 2, 3).
, pp. 7-13
selling and the department store (St Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin, )
G. Reekie, Temptations: sex, selling and the department store (St Leonards, NSW, Allen & Unwin, 1993), p. 4.
Temptations: sex
, pp. 4
Reekie, G.1
The shape of the past
ed., Nation, culture, (London, Routledge, )
T. Bennett, ‘The shape of the past’, in G. Turner, ed., Nation, culture, text: Australian cultural and media studies (London, Routledge, 1993), p. 87.
text: Australian cultural and media studies
, pp. 87
Bennett, T.1
Turner, G.2
Pers. comm., Eileen Price, Treasurer, July, A Randwick ramble, part I: Coogee and Clovelly (Randwick, NSW, Randwick & District Historical Society, 1994).
Pers. comm., Eileen Price, Treasurer, Randwick and Distict Historical Society, July, 1999; A Randwick ramble, part I: Coogee and Clovelly (Randwick, NSW, Randwick & District Historical Society, 1994).
Randwick and Distict Historical Society
Home cooking: Filipino women and geographies of the senses in Hong Kong
L. Law, ‘Home cooking: Filipino women and geographies of the senses in Hong Kong’, Ecumene: a journal of cultural geographies 8 (2001), p. 266.
Ecumene: a journal of cultural geographies
, vol.8
, pp. 266
Law, L.1
the building in which one of the cafés was situated has just been demolished. A building containing apartments and a shopfront to the street is now being constructed on the same site. At this point, it is not known whether this commercial space will continue to operate as a café or other food-related business.
At the time of submission, the building in which one of the cafés was situated has just been demolished. A building containing apartments and a shopfront to the street is now being constructed on the same site. At this point, it is not known whether this commercial space will continue to operate as a café or other food-related business.
At the time of submission
Transcript, p. 25.
, pp. 25
new middle class
‘lifestyles’, see, Consumer culture and postmodernism (London, Sage, pp. 18, 19.
For discussion of the ‘new middle class’ and its ‘lifestyles’, see M. Featherstone, Consumer culture and postmodernism (London, Sage, 1991), pp. 18, 19.
For discussion of the and its
Featherstone, M.1
At home in the entrails of the west
Hage, ‘At home in the entrails of the west’, p. 118.
, pp. 118
Looking backward, nostalgia and the city
S. Westwood and J. Williams, eds, signs, memory (London, Routledge, )
E. Wilson, ‘Looking backward, nostalgia and the city’, in S. Westwood and J. Williams, eds, Imagining cities: scripts, signs, memory (London, Routledge, 1997), p. 136.
Imagining cities: scripts
, pp. 136
Wilson, E.1
Looking backward, nostalgia and the city
culture, women (London, Sage, p. 102; Wilson, See also pp. 134, 136.
E. Wilson, The contradictions of culture: cities, culture, women (London, Sage, 2001), p. 102; Wilson, ‘Looking backward, nostalgia and the city’, p. 132. See also pp. 134, 136.
The contradictions of culture: cities
, pp. 132
Wilson, E.1
Domesticating the street: the contested spaces of the high street and the mall
see The cultures of cities (Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell, pp. iv, 29-32; P. Jackson, in N. R. Fyfe, ed., Images of the street: planning, identity and control in public space (London, Routledge, 1998)
For discussion of middle-class domestication/colonization of the streets and other city spaces, see S. Zukin, The cultures of cities (Cambridge, Mass., Blackwell, 1995), pp. iv, 29-32; P. Jackson, ‘Domesticating the street: the contested spaces of the high street and the mall’, in N. R. Fyfe, ed., Images of the street: planning, identity and control in public space (London, Routledge, 1998), p. 80.
For discussion of middle-class domestication/colonization of the streets and other city spaces
, pp. 80
Zukin, S.1
The cultures of cities, pp. 2
Zukin, The cultures of cities, pp. 2, 27-32.
, pp. 27-32
Pull up the drawbridge: fortress mentality in the suburbs
see, respectively, Featherstone, Consumer culture and postmodernism, p. 25, and J. Hillier and P. McManus, in K. Gibson and S. Watson, eds, Metropolis now: planning and the urban in contemporary Australia (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, )
In regard to security measures in shopping malls and gated suburbs, see, respectively, Featherstone, Consumer culture and postmodernism, p. 25, and J. Hillier and P. McManus, ‘Pull up the drawbridge: fortress mentality in the suburbs’, in K. Gibson and S. Watson, eds, Metropolis now: planning and the urban in contemporary Australia (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, 1994), p. 99.
regard to security measures in shopping malls and gated suburbs
, pp. 99
Looking backward, nostalgia and the city
Wilson, ‘Looking backward, nostalgia and the city’, pp. 133-5.
, pp. 133-135
The uses of sidewalks
(first published ), in P. Kasinitz, ed., (Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1995)
J. Jacobs, ‘The uses of sidewalks’ (first published 1961), in P. Kasinitz, ed., Metropolis: centre and symbol of our times (Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1995), p. 125.
Metropolis: centre and symbol of our times
, pp. 125
Jacobs, J.1
Trading places: consumption, sexuality and the production of queer space
D. Bell and G. Valentine, eds, (London, Routledge, P. Murphy and S. Watson, Surface city: Sydney at the millennium (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, 1997), p. 76.
J. Binnie, ‘Trading places: consumption, sexuality and the production of queer space’, in D. Bell and G. Valentine, eds, Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities (London, Routledge, 1995), pp. 187-8; P. Murphy and S. Watson, Surface city: Sydney at the millennium (Annandale, NSW, Pluto Press, 1997), p. 76.
Mapping desire: geographies of sexualities
, pp. 187-188
Binnie, J.1
Looking backward, nostalgia and the city
Wilson, ‘Looking backward, nostalgia and the city’, pp. 138-9.
, pp. 138-139
The culture of the Indian street
Images of the street
T. Edensor, ‘The culture of the Indian street’, in Fyfe, Images of the street, p. 220.
, pp. 220
Edensor, T.1
Biographies and geographies: consumer understandings of the origins of food
see British food journal 100
For a discussion of consumers’ knowledge of food biographies, see I. Cook, P. Crang and M. Thorpe, ‘Biographies and geographies: consumer understandings of the origins of food’, British food journal 100 (1998), pp. 162-7.
For a discussion of consumers’ knowledge of food biographies
, pp. 162-167
Cook, I.1
Crang, P.2
Thorpe, M.3
Looking backward, nostalgia and the city
pp. 132; Wilson, The contradictions of culture
Wilson, ‘Looking backward, nostalgia and the city’, pp. 132; Wilson, The contradictions of culture, p. 101.
, pp. 101
Home cooking
Law, ‘Home cooking’, p. 266.
The culture of the Indian street
referring to Simmel, in
Edensor, referring to Simmel, in ‘The culture of the Indian street’, p. 220.
, pp. 220