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Center for Health Economics and Policy. (2000 b). Health and nurses in Texas: Nursing education: An assessment of educational system capacity to meet nurse workforce demand. San Antonio: The Center for Health Economics and Policy, the University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
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Center for Health Economics and Policy. (2000 c). Health and nurses in Texas: The supply of registered nurses: First look at available data. San Antonio: The Center for Health Economics and Policy, the University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
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San Antionio, TX: Center for Health Economics and Policy, University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
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Health and nurses in Texas: RN location and career changes
San Antonio: The Center for Health Economics and Policy, the University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
Center for Health Economics and Policy. (2002). Health and nurses in Texas: In their own words: 2002 survey of Texas registered nurses. San Antonio: The Center for Health Economics and Policy, the University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
Health and nurses in Texas: In their own words: 2002 survey of Texas registered nurses