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I. N. Gregory, A Place in History: A guide to using GIS in historical research (Oxford, 2003); I. N. Gregory and Paul S. Ell, Historical GIS: Techniques, methodologies and scholarship (Cambridge, 2008); A. K. Knowles, ed., Past time, past place: GIS for history, (Redlands, 2002); A. K. Knowles and A. Hillier, eds., Placing history: how maps, spatial data and GIS are changing historical scholarship (Redlands, 2008); O. Boonstra and A. Schuurman, eds., Tijd en ruimte. De toepassing van GIS in de alfawetenschappen (Utrecht, 2009).
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Geographic Information Systems and the problem of “error and uncertainty
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Progress in Human Geography
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Unwin, D. J.1