For an overview see D. R. Kelley, “What is Happening to the History of Ideas
For an overview see D. R. Kelley, “What is Happening to the History of Ideas”, Journal of the History of Ideas 51 (1990), 3 – 25.
Journal of the History of Ideas 51
, pp. 3-25
For examples see L. S. Kramer, “Literature, Criticism and Historical Imagination: The Literary Challenge of Hayden White and Dominick LaCapra”, in L. Hunt, ed.
For examples see L. S. Kramer, “Literature, Criticism and Historical Imagination: The Literary Challenge of Hayden White and Dominick LaCapra”, in L. Hunt, ed., The New Cultural History (Berkeley, 1989), 97 - 128; and D. Harlan, “Intellectual History and the Return of Literature”, American Historical Review 94, 581 – 609.
The New Cultural History (Berkeley, 1989), 97 - 128; and D. Harlan, “Intellectual History and the Return of Literature”, American Historical Review 94, 581 – 609.
For a more detailed discussion see I. Hunter, “The History of Theory
For a more detailed discussion see I. Hunter, “The History of Theory”, Critical Inquiry 32, 78 – 112. R. Rorty, J. B. Schneewind and Q. Skinner, eds., Philosophy in History: Essays on the Historiography of Philosophy (Cambridge, 1984).
Critical Inquiry 32, 78 – 112. R. Rorty, J. B. Schneewind and Q. Skinner, eds., Philosophy in History: Essays on the Historiography of Philosophy (Cambridge, 1984).
C. Taylor, “Philosophy and its History
C. Taylor, “Philosophy and its History”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History,. 17 – 30
in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History,. 17 – 30
H. MacIntyre, “The Relationship of Philosophy to its Past
H. MacIntyre, “The Relationship of Philosophy to its Past”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 31 – 48.
in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 31 – 48.
R. Rorty, “The Historiography of Philosophy: Four Genres”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 49 – 75
R. Rorty, “The Historiography of Philosophy: Four Genres”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 49 – 75. See, in particular, Q. Skinner, “Interpretation, Rationality and Truth”, in idem, Visions of Politics, 1: Regarding Method (Cambridge, 2002), 27 – 56. For an invaluable commentary see J. G. A. Pocock, “Quentin Skinner: The History of Policics and the Politics of History”, Common Knowledge 10, 532 – 50.
See, in particular, Q. Skinner, “Interpretation, Rationality and Truth”, in idem, Visions of Politics, 1: Regarding Method (Cambridge, 2002), 27 – 56. For an invaluable commentary see J. G. A. Pocock, “Quentin Skinner: The History of Policics and the Politics of History”, Common Knowledge 10, 532 – 50.
See J. G. A. Pocock, Barbarism and Religion, Volume Two: Narratives of Civil Government (Cambridge, 1999); J. C. Laursen, ed.,Histories of Heresy in Early Modern Europe
See J. G. A. Pocock, Barbarism and Religion, Volume Two: Narratives of Civil Government (Cambridge, 1999); J. C. Laursen, ed.,Histories of Heresy in Early Modern Europe: For, Against, and Beyond Persecution and Toleration (Houndmills, 2002); and I. Hunter, J. C. Laursen, and C. J. Nederman, eds.,Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Aldershot, 2005).
For, Against, and Beyond Persecution and Toleration (Houndmills, 2002); and I. Hunter, J. C. Laursen, and C. J. Nederman, eds.,Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (Aldershot, 2005).
See J. G. A. Pocock, “Gibbon and the History of Heresy”, in Laursen, ed., Histories of Heresy, 205 - 20; D. R. Kelley
See J. G. A. Pocock, “Gibbon and the History of Heresy”, in Laursen, ed., Histories of Heresy, 205 - 20; D. R. Kelley, The Descent of Ideas: The History of Intellectual History (Aldershot, 2002), 141 - 68; I. Hunter, “Christian Thomasius on the Right of Protestant Princes regarding Heretics”, Eighteenth-Century Thought 2, 39-98; and I. Hunter, “Christian Thomasius and the Desacralization of Philosophy”, Journal of the History of Ideas 61, 1–16. A. MacIntyre, “The Relationship of Philosophy to Its Past”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 35.
The Descent of Ideas: The History of Intellectual History (Aldershot, 2002), 141 - 68; I. Hunter, “Christian Thomasius on the Right of Protestant Princes regarding Heretics”, Eighteenth-Century Thought 2, 39-98; and I. Hunter, “Christian Thomasius and the Desacralization of Philosophy”, Journal of the History of Ideas 61, 1–16. A. MacIntyre, “The Relationship of Philosophy to Its Past”, in Rorty, Schneewind, and Skinner, Philosophy in History, 35.
MacIntyre, “Relationship
MacIntyre, “Relationship”, 39 – 41.
39 – 41.
C. Taylor, “The Hermeneutics of Conflict”, in Tully, Meaning and Context, 218 – 28. Rortu
C. Taylor, “The Hermeneutics of Conflict”, in Tully, Meaning and Context, 218 – 28. Rortu, “Historiography of Philosophy”, 49 – 56.
“Historiography of Philosophy”
, pp. 49-56
MacIntyre, “Relationship”, 42–43.
, pp. 42-43
Scheibler, Opus metaphysicum, bk. I
Scheibler, Opus metaphysicum, bk. I, chap. 1, ti. iii, 9 – 10.
chap. 1, ti. iii, 9 – 10.
Scheibler, Opus metaphysicum, bk. I, chap. 1, ti. v, 22. On the conception of philosophy as an office occupied through the cultivation of a particular philosophical persona see C. Condren
Scheibler, Opus metaphysicum, bk. I, chap. 1, ti. v, 22. On the conception of philosophy as an office occupied through the cultivation of a particular philosophical persona see C. Condren, “The Persona of the Philosopher and the Rhetorics of Office in Early Modern England”, In C. Condren, S. Gaukroger, and I. Hunter, eds., The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (Cambridge, 2006), 66 – 89. D. Kimmich, “Lob der ‘ruhigen Belusting’: Zu Thomasius’ kritischer Epikur-Rezeption”, in F. Vollhardt, ed., Christian Thomasius (1655-1728): Neue Forschungen im Kontext der Frilhaufklarung (Tubingen, 1997), 379 – 394.
“The Persona of the Philosopher and the Rhetorics of Office in Early Modern England”, In C. Condren, S. Gaukroger, and I. Hunter, eds., The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (Cambridge, 2006), 66 – 89. D. Kimmich, “Lob der ‘ruhigen Belusting’: Zu Thomasius’ kritischer Epikur-Rezeption”, in F. Vollhardt, ed., Christian Thomasius (1655-1728): Neue Forschungen im Kontext der Frilhaufklarung (Tubingen, 1997), 379 – 394.
See RH. Hafner, “Jacob Thomasius und die Geschichte der Haresien”, in Vollhardt, Christian Thomasius, 141 - 64; and I
See RH. Hafner, “Jacob Thomasius und die Geschichte der Haresien”, in Vollhardt, Christian Thomasius, 141 - 64; and I. Hunter, “Thomasius on the Toleration of Heresy”, in Hunter, Laursen, and Nederman, Heresy in Transition, 155 – 68.
Hunter, “Thomasius on the Toleration of Heresy”, in Hunter, Laursen, and Nederman, Heresy in Transition, 155 – 68.
I. Hunter, Rival Enlightenments: Civil and Metaphysical Philosophy in Early Modern Germany (Cambridge, 2001), 223 – 34. H. Dreitzel
I. Hunter, Rival Enlightenments: Civil and Metaphysical Philosophy in Early Modern Germany (Cambridge, 2001), 223 – 34. H. Dreitzel, “Christliche Aufklarung durch furstlichen Absolutismus. Thomasius und die Destrhabaxauktion des fruhneuzeitlichen Konfessionsstaates”, in Vollhardt, Christian Thomasius, 17 – 50.
“Christliche Aufklarung durch furstlichen Absolutismus. Thomasius und die Destrhabaxauktion des fruhneuzeitlichen Konfessionsstaates”, in Vollhardt, Christian Thomasius, 17 – 50.
See C. Thomasius, Drey Bucher der Gottlichen Rechtsgelahrtheit (Institutiones jurisprudentiae divinae, 1688)
See C. Thomasius, Drey Bucher der Gottlichen Rechtsgelahrtheit (Institutiones jurisprudentiae divinae, 1688), (Halle, 1709), I.ii.97, 73.
(Halle, 1709), I.ii.97, 73.
For an account of this conflict over the sociability principle, which lasted well into the eighteenth century, see M. Kempe, “Geselligkeit im Widerstreit
For an account of this conflict over the sociability principle, which lasted well into the eighteenth century, see M. Kempe, “Geselligkeit im Widerstreit: Zur Pufendorf-Kontroverse um die socialitas als Grundprinzip des Naturrechts in der Disputations-literatur in Deutschland urn 1700”, Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik 12, 57 – 70. Skinner, “Interpretation, Rationality and Truth”, 43.
Zur Pufendorf-Kontroverse um die socialitas als Grundprinzip des Naturrechts in der Disputations-literatur in Deutschland urn 1700”, Jahrbuch fur Recht und Ethik 12, 57 – 70. Skinner, “Interpretation, Rationality and Truth”, 43.
I. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft (2nd edn, 1787) (hereafter Kritik), in Kants Werke: Akademie Textausgabe (hereafter AK) (Berlin, 1902-), 3: 541 – 3 English translation Immanuel Kant
I. Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft (2nd edn, 1787) (hereafter Kritik), in Kants Werke: Akademie Textausgabe (hereafter AK) (Berlin, 1902-), 3: 541 – 3 English translation Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason, ed. and trans. P. Guyer and A. W. Wood (Cambridge, 1998), 693 – 5. Kant, Kritik, AK 3: 541; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 693.
Critique of Pure Reason, ed. and trans. P. Guyer and A. W. Wood (Cambridge, 1998), 693 – 5. Kant, Kritik, AK 3: 541; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 693.
For this see A. Simmons, “Jesuit Aristotelian Education: The De anima Commentaries”, in J. W. O’Malley, SJ, G. A. Bailey, S. J. Harris and T. F. Kennedy, SJ, eds.
For this see A. Simmons, “Jesuit Aristotelian Education: The De anima Commentaries”, in J. W. O’Malley, SJ, G. A. Bailey, S. J. Harris and T. F. Kennedy, SJ, eds., The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts 1540 – 1773 (Toronto, 1999), 522 – 37.
The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts 1540 – 1773 (Toronto, 1999), 522 – 37.
Monita Philosophiae tyronibus opportuna (Ferrara, 1636). Cited in P. R. Blum,Philosophenphilosophie und Schulphilosophie
Monita Philosophiae tyronibus opportuna (Ferrara, 1636). Cited in P. R. Blum,Philosophenphilosophie und Schulphilosophie. J. C. Scotti, Typen des Philosophierens in der Neuzeit (Stuttgart, 1998) 142 – 3. Thomasius, Cautelen zur Erlernung der Rechtsgelehrtheit, 113.
J. C. Scotti, Typen des Philosophierens in der Neuzeit (Stuttgart, 1998) 142 – 3. Thomasius, Cautelen zur Erlernung der Rechtsgelehrtheit, 113.
See C. Thomasius, Grund-Lehren des Natur- und Volcker-Rechts, nach dem sinnlichen Begriff aller Menschen vorgestellet (Halle, 1709), bk I, chap. 1
See C. Thomasius, Grund-Lehren des Natur- und Volcker-Rechts, nach dem sinnlichen Begriff aller Menschen vorgestellet (Halle, 1709), bk I, chap. 1, “On the Moral Nature of Man”. M. Foucault, The Use of Pleasure (Harmondsworth, 1985), 29.
“On the Moral Nature of Man”. M. Foucault, The Use of Pleasure (Harmondsworth, 1985), 29.
Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 308
Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 308; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 484.
Guyer and Wood, Critique, 484.
Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 367
Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 367; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 536.
Guyer and Wood, Critique, 536.
See Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 291 - 3; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 468 – 9
See Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 291 - 3; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 468 – 9. See Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 237; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 386.
See Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 237; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 386.
Kant, Reflexionen, AK
Kant, Reflexionen, AK, 17: 704–705.
, vol.17
, pp. 704-705
Cf. also S. Al-Azm, The Origins of Kant’s Arguments in the Antinomies (Oxford, 1972). For more on this see H. Holzhey, cc Der Philosoph im 17
Cf. also S. Al-Azm, The Origins of Kant’s Arguments in the Antinomies (Oxford, 1972). For more on this see H. Holzhey, cc Der Philosoph im 17. Jahrhundert”, in J.-P. Schobinger, ed., Die Philosophic des 17. Jahrhunderts, Band 1: Allgemeine Themen, Iberische Halbinsel, Italien (Basle, 1998), 3 - 30; and C. Condren, S. Gaukroger, and I. Hunter, “Introduction”, in Condren, Gaukroger, and Hunter, The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, 1 – 16.
Jahrhundert”, in J.-P. Schobinger, ed., Die Philosophic des 17. Jahrhunderts, Band 1: Allgemeine Themen, Iberische Halbinsel, Italien (Basle, 1998), 3 - 30; and C. Condren, S. Gaukroger, and I. Hunter, “Introduction”, in Condren, Gaukroger, and Hunter, The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, 1 – 16.
This, broadly, is the conception of the political whose history is charted in Skinners agenda-setting The Foundations of Modern Political Thought (Cambridge, 1978)
This, broadly, is the conception of the political whose history is charted in Skinners agenda-setting The Foundations of Modern Political Thought (Cambridge, 1978). See the helpful discussions in J. Tully, “The Pen is a Mighty Sword: Cuentin Skinner’s Analysis of Politics”, in Tully, Meaning and Context, 7 - 25; and Pocock, “Quentin Skinner”
See the helpful discussions in J. Tully, “The Pen is a Mighty Sword: Cuentin Skinner’s Analysis of Politics”, in Tully, Meaning and Context, 7 - 25; and Pocock, “Quentin Skinner”
Kant, “Lose Blatter”, AK, 20: 341. Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 550 - 52
Kant, “Lose Blatter”, AK, 20: 341. Kant, Kritik, AK, 3: 550 - 52; Guyer and Wood, Critique, 702 – 4.
Guyer and Wood, Critique, 702 – 4.
The exemplary modern English rendition of this history is L. W. Beck, Early German Philosophy: Kant and His Predecessors (Cambridge, MA, 1969)
The exemplary modern English rendition of this history is L. W. Beck, Early German Philosophy: Kant and His Predecessors (Cambridge, MA, 1969). But see also Braun, Geschichte der Philosophiegeshichte, where Hegel is presented as completing the revolution begun by Kant. MacIntyre, “Relationship”, 39 – 40.
But see also Braun, Geschichte der Philosophiegeshichte, where Hegel is presented as completing the revolution begun by Kant. MacIntyre, “Relationship”, 39 – 40.
See H. Jaumann, “Friihe Aufklarung als historische Kritik
See H. Jaumann, “Friihe Aufklarung als historische Kritik: Pierre Bayle und Christian Thomasius” in S. Neumeister, ed., Fruhe Aufklarung (Munich, 1994), 149 – 70.
Pierre Bayle und Christian Thomasius” in S. Neumeister, ed., Fruhe Aufklarung (Munich, 1994), 149 – 70.
MacIntyre, “Relationship”, 45.
, vol.45
Rorty, “Historiography of Philosophy”, 66 – 7. S. Gaukroger, Francis Bacon and the Transformation of Early-Modern Philosophy (Cambridge, 2001); and S. Gaukroger
Rorty, “Historiography of Philosophy”, 66 – 7. S. Gaukroger, Francis Bacon and the Transformation of Early-Modern Philosophy (Cambridge, 2001); and S. Gaukroger, “The Persona of the Natural Philosopher”, in Condren, Gaukroger, and Hunter, The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, 17 – 34.
“The Persona of the Natural Philosopher”, in Condren, Gaukroger, and Hunter, The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe, 17 – 34.
Rorty, “Historiography of Philosophy
Rorty, “Historiography of Philosophy” 60.
, vol.60
See P. Brown, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (Madison, 1988), 35 - 70; and PV
See P. Brown, Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards a Christian Empire (Madison, 1988), 35 - 70; and PV. Hadot,Plotinus, or The Simplicity of Vision (Chicago, i993)> 97 - 113.
Hadot,Plotinus, or The Simplicity of Vision (Chicago, i993)> 97 - 113.