The most important historiographic works on Argentinian nationalism are of recent publication. Two books which came out during the last few months and which consequently could not be evaluated in this article are David Rock, (Berkely, CA 1992) and Sandra McGee Deutsch and Ronald Dolkart (eds), The Argentine Right, Its History and Intellectual Origins, 1910 to the Present (Delaware 1993). These books are the latest in a series of important analytical works beginning with such early studies of Argentinian nationalism as Marysia Navarro Gerassi, Los Nacionalistas, ed Jorge Alvarez Gerassi (Buenos Aires 1968) This book, while providing an interesting historical description of the evolution of Argentinian nationalism, offers very little in the way of a comparative analysis of the fundamental ideologies of those times
The most important historiographic works on Argentinian nationalism are of recent publication. Two books which came out during the last few months and which consequently could not be evaluated in this article are David Rock, Authoritarian Argentina (Berkely, CA 1992) and Sandra McGee Deutsch and Ronald Dolkart (eds), The Argentine Right, Its History and Intellectual Origins, 1910 to the Present (Delaware 1993). These books are the latest in a series of important analytical works beginning with such early studies of Argentinian nationalism as Marysia Navarro Gerassi, Los Nacionalistas, ed Jorge Alvarez Gerassi (Buenos Aires 1968) This book, while providing an interesting historical description of the evolution of Argentinian nationalism, offers very little in the way of a comparative analysis of the fundamental ideologies of those times.
Authoritarian Argentina
Much more important is Cristian Buchrucker, y Peronismo, Argentina en la crisis ideologica mundial (1927-1955) (Buenos Aires 1987). Buchrucker, who studied with Ernst Nolte, used the latter's phenomenological method to trace the genesis of Argentinian nationalism. This work is of great significance because it analyses the development of Argentinian nationalism in the framework of world ideological trends Basically, Buchrucker attempts to differentiate between what he considers a 'restorative' anti-modernist nationalism, influenced by fascism and Spanish Falangism, and Peronism, which he sees as an authentic popular movement Another important work is Enrique Zuleta Alvarez, El Nacionalismo Argentmo, 2 vols (Buenos Aires 1975), which is the best documented book on Argentinian nationalism The author makes a clear distinction between what he considers 'doctrinaire' nationalists, who were influenced by fascism and Catholicism, and the 'republican' nationalists, whom he defined as authentic anti-imperialist nationalists. Zuleta Alvarez clearly attempts to legitimize the second ideological line, that being the political trend he personally defended in the Argentinian ideological struggle
Much more important is Cristian Buchrucker, Nacionalismo y Peronismo, Argentina en la crisis ideologica mundial (1927-1955) (Buenos Aires 1987). Buchrucker, who studied with Ernst Nolte, used the latter's phenomenological method to trace the genesis of Argentinian nationalism. This work is of great significance because it analyses the development of Argentinian nationalism in the framework of world ideological trends Basically, Buchrucker attempts to differentiate between what he considers a 'restorative' anti-modernist nationalism, influenced by fascism and Spanish Falangism, and Peronism, which he sees as an authentic popular movement Another important work is Enrique Zuleta Alvarez, El Nacionalismo Argentmo, 2 vols (Buenos Aires 1975), which is the best documented book on Argentinian nationalism The author makes a clear distinction between what he considers 'doctrinaire' nationalists, who were influenced by fascism and Catholicism, and the 'republican' nationalists, whom he defined as authentic anti-imperialist nationalists. Zuleta Alvarez clearly attempts to legitimize the second ideological line, that being the political trend he personally defended in the Argentinian ideological struggle
Other important works that are politically and ideologically relevant to Argentinian ideological disputes rather than objectively analytical are those written by Argentinian left-wing nationalists such as J.J. Hernandez Arregui, (Buenos Aires 1960), or Jorge Abelardo Ramos, Revolucion y Contrarrevolucion en la Argentina Las masas en nuestra historia (Buenos Aires 1957). Both books present integralist nationalism as a nostalgic movement associated with the liberal oligarchy In their view, the populist nationalism developed by the left wing of the Radical Party (FORJA) was the same populist nationalism that supported Peromsm, which is perceived as left-wing nationalism. Those works attempted to rehabilitate Peromsm as an authentic revolutionary, anti-imperialist, nationalist movement, a precursor to the left-wing anti-imperialist struggle in Latin America
Other important works that are politically and ideologically relevant to Argentinian ideological disputes rather than objectively analytical are those written by Argentinian left-wing nationalists such as J.J. Hernandez Arregui, La Formacion de la Conciencia Nacional (Buenos Aires 1960), or Jorge Abelardo Ramos, Revolucion y Contrarrevolucion en la Argentina Las masas en nuestra historia (Buenos Aires 1957). Both books present integralist nationalism as a nostalgic movement associated with the liberal oligarchy In their view, the populist nationalism developed by the left wing of the Radical Party (FORJA) was the same populist nationalism that supported Peromsm, which is perceived as left-wing nationalism. Those works attempted to rehabilitate Peromsm as an authentic revolutionary, anti-imperialist, nationalist movement, a precursor to the left-wing anti-imperialist struggle in Latin America.
La Formacion de la Conciencia Nacional
Among these studies is John Johnson, (Stanford, CT 1958) A slightly more sophisticated analysis is Kalman Silvert's The Conflict Society Reaction and Revolution in Latin America (New Orleans 1961) Both Silvert and Johnson see Argentinian nationalism before the second world war as a sort of criollo's fascism, but Silvert accentuates the fact that after the war this nationalism was transformed into a positive integrationist political formula
Among these studies is John Johnson, Political Change in Latin America The Emergence of the Middle Sectors (Stanford, CT 1958) A slightly more sophisticated analysis is Kalman Silvert's The Conflict Society Reaction and Revolution in Latin America (New Orleans 1961) Both Silvert and Johnson see Argentinian nationalism before the second world war as a sort of criollo's fascism, but Silvert accentuates the fact that after the war this nationalism was transformed into a positive integrationist political formula
Political Change in Latin America The Emergence of the Middle Sectors
Similarly, James Scobie, in Argentina A City and a Nation (New York 1963), describes the Argentinian nationalist uprising as the result of patriotic feeling against foreign economic penetration A more important work reflecting this distinction between populist nationalism on the one hand and the nostalgic, traditionalist trend of nationalism on the other is Arthur Whitaker's essay, 'Argentina, Nostalgic and Dynamic Nationalism', in a book published with David Jordan, Nationalism in Contemporary Latin America (New York
Similarly, James Scobie, in Argentina A City and a Nation (New York 1963), describes the Argentinian nationalist uprising as the result of patriotic feeling against foreign economic penetration A more important work reflecting this distinction between populist nationalism on the one hand and the nostalgic, traditionalist trend of nationalism on the other is Arthur Whitaker's essay, 'Argentina, Nostalgic and Dynamic Nationalism', in a book published with David Jordan, Nationalism in Contemporary Latin America (New York 1966).
Among the more recent books on the period preceding the appearance of Argentinian integral nationalism, mention must be made of Sandra McGee Deutsch, (Lincoln and London 1986) This book analyses the origins of the Argentine Patriotic League, a group that played a particularly important role during the first two decades of the century Unlike the populist nationalists who originated in the Radical Party and the integralists who appeared at the end of the 1920s, this group did not develop a nationalist ideology as an alternative to the liberal ideology of the modernizing élites. However, McGee's interesting comparison between the Liga Patriotica and the integral nationalists who came later is a useful contribution to the discussion on nationalism as a generic phenomenon in Argentina
Among the more recent books on the period preceding the appearance of Argentinian integral nationalism, mention must be made of Sandra McGee Deutsch, Counter-Revolution in Argentina, 1900-1932, The Argentine Patriotic League (Lincoln and London 1986) This book analyses the origins of the Argentine Patriotic League, a group that played a particularly important role during the first two decades of the century Unlike the populist nationalists who originated in the Radical Party and the integralists who appeared at the end of the 1920s, this group did not develop a nationalist ideology as an alternative to the liberal ideology of the modernizing élites. However, McGee's interesting comparison between the Liga Patriotica and the integral nationalists who came later is a useful contribution to the discussion on nationalism as a generic phenomenon in Argentina
Counter-Revolution in Argentina, 1900-1932, The Argentine Patriotic League
Una ideologia del progreso
See Tulio Halperin Donghi, 'Un nuevo clima de ideas' and Marcelo Montserrat, in G Ferari and E. Gallo (eds), La Argentina del Ochenta al Centenario (Buenos Aires
See Tulio Halperin Donghi, 'Un nuevo clima de ideas' and Marcelo Montserrat, 'Una ideologia del progreso' in G Ferari and E. Gallo (eds), La Argentina del Ochenta al Centenario (Buenos Aires 1980)
Filosofia de la eleccion reciente
no 8, cited in D Rock, Politics in Argentina, 1890-1930 The Rise and Fall of Radicalism (Cambridge
Rodolfo Rivarola, 'Filosofia de la eleccion reciente', Revista Argentina de Ciencias Politicas, no 8, cited in D Rock, Politics in Argentina, 1890-1930 The Rise and Fall of Radicalism (Cambridge 1975), 29.
Revista Argentina de Ciencias Politicas
, pp. 29
Rivarola, R.1
On the anarchist movement in Argentina see Yaacov Oved, El anarquismo y el movimiento obrero en Argentina (Mexico
On the anarchist movement in Argentina see Yaacov Oved, El anarquismo y el movimiento obrero en Argentina (Mexico 1978).
On the history of the Argentine Socialist Party see J Oddone, Historia del socialismo argentino (Buenos Aires 1934) Also see Jorge Spilimbergo, El socialismo en Argentina (Buenos Aires 1969), and Richard J. Walter, The Socialist Party of Argentina, 1890-1930 (Austin
On the history of the Argentine Socialist Party see J Oddone, Historia del socialismo argentino (Buenos Aires 1934) Also see Jorge Spilimbergo, El socialismo en Argentina (Buenos Aires 1969), and Richard J. Walter, The Socialist Party of Argentina, 1890-1930 (Austin 1977)
Justo, Teoria y practica de la historia (Buenos Aires
See J B. Justo, Teoria y practica de la historia (Buenos Aires 1931).
See, J.B.1
On the ideology and practice of the Radical Party see Gabriel del Mazo, su historia y doctrina, 2 vols (Buenos Aires 1957). See also David Rock, Politics in Argentina
On the ideology and practice of the Radical Party see Gabriel del Mazo, El Radicalismo, Ensavo sobre su historia y doctrina, 2 vols (Buenos Aires 1957). See also David Rock, Politics in Argentina
El Radicalismo, Ensavo sobre
Until the end of the 1920s, however, Yrigoyen managed to keep the party unified. In order not to alienate the aristocratic sectors of the party, Yrigoyen nominated Marcelo T. de Alvear, a member of the patrician group of the Radical Party, as presidential candidate for the 1922 elections. Alvear was a symbol of retrenchment and consolidation, and enjoyed the co-operation of the aristocratic members of the party On Alvear's political life, see Felix Luna, Alvear (Buenos Aires
Until the end of the 1920s, however, Yrigoyen managed to keep the party unified. In order not to alienate the aristocratic sectors of the party, Yrigoyen nominated Marcelo T. de Alvear, a member of the patrician group of the Radical Party, as presidential candidate for the 1922 elections. Alvear was a symbol of retrenchment and consolidation, and enjoyed the co-operation of the aristocratic members of the party On Alvear's political life, see Felix Luna, Alvear (Buenos Aires 1956)
Los Problemas Economicos y Sociales y la Respuesta Radical en el Gobierno (1916-1930)
Yrigoyen nationalized the oil production industry, and had a different approach to labour Nonetheless, the intransigent revolutionary wing of the Radical Party did not propose an alternative modern industrialist and developmentalist thesis In other words, Yrigoyen's economic policies did not threaten the actual agro-export economic system supported by British and local landowning interests, and its social policies were populist and reformist See Juan Carlos Grosso, (Buenos Aires
Yrigoyen nationalized the oil production industry, and had a different approach to labour Nonetheless, the intransigent revolutionary wing of the Radical Party did not propose an alternative modern industrialist and developmentalist thesis In other words, Yrigoyen's economic policies did not threaten the actual agro-export economic system supported by British and local landowning interests, and its social policies were populist and reformist See Juan Carlos Grosso, 'Los Problemas Economicos y Sociales y la Respuesta Radical en el Gobierno (1916-1930)', El Radicalismo (Buenos Aires 1968).
El Radicalismo
According to Maurras, democracy meant a regime of profit and immediate pleasures, forgetful of the past and negligent of the future. See Charles Maurras, L'Allée des philosophes (Paris 1924), 28. Psychologically, the regime could be defined as the intense antagonism of eleven million egos. See Charles Maurras, Enquête sur la monarchie (Paris 1924), lxxxvii, cited in Michael Curtis, Three Against the Republic. Sorel, Barres and Maurras (Princeton
According to Maurras, democracy meant a regime of profit and immediate pleasures, forgetful of the past and negligent of the future. See Charles Maurras, L'Allée des philosophes (Paris 1924), 28. Psychologically, the regime could be defined as the intense antagonism of eleven million egos. See Charles Maurras, Enquête sur la monarchie (Paris 1924), lxxxvii, cited in Michael Curtis, Three Against the Republic. Sorel, Barres and Maurras (Princeton 1959), 77.
, pp. 77
On the ideas of the Argentine Catholic right, see Graciela Ben Dror, La iglesia catolica y la problematica del pueblo judio (1845-1933), unpublished PhD thesis, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. See also J.J Kennedy, Catholicism, Nationalism and Democracy in Argentina (Notre Dame
On the ideas of the Argentine Catholic right, see Graciela Ben Dror, La iglesia catolica y la problematica del pueblo judio (1845-1933), unpublished PhD thesis, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. See also J.J Kennedy, Catholicism, Nationalism and Democracy in Argentina (Notre Dame 1958).
President Justo managed to deal successfully with the Church. During the great Eucharist Congress that took place in Buenos Aires in 1934, the Church did not lead a direct attack on Justo's government; Justo proved to have a positive attitude towards the Church for political reasons. (The journal, for instance, praised Justo's support in contributing to the organization of the Eucharist Congress.
President Justo managed to deal successfully with the Church. During the great Eucharist Congress that took place in Buenos Aires in 1934, the Church did not lead a direct attack on Justo's government; Justo proved to have a positive attitude towards the Church for political reasons. (The journal Criterio, for instance, praised Justo's support in contributing to the organization of the Eucharist Congress.)
See Carta a Jacques Maritain sobre la colaboracion de los catolicos con los movimientos de tipo fascista (Buenos Aires
See Carta a Jacques Maritain sobre la colaboracion de los catolicos con los movimientos de tipo fascista (Buenos Aires 1937), 13.
, pp. 13
El Despertar Nacionalista
Most of the more important figures of right-wing Catholicism could not accept the totalitarian and secular characteristics of fascism. However, in most of the writings of the priests Julio Meinvielle, Gustavo Franceschi and Leonardo Castellam, fascism is perceived as a preamble to the Catholic solution. In the main, they saw Catholic dogma as providing the doctrine lacking in fascism. Most of them, however, felt that the Spanish Civil War had produced the military fascism that synthesized fascism and Catholicism. See Gustavo Franceschi, (October
Most of the more important figures of right-wing Catholicism could not accept the totalitarian and secular characteristics of fascism. However, in most of the writings of the priests Julio Meinvielle, Gustavo Franceschi and Leonardo Castellam, fascism is perceived as a preamble to the Catholic solution. In the main, they saw Catholic dogma as providing the doctrine lacking in fascism. Most of them, however, felt that the Spanish Civil War had produced the military fascism that synthesized fascism and Catholicism. See Gustavo Franceschi, 'El Despertar Nacionalista', Criterio (October 1932)
La Idea Corporativa
(31 March 1938), A. Ezcurra Medrano, Catolicismo y nacionalismo (Buenos Aires
Eduardo Lustosa, 'La Idea Corporativa', Criterio (31 March 1938), A. Ezcurra Medrano, Catolicismo y nacionalismo (Buenos Aires 1939).
Lustosa, E.1
See Juan V Orona, La logia que enfrento a Hipolito Yrigoyen (Buenos Aires
See Juan V Orona, La logia que enfrento a Hipolito Yrigoyen (Buenos Aires 1965), 107.
, pp. 107
In a letter to Uriburu from the Argentinian military attaché in Germany, Nicolas Accame, the latter expressed surprise at the failure of the Munich putsch because 'such a [revolutionary] nationalist reaction can be felt in Europe, that not to be affiliated with it is synonymous with being a traitor to the country to which one belongs'. See Archivo General de la Nacion, Archivo General Uriburu, Legajo 1.320. On the differences between Justo and Uriburu and on the process that led to the revolution, see Jose Maria Sarobe, Memorias sobre la revolucion del 6 de Setiembre de 1930 (Buenos Aires 1957), and Juan V. Orona, La revolucion del 6 de Seliembre (Buenos Aires 1966). On the chain of events that led to the failure of Unburu's corporatist attempt, see also Alain Rouquie, Poder militar y sociedad politica en la Argentina, I, 7th edn (Buenos Aires
In a letter to Uriburu from the Argentinian military attaché in Germany, Nicolas Accame, the latter expressed surprise at the failure of the Munich putsch because 'such a [revolutionary] nationalist reaction can be felt in Europe, that not to be affiliated with it is synonymous with being a traitor to the country to which one belongs'. See Archivo General de la Nacion, Archivo General Uriburu, Legajo 1.320. On the differences between Justo and Uriburu and on the process that led to the revolution, see Jose Maria Sarobe, Memorias sobre la revolucion del 6 de Setiembre de 1930 (Buenos Aires 1957), and Juan V. Orona, La revolucion del 6 de Seliembre (Buenos Aires 1966). On the chain of events that led to the failure of Unburu's corporatist attempt, see also Alain Rouquie, Poder militar y sociedad politica en la Argentina, I, 7th edn (Buenos Aires 1983), 223-52.
, pp. 223-252
The nationalist Jose Luis Torres defined the decade as 'la decada infame'. It was characterized by the bilateral agreements between Great Britain and Argentina, which put Argentina in a position of growing economic dependence on Great Britain. The Roca-Runciman pact saw the symbol of that dependence. See Jose Luis Torres, La decada infame (Buenos Aires
The nationalist Jose Luis Torres defined the decade as 'la decada infame'. It was characterized by the bilateral agreements between Great Britain and Argentina, which put Argentina in a position of growing economic dependence on Great Britain. The Roca-Runciman pact saw the symbol of that dependence. See Jose Luis Torres, La decada infame (Buenos Aires 1945).
Perspectivas de fascismo en Argentina
(Buenos Aires
Manuel Galvez, 'Perspectivas de fascismo en Argentina', Este Pueblo Necesita (Buenos Aires 1934), 119
Este Pueblo Necesita
, pp. 119
Galvez, M.1
Biblioteca del Pensamiento Nacionalista Argentino, vol VI (Buenos Aires
Carlos Ibarguren, La inquietud de esta hora, Biblioteca del Pensamiento Nacionalista Argentino, vol VI (Buenos Aires 1975), 101
La inquietud de esta hora
, pp. 101
Ibarguren, C.1
Other important books are Julio Irazusta, Ensayo sobre Rosas (1935), and Manuel Galvez, Vida de Juan Manuel de Rosas (
Other important books are Julio Irazusta, Ensayo sobre Rosas (1935), and Manuel Galvez, Vida de Juan Manuel de Rosas (1940)
El precio del liberalismo
in Julio Irazusta, La Revolucion de 1930, P D. Revolucionario II (Buenos Aries
Rodolfo Irazusta, 'El precio del liberalismo', in Julio Irazusta, La Revolucion de 1930, P D. Revolucionario II (Buenos Aries 1975), 35.
, pp. 35
Irazusta, R.1
What the Irazustas promoted was an 'economic harmony between manufacturing and the easy products of agro export' ' That was the synthesis of proper industrial development for a country with the characteristics of Argentina Rodolfo and Julio Irazusta, La Argentina y el imperialismo britanico. Los eslabones de una cadena 1806-1833 (Buenos Aires
What the Irazustas promoted was an 'economic harmony between manufacturing and the easy products of agro export' ' That was the synthesis of proper industrial development for a country with the characteristics of Argentina Rodolfo and Julio Irazusta, La Argentina y el imperialismo britanico. Los eslabones de una cadena 1806-1833 (Buenos Aires 1934), 182.
, pp. 182
Graciela Etchevest, Ana Maria Galibert and Omar Cerdeira, 'La Legion Civica Argentina (1931-1932)', (Buenos Aires
F.G. Molina, Graciela Etchevest, Ana Maria Galibert and Omar Cerdeira, 'La Legion Civica Argentina (1931-1932)', (Buenos Aires 1985).
Molina, F.G.1
Prontuario Carulla
See Policia Federal, Legajo 1, Exp 1, Folio 52, Leg. Legion Civica, 15 June
See Policia Federal, 'Prontuario Carulla', Legajo 1, Exp 1, Folio 52, Leg. Legion Civica, 15 June 1931.
Juan Queralto, Speech at the 1 May 1939 Rally of the Alianza Nacionalista, Combate, June
Juan Queralto, Speech at the 1 May 1939 Rally of the Alianza Nacionalista, Combate, June 1939.
29 December
Tribuna, 29 December 1945
Nacionalismo y Sindicahsmo
Bandera Argentina, 8 September
'Nacionalismo y Sindicahsmo', Bandera Argentina, 8 September 1932
See La Razon, 12 May
See La Razon, 12 May 1967
It should be noted that M. Fresco's personal economic interests were connected with the oligarchy. This raised suspicions about his real intentions. After the election of 1940, President Ortiz, succeeding President Justo, decided to intervene in the province, removing Fresco from office. Fresco founded the (Patria), which became a political party in 1941. Later, by virtue of his paper Cabildo, he set himself up as a leader of the nationalist movement, something that other nationalists did not accept
It should be noted that M. Fresco's personal economic interests were connected with the oligarchy. This raised suspicions about his real intentions. After the election of 1940, President Ortiz, succeeding President Justo, decided to intervene in the province, removing Fresco from office. Fresco founded the Union Nacional Argentina (Patria), which became a political party in 1941. Later, by virtue of his paper Cabildo, he set himself up as a leader of the nationalist movement, something that other nationalists did not accept.
Union Nacional Argentina
de Sesiones, Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, 15 June 1932, 12
Manuel Fresco, Diario de Sesiones, Camara de Diputados, Congreso Nacional, 15 June 1932, 12.
Fresco, M.1
The Argentine Proposal for Non-Belligerency, April 1940
A few democratic groups also favoured neutrality and asked the US for a non- belligerence pact, as a way of gaining US approval and protecting Argentinian economic interests at the same time. Moreover, even the British had an interest in Argentina's remaining neutral in the second world war On this point see Joseph S Tulchin, American Studies, XI, 4 (1969). On the question of Argentina's neutrality, see also Mario Rapoport, G Britania, Estados Unidos y las clases dirigentes argentinas, 1940- 1945 (Buenos Aires
A few democratic groups also favoured neutrality and asked the US for a non- belligerence pact, as a way of gaining US approval and protecting Argentinian economic interests at the same time. Moreover, even the British had an interest in Argentina's remaining neutral in the second world war On this point see Joseph S Tulchin, 'The Argentine Proposal for Non-Belligerency, April 1940', Journal of Inter- American Studies, XI, 4 (1969). On the question of Argentina's neutrality, see also Mario Rapoport, G Britania, Estados Unidos y las clases dirigentes argentinas, 1940- 1945 (Buenos Aires 1981)
Journal of Inter-
See Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, La revolucion que anunciamos (Buenos Aires
See Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, La revolucion que anunciamos (Buenos Aires 1945)
See Alain Rouquie, Poder militar y sociedad politica en la Argentina, II (Buenos Aires
See Alain Rouquie, Poder militar y sociedad politica en la Argentina, II (Buenos Aires 1986), 32.
, pp. 32
Peron's admiration for fascism is easily detected In 1939, Peron was sent to Italy on a study mission by the Argentinian army. At the University of Torino and Milan he studied political economy. He was impressed by the political and social practices of fascism Peron never denied that 'to guide people is a technique, the technique of leadership A technique, an art of military precision. During 1940, I have been taught that in Italy: that people really knew how to command.' ' See the interview given by Peron to Eduardo Galeano, in Eduaido Galeano, Tauro, Montevideo, 1967, 74. During 1940, Peron visited Germany and the rest of the countries occupied by nazi Germany. On his return to Argentina, he became the ideological mentor of the GOU
Peron's admiration for fascism is easily detected In 1939, Peron was sent to Italy on a study mission by the Argentinian army. At the University of Torino and Milan he studied political economy. He was impressed by the political and social practices of fascism Peron never denied that 'to guide people is a technique, the technique of leadership A technique, an art of military precision. During 1940, I have been taught that in Italy: that people really knew how to command.' ' See the interview given by Peron to Eduardo Galeano, in Eduaido Galeano, Reportajes, Tauro, Montevideo, 1967, 74. During 1940, Peron visited Germany and the rest of the countries occupied by nazi Germany. On his return to Argentina, he became the ideological mentor of the GOU
El Estado regulara las fuerzas de la Produccion
Crisol, 30 October 1943. See also 'La Secretaria de Trabajo y Prevision', El Pampero, 1 December
'El Estado regulara las fuerzas de la Produccion', Crisol, 30 October 1943. See also 'La Secretaria de Trabajo y Prevision', El Pampero, 1 December 1943.
Was Peron a Fascist?
vol 42, 1-2 (
Paul Lewis, 'Was Peron a Fascist?', The Journal of Politics, vol 42, 1-2 (1980), 247-8
The Journal of Politics
, pp. 247-248
Lewis, P.1
Ordenamiento economico-social
Vicepresidencia de la Nacion, Consejo Nacional de Postguerra, (Buenos Aires 1944), 55-6, 68
Vicepresidencia de la Nacion, Consejo Nacional de Postguerra, 'Ordenamiento economico-social' (Buenos Aires 1944), 55-6, 68.
See Robert D Crassweller, Peron and the Enigmas of Argentina (New York
See Robert D Crassweller, Peron and the Enigmas of Argentina (New York 1988), 193-5
, pp. 193-195
Baily, Labor Nationalism and Politics in Argentina (New Brunswick 1967), 138, 142
See S. Baily, Labor Nationalism and Politics in Argentina (New Brunswick 1967), 138, 142.
See, S.1
See Juan Peron, La hora de los pueblos (Buenos Aires
See Juan Peron, La hora de los pueblos (Buenos Aires 1973), 35
, pp. 35