Historia de la persecución, 64 n. 36, 431 n. 3; A. de Castro Albarran, La gran victima: La Iglesia Espańola martir de la revolución roja (Salamanca: n. p., 1940), 159—60;
See [Juan Estelrich], La persécution religieuse en Espagne (Paris: Plon, 1937), 39, and photos following
See Montero Moreno, Historia de la persecución, 64 n. 36, 431 n. 3; A. de Castro Albarran, La gran victima: La Iglesia Espańola martir de la revolución roja (Salamanca: n. p., 1940), 159—60; [Juan Estelrich], La persécution religieuse en Espagne (Paris: Plon, 1937), 39, and photos following pp. 80, 104.
Moreno, M.1
It is worth noting that the act of defining certain others as less than human is a necessary step in the process of rendering their killing licit, as was observed by Simone Weil in her celebrated letter to Georges Bernanos (with reference to the atrocities perpetrated by the Left in Catalonia, which she witnessed during the first months of the civil war)
Text available in translation in Murray A. Sperber, ed., And I Remember Spain (New York: Collier, 1974), 259–63, esp.
It is worth noting that the act of defining certain others as less than human is a necessary step in the process of rendering their killing licit, as was observed by Simone Weil in her celebrated letter to Georges Bernanos (with reference to the atrocities perpetrated by the Left in Catalonia, which she witnessed during the first months of the civil war). Text available in translation in Murray A. Sperber, ed., And I Remember Spain (New York: Collier, 1974), 259–63, esp. 262.
For critiques of the use of the crusade theme as propaganda, see Juan de Iturralde, El Catolicismo v la cruzada de Franco, 3 vols. (Bayonne: Editorial Egi-Indarra, 1956-65); and Herbert R. Southworth, El mito de la cruzada de Franco (Paris: Ruedo Ibérico, 1963), esp
For critiques of the use of the crusade theme as propaganda, see Juan de Iturralde, El Catolicismo v la cruzada de Franco, 3 vols. (Bayonne: Editorial Egi-Indarra, 1956-65); and Herbert R. Southworth, El mito de la cruzada de Franco (Paris: Ruedo Ibérico, 1963), esp. 175-80.
The Tragic Week: A Study of Anti-Clericalism in Spain, 1875–1912
See Joan Connelly Ullman Cambridge: Harvard University Press esp
See Joan Connelly Ullman, The Tragic Week: A Study of Anti-Clericalism in Spain, 1875–1912 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1968). esp. 227, 231, 246–47, 253.
, vol.227
, Issue.231
, pp. 246-247
Notes toward a Theory of Religion and Revolution
B. Lincoln, ed. (London: Macmillan
Bruce Lincoln, “Notes toward a Theory of Religion and Revolution.” in Religion, Rebellion, Revolution: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Collection of Essays, B. Lincoln, ed. (London: Macmillan, 1985). 266–92.
Religion, Rebellion, Revolution: An Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Collection of Essays
, pp. 266-292
Lincoln, B.1
See the literature cited in note 9, especially the analysis of Brenan, Spanish Labyrinth
See the literature cited in note 9, especially the analysis of Brenan, Spanish Labyrinth, 43–55.
Peers, Spain, Church, and Orders
Peers, Spain, Church, and Orders, 68, 158.
, vol.68
, pp. 158
On rumor as the metaphoric articulation of latent popular sentiment, see Peter Lienhardt, “The Interpretation of Rumour
J. H. M. Beattie and R. G. Lienhardt, eds. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975), 105–31, esp.
On rumor as the metaphoric articulation of latent popular sentiment, see Peter Lienhardt, “The Interpretation of Rumour, ” in Studies in Social Anthropology: Essays in Memory of E. E. Evans-Pritchard, J. H. M. Beattie and R. G. Lienhardt, eds. (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1975), 105–31, esp. 128–31.
Studies in Social Anthropology: Essays in Memory of E. E. Evans-Pritchard
, pp. 128-131
Lincoln, “Notes toward a Theory of Religion and Revolution
Lincoln, “Notes toward a Theory of Religion and Revolution.”
For the best account of the Church's role in the years 1931–36, see Sanchéz, Reform and Reaction, 65–213. Highly misleading are the presentations of Peers, Spain, Church, and Orders, and U. Massimo Miozzi, Storia della Chiesa Spagnola (1931–1966)
Rome: Instituto Editoriale del Mediterraneo
For the best account of the Church's role in the years 1931–36, see Sanchéz, Reform and Reaction, 65–213. Highly misleading are the presentations of Peers, Spain, Church, and Orders, and U. Massimo Miozzi, Storia della Chiesa Spagnola (1931–1966) (Rome: Instituto Editoriale del Mediterraneo, 1967).
Only recently has serious attention been focused on the Right in the years leading up to the civil war. See Richard A. H. Robinson, The Origins of Franco's Spain
Newton Abbot: David and Charles Martin Blinkhorn, Carlism and Crisis in Spain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975), the latter having particular emphasis on the role of religion.
Only recently has serious attention been focused on the Right in the years leading up to the civil war. See Richard A. H. Robinson, The Origins of Franco's Spain (Newton Abbot: David and Charles, 1970); Martin Blinkhorn, Carlism and Crisis in Spain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975), the latter having particular emphasis on the role of religion.
On the Aghorins (or Aghoris, as he transcribed the term), see Mircea Eliade, Yoga: Immortality and Freedom
Princeton: Princeton University Press or. more recent, Jonathan Parry, “Sacrificial Death and the Necrophagous Ascetic, ” Death and the Regeneration of Life, M. Bloch and J. Parry, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 74–110, esp. 86–101.
On the Aghorins (or Aghoris, as he transcribed the term), see Mircea Eliade, Yoga: Immortality and Freedom (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969), 296-301; or. more recent, Jonathan Parry, “Sacrificial Death and the Necrophagous Ascetic, ” Death and the Regeneration of Life, M. Bloch and J. Parry, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 74–110, esp. 86–101.
, pp. 296-301
A new and most interesting interpretation of the Hamatsa has recently been offered by Stanley Walens, Feasting with Cannibals: An Essay on Kwakiutl Cosmology
Princeton: Princeton University Press esp. 138–63. See also the classic accounts in Franz Boas, Kwakiutl Ethnography, Helen Codere, ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966), 171-279; and Ruth Benedict, Patterns of Culture (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959), 177–81.
A new and most interesting interpretation of the Hamatsa has recently been offered by Stanley Walens, Feasting with Cannibals: An Essay on Kwakiutl Cosmology (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981), esp. 138–63. See also the classic accounts in Franz Boas, Kwakiutl Ethnography, Helen Codere, ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966), 171-279; and Ruth Benedict, Patterns of Culture (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1959), 177–81.
The Trumpet Shall Sound: A Study of “Cargo” Cults in Melanesia
2d ed. (New York: Schocken
Peter Worsley, The Trumpet Shall Sound: A Study of “Cargo” Cults in Melanesia, 2d ed. (New York: Schocken, 1968), 250.
, pp. 250
Worsley, P.1
New Heaven, New Earth
New York: Schocken esp.
Kenelm Burridge, New Heaven, New Earth (New York: Schocken, 1969), esp. 166–68.
, pp. 166-168
Burridge, K.1
The best treatment of these oaths is Robert Buijtenhuijs, Le mouvement “Mau-Mau
The Hague: Mouton
The best treatment of these oaths is Robert Buijtenhuijs, Le mouvement “Mau-Mau” (The Hague: Mouton, 1971), 255–98.
, pp. 255-298
Mau Mau from Within, 121, cited in Buijtenhuijs, Le mouvement “Mau-Mau
Kareri Njama, Mau Mau from Within, 121, cited in Buijtenhuijs, Le mouvement “Mau-Mau 260.
Njama, K.1
The Magic of Despair
New York: Free Press In many ways, however, Gluckman's analysis must now be replaced by that of Buijtenhuijs.
Max Gluckman, “The Magic of Despair, ” in his Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa (New York: Free Press, 1963), 137–145. In many ways, however, Gluckman's analysis must now be replaced by that of Buijtenhuijs.
his Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa
, pp. 137-145
Gluckman, M.1
Dio Cassius 37.30.3; Plutarch, Cicero 10.3. Sallust, Bellum Catilinae 22, recounts the same story, but expresses skepticism as to whether it is true or merely propaganda directed against Catiline by his enemies, chiefly Cicero
Dio Cassius 37.30.3; Plutarch, Cicero 10.3. Sallust, Bellum Catilinae 22, recounts the same story, but expresses skepticism as to whether it is true or merely propaganda directed against Catiline by his enemies, chiefly Cicero.
The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson On the festival of the Qiyāma, see also Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Order of Assassins (The Hague: Mouton, 1955), 148–58.
Bernard Lewis, The Assassins: A Radical Sect in Islam (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1967), 73. On the festival of the Qiyāma, see also Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Order of Assassins (The Hague: Mouton, 1955), 148–58.
, pp. 73
Lewis, B.1
Cited in Christopher Dawson, The Gods of Revolution New York: Minerva, 1975), 80. Emphasis added
Cited in Christopher Dawson, The Gods of Revolution New York: Minerva, 1975), 80. Emphasis added.
The best general work on the campaign of dechristianization is Michel Vovelle, Religion et révolution: la déchristianisation de l'an 11
Paris: Hachette which is, however, largely a statistical and demographic study and not a dramaturgical one. For the dechristianization spectacles, see Mona Ozouf, La féte révolutionnaire 1789–1799 (Paris: Gallimard, 1976), 99–124 et passim.
The best general work on the campaign of dechristianization is Michel Vovelle, Religion et révolution: la déchristianisation de l'an 11 (Paris: Hachette, 1976), which is, however, largely a statistical and demographic study and not a dramaturgical one. For the dechristianization spectacles, see Mona Ozouf, La féte révolutionnaire 1789–1799 (Paris: Gallimard, 1976), 99–124 et passim.
The Reformation of Images: Destruction of Art in England, 1535–1660
On the iconoclasm of the English civil war, see John Ransome Phillips Berkeley: University of California Press on that of the Taiping Rebellion, Vincent Y. C. Shih, The Taiping Ideology (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967)
On the iconoclasm of the English civil war, see John Ransome Phillips, The Reformation of Images: Destruction of Art in England, 1535–1660 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973); on that of the Taiping Rebellion, Vincent Y. C. Shih, The Taiping Ideology (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1967), 23–29.
, pp. 23-29
Icons as Symbols of Power
See the discussion of Venetia Newall Hilda Ellis-Davidson, ed. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1977)
See the discussion of Venetia Newall, “Icons as Symbols of Power, ” in Symbols of Power, Hilda Ellis-Davidson, ed. (Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1977), 61–99.
Symbols of Power
, pp. 61-99
El martirio de las cosas
See, for instance, the final section of Montero Moreno's Historia de la Persecución, 627–53, devoted to incidents of iconoclasm and entitled [The martyrdom of things]. One of the most effective pieces of Nationalist propaganda is devoted entirely to photos of heavily damaged religious art: Manuel Augusto, Via crucis del Seńor en tierras de Espańa (Barcelona: Editora Nacional, 1939).
See, for instance, the final section of Montero Moreno's Historia de la Persecución, 627–53, devoted to incidents of iconoclasm and entitled “El martirio de las cosas” [The martyrdom of things]. One of the most effective pieces of Nationalist propaganda is devoted entirely to photos of heavily damaged religious art: Manuel Augusto, Via crucis del Seńor en tierras de Espańa (Barcelona: Editora Nacional, 1939).
Bayle, Qué pasa en Espana?
Bayle, Qué pasa en Espana?, 53.
La persécution religieuse, 39. Along similar lines, speaking of the revolutionary iconoclasm in general, Montero Moreno, Historia de la persecución, 649, calls it a “diabólico o nietscheano asesinato de Dios.
See, for instance, Castro Albarran, La gran victima, 159-61; [Estelrich]
See, for instance, Castro Albarran, La gran victima, 159-61; [Estelrich], La persécution religieuse, 39. Along similar lines, speaking of the revolutionary iconoclasm in general, Montero Moreno, Historia de la persecución, 649, calls it a “diabólico o nietscheano asesinato de Dios.”
Historia de la persecución, 64 (note in paticular the cases of the Carmelite Church and Capuchin Convent in Madrid, The Franciscan Convent in Berga and that at Fuenteovejuna), and 432 (note the cases of the Salesian Convent and the Minimás de Jesus Maria in Barcelona)
See Montero Moreno, Historia de la persecución, 64 (note in paticular the cases of the Carmelite Church and Capuchin Convent in Madrid, The Franciscan Convent in Berga and that at Fuenteovejuna), and 432 (note the cases of the Salesian Convent and the Minimás de Jesus Maria in Barcelona).
Moreno, M.1
See Ullman, Tragic Week, 201, 227, 246–47, 253, 276–77, et passim
See Ullman, Tragic Week, 201, 227, 246–47, 253, 276–77, et passim.
Low and Brea, Red Spanish Notebook
Low and Brea, Red Spanish Notebook, 215.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamozov, Part 3, Book 7, Section 1, “The Breath of Corruption
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamozov, Part 3, Book 7, Section 1, “The Breath of Corruption.”