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Volumn 32, Issue 1, 1972, Pages 241-261

Proto-industrialization: The First Phase of the Industrialization Process

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EID: 84974489132     PISSN: 00220507     EISSN: 14716372     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0022050700075495     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (429)

References (72)
  • 3
    • 84980120365 scopus 로고
    • Herman Freudenberger and Fritz Redlich have previously utilized the term “protofactory” in “The Industrial Development of Europe: Reality, Symbols, Images
    • By this term they refer to pre-factory centralized manufacturing plants
    • Herman Freudenberger and Fritz Redlich have previously utilized the term “protofactory” in “The Industrial Development of Europe: Reality, Symbols, Images,” Kyklos, XVII (1964), 372-402. By this term they refer to pre-factory centralized manufacturing plants.
    • (1964) Kyklos , vol.17 , pp. 372-402
  • 4
    • 0004740135 scopus 로고
    • The Economics of Production
    • H. A. Luning, Economic Aspects of Low Labour-Income Farming (Wageningen: Centre for Agricultural Publications and Documentation, 1967); Franklin Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure in Eighteenth-Century Flanders,” (unpublished dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1969), pp. 112ff
    • Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, “The Economics of Production,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, LX (1970), 1-9; H. A. Luning, Economic Aspects of Low Labour-Income Farming (Wageningen: Centre for Agricultural Publications and Documentation, 1967); Franklin Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure in Eighteenth-Century Flanders,” (unpublished dissertation, University of Wisconsin, 1969), pp. 112ff.
    • (1970) American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings , pp. 1-9
    • Georgescu-Roegen, N.1
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    • 0344618011 scopus 로고
    • The Turnip, the New Husbandry, and the English Agricultural Revolution
    • It is thus interesting to note that, according to Peter Timmer, the “agricultural revolution” increased the labor-intensiveness of the main agricultural processes but did not further increase summer peak loads. I have found, however, that such peakloads were increased by flax and potato cultivation in Flanders, Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure,” pp. 134-38
    • It is thus interesting to note that, according to Peter Timmer, the “agricultural revolution” increased the labor-intensiveness of the main agricultural processes but did not further increase summer peak loads. I have found, however, that such peakloads were increased by flax and potato cultivation in Flanders. See C. Peter Timmer, “The Turnip, the New Husbandry, and the English Agricultural Revolution,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, LXXXIII (1969), 375-95; Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure,” pp. 134-38.
    • (1969) Quarterly Journal of Economics , vol.LXXXIII , pp. 375-395
    • Peter Timmer, C.1
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    • 84974298360 scopus 로고
    • The French Peasantry in the Seventeenth Century, A Regional Example
    • T. Aston (ed.), Crisis in Europe, 1560-1660 (New York: Anchor) K. Roessingh “Beroep en bedrijf op de Weluwe in het midden van de achttiende eeuw,” A. A. G. Bijdragen, (1965), 204 and Bernhard Slicher van Bath, “Historical Demography and the Social and Economic Development of the Netherlands,” Historical Population Studies, Daedalus (Spring, 1968), 616; Duncan Bythell, The Handloom Weavers (London: Cambridge University Press, 1969), pp. 42-3, 270; Paul Deprez, “De Kasselrij von de Oudburg in de 18de eeuw” (Unpublished dissertation, University of Chent, 1960), and Mendels, pp. 198ff
    • Pierre Coubert, “The French Peasantry in the Seventeenth Century, A Regional Example,” in T. Aston (ed.), Crisis in Europe, 1560-1660 (New York: Anchor, 1967),pp. 127-8; K. Roessingh “Beroep en bedrijf op de Weluwe in het midden van de achttiende eeuw,” A. A. G. Bijdragen, No. 13 (1965), 204 and Bernhard Slicher van Bath, “Historical Demography and the Social and Economic Development of the Netherlands,” Historical Population Studies, Daedalus (Spring, 1968), 616; Duncan Bythell, The Handloom Weavers (London: Cambridge University Press, 1969), pp. 42-3, 270; Paul Deprez, “De Kasselrij von de Oudburg in de 18de eeuw” (Unpublished dissertation, University of Chent, 1960), and Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure,” pp. 198ff.
    • (1967) Industrialization and Population Pressure , Issue.13 , pp. 127-128
    • Coubert, P.1
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    • 84974298043 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Industrialization and Population Pressure
    • Mendels, “Industrialization and Population Pressure,” p. 202.
    • Mendels1
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    • 84974473875 scopus 로고
    • The Unbound Prometheus (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1969), pp. 57ff; Neil Smelser, Social Change and the Industrial Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959); Sidney Pollard, (Baltimore: Penguin) and chap v
    • David Landes, The Unbound Prometheus (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1969), pp. 57ff; Neil Smelser, Social Change and the Industrial Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959); Sidney Pollard, The Genesis of Modern Management (Baltimore: Penguin, 1968), pp. 42-50 and chap v.
    • (1968) The Genesis of Modern Management , pp. 42-50
    • Landes, D.1
  • 13
    • 84974297999 scopus 로고
    • Russian Peasants in the Factory
    • A vivid description of the seasonal character in the Ural iron foundries has been made by Roger Portal in L'Oural au XVllId sidcle (Paris: Institut d'Etudes Slaves, 1950), For the continued attachment of Russian factory workers to the demands of the village see Theodore von Laue, 70-80
    • A vivid description of the seasonal character in the Ural iron foundries has been made by Roger Portal in L'Oural au XVllId sidcle (Paris: Institut d'Etudes Slaves, 1950), pp. 241-45. For the continued attachment of Russian factory workers to the demands of the village see Theodore von Laue, “Russian Peasants in the Factory,” THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, XXI (1961), 70-80.
    • (1961) THE JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY , vol.21 , pp. 241-245
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    • 84974415638 scopus 로고
    • Structural Change in the Rhenish Linen and Cotton Trades at the Outset of Industrialization
    • The Early Factory Masters (Newton Abbott: David and Charles, 1967); also Gerhard Adelmann, Frangois Crouzet et al. (eds.), (London: Arnold)
    • See S. D. Chapman, The Early Factory Masters (Newton Abbott: David and Charles, 1967); also Gerhard Adelmann, “Structural Change in the Rhenish Linen and Cotton Trades at the Outset of Industrialization,” in Frangois Crouzet et al. (eds.), Essays in European Economic History (London: Arnold, 1969), p. 97.
    • (1969) Essays in European Economic History , pp. 97
    • Chapman, S.D.1
  • 16
    • 0005121865 scopus 로고
    • The Agricultural Origins of Industry
    • See below
    • Eric Jones, “The Agricultural Origins of Industry,” Past and Present, No. 40 (1968), 58-71. See below.
    • (1968) Past and Present , Issue.40 , pp. 58-71
    • Jones, E.1
  • 18
    • 84974433899 scopus 로고
    • British Industry through the Eyes of French Industrialists, 18201848
    • Britain and Industrial Europe (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1954); Landes, Unbound Prometheus, pp. 138, 149, 151; Peter Stearns, 50-61; Adelmann, “Structural Change
    • W. O. Henderson, Britain and Industrial Europe (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1954); Landes, Unbound Prometheus, pp. 138, 149, 151; Peter Stearns, “British Industry through the Eyes of French Industrialists, 18201848,” Journal of Modem History, XXXVII (1965), 50-61; Adelmann, “Structural Change,” p. 86.
    • (1965) Journal of Modem History , vol.37 , pp. 86
    • Henderson, W.O.1
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    • 84974473863 scopus 로고
    • Eine Wirtschaftskarte Deutschlands um 1820 als Spiegel der gewerblichen Entwichklung
    • For industrial maps of Germany, Friedrich Lutge (ed.), Wirtschaftliche und soziale Probleme der gewerbliche Entwicklung im 15.-16. und 19. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: Fischer, 1968) for Russia, W. H. Parker, An Historical Geography of Russia (London: Athlone Press, 1968), passim. 19 Herbert Kisch, (1959), 541-63; Tom Kemp, Industrialization in Nineteenth-Century Europe (London: Longmans)
    • For industrial maps of Germany, see Wolfgang Zorn, “Eine Wirtschaftskarte Deutschlands um 1820 als Spiegel der gewerblichen Entwichklung,” in Friedrich Lutge (ed.), Wirtschaftliche und soziale Probleme der gewerbliche Entwicklung im 15.-16. und 19. Jahrhundert (Stuttgart: Fischer, 1968), pp. 142-55; for Russia, W. H. Parker, An Historical Geography of Russia (London: Athlone Press, 1968), passim. 19 Herbert Kisch, “The Textile Industries in Silesia and the Rhineland: A Comparative Study in Industrialization,” THE JOURNAL, OF ECONOMIC HISTORY, XIX (1959), 541-63; Tom Kemp, Industrialization in Nineteenth-Century Europe (London: Longmans, 1969).
    • (1969) The Textile Industries in Silesia and the Rhineland: A Comparative Study in Industrialization,” THE JOURNAL, OF ECONOMIC HISTORY , vol.19 , pp. 142-155
    • Zorn, W.1
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    • 84974354423 scopus 로고
    • 20th Century Changes in the Structure of German Industry
    • L'industrie francaisede 1789 a 1964, Cahiers de I'Institut de Science Economique Appliquie, AF 7, (1966); Wolfram Fischer and Peter Czada, Bloomington, 1968 (mimeographed summary); Wolfram Fischer, “Die Rolle des Kleingewerbes im Wirtschaftlichen Wachstumprozesz in Deutschland, 1850-1914,” in Ltttge, Wirtschaftliche un sozialeProbleme; Fischer, “Das Deutsche Handwerk in den Fruhphasen der Industrialisierung,” Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, CXX
    • T. J. Markovitch, L'industrie francaisede 1789 a 1964, Cahiers de I'Institut de Science Economique Appliquie, AF 7, No. 179 (1966); Wolfram Fischer and Peter Czada, “20th Century Changes in the Structure of German Industry,” a paper prepared for the 4th International Conference of Economic History, Bloomington, 1968 (mimeographed summary); Wolfram Fischer, “Die Rolle des Kleingewerbes im Wirtschaftlichen Wachstumprozesz in Deutschland, 1850-1914,” in Ltttge, Wirtschaftliche un sozialeProbleme; Fischer, “Das Deutsche Handwerk in den Fruhphasen der Industrialisierung,” Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Staatswissenschaft, CXX (1964), 686-712.
    • (1964) a paper prepared for the 4th International Conference of Economic History , pp. 686-712
    • Markovitch, T.J.1
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    • 77954369696 scopus 로고
    • Notes on the Take-Off
    • W. W. Rostow, (ed.), (London: Macmillan
    • Simon Kuznets, “Notes on the Take-Off,” in W. W. Rostow, (ed.), The Economics of Take-Oft Into Sustained Growth (London: Macmillan, 1963), pp. 23-4.
    • (1963) The Economics of Take-Oft Into Sustained Growth , pp. 23-24
    • Kuznets, S.1
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    • 84972078500 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Agricultural Origins
    • Jones, “Agricultural Origins.
    • Jones1
  • 25
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    • The Role of the Rural Sector in the Expansion of the Dutch Economy, 1500-1700
    • (unpublished dissertation, Yale University)
    • Jan de Vries, “The Role of the Rural Sector in the Expansion of the Dutch Economy, 1500-1700” (unpublished dissertation, Yale University, 1970).
    • (1970)
    • de Vries, J.1
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    • A propos de la formation des regions de la production specialisee en Europe centrale
    • From a Japanese farmer's long diary which has been exploited by Thomas C. Smith, we learn, of a similar abandonment of hemp production for home consumption in one village while it is increased in another province in the eighteenth century. T. C. Smith, The Agrarian Origins of Modern Japan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959). The central importance of traditional industries in the process of industrialization has not escaped the attention of historians of Japan. Kazuki Ohkawa and Henry Rosovsky have stressed not only their persistence, which had already attracted the attention of W. W. Lockwood, but their positive contribution, particularly during the phase of “Initial Modern Economic Growth” (1886-1905). Ohkawa and Rosovsky, ‘A Century of Japanese Economic Growth,” in W. W. Lockwood, (ed.), The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 47
    • Joseph Petran, “A propos de la formation des regions de la production specialisee en Europe centrale,’ Second International Conference of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence 1962 (Paris: Mouton, 1965), pp. 217-22. From a Japanese farmer's long diary which has been exploited by Thomas C. Smith, we learn, of a similar abandonment of hemp production for home consumption in one village while it is increased in another province in the eighteenth century. T. C. Smith, The Agrarian Origins of Modern Japan (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1959). The central importance of traditional industries in the process of industrialization has not escaped the attention of historians of Japan. Kazuki Ohkawa and Henry Rosovsky have stressed not only their persistence, which had already attracted the attention of W. W. Lockwood, but their positive contribution, particularly during the phase of “Initial Modern Economic Growth” (1886-1905). Ohkawa and Rosovsky, ‘A Century of Japanese Economic Growth,” in W. W. Lockwood, (ed.), The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1965), pp. 47-
    • (1965) Second International Conference of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence 1962 , pp. 217-222
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    • (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co.); C. T. Smith, Historical Geography, chap, vii; Eleanor Carus Wilson, Medieval Merchant Venturers (London: Methuen, 1967), chap. iv.
    • Henri Pirenne, Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1937); C. T. Smith, Historical Geography, chap, vii; Eleanor Carus Wilson, Medieval Merchant Venturers (London: Methuen, 1967), chap. iv.
    • (1937) Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe
    • Pirenne, H.1
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    • Role of Rural Sector.
    • de Vries, “Role of Rural Sector.”
    • de Vries1
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    • Agricultural Origins” and Jones, “English and European Agricultural Development, 1650-1750
    • R. M. Hartwell, (ed.), (Oxford: Blackwell)
    • Jones, “Agricultural Origins” and Jones, “English and European Agricultural Development, 1650-1750,” in R. M. Hartwell, (ed.), The Industrial Revolution (Oxford: Blackwell, 1970), pp. 42-76.
    • (1970) The Industrial Revolution , pp. 42-76
    • Jones1
  • 31
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    • The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century
    • This would be consistent with the model which was established by Stephen Hymer and Stephen Resnick and purports to analyze the disappearance of rural handicrafts for home consumption and their replacement by the products of specialized manufacturing centers. Under this model, the opening up of a country to foreign trade is one of the forces that could promote such specialization. Hymer and Resnick, “A Model of an Agrarian Economy with Non-Agricultural Activities,” American Economic Review, LIX 493-506
    • Eric Hobsbawm, “The Crisis of the Seventeenth Century,” in Aston, Crisis in Europe, pp. 53-6. This would be consistent with the model which was established by Stephen Hymer and Stephen Resnick and purports to analyze the disappearance of rural handicrafts for home consumption and their replacement by the products of specialized manufacturing centers. Under this model, the opening up of a country to foreign trade is one of the forces that could promote such specialization. Hymer and Resnick, “A Model of an Agrarian Economy with Non-Agricultural Activities,” American Economic Review, LIX (1969), 493-506.
    • (1969) Aston, Crisis in Europe , pp. 53-56
    • Hobsbawm, E.1
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    • 84974422077 scopus 로고
    • (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1944); Labrousse, Esquisse du mouvement des prix et des revenus en France au XVIIIe siecle (Paris: Librairie Dalloz, 1933); Labrousse et ah, Histoire dconomique et sociale de la France, (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France)
    • Charles Emest Labrousse, La crise de l'6conotnie francaise A la fin de I'Ancien Regime et au debut de la Revolution (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1944); Labrousse, Esquisse du mouvement des prix et des revenus en France au XVIIIe siecle (Paris: Librairie Dalloz, 1933); Labrousse et ah, Histoire dconomique et sociale de la France, Vol. II (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1970), pp. 529-66.
    • (1970) Charles Emest Labrousse, La crise de l'6conotnie francaise A la fin de I'Ancien Regime et au debut de la Revolution , vol.2 , pp. 529-566
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    • 84974246287 scopus 로고
    • The Determinants of Consumer Expenditures
    • Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall
    • See Daniel B. Suits, “The Determinants of Consumer Expenditures,” Commission on Money and Credit, Impacts of Monetary Policy (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall, 1963), pp. 50-1.
    • (1963) Commission on Money and Credit, Impacts of Monetary Policy , pp. 50-51
    • Suits, D.B.1
  • 38
    • 84887758336 scopus 로고
    • The Demographic Development of Eighteenth-Century Flanders
    • See evidence for a falling age of marriage and population growth in Paul Deprez, D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley, (eds.), (Chicago: Aldine)
    • See evidence for a falling age of marriage and population growth in Paul Deprez, “The Demographic Development of Eighteenth-Century Flanders,” in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley, (eds.), Population in History (Chicago: Aldine, 1965), pp. 608-30.
    • (1965) Population in History , pp. 608-630
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    • (Zurich: Eugen Rentsch, a section of this translated in Braun, “The Impact of Cottage Industry on an Agricultural Population,” in David Landes, (ed.), The Rise of Capitalism (New York: Macmillan, 1964), see also Jonathan D. Chambers, The Vale of Trent, 1660-1800, Economic History Review Supplement No. 3 (Cambridge, Eng., 1957);
    • Rudolph Braun, Industrialisierung und Volksleben: die Verdnderungen der Lebensformen in einem Jdndlichen Industriegebiet vor 1800 (Zurich: Eugen Rentsch, 1960); a section of this translated in Braun, “The Impact of Cottage Industry on an Agricultural Population,” in David Landes, (ed.), The Rise of Capitalism (New York: Macmillan, 1964), pp. 53-64; see also Jonathan D. Chambers, The Vale of Trent, 1660-1800, Economic History Review Supplement No. 3 (Cambridge, Eng., 1957);
    • (1960) Industrialisierung und Volksleben: die Verdnderungen der Lebensformen in einem Jdndlichen Industriegebiet vor 1800 , pp. 53-64
    • Braun, R.1
  • 40
    • 84974490342 scopus 로고
    • Demographic Development
    • British Economic Growth 1688-1959 (Cambridge [England]: University Press, 1962), chap, iii; Paul Deprez, E. A. Wrigley, (New York: McGraw-Hill)
    • Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole, British Economic Growth 1688-1959 (Cambridge [England]: University Press, 1962), chap, iii; Paul Deprez, “Demographic Development”; E. A. Wrigley, Population and History (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969), pp. 135-44.
    • (1969) Population and History , pp. 135-144
    • Deane, P.1    Cole, W.A.2
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    • 0005221355 scopus 로고
    • Industries in the Countryside
    • F. J. Fisher, (ed.), (Cambridge [England]: University Press)
    • E.g., Joan Thirsk, “Industries in the Countryside,” Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England, F. J. Fisher, (ed.), (Cambridge [England]: University Press, 1961), pp. 70-88.
    • (1961) Essays in the Economic and Social History of Tudor and Stuart England , pp. 70-88
    • Thirsk, J.1
  • 42
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    • 84864890172 scopus 로고
    • Demographic Responses and Population Change
    • Dov Friedlander, “Demographic Responses and Population Change,” Demography, VI (1969), 359-81.
    • (1969) Demography
    • Friedlander, D.1
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    • Types of Disguised Rural Unemployment and Some Policy Implications
    • A recent survey can be found in
    • A recent survey can be found in Warren C. Robinson, “Types of Disguised Rural Unemployment and Some Policy Implications,” Oxford Economic Papers, XXI (1969), 373-86.
    • (1969) Oxford Economic Papers , vol.21 , pp. 373-386
    • Robinson, W.C.1
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    • 0343027449 scopus 로고
    • Labour Supply and Demand in European Agriculture, 1800-1880
    • Eric L. Jones and S. J. Woolf, (eds.), (London: Methiien, and sources cited in fn. 3 above
    • E. J. T. Collins, “Labour Supply and Demand in European Agriculture, 1800-1880,” in Eric L. Jones and S. J. Woolf, (eds.), Agrarian Change and Economic Development: the Historical Problems (London: Methiien, 1969); pp. 61-94 and sources cited in fn. 3 above
    • (1969) Agrarian Change and Economic Development: the Historical Problems , pp. 61-94
    • Collins, E.J.T.1
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    • 84974399549 scopus 로고
    • La croissance e'conomique en France au XIXe siecle
    • Economie et histoire (Ceneva: Droz, 1967), chap, iv and Maurice Lévy-Leboyer
    • Jean Lhomme, Economie et histoire (Ceneva: Droz, 1967), chap, iv and Maurice Lévy-Leboyer, “La croissance e'conomique en France au XIXe siecle,” Annales E. S. C, XXIII (1968), 795.
    • (1968) Annales E. S. C , vol.23 , pp. 795
    • Lhomme, J.1
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    • Le Consulat et l'Empire: periode de ‘take-off’ pour l'economie beige?
    • De lonen in Belgie sedert 1846 (Louvain, 1944), p. 182; Lebrun's work is reported in Robert Devleeshouwer
    • M. Neyrinck, De lonen in Belgie sedert 1846 (Louvain, 1944), p. 182; Lebrun's work is reported in Robert Devleeshouwer, “Le Consulat et l'Empire: periode de ‘take-off’ pour l'economie beige?” Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, XVII (1970), 611-19.
    • (1970) Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine , vol.17 , pp. 611-619
    • Neyrinck, M.1
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    • Economic Development in Historical Perspective
    • Capital and Growth (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), chap iv. Stress on the switch from circulating to fixed capital is also provided in a new model by John Fei and Gustav Ranis
    • John R. Hicks, Capital and Growth (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), chap iv. Stress on the switch from circulating to fixed capital is also provided in a new model by John Fei and Gustav Ranis, “Economic Development in Historical Perspective,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, LIX (1969), 386-400.
    • (1969) American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings
    • Hicks, J.R.1
  • 59
    • 84974276975 scopus 로고
    • Walther Hoffmann “tries to establish the fact that [the take-off period could be placed] between 1830-35 and 1855-60” but all that can be established is the weak conclusion “that by the middle of the nineteenth century economic conditions were well set in Germany to allow for a transition into sustained growth.” Hoffmann, “The Take-off in Germany
    • Carlo M. Cipolla, (ed.), (London: Collins, 1969) in W. W. Rostow, (ed.), Economics of Take-off into Sustained Growth (London: Macmillan, for France, see below and for Belgium, see above, fn. 52.
    • Phyllis Deane, The Industrial Revolution in England, 1700-1914, The Fontana Economic History of Europe, Carlo M. Cipolla, (ed.), (London: Collins, 1969); Walther Hoffmann “tries to establish the fact that [the take-off period could be placed] between 1830-35 and 1855-60” but all that can be established is the weak conclusion “that by the middle of the nineteenth century economic conditions were well set in Germany to allow for a transition into sustained growth.” Hoffmann, “The Take-off in Germany,” in W. W. Rostow, (ed.), Economics of Take-off into Sustained Growth (London: Macmillan, 1963), pp. 96, 117; for France, see below and for Belgium, see above, fn. 52.
    • (1963) The Industrial Revolution in England, 1700-1914, The Fontana Economic History of Europe , pp. 96-117
    • Deane, P.1
  • 61
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    • Niveaux de developpement economique de 1810 a 1910
    • Switzerland is an example of an advanced country-see the calculations made by Paul Bairoch, whose industrialization remained based on old “proto-industrial” forms of organization for much of the nineteenth century. Industry remained decentralized, rural, and in the hands of peasants much later than in any other country with similar advances in per capita consumption. See M. Biucchi, The Industrial Revolution in Switzerland, 1700-1914, The Fontana Economic History of Europe, Carlo M. Cipolla, (ed.), (London: Collins, 1969) and Alfred Biirgen, “The Growth of the Swiss National Economy,” in H. G. J. Aitken, (ed.), The State and Economic Growth (New York: Social Science Research Council), pp. 213-36.
    • Switzerland is an example of an advanced country-see the calculations made by Paul Bairoch, “Niveaux de developpement economique de 1810 a 1910,” Annales E. S. C. XX (1965), 1091-1117-whose industrialization remained based on old “proto-industrial” forms of organization for much of the nineteenth century. Industry remained decentralized, rural, and in the hands of peasants much later than in any other country with similar advances in per capita consumption. See M. Biucchi, The Industrial Revolution in Switzerland, 1700-1914, The Fontana Economic History of Europe, Carlo M. Cipolla, (ed.), (London: Collins, 1969) and Alfred Biirgen, “The Growth of the Swiss National Economy,” in H. G. J. Aitken, (ed.), The State and Economic Growth (New York: Social Science Research Council, 1959), pp. 213-36.
    • (1959) Annales E. S. C.
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    • L'industrie lainiere francaise au debut du XVIIIe siecle
    • L'industrie francaise, restated in Markovitch, 578-79
    • Markovitch, L'industrie francaise, p. 317; restated in Markovitch, “L'industrie lainiere francaise au debut du XVIIIe siecle,” Revue d'histoire economique et sociale XLVI (1968), 578-79.
    • (1968) Revue d'histoire economique et sociale , vol.XLVI , pp. 317
    • Markovitch1
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    • Le produit physique de l'e'coriomie frangaise der 1789 a 1913 (Comparaison avec la Grande Bretagne)
    • AF 4, (July), Table 3.
    • Jean Marczewski, “Le produit physique de l'e'coriomie frangaise der 1789 a 1913 (Comparaison avec la Grande Bretagne),” Cahiers de I'Institut de Science Economique Appliqude, AF 4, No. 163 (July 1964), p. xx, Table 3.
    • (1964) Cahiers de I'Institut de Science Economique Appliqude
    • Marczewski, J.1
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    • Essai de construction d'un indice annuel de la production industrielle francaise au XIXe siecle
    • Francois Crouzet, “Essai de construction d'un indice annuel de la production industrielle francaise au XIXe siecle,” Annales E. S. C, XXV (1970), 56-101.
    • (1970) Annales E. S. C , vol.25 , pp. 56-101
    • Crouzet, F.1
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    • 33747145219 scopus 로고
    • Les processus d'industrialisation: les cas de l'Angleterre et de la France
    • Maurice Lévy-Leboyer, “Les processus d'industrialisation: les cas de l'Angleterre et de la France,” Revue Historique, No. 239 (1968), 281-98.
    • (1968) Revue Historique , Issue.239 , pp. 281-298
    • Lévy-Leboyer, M.1
  • 69
    • 85050170689 scopus 로고
    • The Birth Rate and Cottage Industries in Underdeveloped Countries
    • See A. J. Jaffe and K. Azumi, “The Birth Rate and Cottage Industries in Underdeveloped Countries,” Economic Development and Cultural Change,- IX (1960), 52-63.
    • (1960) Economic Development and Cultural Change
    • Jaffe, A.J.1    Azumi, K.2
  • 71
    • 84926101268 scopus 로고
    • Emerging Problems,” and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, “Process in Fanning Versus Process in Manufacturing
    • See the work of Sidney Pollard and E. P. Thompson; as cited in Tilly and Tilly, London: Macmillan
    • See the work of Sidney Pollard and E. P. Thompson; as cited in Tilly and Tilly, “Emerging Problems,” and Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, “Process in Fanning Versus Process in Manufacturing,” in Ugo Papi and Charles Nunn, (eds.), Economic Problems of Agriculture in Industrial Societies (London: Macmillan, 1969).
    • (1969) Economic Problems of Agriculture in Industrial Societies
    • Papi, U.1    Nunn, C.2

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