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Volumn 14, Issue 1, 1978, Pages 56-75

Factional politics in lebanon: the case of the 'islamic society of benevolent intentions’ (al-maqāşid) in beirut1

(1)  Johnson, Michael a  


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EID: 84972990215     PISSN: 00263206     EISSN: 17437881     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/00263207808700365     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (16)

References (28)
  • 1
    • 84972810405 scopus 로고
    • I am very grateful to the Social Science Research Council which financed the research for this article. In 1972 I spent fifteen months in Beirut, studying the politics of the Sunni community as part of a Manchester University project investigating the politics and society of Lebanon. The SSRC gave generous support to the project, but I owe that body a particular debt because as the result of its financial support I was first introduced to the politics of the Middle East
    • I am very grateful to the Social Science Research Council which financed the research for this article. In 1972-1973 I spent fifteen months in Beirut, studying the politics of the Sunni community as part of a Manchester University project investigating the politics and society of Lebanon. The SSRC gave generous support to the project, but I owe that body a particular debt because as the result of its financial support I was first introduced to the politics of the Middle East.
    • (1973)
  • 2
    • 84972810395 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This is the way the Lebanese usually spell in Latin script, and the word is often used on its own as a shorthand name for the Society
    • This is the way the Lebanese usually spell Maqāsid in Latin script, and the word is often used on its own as a shorthand name for the Society.
    • Maqāsid
  • 3
    • 13144301151 scopus 로고
    • Much of this information about the Makassed's welfare activities comes from Linda Schatowski's excellent thesis unpublished M.A. thesis, American University of Beirut
    • Much of this information about the Makassed's welfare activities comes from Linda Schatowski's excellent thesis. The Islamic Maqased of Beirut, unpublished M.A. thesis, American University of Beirut, 1969, pp. 139–40.
    • (1969) The Islamic Maqased of Beirut , pp. 139-140
  • 4
    • 84973064982 scopus 로고
    • The information in this section comes from the Society's Yearbook for. The Makassed Society's Headquarters in Beirut has a more or less complete set of Yearbooks, as well as other documents. These were invaluable in providing me with information about the Society's history, and particularly about the past members of the Makassed Board of Directors. My thanks are due to all the Makassed employees who helped me in my work in the Society's archives
    • The information in this section comes from the Society's Yearbook for 1971. The Makassed Society's Headquarters in Beirut has a more or less complete set of Yearbooks, as well as other documents. These were invaluable in providing me with information about the Society's history, and particularly about the past members of the Makassed Board of Directors. My thanks are due to all the Makassed employees who helped me in my work in the Society's archives.
    • (1971)
  • 5
    • 84973064977 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Schatowski
    • The percentages are estimates made on the basis of figures from a variety of sources has 70 per cent and 30 per cent for the year 1968–1969, but I think 70 per cent is too high a figure
    • The percentages are estimates made on the basis of figures from a variety of sources. Schatowski, op. cit., p. 124 has 70 per cent and 30 per cent for the year 1968–1969, but I think 70 per cent is too high a figure.
    • op. cit , pp. 124
  • 6
    • 84973080531 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Most information on the Hospital is from Schatowski
    • Most information on the Hospital is from Schatowski, op. cit., pp. 137–138.
    • op. cit , pp. 137-138
  • 7
    • 84973064984 scopus 로고
    • Interview (14.2.) with a doctor who resigned for this reason
    • Interview (14.2.1973) with a doctor who resigned for this reason.
    • (1973)
  • 8
    • 84973065466 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Schatowski
    • estimates 850 professionals, 75 office employees and 100 blue collar workers
    • Schatowski, op. cit., (p. 115) estimates 850 professionals, 75 office employees and 100 blue collar workers.
    • op. cit , pp. 115
  • 9
    • 84972046845 scopus 로고
    • New Haven for an analytic distinction between dyadic and class/pluralist systems
    • Carl H. Landé, Leaders, Factions and Parties, (New Haven, 1965) for an analytic distinction between dyadic and class/pluralist systems.
    • (1965) Leaders, Factions and Parties
    • Landé, C.H.1
  • 10
    • 84973063081 scopus 로고
    • is never involved in polities
    • Constitution, Article 1; 1948 Constitution, Article 4; and the 1968 Constitution, Article 4. They all lay down that the Society
    • 1920, Constitution, Article 1; 1948 Constitution, Article 4; and the 1968 Constitution, Article 4. They all lay down that the Society 'is never involved in polities'.
    • (1920)
  • 11
    • 84973045766 scopus 로고
    • For a distinction between 'moral' and 'transactional', see F. G. Bailey, Stratagems and Spoils (Oxford) and ff
    • For a distinction between 'moral' and 'transactional', see F. G. Bailey, Stratagems and Spoils (Oxford, 1970) pp. 28 and 37 ff.
    • (1970) , pp. 28-37
  • 12
    • 84972956694 scopus 로고
    • Sālam's candidate was Ridā as–Sulh, the father of Riyād as-Sulh, the first Prime Minister of Independent Lebanon in
    • Sālam's candidate was Ridā as–Sulh, the father of Riyād as-Sulh, the first Prime Minister of Independent Lebanon in 1943.
    • (1943)
  • 13
    • 84972810333 scopus 로고
    • The sources for this paragraph are too numerous and varied to give in full. Background to the parliamentary and Mufti 'elections' can be found in local newspapers, and I used Le Reveil (Nov.-Dec. 1908,paxs/m; 10.3.1909 and 20.3.1909)in particular. Information on the role of Salam and Bayhum in these conflicts comes from interviews with: Muhammad Jamīl Bayhum, 5.6.1973; 'Anbarah Khālidī (Salīm Salām 's daughter), 1.6.1973; Malik Salam (Salim's son), 22.2.1973; and Sa'ib Salam (Salīm 's son and political heir), 16.7.1973 and 27.7.1973. Information on the 1908 and J909 Makassed Boards can be found in al-lqbdl, 19.10.1908, 19.4.1909, 6.12.1909 and 13.12.1909. {Al-lqbdl was a newspaper founded and edited by Shaykh 'Abd al-Basit al-Unsi who was a member of the 1908 and 1909 Makassed Boards.) The best account of the Makassed during this period is in Juhaynah Ayubi, Jam'iyyat al-Maqasid al-Khayriyyah al-hldmiyyah fi Bayriil, unpublished M.A. thesis (in Arabic), American University of Beirut
    • The sources for this paragraph are too numerous and varied to give in full. Background to the parliamentary and Mufti 'elections' can be found in local newspapers, and I used Le Reveil (Nov.-Dec. 1908,paxs/m; 10.3.1909 and 20.3.1909)in particular. Information on the role of Salam and Bayhum in these conflicts comes from interviews with: Muhammad Jamīl Bayhum, 5.6.1973; 'Anbarah Khālidī (Salīm Salām 's daughter), 1.6.1973; Malik Salam (Salim's son), 22.2.1973; and Sa'ib Salam (Salīm 's son and political heir), 16.7.1973 and 27.7.1973. Information on the 1908 and J909 Makassed Boards can be found in al-lqbdl, 19.10.1908, 19.4.1909, 6.12.1909 and 13.12.1909. {Al-lqbdl was a newspaper founded and edited by Shaykh 'Abd al-Basit al-Unsi who was a member of the 1908 and 1909 Makassed Boards.) The best account of the Makassed during this period is in Juhaynah Ayubi, Jam'iyyat al-Maqasid al-Khayriyyah al-hldmiyyah fi Bayriil, unpublished M.A. thesis (in Arabic), American University of Beirut, 1966.
    • (1966)
  • 14
    • 84973021126 scopus 로고
    • I suspect that such an interpretation oversimplifies the issues involved in the Makassed dispute of 1908–9. According to Salim Salam's unpublished memoirs (written after 1929) he was certainly in favour of the Young Turk revolution. Thus he could not be considered a conservative on that issue. It could also be argued that the main objection to “Abbas becoming the Mufti was not that he was a reformist shaykh, but that he was not a Beiruti by birth. Unfortunately, Salam's memoirs do not enlighten us on this subject. They do, however, give some information on the Makassed in 1908 and 1909, and do mention a series of disagreements between members of the Board of Directors. See KamalS. Saiibi (1868–1938), unpublished paper, American University of Beirut 15–16
    • I suspect that such an interpretation oversimplifies the issues involved in the Makassed dispute of 1908–9. According to Salim Salam's unpublished memoirs (written after 1929) he was certainly in favour of the Young Turk revolution. Thus he could not be considered a conservative on that issue. It could also be argued that the main objection to “Abbas becoming the Mufti was not that he was a reformist shaykh, but that he was not a Beiruti by birth. Unfortunately, Salam's memoirs do not enlighten us on this subject. They do, however, give some information on the Makassed in 1908 and 1909, and do mention a series of disagreements between members of the Board of Directors. See KamalS. Saiibi, Beirut Under the Young Turks: as depicted in the political memoirs of Salim 'Alī Salām (1868–1938), unpublished paper, American University of Beirut, 1974, pp. 10–13, 15–16.
    • (1974) Beirut Under the Young Turks: as depicted in the political memoirs of Salim 'Alī Salām , pp. 10-13
  • 15
    • 84972966832 scopus 로고
    • (Rome), 1921–23, p. 345. And interviews with members of the Salam family (see above, note 14)
    • Orienle Moderno (Rome), 1921–23, p. 731; 1938, p. 345. And interviews with members of the Salam family (see above, note 14).
    • (1938) Orienle Moderno , pp. 731
  • 16
    • 84972966841 scopus 로고
    • 476
    • Oriente Moderno, 1926, pp. 277–279, 476.
    • (1926) Oriente Moderno , pp. 277-279
  • 17
    • 84973063108 scopus 로고
    • 19.6
    • Le Réveil. 19.6.1929.
    • (1929) Le Réveil
  • 18
    • 84973021152 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • One such call came from a pro-UAR newspaper that was opposed to Salām. Because of its partisan nature, the paper was presumably more interested in embarrassing Salām than in promoting the interest of SamadF. See Ash-Sha'b, 29.3.65 and, for details of Samadl's contribution, Arab World (A.W.), 23.2.65
    • One such call came from Ash-Sha'b, a pro-UAR newspaper that was opposed to Salām. Because of its partisan nature, the paper was presumably more interested in embarrassing Salām than in promoting the interest of SamadF. See Ash-Sha'b, 29.3.65 and, for details of Samadl's contribution, Arab World (A.W.), 23.2.65.
    • Ash-Sha'b
  • 19
    • 84973021166 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 6.8.65
    • A.W., 6.8.65.
    • A.W.
  • 20
    • 84972888192 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Documentary support for this paragraph can be found in 27.7.64, 4.8.64, 30.3.65, 23.4.65, 6.8.65, 24.3.66, 4.4.66 and 6.4.66
    • Documentary support for this paragraph can be found in A.W., 27.7.64, 4.8.64, 30.3.65, 23.4.65, 6.8.65, 24.3.66, 4.4.66 and 6.4.66.
    • A.W.
  • 21
    • 84972939979 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 15.9.65
    • A.W., 15.9.65.
    • A.W.
  • 22
    • 79952836793 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • It was suggested to me by a number of informants that the (the internal security branch of the military, whose leadership was extremely loyal to ex-President Shihāb) encouraged the country's spiritual leaders to take an active part in the political leadership of their community so as to weaken the power of the zu'amd' who were a threat to Shihab's reformist policies. Among the Muslims, not only the Mufti was so encouraged, but also Imam Musa as-Sadr, the spiritual leader of the Shiites, who in 1969-70 emerged as a powerful representative of his impoverished community
    • It was suggested to me by a number of informants that the Deuxième Bureau (the internal security branch of the military, whose leadership was extremely loyal to ex-President Shihāb) encouraged the country's spiritual leaders to take an active part in the political leadership of their community so as to weaken the power of the zu'amd' who were a threat to Shihab's reformist policies. Among the Muslims, not only the Mufti was so encouraged, but also Imam Musa as-Sadr, the spiritual leader of the Shiites, who in 1969-70 emerged as a powerful representative of his impoverished community.
    • Deuxième Bureau
  • 23
    • 84972939966 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 9.3.70
    • L'Orient, 9.3.70.
    • L'Orient
  • 24
    • 84972908243 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Young Men of the Quarters of Beirut'
    • Literally but in fact there was no age limit
    • Literally 'The Young Men of the Quarters of Beirut', but in fact there was no age limit.
  • 25
    • 84972888150 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 9.3.70
    • L'Orient, 9.3.70.
    • L'Orient
  • 26
    • 84972819060 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 10.3.70
    • L'Orient, 10.3.70.
    • L'Orient
  • 27
    • 0004179885 scopus 로고
    • Both sorts of explanations can be found, for example, in Leonard Binder (ed.) New York
    • Both sorts of explanations can be found, for example, in Leonard Binder (ed.). Politics in Lebanon (New York, 1966).
    • (1966) Politics in Lebanon
  • 28
    • 0004008990 scopus 로고
    • A good account of the 1958 civil war can be found in Fahim 1. Qubain Washington
    • A good account of the 1958 civil war can be found in Fahim 1. Qubain, Crisis in Lebanon (Washington, 1961).
    • (1961) Crisis in Lebanon

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