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Volumn 14, Issue 3, 2001, Pages 591-616

Command Responsibility of Civilian Superiors for Genocide

Author keywords

Akayesu case; command (superior) responsibility; Delali et al. ( elebi i ) case; genocide; Kayishema Ruzindana case; Musema case; Rwanda

Indexed keywords

EID: 84968903701     PISSN: 09221565     EISSN: 14789698     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1017/S0922156501000292     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (26)

References (43)
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    • 79751500653 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Judgement, Case No. ICTR-95-1-T, T.Ch. II, 21 May (hereinafter ‘Kayishema & Ruzindana’). The cases of the two ad hoc Tribunals cited in this paper are available at www.ictr.org and www.un.org/icty.
    • See Prosecutor v. Clément Kayishema & Obed Ruzindana, Judgement, Case No. ICTR-95-1-T, T.Ch. II, 21 May 1999 (hereinafter ‘Kayishema & Ruzindana’). The cases of the two ad hoc Tribunals cited in this paper are available at www.ictr.org and www.un.org/icty.
    • (1999) Prosecutor v. Clément Kayishema & Obed Ruzindana
  • 3
    • 28044472419 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Judgement, Case No. ICTR-96-13-T, T.Ch. I, 27 January (hereinafter ‘Musema’).
    • See Prosecutor v. Alfred Musema, Judgement, Case No. ICTR-96-13-T, T.Ch. I, 27 January 2000 (hereinafter ‘Musema’).
    • (2000) Prosecutor v. Alfred Musema
  • 4
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    • (see, for example, M.A. Drumbl, Rule of Law Amid Lawlessness: Counseling the Accused in Rwanda's Domestic Genocide Trials, 29 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 545 ). Nor am I counting the guiltyplea convictions (by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) of Jean Kambanda (former Prime Minister) and Omar Serushago (militia leader) for, inter alia, command responsibility for genocide; see Prosecutor v. Jean Kambanda, Judgement and Sentence, Case No. ICTR-97-23-S, T.Ch. I, 4 September 1998; and Prosecutor v. Omar Serushago, Sentence, Case No. ICTR-98-39-S, T.Ch. I, 5 February
    • Here I am not counting trials for genocide conducted by the national courts of Rwanda (many of which have involved civilians, and some of which, for all I know, may have invoked command responsibility), whose procedural shortcomings are generally known to be so gross that their results cannot yet be turned to for guidance (see, for example, M.A. Drumbl, Rule of Law Amid Lawlessness: Counseling the Accused in Rwanda's Domestic Genocide Trials, 29 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 545 (1998)). Nor am I counting the guiltyplea convictions (by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) of Jean Kambanda (former Prime Minister) and Omar Serushago (militia leader) for, inter alia, command responsibility for genocide; see Prosecutor v. Jean Kambanda, Judgement and Sentence, Case No. ICTR-97-23-S, T.Ch. I, 4 September 1998; and Prosecutor v. Omar Serushago, Sentence, Case No. ICTR-98-39-S, T.Ch. I, 5 February 1999.
    • (1998) Here I am not counting trials for genocide conducted by the national courts of Rwanda (many of which have involved civilians, and some of which, for all I know, may have invoked command responsibility), whose procedural shortcomings are generally known to be so gross that their results cannot yet be turned to for guidance , pp. 1999
  • 5
    • 85022358537 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The ICTY's two contributions to date on the subject of genocide have been its judgement in Prosecutor v. Goran Jelisić, Case No. IT-95-10-T, 14 December 1999 (the accused, who pleaded guilty to killing detainees at a prison camp, was acquitted on the count of genocide), and its judgement in Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstić, Case No. IT-98-33-T, 2 August (the accused, a General, was found guilty of genocide; while the elements of command responsibility for that crime were also fulfilled, the Trial Chamber declined to enter a conviction to that effect) (hereinafter ‘Krstić’).
    • Subject to the qualification given in the note above. The ICTY's two contributions to date on the subject of genocide have been its judgement in Prosecutor v. Goran Jelisić, Case No. IT-95-10-T, 14 December 1999 (the accused, who pleaded guilty to killing detainees at a prison camp, was acquitted on the count of genocide), and its judgement in Prosecutor v. Radislav Krstić, Case No. IT-98-33-T, 2 August 2001 (the accused, a General, was found guilty of genocide; while the elements of command responsibility for that crime were also fulfilled, the Trial Chamber declined to enter a conviction to that effect) (hereinafter ‘Krstić’).
    • (2001) Subject to the qualification given in the note above.
  • 6
    • 84856870845 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zdravko Mucić, Hazim Delić and Esad Land Bo, Judgement, Case No. IT-96-21-T, T.Ch. II, 16 November (hereinafter ‘Čelebići’).
    • Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić, Zdravko Mucić, Hazim Delić and Esad Land Bo, Judgement, Case No. IT-96-21-T, T.Ch. II, 16 November 1998 (hereinafter ‘Čelebići’).
    • (1998) Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić
  • 7
    • 68049106665 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Zdravko Mucić, Hazim Delić and Esad LandBo, Judgement on Appeal, Case No. IT-96-21-A, 20 February (hereinafter ‘Čelebići Appeal’).
    • Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić, Zdravko Mucić, Hazim Delić and Esad LandBo, Judgement on Appeal, Case No. IT-96-21-A, 20 February 2001 (hereinafter ‘Čelebići Appeal’).
    • (2001) Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalić
  • 8
    • 33744823213 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Judgement, Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, T.Ch. I, 2 September (hereinafter ‘Akayesu’).
    • Prosecutor v. Jean-Paul Akayesu, Judgement, Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, T.Ch. I, 2 September 1998 (hereinafter ‘Akayesu’).
    • (1998) Prosecutor v. Jean-Paul Akayesu
  • 9
    • 85022404173 scopus 로고
    • UN Doc. S/RES/955 (8 November 1994); that of the ICTY as part of the Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Security Council Resolution 808, UN Doc. S/25704 (3 May 1993).
    • The Statute of the ICTR first appeared annexed to UN Security Council Res. 955, UN Doc. S/RES/955 (8 November 1994); that of the ICTY as part of the Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Security Council Resolution 808 (1993), UN Doc. S/25704 (3 May 1993).
    • (1993) The Statute of the ICTR first appeared annexed to UN Security Council Res. 955
  • 12
    • 85022390036 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Id., at
    • Id., at 309-311.
  • 14
    • 85022414015 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at para. 6 (which reproduces the indictment).
    • Id., at para. 6 (which reproduces the indictment).
    • Id.
  • 16
    • 0347261734 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • International Law Commission Report 1996 (UN Doc. A/51/10) (6 May-26 July ), para. 4 of commentary to Art.
    • Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind, International Law Commission Report 1996 (UN Doc. A/51/10) (6 May-26 July 1996), para. 4 of commentary to Art. 6.
    • (1996) Draft Code of Crimes Against the Peace and Security of Mankind , pp. 6
  • 18
    • 85022398721 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at para. 5, which reproduces the indictment; the excerpt is from para. 22 of the indictment (emphasis added).
    • Id., at para. 5, which reproduces the indictment; the excerpt is from para. 22 of the indictment (emphasis added).
    • Id.
  • 19
    • 85022397928 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • also, id., at paras. Schabas notices the error, Id. note 13, at
    • See also, id., at paras. 35-37 and 47-49 for repetitions of the same error. Schabas notices the error, Id. note 13, at 310-311.
    • 35-37 and 47-49 for repetitions of the same error. , pp. 310-311
  • 20
    • 85022393007 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • in contradiction with Akayesu, that “the application of criminal responsibility to those civilians who wield the requisite authority is not a contentious one.” Kayishema & Ruzindana, 35-37 and 47-49 for repetitions of the same error. note 2, at para.
    • Claiming, in contradiction with Akayesu, that “the application of criminal responsibility to those civilians who wield the requisite authority is not a contentious one.” Kayishema & Ruzindana, 35-37 and 47-49 for repetitions of the same error. note 2, at para. 213.
    • Claiming , pp. 213
  • 21
    • 84940687212 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Claiming note 8, at para.
    • Čelebići Appeal, Claiming note 8, at para. 265.
    • Čelebići Appeal , pp. 265
  • 24
    • 85022435826 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ann. A, at para. 4.6
    • Id., Ann. A, at para. 4.6.
    • Id.
  • 25
    • 85022389345 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Ann. A, at para. 5 (emphasis added).
    • Id., Ann. A, at para. 5 (emphasis added).
    • Id.
  • 26
    • 85022427091 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Art. 28 (UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9, reprinted in 37 ILM 999), originally adopted in July 1998, and therefore available also to the Akayesu Chamber.
    • See ICC Statute, Art. 28 (UN Doc. A/CONF.183/9 (1998), reprinted in 37 ILM 999), originally adopted in July 1998, and therefore available also to the Akayesu Chamber.
    • (1998) ICC Statute
  • 27
    • 85022413885 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • paras. 897-900, 902-906, 911-915, 917-919, and
    • See also, ICC Statute note 3, paras. 897-900, 902-906, 911-915, 917-919, and 921-925.
    • ICC Statute note 3 , pp. 921-925
  • 28
    • 85022361842 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Section
    • See infra, Section 4.
    • infra , pp. 4
  • 29
    • 85022354765 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (who, by the way, is also the ICTR Prosecutor) cumulatively charged Art. 7(1) and Art. 7(3) liability for the same acts. Indeed, the Chamber noted at one point (para. 778) that the defendant Delić had been charged cumulatively in this fashion for two crimes in which he was the only participant! The Chamber dismissed these Art. 7(3) allegations without further comment.
    • However, there are instances even in this indictment where the ICTY Prosecutor (who, by the way, is also the ICTR Prosecutor) cumulatively charged Art. 7(1) and Art. 7(3) liability for the same acts. Indeed, the Chamber noted at one point (para. 778) that the defendant Delić had been charged cumulatively in this fashion for two crimes in which he was the only participant! The Chamber dismissed these Art. 7(3) allegations without further comment.
    • However, there are instances even in this indictment where the ICTY Prosecutor
  • 30
    • 85022380424 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • However, there are instances even in this indictment where the ICTY Prosecutor note 7, para.
    • Čelebići, However, there are instances even in this indictment where the ICTY Prosecutor note 7, para. 1237.
    • Čelebići , pp. 1237
  • 31
    • 85022451400 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Id., at paras.
    • Id., at paras. 1239-1240.
  • 32
    • 85022412929 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • id., at paras.
    • See id., at paras. 737, 752-753.
    • , vol.737 , pp. 752-753
  • 34
    • 0002557156 scopus 로고
    • and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 12 December, 1125 UNTS
    • Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I), 12 December 1977, 1125 UNTS 3.
    • (1977) Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 , pp. 3
  • 36
    • 85022373955 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • (referred to in Čelebići, “The Appeals Chamber understands the necessity to prove that the perpetrator was the ‘subordinate’ of the accused […] to mean that the relevant accused is, by virtue of his or her position, senior in some sort of formal or informal hierarchy to the perpetrator. note 7, para. 373), “The responsibility for discipline in the situation facing the battle commander cannot, in the view of practical military men, be placed in any hands other than his own.”
    • As stated in the World War II Japanese case of Toyoda (referred to in Čelebići, “The Appeals Chamber understands the necessity to prove that the perpetrator was the ‘subordinate’ of the accused […] to mean that the relevant accused is, by virtue of his or her position, senior in some sort of formal or informal hierarchy to the perpetrator. note 7, para. 373), “The responsibility for discipline in the situation facing the battle commander cannot, in the view of practical military men, be placed in any hands other than his own.”
    • As stated in the World War II Japanese case of Toyoda
  • 37
    • 85022430983 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • As stated in the World War II Japanese case of Toyoda note 7, at para.
    • Čelebići, As stated in the World War II Japanese case of Toyoda note 7, at para. 806.
    • Čelebići , pp. 806
  • 38
    • 85022428424 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Id., at para.
    • Id., at para. 767.
  • 40
    • 85022417379 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Prosecutor v. Ignace Bagilishema, Case No. ICTR-95-1A-T, 7 June, paras. 49-53, gives a correct account of the thesis in Čelebići and briefly refers to the need for de jure “trappings.” Bagilishema was acquitted on all counts, mainly due to a paucity of evidence about his alleged commission of crimes and presence at crime scenes. In no instance was the nature of the superior-subordinate relationship a critical issue.
    • Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article), Prosecutor v. Ignace Bagilishema, Case No. ICTR-95-1A-T, 7 June 2001, paras. 49-53, gives a correct account of the thesis in Čelebići and briefly refers to the need for de jure “trappings.” Bagilishema was acquitted on all counts, mainly due to a paucity of evidence about his alleged commission of crimes and presence at crime scenes. In no instance was the nature of the superior-subordinate relationship a critical issue.
    • (2001) Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article)
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    • 85022396050 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at para. 498: “Genocide is distinct from other crimes inasmuch as it embodies a special intent or dolus specialis. Special intent of a crime is the specific intention, required as a constitutive element of the crime, which demands that the perpetrator clearly seeks to produce the act charged.”
    • See, e.g., Akayesu, Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9, at para. 498: “Genocide is distinct from other crimes inasmuch as it embodies a special intent or dolus specialis. Special intent of a crime is the specific intention, required as a constitutive element of the crime, which demands that the perpetrator clearly seeks to produce the act charged.”
    • Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9
    • Akayesu1
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    • 85022350582 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • at paras. 379-393; Aleksovski, Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9 note 13 note 42, at paras. 79-80; and Prosecutor v. Tihomir BlaCkić, Judgement, Case No. IT-95-14, 3 March, paras.
    • See, for example, Čelebići, Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9 note 13 note 7, at paras. 379-393; Aleksovski, Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9 note 13 note 42, at paras. 79-80; and Prosecutor v. Tihomir BlaCkić, Judgement, Case No. IT-95-14, 3 March 2000, paras. 304-332.
    • (2000) Čelebići, Note that the ICTR's latest judgement (which was handed down after submission of this article) note 9 note 13 note 7 , pp. 304-332

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