Arts. 48, 55, 65 and 67 (see UN Doc. A Conf 183/9 of 17 July 1998). The role of the defence counsel is currently debated at the PrepCom drafting the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the ICC in the context of the proposal to establish a Defence Unit (UN Doc. PCNICC/I999/WGRPE(4)DP.2), but not the mechanism of assignment of counsel. Under the auspices of the International Criminal Defence Attorney Association and the Leiden University an international conference took place at the ICTY where these matters were discussed on 1-2 November
The same is true for the ICC. Defence counsel is only mentioned in four articles of the Statute; Arts. 48, 55, 65 and 67 (see UN Doc. A Conf 183/9 of 17 July 1998). The role of the defence counsel is currently debated at the PrepCom drafting the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the ICC in the context of the proposal to establish a Defence Unit (UN Doc. PCNICC/I999/WGRPE(4)DP.2), but not the mechanism of assignment of counsel. Under the auspices of the International Criminal Defence Attorney Association and the Leiden University an international conference took place at the ICTY where these matters were discussed on 1-2 November 1999.
The same is true for the ICC. Defence counsel is only mentioned in four articles of the Statute
UN SCOR, UN Doc. S/RES/955 modified by SC Res, 1165 (1998), UN SCOR, UN Doc. S/RES/1165 (1998), see annex (8 Nov. reprinted in 33 ILM 1598
SC Res. 955 (1994), UN SCOR, UN Doc. S/RES/955 (1994), modified by SC Res, 1165 (1998), UN SCOR, UN Doc. S/RES/1165 (1998), see annex (8 Nov. 1994), reprinted in 33 ILM 1598 (1994)
SC Res.
, pp. 955
21 of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The same guarantees are reiterated in Art. 21 of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
The same guarantees are reiterated in Art.
(GA Res. 2200A (XXI), 21 UN GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, UN Doc, A/6316, 999 UNTS
See Article 14 ICCPR (GA Res. 2200A (XXI), 21 UN GAOR Supp. (No. 16) at 52, UN Doc, A/6316 (1966), 999 UNTS 171.
Article 14 ICCPR
, pp. 171
(OAU Doc. CAB/LEG/67/3 rev. 5, reprinted in ILM 58, ).
See Art. 7 of tlie ACHPR (OAU Doc. CAB/LEG/67/3 rev. 5, reprinted in ILM 58, 1982).
Art. 7 of tlie ACHPR
(UNTS 221, ).
Art. 6 ECHR (UNTS 221, 1950).
Art. 6 ECHR
Prosecutor v. Elizaphan Ntakirutima, Case No. ICTR-96-10-T/1CTR-96-17-T, T.Ch.I, 11 June
Prosecutor v. Elizaphan Ntakirutima, Decision on the Motion by Accused to be Assigned New Counsel, Case No. ICTR-96-10-T/1CTR-96-17-T, T.Ch.I, 11 June 1997.
Decision on the Motion by Accused to be Assigned New Counsel
Zdravko Mucic a/k/a “Pavo”, Halim Delic, Esad Landzo a/k/a “Zenga”, Decision on the Request by Accused Mucic for Assignment of new Counsel, Case No. IT-96-21-T, Tr.Ch.I, 24 June
Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic, Zdravko Mucic a/k/a “Pavo”, Halim Delic, Esad Landzo a/k/a “Zenga”, Decision on the Request by Accused Mucic for Assignment of new Counsel, Case No. IT-96-21-T, Tr.Ch.I, 24 June 1996.
Prosecutor v. Zejnil Delalic
Prosecutor v, Jean-Paul Akayesu, Case No. ICTR-96-4-A, A.Ch., 27 July
Prosecutor v, Jean-Paul Akayesu, Decision on the Assignment of Defence Counsel, Case No. ICTR-96-4-A, A.Ch., 27 July 1999.
Decision on the Assignment of Defence Counsel
Art. 23(2).
, vol.23
, Issue.2
Jamaica (No. 253/1987), Little v, Jamaica (No. 283/1988), Berry v, Jamaica (No. 330/1988) and Wright v. Jamaica (No. 459/1991).
UN Human Rights Committee Communications: Kelly v, Jamaica (No. 253/1987), Little v, Jamaica (No. 283/1988), Berry v, Jamaica (No. 330/1988) and Wright v. Jamaica (No. 459/1991).
UN Human Rights Committee Communications: Kelly v
App. 127/55, 30 May, 1 Yearbook 230. In the cases X v, Netherlands, X V. UK and F v. Switzerland the Commission held that the accused is not entitled to choose the lawyer who will represent him on legal aid. The mechanism of assignment of domestic legal aid systems is a matter of state responsibility. None the less, the Commission has never agreed with such restraints on the influence of indigent person in the assignment of counsel that an evident lack of confidence in counsel not wished by the accused would negatively cffect the guarantees of Art. 6 of the Convention.
App. 127/55, 30 May 1956, 1 Yearbook 230. The policy of the former Commission may have aimed to contain the financial implications of dornestic legal aid systems. In the cases X v, Netherlands, X V. UK and F v. Switzerland the Commission held that the accused is not entitled to choose the lawyer who will represent him on legal aid. The mechanism of assignment of domestic legal aid systems is a matter of state responsibility. None the less, the Commission has never agreed with such restraints on the influence of indigent person in the assignment of counsel that an evident lack of confidence in counsel not wished by the accused would negatively cffect the guarantees of Art. 6 of the Convention.
The policy of the former Commission may have aimed to contain the financial implications of dornestic legal aid systems.
Judgement of 25 April, ECHR (Ser. A) no.
PakelH v. Germany, Judgement of 25 April 1983, ECHR (Ser. A) no. 64.
PakelH v. Germany
, pp. 64
Judgement of 25 September 1992, ECHR (Ser. A) no. 237-B 16 EHRR
Croissant v. Germany, Judgement of 25 September 1992, ECHR (Ser. A) no. 237-B (1993) 16 EHRR 135.
Croissant v. Germany
, pp. 135
Id., para. 29.
, pp. 29
Effective Access to the Law and Justice For the Very Poor, at 6-7. (Emphasis added).
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Effective Access to the Law and Justice For the Very Poor, at 6-7 (1994). (Emphasis added).
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe