Robert Koch-Institut ARS Stand 01.07.2015
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Schwab F., Geffers C., Barwolff S. et al. Reducing neonatal nosocomial bloodstream infections through participation in a national surveillance system. J Hosp Infect: 2007; 65 319 325
Schroder C., Schwab F., Behnke M. et al. Epidemiology of healthcare associated infections in Germany: Nearly 20 years of surveillance. International journal of medical microbiology. Int J Med Microbiol: 2015; 305 799 806
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Meyer E., Jonas D., Schwab F. et al. SARI: Surveillance der Antibiotikaanwendung und bakteriellen Resistenzentwicklung auf deutschen Intensivstationen. Bundesgesundheitsbl: 2004; 47 345 351
Gastmeier P., Schwab F., Chaberny I. et al. Individual units rather than entire hospital as the basis for improvement: the example of two Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus cohort studies. Antimicrob Resist Control: 2012; 1 8 8
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