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Volumn 1318, Issue , 2015, Pages 329-339

Using electronic markets to achieve efficient task distribution

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EID: 84949058332     PISSN: 03029743     EISSN: 16113349     Source Type: Book Series    
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-63594-7_89     Document Type: Conference Paper
Times cited : (1)

References (40)
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    • 84948992069 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Presented at Financial Cryptography To be jointly published in JBC and Springer-Verlag
    • Version 0.6. Presented at Financial Cryptography 1997. To be jointly published in JBC and Springer-Verlag. Original source is at http://www.systemics.corWdocstpapem/task_market.html
    • (1997) Version 0.6.
  • 2
    • 84949049222 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Iao Grigg can be reached at iang@systemics.com. He is a founder of Systemics, Ltd, a developer of Internet Financial Systems software
    • Iao Grigg can be reached at iang@systemics.com. He is a founder of Systemics, Ltd, a developer of Internet Financial Systems software.
  • 3
    • 84949049223 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Christopher C. Petro can be reached at petro@subacom
    • Christopher C. Petro can be reached at petro@subacom.
  • 4
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    • Networks. Specifically, the Internet has outstripped efforts by major companies and governments in networking ventures. For example. the combined competitive efforts of AOL MSN, Compuserve, and Prodigy have been subsumed, and Minitel in France is being overtaken
    • Networks. Specifically, the Internet has outstripped efforts by major companies and governments in networking ventures. For example. the combined competitive efforts of AOL MSN, Compuserve, and Prodigy have been subsumed, and Minitel in France is being overtaken.
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    • The nature of costs used here derives from
    • a branch of microeconomics. Specific framework was extracted almost verbotim from Erik Brynjolfsson. Thomas W. Malorte, Vijay Gurbaxani, Ajit Kambil. An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Information Technology and Finn Size MIT Center for Coordination Science Working Paper 123
    • The Firm. The nature of costs used here derives from The Theory of the Firm, a branch of microeconomics. Specific framework was extracted almost verbotim from Erik Brynjolfsson. Thomas W. Malorte, Vijay Gurbaxani, Ajit Kambil. An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Information Technology and Finn Size MIT Center for Coordination Science Working Paper 123
    • The Theory of the Firm
    • The Firm1
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    • The Nature of the Firm
    • Coase. R. H., "The Nature of the Firm." Economica. New Series (1937), Vol. IV, pp. 386-405
    • (1937) Economica. New Series , vol.4 , pp. 386-405
    • Coase, R.H.1
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    • 84949049226 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Internal&External. The theory goes on to divide these costs into internal and external coordination costs, although that distinction is not used here
    • Internal&External. The theory goes on to divide these costs into internal and external coordination costs, although that distinction is not used here.
  • 11
    • 84949049227 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • It is often stated as
    • + where the plus signifies that the employer has an option for further work, but the contractor does not. Based on the authors s experiences. try searching today's contractor positions at JobServe
    • J Months. It is often stated as 3 months + where the plus signifies that the employer has an option for further work, but the contractor does not. Based on the authors s experiences. try searching today's contractor positions at JobServe.
    • 3 months
    • Months, J.1
  • 12
    • 84949049228 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 1 month. This is a personal observation based on the author's time as contractor. YMMV
    • 1 month. This is a personal observation based on the author's time as contractor. YMMV.
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    • A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the IT Paradigm Shift to Network Computing with Component-Ware
    • presented at, Bryngme Lee (University of Arizona) and Beomsoo Kim (UT Austin)
    • Lee&Kim 96. "A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the IT Paradigm Shift to Network Computing with Component-Ware." presented at Workshop on Information Systems and Economics. Bryngme Lee (University of Arizona) and Beomsoo Kim (UT Austin).
    • Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.
    • Lee&Kim 96.1
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    • A Strategic Analysis of Electronic Marketplaces
    • September
    • Bakos. "A Strategic Analysis of Electronic Marketplaces." MIS Quarterly. Volume 15, No. 3, September 1991. pp. 295-310.
    • (1991) MIS Quarterly. , vol.15 , Issue.3 , pp. 295-310
    • Bakos1
  • 15
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    • Eric Hughes
    • unpublished paper presented in DFFCON IV
    • Hughes. Eric Hughes. "The Universal Piracy Network" unpublished paper presented in DFFCON IV.
    • The Universal Piracy Network
    • Hughes1
  • 16
    • 84949049231 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Detail. I am indebted to the notes of David Molnay and cyphermpunk posts for what information I have on this proposal. The detail listed here could be wildly inaccurate. Hereafter are some random queries: Is the completion bond on the component or the project? E.g., in the Hollywood film production cycle. is it on the actor who spits the dummy, or the film production that gets bucketed? If the bond is on the former, cost is likely to be difficult to manage due to intricacies (need to re-engage other actors etc, for re-shoot, or lost time to market). If on the entire production. it is much mere manageable in terms of cost. as it becomes built into the dicount factor. However. this implies that the investor can do it themselves (by diversification)
    • Detail. I am indebted to the notes of David Molnay and cyphermpunk posts for what information I have on this proposal. The detail listed here could be wildly inaccurate. Hereafter are some random queries: Is the completion bond on the component or the project? E.g., in the Hollywood film production cycle. is it on the actor who spits the dummy, or the film production that gets bucketed? If the bond is on the former, cost is likely to be difficult to manage due to intricacies (need to re-engage other actors etc, for re-shoot, or lost time to market). If on the entire production. it is much mere manageable in terms of cost. as it becomes built into the dicount factor. However. this implies that the investor can do it themselves (by diversification).
  • 17
    • 84949049232 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Hanson. Idea Futures is a market for betting on future events. It uses virtual money to generate odds which reflect the prediction of those who betted
    • Hanson. Idea Futures is a market for betting on future events. It uses virtual money to generate odds which reflect the prediction of those who betted.
  • 18
    • 84949049233 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Mallow. The best source of inspiration here is still Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. IMHO
    • Mallow. The best source of inspiration here is still Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. IMHO.
  • 19
    • 84949049234 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Freeware. For example, Systemics publishes the Cryptix library. This libtary is freeware essentially free for all-comets. In return for this open benefit, the authors are rewarded by bug reports and reputation, Systemics gains credibility. and all gain sense of belonging to the Internet community
    • Freeware. For example, Systemics publishes the Cryptix library. This libtary is freeware essentially free for all-comets. In return for this open benefit, the authors are rewarded by bug reports and reputation, Systemics gains credibility. and all gain sense of belonging to the Internet community.
  • 20
    • 84949049235 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Alice, is a proposes of tasks, and Bob and Carl can programmers. Dave will be a manager (responsible for the production of others). Victor is a verifier of other's claims. Walter is an intermediary who watches (and protects) the interests of others
    • Dramatis Personae. We will use the cryptographers' friends to play our parts. Specifically. Alice, is a proposes of tasks, and Bob and Carl can programmers. Dave will be a manager (responsible for the production of others). Victor is a verifier of other's claims. Walter is an intermediary who watches (and protects) the interests of others.
    • We will use the cryptographers' friends to play our parts. Specifically
    • Personae, D.1
  • 21
    • 0003855464 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • 2nd edition. Users are, as always. users, and represent the buying mass of the market
    • Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition. Users are, as always. users, and represent the buying mass of the market.
    • Applied Cryptography
    • Schneier, B.1
  • 22
    • 84949049236 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Exchange. Normally we will talk about a market, the markets and the market without distinction. Where a distinction is necessary, a market will trade one item, and an exchange will consist of many such markets. The market, in the global sense, refers to the sum total of all trading opportunities
    • Exchange. Normally we will talk about a market, the markets and the market without distinction. Where a distinction is necessary, a market will trade one item, and an exchange will consist of many such markets. The market, in the global sense, refers to the sum total of all trading opportunities.
  • 23
    • 84949049237 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Browse. It is an architectural principle of the Systemics markets, at least. that the traders must have access to the exact contract that s traded. Hence, all contracts am made available for download
    • Browse. It is an architectural principle of the Systemics markets, at least. that the traders must have access to the exact contract that s traded. Hence, all contracts am made available for download.
  • 24
    • 84949049238 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Issuer. An Issuer is a manager of digital value. In this case. it is assumed that the Market will trade cash for contract items (although for some variants this might be overly complex). Regardless. the presence or otherwise of the Issuer does not effect the architecture described
    • Issuer. An Issuer is a manager of digital value. In this case. it is assumed that the Market will trade cash for contract items (although for some variants this might be overly complex). Regardless. the presence or otherwise of the Issuer does not effect the architecture described.
  • 25
    • 84949049239 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bruce. Looking at the Debian group. a loosely organized band of Linux hackers, Bruce suggests that if programmers were to coordinate in off-market channels they could avoid losses such as duplication. There are two counter-arguments to this: firstly, that if programmers can coordinate in this fashion, then they might not benefit from a structured market in the first place, and secondly. that the coordination of resources by non-market mean is not as scaleable as that achieved by markets. Post to e$@thamper.vmeng.com on Wed 19 Mar 1996
    • Bruce. Looking at the Debian group. a loosely organized band of Linux hackers, Bruce suggests that if programmers were to coordinate in off-market channels they could avoid losses such as duplication. There are two counter-arguments to this: firstly, that if programmers can coordinate in this fashion, then they might not benefit from a structured market in the first place, and secondly. that the coordination of resources by non-market mean is not as scaleable as that achieved by markets. Post to e$@thamper.vmeng.com on Wed 19 Mar 1996.
  • 26
    • 84949049240 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Padgett Or, as Padgett warmly puts it. "good software takes unit to write. Schlock does not" Post to dcsb@ai.mit.edu on Tue. 26 Nov 1996
    • Padgett Or, as Padgett warmly puts it. "good software takes unit to write. Schlock does not" Post to dcsb@ai.mit.edu on Tue. 26 Nov 1996.
  • 27
    • 0004016106 scopus 로고
    • Currency Doubleday,. Burden. For an explanation of the shifting the burden
    • Burden. For an explanation of the shifting the burden see Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline. Currency Doubleday, 1990.
    • (1990) The Fifth Discipline
    • Senge, P.1
  • 28
    • 84949049241 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Obligations. In some cases the intermediary could step in at a particular moment. rather than being a central part of the trade. For example. Walter could step into the market on default by Bob to meet their mutually promised obligations. This requires. however, more complexity in the way of out-of-band protocols such as email. or intervention by the Issuer, or open market operations, described later
    • Obligations. In some cases the intermediary could step in at a particular moment. rather than being a central part of the trade. For example. Walter could step into the market on default by Bob to meet their mutually promised obligations. This requires. however, more complexity in the way of out-of-band protocols such as email. or intervention by the Issuer, or open market operations, described later.
  • 29
    • 84949049242 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Bids&Offers. In markets, we talk about bids to buy and opposing offers to sell. In this type of market we are really talking about bids to enthuse and offers to hack, but the flow is the same
    • Bids&Offers. In markets, we talk about bids to buy and opposing offers to sell. In this type of market we are really talking about bids to enthuse and offers to hack, but the flow is the same.
  • 30
    • 84949049243 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Caveat Emptor. The Internet uses caveat emptor as its natural law approach to everything. On top of that is imposed a laissez-faire approach to revenge that tends to be self-regulating: Frequently, reputations have been mined by mistakes made, and perpetrators of crimes have been hounded by the mailgroups' kangaroo courts. Reputation is a powerful tool in the small and dynamic communities on the net
    • Caveat Emptor. The Internet uses caveat emptor as its natural law approach to everything. On top of that is imposed a laissez-faire approach to revenge that tends to be self-regulating: Frequently, reputations have been mined by mistakes made, and perpetrators of crimes have been hounded by the mailgroups' kangaroo courts. Reputation is a powerful tool in the small and dynamic communities on the net.
  • 31
    • 84949049244 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Identity. Identity can be established using public key cryptography tools such as PGP. These techniques allow the secure building up of reputations over time, as is often done in newsgroups
    • Identity. Identity can be established using public key cryptography tools such as PGP. These techniques allow the secure building up of reputations over time, as is often done in newsgroups.
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    • Nyms. Little we have discussed precludes or insists on the presence of psuedonyms (nyms). and we believe the decision to use them or not is orthogonal to the design of the market. One exception is the notion of code checks, although Lucky Green, in a post to e$ (03 March 97) suggests that there are certificate blinding protocols to preserve the essential anonymity
    • Nyms. Little we have discussed precludes or insists on the presence of psuedonyms (nyms). and we believe the decision to use them or not is orthogonal to the design of the market. One exception is the notion of code checks, although Lucky Green, in a post to e$ (03 March 97) suggests that there are certificate blinding protocols to preserve the essential anonymity.
  • 33
    • 84949049246 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Derivatives. For traders, these instruments are options on futures on shares. Working backwards, the shares are portions of ownership of the project assets, just like soy project such as a company. Then, before delivery but after clearance, the items act as futures on the shares, as the programmer has contracted to deliver, with a time and place. Then. before clearance. the instruments ate options on the future. with the option being 'in the money' automatically in the event of clearance. At least. that's what f think they are. YMMV. The pmblem with this view is that as options. they are valuable, and thus they should be traded. However, simplify, we assume that they are valueless until clearance; this is clearly challengeable
    • Derivatives. For traders, these instruments are options on futures on shares. Working backwards, the shares are portions of ownership of the project assets, just like soy project such as a company. Then, before delivery but after clearance, the items act as futures on the shares, as the programmer has contracted to deliver, with a time and place. Then. before clearance. the instruments ate options on the future. with the option being 'in the money' automatically in the event of clearance. At least. that's what f think they are. YMMV. The pmblem with this view is that as options. they are valuable, and thus they should be traded. However, simplify, we assume that they are valueless until clearance; this is clearly challengeable.
  • 34
    • 84949049247 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Takeover. Indeed, it should be possible to write a contract that provides software wholey and solely under the control of the owners, thus presenting the possibility of innovative financing techniques to promote attacks on insecure software, a popular task on the net. When a toolkit is complete that enables users to attack badly protected communications. such as satellite transmissions, would the satellite provider feel compelled to buy out the owners? In an anonymous market this might be possible, although Internet programmers have generally been far too responsible to participate in damaging or immoral attacks (although all bets are off when they view the opponents as damaging or immoral)
    • Takeover. Indeed, it should be possible to write a contract that provides software wholey and solely under the control of the owners, thus presenting the possibility of innovative financing techniques to promote attacks on insecure software, a popular task on the net. When a toolkit is complete that enables users to attack badly protected communications. such as satellite transmissions, would the satellite provider feel compelled to buy out the owners? In an anonymous market this might be possible, although Internet programmers have generally been far too responsible to participate in damaging or immoral attacks (although all bets are off when they view the opponents as damaging or immoral).
  • 36
    • 84936194550 scopus 로고
    • The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration
    • Grossman. S. and O. Hart, "The Costs and Benefits of Ownership: A Theory of Vertical and Lateral Integration." Journal of Politicol Economy, 24, 4, (1986).
    • (1986) Journal of Politicol Economy , vol.24 , Issue.4
    • Grossman, S.1    Hart, O.2
  • 37
    • 84934453985 scopus 로고
    • Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm
    • Hart, O. and J. Moose, "Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm" Journal of Political Economy, 98, 4 (1990), 1119-1158.
    • (1990) Journal of Political Economy , vol.98 , Issue.4 , pp. 1119-1158
    • Hart, O.1    Moose, J.2
  • 38
    • 0000692086 scopus 로고
    • An Incomplete Contracts Theory of Information, Technology and Organization
    • revised June
    • Erik Brynjolfsson, "An Incomplete Contracts Theory of Information, Technology and Organization," Management Science, revised June 1993.
    • (1993) Management Science
    • Brynjolfsson, E.1
  • 39
    • 84949049250 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Partner. Bakos and Brynjolfsson suggest that as transactions costs go down, encouraging markets, competition shifts to intangible quality aspects. This leads to more partnerships built on sharing the costs and benefits of investment in improvements in quality-which are otherwise difficult to tie down in a contractual arrangement Their model suggests a natural counterbalance to the shift towards markets
    • Partner. Bakos and Brynjolfsson suggest that as transactions costs go down, encouraging markets, competition shifts to intangible quality aspects. This leads to more partnerships built on sharing the costs and benefits of investment in improvements in quality-which are otherwise difficult to tie down in a contractual arrangement Their model suggests a natural counterbalance to the shift towards markets.
  • 40
    • 0001253762 scopus 로고
    • An Incomplete Contracts Theory of Information. Technology and Organization
    • revised June
    • J. Yarns Bakos, Erik Brynjolfsson, " An Incomplete Contracts Theory of Information. Technology and Organization," Journal of Organizational Computing, revised June 1993.
    • (1993) Journal of Organizational Computing
    • Bakos, Y.J.1    Brynjolfsson, E.2

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