Megacystismicrocolon-intestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome: A new cause of intestinal obstruction in the newborn Report of radiologic findings in five newborn girls
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Heterozygous de novo and inherited mutations in the smooth muscle actin (ACTG2) gene underlie megacystis-microcolonintestinal hypoperistalsis syndrome
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Recessive and dominant mutations in retinoic acid receptor beta in cases with microphthalmia and diaphragmatic hernia
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Mutations in myosin heavy chain 11 cause a syndrome associating thoracic aortic aneurysm/aortic dissection and patent ductus arteriosus
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De novo ACTG2 mutations cause congenital distended bladder, microcolon, and intestinal hypoperistalsis
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De novo ACTA2 mutation causes a novel syndrome of multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction
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