A Protest to God
4 July Online: (accessed on 4 July 2001)
“A Protest to God”, Jakarta Post, 4 July 2001. Online: http://www.thejakartapost. com/(accessed on 4 July 2001).
Jakarta Post
Dual Leadership of Parties and Public Office Not in Conflict
Those taking a stand against the political leaders resignation from their parties were few, and their positions failed to generate great popular support. According to Ichlasul Amal of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, “Actually, public positions such as those of the president, the vice president, and ministers are political positions, just like positions in political parties. They are not bureaucratic positions. So, I don’t think worries about such dual positions are that significant See, 29 August Online: (accessed on 29 August 2001)
Those taking a stand against the political leaders’ resignation from their parties were few, and their positions failed to generate great popular support. According to Ichlasul Amal of Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, “Actually, public positions such as those of the president, the vice president, and ministers are political positions, just like positions in political parties. They are not bureaucratic positions. So, I don’t think worries about such dual positions are that significant”. See, “Dual Leadership of Parties and Public Office Not in Conflict”, Jakarta Post, 29 August 2001. Online: http://www.thejakartapost.com/(accessed on 29 August 2001).
Jakarta Post
Government Leaders Told to Quit Top Party Posts
17 October [ONLINE] [accessed on 16 October 2001]
“Government Leaders Told to Quit Top Party Posts”, Jakarta Post, 17 October 2001 [ONLINE] http://www.thejakartapost.com [accessed on 16 October 2001].
Jakarta Post
National Leaders Putting Parties Ahead of Country, Analysts Say
16 October Online: (accessed on 15 October 2001)
“National Leaders Putting Parties Ahead of Country, Analysts Say”, Jakarta Post, 16 October 2001. Online: http://www.thejakartapost.com/(accessed on 15 October 2001).
Jakarta Post
on the Establishment of a Constitutional Commission
MPR Decree Number 1, 2002, on the Establishment of a Constitutional Commission.
MPR Decree Number 1
(in Indonesian), 22 June
Soekarno, “Nawaksara” (in Indonesian), The Nine Statements, 22 June 1966.
The Nine Statements
Small Parties Demand Parliamentary Seats
1 July Online: (accessed on 2 July 1999)
“Small Parties Demand Parliamentary Seats”, Kompas, 1 July 1999. Online: http://www.kompas.com/(accessed on 2 July 1999).
This was to be the task of the KPU, as set out in Law 3 on General Elections
Law 3, Chapter 10, Article 65
This was to be the task of the KPU, as set out in Law 3 on General Elections. See Law 3, Chapter 10, Article 65.
Are Indonesians Really Ready to Accept Democracy?
5 August Online: (accessed on 5 August 1999)
“Are Indonesians Really Ready to Accept Democracy?” Indonesian Observer, 5 August 1999. Online: http://webhosting.indosat.net.id/io/0899/05/21.htm (accessed on 5 August 1999).
Indonesian Observer
The Parties’ Democracy
26 May Online: (accessed on 27 May 2000)
Jose Manuel Tesoro, “The Parties’ Democracy”, Asiaweek, 26 May 2000. Online: http://www.cnn.com/ASIANOW/asiaweek/magazine/2000/05/26/nat.indon1.html (accessed on 27 May 2000).
Tesoro, Jose Manuel1
Detik.com, 18 October Online
“Cak Nur: Saya Bersedia Dicapreskan”, Detik.com, 18 October 1999. Online: http://www.detik.com/berita/199910/19991018-1517.htm.
Cak Nur: Saya Bersedia Dicapreskan
Detik.com, 18 October Online
“Mereka Tak Tahu Fungsi Partai”, Detik.com, 18 October 1999. Online: http://www.detik.com/berita/199910/19991018-1611.htm.
Mereka Tak Tahu Fungsi Partai
Megawati’s Cabinet was referred to as the Cabinet Gotong Royong, or Mutual Cooperation Cabinet
Learning from Gus Dur’s earlier experience, when she came to power in July 2001, Megawati Soekarnoputri refused to call her government a “coalition” Cabinet, which implies politicians engaged in horse-trading for positions and power (though Megawati, too, had debts to pay from her election). Instead, echoing one of Soekarno’s influential constructs of traditional Indonesian village behaviour, Megawati’s Cabinet was referred to as the Cabinet Gotong Royong, or Mutual Cooperation Cabinet.
Learning from Gus Dur’s earlier experience, when she came to power in July 2001, Megawati Soekarnoputri refused to call her government a “coalition” Cabinet, which implies politicians engaged in horse-trading for positions and power (though Megawati, too, had debts to pay from her election). Instead, echoing one of Soekarno’s influential constructs of traditional Indonesian village behaviour
DPR Criticized for Poor Performance on Its Birthday
30 August Online: (accessed on 29 August 2001)
“DPR Criticized for Poor Performance on Its Birthday”, Jakarta Post, 30 August 2001. Online: http://www.thejakartapost.com/(accessed on 29 August 2001).
Jakarta Post
Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia, undated. Online: (accessed on 2 August 2001)
Secretariat General of the DPR, Biro Humas dan Hukum, “Daftar Undang-Undang Tahun 2001 Berikut Status”, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Indonesia, undated. Online: http://www.dpr.go.id/hukum/daftaruu%202001.htm (accessed on 2 August 2001).
Daftar Undang-Undang Tahun 2001 Berikut Status
Indonesians Grow Weary of Constant Political Turmoil
2 August Online: (accessed on 2 August 2001)
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, “Indonesians Grow Weary of Constant Political Turmoil”, Washington Post, 2 August 2001. Online: http://www.washingtonpost.com (accessed on 2 August 2001).
Washington Post
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv1
January Online: (accessed on 9 January 2002)
January 2002. Online: http://www.thejakartapost.com (accessed on 9 January 2002).
Indonesia’s Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, the Lower House of Parliament, was composed of 462 elected representatives from the parties and 38 appointed members from the military and police. The Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, the Upper House of Parliament, was formed by the DPR, supplemented by 65 functional group representations (representatives chosen from among religious, social, professional, and business organizations), and 135 regional representatives, chosen five from each of Indonesia’s then-27 provinces.
The Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, the Upper House of Parliament, was formed by the DPR, supplemented by 65 functional group representations (representatives chosen from among religious, social, professional, and business organizations), and 135 regional representatives, chosen five from each of Indonesia’s then-27 provinces
DPR Criticized for Poor Performance on Its Birthday
30 August Online: (accessed on 29 August 2001)
“DPR Criticized for Poor Performance on Its Birthday”, Jakarta Post, 30 August 2001. Online: http://www.thejakartapost.com/(accessed on 29 August 2001).
Jakarta Post
May Online: Social Weather Stations (Philippines), (accessed on 17 October 2000)
Mahar Mangahas, “Opinion Polling and Young Democracies”, May 2000. Online: Social Weather Stations (Philippines), http://www.sws.org.ph/port-ka.htm (accessed on 17 October 2000).
Opinion Polling and Young Democracies
Mangahas, Mahar1
Summary of Public Opinion Preceding the Parliamentary Elections in Indonesia – 1999
Online: (accessed on October 1999)
Steven Wagner, “Summary of Public Opinion Preceding the Parliamentary Elections in Indonesia – 1999”, Survey by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES), 1999. Online: http://www.ifes.org/indonesia/survey.htm (accessed on October 1999).
Survey by the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES)
Wagner, Steven1
February Online: (accessed on 18 December 1999)
Clearing House — Pendidikan Pemberi Suara (Charney Research and AC Nielsen), “Indonesia National Voter Education Survey Report”, February 1999. Online: http://www.indonesianvoter.net/indextxtw.php3?url-snppil_e (accessed on 18 December 1999).
Indonesia National Voter Education Survey Report
Voice of the People
Poll, July conducted as part of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs Political Party Workshop on Ethical Governance and Parliament, Jakarta, 19–23 July 1999
Polling Centre, “Voice of the People” Poll, July 1999, conducted as part of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs’ Political Party Workshop on Ethical Governance and Parliament, Jakarta, 19–23 July 1999.
Survey of the Indonesian Electorate following the June 1999 Elections
August Online: Available on the website of the Indonesian MPR at (accessed on 16 December 1999)
Steven Wagner, “Survey of the Indonesian Electorate following the June 1999 Elections”, International Foundation for Election Systems, August 1999. Online: Available on the website of the Indonesian MPR at http://mpr.wasantara.net.id (accessed on 16 December 1999).
International Foundation for Election Systems
Wagner, Steven1
18 February Online: (accessed on 15 April 2002). The provinces were North and West Sumatra, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi
International Republican Institute, “Focus Group Study of the Indonesian Electorate: 18 February 2000”, 18 February 2000. Online: http://www.iri.org/pub.asp?id=7676767686 (accessed on 15 April 2002). The provinces were North and West Sumatra, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi.
Focus Group Study of the Indonesian Electorate: 18 February 2000
14 May 7 June Online: (accessed on 10 September 2002)
Indonesian Consortium for Public Opinion Polling, MPR, and DPR, “Results of National Survey on Political Issues: Full Report”, 14 May – 7 June 2001. Online: http://www.ifes.org/new_initiatives/Indonesia_2001_Natl_Survey.pdf (accessed on 10 September 2002).
Results of National Survey on Political Issues: Full Report
CESDA-LP3ES, 20 February Online: (accessed on 24 February 2002)
E. Shobirin Nadj, Rahadi T. Wiratama, and Wildan Pramudya A., “Pendapat Publik Tentang Problem Internal dan Masa Depan, Partai Politik di Indonesia”, CESDA-LP3ES, 20 February 2002. Online: http://www.lp3es.or.id/program/polling2/internal1.htm (accessed on 24 February 2002).
Pendapat Publik Tentang Problem Internal dan Masa Depan, Partai Politik di Indonesia
Shobirin Nadj, E.1
Wiratama, Rahadi T.2
Wildan Pramudya, A.3
May Online: (accessed on 10 September 2002)
IFES, “Final Report: National Public Opinion Survey 2002”, May 2002. Online: http://www.ifes.org//new_initiatives/Indo_02_PO.pdf (accessed on 10 September 2002).
Final Report: National Public Opinion Survey 2002
(Paper presented at the Stanford Seminar on Democratization, 11 January Table 8). Online: (accessed on 22 April 2002)
Larry Diamond, “How People View Democracy: Findings from Public Opinion Surveys in Four Regions” (Paper presented at the Stanford Seminar on Democratization, 11 January 2001, Table 8). Online: http://democracy.stanford.edu (accessed on 22 April 2002).
How People View Democracy: Findings from Public Opinion Surveys in Four Regions
Diamond, Larry1