Paris: Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières
William Guéraiche, Les Femmes et la République. Paris: Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1999 (p.39).
Les Femmes et la République
, pp. 39
Guéraiche, W.1
See in particular, with regard to the United States Free Press Paperbacks
See in particular, with regard to the United States, Sarah M. Evans's work, A History of Women in America, Free Press Paperbacks, 1997.
work, A History of Women in America
Evans's, S.M.1
See in particular, with regard to the United Kingdom, the publications of the Fabian Society, and in particular available on the Society's web site at
See in particular, with regard to the United Kingdom, the publications of the Fabian Society, and in particular “The Long March to Equality”, available on the Society's web site at
“The Long March to Equality”
Letter from Europe, Liberty, Equality, Sorority, French women get a revolution of their own
in See 29 May
See Jane Kramer, “Letter from Europe, Liberty, Equality, Sorority, French women get a revolution of their own”, in The New Yorker, 29 May 2000.
The New Yorker
Kramer, J.1
It would be wrong to believe that women have the right to vote everywhere in the world. Thus, a British newspaper reports that the High Court of Justice of Kuwait rejected the call by an association of women pleading that the refusal to grant this right to women was unconstitutional 8 July
It would be wrong to believe that women have the right to vote everywhere in the world. Thus, a British newspaper reports that the High Court of Justice of Kuwait rejected the call by an association of women pleading that the refusal to grant this right to women was unconstitutional (The Economist, 8 July 2000).
The Economist
Le sexe ou le rang? La condition des femmes selon la philosophie des Lumières
in Ch. Fauré ed., 1st ed. Paris: PUF, Mar.
Catherine Larrère, “Le sexe ou le rang? La condition des femmes selon la philosophie des Lumières”, in Encyclopédie politique and et historique des femmes, Ch. Fauré ed., 1st ed. Paris: PUF, Mar. 1997.
Encyclopédie politique and et historique des femmes
Larrère, C.1
Book V of the “Recueil de réflexions et d'observations” entitled “L'Emile ou de l'Education”, published in 1762, is an edifying example of the prejudices of the time. For Rousseau, for example Paris: Editions Coll Gallimard, La Pléiade
Book V of the “Recueil de réflexions et d'observations” entitled “L'Emile ou de l'Education”, published in 1762, is an edifying example of the prejudices of the time. For Rousseau, for example, “… woman is made especially to please man; if man must please her in his turn, this is less directly necessary, his merit lies in his power; he pleases simply by being strong …” Paris: Editions Coll Gallimard, La Pléiade, 1969, p.693).
“… woman is made especially to please man; if man must please her in his turn, this is less directly necessary, his merit lies in his power; he pleases simply by being strong …
, pp. 693
Le Droit en douceur
See Aix-Marseilles: PUF
See Gustavo Zagrebelski, “Le Droit en douceur”, Aix-Marseilles: PUF, Economica, 2000.
Zagrebelski, G.1
La notion de citoyen sous la Révolution française
in Comments on the report of the Constitutional Committee, 2 Oct. 1789, quoted by Burgundy University publications, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, Oct
Comments on the report of the Constitutional Committee, 2 Oct. 1789, quoted by Michel Troper “La notion de citoyen sous la Révolution française”, in La Constitution de Van III ou l'ordre républicain, Burgundy University publications, Editions Universitaires de Dijon, Oct. 1998.
La Constitution de Van III ou l'ordre républicain
Troper, M.1
pour legalité politique des hommes et des femmes
in Complete Works Text 19 published at the time in the
Text 19, “pour legalité politique des hommes et des femmes”, 1790, in Complete Works, volume X (published at the time in the “Journal de la Société de 1789”).
“Journal de la Société de 1789”
, vol.X
See Paris: Editions Mercure de France
See Olympe de Gouges, Oeuvres. Paris: Editions Mercure de France, 1986.
de Gouges, O.1
Democracy in America
Tocqueville further affirms in that Paris
Tocqueville further affirms in “Democracy in America” that “democratic people must preserve virile manners …” Paris, 1842 (Volume IV, p.346).
“democratic people must preserve virile manners …”
, vol.IV
, pp. 346
L'action des femmes sous la Révolution américaine
in Christiane Fauré
“L'action des femmes sous la Révolution américaine”, in Christiane Fauré, “Democracy in America” “democratic people must preserve virile manners …”.
“democratic people must preserve virile manners …”
See the very interesting work of The author mentions in particular President Wilson's arrival in 1916 at a meeting of one of the principal female organisations: the “National Woman Suffrage Association”. “I have not come to ask you to be patient, because you have been, but I have come to congratulate you that there has been a force behind you that will beyond any peradventure be triumphant and for which you can afford a little while to wait”, he said to reassure members on the future success of their demands. (When the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920 was passed, 11 States had already granted women the right to vote.) It should be noted that in New Zealand, another common law country, women acquired the right to vote in 1893
See the very interesting work of Sarah Evans, No constitutional right to be ladies. The author mentions in particular President Wilson's arrival in 1916 at a meeting of one of the principal female organisations: the “National Woman Suffrage Association”. “I have not come to ask you to be patient, because you have been, but I have come to congratulate you that there has been a force behind you that will beyond any peradventure be triumphant and for which you can afford a little while to wait”, he said to reassure members on the future success of their demands. (When the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920 was passed, 11 States had already granted women the right to vote.) It should be noted that in New Zealand, another common law country, women acquired the right to vote in 1893.
No constitutional right to be ladies
Evans, S.1
this sentimental leprosy spoiled many women who, without their claim to genius, would have been charming
“George Sand's illustration had the main purpose of gaining recognition for the fact that France had an excessive number of superior women” after considering it regrettable that in Paris
“George Sand's illustration had the main purpose of gaining recognition for the fact that France had an excessive number of superior women” after considering it regrettable that “this sentimental leprosy spoiled many women who, without their claim to genius, would have been charming”, in La Muse du Département, Paris, 1843.
La Muse du Département
In “La Voix des Femmes”, Eugénie Niboyet published a letter calling readers to vote for George Sand, thinking that she would be “accepted by men”. Quoted in the work devoted to G. Sand by
In “La Voix des Femmes”, Eugénie Niboyet published a letter calling readers to vote for George Sand, thinking that she would be “accepted by men”. Quoted in the work devoted to G. Sand by Michelle Perrot, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1997, p.531.
Paris: Imprimerie Nationale
, pp. 531
Perrot, M.1
Michelle Perrot reproduced a text published posthumously which enlightens us on the positions of G. Sand, showing that she intended to plead for equality in marriage, while seeking to dissuade women from standing as candidates
Michelle Perrot reproduced a text published posthumously which enlightens us on the positions of G. Sand, showing that she intended to plead for equality in marriage, while seeking to dissuade women from standing as candidates, “as they might be taken seriously” (p.542).
“as they might be taken seriously”
, pp. 542
In Cass. 6 Apr. 1914 S. 1915.1.64, the Cour de cassation held that “the exercise of civil rights is independent of the quality of citizen, which confers solely political rights … the Constitution of 4 Nov. 1848, by substituting the universal suffrage for the restricted or electoral-tax-based suffrage, from which women were excluded, never extended to non-male citizens … the right to elect the representatives of the country to the various electoral offices … this is clear, not only from the text of the Constitution of 1848 and of the electoral laws which followed it, but more still from their spirit, attested by the legislative history, and also by the fact that it has been applied without interruption since the universal suffrage was introduced”
In Cass. 6 Apr. 1914, Delle Halbwachs, S. 1915.1.64, the Cour de cassation held that “the exercise of civil rights is independent of the quality of citizen, which confers solely political rights … the Constitution of 4 Nov. 1848, by substituting the universal suffrage for the restricted or electoral-tax-based suffrage, from which women were excluded, never extended to non-male citizens … the right to elect the representatives of the country to the various electoral offices … this is clear, not only from the text of the Constitution of 1848 and of the electoral laws which followed it, but more still from their spirit, attested by the legislative history, and also by the fact that it has been applied without interruption since the universal suffrage was introduced”.
Delle Halbwachs
See the report on parity 2 Dec. by Catherine Tasca, then Chair of the
See the report on parity (No. 1240, 2 Dec. 1998, p.11) by Catherine Tasca, then Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly.
Legal Affairs Committee of the National Assembly
, Issue.1240
, pp. 11
of 7 July
J.O. Sénat, Sitting of 7 July 1932, pp.1029 ff.
, pp. 1029
Sénat, J.O.1
See his treatise referred to above of in the chapter entitled
See his treatise referred to above of 1927, in the chapter entitled “National Sovereignty”.
“National Sovereignty”
Editions Dalloz, pp.312 ff.
of 20 Feb. Deputy, had already moved in this direction, in particular in a He became infamous for serving as Minister for Justice under Marshal Pétain's Vichy régime introduced in France in 1940. His progressive standpoint on women's political rights probably explains that the draft constitution of Pétain (which never succeeded) would have extended the right to vote and stand for election to women as well as to men
Joseph Barthélémy, Deputy, had already moved in this direction, in particular in a report to the Chamber of Deputies of 20 Feb. 1923 (No. 5610). He became infamous for serving as Minister for Justice under Marshal Pétain's Vichy régime introduced in France in 1940. His progressive standpoint on women's political rights probably explains that the draft constitution of Pétain (which never succeeded) would have extended the right to vote and stand for election to women as well as to men.
report to the Chamber of Deputies
, Issue.5610
Barthélémy, J.1
Paris Documentation Française in It is odd to observe in certain law manuals comments on the “intrinsic” characteristics of the female nature which are alleged to influence their voting patterns, where anti-feminist undertones are scarcely concealed. The same arguments are always used to decry women's lack of political maturity: “… women do not vote for women, a constituency set aside for a woman is a lost constituency, etc” quotes these prejudices which still appear in law textbooks in 2000, updated to include the parity provisions
It is odd to observe in certain law manuals comments on the “intrinsic” characteristics of the female nature which are alleged to influence their voting patterns, where anti-feminist undertones are scarcely concealed. The same arguments are always used to decry women's lack of political maturity: “… women do not vote for women, a constituency set aside for a woman is a lost constituency, etc”. Gisèle Halimi, in Le Préambule de la Constitution de 1946, un contrat de société, Paris, 1994, Documentation Française, p.39, quotes these prejudices which still appear in law textbooks in 2000, updated to include the parity provisions.
Le Préambule de la Constitution de 1946, un contrat de société
, pp. 39
Halimi, G.1
See the decision of this Court of 16 July 1971 on freedom of association (CC decision n°
See the decision of this Court of 16 July 1971 on freedom of association (CC decision n° 71–44 DC, Rec. p.29
DC, Rec
, vol.71-44
, pp. 29
With the almost unique but considerable exception of Jules Laferrière's textbook; in his work referred to above on Constitutional Law, he devotes almost 10 pages to the question of the vote for women, studying it most delicately in terms of comparative law and of political history. Reference can also be made to Professor Robert Pelloux's article on the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, a locus classicus The author stresses that the recognition of women's rights “equal to those of man” represents “a considerable extension … owing to the tradition of masculinity strongly anchored in our public law”. But he devotes no more than 15 lines or so to the subject
With the almost unique but considerable exception of Jules Laferrière's textbook; in his work referred to above on Constitutional Law, he devotes almost 10 pages to the question of the vote for women, studying it most delicately in terms of comparative law and of political history. Reference can also be made to Professor Robert Pelloux's article on the Preamble to the 1946 Constitution, a locus classicus (Revue de Droit Public, 1947, p.347). The author stresses that the recognition of women's rights “equal to those of man” represents “a considerable extension … owing to the tradition of masculinity strongly anchored in our public law”. But he devotes no more than 15 lines or so to the subject.
Revue de Droit Public
, pp. 347
Of the 35 needed, only 11 responded (see
Of the 35 needed, only 11 responded (see Sarah Evans, Revue de Droit Public.).
Revue de Droit Public
Evans, S.1
La parité entre hommes et femmes dans l'accès aux fonctions électives. Faut-il réviser la Constitution?
in The new constitutional provisions adopted in Portugal at the revision of 3 Sept. 1997 might enable the law to establish positive discrimination in political life. While Article 9 entrusts to the public authorities the responsibility for “promoting equality between men and women”, article 112, like the French constitutional reform on parity, requires the law to “promote equality in the exercise of civic and political rights”. But no electoral legislation has so far been enacted to give concrete expression to this objective (see PUF
The new constitutional provisions adopted in Portugal at the revision of 3 Sept. 1997 might enable the law to establish positive discrimination in political life. While Article 9 entrusts to the public authorities the responsibility for “promoting equality between men and women”, article 112, like the French constitutional reform on parity, requires the law to “promote equality in the exercise of civic and political rights”. But no electoral legislation has so far been enacted to give concrete expression to this objective (see Gwenaële Calves, “La parité entre hommes et femmes dans l'accès aux fonctions électives. Faut-il réviser la Constitution?” in CURAPP, Questions sensibles, PUF, 1998).
CURAPP, Questions sensibles
Calves, G.1
31 Dec. Rec. In general, positive discrimination is not provided for only at internal constitutional level but also in international law. The concept of positive discrimination in employment also appears in article 141(4) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, which provides: “With a view to ensuring full equality in practice between men and women in working life, the principle of equal treatment shall not prevent any Member State from maintaining or adopting measures providing for specific advantages in order to make it easier for the under-represented sex to pursue a vocational activity or to prevent or compensate for disadvantages in professional careers”. In its decision on the Treaty of Amsterdam (CC decision n° the Conseil Constitutionnel made no comment on these provisions but recognised that they were constitutional
In general, positive discrimination is not provided for only at internal constitutional level but also in international law. The concept of positive discrimination in employment also appears in article 141(4) of the Treaty establishing the European Community, which provides: “With a view to ensuring full equality in practice between men and women in working life, the principle of equal treatment shall not prevent any Member State from maintaining or adopting measures providing for specific advantages in order to make it easier for the under-represented sex to pursue a vocational activity or to prevent or compensate for disadvantages in professional careers”. In its decision on the Treaty of Amsterdam (CC decision n° 97–394 DC, 31 Dec. 1997, Rec. p.344), the Conseil Constitutionnel made no comment on these provisions but recognised that they were constitutional.
, pp. 344
Les aspects juridiques et éthiques de la contraception
in See collective work published by Editions Odile Jacob Paris (forthcoming in English
See Noëlle Lenoir “Les aspects juridiques et éthiques de la contraception” in La Contraception, Liberté ou Contrainte, collective work published by Editions Odile Jacob, 1999, Paris (forthcoming in English).
La Contraception, Liberté ou Contrainte
Lenoir, N.1
Under the Civil Code married women lacked capacity at civil law. Only gradually did a series of Acts (1938, 1945 and 1985, in particular) remove the inferior status of married women
Under the Civil Code (Code Napoléon), married women lacked capacity at civil law. Only gradually did a series of Acts (1938, 1945 and 1985, in particular) remove the inferior status of married women.
Code Napoléon
Le vote des femmes en France (1945–1993)
Aug. in See in particular The author proceeds on the basis of, in particular, the analyses of electoral sociology of the Political Science professor, Alain Lancelot (subsequently appointed to the French Conseil Constitutionnel
See in particular, Janine Mossuz-Lavau, “Le vote des femmes en France (1945–1993)”, in Revue Française de Sciences Politiques No. 4, Aug. 1993, p.673. The author proceeds on the basis of, in particular, the analyses of electoral sociology of the Political Science professor, Alain Lancelot (subsequently appointed to the French Conseil Constitutionnel).
Revue Française de Sciences Politiques
, Issue.4
, pp. 673
Mossuz-Lavau, J.1
Loi n° 2000–493 of 6 June 2000 to promote equal access of women and men to electoral office 7 June
Loi n° 2000–493 of 6 June 2000 to promote equal access of women and men to electoral office (Journal Officiel 7 June 2000, p.8560).
Journal Officiel
, pp. 8560
Femmes/Hommes, pour la Parité
The word “parity” is never used. It appears neither in the Constitutional Act nor in the Electoral Act that establish it. But the term is so often used by lawyers and political economists in their comments on the reform that there is no escaping it. See, for example Paris
The word “parity” is never used. It appears neither in the Constitutional Act nor in the Electoral Act that establish it. But the term is so often used by lawyers and political economists in their comments on the reform that there is no escaping it. See, for example, Janine Mossuz-Lavau, “Femmes/Hommes, pour la Parité”, Editions des Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1998, Paris).
Editions des Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
Mossuz-Lavau, J.1
CC decision n° 82–146 of 18 Nov.
CC decision n° 82–146 of 18 Nov. 1982, Rec. 66
, pp. 66
Les hommes politiques, les “-sages-” (?) … et les femmes-
See his article entitled in
See his article entitled “Les hommes politiques, les “-sages-” (?) … et les femmes-”, in Droit Social, 1983 p.131.
Droit Social
, pp. 131
Gazzetta Ufficiale
Published in the First Special Series of 20 Sept.
Published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale, First Special Series, No. 39 of 20 Sept. 1995 (Droit Social).
Droit Social
, Issue.39
See in
See in “Foro Italiano”: I, 3386, 1995
“Foro Italiano”
, vol.I
, pp. 3386
Le principe d'egalité dans la doctrine et dans la jurisprudence italiennes
quoted by Alessandro Pissorusso in his article published in on the principle of equality (Paris, Documentation Française
quoted by Alessandro Pissorusso in his article “Le principe d'egalité dans la doctrine et dans la jurisprudence italiennes” published in Etudes et Documents du Conseil d'Etat No. 48 on the principle of equality (Paris, Documentation Française, 1996).
Etudes et Documents du Conseil d'Etat
, Issue.48
entitled It was in particular popularised by the book of published in Editions du Seuil, Paris
It was in particular popularised by the book of Françoise Gaspard, Claude Servan-Schreiber and Anne Gall entitled Au pouvoir citoyennes! Liberté, égalité, parité, published in 1992, Editions du Seuil, Paris.
Au pouvoir citoyennes! Liberté, égalité, parité
Gaspard, F.1
Servan-Schreiber, C.2
Gall, A.3
A survey done a few years ago by a polling institute on behalf of the National Council of French Women showed that women were almost as likely to stand as non-party independent candidates (See Paris, Mar.
A survey done a few years ago by a polling institute on behalf of the National Council of French Women showed that women were almost as likely to stand as non-party independent candidates (See “Parité Infos”, No. 1, Paris, Mar. 1993).
“Parité Infos”
, Issue.1
The exception is Strasbourg, where the mayor is Ms Catherine Trautmann, former Minister for Culture and Communication in Lionel Jospin's government. See
The exception is Strasbourg, where the mayor is Ms Catherine Trautmann, former Minister for Culture and Communication in Lionel Jospin's government. See Bernard Roman's report “Parité Infos”.
report “Parité Infos”
Roman's, B.1
See the statistics on on the Council of Europe's website http://stars.coe.fr/equality/tableau2.htm
See the statistics on “Women in Parliament” on the Council of Europe's website http://stars.coe.fr/equality/tableau2.htm.
“Women in Parliament”
La percée des femmes aux élections législatives de 1997
in See June-Aug.
See Janine Mossuz Lavau, “La percée des femmes aux élections législatives de 1997”, in Revue Française de Sciences Politiques, No. 3 and 4, June-Aug. 1997, p.469.
Revue Française de Sciences Politiques
, Issue.3-4
, pp. 469
Mossuz Lavau, J.1
to promote balanced distribution of men and women on lists of candidates for election
Act of 24 May 1994 published in the on 1 July
Act of 24 May 1994 “to promote balanced distribution of men and women on lists of candidates for election”, published in the Moniteur Belge on 1 July 1994.
Moniteur Belge
La parité sexuelle sur les listes de candidat(e)s
See in
See Marc Verdussen, “La parité sexuelle sur les listes de candidat(e)s”, in Revue Belge de Droit constitutionnel, 1994, p.33.
Revue Belge de Droit constitutionnel
, pp. 33
Verdussen, M.1
See the information paper, submitted for the parliamentary delegation for women's rights and equal opportunities between men and women by registered on 12 Jan.
See the information paper, submitted for the parliamentary delegation for women's rights and equal opportunities between men and women by Odette Casanova, female Deputy. Report of the National Assembly, registered on 12 Jan. 2000, p.12.
female Deputy. Report of the National Assembly
, pp. 12
Casanova, O.1
Mujer y Constitución en España
See the contribution by Dominique Rousseau on parity in France in the Spanish work Madrid
See the contribution by Dominique Rousseau on parity in France in the Spanish work “Mujer y Constitución en España”, Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, Madrid 2000.
Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales
Since 1995, political parties have not been allowed to be financed by private-sector companies but only by their members (for a limited amount) and by the State. The State each year gives them assistance in two portions: one is calculated according to the number of seats obtained by the party in the National Assembly; the other is evaluated according to the number of votes cast for them at the general election (loi organique no. 95–62 of 19 Jan.
Since 1995, political parties have not been allowed to be financed by private-sector companies but only by their members (for a limited amount) and by the State. The State each year gives them assistance in two portions: one is calculated according to the number of seats obtained by the party in the National Assembly; the other is evaluated according to the number of votes cast for them at the general election (loi organique no. 95–62 of 19 Jan. 1995, J.O. p.1005)
, pp. 1005
Parité constitutionnelle et égalité républicaine, à propos de la loi constitutionnelle n° 99–569 du 8 juillet 1999
article in See for example Mar.-Apr.
See for example, Michel Clapié's article, “Parité constitutionnelle et égalité républicaine, à propos de la loi constitutionnelle n° 99–569 du 8 juillet 1999”, in Revue Administrative No. 314, Mar.-Apr. 2000.
Revue Administrative
, Issue.314
Clapié's, M.1
See the arguments in the articles published in the review “Le Débat” of May-August 1998 and in the press, in particular by Elisabeth Badinter, against parity, and Sylviane Agazincski, for it. Also see the chronicles published in the report of the Conseil d'Etat of 1996
See the arguments in the articles published in the review “Le Débat” of May-August 1998 and in the press, in particular by Elisabeth Badinter, against parity, and Sylviane Agazincski, for it. Also see the chronicles published in the report of the Conseil d'Etat of 1996 (Revue Administrative)
Revue Administrative
and “Des impasses de la parité”, by by Blandine Kriegel
“Des impasses de la parité”, by Evelyne Pisier, and “Parité et principe d'égalité”, by Blandine Kriegel.
“Parité et principe d'égalité”
Pisier, E.1
CC decision n° 2000–429 note Jean-Eric Schoettl on the Act to promote equal access of women and men to electoral office
CC decision n° 2000–429 DC, AJDA 2000, 653, note Jean-Eric Schoettl on the Act to promote equal access of women and men to electoral office.
, pp. 653
RFDA CC decision n° 91–290 note Genevois
CC decision n° 91–290 DC, Rec. 50 RFDA 1991, 407, note Genevois.
DC, Rec
, vol.50
, pp. 407
CC decision n° 99–412 DC obs. Ferdinand Soucramanien. The Treaty had been referred to the Council by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister before ratification, for constitutional review under Article 54 of the Constitution
CC decision n° 99–412 DC, RDP 1999, 987, obs. Ferdinand Soucramanien. The Treaty had been referred to the Council by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister before ratification, for constitutional review under Article 54 of the Constitution.
, pp. 987
See Claude Servan-Schreiber's editorial in Mar.
See Claude Servan-Schreiber's editorial in Parité Info, No. 1, Mar. 1993).
Parité Info
, Issue.1
Au pouvoir citoyennes!
See For Françoise Gaspard, the purpose of parity is to call into question the abstract universalism which is a misleading mask, concealing the sovereignty of men in public life. In opposition to abstract universality, she argues, the principle that “the female citizen is not reducible to the male citizen” has to be posited
See Françoise Gaspard, “Au pouvoir citoyennes!” (Parité Info), p.36. For Françoise Gaspard, the purpose of parity is to call into question the abstract universalism which is a misleading mask, concealing the sovereignty of men in public life. In opposition to abstract universality, she argues, the principle that “the female citizen is not reducible to the male citizen” has to be posited.
Parité Info
, pp. 36
Gaspard, F.1
judgment of 9 Oct. series A No. 32
ECHR case Airey v. Ireland, judgment of 9 Oct. 1979, series A No. 32.
judgment of 13 June series A No. 31
ECHR case Marckx v. Belgium, judgment of 13 June 1979, series A No. 31.
The Effectiveness of European Equality law: National Mechanism for Enforcing Gender Equality Law in the light of European Requirements
See C. McCrudden, “The Effectiveness of European Equality law: National Mechanism for Enforcing Gender Equality Law in the light of European Requirements” 1993, 13 JO LS 320.
, vol.13
, pp. 320
McCrudden, C.1
Entered into force with regard to France 13 Jan. 1984, published in the of 12 Mar.
Entered into force with regard to France 13 Jan. 1984, published in the Journal Officiel by decree 84–193 of 12 Mar. 1984.
Journal Officiel by decree
, vol.84-193
the meaning of citizenship
in See in this connection Dec.
See in this connection Linda K. Kerber, “the meaning of citizenship” in Journal of American History, Dec. 1997.
Journal of American History
Kerber, L.K.1