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Volumn 20, Issue 4-5, 1997, Pages 861-879

Leadership and innovation in the administrative state

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EID: 84937265478     PISSN: 01900692     EISSN: 15324265     Source Type: Journal    
DOI: 10.1080/01900699708525221     Document Type: Article
Times cited : (6)

References (30)
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    • Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown, Pressman, Jeffrey L. and Wildavsky, Aaron. Implementation, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1973; Heclo, Hugh. A Government of Strangers: Executive Politics Washington, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1977; and the collection of influential articles found Francis E. Rourke, ed. Bureaucratic Power National Policy Making, Little, Brown, Boston, Massachusetts, 1986. For important earlier examples, see Herring, Pendleton. Public Administration and the Public Interest, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936, and Truman, David B. The Governmental Process, Knopf, New York, 1951
    • Allison, Graham T., 1971. Essence of Decision, Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown. Pressman, Jeffrey L. and Wildavsky, Aaron. Implementation, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1973; Heclo, Hugh. A Government of Strangers: Executive Politics in Washington, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1977; and the collection of influential articles found in Francis E. Rourke, ed. Bureaucratic Power in National Policy Making, Little, Brown, Boston, Massachusetts, 1986. For important earlier examples, see Herring, Pendleton. Public Administration and the Public Interest, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1936, and Truman, David B. The Governmental Process, Knopf, New York, 1951
    • (1971) Essence of Decision
    • Allison, G.T.1
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    • New York: John Wiley, Greenstein, Fred I. The Hidden-Hand Presidency, Basic Books, New York, 1982; Ayling, S.E. Portraits of Power, Barnes & Noble, New York: 1963; Bunce, Valerie. Do New Leaders Make a Difference? Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1981; and Tucker, Robert C. Politics as Leadership, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri, 1981
    • Neustadt, Richard E., 1960. Presidential Power, New York: John Wiley. Greenstein, Fred I. The Hidden-Hand Presidency, Basic Books, New York, 1982; Ayling, S.E. Portraits of Power, Barnes & Noble, New York: 1963; Bunce, Valerie. Do New Leaders Make a Difference? Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1981; and Tucker, Robert C. Politics as Leadership, University of Missouri Press, Columbia, Missouri, 1981
    • (1960) Presidential Power
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    • New York: Ronald Press, characterizing the field of public administration, I am drawing particularly on the writings of Dwight Waldo, whose influence on the scholars understanding of the field as it has evolved the United States has been, over the past 40 years, preeminent second edition, with a new fifty-five page introductory essay, Holmes & Meier, New York, 1984; and The Enterprise of Public Administration, Chandler & Sharp, Novato, California, 1980
    • 1948. The Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration, New York: Ronald Press. In characterizing the field of public administration, I am drawing particularly on the writings of Dwight Waldo, whose influence on the scholar's understanding of the field as it has evolved in the United States has been, over the past 40 years, preeminent second edition, with a new fifty-five page introductory essay, Holmes & Meier, New York, 1984; and The Enterprise of Public Administration, Chandler & Sharp, Novato, California, 1980
    • (1948) The Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration
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    • leadership
    • later, New York: Macmillan, Other sources consulted describing the role the field of Public Administration include 1939 Luther Bulicks two essays Gulick, Luther H. and Urwick, Lyndall, eds. Papers on the Science of Administration, Institute of Public Administration, Columbia University, New York, 1937; Simon, Herbert A. Administrative Behavior, Free Press, New York, 1947, 1957, 1975; Nicholas Henry, Public Administration and Public Affairs, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975; and the widely used reader, Stillman, Richard J. II, Public Administration: Concepts and Cases, Houghton-Mifflin, Boston, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1988. I have also benefitted from discussion of this issue during the 1980s with Louis Gawthrop, Luther Gulick, Richard Loverd, Frederick Mosher, Richard Stillman, Paul Van Riper, and Dwight Waldo, ed.,. In
    • White, Leonard D., ed. 1926. “ leadership ”. In Introduction to the Study of Public Administration, later, New York: Macmillan. Other sources consulted in describing the role the field of Public Administration include 1939 Luther Bulick's two essays in Gulick, Luther H. and Urwick, Lyndall, eds. Papers on the Science of Administration, Institute of Public Administration, Columbia University, New York, 1937; Simon, Herbert A. Administrative Behavior, Free Press, New York, 1947, 1957, 1975; Nicholas Henry, Public Administration and Public Affairs, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975; and the widely used reader, Stillman, Richard J. II, Public Administration: Concepts and Cases, Houghton-Mifflin, Boston, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1988. I have also benefitted from discussion of this issue during the 1980s with Louis Gawthrop, Luther Gulick, Richard Loverd, Frederick Mosher, Richard Stillman, Paul Van Riper, and Dwight Waldo
    • (1926) Introduction to the Study of Public Administration
    • White, L.D.1
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    • Leadership and Political Analysis
    • Doig, Hargrove, (eds), Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, This characterization of our academic courses seemed to be widely accepted among the dozen faculty members who took part the studies published It is, however, certainly a provisional conclusion, since those at the Minnowbrook Conference will have their own experiences, which might suggest, taken together, a different generalization than is offered the text, and,. Edited by
    • Doig, Jameson W., and Hargrove, Erwin C., 1987. “ Leadership and Political Analysis ”. In Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government, Edited by: Doig and Hargrove. 1–23. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press. This characterization of our academic courses seemed to be widely accepted among the dozen faculty members who took part in the studies published It is, however, certainly a provisional conclusion, since those at the Minnowbrook Conference will have their own experiences, which might suggest, taken together, a different generalization than is offered in the text
    • (1987) Leadership and Innovation: A Biographical Perspective on Entrepreneurs in Government , pp. 1-23
    • Doig, J.W.1    Hargrove, E.C.2
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    • New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, On this point, see the interesting study, For example, discussing the dominant role of empirical studies the discipline, Ricci comments: It does gather great amounts of sheer information about political life … but at the same time, it injects a measure of despair into political studies by highlighting the dreary or dangerous imperfections of democratic behavior … (p. 294
    • Ricci, David. 1984. The Tragedy of Political Science, New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. On this point, see the interesting study, For example, in discussing the dominant role of empirical studies in the discipline, Ricci comments: It does gather great amounts of sheer information about political life … but at the same time, it injects a measure of despair into political studies by highlighting the dreary or dangerous imperfections of democratic behavior … (p. 294)
    • (1984) The Tragedy of Political Science
    • Ricci, D.1
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    • How We Talk and How We Act: Administrative Theory and Administrative Life
    • Cohen M.D., March J.G., (eds), 2nd, Boston: Harvard Business School Press, reprinted as appendix G,. Edited by
    • March, James G., 1986. “ How We Talk and How We Act: Administrative Theory and Administrative Life ”. In Leadership and Ambiguity, 2nd, Edited by: Cohen, Michael D., and March, James G., 283–284. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. reprinted as appendix G
    • (1986) Leadership and Ambiguity , pp. 283-284
    • March, J.G.1
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    • New York: Norton, thinking about the problem of multiple causation and ways to examine the role of leaders, we benefitted particularly from the excellent analysis, Chapter 2. On the problem of sorting out causation our own biographical studies, see also Doig, J.W. Entrepreneurial Leadership the ‘Independent’ Government Organization, paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Political Science Organization, Chicago, September 1983, 2-7
    • Greenstein, Fred I., 1975. Personality and Politics: Problems of Evidence, Inference and Conceptualization, New York: Norton. In thinking about the problem of multiple causation and ways to examine the role of leaders, we benefitted particularly from the excellent analysis, Chapter 2. On the problem of sorting out causation in our own biographical studies, see also Doig, J.W. “Entrepreneurial Leadership in the ‘Independent’ Government Organization,” paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Political Science Organization, Chicago, September 1983, pp. 2-7
    • (1975) Personality and Politics: Problems of Evidence, Inference and Conceptualization
    • Greenstein, F.I.1
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    • New York: Row, Peterson, developing this list of leadership strategies, we benefitted particularly from a close review
    • Selznick, Philip. 1957. Leadership in Administration, New York: Row, Peterson. In developing this list of leadership strategies, we benefitted particularly from a close review
    • (1957) Leadership in Administration
    • Selznick, P.1
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    • The researchers and their subjects, together with field and years of service, are as follows: John Milton Cooper, Jr.: Gifford Pinchot (forestry, 1898-1910), and
    • Doig and Hargrove. 4–20. The researchers and their subjects, together with field and years of service, are as follows: John Milton Cooper, Jr.: Gifford Pinchot (forestry, 1898-1910)
    • Doig1    Hargrove2
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    • Wilbur Cohen (1961-69), both social security
    • Marmor, Theodore R., 1949-73. Robert Ball, and Wilbur Cohen (1961-69), both social security
    • (1949) Robert Ball
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    • Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 93-94. I am indebted to Herbert Kaufman for calling my attention, during our early discussions of this study of government entrepreneurs, to Schumpeters analysis. Chapter 14 of The Cycles of American History, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1986, Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., also uses Schumpeters perspective and develops an argument similar some respects to ours
    • Schumpeter, Joseph A., 1934. The Theory of Economic Development, 91Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 93-94. I am indebted to Herbert Kaufman for calling my attention, during our early discussions of this study of government entrepreneurs, to Schumpeter's analysis. In Chapter 14 of The Cycles of American History, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1986, Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., also uses Schumpeter's perspective and develops an argument similar in some respects to ours
    • (1934) The Theory of Economic Development , pp. 91
    • Schumpeter, J.A.1
  • 25
    • 85071203590 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • No one doubts, I suppose, that a close study of the background, evolving values, and behavior of such major figures as Franklin Roosevelt can assist our broader understanding. And to some extent, the biographical essays in our Hopkins book make the same point in a variety of areas of social policy. In this brief section, drawn from a longer paper, I want to make the point even more explicit than we do in some of our Hopkins biographies.
    • No one doubts, I suppose, that a close study of the background, evolving values, and behavior of such major figures as Franklin Roosevelt can assist our broader understanding. And to some extent, the biographical essays in our Hopkins book make the same point in a variety of areas of social policy. In this brief section, drawn from a longer paper, I want to make the point even more explicit than we do in some of our Hopkins biographies.
  • 26
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    • Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, The public authority is usually defined as an agency created by statute (in this country almost all of them by state of local legislation) that is particularly independent of elected officials, being supervised by a multi-headed board (whose members have fixed, overlapping terms) and having a substantial part of its revenues obtained by tolls or other charges that it levies directly (so that it is not mainly dependent on legislative appropriations of the use of direct taxing power). Public authorities also have independent corporate status, and they have the power to raise funds through the sale of bonds private money markets. For a full discussion of the types and history of the public authority
    • Walsh, Annmarie H., 1978. The Public's Business: The Politics and Practices of Government Corporations, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. The public authority is usually defined as an agency created by statute (in this country almost all of them by state of local legislation) that is particularly independent of elected officials, being supervised by a multi-headed board (whose members have fixed, overlapping terms) and having a substantial part of its revenues obtained by tolls or other charges that it levies directly (so that it is not mainly dependent on legislative appropriations of the use of direct taxing power). Public authorities also have independent corporate status, and they have the power to raise funds through the sale of bonds in private money markets. For a full discussion of the types and history of the public authority
    • (1978) The Public's Business: The Politics and Practices of Government Corporations
    • Walsh, A.H.1
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    • New York: Columbia University Press, Walsh Hargrove, Erwin C. and Conkin, Paul. TVA: Fifty Years of Grassroots Bureaucracy, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 1983
    • Bard, Erwin W., 1942. The Port of New York Authority, New York: Columbia University Press. Walsh Hargrove, Erwin C. and Conkin, Paul. TVA: Fifty Years of Grassroots Bureaucracy, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, 1983
    • (1942) The Port of New York Authority
    • Bard, E.W.1
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    • Public Power and Professional Responsibility
    • In deference to space constraints, I have omitted most references to sources this section. However, I should note an article, which provides a valuable analysis of Cohens philosophy, and of Cohens own book, Law and Order Industry, Macmillan, New York, 1916
    • Fetner, Gerald. 1977. Public Power and Professional Responsibility. American Journal of Legal History, 21: 15–39. In deference to space constraints, I have omitted most references to sources in this section. However, I should note an article, which provides a valuable analysis of Cohen's philosophy, and of Cohen's own book, Law and Order in Industry, Macmillan, New York, 1916
    • (1977) American Journal of Legal History , vol.21 , pp. 15-39
    • Fetner, G.1
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    • October, address, available the Port Authoritys files
    • Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1931. October address, available in the Port Authority's files
    • (1931)
    • Roosevelt, F.D.1

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