CueMol viewer app (iOS) is only a viewer for scenes created on the desktop versions of CueMol and does not offer standalone graphics capability
CueMol viewer app (iOS) is only a viewer for scenes created on the desktop versions of CueMol and does not offer standalone graphics capability.
Several apps are mainly designed for small molecules and lack the full graphical representation styles for protein structures-these include Molecules (iOS) and Atomdriod (Android). ESmol is the little brother of NDKmol but for supporting old devices
Several apps are mainly designed for small molecules and lack the full graphical representation styles for protein structures-these include Molecules (iOS) and Atomdriod (Android). ESmol is the little brother of NDKmol but for supporting old devices.
PDB ID is a unique 4-alphanumeric character combination that is assigned to each deposited structure in the Protein Data Bank
PDB ID is a unique 4-alphanumeric character combination that is assigned to each deposited structure in the Protein Data Bank (
This ID is usually found in the manuscript that describes that particular structure
This ID is usually found in the manuscript that describes that particular structure.
Richardson cartoon style is a representation of the overall backbone structure of the protein, with secondary structural elements helices shown as coiled ribbons, strands shown as fl at arrows, and coils/loops shown as thin tubes
Richardson cartoon style is a representation of the overall backbone structure of the protein, with secondary structural elements helices shown as coiled ribbons, strands shown as fl at arrows, and coils/loops shown as thin tubes.
The complete user manual of iMolview is accessed by Menu, then "Help" inside the app
The complete "user manual" of iMolview is accessed by Menu, then "Help" inside the app.
The users can transfer PDB fi les or images between mobile devices using Bluetooth-based Apps such as iShareFiles (free), without Internet or Bump free with Wi-Fi or 3G
The users can transfer PDB fi les or images between mobile devices using Bluetooth-based Apps such as iShareFiles (free), without Internet or Bump (; free) with Wi-Fi or 3G.
Bump is cross-platform and can be used for transferring fi les between iPhones/iPads, Android devices, and computers
Bump is cross-platform and can be used for transferring fi les between iPhones/iPads, Android devices, and computers.
Obviously, the fi les can also be sent via e-mail
Obviously, the fi les can also be sent via e-mail.
Web sites: iMolview
Developers' Web sites: iMolview: