Impact of 16S rRNAgene sequence analysis for identifi cation ofbacteria on clinical microbiology and infectiousdiseases
table of contents
Clarridge JE 3rd (2004) Impact of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for identifi cation of bacteria on clinical microbiology and infectious diseases. Clin Microbiol Rev 17:840–862, table of contents
CLSI, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (2008) Interpretive criteria for identifi cation of bacteria and fungi by DNA target sequencing; approved guideline. CLSI dokument MM18-A (ISBN 1-56238-664-6)
Diagnosis of bacteremia in wholebloodsamples by use of a commercial universal16S rRNA gene-based PCR and sequenceanalysis
Wellinghausen N, Kochem AJ, Disque C, Muhl H, Gebert S, Winter J, Matten J, Sakka SG (2009) Diagnosis of bacteremia in wholeblood samples by use of a commercial universal 16S rRNA gene-based PCR and sequence analysis. J Clin Microbiol 47:2759–2765
Comparison of two molecular assayswith conventional blood culture for diagnosis ofsepsis
Leitner E, Kessler HH, Spindelboeck W, Hoenigl M, Putz-Bankuti C, Stadlbauer- Kollner V, Krause R, Grisold AJ, Feierl G, Stauber RE (2013) Comparison of two molecular assays with conventional blood culture for diagnosis of sepsis. J Microbiol Methods 92:253–255
Establishment of a semi-automated pathogenDNA isolation from whole blood and comparisonwith commercially available kits
Wiesinger-Mayr H, Jordana-Lluch E, Martro E, Schoenthaler S, Noehammer C (2011) Establishment of a semi-automated pathogen DNA isolation from whole blood and comparison with commercially available kits. J Microbiol Methods 85:206–213
Detection of bacteraemia in critically illpatients using 16S rDNA polymerase chainreaction and DNA sequencing
Sleigh J, Cursons R, La Pine M (2001) Detection of bacteraemia in critically ill patients using 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. Intensive Care Med 27:1269–1273