Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights in a Changing Europe
Protocol 11 has entered into force on November 1998. LAWSON and DE BLOIS eds, Dordrecht, DE SALVIA, La Convenzione europea dei diritti deWuomo: procedure e contenuti, Napoli, 1997; STEINER and ALSTON, International Human Rights in Context, Oxford, 1999, 584 ff.; SCHERMERS, The Eleventh Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights", EL Rev., 1994, 367 ff.; idem, Adaptation of the 11th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights", EL Rev., 1995, 559 ff
Protocol No. 11 has entered into force on November 1998. See DE VEY MESTDAGH, "Reform of the European Convention on Human Rights in a Changing Europe", in LAWSON and DE BLOIS (eds), Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers, Dordrecht, 1994, pp. 337-360; DE SALVIA, La Convenzione europea dei diritti deWuomo: procedure e contenuti, Napoli, 1997; STEINER and ALSTON, International Human Rights in Context, Oxford, 1999, p. 584 ff.; SCHERMERS, 'The Eleventh Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights", EL Rev., 1994, p. 367 ff.; idem, "Adaptation of the 11th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights", EL Rev., 1995, p. 559 ff.
Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers
, pp. 337-360
Mestdagh, D.V.E.Y.1
There are now forty-one Contracting Parties to the ECHR, the latest accessions being those of Croatia (6.11.1996) and 27.4.1999).
There are now forty-one Contracting Parties to the ECHR, the latest accessions being those of Croatia (6.11.1996) and Georgia (27.4.1999). See http://www.coe.fr/fr/std/pays.htm.
Modern Constitutions and International Law
Article 94 of the 1983 Constitution. For a general overview, CASSESE ff
Article 94 of the 1983 Constitution. For a general overview, see CASSESE, "Modern Constitutions and International Law", RCADI, 1985, III, p. 331 ff.
, vol.3
, pp. 331
Article 10(1) provides that the Italian legal system incorporates the norms of international law that are generally recognized
Article 10(1) provides that the Italian legal system incorporates "the norms of international law that are generally recognized".
Article 25 reads: The general rules of international law shall be an integral part of federal law. They shall take precedence over the laws and shall directly create rights and duties for the inhabitants of the Federal territory
Article 25 reads: 'The general rules of international law shall be an integral part of federal law. They shall take precedence over the laws and shall directly create rights and duties for the inhabitants of the Federal territory".
The European Convention on Human Rights as the Public Order of Europe
generally, FROWEIN ff.; SUDRE, Existe t-il un ordre public europ^en?", in TAVERNIER (ed.), Quelle Europe pour les droits de Vhomme?, Bruxelles, 1996, 39 ff
See generally, FROWEIN, "The European Convention on Human Rights as the Public Order of Europe", Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, 1990, Vol. 1-2, p. 267 ff.; SUDRE, "Existe t-il un ordre public europ^en?", in TAVERNIER (ed.), Quelle Europe pour les droits de Vhomme?, Bruxelles, 1996, p. 39 ff.
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
, vol.1-2
, pp. 267
La Cour europ6enne des droits de l'homme applique-t-elle le droit international ou un droit de type interne?
For a legal analysis of such constitutional" and federal or monistic" approaches to the structure of the European human rights system, TAVERNIER tit supra n
For a legal analysis of such "constitutional" and "federal or monistic" approaches to the structure of the European human rights system, See TAVERNIER, "La Cour europ6enne des droits de l'homme applique-t-elle le droit international ou un droit de type interne?", in TAVERNIER, tit supra n. 7, p. 17 ff.
, Issue.7
Turkey (Preliminary Objections)
Loizidou. § also § 93
Loizidou v. Turkey (Preliminary Objections), Ser. A, Vol. 310 (1995), § 75 (See also § 93).
Ser. A
, vol.310
, pp. 75
As a result of the institutional reform brought about with Protocol 11, the articles of the ECHR have been renumbered. In this text, I shall refer to the new articles with original articles in parenthesis
As a result of the institutional reform brought about with Protocol No. 11, the articles of the ECHR have been renumbered. In this text, I shall refer to the new articles with original articles in parenthesis.
The application
Among the vast literature, especially CANCADO TRINDADE, of the rule of exhaustion of local remedies in international law, Cambridge, 1983; for a thorough commentary on the peculiar significance of the rule within the European human rights system, ARONOVITZ, L'art. RIDU, ff
Among the vast literature, See especially CANCADO TRINDADE, The application of the rule of exhaustion of local remedies in international law, Cambridge, 1983; for a thorough commentary on the peculiar significance of the rule within the European human rights system, See ARONOVITZ, "L'art. 26 della Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo: dal diritto internazionale consuetudinario al sistema europeo dei diritti deiruomo", RIDU, 1994, p. 515 ff.
26 della Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo: dal diritto internazionale consuetudinario al sistema europeo dei diritti deiruomo
, pp. 515
particularly, the dissenting opinion of Judge Martens, supra n. 12
See, particularly, the dissenting opinion of Judge Martens, supra n. 12.
International Decisions
Elettronica Sicula S.A. ELSI, 15 ff. e.g. GILL AJIL, 1990,. ff
Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI), ICJ Rep. 1989, p. 15 ff. See e.g. GILL, "International Decisions", AJIL, 1990, p. 249 ff.
, pp. 249
Resolution of 11 December 1946, adopted unanimously
Resolution of 11 December 1946, adopted unanimously.
held in Rome in July adopted the Statute of the International Criminal Court on 17 July 1998 by 120 States voting in favour, 7 against and 21 abstaining. For the text of the Statute, reprinted in RDI, 1999, 229 ff.); for the first debates on this historical achievement, the Symposium The International Criminal Court", EJIL, 1999, 93-191, with comments by WEDGWOOD; HAFNER, BOON, ROBESAME AND HUSTON; ZWANENBURG; CASSESE; GAETA. also SAROOSHI, The Statute of the International Criminal Court", ICLQ, 1999, 387 ff.; CRAWFORD, The ILC's Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court", AJIL, 1994, 140 ff; Cooperazionefra stati e giustizia penale internazionale (Proceedings of the Symposium of the Italian Society of International Law, Third Meeting, Siena, 12-13 June 1998), Napoli, 1999
The International Conference for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, held in Rome in July 1998, adopted the Statute of the International Criminal Court on 17 July 1998 by 120 States voting in favour, 7 against and 21 abstaining. For the text of the Statute, see http://www.un.org/icc (reprinted in RDI, 1999, p. 229 ff.); for the first debates on this historical achievement, see the Symposium "The International Criminal Court", EJIL, 1999, pp. 93-191, with comments by WEDGWOOD; HAFNER, BOON, ROBESAME AND HUSTON; ZWANENBURG; CASSESE; GAETA. See also SAROOSHI, 'The Statute of the International Criminal Court", ICLQ, 1999, p. 387 ff.; CRAWFORD, 'The ILC's Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court", AJIL, 1994, p. 140 ff; Cooperazionefra stati e giustizia penale internazionale (Proceedings of the Symposium of the Italian Society of International Law, Third Meeting, Siena, 12-13 June 1998), Napoli, 1999.
The International Conference for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court,
Arts. 2-5 of the Statute: ILM, ff
Arts. 2-5 of the Statute: see ILM, 1993, p. 1192 ff.
, pp. 1192
DR n. ff.; Cyprus Turkey 8007/77 (Third Application), DR 13,1978, 85 ff.; Lohidou, supra n.9
Cyprus v. Turkey Nos. 6780/74 and 6950/75 (First and Second Applications), DR n. 2,1975, p. 125 ff.; Cyprus v. Turkey No. 8007/77 (Third Application), DR 13,1978, p. 85 ff.; Lohidou, supra n.9.
Cyprus v. Turkey Nos. 6780/74 and 6950/75 (First and Second Applications)
, Issue.2
, pp. 125
Lithgow Loizidou, supra n. 9
Lithgow et al. v. the United Kingdom, Ser. A, Vol. 102,1986, and Loizidou, supra n. 9.
the United Kingdom, Ser. A
, vol.102
Extradition et peine de mort: arret Soering de la Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme du 7 juillet 1989
Soering ffo l//i Ser. A, 161, e.g. SUDRE RGDIP, 1990,. ff.; VAN DEN WYNGAERT, Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to Extradition: Opening Pandora's Box?", ICLQ, 1990, 757 ff.; DAMATO, Estradizione e divieto di trattamenti inumani o degradanti nella Convenzione europea dei diritti delFuomo", RIDU, 1991, 648 ff.; GANSHOF VAN DER MEERSCH, L*extradition et la CEDH: l'affaire Sdering", RTDH, 1990, 5 ff
Soering v. ffo l//i/W Kingdom, Ser. A, Vol. 161, 1989. Among the vast literature debating the outcome of this case, see e.g. SUDRE, "Extradition et peine de mort: arret Soering de la Cour europeenne des droits de l'homme du 7 juillet 1989", RGDIP, 1990, p. 103 ff.; VAN DEN WYNGAERT, "Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to Extradition: Opening Pandora's Box?", ICLQ, 1990, p. 757 ff.; DAMATO, "Estradizione e divieto di trattamenti inumani o degradanti nella Convenzione europea dei diritti delFuomo", RIDU, 1991, p. 648 ff.; GANSHOF VAN DER MEERSCH, "L*extradition et la CEDH: l'affaire Sdering", RTDH, 1990, p. 5 ff.
, pp. 103
Kingdom, W.1
GA Resolution 3452-XXX, etc., and GA Resolution n. 39/46, 1984, adopting the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
GA Resolution No. 3452-XXX, 1975, adopting the Declaration on Torture, etc., and GA Resolution n. 39/46, 1984, adopting the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
adopting the Declaration on Torture
Universal Declaration on Human Rights
Art. 1(3, Art. 2(1, Arts. 2(1), 26, CCPR; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1966, UNTS,. ff. Jersildv. Denmark, Ser. A, 298, 1994, on which espec. COHEN-JONATHAN, Discrimination raciale et liberte" d'expression. A propos de Tarret de la CEDH du 23 septembre 1994: Jersild contre Danemark", RUDH, 1 ff
Art. 1(3), UN Charter, Art. 2(1), Universal Declaration on Human Rights; Arts. 2(1), 26, CCPR; International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination 1966, UNTS, Vol. 60, p. 195 ff. See Jersildv. Denmark, Ser. A, Vol. 298, 1994, on which see espec. COHEN-JONATHAN, "Discrimination raciale et liberte" d'expression. A propos de Tarret de la CEDH du 23 septembre 1994: Jersild contre Danemark", RUDH, 1995, p. 1 ff.
, vol.60
, pp. 195
Charter, U.N.1
GA Resolution 1803-XVII
GA Resolution No. 1803-XVII, 1962.
Lithgow Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreatis v
e.g. cit. supra n. 20
See e.g. Lithgow, cit. supra n. 20; Stran Greek Refineries and Stratis Andreatis v. Greece, Ser. A,Vol.301-B,1994.
Greece, Ser. A
, vol.301-B
The United Kingdom Nationalization Cases and the European Convention on Human Rights
Cit. supra n. 20. especially, MENDELSON
Cit. supra n. 20. See especially, MENDELSON, 'The United Kingdom Nationalization Cases and the European Convention on Human Rights", BYIL, 1986, p. 33 ff.
Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions Case
PCIJ, Ser. A, 5, PCIJ, Ser. A, 9, 1927 and (Merits), PCIJ, Ser. A, 17, 1928; Corfu Channel (Merits), ICJ Reports, 1949
Mavrommatis Jerusalem Concessions Case, PCIJ, Ser. A, No. 5, 1925; Chorzow Factory (Jurisdiction), PCIJ, Ser. A, No. 9, 1927 and (Merits), PCIJ, Ser. A, No. 17, 1928; Corfu Channel (Merits), ICJ Reports, 1949, p. 4 ff.
II caso Papamichalopoulos dinanzi alia Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo: restitutio in integrum ed equa soddisfazione
PIRRONE, "II caso Papamichalopoulos dinanzi alia Corte Europea dei diritti dell'uomo: restitutio in integrum ed equa soddisfazione", RDI, 1997, p. 152 ff.
Overcoming the Hurdle of State Immunity in the Domestic Enforcement of International Human Rights
OLOWOFOYEKU, Oxford, BIANCHI CONFORTI and FRANCIONI eds, The Hague-Boston-London, 1997,. ff
See OLOWOFOYEKU, Suing Judges, Oxford, 1993; BIANCHI, "Overcoming the Hurdle of State Immunity in the Domestic Enforcement of International Human Rights", in CONFORTI and FRANCIONI (eds.), Enforcing International Human Rights in Domestic Courts, The Hague-Boston-London, 1997, p. 405 ff.
Enforcing International Human Rights in Domestic Courts
, pp. 405
Judges, S.1
18 February also Osman United Kingdom, EHRR, 2000, 245 ff
European Court of Human Rights, 18 February 1999, http://www.dhcour.coe.fr/hydoc. See also Osman v. United Kingdom, EHRR, 2000, p. 245 ff.
European Court of Human Rights
From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International Law
SIMMA VI,. ff., espec. 373-376
See SIMMA, "From Bilateralism to Community Interest in International Law", RCADI, 1994-VI, p. 217 ff., espec. pp. 373-376.
, pp. 217
Cit. supra n. 9
**Cit. supra n. 9.
adopted on 28 April force 1 March 1985
Protocol No. 6, adopted on 28 April 1983 (in force 1 March 1985).
Protocol No. 6
Does Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights Enshrine Absolute Rights?
the Soering case, supra n. 22 and, most lately, ADDO and GRIEF ff
See the Soering case, supra n. 22 and, most lately, ADDO and GRIEF, "Does Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights Enshrine Absolute Rights?", EJIL, 1998, p. 510 ff.
, pp. 510
Notably, in supra n. 22
Notably, in the Soering case, supra n. 22.
the Soering case
Adopted on 20 March force 18 March 1954
Adopted on 20 March 1952 (in force 18 March 1954).
Re: Cuillier et ai, ILR, p. 93 ff., and, more recently, the 27 June 1996 judgment of the same Court in the Venezia
For example the judgment of the Italian Constitutional Court of 1979, case, RDI, 1996, 815 ff. For a comment, BIANCHI, AJIL (International Decisions), 1997, 727 ff., and CATALDI, in this Yearbook, infra Judicial Decisions XV.A. For the Netherlands, the Supreme Court decisions of 30 March 1990 in the Short case, ILM, 1990, 1375 ff. 45 Arts. 19-23
45 See Arts. 19-23.
Second Report on the legime regime of reservations (UN Doc. A/CN.4/477 and Add Preliminary Conclusions on Reservations to Normative Multilateral Treaties including Human Rights
especially the the ILC in 1996 by Special Rapporteur's Pellet, as well as the ILCs Treaties", in 12 May-18 July GAOR, Fifty-second session, A/52/10
See especially the Second Report on the legime regime of reservations (UN Doc. A/CN.4/477 and Add. 1) submitted to the ILC in 1996 by Special Rapporteur's Pellet, as well as the ILCs "Preliminary Conclusions on Reservations to Normative Multilateral Treaties including Human Rights Treaties", in Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-ninth session, 12 May-18 July 1997, GAOR, Fifty-second session, Suppl. No. 10 (A/52/10).
Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its forty-ninth session
As well-known, force from 1 November has abolished Arts. 25 and 46 which respectively required specific declarations of acceptance by States of the competence of the Commission to receive individual petitions and of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court. As a result, the present system contemplates an automatic right of individual petition and the automatic acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court upon ratification of the Convention Art. 34
As well-known, Protocol No. 11 (in force from 1 November 1998) has abolished Arts. 25 and 46 which respectively required specific declarations of acceptance by States of the competence of the Commission to receive individual petitions and of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court. As a result, the present system contemplates an automatic right of individual petition and the automatic acceptance of the jurisdiction of the Court upon ratification of the Convention (see Art. 34).
Protocol No. 11
Belilos Switzerland, Ser. A,. Cf. especially, COHEN-JONATHAN, Les reserves & la Convention europ6enne des droits de Thomme (k propos de Tarret Belilos du 29 avril 1988), RGDIP, 1989,. ff.; MARKS, Reservations Unhinged: The Belilos Case before the European Court of Human Rights", ICLQ, 1990, 300 ff.; CAMERON and HORN, Reservations to the European Convention on Human Rights: The Belilos Case", GYIL, 1990, 69 ff.; BARATTA, Le riserve incompatibili con Tart. 64 della Convenzione europea dei diritti deiruomo", RDI, 1992, 289 ff. It is worth mentioning that the doctrine of the European Court with respect to reservations has been endorsed by the UN Human Rights Committee in its General Comment 24 (52) of 2 November 1994 relating to reservations made to the ICCPR and its two Optional Protocols, Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.l/Add.6, reproduced in HRU, 1994, 464 ff. For criticism on the Committee's approach, SIMMA, cit supra n. 36, 345-349
Belilos v. Switzerland, Ser. A, Vol. 132, 1988. Cf. especially, COHEN-JONATHAN, "Les reserves & la Convention europ6enne des droits de Thomme (k propos de Tarret Belilos du 29 avril 1988), RGDIP, 1989, p. 273 ff.; MARKS, "Reservations Unhinged: The Belilos Case before the European Court of Human Rights", ICLQ, 1990, p. 300 ff.; CAMERON and HORN, "Reservations to the European Convention on Human Rights: The Belilos Case", GYIL, 1990, p. 69 ff.; BARATTA, "Le riserve incompatibili con Tart. 64 della Convenzione europea dei diritti deiruomo", RDI, 1992, p. 289 ff. It is worth mentioning that the doctrine of the European Court with respect to reservations has been endorsed by the UN Human Rights Committee in its General Comment No. 24 (52) of 2 November 1994 relating to reservations made to the ICCPR and its two Optional Protocols, Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.l/Add.6, reproduced in HRU, 1994, p. 464 ff. For criticism on the Committee's approach, see SIMMA, cit supra n. 36, pp. 345-349.
, vol.132
, pp. 273
Cit supra n. 9
Cit supra n. 9.
Turkey and Art. 25 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Cf. CAMERON ICLQ, ff.; ZANGHI, La declaration de la Turquie relative & Tart. 25 de la Convention europ^enne des droits de l'homme", RGDIP, 1989, 69 ff.; FOCARELU, Accettazione condizionata' della competenza della Commissione europea dei diritti umani", RDI, 1994, 92 ff.; idem, Sulle riserve air accettazione della competenza della Corte europea: il caso Loizidou", RDI, 1995, 738 ff
Cf. CAMERON, "Turkey and Art. 25 of the European Convention on Human Rights", ICLQ, 1988, p. 887 ff.; ZANGHI, "La declaration de la Turquie relative & Tart. 25 de la Convention europ^enne des droits de l'homme", RGDIP, 1989, p. 69 ff.; FOCARELU, "Accettazione 'condizionata' della competenza della Commissione europea dei diritti umani", RDI, 1994, p. 92 ff.; idem, "Sulle riserve air accettazione della competenza della Corte europea: il caso Loizidou", RDI, 1995, p. 738 ff.
, pp. 887
cit supra n. §§
Loizidou, cit supra n. 9, §§ 90-98.
, Issue.9
, pp. 90-98
This is the significance to be attached to critical remarks such as the following one which Judge Matscher expressed in his concurring opinion in the Fischer case with respect to the abnormally-restrictive interpretation of reservations by the Court: la confiance r&iproque a 6t€ trahie
This is the significance to be attached to critical remarks such as the following one which Judge Matscher expressed in his concurring opinion in the Fischer case with respect to the abnormally-restrictive interpretation of reservations by the Court: "la confiance r&iproque a 6t€ trahie": Fischer, Ser. A, Vol. 312,1995.
Fischer, Ser. A
, vol.312
As noted, such conclusions are very much in line with the Belilos doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights
The fact that such acquiescence has to be excluded is aptly demonstrated by the written observations the UN Human Rights Committee by the United Kingdom and France (reproduced in HRLJ, 422 ff.) which refused the conclusions reached by the Committee itself in its General Comment 24 (cit. supra n. 48. cit. supra n. 370-371
The fact that such acquiescence has to be excluded is aptly demonstrated by the written observations submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee by the United Kingdom and France (reproduced in HRLJ, 1995, p. 422 ff.) which refused the conclusions reached by the Committee itself in its General Comment No. 24 (cit. supra n. 48). As noted, such conclusions are very much in line with the Belilos doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights. See SIMMA, cit. supra n. 36, pp. 345-349,370-371.
, Issue.36
, pp. 345-349
supra n. 54
See supra n. 54.