Development Policy in the Early Twentieth Century
(Leiden in: J. Dirkse et al. eds).
R. Cribb, ‘Development Policy in the Early Twentieth Century’ in: J. Dirkse et al. eds, Indonesia's Experiences Under the New Order (Leiden 1989).
Indonesia's Experiences Under the New Order
Cribb, R.1
Rethinking Colonial Categories: European Communities and the Boundaries of Rule
‘Rethinking Colonial Categories: European Communities and the Boundaries of Rule’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 13 (1989)
Comparative Studies in Society and History
, vol.13
Het Beest aan Banden? De Koloniale Geest aan het Begin van de Twintigste Eeuw
‘Het Beest aan Banden? De Koloniale Geest aan het Begin van de Twintigste Eeuw’, Bijdragen tot de Tool-, Land- en Volkenkunde 144 (1989).
Bijdragen tot de Tool-, Land- en Volkenkunde
, vol.144
The Ethical Imperative
(Leiden in: W. Otterspeer ed.).
W. Otterspeer, ‘The Ethical Imperative’ in: W. Otterspeer ed., Leiden Oriental Connections (Leiden 1991).
Leiden Oriental Connections
Otterspeer, W.1
(Leiden Apart from the exemplary on-going work of Professor Sarlono in this regard, this is indicated in the proceedings of the first conference on Indonesia's economic history held in Jakarta in 1991 as reflected in: ed.).
Apart from the exemplary on-going work of Professor Sarlono in this regard, this is indicated in the proceedings of the first conference on Indonesia's economic history held in Jakarta in 1991 as reflected in: J.T. Lindblad ed., New Challenges in the Modern Economic History of Indonesia (Leiden 1993).
New Challenges in the Modern Economic History of Indonesia
Lindblad, J.T.1
chapter For a detailed discussion of this connection see, 3.
For a detailed discussion of this connection see Kuitenbrouwer, Modern Imperialism, chapter 3.
Modern Imperialism
J. Legge, Indonesia (Sydney 1977) 102–103.
, pp. 102-103
Legge, J.1
For instance this is the justification provided by Snouck Hurgronje
For instance this is the justification provided by Snouck Hurgronje. See W. Otterspeer, ‘Ethical Imperative’.
Ethical Imperative
Otterspeer, W.1
Ons Bestuursbeleid in Nederlandsch Indie' [Our Government Policy in the Netherlands Indies]
(5 Editor's note to an article by, August).
Editor's note to an article by A.J.M. Engelenberg, ‘Ons Bestuursbeleid in Nederlandsch Indie' [Our Government Policy in the Netherlands Indies], Het Vaderland (5 August 1904).
Het Vaderland
Engelenberg, A.J.M.1
(Engelenberg went to see these ‘experts’ privately on arrival in the Netherlands. Van Deventer's views were reported in De Indische Gids in a report of his speech to the Indische Genoolschap in 1904. The journal's editor shared Van Deventer's views. In a parallel article, ‘De Tomini Bocht’, the resident of Menado, Engelenberg's superior voiced the same scepticism).
Engelenberg went to see these ‘experts’ privately on arrival in the Netherlands. Van Deventer's views were reported in De Indische Gids in a report of his speech to the Indische Genoolschap in 1904. The journal's editor shared Van Deventer's views. In a parallel article, ‘De Tomini Bocht’, the resident of Menado, Engelenberg's superior voiced the same scepticism, De Indische Gids (1904) 1666.
De Indische Gids
, pp. 1666
Oprichting van Inlandsche Rechtscholen' [The Establishment of Native Law Schools]
J.W.T. Cohen-Stuart, ‘Oprichting van Inlandsche Rechtscholen' [The Establishment of Native Law Schools], De Indische Gids (1907) 1332–1333.
De Indische Gids
, pp. 1332-1333
Cohen-Stuart, J.W.T.1
The Influence of Western Civilisation on the Inhabitants of Poso
(Batavia This attitude was expressed by missionary and amateur ethnologist Albert Kruyt in an influential article entitled in: ed.). Kruyt was an adviser and participant in the process of subjugation and later colonisation although with the change in policy direction after 1915 he was severely critical of government policy towards the Christian mission. He was given an.honorary degree for his ethnographical work in recognition of his voluminous writing on the people and culture of this region.
This attitude was expressed by missionary and amateur ethnologist Albert Kruyt in an influential article entitled ‘The Influence of Western Civilisation on the Inhabitants of Poso’ in: B.J. Schrieke ed., The Effect of Western Influence on Native Civilisation in the Malay Archipelago (Batavia 1929). Kruyt was an adviser and participant in the process of subjugation and later colonisation although with the change in policy direction after 1915 he was severely critical of government policy towards the Christian mission. He was given an.honorary degree for his ethnographical work in recognition of his voluminous writing on the people and culture of this region.
The Effect of Western Influence on Native Civilisation in the Malay Archipelago
Schrieke, B.J.1
Gegevens voor het Bevolkingsvraagstuk ran een Cedeelte van Midden Celebes' [Evidence Relating to the Population Question in a Part of Central Celebes]
Kruyt's views were reproduced in detail in ‘, It is fairly evident that this publication in a leading academic journal was designed to influence government policy in the area.
Kruyt's views were reproduced in detail in ‘Gegevens voor het Bevolkingsvraagstuk ran een Cedeelte van Midden Celebes' [Evidence Relating to the Population Question in a Part of Central Celebes], Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 20 (1903) 190–205. It is fairly evident that this publication in a leading academic journal was designed to influence government policy in the area.
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap
, vol.20
, pp. 190-205
De Betekenis ran de Natte Rijstbouw voor de Posso-ers' [The Significance of Wet Rice Cultivation for the People of Poso]
This discussion of the consequences of the introduction of sawah cultivation is based on a critical reading of Kruyt's article
This discussion of the consequences of the introduction of sawah cultivation is based on a critical reading of Kruyt's article ‘De Betekenis ran de Natte Rijstbouw voor de Posso-ers' [The Significance of Wet Rice Cultivation for the People of Poso], Koloniale Studiën 8 (1924) 31–53.
Koloniale Studiën
, vol.8
, pp. 31-53
Colijn's comment is in his, 12 September [Memorandum by the Commissioner for Decentralisation]. The local administrator expressed his remarks direcdy to missionary Kruyt in an undated note of 1908.
Colijn's comment is in his ‘Nota van de Regeerings Commissaris voor Decentralisatie’, 12 September 1907 [Memorandum by the Commissioner for Decentralisation]. The local administrator expressed his remarks direcdy to missionary Kruyt in an undated note of 1908.
Nota van de Regeerings Commissaris voor Decentralisatie
Chatterjee here is concerned to show the derivative nature of Indian nationalist discourse and his argument can to an extent be applied to the Indonesian nationalist movement.
P. Chatterjee, Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse (1986). Chatterjee here is concerned to show the derivative nature of Indian nationalist discourse and his argument can to an extent be applied to the Indonesian nationalist movement.
Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse
Chatterjee, P.1