메뉴 건너뛰기

Volumn , Issue , 2008, Pages 1-249

On the political economy of plant disease epidemics: Capita selecta in historical epidemiology

(1)  Zadoks, J C a  


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[No Author keywords available]

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EID: 84899238277     PISSN: None     EISSN: None     Source Type: Book    
DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-653-3     Document Type: Book
Times cited : (26)

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    • Exposé analytique de diverses opinions sur les causes probables de la maladie des pommes de terre, présenté à la commission instituée près du ministère de l'intérieur
    • (Analysis of various opinions on the probable causes of the potato disease...)
    • Bourson, Ph. - 1845. Exposé analytique de diverses opinions sur les causes probables de la maladie des pommes de terre, présenté à la commission instituée près du ministère de l'intérieur. Le Moniteur Belge 18: 2695-2699, 2703-2708, 2710-2715, 2719-2721. (Analysis of various opinions on the probable causes of the potato disease...).
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    • Histoire économique et sociale de France
    • L'avènement de l'ère industrielle (1789 - années 1880). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. (Economic and social history of France, Vol. 3-1. The coming of the industrial era (1789 - 1880s)
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    • Bemerkungen über den Spelzenrost des Roggens
    • (Observations on the glume rust of the rye)
    • Braun, A. - 1846. Bemerkungen über den Spelzenrost des Roggens. Botanische Zeitung 4: 801-804. (Observations on the glume rust of the rye).
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    • Government famine relief in Bengal, 1943
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    • Sozialgeschichte Österreichs
    • 2nd Ed. Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik. (Social history of Austria)
    • Bruckmüller, E. - 2001. Sozialgeschichte Österreichs. 2nd Ed. Wien, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik. (Social history of Austria).
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    • Die schweizerische Landwirtschaft in der ersten Hälfte des 19
    • Jahrhunderts. Frauenfeld, Huber. (Swiss agriculture in the first half of the 19th century)
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    • Geschiedenis van Nederland
    • Deel 6. Nieuwe Geschiedenis. Amsterdam, Joost Van den Vondel. (History of the Netherlands. Part 6. New history)
    • Brugmans, H. - 1937. Geschiedenis van Nederland. Deel 6. Nieuwe Geschiedenis. Amsterdam, Joost Van den Vondel. (History of the Netherlands. Part 6. New history).
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    • Brugmans, H.1
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    • De arbeidende klasse in Nederland in de 19e eeuw
    • 2nd ed. The Hague, Nijhoff. (The labouring class in the Netherlands in the 19th century)
    • Brugmans, I.J. - 1929. De arbeidende klasse in Nederland in de 19e eeuw. 2nd ed. The Hague, Nijhoff. (The labouring class in the Netherlands in the 19th century).
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    • Brugmans, I.J.1
  • 69
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    • Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique
    • Paris, Didot. (Elementary dictionary of botany)
    • Bulliard, J.B.F.P. - 1783. Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique. Paris, Didot. (Elementary dictionary of botany).
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    • Bulliard, J.B.F.P.1
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    • Herbier de la France
    • Seconde division. Histoire des champignons de la France. II. Paris, Didot. (Herbarium of France. Second division. History of the fungi of France)
    • Bulliard, J.B.F.P. - 1791. Herbier de la France. Seconde division. Histoire des champignons de la France. II. Paris, Didot. (Herbarium of France. Second division. History of the fungi of France).
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    • Bulliard, J.B.F.P.1
  • 71
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    • Deutschlands Gesundheitsverhältnisse unter dem Einfluss des Weltkrieges
    • Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, (Germany's health situation under the influence of the World War)
    • Bumm, F. (Ed.) - 1928. Deutschlands Gesundheitsverhältnisse unter dem Einfluss des Weltkrieges. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt. Vol. I and II. (Germany's health situation under the influence of the World War).
    • (1928) , vol.I and II
    • Bumm, F.1
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    • Plant pathology
    • Reprint. London, Macmillan
    • Butler, E.J., Jones, S.G. - 1955. Plant pathology. Reprint. London, Macmillan.
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    • Butler, E.J.1    Jones, S.G.2
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    • Famine in the wind: man's battle against plant disease
    • Chicago, Rand McNally
    • Carefoot, G.L., Sprott, E.R. - 1967. Famine in the wind: man's battle against plant disease. Chicago, Rand McNally.
    • (1967)
    • Carefoot, G.L.1    Sprott, E.R.2
  • 74
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    • Ésope, Fables
    • Paris, Les Belles Lettres: fable nr. 58. (Aesop, fables)
    • Chambry, É. - 1960. Ésope, Fables. Paris, Les Belles Lettres: fable nr. 58. (Aesop, fables).
    • (1960)
    • Chambry, É.1
  • 75
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    • Le mal des ardents et le feu Saint-Antoine
    • Vienne-la-Romaine, s.n. (The itching disease and Saint Anthony's fire)
    • Chaumartin, H. - 1946. Le mal des ardents et le feu Saint-Antoine. Vienne-la-Romaine, s.n. (The itching disease and Saint Anthony's fire).
    • (1946)
    • Chaumartin, H.1
  • 76
    • 0007230372 scopus 로고
    • The nature and prevention of the cereal rusts as exemplified in the leaf rust of wheat
    • Waltham (Mass.), Chronica Botanica
    • Chester, K.S. - 1946. The nature and prevention of the cereal rusts as exemplified in the leaf rust of wheat. Waltham (Mass.), Chronica Botanica.
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    • Chester, K.S.1
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    • Heliacal rising and setting of Sirius: 800 B.C. - 2000 A.D.
    • consulted 30 January 2007
    • Clark, P.J. - 2007. Heliacal rising and setting of Sirius: 800 B.C. - 2000 A.D. http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/regulus_antares/heliacal_risings_and_settings_of.htm. consulted 30 January 2007.
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    • Clark, P.J.1
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    • Columella - see Forster & Heffner
    • Columella - see Forster & Heffner, 1968.
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    • Verslag der Commissie van Landbouw in de provincie Groningen over de thans heerschende Aardappel-ziekte
    • Committee, Nederlandsche Staats-Courant N° 219, Tuesday 16 September, (Report of the Committee on Agriculture in the Province of Groningen on the presently prevailing potato disease)
    • Committee - 1845. Verslag der Commissie van Landbouw in de provincie Groningen over de thans heerschende Aardappel-ziekte. Nederlandsche Staats-Courant N° 219, Tuesday 16 September, p. 2-3. (Report of the Committee on Agriculture in the Province of Groningen on the presently prevailing potato disease).
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    • The population of Ireland 1750-1845
    • Oxford, Clarendon Press
    • Connell, K.H. - 1950. The population of Ireland 1750-1845. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
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    • Connell, K.H.1
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    • The potato in Ireland
    • Connell, K.H. - 1962. The potato in Ireland. Past and Present 23: 57-71.
    • (1962) Past and Present , vol.23 , pp. 57-71
    • Connell, K.H.1
  • 82
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    • The man-made famine in Ukraine
    • Washington, American Enterprise Institure
    • Conquest, R. (Ed.) - 1984. The man-made famine in Ukraine. Washington, American Enterprise Institure.
    • (1984)
    • Conquest, R.1
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    • The harvest of sorrow: Soviet collectivization and the Terror-Famine
    • London, Hutchinson
    • Conquest, R. - 1986. The harvest of sorrow: Soviet collectivization and the Terror-Famine. London, Hutchinson.
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    • Conquest, R.1
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    • The rust fungi of cereals, grasses and bamboos
    • Berlin, Springer
    • Cummins, G.B. - 1971. The rust fungi of cereals, grasses and bamboos. Berlin, Springer.
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    • Cummins, G.B.1
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    • Practical observations on the British grasses, especially as are best adapted to the laying down or improving meadows and pastures
    • 4th Ed. To which is now added a short account of the diseases in corn [= wheat], by Joseph Banks. London, Symonds
    • Curtis, W. - 1805. Practical observations on the British grasses, especially as are best adapted to the laying down or improving meadows and pastures, 4th Ed. To which is now added a short account of the diseases in corn [= wheat], by Joseph Banks. London, Symonds.
    • (1805)
    • Curtis, W.1
  • 86
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    • Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening
    • With the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill plough. London, Johnson
    • Darwin, E. - 1800. Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening. With the theory of draining morasses, and with an improved construction of the drill plough. London, Johnson.
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    • Darwin, E.1
  • 87
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    • The years of hunger: Soviet agriculture, 1931-1933
    • Basinstoke (Hamps.), Palgrave-Macmillan
    • Davies, R.W., Wheatcroft, S.G. - 2004. The years of hunger: Soviet agriculture, 1931-1933. Basinstoke (Hamps.), Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    • Davies, R.W.1    Wheatcroft, S.G.2
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    • 0007798187 scopus 로고
    • Les paysans
    • Ed.1928. Paris, Flammarion. (The peasants)
    • De Balzac, H. - 1844(?). Les paysans. Ed.1928. Paris, Flammarion. (The peasants).
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    • De Balzac, H.1
  • 89
    • 77956009703 scopus 로고
    • Untersuchungen über die Brandpilze und die durch sie verursachten Krankheiten der Pflanzen mit Rücksicht auf das Getreide und andere Nutzpflanzen
    • Berlin, Müller. (Investigations on the brand fungi and the diseases of plants caused by them with reference to cereals and other useful plants, translated in 1969 as Phytopathological Classics 11)
    • De Bary, A. - 1853. Untersuchungen über die Brandpilze und die durch sie verursachten Krankheiten der Pflanzen mit Rücksicht auf das Getreide und andere Nutzpflanzen. Berlin, Müller. (Investigations on the brand fungi and the diseases of plants caused by them with reference to cereals and other useful plants, translated in 1969 as Phytopathological Classics 11).
    • (1853)
    • De Bary, A.1
  • 90
    • 12644300181 scopus 로고
    • Die gegenwärtig herrschende Kartoffelkrankheit, ihre Ursache und ihre Verhütung
    • Eine pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchung. Leipzig, Förstner. (The presently prevailing potato disease, its cause and its prevention. A plant physiological study)
    • De Bary, A. - 1861. Die gegenwärtig herrschende Kartoffelkrankheit, ihre Ursache und ihre Verhütung. Eine pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchung. Leipzig, Förstner. (The presently prevailing potato disease, its cause and its prevention. A plant physiological study).
    • (1861)
    • De Bary, A.1
  • 91
    • 85047461978 scopus 로고
    • Neue Untersuchungen über die Uredineen insbesondere die Entwicklung der Puccinia graminis und den Zusammenhang derselben mit Aecidium berberidis
    • (New studies on the Uredineae and especially the development of Puccinia graminis and the relation thereof with Aecidium berberidis)
    • De Bary, A. - 1866. Neue Untersuchungen über die Uredineen insbesondere die Entwicklung der Puccinia graminis und den Zusammenhang derselben mit Aecidium berberidis. Monatsbericht der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Session January 12th, 1865): 15-22. (New studies on the Uredineae and especially the development of Puccinia graminis and the relation thereof with Aecidium berberidis).
    • (1866) Monatsbericht der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Session January 12th, 1865) , pp. 15-22
    • De Bary, A.1
  • 92
    • 80051735754 scopus 로고
    • Neue Untersuchungen über Uredineen
    • Monatsbericht der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Session April 19th, 1866), (New studies on Uredineae)
    • De Bary, A. - 1867. Neue Untersuchungen über Uredineen. Monatsbericht der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Session April 19th, 1866): 205-215. (New studies on Uredineae).
    • (1867) , pp. 205-215
    • De Bary, A.1
  • 93
    • 84899406445 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Resilient liberalism in a small Western European State
    • In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag
    • De Beus, J. - 2006. Resilient liberalism in a small Western European State, p. 75-98. In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), The dividing line between success and failure. A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag.
    • (2006) The dividing line between success and failure , pp. 75-98
    • De Beus, J.1
  • 94
    • 84899196963 scopus 로고
    • Bladrol en de bedreiging van de pootaardappelteelt door virussen
    • (Leaf curl and the threat by viruses to seed potato production)
    • De Bokx, J.A. - 1982. Bladrol en de bedreiging van de pootaardappelteelt door virussen. Gewasbescherming 13 (4/5): 23-32. (Leaf curl and the threat by viruses to seed potato production).
    • (1982) Gewasbescherming , vol.13 , Issue.4-5 , pp. 23-32
    • De Bokx, J.A.1
  • 95
    • 84899247652 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedkundig onderzoek naar de armoede in ons vaderland, hare oorzaken en de middelen, die tot hare vermindering zouden kunnen worden aangewend.1e druk
    • Haarlem, Loosjes. (Historical investigation into the poverty of our country, its causes and the means that could be used to its reduction)
    • De Bosch Kemper, J. - 1851. Geschiedkundig onderzoek naar de armoede in ons vaderland, hare oorzaken en de middelen, die tot hare vermindering zouden kunnen worden aangewend.1e druk. Haarlem, Loosjes. (Historical investigation into the poverty of our country, its causes and the means that could be used to its reduction).
    • (1851)
    • De Bosch Kemper, J.1
  • 96
    • 84861064434 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van Nederland na 1830
    • Amsterdam, Müller. (History of the Netherlands after 1830)
    • De Bosch Kemper, J. - 1882. Geschiedenis van Nederland na 1830. Vol. V. Amsterdam, Müller. (History of the Netherlands after 1830).
    • (1882) , vol.V
    • De Bosch Kemper, J.1
  • 97
    • 1842411659 scopus 로고
    • Histoire de la maladie des pommes de terre en 1845
    • Paris, Dusacq. (History of the potato disease in 1845)
    • Decaisne, M.J. - 1846. Histoire de la maladie des pommes de terre en 1845. Paris, Dusacq. (History of the potato disease in 1845).
    • (1846)
    • Decaisne, M.J.1
  • 98
    • 84899222090 scopus 로고
    • Sur les champignons parasites
    • Ex Seringe, 1818. (On the parasitic fungi)
    • Decandolle, M. - 1807. Sur les champignons parasites. Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 9: 56-74. Ex Seringe, 1818. (On the parasitic fungi).
    • (1807) Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle , vol.9 , pp. 56-74
    • Decandolle, M.1
  • 99
    • 14444288650 scopus 로고
    • Flore Française
    • Paris, Desray. Tome cinquième, ou sixième volume. (French flora)
    • De Candolle, M. - 1815. Flore Française. Paris, Desray. Tome cinquième, ou sixième volume. (French flora).
    • (1815)
    • De Candolle, M.1
  • 100
    • 84899281784 scopus 로고
    • De agricultura vulgare
    • Venice (1511), s.n. (On common agriculture)
    • De Crescentio, P. - ~1300. De agricultura vulgare. Venice (1511), s.n. (On common agriculture).
    • (1300)
    • De Crescentio, P.1
  • 101
    • 84899384661 scopus 로고
    • Histoire quantitative et développement de la Belgique au XIXe siècle
    • Le commerce extérieur de la Belgique, 1830-1913-1939. Présentation critique des données statistiques. Bruxelles, Palais des Académies. (Quantitative history and development of Belgium in the 19th century. External trade of Belgium 1830-1913-1939. Critical presentation of the statistical data)
    • Degreve, D. - 1982. Histoire quantitative et développement de la Belgique au XIXe siècle. V, 1a. Le commerce extérieur de la Belgique, 1830-1913-1939. Présentation critique des données statistiques. Bruxelles, Palais des Académies. (Quantitative history and development of Belgium in the 19th century. External trade of Belgium 1830-1913-1939. Critical presentation of the statistical data).
    • (1982) , vol.1 a
    • Degreve, D.1
  • 102
    • 84899335921 scopus 로고
    • Landleven, het boerenbestaan van toen
    • Amsterdam, Elsevier. (Country life, farmer existence in former days)
    • De Joode, T. - 1981. Landleven, het boerenbestaan van toen. Amsterdam, Elsevier. (Country life, farmer existence in former days).
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    • De Joode, T.1
  • 103
    • 84899173353 scopus 로고
    • Maladies des plantes cultivées
    • Tome 2. Maladies parasitaires. Paris, Baillière. (Diseases of cultivated plants. II. Parasitic diseases)
    • Delacroix, G., Maublanc, A. - 1916. Maladies des plantes cultivées. Tome 2. Maladies parasitaires. Paris, Baillière. (Diseases of cultivated plants. II. Parasitic diseases).
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    • Delacroix, G.1    Maublanc, A.2
  • 104
    • 0012476581 scopus 로고
    • Economische ontwikkeling en levensstandaard in Nederland gedurende de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw
    • Aspecten en trends. Den Haag, Nijhoff. (Economic development and standard of living in the Netherlands during the first half of the nineteenth century. Aspects and trends)
    • De Meere, J.M.M. - 1982. Economische ontwikkeling en levensstandaard in Nederland gedurende de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw. Aspecten en trends. Den Haag, Nijhoff. (Economic development and standard of living in the Netherlands during the first half of the nineteenth century. Aspects and trends).
    • (1982)
    • De Meere, J.M.M.1
  • 105
    • 84899340311 scopus 로고
    • Agrostographie des départmens du Nord de la France
    • Lille, Vanackere. (Agrostography of the departments of northern France)
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J. - 1812. Agrostographie des départmens du Nord de la France. Lille, Vanackere. (Agrostography of the departments of northern France).
    • (1812)
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J.1
  • 106
    • 0038624852 scopus 로고
    • Quatorzième notice sur les plantes cryptogames récemment découvertes en France
    • (Fourteenth note on the cryptogamous plants recently detected in France)
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J. - 1847. Quatorzième notice sur les plantes cryptogames récemment découvertes en France. Annales des sciences naturelles, Série 3 Botanique Vol. 8: 9-37. (Fourteenth note on the cryptogamous plants recently detected in France).
    • (1847) Annales des sciences naturelles, Série 3 Botanique , vol.8 , pp. 9-37
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J.1
  • 107
    • 84885436764 scopus 로고
    • Vingt-quatrième notice sur les plantes cryptogames récemment découvertes en France
    • (Twenty-fourth note on the cryptogamous plants recently detected in France)
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J. - 1857. Vingt-quatrième notice sur les plantes cryptogames récemment découvertes en France. Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France 4: 797-803. (Twenty-fourth note on the cryptogamous plants recently detected in France).
    • (1857) Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France , vol.4 , pp. 797-803
    • Desmazières, J.B.H.J.1
  • 108
    • 62649165051 scopus 로고
    • Le tavole di Gubbio
    • Firenze, Sansoni. (The tablets of Gubbio)
    • Devoto, G. - 1948. Le tavole di Gubbio. Firenze, Sansoni. (The tablets of Gubbio).
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    • Devoto, G.1
  • 109
    • 0003566879 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Guns, germs, and steel
    • The fates of human societies. Norton, New York
    • Diamond, J. - 1997. Guns, germs, and steel. The fates of human societies. Norton, New York.
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    • Diamond, J.1
  • 110
    • 67649896627 scopus 로고
    • La grande peur dans la généralité de Poitiers
    • Juillet-Août 1789. Paris, Diné. (The great fear in the generality of Poitiers)
    • Diné, H. - 1951. La grande peur dans la généralité de Poitiers. Juillet-Août 1789. Paris, Diné. (The great fear in the generality of Poitiers).
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    • Diné, H.1
  • 111
    • 84899363472 scopus 로고
    • Kleine Deutsche Geschichte
    • Stuttgart, Reclam. (Small German history)
    • Dirlmeier, U. - 1995. Kleine Deutsche Geschichte. Stuttgart, Reclam. (Small German history).
    • (1995)
    • Dirlmeier, U.1
  • 112
    • 0004009059 scopus 로고
    • Hunger and public action
    • Oxford, Clarendon Press
    • aDrèze, J., Sen, A. - 1989. Hunger and public action. Oxford, Clarendon Press.
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    • aDrèze, J.1    Sen, A.2
  • 113
    • 84860292895 scopus 로고
    • Les révolutions allemandes de 1848
    • Paris, Presses Uinversitaires de France. (The German revolutions of 1848)
    • Droz, J. - 1957. Les révolutions allemandes de 1848. Paris, Presses Uinversitaires de France. (The German revolutions of 1848).
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    • Droz, J.1
  • 114
    • 46749119094 scopus 로고
    • De la restauration à la révolution, 1815-1848
    • Paris, Armand Colin. (From the restauration to the revolution, 1815-1848)
    • Droz, J. - 1967. De la restauration à la révolution, 1815-1848. Paris, Armand Colin. (From the restauration to the revolution, 1815-1848).
    • (1967)
    • Droz, J.1
  • 115
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    • Histoire de la Belgique
    • Paris, Hachette. (History of Belgium)
    • Dumont, G.-H. - 1977. Histoire de la Belgique. Paris, Hachette. (History of Belgium).
    • (1977)
    • Dumont, G.-H.1
  • 116
    • 84899208755 scopus 로고
    • Observations sur la cloque des pommes de terre
    • (Observations on the foliar shrivelling of the potatoes)
    • Du Mortier, B.-C. (Dumortier) - 1845. Observations sur la cloque des pommes de terre. Bulletin de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Belgique 12: 285-299. (Observations on the foliar shrivelling of the potatoes).
    • (1845) Bulletin de l'Académie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres de Belgique , vol.12 , pp. 285-299
    • Du Mortier, B.-C.1
  • 117
    • 84899260745 scopus 로고
    • Les aventures démografiques de la France et de l'Irlande (18e - 20e siècles)
    • In: L.M. Cullen & F. Furet (Eds.), Irlande et France XVIIe - XXe siècles. Pour une histoire rurale comparée. Paris, École des hautes études en sciences sociales. (The demographic adventures of France and Ireland (18th to 20th centuries))
    • Dupâquier, J. - 1980. Les aventures démografiques de la France et de l'Irlande (18e - 20e siècles), p. 167-180. In: L.M. Cullen & F. Furet (Eds.), Irlande et France XVIIe - XXe siècles. Pour une histoire rurale comparée. Paris, École des hautes études en sciences sociales. (The demographic adventures of France and Ireland (18th to 20th centuries)).
    • (1980) , pp. 167-180
    • Dupâquier, J.1
  • 118
    • 0039717876 scopus 로고
    • Histoire de la population française
    • Vol. 3. De 1789 à 1914. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. (History of the French populace)
    • Dupâquier, J. (Ed.) - 1988. Histoire de la population française. Vol. 3. De 1789 à 1914. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. (History of the French populace).
    • (1988)
    • Dupâquier, J.1
  • 119
    • 33749460578 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Famine demography
    • Perspectives from the past and present. Oxford, Oxford University Press
    • Dyson, T., Ó Gráda, C. - 2002. Famine demography. Perspectives from the past and present. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
    • (2002)
    • Dyson, T.O.1    Gráda, C.2
  • 120
    • 0038478384 scopus 로고
    • Les hivers dans l'Europe occidentale
    • Leiden, Brill. (The winters in western Europe)
    • Easton, C. - 1928. Les hivers dans l'Europe occidentale. Leiden, Brill. (The winters in western Europe).
    • (1928)
    • Easton, C.1
  • 121
    • 84899290910 scopus 로고
    • Zusammenstellung des Ergebnisses der dieszjährigen Ernte und darauf begründete Muthmaszung für die Fruchtpreise
    • (Compilation of the results of this year's harvest and the resulting expectation of the product prices)
    • Elsner, J.G. - 1847. Zusammenstellung des Ergebnisses der dieszjährigen Ernte und darauf begründete Muthmaszung für die Fruchtpreise. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 74: 809-812. (Compilation of the results of this year's harvest and the resulting expectation of the product prices).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.74 , pp. 809-812
    • Elsner, J.G.1
  • 122
    • 84899389933 scopus 로고
    • De aardappelziekte van het jaar 1845
    • (The potato disease of the year 1845)
    • Enklaar, E.C. - 1846. De aardappelziekte van het jaar 1845. De Vriend van den Landman 10: 262-278. (The potato disease of the year 1845).
    • (1846) De Vriend van den Landman , vol.10 , pp. 262-278
    • Enklaar, E.C.1
  • 123
    • 84899183700 scopus 로고
    • Over de roest in het koorn
    • (On the rust in the corn [= rye])
    • Enklaar, E.C. - 1847. Over de roest in het koorn. De vriend van de landman: 5324-635. (On the rust in the corn [= rye]).
    • (1847) De vriend van de landman , pp. 5324-5635
    • Enklaar, E.C.1
  • 124
    • 84899184141 scopus 로고
    • Handboek voor den akkerbouw, vrij bewerkt naar het Handbuch des Ackerbaues von William Löbe
    • Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink. (Handbook for arable agriculture)
    • Enklaar, E.C. - 1850. Handboek voor den akkerbouw, vrij bewerkt naar het Handbuch des Ackerbaues von William Löbe. Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink. (Handbook for arable agriculture).
    • (1850)
    • Enklaar, E.C.1
  • 125
    • 46749122725 scopus 로고
    • Om potatissjukan, dess historia och nature samt skyddsmedlen deremot
    • Stockholm, Norstedt. (On the potato disease, its history and nature with the control methods thereof )
    • Eriksson, J. - 1884. Om potatissjukan, dess historia och nature samt skyddsmedlen deremot. Stockholm, Norstedt. (On the potato disease, its history and nature with the control methods thereof ).
    • (1884)
    • Eriksson, J.1
  • 126
    • 0005002466 scopus 로고
    • Die Getreideroste
    • Ihre Geschichte und Natur sowie Massregeln gegen Dieselben. Stockholm, Norstedt. (The cereal rusts. Their history and nature and measures to control them)
    • Eriksson, J., Henning, E. - 1896. Die Getreideroste. Ihre Geschichte und Natur sowie Massregeln gegen Dieselben. Stockholm, Norstedt. (The cereal rusts. Their history and nature and measures to control them).
    • (1896)
    • Eriksson, J.1    Henning, E.2
  • 127
    • 46749110460 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Filosofische reisgids voor Nederland en Vlaanderen
    • Amsterdam, Contact. (Philosophical travel guide for the Netherlands and Flanders)
    • Eskens, E. - 2000. Filosofische reisgids voor Nederland en Vlaanderen. Amsterdam, Contact. (Philosophical travel guide for the Netherlands and Flanders).
    • (2000)
    • Eskens, E.1
  • 128
    • 84899378758 scopus 로고
    • Zur Kenntnis des Stoffwechsels in blatrollkranken Kartoffeln
    • (On the knowledge of the metabolism in potatoes diseased by leaf roll)
    • Esmarch, F. - 1919. Zur Kenntnis des Stoffwechsels in blatrollkranken Kartoffeln. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 29: 1-20. (On the knowledge of the metabolism in potatoes diseased by leaf roll).
    • (1919) Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.29 , pp. 1-20
    • Esmarch, F.1
  • 129
    • 17444376789 scopus 로고
    • Attempt at a dissertation on the diseases of plants
    • (Translated by M. Kølpin Ravn from the Danish original). Festus - see Lindsay, W.M. (1965)
    • Fabricius. J.C. - 1774. Attempt at a dissertation on the diseases of plants. Phytopathological Classics 1 (1926): 1-66. (Translated by M. Kølpin Ravn from the Danish original). Festus - see Lindsay, W.M. (1965).
    • (1774) Phytopathological Classics , vol.1 , pp. 1-66
    • Fabricius, J.C.1
  • 130
    • 34347379572 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The Bible unearthed
    • Archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. New York, Simon & Schuster
    • Finkelstein, I., Silberman, N.A. - 2002. The Bible unearthed. Archaeology's new vision of ancient Israel and the origin of its sacred texts. New York, Simon & Schuster.
    • (2002)
    • Finkelstein, I.1    Silberman, N.A.2
  • 131
    • 84899165066 scopus 로고
    • Wie sorgen wir für Einbringung der Ernte 1915? Anregungen zur Lösung einer Lebensfrage des deutschen Volkes
    • (How can we secure to get in the 1915 harvest? Suggestions to solve a vital question of the German people)
    • Fischer, J. - 1915. Wie sorgen wir für Einbringung der Ernte 1915? Anregungen zur Lösung einer Lebensfrage des deutschen Volkes. Fühling's Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 64: 315-321. (How can we secure to get in the 1915 harvest? Suggestions to solve a vital question of the German people).
    • (1915) Fühling's Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.64 , pp. 315-321
    • Fischer, J.1
  • 132
    • 79954828974 scopus 로고
    • Landwirtschaftliche Interessen und Demokratie
    • Bonn, Neue Geselschaft. (Agricultural interests and democracy)
    • Flemming, J. - 1978. Landwirtschaftliche Interessen und Demokratie. Bonn, Neue Geselschaft. (Agricultural interests and democracy).
    • (1978)
    • Flemming, J.1
  • 133
    • 0142082977 scopus 로고
    • Observations on the rust of grain
    • Fontana, F. - 1767. Observations on the rust of grain. Phytopathological Classics 2 (1932): 1-40.
    • (1767) Phytopathological Classics , vol.2 , pp. 1-40
    • Fontana, F.1
  • 134
    • 0344295355 scopus 로고
    • Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella
    • On agriculture and trees. London, Heinemann
    • Forster, E.S., Heffner, E.H. - 1968. Lucius Junius Moderatus Columella. On agriculture and trees. London, Heinemann.
    • (1968)
    • Forster, E.S.1    Heffner, E.H.2
  • 135
    • 0004073746 scopus 로고
    • Les mots et les choses
    • Paris, Gallimard. (The words and the things)
    • Foucault, M. - 1966. Les mots et les choses. Paris, Gallimard. (The words and the things).
    • (1966)
    • Foucault, M.1
  • 136
    • 79954190634 scopus 로고
    • Ovid V. Fasti
    • 2nd Ed. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press
    • Frazer, J.G. - 1989. Ovid V. Fasti, 2nd Ed. Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press.
    • (1989)
    • Frazer, J.G.1
  • 137
    • 60949367091 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Niederlande
    • Ein neutrales Land im politischen und wirtschaftlichen Kalkül der Kriegsgegner. Berlin, Akademie Verlag. (The First World War and the Netherlands. A neutral country in the political and economic calculation of warring opponents)
    • Frey, M. - 1998. Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Niederlande. Ein neutrales Land im politischen und wirtschaftlichen Kalkül der Kriegsgegner. Berlin, Akademie Verlag. (The First World War and the Netherlands. A neutral country in the political and economic calculation of warring opponents).
    • (1998)
    • Frey, M.1
  • 138
    • 85025563284 scopus 로고
    • Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species
    • Et ultimum. Greifswald, Mauritius. (Mycological system, consisting of orders, genera and species)
    • Fries, E. - 1829. Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species. Vol III. Et ultimum. Greifswald, Mauritius. (Mycological system, consisting of orders, genera and species).
    • (1829) , vol.III
    • Fries, E.1
  • 139
    • 84899304683 scopus 로고
    • Ein Fall von Taubährigkeit
    • (A case of deaf ears)
    • Fruwirth, C. - 1916. Ein Fall von Taubährigkeit. Wiener landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 66: 365. (A case of deaf ears).
    • (1916) Wiener landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.66 , pp. 365
    • Fruwirth, C.1
  • 140
    • 46749111513 scopus 로고
    • Amsterdam een lastige stad
    • Rellen, oproeren en opstanden in de loop der eeuwen. Baarn, de Boekerij (Amsterdam, a naughty town; disturbances, riots and insurgencies in the course of the centuries)
    • Fuchs, J.M. - 1970. Amsterdam een lastige stad. Rellen, oproeren en opstanden in de loop der eeuwen. Baarn, de Boekerij (Amsterdam, a naughty town; disturbances, riots and insurgencies in the course of the centuries).
    • (1970)
    • Fuchs, J.M.1
  • 141
    • 0001835238 scopus 로고
    • Symbolae mycologicae
    • Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Rheinischen Pilze. Wiesbaden, Niedner. (Mycological symbols. Contributions to the knowledge of the fungi in Rhineland)
    • Fuckel, L. - 1869. Symbolae mycologicae. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Rheinischen Pilze. Wiesbaden, Niedner. (Mycological symbols. Contributions to the knowledge of the fungi in Rhineland).
    • (1869)
    • Fuckel, L.1
  • 142
    • 29144459737 scopus 로고
    • La révolution, de Turgot à Jules Ferry, 1770-1880
    • Paris, Hachette. (The revolution, from Turgot to Jules Ferry, 1770-1880)
    • Furet, F. - 1988. La révolution, de Turgot à Jules Ferry, 1770-1880. Paris, Hachette. (The revolution, from Turgot to Jules Ferry, 1770-1880).
    • (1988)
    • Furet, F.1
  • 143
    • 0347793128 scopus 로고
    • Dictionnaire critique de la révolution française
    • Paris, Flammarion. (Critical dictionary of the french revolution)
    • Furet, F., Ozouf, M. - 1988. Dictionnaire critique de la révolution française. Paris, Flammarion. (Critical dictionary of the french revolution).
    • (1988)
    • Furet, F.1    Ozouf, M.2
  • 144
    • 11144292302 scopus 로고
    • La révolution française
    • Paris, Fayard. (The French revolution)
    • Furet, F., Richet, D. - 1973. La révolution française. Paris, Fayard. (The French revolution).
    • (1973)
    • Furet, F.1    Richet, D.2
  • 145
    • 84899323792 scopus 로고
    • Über die Krankheit der Kartoffeln
    • (On the disease of the potatoes)
    • Fürnrohr, XX. - 1845. Über die Krankheit der Kartoffeln. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen, Prag 69: 934-935. (On the disease of the potatoes)
    • (1845) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen, Prag , vol.69 , pp. 934-935
    • Fürnrohr, X.X.1
  • 146
    • 84899162023 scopus 로고
    • Aperçu sur les causes physiologiques de la maladie des pommes de terre
    • (Summary of the physiological causes of the potato disease)
    • Gadichaud, Ch. - 1846. Aperçu sur les causes physiologiques de la maladie des pommes de terre. Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 22: 271-281. (Summary of the physiological causes of the potato disease).
    • (1846) Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences , vol.22 , pp. 271-281
    • Gadichaud, C.1
  • 147
    • 84899208468 scopus 로고
    • Castiglioncello, scoperte di antichità varie, compresa un'ara referibile al culto di Robigus
    • (Castiglioncello, discovery of various antiquities, including an altar referring to the cult of Robigo)
    • Galli, E. - 1924. Castiglioncello, scoperte di antichità varie, compresa un'ara referibile al culto di Robigus. Notizie degli Scavi: 157-178. (Castiglioncello, discovery of various antiquities, including an altar referring to the cult of Robigo).
    • (1924) Notizie degli Scavi , pp. 157-178
    • Galli, E.1
  • 148
    • 0004145336 scopus 로고
    • Pflanzliche Infektionslehre
    • Basel, Birkhäuser. (Principles of plant infection)
    • Gäumann, E. - 1946. Pflanzliche Infektionslehre. Basel, Birkhäuser. (Principles of plant infection).
    • (1946)
    • Gäumann, E.1
  • 149
    • 84899262446 scopus 로고
    • Beschrijving van den landbouw in de districten Oldambt, Westerwolde en Fivelgo in de provincie Groningen
    • Tijdschrift ter Bevordering van Nijverheid 31 (3e reeks #9): 49-112/131-194/211-292. (Description of the agriculture in the districts Oldambt, Westerwolde and Fivelgo in the province Groningen)
    • Geertsema, C.J. - 1868. Beschrijving van den landbouw in de districten Oldambt, Westerwolde en Fivelgo in de provincie Groningen. Tijdschrift ter Bevordering van Nijverheid 31 (3e reeks #9): 49-112/131-194/211-292. (Description of the agriculture in the districts Oldambt, Westerwolde and Fivelgo in the province Groningen).
    • (1868)
    • Geertsema, C.J.1
  • 150
    • 84899342194 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • General Report - see 'Algemeen Verslag'
    • General Report - see 'Algemeen Verslag'.
  • 151
    • 79954723099 scopus 로고
    • Robigalia: Un appuntamento per la salvezza del raccolto
    • In: Agricoltura e commerci nell'Italia antica/[a cura di: Lorenzo Quilici e Stefania Quilici Gigli]. (Atlante tematico di topografia antica Supplemento 1). Roma. (Robigalia, an agreement to save the harvest)
    • Gianferrari, A. - 1995. Robigalia: Un appuntamento per la salvezza del raccolto, p. 127-140. In: Agricoltura e commerci nell'Italia antica/[a cura di: Lorenzo Quilici e Stefania Quilici Gigli]. (Atlante tematico di topografia antica Supplemento 1). Roma. (Robigalia, an agreement to save the harvest).
    • (1995) , pp. 127-140
    • Gianferrari, A.1
  • 153
    • 84899254341 scopus 로고
    • Textanalytischer Versuch zu einem Abschnitt aus Balzacs Les Paysans
    • In:Gumbrecht, H-U., Stierle, K. & Warning, R. (Eds.), München, Fink. (Experiment in text analysis of a fragment from Balzac's The Peasants)
    • Goebel, G. - 1980. Textanalytischer Versuch zu einem Abschnitt aus Balzacs Les Paysans, p. 437-460. In:Gumbrecht, H-U., Stierle, K. & Warning, R. (Eds.), Honoré de Balzac. München, Fink. (Experiment in text analysis of a fragment from Balzac's The Peasants).
    • (1980) Honoré de Balzac , pp. 437-460
    • Goebel, G.1
  • 154
    • 33847647990 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • An Andean origin of Phytophthora infestans inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene genealogies
    • Gómez-Alpizar, L., Carbone, I., Ristaino, J.B. - 2007. An Andean origin of Phytophthora infestans inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene genealogies. PNAS 104: 3306-3311.
    • (2007) PNAS , vol.104 , pp. 3306-3311
    • Gómez-Alpizar, L.1    Carbone, I.2    Ristaino, J.B.3
  • 156
    • 84899245892 scopus 로고
    • Hagelkruisen, voorwerpen met religieuze en profane betekenis
    • (Hail crosses, objects with religious and profane meanings)
    • Goossen, Th. - 1980. Hagelkruisen, voorwerpen met religieuze en profane betekenis. Nederlands Volksleven 30 (3/4): 64-75. (Hail crosses, objects with religious and profane meanings).
    • (1980) Nederlands Volksleven , vol.30 , Issue.3-4 , pp. 64-75
    • Goossen, T.1
  • 157
    • 84899376663 scopus 로고
    • Der Spelzenbrand im Roggen
    • (The glume blight in rye)
    • Göppert, X.X. - 1846. Der Spelzenbrand im Roggen. Botanische Zeitung 4: 545-548. (The glume blight in rye).
    • (1846) Botanische Zeitung , vol.4 , pp. 545-548
    • Göppert, X.X.1
  • 159
    • 46749148877 scopus 로고
    • Käthi die Grossmutter
    • Reprint 1965. Erlenbach/Zürich, Rentsch. (Cathy, the grandmother)
    • Gotthelf, J. [= Albert Bitzius] - 1847. Käthi die Grossmutter. Reprint 1965. Erlenbach/Zürich, Rentsch. (Cathy, the grandmother).
    • (1847)
    • Gotthelf, J.1
  • 160
    • 79952032849 scopus 로고
    • Malades et médecins en Bretagne 1770-1790
    • Rennes, Institut de Recherches historiques. (Patients and medical practitioners in Brittany, 1770-1790)
    • Goubert, J-P. - 1974. Malades et médecins en Bretagne 1770-1790. Rennes, Institut de Recherches historiques. (Patients and medical practitioners in Brittany, 1770-1790).
    • (1974)
    • Goubert, J.-P.1
  • 161
    • 33751583804 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Phytophthora genomics: the Plant Destroyers' genome decoded
    • Govers, F, Gijzen, M. - 2006. Phytophthora genomics: the Plant Destroyers' genome decoded. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 19: 1295-1301.
    • (2006) Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions , vol.19 , pp. 1295-1301
    • Govers, F.1    Gijzen, M.2
  • 162
    • 84899377441 scopus 로고
    • Peter the Great. A life of Peter I of Russia called the great
    • London, Ernest Benn
    • Graham, S. - 1929. Peter the Great. A life of Peter I of Russia called the great. London, Ernest Benn.
    • (1929)
    • Graham, S.1
  • 163
    • 84899334576 scopus 로고
    • Kartoflens Sygdomme i Billeder og Tekst
    • København, Reitzels. (Potato diseases in pictures and text)
    • Gram, E. (Ed.) - 1940. Kartoflens Sygdomme i Billeder og Tekst. København, Reitzels. (Potato diseases in pictures and text).
    • (1940)
    • Gram, E.1
  • 164
    • 0003897217 scopus 로고
    • Prosperity and misery in modern Bengal
    • The famine of 1943-1944. New York, Oxford University Press
    • Greenough, P.R. - 1982. Prosperity and misery in modern Bengal. The famine of 1943-1944. New York, Oxford University Press.
    • (1982)
    • Greenough, P.R.1
  • 165
    • 46749113516 scopus 로고
    • Bijdragen tot de kennis van den akker- en tuinbouw van het Westland in Zuid-Holland
    • (2e reeks #1), (Contributions to the knowledge of agriculture and horticulture of the Westland in Zuid Holland)
    • Grootegoed, H. - 1853. Bijdragen tot de kennis van den akker- en tuinbouw van het Westland in Zuid-Holland. Tijdschrift ter Bevordering van Nijverheid 16 (2e reeks #1) 24-39. (Contributions to the knowledge of agriculture and horticulture of the Westland in Zuid Holland).
    • (1853) Tijdschrift ter Bevordering van Nijverheid , vol.16 , pp. 24-39
    • Grootegoed, H.1
  • 166
    • 33746122385 scopus 로고
    • Die Arbeiter in der Schweiz im 19
    • Jahrhundert. Soziale Lage, Organisation, Verhältnis zu Arbeitgeber und Staat. Bern, Francke. (The labourers in Switzerland in the 19th century...)
    • Gruner, E. - 1968. Die Arbeiter in der Schweiz im 19. Jahrhundert. Soziale Lage, Organisation, Verhältnis zu Arbeitgeber und Staat. Bern, Francke. (The labourers in Switzerland in the 19th century...).
    • (1968)
    • Gruner, E.1
  • 167
    • 46749127047 scopus 로고
    • Histoire de la Bretagne de 1789 à nos jours
    • Paris, Maspero. (History of Brittany from 1789 to our days)
    • Guin, Y. - 1982. Histoire de la Bretagne de 1789 à nos jours. Paris, Maspero. (History of Brittany from 1789 to our days).
    • (1982)
    • Guin, Y.1
  • 168
    • 46749136478 scopus 로고
    • Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la maladie des pommes de terre en
    • Verhandelingen der 1e Klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen etc., Amsterdam. Nieuwe Verhandelingen 12: 203-297 met 3 gekleurde platen. (Studies on the nature and causes of the potato disease). Also published as: Harting, P. - 1846. Extrait d'un mémoire sur la nature et les causes de la maladie des pommes de terre en 1845, 3me série. Botanique.
    • Harting, P. - 1846. Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la maladie des pommes de terre en . Verhandelingen der 1e Klasse van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen etc., Amsterdam. Nieuwe Verhandelingen 12: 203-297 met 3 gekleurde platen. (Studies on the nature and causes of the potato disease). Also published as: Harting, P. - 1846. Extrait d'un mémoire sur la nature et les causes de la maladie des pommes de terre en 1845. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 3me série. Botanique. 6: 42-62.
    • (1846) Annales des Sciences Naturelles , vol.6 , pp. 42-62
    • Harting, P.1
  • 169
    • 38249034381 scopus 로고
    • Modelling pandemics of quarantine pests and diseases; problem and perspectives
    • Crop Protection 6: 211-221
    • Heesterbeek, J.A.P., Zadoks, J.C. - 1987. Modelling pandemics of quarantine pests and diseases; problem and perspectives. Crop Protection 6: 211-221.
    • (1987)
    • Heesterbeek, J.A.P.1    Zadoks, J.C.2
  • 170
    • 46749121067 scopus 로고
    • De nood en hulp der armen, in betrekking tot den arbeid, de weelde en het medelijden
    • Eenige praktische blikken in den toestand onzes Volks. Amsterdam, Beijerinck. (Needs and relief of the poor, in relation to labour, affluence and pity. Some practical views on the condition of our people)
    • Heldring, O.G. - 1845. De nood en hulp der armen, in betrekking tot den arbeid, de weelde en het medelijden. Eenige praktische blikken in den toestand onzes Volks. Amsterdam, Beijerinck. (Needs and relief of the poor, in relation to labour, affluence and pity. Some practical views on the condition of our people).
    • (1845)
    • Heldring, O.G.1
  • 171
    • 46749155918 scopus 로고
    • Opmerkingen op eene reis langs den Rijn
    • Amsterdam, Beijerinck. (Comments on a trip along the Rhine)
    • Heldring, O.G. - 1847. Opmerkingen op eene reis langs den Rijn. Amsterdam, Beijerinck. (Comments on a trip along the Rhine).
    • (1847)
    • Heldring, O.G.1
  • 173
    • 79954874222 scopus 로고
    • Der Erste Weltkrieg
    • München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. (The First World War)
    • Herzfeld, H. - 1968. Der Erste Weltkrieg. München, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag. (The First World War).
    • (1968)
    • Herzfeld, H.1
  • 174
    • 84899366218 scopus 로고
    • Kriegswirtschaftliche Massnahmen in Oesterreich
    • (War-economic measures in Austria)
    • Hilmer, F. - 1916. Kriegswirtschaftliche Massnahmen in Oesterreich. Mitteilungen der deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft 32: 822-823. (War-economic measures in Austria).
    • (1916) Mitteilungen der deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft , vol.32 , pp. 822-823
    • Hilmer, F.1
  • 175
    • 84899399652 scopus 로고
    • Über die Getreideroste, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Auftretens im Jahre 1904
    • (On the cereal rusts, with special attention for their occurrence in the year 1904)
    • Hiltner, L. - 1905. Über die Getreideroste, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Auftretens im Jahre 1904. Praktische Blätter Pflanzenbau N.F. 3: 39-43; 54-55; 64-66; 79-82. (On the cereal rusts, with special attention for their occurrence in the year 1904).
    • (1905) Praktische Blätter Pflanzenbau N.F , vol.3
    • Hiltner, L.1
  • 176
    • 33748530454 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg
    • Paderborn, Schöningh. (Encyclopedia of the First World War)
    • Hirschfeld, G., Krumeich, G., Renz, I. - 2003. Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg. Paderborn, Schöningh. (Encyclopedia of the First World War).
    • (2003)
    • Hirschfeld, G.1    Krumeich, G.2    Renz, I.3
  • 177
    • 84899308514 scopus 로고
    • Die Kartoffelkrankheit in Steiermark, Kärnthen und Krain im Jahre 1846
    • (The potato disease in Styria, Carinthia and Carniola [Kranjska] in the year 1846)
    • Hlubek, F.X. - 1847. Die Kartoffelkrankheit in Steiermark, Kärnthen und Krain im Jahre 1846. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 73: 65-71. (The potato disease in Styria, Carinthia and Carniola [Kranjska] in the year 1846).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.73 , pp. 65-71
    • Hlubek, F.X.1
  • 178
    • 46749157570 scopus 로고
    • Uit het dagboek van Mindert Everts Hoekstra (1825-1879)
    • (From the diary of M.E. Hoekstra (1825-1979)). Consulted 041205
    • Hoekstra, M.E. - 1879. Uit het dagboek van Mindert Everts Hoekstra (1825-1879). (From the diary of M.E. Hoekstra (1825-1979)). http://irnsum.tmfweb.nl. Consulted 041205.
    • (1879)
    • Hoekstra, M.E.1
  • 179
    • 0010341494 scopus 로고
    • De demografische ontwikkeling van Nederland in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw
    • Een historisch-demografische en sociologische studie. Deventer, Van Loghum Slaterus. (The demographic development of the Netherlands in the first half of the nineteenth century...)
    • Hofstee, E.W. - 1978. De demografische ontwikkeling van Nederland in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw. Een historisch-demografische en sociologische studie. Deventer, Van Loghum Slaterus. (The demographic development of the Netherlands in the first half of the nineteenth century...).
    • (1978)
    • Hofstee, E.W.1
  • 180
    • 0344229241 scopus 로고
    • Meteorological factors affecting the epidemiology of wheat rusts
    • World Meteorological Organization, Techn. Note No. 99, Geneva, Switzerland
    • Hogg, W.H., Hounam, C.E., Mallik, A.K., Zadoks, J.C. - 1969. Meteorological factors affecting the epidemiology of wheat rusts. World Meteorological Organization, Techn. Note No. 99, Geneva, Switzerland.
    • (1969)
    • Hogg, W.H.1    Hounam, C.E.2    Mallik, A.K.3    Zadoks, J.C.4
  • 181
    • 84899395996 scopus 로고
    • Eine weitere Beitrag über die Ursachen der Kartoffelmissernte 1916
    • Illustrierte Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 37: #15 dd 21-02-1917. (A further contribution on the causes of the potato crop failure 1916)
    • Holdefleisz, P. - 1917. Eine weitere Beitrag über die Ursachen der Kartoffelmissernte 1916. Illustrierte Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 37: #15 dd 21-02-1917. (A further contribution on the causes of the potato crop failure 1916).
    • (1917)
    • Holdefleisz, P.1
  • 182
    • 84899163950 scopus 로고
    • Die deutsche Landwirtschaft und die Ernährung des deutschen Volkes
    • Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 433-442. (The German agriculture and the food supply of the German people)
    • Honcamp, F. - 1918. Die deutsche Landwirtschaft und die Ernährung des deutschen Volkes. Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 433-442. (The German agriculture and the food supply of the German people).
    • (1918)
    • Honcamp, F.1
  • 183
    • 46749118467 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Baren op Beveland
    • Vruchtbaarheid en zuigelingensterfte in Goes en omliggende dorpen gedurende de 19e eeuw. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 42. (Giving birth on Beveland. Fertility and infant mortality in Goes and surrounding villages during the 19th century)
    • Hoogerhuis, O.W. - 2003. Baren op Beveland. Vruchtbaarheid en zuigelingensterfte in Goes en omliggende dorpen gedurende de 19e eeuw. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 42. (Giving birth on Beveland. Fertility and infant mortality in Goes and surrounding villages during the 19th century).
    • (2003)
    • Hoogerhuis, O.W.1
  • 184
    • 46749114479 scopus 로고
    • De groote nood des hongers in en bij den Boemelerwaard
    • 2nd ed. Zalt-Bommel, Noman. (The great distress of the hunger in and near the Bommelerwaard)
    • Hooijer, C. - 1847. De groote nood des hongers in en bij den Boemelerwaard. 2nd ed. Zalt-Bommel, Noman. (The great distress of the hunger in and near the Bommelerwaard)
    • (1847)
    • Hooijer, C.1
  • 185
    • 0342507239 scopus 로고
    • Marcus Terentius Varro on agriculture
    • London, Heinemann
    • Hooper, W.D., Boyd Ash, H. - 1967. Marcus Terentius Varro on agriculture. London, Heinemann.
    • (1967)
    • Hooper, W.D.1    Boyd Ash, H.2
  • 186
    • 0018211378 scopus 로고
    • Some epidemics man has known
    • In: Horsfall, J.G., Cowling, E.B. (Eds.), How disease develops in populations. New York, Academic Press
    • Horsfall, J.G., Cowling, E.B. - 1978. Some epidemics man has known, p. 17-32. In: Horsfall, J.G., Cowling, E.B. (Eds.), Plant disease, an advanced treatise. Volume III. How disease develops in populations. New York, Academic Press
    • (1978) Plant disease, an advanced treatise , vol.III , pp. 17-32
    • Horsfall, J.G.1    Cowling, E.B.2
  • 187
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    • Theophrastus, enquiry into plants, I and II
    • London, Heinemann
    • Hort, A. - 1916. Theophrastus, enquiry into plants, I and II. London, Heinemann.
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    • Hort, A.1
  • 188
    • 84899215054 scopus 로고
    • Histoire des paysans français du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours
    • Roanne, Horvath. (History of French peasants from the 18th century up to our days)
    • Houssel, J.-P. (Ed.) - 1976. Histoire des paysans français du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours. Roanne, Horvath. (History of French peasants from the 18th century up to our days).
    • (1976)
    • Houssel, J.-P.1
  • 189
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    • Het aardappeloproer van 1917
    • (The potato revolt of 1917)
    • Huijboom, H. - 1992. Het aardappeloproer van 1917. Ons Amsterdam 44: 148-152. (The potato revolt of 1917).
    • (1992) Ons Amsterdam , vol.44 , pp. 148-152
    • Huijboom, H.1
  • 190
    • 0009078561 scopus 로고
    • Enumeratio uredinearum scandinavicarum
    • (A listing of Scandinavian rusts)
    • Hylander, N., Jørstad, I, Nannfeldt, J.A. - 1953. Enumeratio uredinearum scandinavicarum. Opera botanica 1: 1-102. (A listing of Scandinavian rusts).
    • (1953) Opera botanica , vol.1 , pp. 1-102
    • Hylander, N.1    Jørstad, I.2    Nannfeldt, J.A.3
  • 191
    • 46749147670 scopus 로고
    • Verslag der Handelingen van de Staten-Generaal gedurende de zitting van 1845-1846
    • Den Haag, Nijhoff. (Parliamentary Reports of the session 1845-1846)
    • Ising, A.L.H. - 1892. Verslag der Handelingen van de Staten-Generaal gedurende de zitting van 1845-1846. Den Haag, Nijhoff. (Parliamentary Reports of the session 1845-1846).
    • (1892)
    • Ising, A.L.H.1
  • 192
    • 46749125819 scopus 로고
    • Het sterftepatroon in Amsterdam, 1774-1930, een analyse van de doodsoorzaken
    • (The mortality pattern in Amsterdam, 1774-1930, an analysis of the causes of death)
    • Jansen, P.C., de Meere, J.M.M. - 1982. Het sterftepatroon in Amsterdam, 1774-1930, een analyse van de doodsoorzaken. Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis 8: 180-223. (The mortality pattern in Amsterdam, 1774-1930, an analysis of the causes of death).
    • (1982) Tijdschrift voor sociale geschiedenis , vol.8 , pp. 180-223
    • Jansen, P.C.1    de Meere, J.M.M.2
  • 193
    • 0011765428 scopus 로고
    • Tweehonderd jaar geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Landbouw
    • Leeuwarden, Inter-Combi van Seyen. (Two hundred years of history of Dutch agriculture)
    • Jansma, K., Schroor, M. (Eds) - 1987. Tweehonderd jaar geschiedenis van de Nederlandse Landbouw. Leeuwarden, Inter-Combi van Seyen. (Two hundred years of history of Dutch agriculture).
    • (1987)
    • Jansma, K.1    Schroor, M.2
  • 194
    • 46749122724 scopus 로고
    • La France des notables
    • L'évolution générale 1815-1848. Paris, Éd. du Seuil. (The France of the dignitaries; The general evolution 1815-1848)
    • Jardin, A., Tudesq, A.J. - 1973. La France des notables. L'évolution générale 1815-1848. Paris, Éd. du Seuil. (The France of the dignitaries; The general evolution 1815-1848).
    • (1973)
    • Jardin, A.1    Tudesq, A.J.2
  • 195
    • 26944449975 scopus 로고
    • The Kauţilīya arthaśāstra, Part II, 1.19.34
    • Bombay, University of Bombay (1963), reprint Delhi (1968)
    • Kangle, R.P. - 1986. The Kauţilīya arthaśāstra, Part II, 1.19.34. Bombay, University of Bombay (1963), reprint Delhi (1968).
    • (1986)
    • Kangle, R.P.1
  • 197
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    • Mycologia fennica. IV. Hypodermii, Phycomycetes et Myxomycetes
    • (Finnish mycology...)
    • Karsten, P.A. - 1879. Mycologia fennica. IV. Hypodermii, Phycomycetes et Myxomycetes. Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk 31: 1-143. (Finnish mycology...).
    • (1879) Bidrag till kännedom af Finlands natur och folk , vol.31 , pp. 1-143
    • Karsten, P.A.1
  • 198
    • 60949438204 scopus 로고
    • Varro on the Latin language
    • I. Books V.-VII. London, Heinemann
    • Kent, R.G. - 1967. Varro on the Latin language. I. Books V.-VII. London, Heinemann.
    • (1967)
    • Kent, R.G.1
  • 199
    • 0003532646 scopus 로고
    • Flore cryptogamique des Flandres
    • Gand, Hoste. (Cryptogamic flora of Flanders)
    • Kickx, J. - 1867. Flore cryptogamique des Flandres. Vol. 2. Gand, Hoste. (Cryptogamic flora of Flanders).
    • (1867)
    • Kickx, J.1
  • 200
    • 79953554480 scopus 로고
    • Deutschland und der Erste Weltkrieg
    • 2nd Ed. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta. (Germany and the first World War)
    • Kielmansegg, P. Graf - 1980. Deutschland und der Erste Weltkrieg. 2nd Ed. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta. (Germany and the first World War).
    • (1980)
    • Graf, K.P.1
  • 201
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    • Stem rust of wheat 3300 years old found in Israel
    • Kislev, M.E. - 1982. Stem rust of wheat 3300 years old found in Israel. Science 216: 993-994.
    • (1982) Science , vol.216 , pp. 993-994
    • Kislev, M.E.1
  • 202
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    • Early senescence of rice and Drechslera oryzae in the Wageningen Polder, Surinam
    • Wageningen, Pudoc
    • Klomp, A.O. - 1977. Early senescence of rice and Drechslera oryzae in the Wageningen Polder, Surinam. Wageningen, Pudoc.
    • (1977)
    • Klomp, A.O.1
  • 203
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    • History and future of plant protection policy, from ancient times to WTO-SPS
    • In: G. Meester, R.D. Woittiez, A. de Zeeuw (Eds.), Wageningen, Wageningen Pers
    • Koeman, J.H., Zadoks, J.C. - 1999. History and future of plant protection policy, from ancient times to WTO-SPS, p. 21-48. In: G. Meester, R.D. Woittiez, A. de Zeeuw (Eds.), Plants and politics. Wageningen, Wageningen Pers.
    • (1999) Plants and politics , pp. 21-48
    • Koeman, J.H.1    Zadoks, J.C.2
  • 204
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    • Smitsomme sygdomme hos Landbrugsplanterne
    • Copenhagen, August Bang. (Infectious diseases of arable crops)
    • Kølpin Ravn, F. - 1914. Smitsomme sygdomme hos Landbrugsplanterne. Copenhagen, August Bang. (Infectious diseases of arable crops).
    • (1914)
    • Kølpin Ravn, F.1
  • 206
    • 84899172098 scopus 로고
    • No title
    • Magazijn van vaderlandschen Landbouw. V. Deel. Haarlem, Loosjes
    • Kops, J. - 1810. No title. Magazijn van vaderlandschen Landbouw. V. Deel. Haarlem, Loosjes.
    • (1810)
    • Kops, J.1
  • 207
    • 84899265644 scopus 로고
    • Mitteilungen der Wiener Pflanzenschutzstatio. Sonder-Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchswesen in Österreich, Berichte der k.k. landwirtschaftlichbakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutsstation im Wien, 1914
    • (Communications of the Viennese Institute of Plant Protection)
    • Kornauth, K. - 1915. Mitteilungen der Wiener Pflanzenschutzstatio. Sonder-Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftlichen Versuchswesen in Österreich, Berichte der k.k. landwirtschaftlichbakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutsstation im Wien, 1914. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 25: 463-464. (Communications of the Viennese Institute of Plant Protection).
    • (1915) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.25 , pp. 463-464
    • Kornauth, K.1
  • 208
    • 84899231903 scopus 로고
    • Bericht über die Tätigkeit der k.. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien im Jahre 1916
    • Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 28 (1918): 213-214. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1916)
    • Kornauth, K. - 1917. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der k.. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien im Jahre 1916. Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich 20: 288-314. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 28 (1918): 213-214. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1916).
    • (1917) Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich , vol.20 , pp. 288-314
    • Kornauth, K.1
  • 209
    • 84899195148 scopus 로고
    • Bericht der k. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien für das Jahr 1917
    • Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 29 (1919): 242-243. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1917)
    • Kornauth, K. - 1918. Bericht der k.. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien für das Jahr 1917. Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich 21: 377-393. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 29 (1919): 242-243. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1917).
    • (1918) Zeitschrift für das Landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich , vol.21 , pp. 377-393
    • Kornauth, K.1
  • 210
    • 84899393002 scopus 로고
    • Bericht der k.k. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien für das Jahr 1918
    • Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 30 (1920): 83-84. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1918)
    • Kornauth, K. - 1919. Bericht der k.k. landwirtschaftlichen-bakteriologischen und Pflanzenschutzstation in Wien für das Jahr 1918. Zeitschrift für das landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich 22:28-44. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 30 (1920): 83-84. (Report on the activities of the imperial-royal agricultural-bacteriological and plant protection station in Vienna in the year 1918).
    • (1919) Zeitschrift für das landwirtschaftliche Versuchswesen in Österreich , vol.22 , pp. 28-44
    • Kornauth, K.1
  • 211
    • 46749155919 scopus 로고
    • Winkler Prins Geschiedenis der Nederlanden
    • Amsterdam, Elsevier. (Winkler Prins History of the Netherlands...)
    • Kossman, E.H., Krul, W.E. - 1977. Winkler Prins Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, Vol. 3: 1780-1870. Amsterdam, Elsevier. (Winkler Prins History of the Netherlands...).
    • (1977) , vol.3 , pp. 1780-1870
    • Kossman, E.H.1    Krul, W.E.2
  • 212
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    • Magic in Roman North Africa
    • Available at, Accessed August 2008
    • Kotansky, R. - 1994. Magic in Roman North Africa. Available at: http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/apuleius/renberg/MAINTEXT.HTML. Accessed August 2008.
    • (1994)
    • Kotansky, R.1
  • 213
    • 77954542280 scopus 로고
    • Quellen zur Bevölkerungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsstatistik Deutschlands 1815-1875
    • I. Boppard am Rhein, Harald Boldt. (Sources for the demographic, social and economical statistics of Germany, 1815-1875)
    • Kraus, A. - 1980. Quellen zur Bevölkerungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsstatistik Deutschlands 1815-1875. I. Boppard am Rhein, Harald Boldt. (Sources for the demographic, social and economical statistics of Germany, 1815-1875).
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    • Kraus, A.1
  • 214
    • 84899312257 scopus 로고
    • Sociale onrust in Zeeland 1845-1846
    • Middelburg, Cie Regionale Geschiedbeoefening. (Social unrest in Zeeland 1845-1846). Report with limited circulation
    • Kroes, P. - 1987. Sociale onrust in Zeeland 1845-1846. Middelburg, Cie Regionale Geschiedbeoefening. (Social unrest in Zeeland 1845-1846). Report with limited circulation.
    • (1987)
    • Kroes, P.1
  • 215
    • 84899257207 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Het XYZ van Amsterdam
    • Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publishers. (The XYZ of Amsterdam)
    • Kruizinga, J. (Ed.) - 2002. Het XYZ van Amsterdam. Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publishers. (The XYZ of Amsterdam).
    • (2002)
    • Kruizinga, J.1
  • 216
    • 0008585025 scopus 로고
    • Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewächse, ihre Ursachen und ihre Verhütung
    • Berlin, Bosselmann. (The diseases of the agricultural crops, their causes and their prevention)
    • Kühn, J. - 1858. Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewächse, ihre Ursachen und ihre Verhütung. Berlin, Bosselmann. (The diseases of the agricultural crops, their causes and their prevention).
    • (1858)
    • Kühn, J.1
  • 217
    • 84899288316 scopus 로고
    • Die Gefahr einer neuen Kartoffelmiszernte
    • (The danger of another potato crop failure)
    • Kuhn, J. - 1918. Die Gefahr einer neuen Kartoffelmiszernte. Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse 45:196, 200-201. (The danger of another potato crop failure).
    • (1918) Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse , vol.45
    • Kuhn, J.1
  • 218
    • 46749137258 scopus 로고
    • Kartoffelens krønike, en kulturhistorisk studie
    • København, Gad. (Potato chronicle, a study in cultural history)
    • Kyrre, H. - 1913. Kartoffelens krønike, en kulturhistorisk studie. København, Gad. (Potato chronicle, a study in cultural history).
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    • Kyrre, H.1
  • 219
    • 0003933625 scopus 로고
    • Climate, history and the modern world
    • 2nd Ed. London, Routledge
    • Lamb, H.H. - 1995. Climate, history and the modern world. 2nd Ed. London, Routledge.
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    • Lamb, H.H.1
  • 221
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    • Geschiedenis van Vlaanderen
    • Amsterdam, Joost Van den Vondel. (History of Flanders)
    • Lamberty, M. - 1949. Geschiedenis van Vlaanderen, Vol. VI. Amsterdam, Joost Van den Vondel. (History of Flanders).
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    • Lamberty, M.1
  • 222
    • 84899384957 scopus 로고
    • Vlaanderen door de eeuwen heen
    • Brussels, Elsevier, (Flanders throughout the centuries)
    • Lamberty, M., Lissens, R.F. - 1951/2. Vlaanderen door de eeuwen heen. Brussels, Elsevier. Vol. I - 1951, Vol. II - 1952. (Flanders throughout the centuries).
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    • Lamberty, M.1    Lissens, R.F.2
  • 223
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    • The advance of the fungi
    • London, Jonathan Cape
    • Large, E.C. - 1940. The advance of the fungi. London, Jonathan Cape.
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    • Large, E.C.1
  • 224
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    • Napoleon's buttons: how 17 molecules changed history
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    • Le Couteur, P.1    Burreson, J.2
  • 225
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    • La grande peur de 1789
    • (Reprint 1957) Paris, Société d'Édtion d'Enseignement Supérieur. (The great fear of 1789)
    • Lefèbvre, G. - 1932. La grande peur de 1789. (Reprint 1957) Paris, Société d'Édtion d'Enseignement Supérieur. (The great fear of 1789).
    • (1932)
    • Lefèbvre, G.1
  • 226
    • 0043036883 scopus 로고
    • The works of Mencius
    • New York, Dover. (Replication of the first edition, 1895. Oxford, Clarendon Press.)
    • Legge, J. - 1970. The works of Mencius. New York, Dover. (Replication of the first edition, 1895. Oxford, Clarendon Press.)
    • (1970)
    • Legge, J.1
  • 227
    • 0005136535 scopus 로고
    • Der Schwarzrost, seine Geschichte, seine Biologie und seine Bekämpfung in Verbindung mit der Berberitzenfrage
    • München, Lehmann. (The black rust, its history, biology and control in relation to the barberry question)
    • Lehmann, E., Kummer, H., Dannenmann, H. - 1937. Der Schwarzrost, seine Geschichte, seine Biologie und seine Bekämpfung in Verbindung mit der Berberitzenfrage. München, Lehmann. (The black rust, its history, biology and control in relation to the barberry question).
    • (1937)
    • Lehmann, E.1    Kummer, H.2    Dannenmann, H.3
  • 228
    • 84899403155 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Co-existence and conflict: structures and positions of nineteenth-century liberalism in Germany
    • In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag
    • Leonhard, J. - 2006. Co-existence and conflict: structures and positions of nineteenth-century liberalism in Germany, p. 9-34. In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), The dividing line between success and failure. A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag.
    • (2006) The dividing line between success and failure , pp. 9-34
    • Leonhard, J.1
  • 229
    • 84899260664 scopus 로고
    • Het moederkoren en de rode hond
    • In, Zutphen, Thieme. (The ergot and the red dog)
    • Leopold, H.M.R. - 1926. Het moederkoren en de rode hond, p. 263-268. In: 'Uit de leerschool der spade' Vol. III. Zutphen, Thieme. (The ergot and the red dog).
    • (1926) Uit de leerschool der spade , vol.III , pp. 263-268
    • Leopold, H.M.R.1
  • 230
    • 0003439398 scopus 로고
    • Histoire du climat depuis l'an mil
    • Paris, Flammarion. (History of the climate since the year thousand)
    • Le Roy Ladurie, E. - 1967. Histoire du climat depuis l'an mil. Paris, Flammarion. (History of the climate since the year thousand).
    • (1967)
    • Le Roy Ladurie, E.1
  • 231
    • 3342905417 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Histoire humaine et comparée du climat
    • I. Canicules et glaciers XIIIe - XVIIIe siècle). Fayard, Paris. (Human and comparative history of the climate. I. Dog days and glaciers 13th to 18th century)
    • Le Roy Ladurie, E. - 2004. Histoire humaine et comparée du climat. I. Canicules et glaciers XIIIe - XVIIIe siècle). Fayard, Paris. (Human and comparative history of the climate. I. Dog days and glaciers 13th to 18th century).
    • (2004)
    • Le Roy Ladurie, E.1
  • 233
    • 46749132760 scopus 로고
    • Auszug aus einem an des Herrn Ministers des Innern Excellenz erstatteten Reiseberichte des Präsidenten Lette über die Bereisung der Provinz Preuszen
    • (Abstract from a report... by President Lette on travelling the Province Prussia)
    • Lette, XX. - 1847. Auszug aus einem an des Herrn Ministers des Innern Excellenz erstatteten Reiseberichte des Präsidenten Lette über die Bereisung der Provinz Preuszen. Annalen der Landwirthschaft 5 (Vol. 10): 1-57. (Abstract from a report... by President Lette on travelling the Province Prussia).
    • (1847) Annalen der Landwirthschaft , vol.10 , Issue.5 , pp. 1-57
    • Lette, X.X.1
  • 234
    • 84899291035 scopus 로고
    • Urédinées
    • In: C. d'Orbigny (Ed.), Tome 12. Paris, Renard. (The uridineae)
    • Léveillé, J.-H. - 1848. Urédinées, p. 768-790. In: C. d'Orbigny (Ed.), Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle. Tome 12. Paris, Renard. (The uridineae).
    • (1848) Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle , pp. 768-790
    • Léveillé, J.-H.1
  • 235
    • 0010544725 scopus 로고
    • Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E
    • Rostrup. Copenhagen, Nordisk Verlag
    • Lind, J. - 1913. Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup. Copenhagen, Nordisk Verlag.
    • (1913)
    • Lind, J.1
  • 236
    • 84899197962 scopus 로고
    • Kartoflernes Bladrullesyge
    • (Leaf-roll disease of potato)
    • Lind, J. - 1916a. Kartoflernes Bladrullesyge. Ugeskrift for Landmænd 61: 62. (Leaf-roll disease of potato).
    • (1916) Ugeskrift for Landmænd , vol.61 , pp. 62
    • Lind, J.1
  • 237
    • 84899304313 scopus 로고
    • Forsøg med Anvendelse af Sprøjtemidler mod Kartoffelskimmel in Aarene 1910-1915
    • Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 27: 157. (Experiment on the use of spray products against the potato fungus in the years 1910-1915)
    • Lind, J. - 1916b. Forsøg med Anvendelse af Sprøjtemidler mod Kartoffelskimmel in Aarene 1910-1915. Tidskrift for Planteavl 23: 365-397. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 27: 157. (Experiment on the use of spray products against the potato fungus in the years 1910-1915).
    • (1916) Tidskrift for Planteavl , vol.23 , pp. 365-397
    • Lind, J.1
  • 238
    • 0345967213 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van de landbouw in België
    • II. Antwerpen, de Sikkel. (The history of agriculture in Belgium)
    • Lindemans, P. - 1952. Geschiedenis van de landbouw in België. II. Antwerpen, de Sikkel. (The history of agriculture in Belgium).
    • (1952)
    • Lindemans, P.1
  • 239
    • 84899181737 scopus 로고
    • Sextus Pompeius Festus
    • De verborum significatu quae supersunt cum Pauli epitome. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Hildesheim, Georg Olms. Reprint from 1913 edition). (On the meaning of words...)
    • Lindsay, W.M. - 1965. Sextus Pompeius Festus. De verborum significatu quae supersunt cum Pauli epitome. Bibliotheca Teubneriana. Hildesheim, Georg Olms. Reprint from 1913 edition). (On the meaning of words...).
    • (1965)
    • Lindsay, W.M.1
  • 240
    • 2642599803 scopus 로고
    • Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figures aeneis
    • Stockholm, Kiesewetter. (Botanical philosophy in which the botanical basics are explained, with definitions of parts, examples of terms...)
    • Linnaeus, C. - 1751. Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica cum definitionibus partium, exemplis terminorum, observationibus rariorum, adjectis figures aeneis. Stockholm, Kiesewetter. (Botanical philosophy in which the botanical basics are explained, with definitions of parts, examples of terms...).
    • (1751)
    • Linnaeus, C.1
  • 241
    • 84899378072 scopus 로고
    • Ernteberichte vom Jahre 1846
    • (Harvest reports from the year 1846)
    • Löbe, W. - 1847. Ernteberichte vom Jahre 1846. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 73: 121-126, 131-135. (Harvest reports from the year 1846).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.73
    • Löbe, W.1
  • 242
    • 84899295494 scopus 로고
    • Die grosse Plage
    • Frankfurt a.M., Herkul. (The great pests)
    • Löhr vom Wachendorf, F. - 1954. Die grosse Plage. Frankfurt a.M., Herkul. (The great pests).
    • (1954)
    • Löhr vom Wachendorf, F.1
  • 243
    • 0008349915 scopus 로고
    • Die Flora der Juden
    • I. Kryptogamae, Acanthaceae, Graminaceae. Wien, Löwit. (The flora of the Jews...)
    • Löw, I. - 1928. Die Flora der Juden. I. Kryptogamae, Acanthaceae, Graminaceae. Wien, Löwit. (The flora of the Jews...).
    • (1928)
    • Löw, I.1
  • 244
    • 46749085135 scopus 로고
    • Die Deutschen und ihre Nation. 2. Zwischen Habsburg und Preussen. Deutschland 1815-1866
    • Berlin, Siedler. (The Germans and their nation. 2. Between Habsburg and Prussia. Germany 1815-1866)
    • Lutz, H. - 1985. Die Deutschen und ihre Nation. 2. Zwischen Habsburg und Preussen. Deutschland 1815-1866. Berlin, Siedler. (The Germans and their nation. 2. Between Habsburg and Prussia. Germany 1815-1866).
    • (1985)
    • Lutz, H.1
  • 245
    • 0003913886 scopus 로고
    • The Habsburg Empire 1790-1918
    • London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson
    • Macartney, G.A. - 1968. The Habsburg Empire 1790-1918. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    • (1968)
    • Macartney, G.A.1
  • 246
    • 46749114837 scopus 로고
    • Parasites végétaux des plantes cultivées
    • Paris, Maison Rustique. (Vegetable parasites of the cultivated plants)
    • Mangin, L. - 1914. Parasites végétaux des plantes cultivées. Paris, Maison Rustique. (Vegetable parasites of the cultivated plants).
    • (1914)
    • Mangin, L.1
  • 247
    • 84899277147 scopus 로고
    • Constitutional relations between Britain and India. The transfer of power 1942-7
    • 15 June 1943 - 31 August 1944. London, His Majesty's Stationary Office
    • Mansergh, N. (Ed.) - 1973. Constitutional relations between Britain and India. The transfer of power 1942-7. Vol. IV. The Bengal Famine and the new Viceroyalty, 15 June 1943 - 31 August 1944. London, His Majesty's Stationary Office.
    • (1973) The Bengal Famine and the new Viceroyalty , vol.IV
    • Mansergh, N.1
  • 248
    • 0003777861 scopus 로고
    • Deutsche Überseewanderung im 19 Jahrhundert
    • Ein Beitrag zur soziologische Theorie der Bevölkerung. Stuttgart, Klett. (German overseas migration in the 19th century...)
    • Marschalck, P. - 1973. Deutsche Überseewanderung im 19 Jahrhundert. Ein Beitrag zur soziologische Theorie der Bevölkerung. Stuttgart, Klett. (German overseas migration in the 19th century...).
    • (1973)
    • Marschalck, P.1
  • 249
    • 0345461969 scopus 로고
    • The rural economy of Norfolk; comprising the Management of Landed Estates, and the present practice of husbandry in that county
    • 2nd Ed. London, Nicole
    • Marshall, W. - 1795. The rural economy of Norfolk; comprising the Management of Landed Estates, and the present practice of husbandry in that county. Vol. II. 2nd Ed. London, Nicole.
    • (1795) , vol.II
    • Marshall, W.1
  • 251
    • 84899362841 scopus 로고
    • Épidémiologie de la rouille noire des céréales en France. CR hebd
    • (Epidemiology of black rust on cereals in France)
    • Massenot, M. - 1961. Épidémiologie de la rouille noire des céréales en France. CR hebd. Séances de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 47: 54-600. (Epidemiology of black rust on cereals in France).
    • (1961) Séances de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France , vol.47 , pp. 54-600
    • Massenot, M.1
  • 252
    • 0003664471 scopus 로고
    • Poisons of the past
    • Molds, epidemics, and history. New Haven, Yale Uinversity Press
    • Matossian, M.K. - 1989. Poisons of the past. Molds, epidemics, and history. New Haven, Yale Uinversity Press.
    • (1989)
    • Matossian, M.K.1
  • 253
    • 0003671869 scopus 로고
    • Science of the rice plant
    • II. Physiology. Tokyo, Food and Agriculture Policy Research Center
    • Matsuo, T., Kumazawa, K., Ishii, R., Ishihara, K., Hirata, H. (Eds) - 1995. Science of the rice plant. II. Physiology. Tokyo, Food and Agriculture Policy Research Center.
    • (1995)
    • Matsuo, T.1    Kumazawa, K.2    Ishii, R.3    Ishihara, K.4    Hirata, H.5
  • 254
    • 46749108511 scopus 로고
    • Versuche und Beobachtungen über den Kartoffelbau und die Krankheiten der Kartoffeln, besonders im Jahr 1845
    • Stuttgart, Steinkopf. (Experiments and observations on potato cultivation and potato diseases, especially in the year 1845)
    • Mauz, E.F. - 1845. Versuche und Beobachtungen über den Kartoffelbau und die Krankheiten der Kartoffeln, besonders im Jahr 1845. Stuttgart, Steinkopf. (Experiments and observations on potato cultivation and potato diseases, especially in the year 1845).
    • (1845)
    • Mauz, E.F.1
  • 255
    • 0042533786 scopus 로고
    • Over de mozaïekziekte van de tabak; voorlopige mededeeling
    • (On the mosaic disease of tobacco; preliminary communication)
    • Mayer, A. - 1882a. Over de mozaïekziekte van de tabak; voorlopige mededeeling. Tijdschrift Landbouwkunde (Groningen) 2: 359-364. (On the mosaic disease of tobacco; preliminary communication).
    • (1882) Tijdschrift Landbouwkunde (Groningen) , vol.2 , pp. 359-364
    • Mayer, A.1
  • 256
    • 0001623487 scopus 로고
    • Über die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks
    • (On the mosaic disease of the tobacco)
    • Mayer, A. - 1882b. Über die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks. Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsanstalten 32: 451-467. (On the mosaic disease of the tobacco).
    • (1882) Landwirtschaftliche Versuchsanstalten , vol.32 , pp. 451-467
    • Mayer, A.1
  • 257
    • 84899364125 scopus 로고
    • Brotgetreideernte und Brotgetreideverbrauch in Friedens- und Kriegszeit
    • Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich. (Harvest of bread grain and use of bread grain in peace and war time)
    • Meher, D. - 1917. Brotgetreideernte und Brotgetreideverbrauch in Friedens- und Kriegszeit. Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich. (Harvest of bread grain and use of bread grain in peace and war time).
    • (1917)
    • Meher, D.1
  • 258
    • 46749087946 scopus 로고
    • Bericht des Wirklichen Geheimen Kriegs-Rath Mentzel über eine nach den Oesterreichischen Staaten im Herbst 1846 unternommen Privatreise
    • (Report by... Mentzel on a private trip to the Austrian States in the autumn of 1846)
    • Mentzel, XX. - 1848. Bericht des Wirklichen Geheimen Kriegs-Rath Mentzel über eine nach den Oesterreichischen Staaten im Herbst 1846 unternommen Privatreise. Annalen der Landwirthschaft 6 (Vol. 11): 75-142. (Report by... Mentzel on a private trip to the Austrian States in the autumn of 1846).
    • (1848) Annalen der Landwirthschaft , vol.11 , Issue.6 , pp. 75-142
    • Mentzel, X.X.1
  • 259
    • 0012250709 scopus 로고
    • Pflanzen-Pathologie
    • Lehre von dem kranken Leben und Bilden der Pflanzen. Berlin, Haude & Spener. (Plant pathology. Knowledge of the diseased life and strife of plants)
    • Meyen, F.J.F. - 1841. Pflanzen-Pathologie. Lehre von dem kranken Leben und Bilden der Pflanzen. Berlin, Haude & Spener. (Plant pathology. Knowledge of the diseased life and strife of plants).
    • (1841)
    • Meyen, F.J.F.1
  • 261
    • 77955189532 scopus 로고
    • Wirtschaftswachstum und Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Preussen 1816 bis 1914
    • Zur Frage demo-ökonomischer Entwicklungszusammenhänge. New York, Arno Press. (Economic growth and demographic development in Prussia 1816 to 1914...)
    • Mohorst, G. - 1977. Wirtschaftswachstum und Bevölkerungsentwicklung in Preussen 1816 bis 1914. Zur Frage demo-ökonomischer Entwicklungszusammenhänge. New York, Arno Press. (Economic growth and demographic development in Prussia 1816 to 1914...).
    • (1977)
    • Mohorst, G.1
  • 262
    • 46749096814 scopus 로고
    • Het wezen der aardappelziekte en de middelen ter voorkoming en genezing van dezelve
    • Utrecht, Bötticher. (The nature of the potato disease and the means to prevent and to cure it)
    • Moleschott, J., von Baumhauer, E.H. - 1845. Het wezen der aardappelziekte en de middelen ter voorkoming en genezing van dezelve. Utrecht, Bötticher. (The nature of the potato disease and the means to prevent and to cure it).
    • (1845)
    • Moleschott, J.1    von Baumhauer, E.H.2
  • 263
    • 84899189311 scopus 로고
    • Deutsche Geschichte 10: Bismarckreich und Wilhelminische Zeit
    • 1871-1918. Gütersloh, Berttelsmann. (German history 10: the reign of Bismarck and the Williams' period)
    • Mommsen, W.J. - 1984. Deutsche Geschichte 10: Bismarckreich und Wilhelminische Zeit. 1871-1918. Gütersloh, Berttelsmann. (German history 10: the reign of Bismarck and the Williams' period).
    • (1984)
    • Mommsen, W.J.1
  • 264
    • 60949148080 scopus 로고
    • Bürgerstolz und Weltmachtstreben
    • Deutschland unter Wilhelm II. 1890-1918. Berlin, Propyläenverlag. (Civilian pride and the strife for world power. Germany under William II. 1890-1918)
    • Mommsen, W.J. - 1995. Bürgerstolz und Weltmachtstreben. Deutschland unter Wilhelm II. 1890-1918. Berlin, Propyläenverlag. (Civilian pride and the strife for world power. Germany under William II. 1890-1918).
    • (1995)
    • Mommsen, W.J.1
  • 265
    • 0004285829 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die ungewollte Revolution
    • Die revolutionäre Bewegungen in Europa 1830-1849. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (The unintentional revolution. The revolutionary movements in Europe 1830-1849)
    • Mommsen, W.J. - 1998. Die ungewollte Revolution. Die revolutionäre Bewegungen in Europa 1830-1849. Frankfurt am Main, Fischer. (The unintentional revolution. The revolutionary movements in Europe 1830-1849).
    • (1998)
    • Mommsen, W.J.1
  • 266
    • 67650044339 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die Urkatastrophe Deutschlands
    • Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918, of Gebhardt: Handbuch der Deutsche Geschichte. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta. (The primal catastrophe of Germany. The First World War 1914-1918)
    • Mommsen, W.J. - 2004. Die Urkatastrophe Deutschlands. Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918. Vol. 17 of Gebhardt: Handbuch der Deutsche Geschichte. Stuttgart, Klett-Cotta. (The primal catastrophe of Germany. The First World War 1914-1918).
    • (2004) , vol.17
    • Mommsen, W.J.1
  • 267
    • 46749130184 scopus 로고
    • The commercial crisis 1847-1848; being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period, considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic, and the French revolution
    • London, Letts, Son & Steer
    • Morier Evans, D. - 1848. The commercial crisis 1847-1848; being facts and figures illustrative of the events of that important period, considered in relation to the three epochs of the railway mania, the food and money panic, and the French revolution. London, Letts, Son & Steer.
    • (1848)
    • Morier Evans, D.1
  • 268
    • 46749095121 scopus 로고
    • Observations sur la maladie des pommes de terre
    • (Observations on the disease of the potato)
    • Montagne, C. - 1845. Observations sur la maladie des pommes de terre. L'institut, Journal universel des Sciences, Paris N° 609: 312-313. (Observations on the disease of the potato).
    • (1845) L'institut, Journal universel des Sciences, Paris N° , vol.609 , pp. 312-313
    • Montagne, C.1
  • 269
    • 84899289117 scopus 로고
    • Instructions populaires sur les pommes de terre. Instructions populaires sur les moyens de combattre et de détruire la maladie actuelle (gangrène humide) des pommes de terre et sur les moyens d'obtenir pendant l'hiver des récoltes de ces tubercules, suivies de renseignements sur la culture et l'usage du topinambour
    • Bruxelles, Périchon. (Popular instructions on the potato...)
    • Morren, Ch. - 1845a. Instructions populaires sur les pommes de terre. Instructions populaires sur les moyens de combattre et de détruire la maladie actuelle (gangrène humide) des pommes de terre et sur les moyens d'obtenir pendant l'hiver des récoltes de ces tubercules, suivies de renseignements sur la culture et l'usage du topinambour. Bruxelles, Périchon. (Popular instructions on the potato...).
    • (1845)
    • Morren, C.1
  • 271
    • 84899305808 scopus 로고
    • Notice sur le Botrytis dévastateur ou le champignon des pommes de terre
    • (Note on the destructive Botrytis or the potato fungus)
    • Morren, Ch. - 1845c. Notice sur le Botrytis dévastateur ou le champignon des pommes de terre. Annales de la Société royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand 1: 287-292. (Note on the destructive Botrytis or the potato fungus).
    • (1845) Annales de la Société royale d'Agriculture et de Botanique de Gand , vol.1 , pp. 287-292
    • Morren, C.1
  • 272
    • 84899352343 scopus 로고
    • Entartung, Altersschwäche und Abbau bei Kulturpflanzen, insbesondere der Kartoffel
    • Freising-München, Datterer. Degeneration, old-age-weakness and running-out in cultivated plants, in the potato especially)
    • Morstatt, H. - 1925. Entartung, Altersschwäche und Abbau bei Kulturpflanzen, insbesondere der Kartoffel. Freising-München, Datterer. Degeneration, old-age-weakness and running-out in cultivated plants, in the potato especially).
    • (1925)
    • Morstatt, H.1
  • 273
    • 84899391436 scopus 로고
    • Über das Auftreten des Gelbrostes (Puccinia glumarum) am Weizen in den Jahren 1914 und 1916
    • (On the appearance of yellow rust (Puccinia glumarum) on wheat in the years 1914 and 1916)
    • Müller, H.C., Molz, E. - 1917. Über das Auftreten des Gelbrostes (Puccinia glumarum) am Weizen in den Jahren 1914 und 1916. Fühlings landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 66: 42-55. (On the appearance of yellow rust (Puccinia glumarum) on wheat in the years 1914 and 1916).
    • (1917) Fühlings landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.66 , pp. 42-55
    • Müller, H.C.1    Molz, E.2
  • 274
    • 25744467478 scopus 로고
    • Die Krankheiten der Kartoffeln insbesondere die im Jahre 1845 pandemisch herrschenden nasse Fäule
    • Berlin, Hirschwald. (The diseases of potato particularly the wet rot pandemically prevailing in the year 1845)
    • Münter, J. - 1846. Die Krankheiten der Kartoffeln insbesondere die im Jahre 1845 pandemisch herrschenden nasse Fäule. Berlin, Hirschwald. (The diseases of potato particularly the wet rot pandemically prevailing in the year 1845).
    • (1846)
    • Münter, J.1
  • 275
    • 84899328391 scopus 로고
    • Die Blattrollkrankheit der Kartoffel
    • (The leaf roll disease of the potato)
    • Neger, F.E. - 1919. Die Blattrollkrankheit der Kartoffel. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 29: 27-48. (The leaf roll disease of the potato).
    • (1919) Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.29 , pp. 27-48
    • Neger, F.E.1
  • 276
    • 84897182655 scopus 로고
    • Historical dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire
    • Westport (Conn.), Greenwood
    • Newman, E.L., Simpson, R.K. (Eds.) - 1987. Historical dictionary of France from the 1815 Restoration to the Second Empire. Westport (Conn.), Greenwood.
    • (1987)
    • Newman, E.L.1    Simpson, R.K.2
  • 277
    • 84899325197 scopus 로고
    • Landwirthschaftlicher Bericht aus Österr.-Schlesien
    • (Agricultural report from Austrian Silesia)
    • Nitsch, J. - 1846. Landwirthschaftlicher Bericht aus Österr.-Schlesien. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 70: 289-294. (Agricultural report from Austrian Silesia).
    • (1846) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.70 , pp. 289-294
    • Nitsch, J.1
  • 278
    • 84899345366 scopus 로고
    • Beobachtungen und Bekämpfung von Pflanzenkrankheiten in Schlezien
    • (Observations and control of plant diseases in Silesia)
    • Oberstein, O. - 1914. Beobachtungen und Bekämpfung von Pflanzenkrankheiten in Schlezien. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 25 (1915) 400. (Observations and control of plant diseases in Silesia).
    • (1914) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.25 , pp. 400
    • Oberstein, O.1
  • 279
    • 0004293314 scopus 로고
    • The great Irish famine
    • London, Macmillan
    • Ó-Gráda, C. - 1989. The great Irish famine. London, Macmillan.
    • (1989)
    • Ó-Gráda, C.1
  • 280
    • 84899238597 scopus 로고
    • Het brood van de armen
    • De geschiedenis van de aardappel temidden van ketters, kloosterlingen en kerkvorsten. Den Haag, SDU. (The bread of the poor. The history of the potato amidst heretics, monks, and princes of the church)
    • Oliemans, W.H. - 1988. Het brood van de armen. De geschiedenis van de aardappel temidden van ketters, kloosterlingen en kerkvorsten. Den Haag, SDU. (The bread of the poor. The history of the potato amidst heretics, monks, and princes of the church).
    • (1988)
    • Oliemans, W.H.1
  • 281
    • 34250606263 scopus 로고
    • De berberis een gevaar voor de graancultuur?
    • (The barberry a danger for the grain cultivation?)
    • Oort, A.J.P. - 1941. De berberis een gevaar voor de graancultuur? Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) 47: 112-119. (The barberry a danger for the grain cultivation?).
    • (1941) Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) , vol.47 , pp. 112-119
    • Oort, A.J.P.1
  • 282
    • 84899302169 scopus 로고
    • De bladrolziekte van de aardappel
    • Wageningen, Veenman. Ph.D. Thesis. (The leaf roll disease of the potato)
    • Oortwijn Botjes, J.G. - 1920. De bladrolziekte van de aardappel. Wageningen, Veenman. Ph.D. Thesis. (The leaf roll disease of the potato).
    • (1920)
    • Oortwijn Botjes, J.G.1
  • 283
    • 30944454380 scopus 로고
    • The constant pest
    • A short history of pests and their control. London, Peter Davis
    • Ordish, G. - 1976. The constant pest. A short history of pests and their control. London, Peter Davis.
    • (1976)
    • Ordish, G.1
  • 284
    • 84899159298 scopus 로고
    • Frühe und mittelalterliche Pflanzenpathologie
    • Orlob, (Early and medieval plant pathology)
    • Orlob, 1973. Frühe und mittelalterliche Pflanzenpathologie. Pflanzenschutz Nachrichten Bayer 26: 69-314. (Early and medieval plant pathology).
    • (1973) Pflanzenschutz Nachrichten Bayer , vol.26 , pp. 69-314
  • 285
    • 0004080812 scopus 로고
    • Rice diseases
    • 2nd Ed. Kew, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
    • Ou, S.H. - 1985. Rice diseases. 2nd Ed. Kew, Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux.
    • (1985)
    • Ou, S.H.1
  • 286
    • 84899166491 scopus 로고
    • Ovid - Fasti, see
    • Ovid - Fasti, see Frazer, J.G. (1989).
    • (1989)
    • Frazer, J.G.1
  • 288
    • 7344234634 scopus 로고
    • Helminthosporium disease of rice. I. Nature and extent of damage caused by the disease
    • Padmanabhan, S.Y., Roy Chowdhry, K.R., Ganguly, D. - 1948. Helminthosporium disease of rice. I. Nature and extent of damage caused by the disease. Indian Phytopathology 1: 34-47.
    • (1948) Indian Phytopathology , vol.1 , pp. 34-47
    • Padmanabhan, S.Y.1    Roy Chowdhry, K.R.2    Ganguly, D.3
  • 289
    • 84899207616 scopus 로고
    • La Grande Peur de 1789 en Oisans
    • (The Great Fear of 1789 in Oisans)
    • Palou, J. - 1955. La Grande Peur de 1789 en Oisans. Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française 27:50-54. (The Great Fear of 1789 in Oisans).
    • (1955) Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française , vol.27 , pp. 50-54
    • Palou, J.1
  • 290
    • 84899352225 scopus 로고
    • Recherches sur les végétaux nourrissans, qui, dans les temps de disette, peuvent remplacer les alimens ordinaires
    • Paris, de Prony. (Studies on nutricious plants that, in times of scarcity, can replace the usual foods)
    • Parmentier, A. - 1781. Recherches sur les végétaux nourrissans, qui, dans les temps de disette, peuvent remplacer les alimens ordinaires. Paris, de Prony. (Studies on nutricious plants that, in times of scarcity, can replace the usual foods).
    • (1781)
    • Parmentier, A.1
  • 291
    • 84899308127 scopus 로고
    • Synopsis methodica fvngorvm
    • Göttingen, Dieterich. (Methodical overview of the fungi)
    • Persoon, D.C.H. - 1801. Synopsis methodica fvngorvm. Göttingen, Dieterich. (Methodical overview of the fungi).
    • (1801)
    • Persoon, D.C.H.1
  • 292
    • 4243889633 scopus 로고
    • The influence of the potato blight epidemics of the 1840s on disease etiology theory in plants
    • In: Dowley, L.J., Bannon, E., Cooke, L.R., Keane, T., O'Sullivan, E. (Eds.), Dublin, Boole
    • Peterson, P.D. - 1995. The influence of the potato blight epidemics of the 1840s on disease etiology theory in plants, p. 30-35. In: Dowley, L.J., Bannon, E., Cooke, L.R., Keane, T., O'Sullivan, E. (Eds.), Phytophthora infestans 150. Dublin, Boole.
    • (1995) Phytophthora infestans
    • Peterson, P.D.1
  • 293
    • 84899182351 scopus 로고
    • Der Roggen und Dinkel
    • Stuttgart, Johannsen. (Rye and spelt)
    • Pinckert, F.A. - 1867. Der Roggen und Dinkel. Stuttgart, Johannsen. (Rye and spelt).
    • (1867)
    • Pinckert, F.A.1
  • 294
    • 0344488174 scopus 로고
    • La Belgique et la Guerre Mondiale
    • Paris. Presses Universitaires de France. (Belgium and the World War)
    • Pirenne, H. - 1928. La Belgique et la Guerre Mondiale. Paris. Presses Universitaires de France. (Belgium and the World War).
    • (1928)
    • Pirenne, H.1
  • 295
    • 0008066351 scopus 로고
    • Histoire de la Belgique. VII. De la révolution de 1830 à la guerre de 1914
    • Bruxelles, Lamartin. (History of Belgium. VII. From the revolution of 1830 to the war of 1914)
    • Pirenne, H. - 1932. Histoire de la Belgique. VII. De la révolution de 1830 à la guerre de 1914. Bruxelles, Lamartin. (History of Belgium. VII. From the revolution of 1830 to the war of 1914).
    • (1932)
    • Pirenne, H.1
  • 296
    • 0347513067 scopus 로고
    • Physiologia et pathologia plantarum
    • Vienna, Bluauer. (Physiology and pathology of plants)
    • Plenck, J.J. - 1794. Physiologia et pathologia plantarum. Vienna, Bluauer. (Physiology and pathology of plants).
    • (1794)
    • Plenck, J.J.1
  • 297
    • 84899364711 scopus 로고
    • Pliny NH- see, (NH = Naturalis Historia)
    • Pliny NH- see Rackham, H. - 1971. (NH = Naturalis Historia).
    • (1971)
    • Rackham, H.1
  • 299
    • 0345271562 scopus 로고
    • Leerboek over den landbouw, in zamenspraken
    • 1. Leyden, du Mortier. (Textbook on the agriculture, in conversations)
    • Ponse, H. - 1810. Leerboek over den landbouw, in zamenspraken. 1. Leyden, du Mortier. (Textbook on the agriculture, in conversations).
    • (1810)
    • Ponse, H.1
  • 300
    • 84899378698 scopus 로고
    • Verhandeling over den honigdaauw
    • Middelburg, Van Benthem. (Treatise on the honeydew)
    • Ponse, H. - 1827. Verhandeling over den honigdaauw. Middelburg, Van Benthem. (Treatise on the honeydew).
    • (1827)
    • Ponse, H.1
  • 301
    • 0012159150 scopus 로고
    • The Cambridge economic history of Europe
    • I. The agrarian life of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
    • Postan, M.M. (Ed.) - 1966. The Cambridge economic history of Europe. I. The agrarian life of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
    • (1966)
    • Postan, M.M.1
  • 302
    • 84899388138 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chronology of European History 15,000 B.C. to 1997
    • 1765-1997. Chicago, Fitzroy Dearborn
    • Powell, J. (Ed.) - 1998. Chronology of European History 15,000 B.C. to 1997. Vol. 2. 1765-1997. Chicago, Fitzroy Dearborn.
    • (1998) , vol.2
    • Powell, J.1
  • 303
    • 2942599416 scopus 로고
    • De economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Groningen 1800-1910
    • Een kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve analyse. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 31. (The economic development of agriculture in Groningen 1800-1910...)
    • Priester, P. - 1991. De economische ontwikkeling van de landbouw in Groningen 1800-1910. Een kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve analyse. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 31. (The economic development of agriculture in Groningen 1800-1910...).
    • (1991)
    • Priester, P.1
  • 304
    • 46749155112 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van de Zeeuwse landbouw
    • Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 37. (History of agriculture in Zeeland)
    • Priester, P.R. - 1998. Geschiedenis van de Zeeuwse landbouw. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 37. (History of agriculture in Zeeland).
    • (1998)
    • Priester, P.R.1
  • 305
    • 84899401085 scopus 로고
    • Het besproeien der aardappelen met Bordeauxsche pap
    • Den Haag, Van Langenhuysen. (Spraying potatoes with Bordeaux mixture)
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1911. Het besproeien der aardappelen met Bordeauxsche pap. Den Haag, Van Langenhuysen. (Spraying potatoes with Bordeaux mixture).
    • (1911)
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 306
    • 51649221025 scopus 로고
    • Iets over de techniek van het sproeien
    • (Something on the technique of spraying)
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1912. Iets over de techniek van het sproeien. Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten 18: 55-60. (Something on the technique of spraying).
    • (1912) Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten , vol.18 , pp. 55-60
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 307
    • 46749124729 scopus 로고
    • Die Nekrose des Phloëms der Kartoffelpflanze, die Ursache der Blattrollkrankheit
    • with illustrations. (The phloem necrosis of the potato plant, the cause of the leaf curl disease)
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1913. Die Nekrose des Phloëms der Kartoffelpflanze, die Ursache der Blattrollkrankheit. Mededeelingen van de Rijks Hoogere Land-, tuin- en boschbouwschool 6: 42-80, with illustrations. (The phloem necrosis of the potato plant, the cause of the leaf curl disease).
    • (1913) Mededeelingen van de Rijks Hoogere Land-, tuin- en boschbouwschool , vol.6 , pp. 42-80
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 308
    • 51649215847 scopus 로고
    • Iets over de techniek van het sproeien (Vervolg)
    • (Something on the technique of spraying (Continuation))
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1914. Iets over de techniek van het sproeien (Vervolg). Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten 20: 28-35. (Something on the technique of spraying (Continuation)).
    • (1914) Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten , vol.20 , pp. 28-35
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 309
    • 84899243857 scopus 로고
    • Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en Regeringszorg voor de aardappelcultuu
    • (Scientific research and governmental concern for the potato cultivation)
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1921a. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en Regeringszorg voor de aardappelcultuu. Verslagen en Mededeelingen van de Directie van den Landbouw, 1921, No 1: 7-25. (Scientific research and governmental concern for the potato cultivation).
    • (1921) Verslagen en Mededeelingen van de Directie van den Landbouw, 1921, No , vol.1 , pp. 7-25
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 310
    • 84899354822 scopus 로고
    • New work on leaf-curl and allied diseases in Holland
    • In: W.R. Dykes (Ed.), London, Royal Horticultural Society
    • Quanjer, H.M. - 1921b. New work on leaf-curl and allied diseases in Holland, p. 127-145. In: W.R. Dykes (Ed.) Report of the International Potato Conference. London, Royal Horticultural Society.
    • (1921) Report of the International Potato Conference , pp. 127-145
    • Quanjer, H.M.1
  • 311
    • 46749158360 scopus 로고
    • De mozaïekziekte van de Solanaceeën, hare verwantschap met de phloeemnecrose en hare beteekenis voor de aardappelcultuur
    • (The mosaic disease of the Solanaceae, her relationship to the phloem necrosis and her importance for the potato cultivation)
    • Quanjer, H.M., Dorst, J.C., Dijt, M.D., Van der Haar, A.W. - 1920. De mozaïekziekte van de Solanaceeën, hare verwantschap met de phloeemnecrose en hare beteekenis voor de aardappelcultuur. Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool 17: 1-74. (The mosaic disease of the Solanaceae, her relationship to the phloem necrosis and her importance for the potato cultivation).
    • (1920) Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool , vol.17 , pp. 1-74
    • Quanjer, H.M.1    Dorst, J.C.2    Dijt, M.D.3    van der Haar, A.W.4
  • 312
    • 0346988554 scopus 로고
    • Aard, verspreiding en bestrijding van Phloeemnecrose (bladrol) en verwante ziekten, o.a. Sereh
    • with plates and figures. (Nature, mode of dissemination and control of phloem-necrosis and related diseases)
    • Quanjer, H.M., Van der Lek, H.A.A., Oortwijn Botjes, J. - 1916. Aard, verspreiding en bestrijding van Phloeemnecrose (bladrol) en verwante ziekten, o.a. Sereh. Mededeelingen van de Rijks Hoogere Land-, Tuin- en Boschbouwschool 10: 1-162, with plates and figures. (Nature, mode of dissemination and control of phloem-necrosis and related diseases).
    • (1916) Mededeelingen van de Rijks Hoogere Land-, Tuin- en Boschbouwschool , vol.10 , pp. 1-162
    • Quanjer, H.M.1    van der Lek, H.A.A.2    Oortwijn Botjes, J.3
  • 314
    • 84899176016 scopus 로고
    • Rudolf Virchow
    • Briefe an seine Eltern. 1839 bis 1864. Leipzig, Engelman. (Rudolf Virchow. Letters to his parents. 1839 to 1864)
    • Rabl, M. (Ed.) - 1906. Rudolf Virchow. Briefe an seine Eltern. 1839 bis 1864. Leipzig, Engelman. (Rudolf Virchow. Letters to his parents. 1839 to 1864).
    • (1906)
    • Rabl, M.1
  • 315
    • 84925671753 scopus 로고
    • Aristotle
    • Problems II. London, Heinemann
    • Rackham, H. - 1965. Aristotle. Problems II. London, Heinemann.
    • (1965)
    • Rackham, H.1
  • 316
    • 0010300278 scopus 로고
    • Pliny. Natural history
    • Libri XVII-XIX. London, Heinemann
    • Rackham, H. - 1971. Pliny. Natural history. Volume V. Libri XVII-XIX. London, Heinemann.
    • (1971) , vol.V
    • Rackham, H.1
  • 317
    • 84899310806 scopus 로고
    • Yellow rust epidemiology
    • Annual Review of Phytopathology 17: 59-73
    • Rapilly, F. - 1979. Yellow rust epidemiology. Annual Review of Phytopathology 17: 59-73.
    • (1979)
    • Rapilly, F.1
  • 318
    • 84899275157 scopus 로고
    • Rapport adressé à M. le ministre de l'intérieur par la Commission chargée de l'examen de questions relatives la maladie des pommes de terre
    • Rapport, (Report to the Home Secretary by the committee charged with the examination of questions relating to the potato disease)
    • Rapport - 1845. Rapport adressé à M. le ministre de l'intérieur par la Commission chargée de l'examen de questions relatives la maladie des pommes de terre. Le Moniteur Belge 18: 2422-2424, 2513-2515, 2693-2694. (Report to the Home Secretary by the committee charged with the examination of questions relating to the potato disease).
    • (1845) Le Moniteur Belge , vol.18
  • 319
    • 84859793341 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Propitious esculent
    • The potato in world history. London, Heinemann
    • Reader, J. - 2008. Propitious esculent. The potato in world history. London, Heinemann.
    • (2008)
    • Reader, J.1
  • 320
    • 46749106400 scopus 로고
    • Die Revolution in Baden 1848/49
    • Stuttgart, Kohlhammer. (The revolution in Baden 1848/49)
    • Real, W. - 1983. Die Revolution in Baden 1848/49. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer. (The revolution in Baden 1848/49).
    • (1983)
    • Real, W.1
  • 321
    • 84899292884 scopus 로고
    • Die Schmarotzergewächse und die mit denselben in Verbindung stehenden Pflanzenkrankheiten
    • Zürich, Schulthetz. (Parasitic growths and the related plant diseases)
    • Regel, E. - 1854. Die Schmarotzergewächse und die mit denselben in Verbindung stehenden Pflanzenkrankheiten. Zürich, Schulthetz. (Parasitic growths and the related plant diseases).
    • (1854)
    • Regel, E.1
  • 322
    • 0346546336 scopus 로고
    • Im Westen nichts Neues
    • Berlin, Propyläen-Verlag. (No news from the West)
    • Remarque, E.M. - 1929. Im Westen nichts Neues. Berlin, Propyläen-Verlag. (No news from the West).
    • (1929)
    • Remarque, E.M.1
  • 323
    • 84899178461 scopus 로고
    • Sorte und Saatgut in ihrer Bedeutung für den Ausfall der Kartoffelernte
    • (Variety and planting material in their impact on the failure of the potato harvest)
    • Remy, Th. - 1916. Sorte und Saatgut in ihrer Bedeutung für den Ausfall der Kartoffelernte. Mitteilungen der deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft 32: 814-822. (Variety and planting material in their impact on the failure of the potato harvest).
    • (1916) Mitteilungen der deutschen Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft , vol.32 , pp. 814-822
    • Remy, T.1
  • 324
    • 42649098517 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Een geschiedenis van België
    • 7th Ed. Tielt, Lannoo. (A history of Belgium)
    • Reynebeau, M. - 2005. Een geschiedenis van België. 7th Ed. Tielt, Lannoo. (A history of Belgium).
    • (2005)
    • Reynebeau, M.1
  • 325
    • 46749106797 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die Badische Revolution 1848/49
    • (The revolution in Baden 1849/49), (last consulted July, 2005)
    • Riegger, W. - 1998. Die Badische Revolution 1848/49. (The revolution in Baden 1849/49) www.junggesellen.de/archiv_heimatabend98.htm (last consulted July, 2005).
    • (1998)
    • Riegger, W.1
  • 326
    • 0003935367 scopus 로고
    • Das Pflanzenkleid der Mittelmeerländer
    • 2nd Ed, Bern, Huber.(The plant cover of the Mediterranean countries)
    • Rikli, M. - 1946. Das Pflanzenkleid der Mittelmeerländer. 2nd Ed. Vol II. Bern, Huber.(The plant cover of the Mediterranean countries).
    • (1946) , vol.II
    • Rikli, M.1
  • 327
    • 84899304003 scopus 로고
    • Die phänologischen und meteorologischen Verhältnisse des Jahres 1916
    • (The phenological and meteorological conditions of the year 1916)
    • Ritter, G. - 1917. Die phänologischen und meteorologischen Verhältnisse des Jahres 1916. Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 66: 123-127. (The phenological and meteorological conditions of the year 1916).
    • (1917) Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.66 , pp. 123-127
    • Ritter, G.1
  • 328
    • 52449141822 scopus 로고
    • Bijdrage tot de kennis van de werking der Bordeauxsche pap op de aardappelplant
    • (Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of Bordeaux mixture on the potato plant)
    • Ritzema Bos, J. - 1919. Bijdrage tot de kennis van de werking der Bordeauxsche pap op de aardappelplant. Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten 25: 77-94. (Contribution to the knowledge of the effect of Bordeaux mixture on the potato plant).
    • (1919) Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten , vol.25 , pp. 77-94
    • Ritzema Bos, J.1
  • 329
    • 0002146729 scopus 로고
    • Wheat and rye stem rust
    • In: A.P. Roelfs & W.R. Bushnell (Eds.), Orlando, Academic Press
    • Roelfs, A.P. - 1985. Wheat and rye stem rust, p. 4-37. In: A.P. Roelfs & W.R. Bushnell (Eds.), The cereal rusts II. Orlando, Academic Press.
    • (1985) The cereal rusts II , pp. 4-37
    • Roelfs, A.P.1
  • 330
    • 84899230786 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • De Gelderse landbouw omstreeks 1825
    • Maastricht, Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis. (Agriculture in Gelderland around 1825)
    • Roessingh, H.K., Schaars, A.H.G. - 1996. De Gelderse landbouw omstreeks 1825. Maastricht, Vereniging voor Landbouwgeschiedenis. (Agriculture in Gelderland around 1825).
    • (1996)
    • Roessingh, H.K.1    Schaars, A.H.G.2
  • 331
    • 84887890258 scopus 로고
    • Ritual and cults of pre-Roman Iguvium
    • London, Christophers
    • Rosenzweig, I. - 1937. Ritual and cults of pre-Roman Iguvium. London, Christophers.
    • (1937)
    • Rosenzweig, I.1
  • 332
    • 84899163063 scopus 로고
    • Über die Feldmausplage und die natürlichen Ursachen ihres plötzlichen Verschwindens im Distrikt Uman Provinz Kiew im Jahre 1915
    • (On the vole outbreak and the natural causes of its sudden disappearance in the district Uman province Kiev in the year 1915)
    • Rossikow, K.W. - 1916. Über die Feldmausplage und die natürlichen Ursachen ihres plötzlichen Verschwindens im Distrikt Uman Provinz Kiew im Jahre 1915. Landwirthschaftliche Zeitung, Petersburg 1916: 860-958. (On the vole outbreak and the natural causes of its sudden disappearance in the district Uman province Kiev in the year 1915).
    • (1916) Landwirthschaftliche Zeitung, Petersburg , vol.1916 , pp. 860-958
    • Rossikow, K.W.1
  • 333
    • 84899308041 scopus 로고
    • Oversigt over Landbrugsplanternes Sygdomme i 1904
    • (Overview of diseases on arable crops in 1904)
    • Rostrup, E. - 1905. Oversigt over Landbrugsplanternes Sygdomme i 1904. Tidsskrift for Landbrugets Planteavl 2: 352-376. (Overview of diseases on arable crops in 1904).
    • (1905) Tidsskrift for Landbrugets Planteavl , vol.2 , pp. 352-376
    • Rostrup, E.1
  • 334
    • 84899297711 scopus 로고
    • Oversigt over Landbrugsplanternes Sygdomme i 1905
    • (Overview of diseases on arable crops in 1905)
    • Rostrup, E. - 1906. Oversigt over Landbrugsplanternes Sygdomme i 1905. Tidsskrift for Landbrugets Planteavl 3: 79-10. (Overview of diseases on arable crops in 1905).
    • (1906) Tidsskrift for Landbrugets Planteavl , vol.3 , pp. 79-10
    • Rostrup, E.1
  • 335
    • 46749117254 scopus 로고
    • Histoire de la pomme de terre, traitée aux points de vue historique, biologique, pathologique, cultural et utilitaire
    • Paris, Rothschild. (History of the potato, treated from historical, biological, cultural and utilitarian points of view)
    • Roze, E. - 1898. Histoire de la pomme de terre, traitée aux points de vue historique, biologique, pathologique, cultural et utilitaire. Paris, Rothschild. (History of the potato, treated from historical, biological, cultural and utilitarian points of view).
    • (1898)
    • Roze, E.1
  • 336
    • 34250585443 scopus 로고
    • De betekenis van Quanjer voor het virusonderzoek
    • (The significance of Quanjer for virus research)
    • Rozendaal, A. - 1949. De betekenis van Quanjer voor het virusonderzoek. Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) 55: 103-108. (The significance of Quanjer for virus research).
    • (1949) Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) , vol.55 , pp. 103-108
    • Rozendaal, A.1
  • 337
    • 84899309792 scopus 로고
    • Cours complet d'agriculture pratique, d'économie rurale et domestique, et de médicine vétérinaire
    • Paris, Buisson et al. (Complete course in practical agriculture, rural and home economics, and veterinary medicine)
    • Rozier (Ed.) - 1809. Cours complet d'agriculture pratique, d'économie rurale et domestique, et de médicine vétérinaire. Paris, Buisson et al. (Complete course in practical agriculture, rural and home economics, and veterinary medicine).
    • (1809)
    • Rozier1
  • 338
    • 46749124358 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Österreichische Geschichte 1804-1914. Eine Chance für Mitteleuropa
    • Bürgerliche Emanzipation und Staatsverfall in der Habsburgmonarchie. Wien, Ueberreuter. (Austrian history 1804-1914. An opportunity for Middle Europe...)
    • Rumpler, H. - 1997. Österreichische Geschichte 1804-1914. Eine Chance für Mitteleuropa. Bürgerliche Emanzipation und Staatsverfall in der Habsburgmonarchie. Wien, Ueberreuter. (Austrian history 1804-1914. An opportunity for Middle Europe...).
    • (1997)
    • Rumpler, H.1
  • 339
    • 84899344024 scopus 로고
    • Ansichten über die Kartoffelkrankheit
    • (Views on the potato disease)
    • Rupprecht, XX. - 1847. Ansichten über die Kartoffelkrankheit. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 71: 429-430. (Views on the potato disease).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.71 , pp. 429-430
    • Rupprecht, X.X.1
  • 340
    • 84899383022 scopus 로고
    • Rapporten van de gouverneurs in de provinciën 1840-1849
    • Periodieke rapporten 1844, 1845. Utrecht, Kemink. (Reports of the governors in the provinces 1840-1849)
    • Rüter, A.J.C. (Ed.) - 1950. Rapporten van de gouverneurs in de provinciën 1840-1849. Vol. 3. Periodieke rapporten 1844, 1845. Utrecht, Kemink. (Reports of the governors in the provinces 1840-1849).
    • (1950) , vol.3
    • Rüter, A.J.C.1
  • 341
    • 84924668767 scopus 로고
    • Remarques Im Westen Nichts Neues
    • Ein Bestseller der Kriegsliteratur im Kontext. Paderborn, Schöning. (Remarque's 'No news from the West'. A bestseller of the war literature in its context)
    • Rüter, H. - 1980. Remarques Im Westen Nichts Neues. Ein Bestseller der Kriegsliteratur im Kontext. Paderborn, Schöning. (Remarque's 'No news from the West'. A bestseller of the war literature in its context).
    • (1980)
    • Rüter, H.1
  • 342
    • 84899188217 scopus 로고
    • Eene voedings-enquête in den mobilisatietijd
    • Amsterdam, Ontwikkeling. (An enquiry into nutrition in mobilization time)
    • Sajet, B.H., Polak, W. - 1916. Eene voedings-enquête in den mobilisatietijd. Amsterdam, Ontwikkeling. (An enquiry into nutrition in mobilization time)
    • (1916)
    • Sajet, B.H.1    Polak, W.2
  • 344
    • 0003404885 scopus 로고
    • The history and social influence of the potato
    • Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Reprint from 1949
    • Salaman, R.N. - 1970. The history and social influence of the potato. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Reprint from 1949.
    • (1970)
    • Salaman, R.N.1
  • 345
    • 46749098658 scopus 로고
    • Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik Österreich-Ungarns
    • I. Österreichische Agrarstatistik 1750-1918. Vienna, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik. (Economic and social statistics of Austria-Hungary. I. Austrian agricultural statistics 1750-1918)
    • Sandgruber, R. - 1978. Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik Österreich-Ungarns. I. Österreichische Agrarstatistik 1750-1918. Vienna, Verlag für Geschichte und Politik. (Economic and social statistics of Austria-Hungary. I. Austrian agricultural statistics 1750-1918).
    • (1978)
    • Sandgruber, R.1
  • 346
    • 84899376151 scopus 로고
    • Die Kartoffelkrankheit im Jahre 1845
    • Cleve, Char. (The potato disease in the year 1845)
    • Sauberg, F. - 1845. Die Kartoffelkrankheit im Jahre 1845. Cleve, Char. (The potato disease in the year 1845).
    • (1845)
    • Sauberg, F.1
  • 347
    • 0001916834 scopus 로고
    • Taxonomy of the cereal rust fungi
    • In: W.R. Bushnell, A.P. Roelfs (Eds.), Orlando, Academic Press
    • Savile, D.B.O. - 1984. Taxonomy of the cereal rust fungi, p. 79-112. In: W.R. Bushnell, A.P. Roelfs (Eds.), The cereal rusts, Vol. I. Orlando, Academic Press.
    • (1984) The cereal rusts , vol.I , pp. 79-112
    • Savile, D.B.O.1
  • 348
    • 4243761173 scopus 로고
    • Monografia uredinalelor din Republica Popularǎ Românǎ
    • Bukarest, Editura Academiei. (Monography of the rusts in the Romanian People's Republic), I & II
    • Savulescu, T. - 1953. Monografia uredinalelor din Republica Popularǎ Românǎ. Vol. I & II. Bukarest, Editura Academiei. (Monography of the rusts in the Romanian People's Republic).
    • (1953)
    • Savulescu, T.1
  • 349
    • 46749130541 scopus 로고
    • Bericht an das Königliche Landes-Oekonomie-Collegium über die Kartoffelpflanze und deren Krankheiten
    • Berlin, Wiegandt. (Report to the Royal National-economic Council on the potato plant and her diseases)
    • Schacht, H. - 1856. Bericht an das Königliche Landes-Oekonomie-Collegium über die Kartoffelpflanze und deren Krankheiten. Berlin, Wiegandt. (Report to the Royal National-economic Council on the potato plant and her diseases).
    • (1856)
    • Schacht, H.1
  • 350
    • 84899189497 scopus 로고
    • Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Agrikultur-botanischen Versuchs- und Samenkontroll Station von der Landkammer für die Provinz Schlezien zu Breslau vom 1 April 1914 bis 31 März 1915
    • (Communication on the activities of the agricultural-botanical experiment and seed-testing station... Silesia...) 1915
    • Schander, R. - 1915. Bericht über die Tätigkeit der Agrikultur-botanischen Versuchs- und Samenkontroll Station von der Landkammer für die Provinz Schlezien zu Breslau vom 1 April 1914 bis 31 März 1915. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz 25 (1915) 126. (Communication on the activities of the agricultural-botanical experiment and seed-testing station... Silesia...).
    • (1915) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz , vol.25 , pp. 126
    • Schander, R.1
  • 351
    • 84899308628 scopus 로고
    • Die Kartoffelfehlernte 1916 und ihre Ursachen
    • (The failure of the potato harvest 1916 and its causes)
    • Schander, R. - 1917. Die Kartoffelfehlernte 1916 und ihre Ursachen. Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 66 (7/8): 145-168. (The failure of the potato harvest 1916 and its causes).
    • (1917) Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.66 , Issue.7-8 , pp. 145-168
    • Schander, R.1
  • 352
    • 84899323202 scopus 로고
    • Beobachtungen und Versuche über Kartoffeln und Kartoffelkrankheiten im Sommer 1917
    • (Observations and experiments on potato and potato diseases in the summer of 1917)
    • Schander, R. - 1918. Beobachtungen und Versuche über Kartoffeln und Kartoffelkrankheiten im Sommer 1917. Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 67: 204-226. (Observations and experiments on potato and potato diseases in the summer of 1917).
    • (1918) Fühlings Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.67 , pp. 204-226
    • Schander, R.1
  • 354
    • 84899222074 scopus 로고
    • Berichte über Pflanzenschutz der Abteilung für Pflanzenkrankheiten des Kaiser Wilhems-Instituts für Landwirtschaft in Brombe. Die Vegetationsperiode 1913/14. Berlin, 1916
    • (Reports on crop protection by the department of plant diseases of the Emperor Wilhelm Institute... vegetation period 1913/14)
    • Schander, R., Krause, F. - 1917. Berichte über Pflanzenschutz der Abteilung für Pflanzenkrankheiten des Kaiser Wilhems-Instituts für Landwirtschaft in Brombe. Die Vegetationsperiode 1913/14. Berlin, 1916. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 27: 128-130. (Reports on crop protection by the department of plant diseases of the Emperor Wilhelm Institute... vegetation period 1913/14).
    • (1917) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.27 , pp. 128-130
    • Schander, R.1    Krause, F.2
  • 355
    • 84899250638 scopus 로고
    • Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Pflanzenkrankheiten am Kaiser Wilhelms-Institut in Bromberg. Mitteilungen Bd VI Heft 2
    • (Reports of the Department for Plant Diseases...)
    • Schander, R., Tiesenhausen - 1914. Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Pflanzenkrankheiten am Kaiser Wilhelms-Institut in Bromberg. Mitteilungen Bd VI Heft 2. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 25 (1915) 16-17. (Reports of the Department for Plant Diseases...).
    • (1914) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.25 , pp. 16-17
    • Schander, R.1    Tiesenhausen2
  • 356
    • 84899243184 scopus 로고
    • Die Schwarzrostepidemie auf dem Balkan 1932
    • (The stem rust epidemic on the Balkan 1932)
    • Scheibe, A. - 1933. Die Schwarzrostepidemie auf dem Balkan 1932. Nachrichtenblatt für den Deutschen Pflanzenschutsdienst 13: 5-6. (The stem rust epidemic on the Balkan 1932).
    • (1933) Nachrichtenblatt für den Deutschen Pflanzenschutsdienst , vol.13 , pp. 5-6
    • Scheibe, A.1
  • 357
    • 34248531025 scopus 로고
    • Die Kartoffel, ein Handbuch
    • Berlin, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. (The potato, a handbook)
    • Schick, R., Klinkowski, M. (Eds.) - 1962. Die Kartoffel, ein Handbuch. Vol II. Berlin, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag. (The potato, a handbook).
    • (1962) , vol.II
    • Schick, R.1    Klinkowski, M.2
  • 358
    • 84899361390 scopus 로고
    • Ursachen, Wesen und Entwicklung der Kartoffelkrankheit im Jahre 1845, nebst einigen Andeutungen über Aufbewahrung und Fortpflanzung der Kartoffeln
    • (Causes, nature and development of the potato disease in the year 1845, with some indications on storage and propagation of the potatoes)
    • Schirm, J.W. - 1846. Ursachen, Wesen und Entwicklung der Kartoffelkrankheit im Jahre 1845, nebst einigen Andeutungen über Aufbewahrung und Fortpflanzung der Kartoffeln. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 71: 297-303. (Causes, nature and development of the potato disease in the year 1845, with some indications on storage and propagation of the potatoes).
    • (1846) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.71 , pp. 297-303
    • Schirm, J.W.1
  • 359
    • 84899251831 scopus 로고
    • Zur Kenntnis der durch Fusarien hervorgerufenen Krankheitserscheinungen der Halmfrüchte
    • (To the knowledge of the disease symptoms of cereals caused by Fusaria)
    • Schmidt, O. - 1917. Zur Kenntnis der durch Fusarien hervorgerufenen Krankheitserscheinungen der Halmfrüchte. Fühlings landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 66: 65-84. (To the knowledge of the disease symptoms of cereals caused by Fusaria).
    • (1917) Fühlings landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.66 , pp. 65-84
    • Schmidt, O.1
  • 360
    • 84899321562 scopus 로고
    • Behandlung und Pflege der Kartoffeln in den Aufbewahrungsräumen
    • (Treatment and care of potatoes in the storage areas)
    • Schneider, G. - 1918a. Behandlung und Pflege der Kartoffeln in den Aufbewahrungsräumen. Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse 45: 481-483. (Treatment and care of potatoes in the storage areas).
    • (1918) Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse , vol.45 , pp. 481-483
    • Schneider, G.1
  • 361
    • 84899203964 scopus 로고
    • Kartoffel-Lagerschuppen und -Lagerhäuser
    • (Potato storage barns and houses)
    • Schneider, G. - 1918b. Kartoffel-Lagerschuppen und -Lagerhäuser. Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse 45: 536-537. (Potato storage barns and houses)
    • (1918) Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse , vol.45 , pp. 536-537
    • Schneider, G.1
  • 362
    • 84899338318 scopus 로고
    • Das Faulen der eingelegten Kartoffeln und seine Verhinderung durch sachgemäsze Durchlüftung und Durchkühlung der Aufbewahrungsräume
    • (The rotting of stored potatoes and its prevention by appropriate aeration and cooling of the storage rooms)
    • Schneider, G. - 1918c. Das Faulen der eingelegten Kartoffeln und seine Verhinderung durch sachgemäsze Durchlüftung und Durchkühlung der Aufbewahrungsräume. Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse 45:599. (The rotting of stored potatoes and its prevention by appropriate aeration and cooling of the storage rooms).
    • (1918) Deutsche Landwirtschaftliche Presse , vol.45 , pp. 599
    • Schneider, G.1
  • 364
    • 84899282405 scopus 로고
    • Berichte. Preuszisch-Schlesien
    • (Reports. Prussian-Silesia)
    • Schulz, XX. - 1846. Berichte. Preuszisch-Schlesien. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 71:191. (Reports. Prussian-Silesia).
    • (1846) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.71 , pp. 191
    • Schulz, X.X.1
  • 365
    • 84899221949 scopus 로고
    • Über die Ausbreitung der Feldmäuse in Deutschland im Sommer und Herbst 1918
    • (On the increase of field mice [voles] in Germany in the summer and fall of 1918)
    • Schwarz, M. - 1919. Über die Ausbreitung der Feldmäuse in Deutschland im Sommer und Herbst 1918. Fühling's Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung 68: 476-477. (On the increase of field mice [voles] in Germany in the summer and fall of 1918).
    • (1919) Fühling's Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung , vol.68 , pp. 476-477
    • Schwarz, M.1
  • 366
    • 84899227732 scopus 로고
    • Mäuseplage in Deutschland im Jahre 1919
    • Berichte über die Tätigkeit der Biologischen Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft im Jahre 1919. Berlin, Parey, (Mice outbreaks in Germany in the year 1919)
    • Schwarz, M. - 1920. Mäuseplage in Deutschland im Jahre 1919. Berichte über die Tätigkeit der Biologischen Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft im Jahre 1919. Berlin, Parey: 71-80. (Mice outbreaks in Germany in the year 1919).
    • (1920) , pp. 71-80
    • Schwarz, M.1
  • 367
    • 46749083061 scopus 로고
    • Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, sein Lebensgang und sein genossenschaftliches Werk
    • Stuttgart, Kohlhammer. (F.W. Raiffeisen, his life and his work on cooperatives)
    • Seelman-Eggebert, E.L. - 1928. Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, sein Lebensgang und sein genossenschaftliches Werk. Stuttgart, Kohlhammer. (F.W. Raiffeisen, his life and his work on cooperatives).
    • (1928)
    • Seelman-Eggebert, E.L.1
  • 368
    • 24444465634 scopus 로고
    • L'épopée du mildiou de la pomme de terre (1845-1995)
    • (The epic of potato late blight (1845-1995))
    • Semal, J. - 1995. L'épopée du mildiou de la pomme de terre (1845-1995). Cahiers Agriculture 4: 287-298. (The epic of potato late blight (1845-1995)).
    • (1995) Cahiers Agriculture , vol.4 , pp. 287-298
    • Semal, J.1
  • 369
    • 0004183265 scopus 로고
    • Poverty and famines
    • An essay on entitlement and deprivation. Oxford, Clarendon
    • Sen, A. - 1981. Poverty and famines. An essay on entitlement and deprivation. Oxford, Clarendon.
    • (1981)
    • Sen, A.1
  • 370
    • 84899312572 scopus 로고
    • Famine prevention works in Bengal
    • Sen-Gupta, D.N. - 1945. Famine prevention works in Bengal. The Asiatic Review 41: 65-72.
    • (1945) The Asiatic Review , vol.41 , pp. 65-72
    • Sen-Gupta, D.N.1
  • 371
    • 84899235145 scopus 로고
    • Monographie des céréales de la Suisse
    • Bern, s.n. (Monography of the cereals of Switzerland)
    • Seringe, N.C. - 1818. Monographie des céréales de la Suisse. Bern, s.n. (Monography of the cereals of Switzerland).
    • (1818)
    • Seringe, N.C.1
  • 373
    • 33646410197 scopus 로고
    • The allied blockade of Germany, 1914-1916
    • Ann Arbor, University of Michigan
    • Siney, M.C. - 1957. The allied blockade of Germany, 1914-1916. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan.
    • (1957)
    • Siney, M.C.1
  • 374
    • 0011670792 scopus 로고
    • De agrarische geschiedenis van West-Europa 500-1850
    • 6th Ed. Utrecht, Spectrum. (The agrarian history of Western Europe 500-1850)
    • Slicher Van Bath, B.H. - 1987. De agrarische geschiedenis van West-Europa 500-1850. 6th Ed. Utrecht, Spectrum. (The agrarian history of Western Europe 500-1850).
    • (1987)
    • Slicher Van Bath, B.H.1
  • 375
    • 84899205363 scopus 로고
    • Nederland in de Eerste Wereldoorlog (1899-1919) III. 1917-1919
    • Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff. (The Netherlands in the First World War (1899-1919) III. 1917-1919)
    • Smit, C. - 1973. Nederland in de Eerste Wereldoorlog (1899-1919) III. 1917-1919. Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff. (The Netherlands in the First World War (1899-1919) III. 1917-1919)
    • (1973)
    • Smit, C.1
  • 376
    • 0004146676 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van den Nederlandschen landbouw 1795-1940
    • Groningen, Wolters. (History of Dutch agriculture 1795-1940)
    • Sneller, Z.W. (Ed.) - 1943. Geschiedenis van den Nederlandschen landbouw 1795-1940. Groningen, Wolters. (History of Dutch agriculture 1795-1940).
    • (1943)
    • Sneller, Z.W.1
  • 377
    • 84899378086 scopus 로고
    • Landbouw. Aardappelenzaad
    • (Agriculture. Potato seed)
    • Soetens, C. - 1834. Landbouw. Aardappelenzaad. Wetenschappelijk Maandschrift 1: 223-226. (Agriculture. Potato seed).
    • (1834) Wetenschappelijk Maandschrift , vol.1 , pp. 223-226
    • Soetens, C.1
  • 378
    • 84899253104 scopus 로고
    • Praktische handleiding der behandeling van den valschen meeldauw, brand, verrotting en de anthracnose van den wijngaard, tomaat, aardappel en de meeste vruchtboomen met 27 afbeeldingen door de koper-sulfosteatiet beste geneesmiddel tegen alle kryptogamische ziekten, enz
    • enz. Antwerpen. (Practical manual for the treatment of downy mildew... of the vineyard, tomato, potato and most of the fruit trees with 27 pictures by copper-sulfosteatit best medicine against all cryptogamic diseases...)
    • Souheur, J. - 1892. Praktische handleiding der behandeling van den valschen meeldauw, brand, verrotting en de anthracnose van den wijngaard, tomaat, aardappel en de meeste vruchtboomen met 27 afbeeldingen door de koper-sulfosteatiet beste geneesmiddel tegen alle kryptogamische ziekten, enz. enz. Antwerpen. (Practical manual for the treatment of downy mildew... of the vineyard, tomato, potato and most of the fruit trees with 27 pictures by copper-sulfosteatit best medicine against all cryptogamic diseases...).
    • (1892)
    • Souheur, J.1
  • 379
    • 0008364046 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van de Friese landbouw
    • I & II. Uitg. Friesche Maatschappij van Landbouw. (History of Frisian agriculture)
    • Spahr Van der Hoek, J.J., Postma, O. - 1952. Geschiedenis van de Friese landbouw. I & II. Uitg. Friesche Maatschappij van Landbouw. (History of Frisian agriculture).
    • (1952)
    • Spahr van der Hoek, J.J.1    Postma, O.2
  • 380
    • 84901606980 scopus 로고
    • Geschichte Österreichs seit dem Wiener Frieden 1809
    • Leipzig, Hirzel, 1865. (Austria's history since the Peace of Vienna 1809)
    • Springer, A. - 1865. Geschichte Österreichs seit dem Wiener Frieden 1809. Leipzig, Hirzel. Vol. 2, 1865. (Austria's history since the Peace of Vienna 1809).
    • (1865) , vol.2
    • Springer, A.1
  • 381
    • 46749108102 scopus 로고
    • Huisboek voor den landman in Nederland
    • Haarlem, Kruseman. (House book for the husbandman in the Netherlands)
    • Staring, W.C.H. - 1860. Huisboek voor den landman in Nederland. Haarlem, Kruseman. (House book for the husbandman in the Netherlands).
    • (1860)
    • Staring, W.C.H.1
  • 382
    • 84916051327 scopus 로고
    • Agriculture and rural life in the later Roman Empire
    • In: J.H. Clapham & E. Power (Eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
    • Stevens, C.E. - 1942. Agriculture and rural life in the later Roman Empire, p. 89-117. In: J.H. Clapham & E. Power (Eds.), The Cambridge economic history of Europe. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
    • (1942) The Cambridge economic history of Europe , pp. 89-117
    • Stevens, C.E.1
  • 383
    • 0003702084 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Seed potato technology
    • Wageningen, Wageningen Pers
    • Struik, P.C., Wiersema, S.G. - 1999. Seed potato technology. Wageningen, Wageningen Pers.
    • (1999)
    • Struik, P.C.1    Wiersema, S.G.2
  • 384
    • 2042524374 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Entitlement, shortage and the 1943 Bengal Famine: another look
    • Tauger, M.B. - 2003. Entitlement, shortage and the 1943 Bengal Famine: another look. The Journal of Peasant Studies 31: 45-72.
    • (2003) The Journal of Peasant Studies , vol.31 , pp. 45-72
    • Tauger, M.B.1
  • 385
    • 46749093003 scopus 로고
    • De aardappelziekte in Nederland in 1845 en volgende jaren
    • (The potato blight in the Netherlands in 1845 and following years)
    • Terlouw, F. - 1971. De aardappelziekte in Nederland in 1845 en volgende jaren. Economisch en sociaalhistorisch Jaarboek 34: 263-308. (The potato blight in the Netherlands in 1845 and following years).
    • (1971) Economisch en sociaalhistorisch Jaarboek , vol.34 , pp. 263-308
    • Terlouw, F.1
  • 386
    • 68649122350 scopus 로고
    • Traité des maladies des grains
    • Paris, Herissant & Barrois. (Treatise on the diseases of cereals)
    • Tessier, H.-A. - 1783. Traité des maladies des grains. Paris, Herissant & Barrois. (Treatise on the diseases of cereals).
    • (1783)
    • Tessier, H.-A.1
  • 387
    • 84899160668 scopus 로고
    • Encyclopédie méthodique, ou par ordre de matières, par une Société de gens de lettres, de savans et d'artistes
    • (Methodical encyclopaedia...)
    • Tessier, H.-A., Thouin, A., Bosc d'Antic, L.-A. - 1818. Encyclopédie méthodique, ou par ordre de matières, par une Société de gens de lettres, de savans et d'artistes. Paris, Panckoucke, 1777-1792 et Paris, Agasse, 1793-1832. Vol. 4, Part 5, p195. (Methodical encyclopaedia...).
    • (1818) Paris, Panckoucke, 1777-1792 et Paris, Agasse, 1793-1832 , vol.4 , Issue.PART 5 , pp. 195
    • Tessier, H.-A.1    Thouin, A.2    Bosc d'Antic, L.-A.3
  • 388
    • 0344408563 scopus 로고
    • Zaaikoren
    • (Corn seed for sowing)
    • Tiesing, H. - 1923. Zaaikoren. Cultura 35: 288-289. (Corn seed for sowing).
    • (1923) Cultura , vol.35 , pp. 288-289
    • Tiesing, H.1
  • 389
    • 84899361790 scopus 로고
    • True nature, causes and sad effects of the rust, the bunt, the smut, and other maladies of wheat, and of oats in the field
    • Tozzetti, G. Targioni - 1767. True nature, causes and sad effects of the rust, the bunt, the smut, and other maladies of wheat, and of oats in the field. Translated in: Phytopathological Classics 9 (1952).
    • (1767) Translated in: Phytopathological Classics , vol.9 , Issue.1952
    • Targioni, T.G.1
  • 390
    • 84899223201 scopus 로고
    • Physiology der Gewächse
    • Part 1, 1835; part 2 1838. Bonn, Marcus. (Plant physiology)
    • Treviranus, L.C. - 1835/8. Physiology der Gewächse. Part 1, 1835; part 2 1838. Bonn, Marcus. (Plant physiology)
    • (1835)
    • Treviranus, L.C.1
  • 391
    • 84899359799 scopus 로고
    • Der Spelzenbrand im Roggen
    • (The glume blast in the rye)
    • Treviranus, L.C. - 1846. Der Spelzenbrand im Roggen. Botanische Zeitung 4: 629-631. (The glume blast in the rye).
    • (1846) Botanische Zeitung , vol.4 , pp. 629-631
    • Treviranus, L.C.1
  • 393
    • 84899172766 scopus 로고
    • Second mémoire sur les uredinées et les ustilaginées
    • (Second memoir on the rusts and smuts)
    • Tulasne, L.-R. - 1854. Second mémoire sur les uredinées et les ustilaginées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Quatrième série 7: 12-127. (Second memoir on the rusts and smuts).
    • (1854) Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Quatrième série , vol.7 , pp. 12-127
    • Tulasne, L.-R.1
  • 394
    • 0009776827 scopus 로고
    • The Horse-Hoing Husbandry: or, an essay on the principles of tillage and vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-felds, in order to increase their product, and diminish the common expence; by the use of instruments described in cuts
    • London, Strahan et al.
    • Tull, I. (Jethro) - 1733. The Horse-Hoing Husbandry: or, an essay on the principles of tillage and vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-felds, in order to increase their product, and diminish the common expence; by the use of instruments described in cuts. London, Strahan et al.
    • (1733)
    • Tull, I.1
  • 395
    • 27644473231 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • After the famine: Plant pathology, Phytophthora infestans, and the late blight of potatoes, 1845-1960
    • Turner, R.S. - 2006. After the famine: Plant pathology, Phytophthora infestans, and the late blight of potatoes, 1845-1960. Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 35: 341-370.
    • (2006) Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences , vol.35 , pp. 341-370
    • Turner, R.S.1
  • 396
    • 84899224406 scopus 로고
    • Groot warmoezeniersboek inhoudende eene volledige beschrijving der planten die in de moestuin voorkomen
    • Leiden, Noothoven van Goor. (Large vegetable growers' book containing a complete description of all plants growing in the vegetable garden)
    • Uilkens, T.F. - 1852. Groot warmoezeniersboek inhoudende eene volledige beschrijving der planten die in de moestuin voorkomen. Leiden, Noothoven van Goor. (Large vegetable growers' book containing a complete description of all plants growing in the vegetable garden).
    • (1852)
    • Uilkens, T.F.1
  • 397
    • 84899355910 scopus 로고
    • Tuin-almanak, of de nieuwe opregte hollandsche hovenier; aanwijzende wat men 's maandelijks in moes- en bloemtuin, boomgaard, boomkwekerij, oranjerie en broeijerij te verrigten hebben
    • Gouda, Van Goor. (Garden almanach... indicating the monthly actions to be taken in vegetable and flower garden...)
    • Uilkens, Th.F. - 1853. Tuin-almanak, of de nieuwe opregte hollandsche hovenier; aanwijzende wat men 's maandelijks in moes- en bloemtuin, boomgaard, boomkwekerij, oranjerie en broeijerij te verrigten hebben. Gouda, Van Goor. (Garden almanach... indicating the monthly actions to be taken in vegetable and flower garden...).
    • (1853)
    • Uilkens, T.F.1
  • 398
    • 84899172525 scopus 로고
    • Geschiedenis van den tuinbouw in Nederland, en overzigt van die in de verschillende staten van Europa
    • Groningen, J.B. Wolters. (History of horticulture in the Netherlands, and overview of those in other states of Europe)
    • Uilkens, Th. F. - 1855. Geschiedenis van den tuinbouw in Nederland, en overzigt van die in de verschillende staten van Europa. Groningen, J.B. Wolters. (History of horticulture in the Netherlands, and overview of those in other states of Europe).
    • (1855)
    • Uilkens, T.F.1
  • 399
    • 0346295141 scopus 로고
    • Die Exantheme der Pflanzen und einige mit diesen verwandten Krankheiten der Gewächse pathogenetisch und nosografisch dargestellt
    • Wien, Gerold. (The exanthemes [eruptions, rashes] of plants and some related crop diseases presented pathogenetically and nosographically)
    • Unger, F. - 1833. Die Exantheme der Pflanzen und einige mit diesen verwandten Krankheiten der Gewächse pathogenetisch und nosografisch dargestellt. Wien, Gerold. (The exanthemes [eruptions, rashes] of plants and some related crop diseases presented pathogenetically and nosographically).
    • (1833)
    • Unger, F.1
  • 400
    • 84899258469 scopus 로고
    • Botanische Beobachtungen
    • IV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in der Kartoffelkrankheit vorkommende Pilze und der Ursache ihres Entstehens. Botanische Zeitung 5: 305-317 + Figure 6. (Botanical observations. IV. Contribution to the knowledge of the fungi occurring in the potato disease and the causes of their origin)
    • Unger, D.F. - 1847. Botanische Beobachtungen. IV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der in der Kartoffelkrankheit vorkommende Pilze und der Ursache ihres Entstehens. Botanische Zeitung 5: 305-317 + Figure 6. (Botanical observations. IV. Contribution to the knowledge of the fungi occurring in the potato disease and the causes of their origin).
    • (1847)
    • Unger, D.F.1
  • 401
    • 2042506257 scopus 로고
    • Bengal Famine of 1943: A man-made tragedy
    • Delhi, Atma Ram
    • Uppal, J.N. - 1984. Bengal Famine of 1943: A man-made tragedy. Delhi, Atma Ram.
    • (1984)
    • Uppal, J.N.1
  • 402
    • 0004099101 scopus 로고
    • The taxonomy of some European graminicolous rusts
    • Urban, Z. - 1967. The taxonomy of some European graminicolous rusts. Česká Mykologie 21: 12-16.
    • (1967) Česká Mykologie , vol.21 , pp. 12-16
    • Urban, Z.1
  • 403
    • 84899352555 scopus 로고
    • Ecology and taxonomy of Puccinia graminis Pers. in Czechoslovakia
    • Urban, Z., Marková, J. - 1983. Ecology and taxonomy of Puccinia graminis Pers. in Czechoslovakia. Česká Mykologie 37: 129-150.
    • (1983) Česká Mykologie , vol.37 , pp. 129-150
    • Urban, Z.1    Marková, J.2
  • 404
    • 77954353803 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • La 'Profezia di Vegoia': Proprietà fondiaria e aruspicina in Etruria nel I secolo A.C.
    • (Studi pubblicati dall'Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, Vol. 43). Roma, p3, line 16. ('The prophecy of Vegoia'...)
    • Valvo, A. - 1998. La 'Profezia di Vegoia': Proprietà fondiaria e aruspicina in Etruria nel I secolo A.C. (Studi pubblicati dall'Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, Vol. 43). Roma, p3, line 16. ('The prophecy of Vegoia'...).
    • (1998)
    • Valvo, A.1
  • 405
    • 84899314673 scopus 로고
    • L'agriculture pratique de la Flandre
    • Paris, Huzard. (The practical agriculture of Flanders)
    • Van Aelbroeck, J.-L. - 1830. L'agriculture pratique de la Flandre. Paris, Huzard. (The practical agriculture of Flanders).
    • (1830)
    • Van Aelbroeck, J.-L.1
  • 406
    • 46749146837 scopus 로고
    • Prijsverhandeling over de ontaarding der aardappelen
    • Dordrecht, Blussé. (Price contest treatise on the degeneration of potatoes)
    • Van Bavegem, P.J. - 1782. Prijsverhandeling over de ontaarding der aardappelen. Dordrecht, Blussé. (Price contest treatise on the degeneration of potatoes).
    • (1782)
    • Van Bavegem, P.J.1
  • 407
    • 46749103748 scopus 로고
    • Het toenemen der ziekten in de cultuurgewassen, een dreigend gevaar voor de maatschappij
    • Leiden, Van Doesburgh. (The increase of the diseases of cultivated crops, a menacing danger for the society)
    • Van der Hardt Aberson, F.E.C. - 1893. Het toenemen der ziekten in de cultuurgewassen, een dreigend gevaar voor de maatschappij. Leiden, Van Doesburgh. (The increase of the diseases of cultivated crops, a menacing danger for the society).
    • (1893)
    • Van der Hardt Aberson, F.E.C.1
  • 408
    • 46749146191 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • De aardappelmisoogsten (1845-1848)
    • Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, 26 September. (The potato crop failures (1845-1848))
    • Van der Heiden, C. - 2001. De aardappelmisoogsten (1845-1848). Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, 26 September. (The potato crop failures (1845-1848)).
    • (2001)
    • van der Heiden, C.1
  • 411
    • 0003649461 scopus 로고
    • Plant diseases: epidemics and control
    • New York, Academic Press
    • Vanderplank, J.E. - 1963. Plant diseases: epidemics and control. New York, Academic Press.
    • (1963)
    • Vanderplank, J.E.1
  • 412
    • 0004294872 scopus 로고
    • Disease resistance in plants
    • New York, Academic Press
    • Vanderplank, J.E. - 1968. Disease resistance in plants. New York, Academic Press.
    • (1968)
    • Vanderplank, J.E.1
  • 413
    • 0008364045 scopus 로고
    • Honderd jaar landbouwmechanisatie in Nederland
    • Haarlem, Boeke & Huidekoper. (Hundred years of agricultural mechanization in the Netherlands)
    • Van der Poel, J.G.M. - 1967. Honderd jaar landbouwmechanisatie in Nederland. Haarlem, Boeke & Huidekoper. (Hundred years of agricultural mechanization in the Netherlands).
    • (1967)
    • van der Poel, J.G.M.1
  • 414
    • 84899231822 scopus 로고
    • Interaction of fungal pathogens, and its effect on crop losses in wheat
    • Proc. 2nd International Symposium Plant Pathology, Delhi
    • Van der Wal, A.F., Zadoks, J.C. - 1971. Interaction of fungal pathogens, and its effect on crop losses in wheat. Proc. 2nd International Symposium Plant Pathology, Delhi.
    • (1971)
    • van der Wal, A.F.1    Zadoks, J.C.2
  • 415
    • 46749094697 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Die gewone aardappel
    • Geschiedenis van de aardappel en de aardappelteelt in Nederland. Wageningen, s.n. (That ordinary potato; history of the potato and potato cultivation in the Netherlands)
    • Van der Zaag, D.E. - 1999. Die gewone aardappel. Geschiedenis van de aardappel en de aardappelteelt in Nederland. Wageningen, s.n. (That ordinary potato; history of the potato and potato cultivation in the Netherlands).
    • (1999)
    • van der Zaag, D.E.1
  • 416
    • 46749130946 scopus 로고
    • Verslag van den Gouverneur en de Gedeputeerde Staten der Provincie Noord-Holland, aan de Provinciale Staten, in derzelve gewone vergadering, gehouden te Haarlem den 7den Julij 1846
    • (Report of the Governor and the Board of the Province Noord-Holland to the Provincial States)
    • Van Ewyck, D.J. - 1847. Verslag van den Gouverneur en de Gedeputeerde Staten der Provincie Noord-Holland, aan de Provinciale Staten, in derzelve gewone vergadering, gehouden te Haarlem den 7den Julij 1846. (Report of the Governor and the Board of the Province Noord-Holland to the Provincial States).
    • (1847)
    • Van Ewyck, D.J.1
  • 417
    • 0007893376 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Chemisch-ecologische flora van Nederland en België
    • Utrecht, KNNV. (Chemical-ecological flora of the Netherlands and Belgium)
    • Van Genderen, H., Schoonhoven, L.M., Fuchs, A. - 1996. Chemisch-ecologische flora van Nederland en België. Utrecht, KNNV. (Chemical-ecological flora of the Netherlands and Belgium).
    • (1996)
    • Van Genderen, H.1    Schoonhoven, L.M.2    Fuchs, A.3
  • 419
    • 84899347407 scopus 로고
    • Neêrlands plantenschat, of landhuishoudkundige flora, behelzende eene beschrijving der onkruiden, vergiftige en nuttige inlandsche planten en der in onzen landbouw gekweekte gewassen
    • Leeuwarden, Suringar. (Dutch plant treasure, or agricultural flora containing a description of weeds, poisonous and useful native plants and of crops grown in arable agriculture)
    • Van Hall, H.C. - 1854. Neêrlands plantenschat, of landhuishoudkundige flora, behelzende eene beschrijving der onkruiden, vergiftige en nuttige inlandsche planten en der in onzen landbouw gekweekte gewassen. Leeuwarden, Suringar. (Dutch plant treasure, or agricultural flora containing a description of weeds, poisonous and useful native plants and of crops grown in arable agriculture).
    • (1854)
    • Van Hall, H.C.1
  • 420
    • 84899236444 scopus 로고
    • Honingdauw. Album der Natuur: 129-136
    • (Honeydew). Naschrift (post-script) P. Harting
    • Van Hall, H.C. - 1859. Honingdauw. Album der Natuur: 129-136. (Honeydew). Naschrift (post-script) P. Harting (p. 136-140).
    • (1859) , pp. 136-140
    • Van Hall, H.C.1
  • 421
    • 84899159092 scopus 로고
    • Heiboeren
    • Bevolking, arbeid en inkomen in de 19de eeuwse Kempen. Brussel, VUBpress. (Heathland farmers; population, labour and income in 19th century Campine)
    • Vanhaute, E. - 1992. Heiboeren. Bevolking, arbeid en inkomen in de 19de eeuwse Kempen. Brussel, VUBpress. (Heathland farmers; population, labour and income in 19th century Campine).
    • (1992)
    • Vanhaute, E.1
  • 422
    • 84899195125 scopus 로고
    • Encyclopaedie van Noord-Brabant
    • Baarn, Market Books. (Encyclopedia of North-Brabant)
    • Van Oirschot, A., Jansen, A.C., Koesen, L.S.A. (Eds) - 1985. Encyclopaedie van Noord-Brabant. Vol. 1. Baarn, Market Books. (Encyclopedia of North-Brabant).
    • (1985) , vol.1
    • Van Oirschot, A.1    Jansen, A.C.2    Koesen, L.S.A.3
  • 425
    • 46749115568 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The strengths and weaknesses of Dutch liberalism: a historical comparison with German liberalism
    • In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag
    • Van Schie, P. - 2006. The strengths and weaknesses of Dutch liberalism: a historical comparison with German liberalism, p. 35-53. In: P. Van Schie & G. Voerman (Eds.), The dividing line between success and failure. A comparison of liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin, LIT Verlag.
    • (2006) The dividing line between success and failure , pp. 35-53
    • Van Schie, P.1
  • 426
    • 0003696003 scopus 로고
    • De economische ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse landbouw in de negentiende eeuw, 1800-1914
    • Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 25. (The economic development of Dutch agriculture in the nineteenth century, 1800-1914)
    • Van Zanden, J.L. - 1985. De economische ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse landbouw in de negentiende eeuw, 1800-1914. Wageningen, A.A.G. Bijdragen 25. (The economic development of Dutch agriculture in the nineteenth century, 1800-1914).
    • (1985)
    • Van Zanden, J.L.1
  • 427
    • 77649189185 scopus 로고
    • Den zedelijken en materiëlen toestand der arbeidende bevolking te platten lande
    • Een reeks rapporten uit 1851. Historia agriculturae 21. ('The moral and material situation of the working population on the countryside', a set of reports from 1851)
    • Van Zanden, J.L. - 1991. 'Den zedelijken en materiëlen toestand der arbeidende bevolking te platten lande'. Een reeks rapporten uit 1851. Historia agriculturae 21. ('The moral and material situation of the working population on the countryside', a set of reports from 1851).
    • (1991)
    • Van Zanden, J.L.1
  • 429
    • 84899246290 scopus 로고
    • Berne handmissaal voor zondagen en feesten
    • Turnhout, Proost. (Berne hand missal for Sundays and feasts)
    • Verbruggen, J. - 1957. Berne handmissaal voor zondagen en feesten. Turnhout, Proost. (Berne hand missal for Sundays and feasts).
    • (1957)
    • Verbruggen, J.1
  • 430
    • 46749131926 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Paysans et notables du Morvan au XIXe siècle jusqu'en 1914
    • Château-Chinon, Académie du Morvan. (Peasants and dignitaries of the Morvan in the 19th century up to 1914)
    • Vigreux, M. - 1998. Paysans et notables du Morvan au XIXe siècle jusqu'en 1914. Château-Chinon, Académie du Morvan. (Peasants and dignitaries of the Morvan in the 19th century up to 1914).
    • (1998)
    • Vigreux, M.1
  • 431
    • 0142186465 scopus 로고
    • Mittheilungen über die in Oberschlesien herrschende Typhus-Epidemie
    • Berlin, Reimer. (Communications on the typhus epidemic raging in Upper Silesia)
    • Virchow, R. - 1848. Mittheilungen über die in Oberschlesien herrschende Typhus-Epidemie. Berlin, Reimer. (Communications on the typhus epidemic raging in Upper Silesia).
    • (1848)
    • Virchow, R.1
  • 433
    • 46749112320 scopus 로고
    • Eenige opmerkingen ter zake van de aardappelziekte
    • Amsterdam, van Kampen (Some comments concerning the potato disease)
    • Vissering, S. - 1845. Eenige opmerkingen ter zake van de aardappelziekte. Amsterdam, van Kampen (Some comments concerning the potato disease).
    • (1845)
    • Vissering, S.1
  • 434
    • 84899214360 scopus 로고
    • Der Erste Weltkrieg
    • in H. Pleticha (Ed.): Deutsche Geschichte, Vol. 10:Bismarck-Reich und Wilhelminische Zeit. 1871-1918. Gütersloh, Bertelsmann. (The First World War)
    • Vocke, R. - 1984. Der Erste Weltkrieg, pp 341-373 in H. Pleticha (Ed.): Deutsche Geschichte, Vol. 10:Bismarck-Reich und Wilhelminische Zeit. 1871-1918. Gütersloh, Bertelsmann. (The First World War).
    • (1984) , pp. 341-373
    • Vocke, R.1
  • 435
    • 84899280447 scopus 로고
    • Brot aus Quecken (Triticum repens)
    • (Bread from couch grass (Triticum repens))
    • Von Bujanovics, E. - 1847. Brot aus Quecken (Triticum repens). Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 73: 129-131. (Bread from couch grass (Triticum repens)).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.73 , pp. 129-131
    • Von Bujanovics, E.1
  • 436
    • 12644276955 scopus 로고
    • Die Kartoffel-Epidemie der letzten Jahre, oder die Stockfäule und Räude der Kartoffeln
    • Münich, s.n. (The potato epidemic of the last years, or the storage rot and the scab of the potatoes)
    • Von Martius, C.F.P. - 1842. Die Kartoffel-Epidemie der letzten Jahre, oder die Stockfäule und Räude der Kartoffeln. Münich, s.n. (The potato epidemic of the last years, or the storage rot and the scab of the potatoes).
    • (1842)
    • Von Martius, C.F.P.1
  • 438
    • 84899227155 scopus 로고
    • Die Bekämpfung der Pilzkrankheiten unserer Culturgewächse
    • Versuch einer Pflanzentherapie. Wien, Faesy. (The control of the fungal diseases of our crops. Attempt at a plant therapy)
    • Von Thümen, F. - 1886. Die Bekämpfung der Pilzkrankheiten unserer Culturgewächse. Versuch einer Pflanzentherapie. Wien, Faesy. (The control of the fungal diseases of our crops. Attempt at a plant therapy).
    • (1886)
    • Von Thümen, F.1
  • 439
    • 84899161221 scopus 로고
    • Bericht des Geheimen Ober-Finanz-Raths v. Viebahn über eine agronomischtechnologische Reise in den Provinzen Posen, Preuszen und Pommern vom 9. Juni bis 11. Juli 1846
    • Annalen der Landwirthschaft 6 (Vol. 11) 1-74. (Report of... v. Viebahn on an agronomical-technological visit to the Provinces Posen, Prussia and Pommerania...)
    • Von Viebahn, XX. - 1848. Bericht des Geheimen Ober-Finanz-Raths v. Viebahn über eine agronomischtechnologische Reise in den Provinzen Posen, Preuszen und Pommern vom 9. Juni bis 11. Juli 1846. Annalen der Landwirthschaft 6 (Vol. 11) 1-74. (Report of... v. Viebahn on an agronomical-technological visit to the Provinces Posen, Prussia and Pommerania...).
    • (1848)
    • Von Viebahn, X.X.1
  • 440
    • 84899308568 scopus 로고
    • Bericht der Hauptstelle für Pflanzenschutz in Baden für das Jahr 1914
    • Stuttgart, Ulmer. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenschutz 26 (1916) 196-197. (Report of the main station for plant protection in Baden... 1914)
    • Von Wahl, C., Müller, K. - 1915. Bericht der Hauptstelle für Pflanzenschutz in Baden für das Jahr 1914. Stuttgart, Ulmer. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenschutz 26 (1916) 196-197. (Report of the main station for plant protection in Baden... 1914).
    • (1915)
    • Von Wahl, C.1    Müller, K.2
  • 441
    • 46749123140 scopus 로고
    • Waarnemingen en proeven over de onlangs geheerscht hebbende ziekte der aardappelen, dd 15-11-1845
    • Voordracht Vergadering 1e Klasse Koninklijke-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. Amsterdam, Sulpke. (Observations and experiments on the recently prevailing disease of potatoes)
    • Vrolik, G. - 1845. Waarnemingen en proeven over de onlangs geheerscht hebbende ziekte der aardappelen, dd 15-11-1845. Voordracht Vergadering 1e Klasse Koninklijke-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. Amsterdam, Sulpke. (Observations and experiments on the recently prevailing disease of potatoes)
    • (1845)
    • Vrolik, G.1
  • 442
    • 46749114478 scopus 로고
    • Omtrent de uitkomsten, welke de zaaijing van het door het department van Binnenlandsche Zaken in den aanvang van 1846, aan de Klasse gezonden aardappelzaad heeft opgeleeverd
    • Verslagen, bij de Eerste Klasse Koninklijke-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Leterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. (Ook in Nederlandsche Staatscourant). (About the results that the sowing of the potato seeds, sent to the Class by the Department of the Interior in the beginning of 1846, has produced)
    • Vrolik, G., Numan, A., Van Hall, H.C., Brandts, A. - 1846. Omtrent de uitkomsten, welke de zaaijing van het door het department van Binnenlandsche Zaken in den aanvang van 1846, aan de Klasse gezonden aardappelzaad heeft opgeleeverd. Verslagen, bij de Eerste Klasse Koninklijke-Nederlandsch Instituut van Wetenschappen, Leterkunde en Schoone Kunsten. (Ook in Nederlandsche Staatscourant). (About the results that the sowing of the potato seeds, sent to the Class by the Department of the Interior in the beginning of 1846, has produced).
    • (1846)
    • Vrolik, G.1    Numan, A.2    Van Hall, H.C.3    Brandts, A.4
  • 443
    • 0004360011 scopus 로고
    • Evolution at the center of origin
    • In: W.R. Bushnell & A.P. Roelfs (Eds.), Orlando, Academic Press
    • Wahl, I., Anikster, Y., Manisterski, J., Segal, A. - 1984. Evolution at the center of origin, p. 39-77. In: W.R. Bushnell & A.P. Roelfs (Eds.), The cereal rusts Vol. I. Orlando, Academic Press.
    • (1984) The cereal rusts , vol.I , pp. 39-77
    • Wahl, I.1    Anikster, Y.2    Manisterski, J.3    Segal, A.4
  • 444
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    • Bidrag till kännedommen om potäternas sjukdom i Sverige åren 1845 och 1846
    • Stockholm, Elmen & Granberg. (Contribution to the knowledge of the potato disease in Sweden in the years 1845 and 1846)
    • Wahlberg, P.F. - 1847. Bidrag till kännedommen om potäternas sjukdom i Sverige åren 1845 och 1846. Stockholm, Elmen & Granberg. (Contribution to the knowledge of the potato disease in Sweden in the years 1845 and 1846).
    • (1847)
    • Wahlberg, P.F.1
  • 445
    • 84899384862 scopus 로고
    • Über die dieszjährige Fruchternte und deren Ausfall in den verschiedenen, besonders teutschen Ländern, nach sichern und zuverlässigen Nachrichten
    • (On this year's crop harvests and their losses in the various, especially German, countries, according to certain and reliable informations)
    • Weber, XX. - 1847. Über die dieszjährige Fruchternte und deren Ausfall in den verschiedenen, besonders teutschen Ländern, nach sichern und zuverlässigen Nachrichten. Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen 73: 2-7, 12-15, 22-24. (On this year's crop harvests and their losses in the various, especially German, countries, according to certain and reliable informations).
    • (1847) Oekonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen , vol.73
    • Weber, X.X.1
  • 446
    • 4243881432 scopus 로고
    • Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte
    • II. Von der Reformära bis zur industriellen und politischen 'Deutschen Doppelrevolution' 1815-1845/49. 2nd Ed. München, Beck. (German social history. II....)
    • Wehler, H.-U. - 1987. Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte. II. Von der Reformära bis zur industriellen und politischen 'Deutschen Doppelrevolution' 1815-1845/49. 2nd Ed. München, Beck. (German social history. II....).
    • (1987)
    • Wehler, H.-U.1
  • 447
    • 46749117624 scopus 로고
    • Die Pflanzenpathologie der deutschen Romantik als Lehre vom kranken Leben und Bilden der Pflanzen
    • Bonn, Bonner Universitäts-Buchdruckerei. (The phytopathology of German Romanticism as the theory of diseased life and formation of plants)
    • Wehnelt, B. - 1943. Die Pflanzenpathologie der deutschen Romantik als Lehre vom kranken Leben und Bilden der Pflanzen. Bonn, Bonner Universitäts-Buchdruckerei. (The phytopathology of German Romanticism as the theory of diseased life and formation of plants).
    • (1943)
    • Wehnelt, B.1
  • 448
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    • De gevolgen der bladrolziekte bij aardappelen
    • Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten 24:Bijblad 1-4. (The consequences of leaf roll in potatoes)
    • Wennink, C.S. - 1918. De gevolgen der bladrolziekte bij aardappelen. Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten 24:Bijblad 1-4. (The consequences of leaf roll in potatoes).
    • (1918)
    • Wennink, C.S.1
  • 449
    • 29644432243 scopus 로고
    • Quatrième notice sur quelques cryptogames récemment découvertes en Belgique
    • (Fourth note on some cryptogames recently discovered in Belgium)
    • Westendorp, G.D. - 1854a. Quatrième notice sur quelques cryptogames récemment découvertes en Belgique. Bull. Académie Royale de Sciences de Belgique 21: 229-246. (Fourth note on some cryptogames recently discovered in Belgium).
    • (1854) Bull. Académie Royale de Sciences de Belgique , vol.21 , pp. 229-246
    • Westendorp, G.D.1
  • 450
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    • Description de quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore des deux Flandres
    • Académie Royale de Bruxelles (Extrait du tome XII, no 9, des Bulletins). (Description of some cryptogames unpublished or new to the flora of the two Flanders)
    • Westendorp, G.D. - 1854b. Description de quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore des deux Flandres. Académie Royale de Bruxelles (Extrait du tome XII, no 9, des Bulletins). (Description of some cryptogames unpublished or new to the flora of the two Flanders).
    • (1854)
    • Westendorp, G.D.1
  • 451
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    • II. Notice sur quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore belge
    • Académie Royale de Belgique. (Extrait du tome XVIII, nos 7 et 10 des Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique). (Note on some cryptogames unpublished or new to the Belgian flora)
    • Westendorp, G.D. - 1854c. II. Notice sur quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore belge. Académie Royale de Belgique. (Extrait du tome XVIII, nos 7 et 10 des Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique). (Note on some cryptogames unpublished or new to the Belgian flora).
    • (1854)
    • Westendorp, G.D.1
  • 452
    • 84899254010 scopus 로고
    • Septième notice sur quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore belge
    • Extrait des Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 2me série, tome XI, no. 6. (Seventh note on some cryptogames unpublished or new to the Belgian flora)
    • Westendorp, G.D. - 1860. Septième notice sur quelques cryptogames inédites ou nouvelles pour la flore belge. Extrait des Bulletins de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 2me série, tome XI, no. 6. (Seventh note on some cryptogames unpublished or new to the Belgian flora).
    • (1860)
    • Westendorp, G.D.1
  • 453
    • 84899171143 scopus 로고
    • Herbier cryptogamique ou collection de plantes cryptogames et agames qui croissent en Belgique
    • 28 fascicules in 18 'books' (Cryptogamic herbal or collection of cryptogamic and agamic plants growing in Belgium). Fascicules 1-5, 1845-1846. Bruges, de Pachtere. Fascicules 6-10, 1847-1850. Courtrai, Jaspin. Tableau méthodique, index of first 10 fascicules, Courtrai, Jaspin, 1850
    • Westendorp, G.D., Wallays, A.C.F. - 1845/50. Herbier cryptogamique ou collection de plantes cryptogames et agames qui croissent en Belgique. 28 fascicules in 18 'books' (Cryptogamic herbal or collection of cryptogamic and agamic plants growing in Belgium). Fascicules 1-5, 1845-1846. Bruges, de Pachtere. Fascicules 6-10, 1847-1850. Courtrai, Jaspin. Tableau méthodique, index of first 10 fascicules, Courtrai, Jaspin, 1850.
    • (1845)
    • Westendorp, G.D.1    Wallays, A.C.F.2
  • 454
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    • Herbier cryptogamique [belge] ou collection des plantes cryptogames qui croissent en Belgique
    • Fascicules 21 & 22. Gand, Van Doosselaere
    • Westendorp, G.D., Wallays, A.C.F. - 1855. Herbier cryptogamique [belge] ou collection des plantes cryptogames qui croissent en Belgique. Fascicules 21 & 22. Gand, Van Doosselaere.
    • (1855)
    • Westendorp, G.D.1    Wallays, A.C.F.2
  • 456
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    • Die Mosaikkrankheit der Kartoffelpflanze
    • (The mosaic disease of the potato plant)
    • Westerdijk, J. - 1916. Die Mosaikkrankheit der Kartoffelpflanze. Jahresbericht der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik 14: 145-149. (The mosaic disease of the potato plant).
    • (1916) Jahresbericht der Vereinigung für Angewandte Botanik , vol.14 , pp. 145-149
    • Westerdijk, J.1
  • 457
    • 84899209704 scopus 로고
    • De nieuwe wegen van het phytopathologisch onderzoek
    • Amsterdam, de Bussy. (The new avenues of phytopathological research)
    • Westerdijk, J. - 1917. De nieuwe wegen van het phytopathologisch onderzoek. Amsterdam, de Bussy. (The new avenues of phytopathological research).
    • (1917)
    • Westerdijk, J.1
  • 458
    • 46749136091 scopus 로고
    • Grosser Atlas zur Weltgeschichte
    • Braunschweig, Westermann. (Large atlas on world history)
    • Westermann, G. - 1956. Grosser Atlas zur Weltgeschichte. Braunschweig, Westermann. (Large atlas on world history).
    • (1956)
    • Westermann, G.1
  • 459
    • 0004247381 scopus 로고
    • Roman farming
    • Ithaca (NY), Cornell University Press
    • White, K.D. - 1970. Roman farming. Ithaca (NY), Cornell University Press.
    • (1970)
    • White, K.D.1
  • 460
    • 84899166580 scopus 로고
    • Die Kranheiten und krankhaften Miszbildungen der Gewächse, mit Angabe der Ursachen und der Heilung oder Verhütung derselben, so wie über einige den Gewächsen Schädliche Thiere und deren Vertilgung
    • Braunschweig, Viehweg. (The diseases and morbid deformations of the crops,...)
    • Wiegmann, A.F. - 1839. Die Kranheiten und krankhaften Miszbildungen der Gewächse, mit Angabe der Ursachen und der Heilung oder Verhütung derselben, so wie über einige den Gewächsen Schädliche Thiere und deren Vertilgung. Braunschweig, Viehweg. (The diseases and morbid deformations of the crops,...).
    • (1839)
    • Wiegmann, A.F.1
  • 461
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    • Compendium of wheat diseases
    • St Paul, American Phytopathological Society
    • Wiese, M.V. - 1977. Compendium of wheat diseases. St Paul, American Phytopathological Society.
    • (1977)
    • Wiese, M.V.1
  • 462
    • 84899273284 scopus 로고
    • Der Berberitzenstrauch, ein Feind des Wintergetreides
    • Aus Erfahrungen, Versuchen und Zeugniszen. Bückeburg, s.n./Hannover, Hahn. (The barberry shrub, a foe of the winter corn [= rye]; from experiences, experiments and testimonies)
    • Windt, L.G. - 1806. Der Berberitzenstrauch, ein Feind des Wintergetreides. Aus Erfahrungen, Versuchen und Zeugniszen. Bückeburg, s.n./Hannover, Hahn. (The barberry shrub, a foe of the winter corn [= rye]; from experiences, experiments and testimonies).
    • (1806)
    • Windt, L.G.1
  • 463
    • 0004268731 scopus 로고
    • The Great Hunger
    • Ireland 1845-1849. London, Hamilton
    • Woodham-Smith, C. - 1962. The Great Hunger. Ireland 1845-1849. London, Hamilton.
    • (1962)
    • Woodham-Smith, C.1
  • 464
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    • The age of reform 1815-1870
    • Oxford, Clarendon
    • Woodward, E.L. - 1938. The age of reform 1815-1870. Oxford, Clarendon.
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    • Woodward, E.L.1
  • 465
    • 84899314413 scopus 로고
    • De roest der rogge
    • Algemene landhuishoudelijke Courant, Arnhem, Meijer. 2-25:Zaterdag 17 Juni. (The rust of the rye)
    • Wttewaaall, J. - 1848. De roest der rogge. Algemene landhuishoudelijke Courant, Arnhem, Meijer. 2-25:Zaterdag 17 Juni. (The rust of the rye).
    • (1848)
    • Wttewaaall, J.1
  • 466
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    • Stads- en dorpskroniek van Friesland II (1800-1900)
    • Leeuwarden, Eisma. (Town and village chronicle of Friesland)
    • Wumkes, G.A. - 1934. Stads- en dorpskroniek van Friesland II (1800-1900). Leeuwarden, Eisma. (Town and village chronicle of Friesland).
    • (1934)
    • Wumkes, G.A.1
  • 467
    • 0345833618 scopus 로고
    • Wallstreet and the stock markets
    • A chronology. 1644-1971. Philadelphia, Chilton
    • Wyckoff, P. - 1972. Wallstreet and the stock markets. A chronology. 1644-1971. Philadelphia, Chilton.
    • (1972)
    • Wyckoff, P.1
  • 468
    • 0038816133 scopus 로고
    • De zomers in Nederland vanaf 1706 thermisch bekeken
    • KNMI Wetenschappelijk Rapport W.R. 76-15. De Bilt, KNMI. (The summers in the Netherlands from 1706, from a thermal viewpoint)
    • IJnsen, F. - 1976. De zomers in Nederland vanaf 1706 thermisch bekeken. KNMI Wetenschappelijk Rapport W.R. 76-15. De Bilt, KNMI. (The summers in the Netherlands from 1706, from a thermal viewpoint).
    • (1976)
    • IJnsen, F.1
  • 469
    • 0038478382 scopus 로고
    • Onderzoek naar het optreden van winterweer in Nederland
    • KNMI Wetenschappelijk Rapport W.R. 74-2. 2nd Ed. De Bilt, KNMI. (Study on the occurrence of winter weather in the Netherlands)
    • IJnsen, F. - 1981. Onderzoek naar het optreden van winterweer in Nederland. KNMI Wetenschappelijk Rapport W.R. 74-2. 2nd Ed. De Bilt, KNMI. (Study on the occurrence of winter weather in the Netherlands).
    • (1981)
    • IJnsen, F.1
  • 470
    • 34250577606 scopus 로고
    • Yellow rust on wheat, studies in epidemiology and physiologic specialization
    • Wageningen, Veenman. Also in: Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) 67: 69-256
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 1961. Yellow rust on wheat, studies in epidemiology and physiologic specialization. Wageningen, Veenman. Also in: Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten (European Journal of Plant Pathology) 67: 69-256.
    • (1961)
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 471
    • 0003280124 scopus 로고
    • Epidemiology of wheat rusts in Europe
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 1965. Epidemiology of wheat rusts in Europe. FAO Plant Protection Bull. 13: 97-108.
    • (1965) FAO Plant Protection Bull. , vol.13 , pp. 97-108
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 472
    • 67651224139 scopus 로고
    • Cereal rusts, dogs, and stars in antiquity
    • Garcia de Orta, Ser. Estacão Agronómica Lisboa 9: 13-29
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 1984a. Cereal rusts, dogs, and stars in antiquity. Garcia de Orta, Ser. Estacão Agronómica Lisboa 9: 13-29.
    • (1984)
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 473
    • 0041887876 scopus 로고
    • Disease and pest shifts in modern wheat cultivation
    • In: E.J. Gallagher (Ed.), London, Butterworths
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 1984b. Disease and pest shifts in modern wheat cultivation, p. 237-244. In: E.J. Gallagher (Ed.), Cereal production. London, Butterworths.
    • (1984) Cereal production , pp. 237-244
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 474
    • 33645893685 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Two wheat septorias; two emerging diseases from the past
    • In: G.H.J. Kema, M. Van Ginkel & M. Harrabi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Septoria and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals, December 8-12, 2003, Tunis, Tunesia
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 2003. Two wheat septorias; two emerging diseases from the past, p. 1-12. In: G.H.J. Kema, M. Van Ginkel & M. Harrabi (Eds.), Global insights into the Septoria and Stagonospora diseases of cereals. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Septoria and Stagonospora Diseases of Cereals, December 8-12, 2003, Tunis, Tunesia.
    • (2003) Global insights into the Septoria and Stagonospora diseases of cereals , pp. 1-12
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 475
    • 60949542378 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Fox and fire, a rusty riddle
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 2007. Fox and fire, a rusty riddle. Latomus (Brussels) 66: 3-9.
    • (2007) Latomus (Brussels) , vol.66 , pp. 3-9
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 476
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    • The potato murrain on the European Continent and the revolutions of 1848
    • Zadoks, J.C. - 2008. The potato murrain on the European Continent and the revolutions of 1848. Potato Research 51: 5-45.
    • (2008) Potato Research , vol.51 , pp. 5-45
    • Zadoks, J.C.1
  • 477
    • 84981809484 scopus 로고
    • A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals
    • Zadoks, J.C., Chang, T.T., Konzak, C.F. - 1974. A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research 14: 415-421.
    • (1974) Weed Research , vol.14 , pp. 415-421
    • Zadoks, J.C.1    Chang, T.T.2    Konzak, C.F.3
  • 478
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    • Bruine roest op tarwe in 1983; een verregende epidemie?
    • (Abstract). (Brown rust on wheat in 1983; an epidemic washed away by rain?)
    • Zadoks, J.C., Leemans, A.M. - 1984. Bruine roest op tarwe in 1983; een verregende epidemie? Gewasbescherming 15: 5 (Abstract). (Brown rust on wheat in 1983; an epidemic washed away by rain?)
    • (1984) Gewasbescherming , vol.15 , pp. 5
    • Zadoks, J.C.1    Leemans, A.M.2
  • 479
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    • Epidemiology and plant disease management
    • New York, Oxford University Press
    • Zadoks, J.C., Schein, R.D. - 1979. Epidemiology and plant disease management. New York, Oxford University Press.
    • (1979)
    • Zadoks, J.C.1    Schein, R.D.2
  • 481
    • 84899259631 scopus 로고
    • Bericht der Hauptsammelstelle Rostock für Pflanzenschutz in Mecklenburg im Jahre 1914
    • (Report of the main station Rostock for plant protection in Mecklenburg in the year 1914)
    • Zimmermann, H. - 1916a. Bericht der Hauptsammelstelle Rostock für Pflanzenschutz in Mecklenburg im Jahre 1914. Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten 26: 387-388. (Report of the main station Rostock for plant protection in Mecklenburg in the year 1914).
    • (1916) Abstract in Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten , vol.26 , pp. 387-388
    • Zimmermann, H.1
  • 482
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    • Eine Wurzelerkrankung des Roggens infolge Frostes
    • (A root disease of rye due to frost)
    • Zimmermann, H. - 1916b. Eine Wurzelerkrankung des Roggens infolge Frostes. Zeitschrift für Planzenkrankheiten 26: 321-323. (A root disease of rye due to frost).
    • (1916) Zeitschrift für Planzenkrankheiten , vol.26 , pp. 321-323
    • Zimmermann, H.1

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