the Bangkok Summit Declaration on the ASEAN Secretariat's website, July
See full text of the Bangkok Summit Declaration on the ASEAN Secretariat's website (www.aseansec.org/5189.htm [July 2010]).
Joint Statement of the Special Meeting of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers on Cambodia, Kuala Lumpur, July 10, 1997
See Joint Statement of the Special Meeting of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers on Cambodia, Kuala Lumpur, July 10, 1997 (www.aseansec.org/1826.htm).
Crisis prevention
July 21
"Crisis Prevention", Newsweek International, July 21, 1997.
Newsweek International
Surin Pitsuwan, opening statement, Thirty-First ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and Post-Ministerial Conference, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 12, 1998 (www.asean.org). Surin Pitsuwan and Anwar Ibrahim were among the founding members of the Asian Dialogue Society. The founding members were a group of Southeast Asian intellectuals and politicians (including M. R. Sukhumb-hand Paribatra, now the governor of Bangkok, the Thai journalist Kavi Chongkit-tavorn, and the Singaporean think tank scholar M. Rajaretnam) aspiring to build a better Asia through international dialogue and cooperation. The society had funding support from the Hans Seidel Stiftung, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Sasakawa Foundation, the Nippon Foundation, and UNESCO, among others.
Mr. Abdullah Badawi, opening statement, Thirty-First ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and Post-Ministerial Conference, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 12, 1998
Mr. Abdullah Badawi, opening statement, Thirty-First ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and Post-Ministerial Conference, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 12, 1998 (www.asean.org).
See the Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015 (www.asean.org) (ASEAN summits). One of the main reasons for the acceleration was that ASEAN risked losing its economic competitiveness if its economic integration toward one ASEAN market and regional production base moved too slowly. The ASEAN economic ministers were the first to agree on realizing the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015. The ASEAN foreign ministers thought it would be incongruent (or even divisive) to move faster on the economic pillar than on the other two pillars. Therefore, they recommended the acceleration of the ASEAN Political and Security Community and the ASEAN Sociocultural Community by 2015 so that all the three pillars would advance in tandem.
Suu Kyi Backs U. S engagement with Burma
Rangoon, September 25
Quoted in "Suu Kyi Backs U. S engagement with Burma", Mail and Guardian Online, Rangoon, September 25, 2009.
Mail and Guardian Online
Aung San Suu Kyi seeks to meet western diplomats
September 29
"Aung San Suu Kyi Seeks to Meet Western Diplomats", Jakarta Post, September 29, 2009.
Jakarta Post
Based on the prepared text of Thein Sein's address released by the UN Secretariat
Based on the prepared text of Thein Sein's address released by the UN Secretariat (www.un.org/ga/64).