Assessing the impact of a school subsidy program in Mexico: using a social experiment to validate a dynamic behavioral model of child schooling and fertility
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Education choices in Mexico: using a structural model and a randomized experiment to evaluate PROGRESA
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Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part I: Causal models, structural models and econometric policy evaluation
(editors) Amsterdam North Holland
Heckman J.J. Vytlacil E. Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part I: Causal models, structural models and econometric policy evaluation. In: Ed. Heckman J.J. Leamer E. (editors), Handbook of Econometrics. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2007;Vol 6.B:4779–874.
Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part II: Using the marginal treatment effect to organize alternative econometric estimators to evaluate social programs, and to forecast their effects in new environments
(editors) Amsterdam North Holland
Heckman J.J. Vytlacil E. Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part II: Using the marginal treatment effect to organize alternative econometric estimators to evaluate social programs, and to forecast their effects in new environments. In: Ed. Heckman J.J. Leamer E. (editors), Handbook of Econometrics. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2007;Vol 6.B:4875–5143.
Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part III: Distributional treatment effects, dynamic treatment effects, dynamic discrete choice, and general equilibrium policy evaluation
(editors) Amsterdam North Holland
Abbring J. Heckman J.J. Econometric evaluation of social programs – Part III: Distributional treatment effects, dynamic treatment effects, dynamic discrete choice, and general equilibrium policy evaluation. In: Ed. Heckman J.J. Leamer E. (editors), Handbook of Econometrics. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2007;Vol 6.B:5145–303.