Heparin infusion to prevent umbilical venous catheter related thrombosis in neonates
Unal S, Ekici F, Cetin II, Bilgin L. Heparin infusion to prevent umbilical venous catheter related thrombosis in neonates. Thromb Res. 2012; 130(5):725-728.
Nurses' guide to early detection of umbilical arterial catheter complications in infants
quiz 257-260
Furdon SA, Horgan MJ, Bradshaw WT, Clark DA. Nurses' guide to early detection of umbilical arterial catheter complications in infants. Adv Neonatal Care. 2006;6(5):242-256; quiz 257-260.
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BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre, Accessed August 24, 2013
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