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Volumn , Issue , 2010, Pages 1-503

Pro JPA 2: Mastering the Java™ persistence API

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EID: 84892250197     PISSN: None     EISSN: None     Source Type: Book    
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4302-1957-6     Document Type: Book
Times cited : (11)

References (36)
  • 1
    • 84976766949 scopus 로고
    • The entity-relationship model-toward a unified view of data
    • Peter P. Chen, "The entity-relationship model-toward a unified view of data", ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1, no. 1(1976):9-36.
    • (1976) ACM Transactions on Database Systems , vol.1 , Issue.1 , pp. 9-36
    • Chen, P.P.1
  • 2
    • 84892292345 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • most cases, this is a requirement, but in certain configurations the transaction may not be present until later
    • In most cases, this is a requirement, but in certain configurations the transaction may not be present until later.
  • 3
    • 84892292804 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Annotations on setter methods will just be ignored
    • Annotations on setter methods will just be ignored.
  • 4
    • 84892282103 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • inheritance situations, additional callback methods from parent classes can also be invoked
    • In inheritance situations, additional callback methods from parent classes can also be invoked.
  • 5
    • 84892228651 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Although session beans can be invoked asynchronously, they do not offer the same quality of service QoS guarantees as message driven beans
    • Although session beans can be invoked asynchronously, they do not offer the same quality of service (QoS) guarantees as message driven beans.
  • 10
    • 84892194012 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Even though e mbedded ty pes can be shar ed or reused, the instances cannot. An embedded obj ect instance belongs to the entity that references it; and no other entity instance, of that entity type or any other, can reference the same embedded instance
    • Even though e mbedded ty pes can be shar ed or reused, the instances cannot. An embedded obj ect instance belongs to the entity that references it; and no other entity instance, of that entity type or any other, can reference the same embedded instance.
  • 11
    • 84892289569 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Assuming that the collection was not returned from a second level shared cache
    • Assuming that the collection was not returned from a second level shared cache.
  • 12
    • 84892269362 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • the javadoc for java.util. Map for more details
    • See the javadoc for java.util. Map for more details.
  • 13
    • 84892257445 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The @MapKey annotation is still required, however; otherwise, the @MapKeyColumn defaults would apply
    • The @MapKey annotation is still required, however; otherwise, the @MapKeyColumn defaults would apply.
  • 17
    • 84892362952 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • * N, where M is the number of entity instances of the first type and N is the number of entity instances of the second type
    • * N, where M is the number of entity instances of the first type and N is the number of entity instances of the second type.
  • 18
    • 84892261359 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • This is often referred to as an annotation processing tool, or APT, because it used to be a standalone tool shipped with the JDK and used only for processing annotations. Since Java SE 6, it is actually a generalized compile-time hook to perform any kind of pre-processing or code generation
    • This is often referred to as an annotation processing tool, or APT, because it used to be a standalone tool shipped with the JDK and used only for processing annotations. Since Java SE 6, it is actually a generalized compile-time hook to perform any kind of pre-processing or code generation.
  • 19
    • 0014797273 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Normalization of data is a database practice that attempts to remove redundantly stored data. For the seminal paper on data normalization, see "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Databanks" by E. F. Codd Communications of the ACM, 13 6 June 1970. Also, any database design book or paper should have an overview
    • Normalization of data is a database practice that attempts to remove redundantly stored data. For the seminal paper on data normalization, see "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Databanks" by E. F. Codd (Communications of the ACM, 13 (6) June 1970). Also, any database design book or paper should have an overview.
  • 20
    • 84892279941 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/summary?id=303.
  • 21
    • 84892226373 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Some localization mechanisms are built into the validation message interpolator, but custom message interpolation can also be plugged into the validator to perform localization in custom ways
    • Some localization mechanisms are built into the validation message interpolator, but custom message interpolation can also be plugged into the validator to perform localization in custom ways.
  • 22
    • 84892262177 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Only the non-standard attributes are listed. The standard/required attributes will be discussed in the section on creating new constraints
    • Only the non-standard attributes are listed. The standard/required attributes will be discussed in the section on creating new constraints.
  • 23
    • 84892353539 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • validateProperty and validateValue methods are also available, but we will discuss only the representative validate method
    • validateProperty () and validateValue () methods are also available, but we will discuss only the representative validate () method.
  • 24
    • 84957784344 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Technically, there is a description element in many of the elements, just as there are in most of the standard schemas in Java EE, but they have little functional value and will not be mentioned here. They might be of some use to tools that parse XML schemas and use the descriptions for tooltips and similar actions
    • Technically, there is a description element in many of the elements, just as there are in most of the standard schemas in Java EE, but they have little functional value and will not be mentioned here. They might be of some use to tools that parse XML schemas and use the descriptions for tooltips and similar actions.
  • 25
    • 84892255118 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • It is possible, and even probable, that vendors will process the mapping files in the order that they are listed, but this is neither required nor standardized
    • It is possible, and even probable, that vendors will process the mapping files in the order that they are listed, but this is neither required nor standardized.
  • 26
    • 84892247837 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Some have argued that these kinds of tuning exercises are precisely why XML should be used to begin with
    • Some have argued that these kinds of tuning exercises are precisely why XML should be used to begin with.
  • 27
    • 84892226489 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Most JPA vendors support some kind of schema generation either in the runtime or in a tool
    • Most JPA vendors support some kind of schema generation either in the runtime or in a tool.
  • 28
    • 84892287807 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The exception to this rule may be the optional element of the mapping annotations, which may result in a NON NULL constraint, but which may also be used in memory to indicate that the value is or isn't allowed to be set to null
    • The exception to this rule may be the optional element of the mapping annotations, which may result in a NON NULL constraint, but which may also be used in memory to indicate that the value is or isn't allowed to be set to null.
  • 29
    • 84892355696 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • The resulting column must be supported by the provider runtime to enable reading from and writing to the column
    • The resulting column must be supported by the provider runtime to enable reading from and writing to the column.
  • 30
    • 84892331194 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Visit http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/for more information.
  • 32
    • 84892252876 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • Visit http://dbunit.sourceforge.net/for more information.
  • 33
    • 84892345644 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • At the risk of sounding somewhat biased, might we humbly suggest Oracle XE. It represents the power of the Oracle database conveniently sized to an individual machine at no cost. All the examples in this book including the advanced SQL query examples were developed on Oracle XE
    • At the risk of sounding somewhat biased, might we humbly suggest Oracle XE. It represents the power of the Oracle database conveniently sized to an individual machine at no cost. All the examples in this book (including the advanced SQL query examples) were developed on Oracle XE.
  • 35
    • 84892259647 scopus 로고    scopus 로고
    • See http://java.sun.com/blueprints/patterns/FastLaneReader.html for more information.

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