R. Wyenberg, D. Schroeder, and R. Chennels (eds), 'Traditional knowledge encapsulates spiritual experience and deep relationships with the land and its resources': Wyenberg, Schroeder, and Chennels
'Traditional knowledge encapsulates spiritual experience and deep relationships with the land and its resources': Wyenberg, Schroeder, and Chennels, 'Introduction', in R. Wyenberg, D. Schroeder, and R. Chennels (eds), Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing: Lessons from the Hoodia Case (2009), at 3, 6.
Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Benefit Sharing: Lessons from the Hoodia Case
The Linkage between Sustainable Development and Customary Law
P. Obreich et al
Obreich, and Bosselman, 'The Linkage between Sustainable Development and Customary Law', in P. Obreich et al , The Role of Customary Law in Sustainable Development (2005), at 12, 16.
The Role of Customary Law in Sustainable Development
In Defence of Local Community Knowledge and Biodiversity: A Conceptual Framework and the Essential Elements of a Rights Regime
G.S. Nijar, In Defence of Local Community Knowledge and Biodiversity: A Conceptual Framework and the Essential Elements of a Rights Regime (1996), at 1.
, pp. 1
Nijar, G.S.1
Between the Spice of Life and the Melting Pot: Biodiversity Conservation and its Impact on Indigenous Peoples, International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Doc. 70
A. Gray, Between the Spice of Life and the Melting Pot: Biodiversity Conservation and its Impact on Indigenous Peoples, International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) (1991), Doc. 70.
Gray, A.1
No Hunting! Biodiversity, Indigenous Rights, and Scientific Poaching
Kloppenburg Jr, 'No Hunting! Biodiversity, Indigenous Rights, and Scientific Poaching', Cultural Survival Q (1991) 15.
Cultural Survival Q
, pp. 15
Kloppenburg, Jr.1
The Limits of Private Rights in Public Waters
Sax, 'The Limits of Private Rights in Public Waters', 19 Environmental L (1989) 473.
Environmental L
, vol.19
, pp. 473
Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge
Agrawal, 'Dismantling the Divide Between Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge', 26 Development and Change (1995) 413.
Development and Change
, vol.26
, pp. 413
Manners of Contestation: "Citizen Science" and "Indigenous Knowledge" in West Africa and the Caribbean
Leach and Fairhead, 'Manners of Contestation: "Citizen Science" and "Indigenous Knowledge" in West Africa and the Caribbean', IV(3) Int'l Social Science J (2002) 299, at 301
Int'l Social Science J
, vol.4
, Issue.3
The first Rajah, Sir James Brooke, was 'handed' the Government of Sarawak in 1841.
The first Rajah, Sir James Brooke, was 'handed' the Government of Sarawak in 1841.
How the Magna Carta became a Minor Carta
(last accessed 7 Nov.).
Chomsky, 'How the Magna Carta became a Minor Carta', available at: www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/24/magna-carta-minor-carta-noam-chomsky/print (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
A 1997 amendment to the Sarawak Land Code empowers the state authority to lease land, over which natives have established ownership rights through customary law to a body corporate (usually a company) approved by the Minister: s. 18A(1), Land Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1997. The Sarawak Land Code Chapter 81, Percetakan Negara Malaysia Berhad, Kuching Sarawak, (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
A 1997 amendment to the Sarawak Land Code empowers the state authority to lease land, over which natives have established ownership rights through customary law to a body corporate (usually a company) approved by the Minister: s. 18A(1), Land Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1997. The Sarawak Land Code Chapter 81, Percetakan Negara Malaysia Berhad, Kuching Sarawak, 1999, is available at: http://pengayau. files.wordpress.com/2012/04/sarawak-land-code-chapter-81-tmp.pdf (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Mabo & Others v. Queensland
Mabo & Others v. Queensland (No. 2), (1992) 175 CLR 1.
, vol.175
, Issue.2
, pp. 1
S. 18A(1), Land Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (Sarawak).
S. 18A(1), Land Code (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 (Sarawak).
Endangered Languages, Endangered Knowledge
Maffi, 'Endangered Languages, Endangered Knowledge', LIV(3) Int'l Social Science J (2002) 385, at 386.
Int'l Social Science J
, vol.54
, Issue.3
Art. 15.2, CBD.
Art. 15.2, CBD.
States enacting national biodiversity laws have required the PIC of ILCs at various stages prior to: the grant of access, the commencement of the activity, or the entering of the benefit-sharing agreement, or before the application for access is made
States enacting national biodiversity laws have required the PIC of ILCs at various stages prior to: the grant of access, the commencement of the activity, or the entering of the benefit-sharing agreement, or before the application for access is made: see G.S. Nijar et al., Food Security and Access and Benefit-sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2011), at 86.
Food Security and Access and Benefit-sharing for Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
, pp. 86
Nijar, G.S.1
Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits arising out of their Utilization, (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013). These Guidelines were enacted in 2002 under the CBD to assist countries to implement their national biodiversity laws focusing on access and benefit sharing.
Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits arising out of their Utilization, available at: www.cbd.int/doc/publications/cbd-bonn-gdls-en.pdf (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013). These Guidelines were enacted in 2002 under the CBD to assist countries to implement their national biodiversity laws focusing on access and benefit sharing.
An example is Decision V/16: Art. 8(j) and related provisions, Annex I. 4, in Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2nd edn)
An example is Decision V/16: Art. 8(j) and related provisions, Annex I. 4, in Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Handbook of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2nd edn, 2003), at 597, 601.
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilisation to the Convention on Biological Diversity, (last accessed 7 Nov.)
The Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their Utilisation to the Convention on Biological Diversity, available at: http://treaties.un.org/ doc/source/signature/2010/CN782E.pdf (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Art. 7.
Art. 7.
Art. 12(1).
Art. 12(1).
Art. 12(3).
Art. 12(3).
'Public domain' is a concept that relates to one element for the grant of a patent, namely novelty or prior art. This expression appears in the ITPGRFA which deals with access and benefit sharing of specified plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. The Treaty excludes from the multilateral system of exchange crops that are not in the 'public domain' by an explicit provision: Art. 11(2). It is commonly agreed that this expression 'public domain' refers to materials which are not protected by IPRs
'Public domain' is a concept that relates to one element for the grant of a patent, namely novelty or prior art. This expression appears in the ITPGRFA which deals with access and benefit sharing of specified plant genetic resources for food and agriculture. The Treaty excludes from the multilateral system of exchange crops that are not in the 'public domain' by an explicit provision: Art. 11(2). It is commonly agreed that this expression 'public domain' refers to materials which are not protected by IPRs: G. Moore and W. Tymowski, Explanantory Guide to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2005), at 84.
Explanantory Guide to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
, pp. 84
Moore, G.1
Tymowski, W.2
Art. 5(5).
Art. 5(5).
See Art. 5(5) (if TK is utilized then benefit sharing must ensue); and Art. 7 (parties' measures relate to requiring the PIC and MAT of TK held by ILCs).
See Art. 5(5) (if TK is utilized then benefit sharing must ensue); and Art. 7 (parties' measures relate to requiring the PIC and MAT of TK held by ILCs).
This was the approach of the countries constituting the African Group during the negotiations for the Nagoya Protocol.
Whose Access and Whose Benefits? Securing Customary Rights in India
India's Biodiversity Act 2002 assumes that the interests of the state equate to the interests of the people, H. Ashley, N. Kenton, and A. Milligan (eds)
India's Biodiversity Act 2002 assumes that the interests of the state equate to the interests of the people: Ramdas, 'Whose Access and Whose Benefits? Securing Customary Rights in India', in H. Ashley, N. Kenton, and A. Milligan (eds). Biodiversity and Culture: Exploring Community Protocols, Rights and Consent (2012), at 55, 56.
Biodiversity and Culture: Exploring Community Protocols, Rights and Consent
India requires the competent authority to consult with the local body concerned when considering and making a decision on an application for genetic resources and associated TK: Biodiversity Rules, 2004, Rule 14.3, (last accessed 7 Nov.).
India requires the competent authority to consult with the local body concerned when considering and making a decision on an application for genetic resources and associated TK: Biodiversity Rules, 2004, Rule 14.3, available at: http://nbaindia.org/uploaded/Biodiversityindia/Legal/33.%20Biological%20 Diversity%20Rules,%202004.pdf (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
The Sabah Biodiversity Enactment 7 of 2000 establishes a Biodiversity Centre with the purpose of, inter alia, 'establishing or caused to be established a system for the protection of biological resources so that the indigenous and local communities shall, at all times and in perpetuity, be the legitimate creators, users and custodians of such knowledge, and shall collectively benefit from the use of such knowledge': s. 9(1) (j).
Draft Access to Biological Resources and Benefit Sharing Act 2012 (restricted circulation).
Draft Access to Biological Resources and Benefit Sharing Act 2012 (restricted circulation).
Art. 74(2), Malaysian Federal Constitution.
Art. 74(2), Malaysian Federal Constitution.
Art. 76(1)(a), Malaysian Federal Constitution.
Art. 76(1)(a), Malaysian Federal Constitution.
Commonwealth v. Tasmania ('The Tasmanian Dam Case'), The HC of Australia cited an example: if the rapid depletion of the world's forests were to threaten life on earth and the UN were to request nations to preserve their remaining forests, then the federal parliament should be able to comply using its external affairs power
Commonwealth v. Tasmania ('The Tasmanian Dam Case') 158 CLR (1985) 1. The HC of Australia cited an example: if the rapid depletion of the world's forests were to threaten life on earth and the UN were to request nations to preserve their remaining forests, then the federal parliament should be able to comply using its external affairs power
, vol.158
, pp. 1
The Bakun Dam Case: A Critique
Nijar, 'The Bakun Dam Case: A Critique', [1997] MLJ ccxxix, at ccxliii.
, pp. 229-243
This is the approach of Australia, which also has a federal constitution: Nationally Consistent Approach for Access to and the Utilisation of Australia's Native Genetic and Biochemical Resources (NCA), (last accessed 7 Nov.)
This is the approach of Australia, which also has a federal constitution: Nationally Consistent Approach for Access to and the Utilisation of Australia's Native Genetic and Biochemical Resources (NCA), available at: www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/science/access/nca/index.html (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Queensland: Biodiscovery Act 2004 (Act 19), (last accessed 7 Nov.)
Queensland: Biodiscovery Act 2004 (Act 19), available at: https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/ CURRENT/B/BiodiscovA04.pdf (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Northern Territory of Australia: Biological Resources Act 2006, (last accessed 7 Nov.)
Northern Territory of Australia: Biological Resources Act 2006 available at: www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=6048 (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Kerajaan Negeri Johor v. Adong bin Kuwou & Ors, (Malaysian CA)
Kerajaan Negeri Johor v. Adong bin Kuwou & Ors [1988] 2 MLJ 158 (Malaysian CA
, vol.2
, pp. 158
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Sagong bin Tasi & Ors, (Malaysian CA)
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Sagong bin Tasi & Ors [2005] 6 MLJ 289 (Malaysian CA)
, vol.6
, pp. 289
Complexities of Informed Consent
(last accessed 7 Nov. 2013), at 37, 41.
Gray, 'Complexities of Informed Consent', The Annals of the Am Academy of Political and Social Sciences (1978), 437, available at: http://ann.sagepub.com/content/437/1/37 (last accessed 7 Nov. 2013), at 37, 41.
The Annals of the Am Academy of Political and Social Sciences
, pp. 437
The Declaration incorporates the approaches in other previous international instruments primarily relating to human rights, such as the Draft General Recommendations under the 1967 UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (Principle 22), and the 1995 Copenhagen World Summit for Social Development.
The UNDRIP was adopted on 13 Sept. 2007 by 144 countries, with 11 abstentions and four countries voting against it. These four countries were Canada, the USA, New Zealand, and Australia. Since 2009 Australia and New Zealand have reversed their positions and now support the Declaration, while the US and Canada have announced that they will revise their positions, (accessed 9 Sept.)
The UNDRIP was adopted on 13 Sept. 2007 by 144 countries, with 11 abstentions and four countries voting against it. These four countries were Canada, the USA, New Zealand, and Australia. Since 2009 Australia and New Zealand have reversed their positions and now support the Declaration, while the US and Canada have announced that they will revise their positions: see http://indigenousfoundations.arts. ubc.ca/?id=1097 (accessed 9 Sept. 2012).
the enactment in Malaysia of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010: '[t]he Orang Asli were not consulted when the amendments were being drafted and the majority of them are still unaware of this new law. Such has become the fate of the Orang Asli. They are the last to know of any development or policies that affect them. And the first to be victims of programmes and policies foisted on them'
the enactment in Malaysia of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010: '[t]he Orang Asli were not consulted when the amendments were being drafted and the majority of them are still unaware of this new law. Such has become the fate of the Orang Asli. They are the last to know of any development or policies that affect them. And the first to be victims of programmes and policies foisted on them': C. Nicholas, J. Engi, and Y.P. The, The Orang Asli and the UNDRIP: from Rhetoric to Recognition (2010), at v.
The Orang Asli and the UNDRIP: from Rhetoric to Recognition
, pp. 5
Nicholas, C.1
Engi, J.2
The, Y.P.3
CBD, Art. 8(j).
CBD, Art. 8(j).
The Evolution of Benefit Sharing: Linking Biodiversity and Community Livelihoods
Morgera and Tsioumani, 'The Evolution of Benefit Sharing: Linking Biodiversity and Community Livelihoods', 19 Rev EC and Int'l L (2010) 150, at 171.
Rev EC and Int'l L
, vol.19
Taking Advantage of Indigenous Knowledge: The Fiji Case
Veitayaki, 'Taking Advantage of Indigenous Knowledge: The Fiji Case', LIV(3) Int'l Social Science J (2002) 395, at 401.
Int'l Social Science J
, vol.54
, Issue.3
Similarly protocols developed by communities for the grant of PIC for access to their land, resources, or TK may be irrelevant or undermined where there is no recognition of customary law establishing these rights
Similarly protocols developed by communities for the grant of PIC for access to their land, resources, or TK may be irrelevant or undermined where there is no recognition of customary law establishing these rights: M.R. Muller, The Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Policy and Legal Advances in Latin America (2006), at 158.
The Protection of Traditional Knowledge: Policy and Legal Advances in Latin America
, pp. 158
Muller, M.R.1
This was the thrust of the view of the ELBA group of countries (comprising Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia), at the plenary session which adopted the Nagoya Protocol in Oct.
This was the thrust of the view of the ELBA group of countries (comprising Ecuador, Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia), at the plenary session which adopted the Nagoya Protocol in Oct. 2010.