Global Trends in Clean Energy Investment, Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Accessed May 13
Michael Liebreich (2013), Global Trends in Clean Energy Investment, Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Accessed May 13, 2013http:// about.bnef.com/presentations/ global-trends-in-clean-energyinvestment- 3/
Liebreich, M.1
American Wind Energy Association (2013), Wind Energy Top Source for New Generation
American Wind Energy Association (2013), Wind Energy Top Source for New Generation2012
Hydraulic fracturing, or ''fracking,'' is a technique for accessing natural gas and/or oil by drilling a well and then using pressurized fluid to fracture porous rock and initiate the flow of gas or oil.
Hydraulic fracturing, or ''fracking,'' is a technique for accessing natural gas and/or oil by drilling a well and then using pressurized fluid to fracture porous rock and initiate the flow of gas or oil.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2012), Renewable Electricity Futures Study
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2012), Renewable Electricity Futures Studyhttp://www.nrel. gov/analysis/re_futures
The Potential Rate Effects of Wind Energy and Transmission in the Midwest ISO Region, Synapse Energy Economics
Bob Fagan, Max Chang, Patrick Knight, Melissa Schultz, Tyler Comings, Ezra Hausman and Rachel Wilson (2012), The Potential Rate Effects of Wind Energy and Transmission in the Midwest ISO Region, Synapse Energy Economicshttp://cleanenergytransmission. org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ Full-Report-The-Potential-Rate- Effects-of-Wind-Energy-and- Transmission-in-the-Midwest-ISORegion. pdf
Fagan, B.1
Chang, M.2
Knight, P.3
Schultz, M.4
Comings, T.5
Hausman, E.6
Wilson, R.7
The Net Benefits of Increased Wind Power in PJM, Synapse Energy Economics, Forthcoming; and Amory Lovins, et al.
Bob Fagan, Patrick Lucknow, David White and Rachel Wilson (2013), The Net Benefits of Increased Wind Power in PJM, Synapse Energy Economics, Forthcoming; and Amory Lovins, et al. (2011
Fagan, B.1
Lucknow, P.2
White, D.3
Wilson, R.4
While this article focuses on renewables, energy efficiency will be a massively important complement to deliver a clean and healthy power system. For an excellent set of efficiency policy recommendations
While this article focuses on renewables, energy efficiency will be a massively important complement to deliver a clean and healthy power system. For an excellent set of efficiency policy recommendations
Energy 2030 Research Reports, Alliance to Save Energy
Nicole Steele (2013), Energy 2030 Research Reports, Alliance to Save Energyhttp://www.ase.org/ resources/ee-commission-reportsummaries
Steele, N.1
Further innovation is needed to develop cost-effective and ubiquitous energy storage as another option for managing this transformation.
Further innovation is needed to develop cost-effective and ubiquitous energy storage as another option for managing this transformation.
REN (2013), Renovaveis Abastecem cerca de 70% do Consume Nacional de Eletricidade no 1 Trimestre, Press Release
REN (2013), Renovaveis Abastecem cerca de 70% do Consume Nacional de Eletricidade no 1 Trimestre, Press Releasehttp://www.ren.pt/ media/comunicados/detalhe/ renovaveis_abastecem_cerca_de_70__do_consumo_nacional_de_ eletricidade_no_1__trimestre/
In addition, 24 states have established energy efficiency goals and policies to support them
In addition, 24 states have established energy efficiency goals and policies to support them
Governors' Wind Energy Association (2013), Renewable Electricity Standards: State Success Stories
Governors' Wind Energy Association (2013), Renewable Electricity Standards: State Success Storieshttp:// www.governorswindenergycoalition. org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/ RES-White-Paper-March-2013.pdf
Primary non-price barriers include (1) a problem of the commons, wherein the benefits are too dispersed, spanning over a number of jurisdictions; (2) externalities associated with system security and blackouts, (3) perception of risk associated with new technologies, and (4) complexity of permitting or interconnection requirements imposed by multiple agencies.
Primary non-price barriers include (1) a problem of the commons, wherein the benefits are too dispersed, spanning over a number of jurisdictions; (2) externalities associated with system security and blackouts, (3) perception of risk associated with new technologies, and (4) complexity of permitting or interconnection requirements imposed by multiple agencies.
''Transmission,'' Edison Electric Institute
''Transmission,'' Edison Electric Institute (2013http://www.eei. org/ourissues/Electricity Transmission/Pages/default.aspx12
Independent distribution system operators are rare in the United States, but are much more common in Europe.
Independent distribution system operators are rare in the United States, but are much more common in Europe.
Cost-effective storage technologies could fundamentally change the nature of this role, but this article does not assume their nearterm and large-scale deployment.
Cost-effective storage technologies could fundamentally change the nature of this role, but this article does not assume their nearterm and large-scale deployment.
Utilities can also be ''monopsonies,'' which are single customers for a product or service in a market.
Utilities can also be ''monopsonies,'' which are single customers for a product or service in a market.
This concept was first described in Peter Fox-Penner (2010), SMARTPOWER (Washington, DC: Island Press).
This concept was first described in Peter Fox-Penner (2010), SMARTPOWER (Washington, DC: Island Press).
Environmental performance can mean emphasizing cleaner resources, as well as using intelligent criteria for siting of new generation and transmission. Intelligent siting can reduce regulatory delays, costs, and timelines for integrating new renewable energy sources. For more detail on intelligent siting, see Hladik and Zichella, Oct '13.
Environmental performance can mean emphasizing cleaner resources, as well as using intelligent criteria for siting of new generation and transmission. Intelligent siting can reduce regulatory delays, costs, and timelines for integrating new renewable energy sources. For more detail on intelligent siting, see Hladik and Zichella, Oct '13.
Practicing Risk-Aware Electricity Regulation: What Every State Regulator Needs to Know
Ronald Binz, et al. (2012). Practicing Risk-Aware Electricity Regulation: What Every State Regulator Needs to Know, http:// www.ceres.org/resources/reports/ practicing-risk-aware-electricityregulation
Binz, R.1
Table 1.3. Net Generation by Energy Source: Independent Power Producers, 2003-May 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration
Table 1.3. Net Generation by Energy Source: Independent Power Producers, 2003-May 2013, U.S. Energy Information Administration (2013)http://www.eia.gov/ electricity/monthly/epm_table_ grapher.cfm?t=epmt_1_3
Combining Balancing Areas' Variability: Impacts on Wind Integration in the Western Interconnection, National Renewable Energy Laboratory conference paper for WindPower 2010
M. Milligan, B. Kirby and S. Beuning (2010), Combining Balancing Areas' Variability: Impacts on Wind Integration in the Western Interconnection, National Renewable Energy Laboratory conference paper for WindPower 2010, http:// www.nrel.gov/docs/fy10osti/ 48249.pdf
Milligan, M.1
Kirby, B.2
Beuning, S.3
PacifiCorp and California Independent System Operator (2013), PacifiCorp-ISO Energy Imbalance Market Benefits.
PacifiCorp and California Independent System Operator (2013), PacifiCorp-ISO Energy Imbalance Market Benefits.
Dynamic transfers'' refer to virtual transfers of control for specific resources over certain times.
''Dynamic transfers'' refer to virtual transfers of control for specific resources over certain times.
PJM (2012), 2015/2016 RPM Base Residual Auction Results
PJM (2012), 2015/2016 RPM Base Residual Auction Resultshttp:// www.pjm.com//media/marketsops/ rpm/rpm-auction-info/ 20120518-2015-16-base-residualauction- report.ashx
Many studies have shown that cost savings alone will not drive efficiency; policy can address market failures.
Many studies have shown that cost savings alone will not drive efficiency; policy can address market failures.
Long Term Resource Adequacy Summit, California Independent System Operator, Presented Feb. 26
Mark Rothleder, Long Term Resource Adequacy Summit, California Independent System Operator, Presented Feb. 26, 2013http:// www.caiso.com/Documents/ Presentation-Mark_Rothleder_ CaliforniaISO.pdf
Rothleder, M.1
The number of states using broadbased performance-based regulation for utilities and distribution companies has declined since 2000, but through the initial experimental process, many important lessons were learned about how to design smart performancebased regulation. For example, setting a clear and quantitative counter-factual at the beginning of a program makes performance measurement much easier.
The number of states using broadbased performance-based regulation for utilities and distribution companies has declined since 2000, but through the initial experimental process, many important lessons were learned about how to design smart performancebased regulation. For example, setting a clear and quantitative counter-factual at the beginning of a program makes performance measurement much easier.
Definitions from David Sappington and Dennis Weisman (1996), Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry, MIT Press, and Jim Lazar, Regulatory Assistance Project.
Definitions from David Sappington and Dennis Weisman (1996), Designing Incentive Regulation for the Telecommunications Industry, MIT Press, and Jim Lazar, Regulatory Assistance Project.
Price caps or rate caps can also be considered under the rubric of performance-based regulation, but are not recommended as they incent utilities to maximize electricity sales.
Price caps or rate caps can also be considered under the rubric of performance-based regulation, but are not recommended as they incent utilities to maximize electricity sales.
''Decision Regarding Performance Based Ratemaking (PBR), Finding Violations of PBR Standards, Ordering Refunds, and Imposing a Fine,'' California Public Utilities Commission
''Decision Regarding Performance Based Ratemaking (PBR), Finding Violations of PBR Standards, Ordering Refunds, and Imposing a Fine,'' California Public Utilities Commission (2008http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/ published/FINAL_DECISION/ 91249-16.htm
This survey was conducted by the authors as part of the research for this article. For more information, contact the authors.
This survey was conducted by the authors as part of the research for this article. For more information, contact the authors.
Performance Based Regulation and Incentive Regulation, The Regulatory Assistance Project.
Jim Lazar (2000), Performance Based Regulation and Incentive Regulation, The Regulatory Assistance Project.
Lazar, J.1
California's progressive building efficiency policy, Title 24, has also driven the state's energy efficiency achievements.
California's progressive building efficiency policy, Title 24, has also driven the state's energy efficiency achievements.
Ofgem (2010), RIIO: A New Way to Regulate Energy Networks, Factsheet 93
Ofgem (2010), RIIO: A New Way to Regulate Energy Networks, Factsheet 93http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/ Media/FactSheets/Documents1/rewiringbritainfs. pdf
Sources: insights from author interviews with 25 experts in performance-based regulation
Sources: insights from author interviews with 25 experts in performance-based regulation
On an ''Energy-Only'' Electricity Market Design for Resource Adequacy, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
William Hogan (2005), On an ''Energy-Only'' Electricity Market Design for Resource Adequacy, Center for Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Universityhttp:// www.ferc.gov/EventCalendar/files/ 20060207132019-hogan_energy_ only_092305.pdf
Hogan, W.1