chap. 3 See, for example, the critical description by Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press
See, for example, the critical description by Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 1992), chap. 3.
Class, Citizenship, and Social Development
New York: Anchor Books, in particular the essay "Citizenship and Social Class."
T. H. Marshall, Class, Citizenship, and Social Development (New York: Anchor Books, 1965), in particular the essay "Citizenship and Social Class."
Marshall, T.H.1
Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Liah Greenfeld, Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1993).
Greenfeld, L.1
Feminist Reactions to the Contemporary Security Regime
Iris Marion Young, "Feminist Reactions to the Contemporary Security Regime," Hypatia 18:1 (2003): 223-31.
, vol.18
, Issue.1
, pp. 223-231
Iris Marion Young1
Main interpretations of Hobbes's Leviathan suggest that he allowed for a vibrant civil society to exist within the limits of his Leviathan
I am referring here only to his basic justification for the establishment of the state
Main interpretations of Hobbes's Leviathan suggest that he allowed for a vibrant civil society to exist within the limits of his Leviathan. I am referring here only to his basic justification for the establishment of the state.
Motivation and Personality
2nd ed, New York: Harper & Row
Abraham Maslow, Motivation and Personality, 2nd ed. (New York: Harper & Row, 1970).
Maslow, A.1
Civil Liberties in an Era of Mass Terrorism
See Russell Hardin, "Civil Liberties in an Era of Mass Terrorism," Journal of Ethics 8:1 (2004): 77-95.
Journal of Ethics
, vol.8
, Issue.1
, pp. 77-95
Hardin, R.1
I chose to focus on democratic citizenship rather than on liberal democracy because the most pressing threats of belligerent citizenship are directed toward the principles of democracy and not necessarily those of liberalism
I chose to focus on democratic citizenship rather than on liberal democracy because the most pressing threats of belligerent citizenship are directed toward the principles of democracy and not necessarily those of liberalism.
For a description of some of these characteristics as they materialize in the Israeli public sphere, see Gad Barzilai, Democracy in Time of War: Conflict and Consensus in Israel (Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1992) (in Hebrew); Baruch Kimmerling, The Interrupted System: Israeli Civilians in War and Routine Times (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1993)
For a description of some of these characteristics as they materialize in the Israeli public sphere, see Gad Barzilai, Democracy in Time of War: Conflict and Consensus in Israel (Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1992) (in Hebrew); Baruch Kimmerling, The Interrupted System: Israeli Civilians in War and Routine Times (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1993).
Pro Patria Mori: Death and the State
For a variety of examples to this claim, see Yael Tamir, in The Morality of Nationalism, R. McKim and J. McMahan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, For the historical American context, see Cecilia Elizabeth O'Leary, To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999)
For a variety of examples to this claim, see Yael Tamir, "Pro Patria Mori: Death and the State," in The Morality of Nationalism, ed. R. McKim and J. McMahan (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997). For the historical American context, see Cecilia Elizabeth O'Leary, To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999).
The Rocky Road toward Peace
Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 24 (in Hebrew
Daniel Bar-Tal, The Rocky Road toward Peace (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1996), 24 (in Hebrew).
Bar-tal, D.1
Text of Zell Miller's RNC Speech
CBS News, September 1
CBS News, "Text of Zell Miller's RNC Speech," September 1, 2004, http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/01/politics/main640299.shtml.
For an extensive empirical discussion of the political and civic consequences of the prolonged conflict on the Israeli political system, see Giora Goldberg, Gad Barzilai, and Efraim Inbar, The Impact of Intercommunal Conflict: The Intifada and Israeli Public Opinion (Jerusalem: Leonard Davis Institute, 1991); Gad Barzilai, Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996)
For an extensive empirical discussion of the political and civic consequences of the prolonged conflict on the Israeli political system, see Giora Goldberg, Gad Barzilai, and Efraim Inbar, The Impact of Intercommunal Conflict: The Intifada and Israeli Public Opinion (Jerusalem: Leonard Davis Institute, 1991); Gad Barzilai, Wars, Internal Conflicts, and Political Order: A Jewish Democracy in the Middle East (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996).
For a discussion from both a contemporary and a historical perspective on the effects of conflict on free speech, see Jonathan R. Cole, "The Patriot Act on Campus," Boston Review (Summer 2003): 7-10
For a discussion from both a contemporary and a historical perspective on the effects of conflict on free speech, see Jonathan R. Cole, "The Patriot Act on Campus," Boston Review (Summer 2003): 7-10.
For a thorough sociological discussion of historic and contemporary Israeli citizenship, see Gershon Shafir and Yoav Peled, Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002). The authors tend to conclude that the pull toward liberalization and privatization is stronger in Israel these days; I suggest that this may be the case in certain periods but that overall, the dominance of security issues looms even in more quiet times and readily tips the balance in the direction of a narrower, nationalist, or belligerent conception of citizenship
For a thorough sociological discussion of historic and contemporary Israeli citizenship, see Gershon Shafir and Yoav Peled, Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002). The authors tend to conclude that the pull toward liberalization and privatization is stronger in Israel these days; I suggest that this may be the case in certain periods but that overall, the dominance of security issues looms even in more quiet times and readily tips the balance in the direction of a narrower, nationalist, or belligerent conception of citizenship.
The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Andrew J. Bacevich, The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Andrew J.Bacevich1
Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson
andWar, Presidents, and Public Opinion (New York: Wiley, 1973)
John E. Mueller, "Presidential Popularity from Truman to Johnson," American Political Science Review 64 (1970): 18-33; andWar, Presidents, and Public Opinion (New York: Wiley, 1973).
American Political Science Review
, vol.64
, pp. 18-33
John E.Mueller1
Assessing the President
Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, Other researchers claim that there are other explanatory factors to the "rally effect," such as type of media coverage. See William D. Baker and John R. O'Neal, "Patriotism or Opinion Leadership?" Journal of Conflict Resolution 45:5 (October 2001): 661-87
Richard A. Brody, Assessing the President (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 1991). Other researchers claim that there are other explanatory factors to the "rally effect," such as type of media coverage. See William D. Baker and John R. O'Neal, "Patriotism or Opinion Leadership?" Journal of Conflict Resolution 45:5 (October 2001): 661-87.
Richard A.Brody1
The Mission to Promote Liberty Around theWorld
presentation, Chicago, IL, September 2-5
Rogers Smith, "The Mission to Promote Liberty Around theWorld" (presentation), American Political Science Association conference, Chicago, IL, September 2-5, 2004.
American Political Science Association conference
Smith, R.1
How Americans Responded: A Study of Public Reactions to 9/11/01
and others, 511- 16, at 516
Michael Traugott and others, "How Americans Responded: A Study of Public Reactions to 9/11/01," PS: Political Science and Politics 35:3 (2002): 511- 16, at 516.
PS: Political Science and Politics
, vol.35
, Issue.3
Traugott, M.1
A Gallup poll indicated 90 percent approval on September 21-22
A Gallup poll indicated 90 percent approval on September 21-22.
See preliminary findings in Brian J. Gaines, "Where's the Rally?" PS: Political Science and Politics 35:3 (September 2002): 531-36. See also R. K. Bird and E. B. Brandt, "Academic Freedom and 9/11: How theWar on Terrorism Threatens Free Speech on Campus," Communication Law and Policy 7:4 (October 2002): 431-59. For an account of how the security discourse in America undermines basic civil liberties, see Bruce Shapiro, "All in the Name of Security," Nation, October 21, 2001, 20-21.
See preliminary findings in Brian J. Gaines, "Where's the Rally?" PS: Political Science and Politics 35:3 (September 2002): 531-36. See also R. K. Bird and E. B. Brandt, "Academic Freedom and 9/11: How theWar on Terrorism Threatens Free Speech on Campus," Communication Law and Policy 7:4 (October 2002): 431-59. For an account of how the security discourse in America undermines basic civil liberties, see Bruce Shapiro, "All in the Name of Security," Nation, October 21, 2001, 20-21.
Will 9/11 and the War on Terror Revitalize American Civic Democracy
September, Stanley B. Greenberg, " 'We'-Not 'Me': Public Opinion and the Return of the Government," American Prospect 12:22 (December 2001): 25-27.
See Theda Skocpol, "Will 9/11 and the War on Terror Revitalize American Civic Democracy?" PS: Political Science and Politics 35:3 (September 2002): 537-40; Stanley B. Greenberg, " 'We'-Not 'Me': Public Opinion and the Return of the Government," American Prospect 12:22 (December 2001): 25-27.
PS: Political Science and Politics
, vol.35
, pp. 537-540
Skocpol, T.1
Postscripts for a 'State of War': Public Administration and Civil Liberties after September 11
See M. J. Dubnick, "Postscripts for a 'State of War': Public Administration and Civil Liberties after September 11," Public Administration Review 62 (September 2002): 86-91.
Public Administration Review
, vol.62
, pp. 86-91
Dubnick, M.J.1
Old Words on War Stirring a New Dispute
New York Times, January 14, A1. The decision was later reversed
Dean Murphy, "Old Words on War Stirring a New Dispute," New York Times, January 14, 2003, A1. The decision was later reversed.
Murphy, D.1
Quoted from a report by cnn.com, February 28, 2003
Quoted from a report by cnn.com, February 28, 2003.
The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! Pageantry and Patriotism in Cold War America
New York: Oxford University Press, A more popular book offering a variety of examples to the same effect is Richard J. Perry, United We Stand: A Visual Journey ofWartime Patriotism (Portland, OR: Collectors Press, 2002)
Richard M. Fried, The Russians Are Coming! The Russians Are Coming! Pageantry and Patriotism in Cold War America (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003). A more popular book offering a variety of examples to the same effect is Richard J. Perry, United We Stand: A Visual Journey ofWartime Patriotism (Portland, OR: Collectors Press, 2002).
Richard M.Fried1
Which People's War? National Identity and Citizenship in Wartime Britain
1939-1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, This book also offers evidence to the gendered notion of citizenship in wartime, which is discussed in more detail in chapter 4
Sonya O. Rose, Which People's War? National Identity and Citizenship in Wartime Britain, 1939-1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003). This book also offers evidence to the gendered notion of citizenship in wartime, which is discussed in more detail in chapter 4.
Sonya O.Rose1
More Than Patriotism: Canada at War
1914-1918 (Toronto: Personal Library Publishers
Kathryn M. Bindon, More Than Patriotism: Canada at War, 1914-1918 (Toronto: Personal Library Publishers, 1979).
Kathryn M.Bindon1
France, A Nation of Patriots
New York: Columbia University Press
Carlton J. H. Hayes, France, A Nation of Patriots (New York: Columbia University Press, 1930).
Carlton J.H.Hayes1
Minima Politica after September 11
Andrew Arato, "Minima Politica after September 11," Constellations 9:1 (2002): 46-52, at 47.
, vol.9
, Issue.1
, pp. 46-52
Arato, A.1
Justice and the Politics of Difference
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Iris Marion Young, Justice and the Politics of Difference (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990), 22.
, pp. 22
Iris Marion Young1
Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, chap. 1
Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson, Why Deliberative Democracy? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004), chap. 1.
Some of the most influential works in this field are Morris Janowitz, The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for Civic Consciousness (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983); Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993); David Miller, On Nationality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997); Will Kymlica, Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995)
Some of the most influential works in this field are Morris Janowitz, The Reconstruction of Patriotism: Education for Civic Consciousness (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983); Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993); David Miller, On Nationality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997); Will Kymlica, Multicultural Citizenship (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995).
See the detailed introduction to William Rogers Brubaker, ed., Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Europe and North America (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989)
See the detailed introduction to William Rogers Brubaker, ed., Immigration and the Politics of Citizenship in Europe and North America (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1989).
Tamir, Liberal Nationalism, 129
Tamir, Liberal Nationalism, 129.
Some argue that these attachments are necessary for fulfilling other liberal ends. Tamir claims that among the common economic ends, distributive justice is crucially served by a perceived common identity
Some argue that these attachments are necessary for fulfilling other liberal ends. Tamir claims that among the common economic ends, distributive justice is crucially served by a perceived common identity.
Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy
Oxford: Clarendon Press, Callan's approach to civic and patriotic education is discussed more extensively in chapter 2
Eamonn Callan, Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997). Callan's approach to civic and patriotic education is discussed more extensively in chapter 2.
Callan, E.1
Tamir, Liberal Nationalism, 90
Tamir, Liberal Nationalism, 90.
Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Stephen Macedo, Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000), 3.
Macedo, S.1
For a discussion of historical and contemporary ways in which civic society (as well as public and private institutions) generate fear in the national context and benefit from it, see Corey Robin, Fear: The History of a Political Idea (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004)
For a discussion of historical and contemporary ways in which civic society (as well as public and private institutions) generate fear in the national context and benefit from it, see Corey Robin, Fear: The History of a Political Idea (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004).
Citizenship as Identity, Citizenship as Shared Fate, and the Functions of Multicultural Education
Kevin McDonough and Walter Feinberg (New York: Oxford University Press
Melissa S. Williams, "Citizenship as Identity, Citizenship as Shared Fate, and the Functions of Multicultural Education," in Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies, ed. Kevin McDonough and Walter Feinberg (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), 208-47.
Citizenship and Education in Liberal-Democratic Societies
, pp. 208-247
Melissa S.Williams1
Cambridge, UK: Polity Press
Zygmut Bauman, Community (Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2001), 4.
Bauman, Z.1
Under the auspices of a belligerent nationalism and militarism, community is constructed through shared fears
Henry Giroux, "Democracy, Schooling, and the Culture of Fear after September 11," in Education as Enforcement, ed. Kenneth J. Saltman and David A. Gabbard (New York: Routledge Falmer
"Under the auspices of a belligerent nationalism and militarism, community is constructed through shared fears." Henry Giroux, "Democracy, Schooling, and the Culture of Fear after September 11," in Education as Enforcement, ed. Kenneth J. Saltman and David A. Gabbard (New York: Routledge Falmer, 2003), ix.
For a helpful discussion of political stability and its relations to questions of justice and conflict, see Wayne Norman, "Justice and Stability in Multination States," in Multinational Democracies, ed. J. Tully and A. Gagnon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), chap. 3
For a helpful discussion of political stability and its relations to questions of justice and conflict, see Wayne Norman, "Justice and Stability in Multination States," in Multinational Democracies, ed. J. Tully and A. Gagnon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), chap. 3.
Citizenship as Identity
Williams, "Citizenship as Identity," 231.
Stories of Peoplehood
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Rogers Smith, Stories of Peoplehood (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Smith, R.1
Nations and Nationalism
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press
Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1983).
Gellner, E.1
Citizenship as Identity
Williams, "Citizenship as Identity," 231.
Socratic Citizenship
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Dana Villa, Socratic Citizenship (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001).
Villa, D.1
Citizenship as Identity
Williams, "Citizenship as Identity," 233.
In the United States today, as in Israel, the only required unit on civic education is taken in eleventh or, more commonly, twelfth grade and consists mainly of this formal dimension of citizenship
In the United States today, as in Israel, the only required unit on civic education is taken in eleventh or, more commonly, twelfth grade and consists mainly of this formal dimension of citizenship.
Will 9/11 and the War on Terror Revitalize American Civic Democracy
PS: Political Science and Politics (September 2002): 537-40, at 537 (emphasis added)
Theda Skocpol, "Will 9/11 and the War on Terror Revitalize American Civic Democracy?" PS: Political Science and Politics (September 2002): 537-40, at 537 (emphasis added).
Skocpol, T.1
Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th: Rethinking the Role of Educators and the Politics of Schooling
See Henry A. Giroux, "Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th: Rethinking the Role of Educators and the Politics of Schooling," Teachers College Record 104:6 (2002): 1138-62.
Teachers College Record
, vol.104
, Issue.6
, pp. 1138-1162
Henry A.Giroux1
To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Cecilia O'Leary, To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999), 221.
, pp. 221
Cecilia O'Leary1
Quoted in Richard M. Ugland, " 'Education for Victory': The High School Victory Corps and Curricular Adaptation duringWorldWar II," History of Education Quarterly 19:4 (Winter 1979): 435-51, at 436. Note the gender component evident in this statement, which will be explored in chapter 4
Quoted in Richard M. Ugland, " 'Education for Victory': The High School Victory Corps and Curricular Adaptation duringWorldWar II," History of Education Quarterly 19:4 (Winter 1979): 435-51, at 436. Note the gender component evident in this statement, which will be explored in chapter 4.
Scientists in the Classroom: The Cold War Reconstruction of American Science Education
New York: Palgrave
John L. Rudolph, Scientists in the Classroom: The Cold War Reconstruction of American Science Education (New York: Palgrave, 2002).
John L.Rudolph1
The Talent at Its Command': The First World War and the Vocational Aspect of Education, 1914-39
David H. Parker, " 'The Talent at Its Command': The First World War and the Vocational Aspect of Education, 1914-39," History of Education Quarterly 35:3 (Autumn 1995): 237-59, at 237.
History of Education Quarterly
, vol.35
, Issue.3
, pp. 237-259
David H.Parker1
The Rocky Road toward Peace
Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, in Hebrew
Daniel Bar-Tal, The Rocky Road toward Peace (Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1996) (in Hebrew).
Bar-tal, D.1
Quoted in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, August 28, 2003, 1
Quoted in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, August 28, 2003, 1.
Quoted in Orit Ichilov, Education for Citizenship in an Emerging Society (Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1993), 84 (in Hebrew)
Quoted in Orit Ichilov, Education for Citizenship in an Emerging Society (Tel Aviv: Sifriat Poalim, 1993), 84 (in Hebrew).
Ichilov, Education for Citizenship, 80
Ichilov, Education for Citizenship, 80.
Civic Education in the Liberal State
Amelie Rorty (London: Routledge, 471. Published earlier in Nancy Rosenblum, ed., Liberalism and the Moral Life (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989)
William Galston, "Civic Education in the Liberal State," in Philosophers on Education: Historical Perspectives, ed. Amelie Rorty (London: Routledge, 1998), 471. Published earlier in Nancy Rosenblum, ed., Liberalism and the Moral Life (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989).
Philosophers on Education: Historical Perspectives
Galston, W.1
Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth Century America
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Arthur Schlesinger, The Disuniting of America (New York: Norton, 1992); Robert Fullinwider, "Patriotic History," in Multiculturalism and Public Education, ed. Robert Fullinwider (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 203-30; Eamonn Callan, Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997)
Richard Rorty, Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth Century America (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998); Arthur Schlesinger, The Disuniting of America (New York: Norton, 1992); Robert Fullinwider, "Patriotic History," in Multiculturalism and Public Education, ed. Robert Fullinwider (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), 203-30; Eamonn Callan, Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997).
Rorty, R.1
Janowitz, Reconstruction of Patriotism, x
Janowitz, Reconstruction of Patriotism, x.
A thorough, critical discussion of these approaches, which includes a psycho-political justification for supporting a sense of community (including national affiliation), is offered in Bernard Yack, "Nation and Individual" (unpublished manuscript), introduction and chap. 2
A thorough, critical discussion of these approaches, which includes a psycho-political justification for supporting a sense of community (including national affiliation), is offered in Bernard Yack, "Nation and Individual" (unpublished manuscript), introduction and chap. 2.
Democratic Education
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Amy Gutmann, Democratic Education (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1999), 312.
, pp. 312
Gutmann, A.1
Civic Minimalism, Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism: Where Does Democratic Education Stand in Relation to Each
Nomos 43, ed. Stephen Macedo and Yael Tamir (New York: New York University Press 2002), 23-57, 49
Amy Gutmann, "Civic Minimalism, Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism: Where Does Democratic Education Stand in Relation to Each?" in Moral and Political Education, Nomos 43, ed. Stephen Macedo and Yael Tamir (New York: New York University Press 2002), 23-57, 49.
Moral and Political Education
Gutmann, A.1
On Nationality
New York: Oxford University Press
David Miller, On Nationality (New York: Oxford University Press, 1997).
Miller, D.1
Liberal Nationalism
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Yael Tamir, Liberal Nationalism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993).
Tamir, Y.1
Brighouse calls this argument "the argument from mutual effect."
Brighouse calls this argument "the argument from mutual effect."
Education for Democracy, Albert Shanker Institute, 2003, 3, accessed June 12, 2005
Education for Democracy, Albert Shanker Institute, 2003, 3, www.shanker institute.org/downloads/EfD%20final.pdf (accessed June 12, 2005).
A Consumer's Guide to High School History Textbooks
foreword to Diane Ravitch, accessed March 2, 2004
Chester E. Finn Jr., foreword to Diane Ravitch, "A Consumer's Guide to High School History Textbooks," http://www.edexcellence.net/institute/ publication/publication.cfm?id-329 (accessed March 2, 2004).
Chester, E.F.1
History Textbooks at the New Century
New York: American Textbooks Council
Gilbert T. Sewall, History Textbooks at the New Century (New York: American Textbooks Council, 2000).
Gilbert T.Sewall1
Chomsky on Miseducation
Donaldo Macedo (Boston: Rowman & Littlefield
Noam Chomsky, Chomsky on Miseducation, ed. Donaldo Macedo (Boston: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000), 28.
Chomsky, N.1
The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Henry Giroux, The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 25.
Giroux, H.1
Lies My Teachers Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong
New York: New Press
James Loewen, Lies My Teachers Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong (New York: New Press, 1995).
Loewen, J.1
The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn
New York: Knopf
Diane Ravitch, The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (New York: Knopf, 2003).
Ravitch, D.1
Effective State Standards for U.S. History: A 2003 Report Card, accessed January 4
Sheldon M. Stern, Effective State Standards for U.S. History: A 2003 Report Card, http://www.edexcellence.net/institute/publication/publication .cfm?id-320#940 (accessed January 4, 2004).
Sheldon M.Stern1
Education for Democracy, 35
Education for Democracy, 35.
Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?" 165-66
Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?" 165-66.
Rorty, Achieving Our Country, 11
Rorty, Achieving Our Country, 11.
Charlotte Crabtree, and Ross E. Dunn, History on Trial
New York: Knopf, 15, quoted in Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?"
Gary Nash, Charlotte Crabtree, and Ross E. Dunn, History on Trial (New York: Knopf, 1999), 15, quoted in Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?"
Nash, G.1
See a critique along similar lines in David Archard, "Should We Teach Patriotism?" Studies in Philosophy and Education 18:3 (1999): 157-73
See a critique along similar lines in David Archard, "Should We Teach Patriotism?" Studies in Philosophy and Education 18:3 (1999): 157-73.
Poisoned History': A Comparative Study of Nationalism, Propaganda and the Treatment of War and Peace in the Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century School Curriculum
William E. Marsden, " 'Poisoned History': A Comparative Study of Nationalism, Propaganda and the Treatment of War and Peace in the Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century School Curriculum," History of Education 29:1 (January 2000): 29-49.
History of Education
, vol.29
, Issue.1
, pp. 29-49
William E.Marsden1
The Menace of Nationalism in Education
London: G. Allen & Unwin
Jonathan F. Scott, The Menace of Nationalism in Education (London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1926), 255.
Jonathan F.Scott1
introduction to A. Walworth, School Histories at War: A Study of the Treatment of Our Wars in the Secondary School History Books of the United States and in Those of Its Former Enemies (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Arthur M. Schlesinger, introduction to A. Walworth, School Histories at War: A Study of the Treatment of Our Wars in the Secondary School History Books of the United States and in Those of Its Former Enemies (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1938), xiii-xx.
Arthur M.Schlesinger1
The Gordian Knot Between Peace Education and War Education
Gavriel Salomon and Baruch Nevo (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002), 56-62, at 56
Ruth Firer, "The Gordian Knot Between Peace Education and War Education," in Peace Education: The Concepts, Principles and Practices Around the World, ed. Gavriel Salomon and Baruch Nevo (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002), 56-62, at 56.
Peace Education: The Concepts, Principles and Practices Around the World
Firer, R.1
For a thorough defense of this argument in the broader social context, see Rogers Smith, Stories of Peoplehood.
For a thorough defense of this argument in the broader social context, see Rogers Smith, Stories of Peoplehood.
Education Policies Commission
What the Schools Should Teach in Wartime (Washington, DC
Education Policies Commission, What the Schools Should Teach in Wartime (Washington, DC, 1943).
For contemporary, cross-national evidence of this claim, see How Children Understand War and Peace, mainly chap. 1, 2, and 4
For contemporary, cross-national evidence of this claim, see How Children Understand War and Peace, mainly chap. 1, 2, and 4.
Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace
Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press
Larry Fisk and John Schellenberg, Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace (Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press, 2000), 161.
, pp. 161
Fisk, L.1
Schellenberg, J.2
Violence, Peace, and Peace Research
Johan Galtung, "Violence, Peace, and Peace Research," Journal of Peace Research 6:3 (1969): 167-91.
Journal of Peace Research
, vol.6
, Issue.3
, pp. 167-191
Galtung, J.1
Beliefs about War, Conflict and Peace in Israel as a Function of Developmental, Cultural and Situational Factors
chap. 8
"Beliefs about War, Conflict and Peace in Israel as a Function of Developmental, Cultural and Situational Factors," in How Children Understand War and Peace, chap. 8.
How Children Understand War and Peace
The Nature of Peace Education: Not all Programs Are Created Equal
Gavriel Salomon and Baruch Nevo (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002), 3-15, at 6
Gavriel Salomon, "The Nature of Peace Education: Not all Programs Are Created Equal," in Peace Education: The Concepts, Principles and Practices Around the World, ed. Gavriel Salomon and Baruch Nevo (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002), 3-15, at 6.
Peace Education: The Concepts, Principles and Practices Around the World
Salomon, G.1
Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture: Education for Co-Existence
at 5. The article was later published in Antonia Chayes and Martha Minow, eds., Imagine Coexistence (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003), 213-34. In Minow's account, the United States seems to belong to the latter kind, namely, "more remote from immediate conflict," although she writes after September 11
Martha Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture: Education for Co-Existence," Arizona Law Review 44:1 (2002): 1-29, at 5. The article was later published in Antonia Chayes and Martha Minow, eds., Imagine Coexistence (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003), 213-34. In Minow's account, the United States seems to belong to the latter kind, namely, "more remote from immediate conflict," although she writes after September 11.
Arizona Law Review
, vol.44
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-29
Minow, M.1
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 5
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 5.
I argue elsewhere for the teaching of history studies as a way of responding to some of the social challenges of conflict ("Time Is on Our Side: Social Challenges of Democracy at War," unpublished manuscript). History studies is one of the main focal points of expansive education. However, contrary to most of the programs Minow describes, expansive education aims to be a politicized approach rather than an implementation of a dual-focus curriculum alone. In the following chapters, I continue the discussion of how to implement expansive education in the history curriculum
I argue elsewhere for the teaching of history studies as a way of responding to some of the social challenges of conflict ("Time Is on Our Side: Social Challenges of Democracy at War," unpublished manuscript). History studies is one of the main focal points of expansive education. However, contrary to most of the programs Minow describes, expansive education aims to be a politicized approach rather than an implementation of a dual-focus curriculum alone. In the following chapters, I continue the discussion of how to implement expansive education in the history curriculum.
Sakha Ukuthula: Facilitating Peace Education with Nonviolence and Justice
Katherine D. Lane, "Sakha Ukuthula: Facilitating Peace Education with Nonviolence and Justice," Peace and Change 45:2 (April 2000): 288-91.
Peace and Change
, vol.45
, Issue.2
, pp. 288-291
Katherine D.Lane1
See, for example, C. E. Johnson and R. A. Templeton, "Promoting Peace in a Place Called School," Learning Environments Research 2:1 (1999): 65-77
See, for example, C. E. Johnson and R. A. Templeton, "Promoting Peace in a Place Called School," Learning Environments Research 2:1 (1999): 65-77
All the works mentioned in this paragraph refer to articles in Salomon, Peace Education
All the works mentioned in this paragraph refer to articles in Salomon, Peace Education.
For an appraisal of conflict resolution programs in the United States, see Tricia S. Jones and Daniel Kmitta, eds., Does It Work? The Case for Conflict Resolution Education in Our Nation's Schools (Washington, DC: Conflict Resolution Education Network [CREnet], 2000)
For an appraisal of conflict resolution programs in the United States, see Tricia S. Jones and Daniel Kmitta, eds., Does It Work? The Case for Conflict Resolution Education in Our Nation's Schools (Washington, DC: Conflict Resolution Education Network [CREnet], 2000).
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 5
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 5.
Multiple Conflicts and Competing Agendas: A Framework for Conceptualizing Structured Encounters Between Groups in Conflict-The Case of a Coexistence Project of Jews and Palestinians in Israel
Ifat Maoz, "Multiple Conflicts and Competing Agendas: A Framework for Conceptualizing Structured Encounters Between Groups in Conflict-The Case of a Coexistence Project of Jews and Palestinians in Israel," Peace and Conflict: A Journal of Peace Psychology, 6:2 (2000): 135-56.
Peace and Conflict: A Journal of Peace Psychology
, vol.6
, Issue.2
, pp. 135-156
Maoz, I.1
When I say "marginal" I do not necessarily mean "insignificant": one young Palestinian woman who was sent to an Israeli neighborhood as a suicide bomber changed her mind at the last minute and took her deadly baggage back home. She later testified that she recalled a young Israeli woman whom she had met in a "personal encounters" program and was afraid she might kill her. Giving the enemy a name and a face can be influential, but it apparently does not promote a reevaluation of political perspectives, as even this same anecdote exemplifies
When I say "marginal" I do not necessarily mean "insignificant": one young Palestinian woman who was sent to an Israeli neighborhood as a suicide bomber changed her mind at the last minute and took her deadly baggage back home. She later testified that she recalled a young Israeli woman whom she had met in a "personal encounters" program and was afraid she might kill her. Giving the enemy a name and a face can be influential, but it apparently does not promote a reevaluation of political perspectives, as even this same anecdote exemplifies.
This is Joseph Schumpeter's phrase. As this reference hints, this approach is a relative, if only a remote one, of the classical liberal humanist approach. See Joseph Schumpeter, Imperialism and Social Classes, trans. by Heinz Norden (New York: Meridian, 1955)
This is Joseph Schumpeter's phrase. As this reference hints, this approach is a relative, if only a remote one, of the classical liberal humanist approach. See Joseph Schumpeter, Imperialism and Social Classes, trans. by Heinz Norden (New York: Meridian, 1955).
Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 2
Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 2.
Nancy Rosenblum, introduction to Martha Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law and Repair (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002), 1-13
Nancy Rosenblum, introduction to Martha Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law and Repair (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002), 1-13.
Notes on Cultures of Violence, Cultures of Caring and Peace, and the Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs
Ervin Staub, "Notes on Cultures of Violence, Cultures of Caring and Peace, and the Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs," Political Psychology 24:1 (2003): 1-13, at 1.
Political Psychology
, vol.24
, Issue.1
, pp. 1-13
Staub, E.1
For some more radical authors in this trend, like Gur-Ze'ev, a constructive response is practically impossible, as the attempt to educate for peace is in itself a form of oppression, which is a violent act. Hence, it is hard to distinguish the violence of war from violence in a classroom setting where an educator strives to teach peace education materials. Gur-Ze'ev, "Philosophy of Peace Education," 316
For some more radical authors in this trend, like Gur-Ze'ev, a constructive response is practically impossible, as the attempt to educate for peace is in itself a form of oppression, which is a violent act. Hence, it is hard to distinguish the violence of war from violence in a classroom setting where an educator strives to teach peace education materials. Gur-Ze'ev, "Philosophy of Peace Education," 316.
The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Henry Giroux, The Abandoned Generation: Democracy Beyond the Culture of Fear (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 25.
Giroux, H.1
Reardon, Education for a Culture of Peace, 12
Reardon, Education for a Culture of Peace, 12.
From the UNESCO second medium-term plan, 1984-1989, quoted in Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 3
From the UNESCO second medium-term plan, 1984-1989, quoted in Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 3.
As Reardon suggests, Educating for a Culture of Peace, 85
As Reardon suggests, Educating for a Culture of Peace, 85.
The Hague Appeal for Peace Civil Society Conference
accessed June 25
The Hague Appeal for Peace Civil Society Conference, www. haguepeace.org (accessed June 25, 2005).
Ian Harris in Salomon and Nevo, Peace Education, 24. Harris offers a detailed peace education approach in Ian M. Harris and Mary Kee Morrison, Peace Education (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003)
Ian Harris in Salomon and Nevo, Peace Education, 24. Harris offers a detailed peace education approach in Ian M. Harris and Mary Kee Morrison, Peace Education (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003).
An Agenda for Peace
New York: United Nations Department of Public Information
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, An Agenda for Peace (New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 1995)
Boutros-ghali, B.1
Arguing About War
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press
Michael Walzer, Arguing About War (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2004), x.
Walzer, M.1
Janowitz, The Reconstruction of Patriotism, 74
Janowitz, The Reconstruction of Patriotism, 74.
Giroux is a notable exception-he offers a thorough review of the political context of teaching in wartime; his analysis often is very convincing, although as I suggested, his constructive position too often resembles the holistic approach. Giroux, "Democracy, Freedom and Justice after September 11th."
Giroux is a notable exception-he offers a thorough review of the political context of teaching in wartime; his analysis often is very convincing, although as I suggested, his constructive position too often resembles the holistic approach. Giroux, "Democracy, Freedom and Justice after September 11th."
Staub's perspective was discussed here as a unique exception; however, his approach too does not address the sociopolitical consequences of his psychological findings
Staub's perspective was discussed here as a unique exception; however, his approach too does not address the sociopolitical consequences of his psychological findings.
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 8
Minow, "Isaac Marks Memorial Lecture," 8.
The attempt by some feminists to put aside the question of war as irrelevant to feminist interests is unwarranted. War has too strong an impact on women's lives to justify a refusal to theorize it
The attempt by some feminists to put aside the question of war as irrelevant to feminist interests is unwarranted. War has too strong an impact on women's lives to justify a refusal to theorize it.
United Nations Web site
accessed September 14
United Nations Web site, www.un.org (accessed September 14, 2004).
Hypatia devoted an issue to contemporary discussions on the problem of evil
Some of the essays discuss gendered aspects of war. See Hypatia 18:1 (2003): Debra Bergoffen, "February 22, 2001: Toward a Politics of the Vulnerable Body," 116-34; Mary Anne Franks, "Obscene Undersides: Women and Evil between the Taliban and the United States," 135-56
Hypatia devoted an issue to contemporary discussions on the problem of evil. Some of the essays discuss gendered aspects of war. See Hypatia 18:1 (2003): Debra Bergoffen, "February 22, 2001: Toward a Politics of the Vulnerable Body," 116-34; Mary Anne Franks, "Obscene Undersides: Women and Evil between the Taliban and the United States," 135-56.
For an excellent debate on "right to fight" feminism versus antimilitarist feminism, seen through the lens of citizenship rights, see Ilene Rose Feinman, Citizenship Rites: Feminist Soldiers and Feminist Antimilitarists (New York: New York University Press, 2000)
For an excellent debate on "right to fight" feminism versus antimilitarist feminism, seen through the lens of citizenship rights, see Ilene Rose Feinman, Citizenship Rites: Feminist Soldiers and Feminist Antimilitarists (New York: New York University Press, 2000).
War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Joshua S. Goldstein, War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).
Joshua S.Goldstein1
Women and War
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Jean Elshtain, Women and War (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1995).
Elshtain, J.1
The Moral Horror of the September Attacks
Sara Ruddick, "The Moral Horror of the September Attacks," Hypatia 18:1 (2003): 212-22.
, vol.18
, Issue.1
, pp. 212-222
Ruddick, S.1
See, for example, Gideon Alon and Amos Harel, "Female Soldier Charged with Making Palestinian Woman Drink Poison" Ha'aretz, June 23, 2003, A4
See, for example, Gideon Alon and Amos Harel, "Female Soldier Charged with Making Palestinian Woman Drink Poison" Ha'aretz, June 23, 2003, A4.
Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives
Berkeley: University of California Press, and as discussed in the previous chapter, Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace
Cynthia Enloe, Maneuvers: The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000); and as discussed in the previous chapter, Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace.
Enloe, C.1
Goldstein, War and Gender, 127
Goldstein, War and Gender, 127.
Gender and War: Causes, Constructions, and Critique
June, at 335
Elizabeth Prugl, "Gender and War: Causes, Constructions, and Critique," Perspectives on Politics 1:2 (June 2003): 335-42, at 335.
Perspectives on Politics
, vol.1
, Issue.2
, pp. 335-342
Prugl, E.1
Uniform Justice: AssessingWomen in Combat
Elizabeth Kier, "Uniform Justice: AssessingWomen in Combat," Perspectives on Politics 1:2 (June 2003): 343-47, at 343.
Perspectives on Politics
, vol.1
, Issue.2
Kier, E.1
For a review of the ways in which war affects media coverage and public debate in the media, see Matthew A. Baum, Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003). A recent critical sociological survey of the civic effects of militarism on Israeli society can be found in Yagil Levy, A Different Army for Israel: Materialistic Militarism in Israel (Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2003) (in Hebrew)
For a review of the ways in which war affects media coverage and public debate in the media, see Matthew A. Baum, Soft News Goes to War: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy in the New Media Age (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003). A recent critical sociological survey of the civic effects of militarism on Israeli society can be found in Yagil Levy, A Different Army for Israel: Materialistic Militarism in Israel (Tel Aviv: Yediot Aharonot, 2003) (in Hebrew).
Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education
Berkeley: University of California Press
Nel Noddings, Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984), 183.
, pp. 183
Noddings, N.1
Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism
New York: Doubleday, For a liberal discussion on the same topic, see Chris Hadges, War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning (New York: Anchor Books, 2002). See a feminist critique of Bennett's perspective in Bat-ami Bar On, "Manly After-Effects of September 11, 2001," International Journal of Feminist Politics 5:3 (November 2003): 456-58
William J. Bennett, Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism (New York: Doubleday, 2002). For a liberal discussion on the same topic, see Chris Hadges, War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning (New York: Anchor Books, 2002). See a feminist critique of Bennett's perspective in Bat-ami Bar On, "Manly After-Effects of September 11, 2001," International Journal of Feminist Politics 5:3 (November 2003): 456-58.
William J.Bennett1
Sex, Gender, Politics
Tel-Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuhad, in Hebrew
Dafna Izraeli, Ariella Friedman, Henriette Dahan-Kalev, Sylvie Fogel-Bijaovi, Hanna Herzog, Manar Hasan, and Hannah Nave, eds., Sex, Gender, Politics (Tel-Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuhad, 1999) (in Hebrew).
Izraeli, D.1
Feminism, Women's Human Rights, and Cultural Differences
Susan Moller Okin, "Feminism, Women's Human Rights, and Cultural Differences," Hypatia 13:3 (1998): 32-52, at 36.
, vol.13
, Issue.3
Susan Moller Okin1
Feminist Reactions to the Contemporary Security Regime
Iris Marion Young, "Feminist Reactions to the Contemporary Security Regime," Hypatia 18:1 (2003): 223-31.
, vol.18
, Issue.1
, pp. 223-231
Iris Marion Young1
Beyond 'Rambo': Women and the Varieties of Militarized Masculinity
Eva Isaksson (London: Harvester, 1988)
Cynthia Enloe, "Beyond 'Rambo': Women and the Varieties of Militarized Masculinity," in Women and the Military System, ed. Eva Isaksson (London: Harvester, 1988).
Women and the Military System
Enloe, C.1
One such ad hoc lesson plan, prepared hastily by the school district of Philadelphia after the Iraq war began, is Conflict and Crisis. It combines geographic and ethnic facts about Iraq with tips on coping with stress. It does not discuss any political aspect of the conflict, or even the conflict itself, but is designed more as a basic resource for learning about the region. I thank Kathy Schultz for telling me about this lesson plan and for valuable discussion on its civic and gendered aspects
One such ad hoc lesson plan, prepared hastily by the school district of Philadelphia after the Iraq war began, is Conflict and Crisis. It combines geographic and ethnic facts about Iraq with tips on coping with stress. It does not discuss any political aspect of the conflict, or even the conflict itself, but is designed more as a basic resource for learning about the region. I thank Kathy Schultz for telling me about this lesson plan and for valuable discussion on its civic and gendered aspects.
Toward a Caring Society: Ideas into Action
Westport, CT: Praeger, Deborah Eaker-Rich and Jane Van Galen, Caring in an Unjust World: Negotiating Borders in Schools (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996); Betty Reardon and Eva Nordland, eds., Learning Peace: The Promise of Ecological and Cooperative Education (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994)
Pearl M. Oliner and Samuel P. Oliner, Toward a Caring Society: Ideas into Action (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995); Deborah Eaker-Rich and Jane Van Galen, eds., Caring in an Unjust World: Negotiating Borders in Schools (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996); Betty Reardon and Eva Nordland, eds., Learning Peace: The Promise of Ecological and Cooperative Education (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994).
Pearl M.Oliner1
Samuel P.Oliner2
Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace
Boston: Beacon Press
Sara Ruddick, Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace (Boston: Beacon Press, 1989).
Ruddick, S.1
Teaching to Transgress: Education and the Practice of Freedom
New York: Routledge, Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black (Boston: South End Press, 1989)
bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education and the Practice of Freedom (New York: Routledge, 1994); Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black (Boston: South End Press, 1989).
Hooks, B.1
Notes Toward a Feminist Peace Politics
Gendering War Talk, 109-27, at 109
Sara Ruddick, "Notes Toward a Feminist Peace Politics," in Gendering War Talk, 109-27, at 109.
Ruddick, S.1
Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 73
Brock-Utne, Educating for Peace, 73.
Noddings, Caring
Noddings, Caring.
This concept was suggested by Jane Roland Martin and later employed by various feminist philosophers of education. For a rich account of this perspective, see the articles in the volume edited by Ann Diller, Barbara Houston, Kathryn Pauly Morgan, and Maryann Ayim, The Gender Question in Education: Theory, Pedagogy and Politics (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996)
This concept was suggested by Jane Roland Martin and later employed by various feminist philosophers of education. For a rich account of this perspective, see the articles in the volume edited by Ann Diller, Barbara Houston, Kathryn Pauly Morgan, and Maryann Ayim, The Gender Question in Education: Theory, Pedagogy and Politics (Boulder, CO: Westview, 1996).
For a thorough discussion of these tools from a radical perspective, see Paulo Freire and Ira Shor, A Pedagogy of Liberation (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1987); for a feminist perspective, see Diana Fuss, Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference (New York: Routledge, 1989)
For a thorough discussion of these tools from a radical perspective, see Paulo Freire and Ira Shor, A Pedagogy of Liberation (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1987); for a feminist perspective, see Diana Fuss, Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature and Difference (New York: Routledge, 1989).
The combination of caring emotions and cognitive engagement was most effectively put forth again by Nel Noddings
For a general outline of this approach, see Nel Noddings, "An Ethics of Care and Its Implications for Instructional Arrangements," in The Education Feminism Reader, ed. Lynda Stone (New York: Routledge, 1994). For a more detailed perspective on emotions and cognition in class, see an excellent article by Kathryn Pauly Morgan, "The Perils and Paradoxes of the Bearded Mothers," in The Gender Question in Education.
The combination of caring emotions and cognitive engagement was most effectively put forth again by Nel Noddings. For a general outline of this approach, see Nel Noddings, "An Ethics of Care and Its Implications for Instructional Arrangements," in The Education Feminism Reader, ed. Lynda Stone (New York: Routledge, 1994). For a more detailed perspective on emotions and cognition in class, see an excellent article by Kathryn Pauly Morgan, "The Perils and Paradoxes of the Bearded Mothers," in The Gender Question in Education.
Creating Inclusive Adult Learning Environments: Insights from Multicultural Education and Feminist Pedagogy
Collingdale, PA: DIANE Publishing
Elizabeth J. Tisdell, Creating Inclusive Adult Learning Environments: Insights from Multicultural Education and Feminist Pedagogy (Collingdale, PA: DIANE Publishing, 1995).
Elizabeth J.Tisdell1
Ruddick, in Gendering War Talk, 122
Ruddick, in Gendering War Talk, 122.
Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Susan Moller Okin, Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999), 4.
Susan Moller Okin1
Democratic Education
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, Gutmann demonstrates that at least in the field of public education, the two options are not mutually exclusive
Amy Gutmann, Democratic Education, 2nd ed. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999), 304-5. Gutmann demonstrates that at least in the field of public education, the two options are not mutually exclusive.
, pp. 304-305
Gutmann, A.1
MichaelWalzer, On Toleration (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997)
MichaelWalzer, On Toleration (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997).
Some authors argue that this indeed is also an argument against privatizing the relations between society and subgroups within it. I do not attempt to tackle this issue here, for the notion of tolerance as an educational guideline remains less useful for the purposes of expansive education
Some authors argue that this indeed is also an argument against privatizing the relations between society and subgroups within it. I do not attempt to tackle this issue here, for the notion of tolerance as an educational guideline remains less useful for the purposes of expansive education.
Amy Gutmann (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Charles Taylor, Multiculturalism, ed. Amy Gutmann (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994), 25.
Taylor, C.1
For a recent thorough discussion of a vast array of such claims, see Duncan Ivison, Postcolonial Liberalism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003)
For a recent thorough discussion of a vast array of such claims, see Duncan Ivison, Postcolonial Liberalism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
What Is Acknowledgement and Why Is It Important
Carol A. L. Prager and Trudy Govier (Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003), 71
Trudy Govier, "What Is Acknowledgement and Why Is It Important?" in Dilemmas of Reconciliation, ed. Carol A. L. Prager and Trudy Govier (Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003), 71.
Dilemmas of Reconciliation
Govier, T.1
Multiple perspectives on the distinction between seeking truth and seeking reparations or punishment in the context of the TRC are available in Robert I. Rotberg and Dennis Thompson, eds., Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000). See particularly David A. Crocker, "Truth Commissions, Transitional Justice, and Civil Society," 99-121
Multiple perspectives on the distinction between seeking truth and seeking reparations or punishment in the context of the TRC are available in Robert I. Rotberg and Dennis Thompson, eds., Truth v. Justice: The Morality of Truth Commissions (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2000). See particularly David A. Crocker, "Truth Commissions, Transitional Justice, and Civil Society," 99-121.
Govier, "What is Acknowledgment?" 82
Govier, "What is Acknowledgment?" 82.
This is the tendency in various trends of patriotic education, as critically discussed in Harry Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?"
This is the tendency in various trends of patriotic education, as critically discussed in Harry Brighouse, "Should We Teach Patriotic History?"
An interesting example of one such history textbook can be seen in Joy Hakim's series, A History of US (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999). See the discussion in Gutmann, Democratic Education, 307
An interesting example of one such history textbook can be seen in Joy Hakim's series, A History of US (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999). See the discussion in Gutmann, Democratic Education, 307.
Education in the Eighties: Multiethnic Education
Washington, DC: National Education Association
James Banks, Education in the Eighties: Multiethnic Education (Washington, DC: National Education Association, 1981).
Banks, J.1
Multicultural Education: Characteristics and Goals
J. Banks and C. Banks (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1989). For a more recent account of multiculturalism around the world, see James Banks, Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003)
James Banks, "Multicultural Education: Characteristics and Goals," in Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives, ed. J. Banks and C. Banks (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1989). For a more recent account of multiculturalism around the world, see James Banks, Diversity and Citizenship Education: Global Perspectives (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003).
Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives
Banks, J.1
Rethinking Multiculturalism
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Bhikhu Parekh, Rethinking Multiculturalism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2000), 227.
, pp. 227
Parekh, B.1
The Freire approach to libratory education stresses the constructivity of innovative pedagogic approaches
such as the dialogical approach, to challenging social issues. See Paulo Freire and Ira Shor, A Pedagogy of Liberation. Coleman suggested that the liberal civic education task could be undertaken more effectively and less confrontationally if done through pedagogic rather than curricular changes (following the Mozert controversy). See Joe Coleman, "Civic Pedagogies and Liberal-Democratic Curricula," Ethics 108:4 (1998): 746-61. These are examples of the importance of pedagogic approaches to the introduction of civic-democratic values
The Freire approach to libratory education stresses the constructivity of innovative pedagogic approaches, such as the dialogical approach, to challenging social issues. See Paulo Freire and Ira Shor, A Pedagogy of Liberation. Coleman suggested that the liberal civic education task could be undertaken more effectively and less confrontationally if done through pedagogic rather than curricular changes (following the Mozert controversy). See Joe Coleman, "Civic Pedagogies and Liberal-Democratic Curricula," Ethics 108:4 (1998): 746-61. These are examples of the importance of pedagogic approaches to the introduction of civic-democratic values.
Michael Ignatieff makes this claim in the context of the Balkan wars in The Warrior's Honour: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience
New York: Penguin
Michael Ignatieff makes this claim in the context of the Balkan wars in The Warrior's Honour: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience (New York: Penguin, 1997).
See most recently the debate in the Journal of Philosophy of Education: Patricia White, "What Should We Teach Children about Forgiveness?" Journal of Philosophy of Education 36:1 (2002): 57-67; L. P. Barnes, "Forgiveness, the Moral Law and Education: A Reply to Patricia White," Journal of Philosophy of Education 36:4 (2002): 519-34; Marianna Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," Journal of Philosophy of Education 37:3 (2003): 503-24
See most recently the debate in the Journal of Philosophy of Education: Patricia White, "What Should We Teach Children about Forgiveness?" Journal of Philosophy of Education 36:1 (2002): 57-67; L. P. Barnes, "Forgiveness, the Moral Law and Education: A Reply to Patricia White," Journal of Philosophy of Education 36:4 (2002): 519-34; Marianna Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," Journal of Philosophy of Education 37:3 (2003): 503-24.
Some of the prominent examples are Jean Hampton and Jeffrie Murphy, Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988); Avishai Margalit, The Ethics of Memory (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002); Martha Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law and Repair (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002); Susan Brison, Aftermath and the Remaking of a Self (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002); Joram Graf Haber, Forgiveness (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1991)
Some of the prominent examples are Jean Hampton and Jeffrie Murphy, Forgiveness and Mercy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988); Avishai Margalit, The Ethics of Memory (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002); Martha Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred: Memory, Law and Repair (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002); Susan Brison, Aftermath and the Remaking of a Self (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002); Joram Graf Haber, Forgiveness (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1991).
On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness
London: Routledge
Jacques Derrida, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (London: Routledge, 2001), 28.
Derrida, J.1
The Human Condition
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998), 212-23.
, pp. 212-223
Arendt, H.1
A black teenager in Mobile, Alabama, was abducted, tortured, and killed in a Ku Klux Klan plot. A lawsuit brought by his mother, Beulah Mae Donald, later resulted in a landmark judgment that bankrupted one Klan organization and significantly influenced the membership and actions of others. See case number 84-0725, USDC Southern District of Alabama
Michael Donald, A black teenager in Mobile, Alabama, was abducted, tortured, and killed in a Ku Klux Klan plot. A lawsuit brought by his mother, Beulah Mae Donald, later resulted in a landmark judgment that bankrupted one Klan organization and significantly influenced the membership and actions of others. See case number 84-0725, USDC Southern District of Alabama.
Donald, M.1
Tolerance and Forgiveness: Virtues or Vices
Tara Smith, "Tolerance and Forgiveness: Virtues or Vices?" Journal of Applied Philosophy 14:1 (1997): 31-41.
Journal of Applied Philosophy
, vol.14
, Issue.1
, pp. 31-41
Smith, T.1
White, "What Should We Teach Children about Forgiveness?"
White, "What Should We Teach Children about Forgiveness?"
Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," 516
Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," 516.
For a competing model of forgiveness that represents the incompatibility of a relaxed model to the Jewish and Israeli context, see Margalit, The Ethics of Memory. I thank Nicole Behnam, a graduate student and educational activist, for a discussion on the irrelevance of a relaxed model of forgiveness in the context of the Balkan wars and certain African cultures such as the one in Sierra Leone, which espouses views of forgiveness which differ significantly from the Abrahamic traditions
For a competing model of forgiveness that represents the incompatibility of a relaxed model to the Jewish and Israeli context, see Margalit, The Ethics of Memory. I thank Nicole Behnam, a graduate student and educational activist, for a discussion on the irrelevance of a relaxed model of forgiveness in the context of the Balkan wars and certain African cultures such as the one in Sierra Leone, which espouses views of forgiveness which differ significantly from the Abrahamic traditions.
See a critique of "cheap grace" as a degradation of the Christian view on forgiveness in Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Works, vol. 4, Discipleship, also published as The Cost of Discipleship, ed. John Godsey and Geffrey B. Kelly, trans. Barbara Green and Reinhard Krauss (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000)
See a critique of "cheap grace" as a degradation of the Christian view on forgiveness in Dietrich Bonhoeffer,Works, vol. 4, Discipleship, also published as The Cost of Discipleship, ed. John Godsey and Geffrey B. Kelly, trans. Barbara Green and Reinhard Krauss (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000).
See President George W. Bush's apology in Senegal: "Speaking in Senegal today, President Bush acknowledged that America was wrong for her involvement in the slave trade," (accessed July 27, 2003). The Canadian government has been pondering similar acts in regard to various discriminations performed by the government in the past. See an official document of the Advisory Committee of the Secretary of State, (accessed November 21, 2003). A similar act of formal request for forgiveness was made by Prime Minister Barak of Israel to the Sephardic Jewish community for decadeslong discrimination against them by governmental institutions
See President George W. Bush's apology in Senegal: "Speaking in Senegal today, President Bush acknowledged that America was wrong for her involvement in the slave trade," http://www.msnbc.com/news/936376 .asp?cp1-1 (accessed July 27, 2003). The Canadian government has been pondering similar acts in regard to various discriminations performed by the government in the past. See an official document of the Advisory Committee of the Secretary of State, http:// www.pch.gc.ca/progs/multi/wcar/advisory/redress_e.shtml (accessed November 21, 2003). A similar act of formal request for forgiveness was made by Prime Minister Barak of Israel to the Sephardic Jewish community for decadeslong discrimination against them by governmental institutions.
Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," 522
Papastephanou, "Forgiving and Requesting Forgiveness," 522.
There are clear exceptions to this claim-slavery and Nazism are ready examples-but in most conflicts both sides can be identified as guilty of at least some wrongdoing, and thus the expectation from all to consider their contribution to past or present conflicts is relevant
There are clear exceptions to this claim-slavery and Nazism are ready examples-but in most conflicts both sides can be identified as guilty of at least some wrongdoing, and thus the expectation from all to consider their contribution to past or present conflicts is relevant.
What Does Coming to Terms with the Past Mean
Geoffrey Hartman, trans. Timothy Bahti and Geoffrey Hartman (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986) (originally published 1959)
Theodor W. Adorno, "What Does Coming to Terms with the Past Mean?" in Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective, ed. Geoffrey Hartman, trans. Timothy Bahti and Geoffrey Hartman (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986) (originally published 1959).
Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective
Theodor W.Adorno1
Changing One's Heart
Calhoun Cheshire, "Changing One's Heart" Ethics 103 (1992): 76-96.
, vol.103
, pp. 76-96
Cheshire, C.1
See chapter 2
See chapter 2.
Margalit, The Ethics of Memory, 208. See also the discussion on memory and being forgiven in Cheshire, "Changing One's Heart."
Margalit, The Ethics of Memory, 208. See also the discussion on memory and being forgiven in Cheshire, "Changing One's Heart."
Margalit, The Ethics of Memory, 74; Minow, Education for Co-existence
Margalit, The Ethics of Memory, 74; Minow, Education for Co-existence.
Austin Sarat reminds us that reflecting on the universality of death may help us transcend the urge to revenge hateful crimes
Austin Sarat, "When Memory Speaks: Remembrance and Revenge in Unforgiven," in Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred, 236-52.
Austin Sarat reminds us that reflecting on the universality of death may help us transcend the urge to revenge hateful crimes. Austin Sarat, "When Memory Speaks: Remembrance and Revenge in Unforgiven," in Minow, Breaking the Cycles of Hatred, 236-52.
The Lesser Evil
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press
Michael Ignatieff, The Lesser Evil (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004), 9.
Ignatieff, M.1
As described most prominently in Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977)
As described most prominently in Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977).
See, for example, Gutmann, Democratic Education; Stephen Macedo, "Liberal Civic Education and Religious Fundamentalism: The Case of God v. John Rawls?" Ethics 105:3 (1995): 468-96; William Galston, Liberal Purposes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991); Iris Marion Young, "Mothers, Citizenship and Independence: A Critique of Pure Family Values," Ethics 105:3 (1995): 535-56
See, for example, Gutmann, Democratic Education; Stephen Macedo, "Liberal Civic Education and Religious Fundamentalism: The Case of God v. John Rawls?" Ethics 105:3 (1995): 468-96; William Galston, Liberal Purposes (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991); Iris Marion Young, "Mothers, Citizenship and Independence: A Critique of Pure Family Values," Ethics 105:3 (1995): 535-56.
David Sehr presents the two conceptions as clearly distinct, as does Diane Ravitch and other authors. A careful reading may reveal that beyond the clear ends of the spectrum of the debate-say, Tooley on the libertarian side and Chomsky on the radical side-most authors express a strong commitment to democratic values, to the introduction of democratic institutions, and to creating the basis for democratic commitments. Emphasis and focus vary, of course, but the similarities are significant as well
David Sehr presents the two conceptions as clearly distinct, as does Diane Ravitch and other authors. A careful reading may reveal that beyond the clear ends of the spectrum of the debate-say, Tooley on the libertarian side and Chomsky on the radical side-most authors express a strong commitment to democratic values, to the introduction of democratic institutions, and to creating the basis for democratic commitments. Emphasis and focus vary, of course, but the similarities are significant as well.
The seminal work presenting what are now widely held conceptions of civic disengagement is Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993). The work that began the current debate on civic engagement in the United States is Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone: The decline of Social Capital in America," Journal of Democracy 6:1 (Summer 1997): 129-40, and in the educational context, Robert Putnam, "Community-Based Social Capital and Educational Performance," in Making Good Citizens, 58-95
The seminal work presenting what are now widely held conceptions of civic disengagement is Robert Putnam, Making Democracy Work (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993). The work that began the current debate on civic engagement in the United States is Robert Putnam, "Bowling Alone: The decline of Social Capital in America," Journal of Democracy 6:1 (Summer 1997): 129-40, and in the educational context, Robert Putnam, "Community-Based Social Capital and Educational Performance," in Making Good Citizens, 58-95.
What Is 'Education for Democracy
Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, The document is also available online at, accessed November 11, 2004
Katherine Kersten, "What Is 'Education for Democracy'?" in Terrorists, Despots and Democracy: What Our Children Need to Know (Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, 2003). The document is also available online at http://www.edexcellence.net/foundation/publication/publication .cfm?id-316#836 (accessed November 11, 2004).
Terrorists, Despots and Democracy: What Our Children Need to Know
Kersten, K.1
Socratic Citizenship
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, suggests that this line of argument for citizenship, consisting of a commitment to serve a greater good as exemplified by virtues and acts, marks the Aristotelian tradition in Western political thought. As an alternative, he offers a critical conception of philosophic citizenship based on the Socratic tradition, the focus of which is on the individual's ability to negate given social conventions. His perception of democratic citizenship converges in some respects with the one that informs expansive education
Dana Vila, in Socratic Citizenship (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2001), suggests that this line of argument for citizenship, consisting of a commitment to serve a greater good as exemplified by virtues and acts, marks the Aristotelian tradition in Western political thought. As an alternative, he offers a critical conception of philosophic citizenship based on the Socratic tradition, the focus of which is on the individual's ability to negate given social conventions. His perception of democratic citizenship converges in some respects with the one that informs expansive education.
Vila, D.1
See additionally many authors in the same volume (Terrorists, Despots and Democracy), in particular Lamar Alexander and William Galston
See additionally many authors in the same volume (Terrorists, Despots and Democracy), in particular Lamar Alexander and William Galston.
Education and Democratic Citizenship
Norman Nie and D. Sunshine Hylligus, "Education and Democratic Citizenship," in Making Good Citizens, 30-57, at 30.
Making Good Citizens
, pp. 30-57
Nie, N.1
Hylligus, S.D.2
For a discussion of contemporary research on this question, which supports the claim that civic education is a critical tool in reversing the trend of youth political disengagement, see William Galston, "Civic Knowledge, Civic Education and Civic Engagement: A Summary of Recent Research," in Constructing Civic Virtue: A Symposium on the State of American Citizenship (New York: Campbell Public Affairs Institute, 2003), 33-58
For a discussion of contemporary research on this question, which supports the claim that civic education is a critical tool in reversing the trend of youth political disengagement, see William Galston, "Civic Knowledge, Civic Education and Civic Engagement: A Summary of Recent Research," in Constructing Civic Virtue: A Symposium on the State of American Citizenship (New York: Campbell Public Affairs Institute, 2003), 33-58.
The interest in news is also reflective of the moralistic and simplistic framing of war, which further diminishes public debate. For a thorough debate, including data on interest in news during military and other crises, see Baum, Soft News Goes to War, mainly chap. 2 and 4
The interest in news is also reflective of the moralistic and simplistic framing of war, which further diminishes public debate. For a thorough debate, including data on interest in news during military and other crises, see Baum, Soft News Goes to War, mainly chap. 2 and 4.
Following Hannah Arendt's discussion of political judgment in Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics (New York: Routledge, 1992), 192.
Following Hannah Arendt's discussion of political judgment in Seyla Benhabib, Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics (New York: Routledge, 1992), 192.
Williams, "Citizenship as Identity," in McDonough and Feinberg, Citizenship and Education, 237
Williams, "Citizenship as Identity," in McDonough and Feinberg, Citizenship and Education, 237.
Empirical evidence on how perspectives are silenced are discussed in E. Noelle-Neumann, The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion-Our Social Skin (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984)
Empirical evidence on how perspectives are silenced are discussed in E. Noelle-Neumann, The Spiral of Silence: Public Opinion-Our Social Skin (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984).
Gutmann, Democratic Education
Gutmann, Democratic Education.
Challenges of Multiculturalism in Democratic Education
Amy Gutmann, "Challenges of Multiculturalism in Democratic Education," Philosophy of Education Yearbook 1995.
Philosophy of Education Yearbook
Gutmann, A.1
See, for example, K. Anthony Appiah, "Cosmopolitan Patriots," in For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism, ed. Martha Nussbaum (Boston: Beacon Press, 1996), 22
See, for example, K. Anthony Appiah, "Cosmopolitan Patriots," in For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism, ed. Martha Nussbaum (Boston: Beacon Press, 1996), 22.
Mozert v. Hawkins City Board of Education, 484 U.S. 1066
Mozert v. Hawkins City Board of Education, 484 U.S. 1066.
Gutmann, Democratic Education, 294
Gutmann, Democratic Education, 294.
For a persuasive argument for diversity as a means of preserving democracy, also referring to its role in times of conflict, see Ronald David Glass, "Pluralism, Justice, Democracy and Education: Conflict and Citizenship," Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2003
For a persuasive argument for diversity as a means of preserving democracy, also referring to its role in times of conflict, see Ronald David Glass, "Pluralism, Justice, Democracy and Education: Conflict and Citizenship," Philosophy of Education Yearbook 2003.
Gutmann, Democratic Education, 309
Gutmann, Democratic Education, 309.
Henry A. Giroux, "Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th," 1155
Henry A. Giroux, "Democracy, Freedom, and Justice after September 11th," 1155.
See Meira Levinson, "Separate but Equal? Segregated Schools and the Fragmentation of Civic Narrative" (presentation), American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, September 1, 2004
See Meira Levinson, "Separate but Equal? Segregated Schools and the Fragmentation of Civic Narrative" (presentation), American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, September 1, 2004.